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  • Acting head of Buryatia biography. Who is Alexey Tsydenov, who became and

    Acting head of Buryatia biography.  Who is Alexey Tsydenov, who became and

    In connection with Aleksey Tsydenov, the acting head of Buryatia, the residents of the republic are of particular interest not only to the personality of the “acting” himself, but also to his family members. The site's correspondent tried to find a little more information about the parents and loved ones of Alexei Tsydenov than was previously known.

    Pope - Ph.D.

    Having plowed through the vastness of the Internet, we managed to find out that the parents of Alexei Tsydenov live in Khabarovsk. Like Alexey Tsydenov himself, they are railroad workers. And he himself is a fourth generation railroad worker. His ancestors back in 1904 worked on the railway. According to Gudok, Alexei's two younger brothers also followed in the footsteps of their parents and linked their lives with the railway. Moreover, all three sons graduated from the university with honors.

    Father - Sambu Tsydenov was born in the small town of Borzya in the Trans-Baikal Territory. His parents worked as track fitters on the Trans-Baikal Railway. Sambu speaks in monosyllables about his childhood:

    It was like everyone else's. In the summer I helped my parents with haymaking, then my studies. It was such a difficult time. All children helped their parents, - noted Sambu Tsydenov.

    Sambu Tsydenov

    Then the father of Alexei Tsydenov studied at the Khabarovsk Institute of Railway Engineers (now FVGUPS) with a degree in Railway Construction, Track and Track Facilities. It should be noted that Sambu Tsydenov's scientific activities began at this institute. An intelligent and inquisitive student was noticed at the university. He became a member of the Altair Sports and Tourism Club, a student scientific society. After graduation, he began a long career in his chosen industry. Sambu Tsydenov began working at the Petrovsky plant. Then, in 1972, he took up the post of foreman at the Karymskaya distance of the Trans-Baikal railway. Then he worked in various positions in the travel industry for over 20 years. This experience was useful in further scientific activities.

    In early 1987 he was sent to the newly created Road Design and Technology Bureau. When the continuous welded track was introduced on Zabaikalskaya, Sambu Tsydenov in the bureau developed projects for their laying, for RSP-37 and PMS-46 - a new technology for welding short continuous strings unloaded in the track by the PRSM machine.

    In 2000, he defended his Ph.D. thesis at the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Railway Transport (VNIIZhT) on the topic "Improving the track management system using the example of the Trans-Baikal Railway".

    Sambu Tsydenov with his wife Lyubov

    In 2003, Sambu Tsydenov and his family moved to Khabarovsk, where he was appointed head of the road center for track diagnostics. Three years later, he moved to the Road Design and Technology Bureau. At first he was the chief engineer, and since April 2009 he was the head of the bureau. And in 2012, he served as the head of the Road Design and Technology Bureau of the Far Eastern Highway. Note that the father of Alexei Tsydenov is a candidate of technical sciences. Author of 14 scientific papers and published articles, as well as two patents.

    Mom is an economist

    Little is known about the mother of the acting head of Buryatia. She is 65 years old. And at one time she graduated from the Institute of Economics of the Far Eastern State University of Economics. Then she began to work on the railroad. We emphasize that Lyubov Tsydenova continued the family tradition. Her family, like that of her husband, is not the first generation of railroad workers.

    The grandfather of Lyubov Tsydenova, the wife of our hero, Dorofey Shutyuk, worked as a conductor at the Harbin station. It was in 1903-1904, - noted on the website of the newspaper "Gudok" in 2012.

    Despite the small amount of information, we can conclude that Lyubov Tsydenova (nee Shutyuk) is a fairly active user of social networks. Judging by the photographs, the Tsydenovs often travel to foreign countries: Italy, China, France, etc.

    Two younger brothers

    Alexey Tsydenov has two younger brothers: Pavel and Nikolai. Both, as already noted, graduated from FESTU and continued the work of their parents.

    Pavel - on the right, Nikolay - on the left

    What exactly does the middle brother do - Pavel Tsydenov could not be found out.

    Pavel Tsydenov

    Nikolai Tsydenov, on the other hand, received the title of "Best Graduate of the Khabarovsk Territory University" at the university and now works as the director for the organization of rail transportation of the Novotrans freight company. This holding unites about a dozen railway companies in Kemerovo, Vladivostok, Irkutsk, Moscow, Krasnodar and Kiev, carries out depot and current repairs of freight cars at its own car repair enterprises.

    Nikolay Tsydenov

    Wife and kids

    Almost nothing is known about the wife of Alexei Sambuevich. However, it was she who insisted that the acting head learn the Buryat language.

    She says that it is a shame to forget the native language, it is necessary to learn and set the deadlines, - said Tsydenov in an interview with republican journalists.

    He also said that he has four children.

    I have four children, the youngest was born in September last year, ”he said.

    As the correspondent of the site suggests, the eldest son of Alexei Tsydenov studies at the Moscow State Technical University named after N.E. Bauman.

    Help site
    Alexey Sambuevich Tsydenov was born on March 16, 1976 in the city of Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky, Chita Region (now Zabaikalsky Krai). In 1998 he graduated from the Far Eastern State Transport University. In 2011, he underwent professional retraining at the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. In 1998-2001, he was an accountant, head of a sector, head of the marketing and contractual work department of the State Unitary Enterprise "Far Eastern Railway". 2002-2004 - General Director of Dalneftetrans LLC. In 2004-2006 - General Director of OJSC Far Eastern Transport Group. 2006-2009 - Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Railway Transport of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. 2009-2011 - Head of Department, Deputy Director of the Department of Industry and Infrastructure of the Government of the Russian Federation. On December 27, 2011, Tsydenov was appointed the new head of the Federal Agency for Railway Transport. On June 18, 2012, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation. On February 7, 2017, Alexey Tsydenov was appointed acting head of Buryatia. Active State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 2nd class. He was awarded the Order of Friendship (2014), the badge "Honorary Railwayman", and other departmental awards. The amount of declared income for 2015 is more than 3.3 million rubles. Married.

    On Friday, August 3, 2018, a meeting was held with the heads of municipalities in the video-conference mode on preparation for the upcoming heating season of 2018-2019 with the participation of the Head of the Republic of Buryatia Alexei Tsydenov. In general, about 1.2 billion rubles have been allocated for the preparation for the heating season in the republic. Including 200 million rubles, additionally allocated from the budget with the support of the Head of the Republic of Buryatia as assistance to the districts in preparation for the heating season. “Let me remind you once again that we have begun to help the districts prepare for the heating season. This year, 200 million are also sent to the districts to carry out work on the preparation of boiler houses and networks. Our task with you is to ensure full readiness for our people to be warm, without accidents, and so that the temperature in the houses is maintained constantly. Prevent what happened last year in Severobaikalsk, where the temperature was lowered. We must have everything ready for networks, fuel supplies, and all other issues, ”Alexei Tsydenov began the meeting. To date, there is a lag behind the schedule of the repair campaign in four districts: Muisky, Selenginsky, Tunkinsky and Kabansky. Difficulties were caused by a change in resource supplying organizations and insufficient funding (this issue was removed due to the allocation of additional funds). The issue of the backlog was considered at all meetings of the Commission under the Government of the Republic of Buryatia to regulate issues of control over the preparation and passage of heat power facilities, housing and communal services and the budgetary sphere of the autumn-winter period, which have been taking place since May this year. “We gave instructions to speed up work before the start of the heating season. By the beginning of the heating season, they will be all ready. All 516 boiler houses will be repaired - some of them are overhauled, some of them will undergo current repairs. All networks - water supply, sewerage, heating - will be prepared for the heating season, ”said Sergei Bannikov, Deputy Minister of Construction and Modernization of the Housing and Utilities Complex of the Republic of Buryatia. In the republic as a whole, as of August 1, the average share of the availability of boiler houses in municipalities is 49.7%, with the planned level of 60%. Heat networks are 63.4% completed against the planned level of 65%. The percentage of readiness of water supply networks is 59.4% out of 60%, housing stock - 50.9% out of 60%. The greatest deviation of municipalities from the target indicators was recorded during the development of funds allocated for repair work and the formation of standard fuel reserves. The average disbursement rate is 32.7%. To date, the standard coal reserve has been fully formed in three municipalities - Zakamenskiy, Kyakhtinskiy, Severo-Baikalskiy regions, which is 20.4% of all regions of the republic. The main reasons for the lag of other regions in the formation of standard fuel reserves are arrears for previously supplied fuel and the absence of concluded contracts for the supply of fuel. This issue was also repeatedly considered at the meetings of the Commission, instructions were given to pay off the debt and announce tenders for the subsequent conclusion of an agreement for the supply of fuel for the heating season 2018-2019. During the entire past heating season, payments for the supplied fuel were made in a timely manner to the Yeravninsky, Kyakhtinsky, Mukhorshibirsky districts and the city of Ulan-Ude. Since the end of the 2017-2018 heating season, the republic has seen a decrease in debt by 93.2 million rubles, or 63%. The enterprises of Bichursky, Ivolginsky, Kurumkansky, Mukhorshibirsky, Pribaikalsky, Selenginsky, Khorinsky districts and the city of Severobaikalsk have fully paid for the fuel supplied earlier. Also, measures were taken to reduce the resulting debt by enterprises of the Barguzinsky, Bauntovsky, Dzhidinsky, Zaigraevsky, Kabansky, Kizhinginsky districts. For the rest of the municipalities, the level of indebtedness remained the same. As of August 1, 2018, the debt of housing and communal services for fuel is 53.6 million rubles. The head of the Republic of Buryatia asked the districts to speed up work and not to allow delays on schedule.

    After the People's Khural and members of the public, acting. Head of Buryatia Alexey Tsydenov answered questions from journalists. Among other things, he noted that it was unexpected for him.

    I am aware of all the responsibility, such a proposal makes you compose yourself. To a large extent, the offer was unexpected, but it should be noted that I have been in the personnel reserve for a long time, since 2010. We study, take tests, advanced training, various internships, regular tests, study again. This is a rather lengthy process. The result is what has happened now, - Tsydenov commented on his appointment.

    I have four children, the youngest was born in September last year. My father is Buryat, my mother is Russian, and I myself am, accordingly, a mestizo. Parents are railway workers. I am a fourth generation railroad worker, my ancestors back in 1904 worked on the railroad. The family is working, labor. My father started working at the Petrovsky plant - said Alexei Tsydenov.

    Petrovsky plant is located, by the way, in the Trans-Baikal Territory. He noted that as a native of, in fact, these places he knows and understands the specifics of the region. According to acting chapters, parents laid the foundation for his life, gave a good education and put him on the right path in life.

    Everything that I have appeared thanks to the way they raised me, brought up and what kind of charge they gave me, - said Tsydenov.

    He also told the representative of the republican media that he worked a lot. From the age of 13, while studying at school, he worked on summer vacations, while at university he worked in parallel with his studies.

    The acting head promised to learn the Buryat language: his wife insisted on this.

    She says that it is a shame to forget your native language, you need to learn and set deadlines, - said Tsydenov.

    Help site
    Alexey Sambuevich Tsydenov was born on March 16, 1976 in the city of Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky, Chita Region (now Zabaikalsky Krai). In 1998 he graduated from the Far Eastern State Transport University. In 2011, he underwent professional retraining at the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. In 1998-2001, he was an accountant, head of a sector, head of the marketing and contractual work department of the State Unitary Enterprise "Far Eastern Railway". 2002-2004 - General Director of Dalneftetrans LLC. In 2004-2006 - General Director of OJSC Far Eastern Transport Group. 2006-2009 - Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Railway Transport of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. 2009-2011 - Head of Department, Deputy Director of the Department of Industry and Infrastructure of the Government of the Russian Federation. On December 27, 2011, Tsydenov was appointed the new head of the Federal Agency for Railway Transport. On June 18, 2012, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation. On February 7, 2017, Alexey Tsydenov was appointed acting head of Buryatia. Active State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 2nd class. He was awarded the Order of Friendship (2014), the badge "Honorary Railwayman", and other departmental awards. The amount of declared income for 2015 is more than 3.3 million rubles. Married. Raises four children.

    The head of the Republic of Buryatia, Alexei Tsydenov, told in an interview to the head of the "Club of Regions" Sergei Starovoitov about the president's parting words, about what tasks he considers to be paramount and what difficulties he faced when he arrived in the republic.

    Sergey Starovoitov: Alexey Sambuevich, now we understand that the governor's call that you refer to and which is called differently: governors of the new wave, young technocrats, meaning by this a certain new set of qualities and characteristics that are not inherent in the governors of the old wave, it seems to me , differs from its predecessors primarily in its attitude to its appointment to the region. The former heads of regions were more politicians and treated the region as their principality, realizing that they would either retire or become senators from here. For the new generation of governors, the appointment is perceived as another career step, another position in the general system of public administration, which an official must go through in order to acquire new skills and continue to work for the good of the state. As you know, a number of governors were recently included in the presidential reserve, including your name. What have you been booked for this time?

    Alexey Tsydenov: I learned that I was included in the reserve from the media. As they say, I was not asked about this either before, or after, or during. But I am certainly flattered by such an assessment, but I understand that this is a reserve of the High Command, a kind of bench. In other words, this is not a selection of applicants for any specific positions, but a kind of assessment of potential. It's my opinion.

    S. Starovoitov: Have you found out in the Presidential Administration what you need to prepare for now?

    A. Tsydenov: I can only say one thing: I never asked to go there, but for some reason I always ended up there. I don’t even know from whose submission, who applied and included me in the lists, and I don’t really understand how the selection goes there. But this, I repeat, is pleasant, because first of all it gives an understanding that your work was appreciated, somehow the results were noted. In any case, it would be untrue to say that I don't care. When I was in the previous reserves, we had different courses, advanced training, trainings, and they were tied to a specific type of activity. I worked in the government apparatus when the first such reserve was formed by Sobyanin in 2010, and it was called "the highest reserve of managerial personnel." Then I passed the first tests, then we studied for a year, and with a break from the main work for a week every month. This is a lot, I can tell you, and even a kind of luxury to have a week of study once a month. After that, we again underwent various tests, but, I confess, I never thought that I would end up as the head of the region.

    A. Tsydenov: Now I rather adhere to the principle: do what you must, and come what may. And I proceed first of all from the fact that I need to do so in the republic so that positive changes are noticeable and people can really evaluate the results of my activity and say that it has really become better. At the same time, not individual successes are needed, but it is necessary to enter a stable development trend and create a system that, both with me and without me, could work stably so that the potential that the republic has is realized. And as there will be further, I don’t guess yet. And I'm not trying to dissemble now, believe me. I can say one thing for sure, that while my inner attitude is not to associate my whole life with the civil service. Although, when I was in 2006. I came from business to the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, I thought: I will work for two years and return back to business. But now he has been in the civil service for 12 years.

    S. Starovoitov: And if you look not in the long term, but to determine the nearest horizon, then what short-term tasks do you, as a governor, see for yourself now?

    A. Tsydenov: Among the most pressing problems I will name the problem with the third shift in schools and queues for kindergartens, which must be eliminated. In addition, environmental activities are on the agenda: treatment facilities and landfills, elimination of accumulated landfills. Among the production tasks is the creation of new industries here in the republic. And these are not slogans, but specific enterprises, some of which are already working. So, we are already ready to launch the production of aircraft, we have launched the production of electrical appliances, we are building greenhouses, which we have never had. Another big megaproject, which I hope we will succeed as well, is the production of hydrocellulose. This is a very significant project for the republic. In general, we are working in different directions, and so far we are succeeding. In the economy as a whole, we have set the bar for ourselves to reach 7% growth in the real sector of the economy annually.

    S. Starovoitov: In your republic, as in many other Russian regions, there is a serious problem with the outflow of the population. How do you work with this?

    A. Tsydenov: We have an outflow, young people leave Ulan-Ude for Novosibirsk and Moscow, but the dynamics are still positive and primarily due to the birth rate, and not due to migration, as elsewhere. We are not Moscow, not Krasnodar, and migrants do not aspire to us for permanent residence. But the population is growing because the birth rate in the republic is good. A much more serious problem for us is internal migration, when the rural population moves to the city. And there is a whole complex of reasons: the lack of decent work in the countryside, and the growing demands of people for the quality of life, and the like. But tell me a region in Russia where this does not happen?

    When I arrived, I was also asked what you are ready to do to bring talented youth back to the republic, what are you ready to offer them? I will not offer anything to anyone on purpose. Do I have to look, who's clever has gone to Moscow, come back, here's an apartment, a car, here's a job for you? Of course not. When he arrived in Moscow, no one on the platform immediately offered him an apartment and a car, no one said: "What a fine fellow you are, thank you for coming." Everyone there starts from scratch, and in fact only a few, the most ambitious and purposeful, make their way. Another thing is that these active units can break through here too. Therefore, the task is not to return, but to create conditions so that there is interest in staying here. Not to stimulate each specific person, but to create conditions in general. In order for him to have a good job, new industries must appear; to have an interesting life, the environment must be comfortable. These are parks, theaters, good roads and cozy courtyards. The quality of the human environment also gives a corresponding quality of life. Good education, good health care here too. And then a person realizes that he has an option either to go somewhere and make his way, or here he can also live with dignity. Some will leave anyway, but many will remain.

    S. Starovoitov: Moving on to the political component, what is the opposition now accusing you of? You have been working in the republic for a year and a half. Probably the opponents have accumulated complaints?

    A. Tsydenov: The fact that I do not know the Buryat language (smiles). Populist statements are more often heard from the opposition: "What did Tsydenov do?" All of this kind in most cases, without any specifics.

    S. Starovoitov: Do you have an answer to this? How unfair do these accusations seem to you?

    A. Tsydenov: This is all a competitive political struggle and nothing more. There are results of our work, and the results, in my opinion, are quite good. We do not shout about them at every corner, but we also do not keep silent about them. For example. We have reduced the cost of electricity by 25%. What other region can boast of this? 1.7 billion is the amount of savings of the Buryat business over the past year due to this measure alone. We also reduced the cost of electricity for the population by 4%, but taking into account the fact that it was planned to increase by 4%, then in fact we can talk about a decrease by 8%. We have significantly increased the volume of road construction; we have entered such a project as the Ulan-Ude wastewater treatment plant, and the first stage has already been commissioned. We began to create an oncocluster with a nuclear medicine center. Full research cycle: diagnostics, production of pharmaceuticals and treatment. Now, with the support of the president, the republic has received almost 3 billion rubles. for the completion of the oncology center, while we attracted investors who are building a PET scanner and a cyclotron at extra-budgetary expense. We already have a linear accelerator, and with the commissioning of new facilities, we will receive an oncocluster with the world's most modern set of equipment and technologies.

    S. Starovoitov: You have China and Mongolia nearby, so the issue of the cross-border economy is not idle. I know that you intend to implement a transit hub project. When will it take shape and start producing results?

    A. Tsydenov: We will actually have two hubs. The first is aviation. Our airport received the fifth degree of air freedom, the open sky mode. There are only three such airports in the country: in Vladivostok, Sochi and here, in Ulan-Ude. What does the open sky mode give us? Transit carriers can land in Ulan-Ude without any additional permission. Trans-main liners can land here, if necessary, for refueling, for example, or use them as a jump airfield. This opens up great prospects. Mongols will fly to us since September. Sosem recently we visited the American Anchorage - this is the fifth airport in the world in terms of cargo traffic. And there we just presented our airport with the status of an open sky. Anchorage is very interested, since Central Asia and the Middle East are opening up for them through Ulan-Ude. Quite different prospects are emerging.

    In addition, we have added new domestic flights, the Pobeda low-cost airline now flies to us, we entered the subsidized program and were able to reduce the ticket price. At their own expense, they organized regular communication with the northern regions of the republic, which did not exist before, and residents had to either travel for two days by train through Taishet, or fly with transfers through Irkutsk. With the advent of a permanent schedule and five flights a week, it was possible to reduce the ticket price from 11 to 6-7 thousand rubles.

    The second hub is road and rail. But the hub in itself does not mean that everything will be concentrated at one point, now we have several applications under consideration, but their essence is the same - handling the traffic flowing from China and Mongolia, and here is sorting and distribution. We have already signed an agreement with Russian Railways and SG-trans. A hub for handling rail shipments and road transport will appear at Taltsy station. In addition, an agreement has already been signed with the Rossvyaz agency and its special transportation division for the transportation of Internet items: goods that go through Internet trade. This is a large area that grows every year. So we are fully committed to taking full advantage of our geographic location.

    S. Starovoitov: If we go back to domestic politics. It is known that there are political clans and intricacies of inter-elite relations in the republic. How do you deal with all this? Is one mandate from the president enough for this?

    A. Tsydenov: There are, of course, influence groups. They can hardly be called clan, since there are not family ties, but rather temporary alliances for certain lobbying purposes. And here, nevertheless, for me the main support is the position of people. You cannot constantly rely on the support of the president. The presidential mandate is like an advance to start work, and then you need to rely on the position of the residents themselves. And now I feel this support. And I understand that this is not only their help, but also my responsibility.

    S. Starovoitov: The level of this support you will have will actually be recorded following the results of the elections to the People's Khural, as far as I understand, on September 9th. “Team of Buryatia” is practically your personal project, and you position yourself as the leader of this project.

    A. Tsydenov: Yes it is. I understand that by this I take responsibility not only for my own actions, but also for the actions of the team. There is safety in numbers. And, if you want to achieve something, you need to work in a team. And even if you are seven spans in your forehead, physically alone you will not be able to solve all the problems, so you need a team. You need like-minded people or people who, for one reason or another, walk next to you.

    S. Starovoitov: With what words did the president admonish you when you were appointed?

    A. Tsydenov: I remember more the words he said when he came last August before the elections. It is clear that everyone reported, reported on the situation, and so on. And already before the flight near the gangway, he said to me: “Alexey, of course, everything is not easy here, but the people are good. Don't let them down. " It was powerful. And I keep repeating these words to myself: "... The people here are good, don't let them down."

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      According to the Communist Party, more than 40% of voters are ready to vote for their candidate for governor of the Irkutsk region. Political analyst Aleksey Petrov notes that after the resignation of Sergei Levchenko from the post of head of the region, his rating in the region has grown. He noted that the Communist Party of the Russian Federation also has other strong candidates for governors. Political consultant Roza Abdulina believes that Levchenko, on the contrary, will pull the Communist Party down, and the party's rating in the region is about 20%. At the same time, experts doubt that the governor Igor Kobzev somehow influences the rating of the communists.

    Tuesday 7 February Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the early termination of powers and appointed, who previously held the post of Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation.

    As Putin noted, Tsydenov is well aware of the situation in Buryatia and knows all areas that require special attention.

    Alexey Tsydenov. Photo: RIA Novosti / Alexey Nikolsky

    “First, you need to create employment. What is fast is animal husbandry and tourism. With a longer period - this is the development of mineral deposits, everything there is more tied to the transport infrastructure, to the energy infrastructure. And, of course, the international tourism potential: great interest in Baikal from Mongolia - it is historical - and from China. This potential can be realized. And people certainly need good roads and good living conditions, ”Tsydenov told the president during a personal meeting in the Kremlin.


    Tsydenov Alexey Sambuevich was born on March 16, 1976 in the city of Petrovsk-Zabaikalsky, Chita region.

    In 1998 he graduated from the Far Eastern State University of Railways with a degree in Organization of Transportation and Management of Transport (Railway).

    In 1998-2001. - Accountant, Head of Sector, Head of the Marketing and Contractual Work Department of the State Unitary Enterprise “Far Eastern Railway”;

    In 2002-2004. - General Director of Dalneftetrans LLC;

    In 2004-2006. - General Director of JSC Far Eastern Transport Group;

    In 2006-2009. - Deputy Director of the Department of State Policy in the Field of Railway Transport of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation;

    In 2011, he underwent professional retraining at the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation under the program for training the highest level of the management personnel reserve.

    In 2009-2012. - Head of Division, Deputy Director of the Department of Industry and Infrastructure of the Government of the Russian Federation;

    2012 - Head of the Federal Agency for Railway Transport.

    From June 18, 2012 to February 7, 2017 - Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation.

    Awards and titles

    Active State Councilor of the Russian Federation, 2nd class.

    He was awarded the Order of Friendship (2014), the badge "Honorary Railwayman" and other departmental awards.