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  • Management of environmental protection at the municipal level. Municipal environmental management Environmental management in a municipality

    Management of environmental protection at the municipal level.  Municipal environmental management Environmental management in a municipality


    1. Ecological situation and ecological problems of cities

    The state of the environment is one of the most important parameters that determine the quality of life of the population on the territory of the municipality. The ecological safety of the territory is an essential component of public safety, therefore, the municipal authorities, especially in cities with an unfavorable ecological situation, must develop and implement a local ecological policy, coordinated with the ecological policy of the state and aimed at protecting the environment from adverse man-made influences. The implementation of an effective municipal environmental policy has a positive effect on the environmental situation not only in a particular municipality, but also in the region and in the state as a whole. And vice versa, a municipality with an unfavorable environmental situation, as a subsystem of the state and the region, has the right to count on the participation of the state and on the attraction of its resources to correct a particular situation.

    The severity of environmental problems, the need to ensure environmental safety and rational use of natural resources are recognized today all over the world. The aim of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection and nature management is a balanced solution of socio-economic and environmental problems in the interests of present and future generations.

    The main environmental pollutants in municipal areas are shown in Fig. 1.

    Enterprises that extract and process minerals destroy the soil layer, pollute it with waste, violate the groundwater regime, and sometimes completely destroy small rivers. Energy utilities that use a variety of fuels are the largest sources of air pollution. Industrial enterprises using backward technologies that do not provide an integrated and waste-free (or low-waste) use of all types of resources, pollute the air basin, water bodies and the soil layer with various types of industrial waste. This is especially true for enterprises in the chemical, metallurgical and some other industries. At the same time, one cannot fail to note the desire of individual economic entities to get the most from the use of the natural resources of the respective territories with a minimum of responsibility for the state of the natural environment.

    Figure 1 - The main environmental pollutants in the territory of the municipality

    Automobile transport is a particularly dangerous air pollutant, since it operates in the immediate vicinity of residential buildings and crowded places.

    The ecological situation is characterized by the following components:

    1. The ecological capacity of the territory of the municipality, which is understood as the ability of nature to overcome unfavorable influences and ensure the reproduction of natural systems existing on the given territory. A single criterion for the ecological capacity has not been developed, but a system of criteria can be used that makes it possible to determine, albeit approximate, but having real basis, the limits of the permissible total anthropogenic load on specific territories. Assessment of the ecological capacity of a territory is the task of special studies and services, and the application of the results obtained by these services is one of the most important elements of municipal environmental policy.

    2. The impact of the environmental situation on the health of the population. It is highly dependent on the environmental situation in general and is itself an indicator of the quality of the local habitat. The connection of many diseases with the quality of the environment has been irrefutably proven.

    3. A set of factors that determine a specific environmental situation in the municipality. This list is specific to each locality, although it consists of a combination of common factors. The identification and consideration of specific factors that have determined a particular environmental situation in a municipality is a prerequisite for the development of a municipal environmental policy. For this purpose, the structure of the economy of the municipality is analyzed, trends in the resource intensity of enterprises are determined, the volumes of waste entering the environment, the size of territories requiring reclamation, the level of concentration of anthropogenic impacts is estimated, local reserves (or their absence) are identified when characterizing the ecological capacity of territories, research is carried out. and ranking the main causes of environmental distress.

    There are five degrees of trouble and severity of the ecological situation in the municipality: 1) relatively satisfactory; 2) tense; 3) critical (pre-crisis); 4) crisis - a zone of an environmental emergency; 5) catastrophic - the zone of ecological disaster (Fig. 2).

    2. Goals and objectives of the municipal environmental policy

    The 2003 federal law assigns to the competence of urban districts and municipal districts the organization of environmental protection measures, as well as the organization and implementation of environmental control of industrial and social facilities in territories, with the exception of facilities, environmental control of which is carried out by federal government bodies. To implement environmental control in local self-government bodies of urban districts and municipal districts, an institute is being introduced municipal inspectors in the field of environmental protection. In accordance with the amendments made to the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection", from 2006 municipal inspectors will perform the functions of state inspectors in the field of environmental control. They will have all the powers of the latter, including the right to suspend economic and other activities of legal entities and individuals if they violate environmental legislation.

    The formation of local environmental policy should be based on an analysis of the existing environmental situation and trends in its development. Based on the assessment of the environmental situation, the identified problems are analyzed, specific directions of the municipal environmental policy and its priorities are selected. In most cases, both the environmental problems of the territory and the priorities of the municipal environmental policy are ecological and economic character, since they are associated with the functioning of specific economic entities that pollute the environment. Environmental and economic problems can manifest themselves in very different ways and must be considered taking into account the spatial-temporal and causal factors. It is only on this basis that environmental and economic priorities can be selected.

    Based on the analysis, environmental, technological and organizational and legal measures are developed to eliminate or neutralize adverse factors, including:

    Introduction of advanced technologies and modernization of the material and technical base of specific industries;

    Re-profiling, relocation or liquidation of environmentally hazardous industries;

    Reusable resource use (utilization of industrial waste, circulating water supply, etc.);

    Creation of sanitary protection zones around environmentally hazardous industries;

    The use of economic instruments for regulating environmental management.

    3. Mechanisms for the implementation of municipal environmental policy

    Environmental charges levied on users of natural resources include: taxation, fees for regulatory and excess use of natural resources, fees for limited use and excessive pollution of the environment, fines, insurance fees, import and export tariffs for compensation for damage caused.

    Based on the essence and content of the municipal environmental policy, it is advisable to highlight the following main tasks of the municipal authorities:

    ♦ substantiation of the strategic concept of environmental management in the municipality, including the rational use of natural resources;

    ♦ use of a system of administrative measures and economic regulation mechanisms that ensure the achievement of strategic and tactical goals of the ecological development of the municipality;

    ♦ organization of an effective system of environmental monitoring; formation of a system of economic incentives and encouragement of public and private initiatives aimed at improving the environmental situation;

    ♦ assistance in the organization of environmental awareness raising and education in all forms of education - from preschool institutions to higher education, creation of a system for improving the environmental qualifications of municipal employees.

    The development and implementation of environmental policy requires the organization of legal, informational, technical, socio-psychological, financial support. Staffing is central. Training of specialists of enterprises and local self-government bodies is a prerequisite for the development and implementation of effective measures to reduce environmental pollution, improve environmental protection.

    To implement an effective municipal environmental policy, it is advisable to form special environmental funds through payments and taxes on resources, fines, and municipal fees.

    An effective solution to environmental problems can be achieved on the basis of coordinated activities of local self-government bodies with government bodies and business entities with a clear definition of their rights and responsibilities for the use of natural resources and improvement of the environmental situation in the territory.

    4. Participation of the population in solving ecological elements of cities

    The state of the environment in the city directly affects the vital interests of every inhabitant. The public reacts to violations of environmental standards by business entities and is objectively an ally of local governments in improving the environment. At the same time, it is not uncommon for local governments to agree on the construction of new and expansion of existing industrial enterprises, which have a negative impact on the environment, in the hope of replenishing budget revenues. In turn, many employees of industrial enterprises that pollute the environment negatively perceive economic sanctions against their enterprises, since this leads to a reduction in production volumes and a corresponding decrease in earnings. Hence follows the extremely important role of the public in solving environmental problems of the territories.

    According to the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection", citizens have the right to create public environmental associations, foundations and other non-profit organizations, as well as receive information on these issues on an individual basis, send complaints, appeals, proposals, receive timely substantiated answers to them, take part in peaceful mass actions.

    Non-profit environmental organizations of citizens are endowed with the extensive rights indicated by the Federal Law at the local level:

    Develop, promote and implement programs in the field of environmental protection (ROS);

    Provide assistance to local self-government bodies in resolving ROS issues;

    Organize meetings, rallies, demonstrations, processions and picketing, collect signatures for petitions, submit proposals for holding referendums and discussing projects related to the JFO;

    Apply to LSG bodies, other organizations and officials for timely, complete and reliable information about the state of environmental protection, measures for its protection, about the circumstances and facts of economic and other activities that pose a threat to the environment, life, health and property of citizens;

    Participate in making economic decisions on issues related to the RRS;

    To deal with complaints, statements, claims and proposals on issues related to the RRS;

    Organize and conduct hearings on the design and placement of facilities that can harm the environment;

    Organize and conduct public environmental expertise, recommend their representatives to participate in the state environmental expertise;

    Submit to state, municipal and judicial authorities applications for cancellation of decisions on the construction and operation of facilities and the termination of economic activity, if there is a negative impact on the environment;

    Submit claims in court for compensation for harm caused to the environment.

    Local self-government bodies, like government bodies, are obliged to assist citizens and organizations created by them in the exercise of their rights in the field of environmental protection. When placing objects, the economic and other activities of which may cause harm to the environment, the decision on their placement is made taking into account the opinion of the population or the results of the referendum.

    Questions for self-control

    1. What is “municipal environmental policy”?

    2. What is the characteristic of the degree of trouble and the severity of the economic situation?

    3. What is the purpose of the analysis of the ecological situation in the municipality?

    4. What are the goals and objectives of municipal governance in the environmental field?

    5. What is the procedure for choosing environmental and economic priorities in the formation of municipal policy?

    6. What are the mechanisms of economic regulation of environmental management?

    7. What rights in the field of the environment do citizens and environmental organizations created by them have?

    Short description

    The issue of environmental protection in the last decade has been acute all over the world. It is no secret that it is the production activity for the extraction of oil and gas that remains a constant source of man-made danger and the occurrence of accidents accompanied by emergencies and environmental pollution. yourself.
    In total, there are over 1600 multilateral global and regional international conventions and over 3000 bilateral treaties in the world, fully or partially devoted to environmental protection and regulation of the use of natural resources. environment, it is required for every person on planet Earth to relate to the environment that surrounds him and gives bread, more carefully and think about the question: what am I doing or not doing to make our environment better?

    Chapter 1. Normative and legislative regulation of the implementation of state environmental policy at the municipal level
    1.1. Goals, directions, tasks and principles of the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of ecology in the Russian Federation
    1.2. Decision-making system for environmental protection management
    1.3. Basics for improving environmental management at the municipal level

    The content of the work - 1 file

    Coordination of the control activities of federal and regional authorities and administrations within the framework of municipal environmental control in the city can be carried out either in connection with environmental issues to the socio-economic development of the city, or on the basis of an agreement with territorial bodies of federal executive power in the field of environmental protection and nature management. In order to avoid duplication of environmental control functions, taking into account the requirements of the Federal Law "On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Conduct of State Control (Supervision)" checks.

    Municipal environmental management.

    Ecological situation and ecological problems of cities.

    The state of the environment is one of the most important parameters that determine the quality of life of the population on the territory of the municipality.

    The ecological safety of the territory is an essential component of public safety, therefore, the municipal government, especially in cities with an unfavorable ecological situation, must develop and implement a local environmental policy, coordinated with the environmental policy of the state and aimed at protecting the environment from adverse man-made influences. The implementation of an effective municipal environmental policy has a positive effect on the environmental situation not only in a particular municipality, but also in the region and in the state as a whole. And vice versa, a municipality with an unfavorable environmental situation, as a subsystem of the state and the region, has the right to count on the participation of the state and on the attraction of its resources to correct a particular situation.

    The severity of environmental problems, the need to ensure environmental safety and rational use of natural resources are recognized today

    worldwide. The purpose of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection

    environment and nature management is a balanced solution to socio-economic and environmental problems in the interests of present and future generations. Enterprises that extract and process minerals destroy the soil layer, pollute it with waste, violate the regime of underground

    waters, sometimes completely destroy small rivers. Energy enterprises

    Fuel-fired industries are the largest sources of air pollution. Industrial enterprises,

    using backward technologies that do not provide an integrated and waste-free (or low-waste) use of all types of resources, pollute

    air basin, reservoirs and soil layer with various types of industrial waste. This is especially true for enterprises in the chemical, metallurgical and some other industries. At the same time, it is impossible

    not to note the desire of individual economic entities to get the most from the use of natural resources of the respective territories with a minimum of responsibility for the state of the natural environment.

    Urban transport is a particularly dangerous air pollutant,

    as it operates in close proximity to residential buildings and crowded places.

    The ecological situation is characterized by the following components.

    The ecological capacity of the territory of the municipality, under which

    the ability of nature to overcome adverse influences is understood

    and ensure the reproduction of natural

    systems. A single criterion for the ecological capacity has not been developed, but a system of criteria can be used that makes it possible to determine, although approximate, but having real basis, the limits of the permissible aggregate anthropogenic

    loads on specific territories. Assessment of the ecological capacity of a territory is the task of special studies and services, and the application of the results obtained by these services is one of the most important elements of municipal environmental policy.

    The impact of the environmental situation on the health of the population. It strongly depends

    from the environmental situation in general and is itself an indicator of the quality of places

    noisy habitat. The connection of many diseases with the quality of the environment has been irrefutably proven.

    A set of factors that determine a specific environmental situation in a municipality. It is specific to each locality

    the list, although it consists of a combination of common factors. The identification and consideration of specific factors that have determined a particular environmental situation in a municipality is a prerequisite for the development of a municipal environmental policy. For this purpose, the structure of the economy is analyzed.

    municipality, trends in the resource intensity of enterprises are determined, the volume of waste entering the environment, the size

    territories requiring reclamation, the level of concentration of anthropogenic impacts is assessed, local reserves are identified (or their absence)

    when characterizing the ecological capacity of territories, researching and ranking the main causes of ecological trouble.

    There are five degrees of trouble and severity of the ecological situation.

    in the municipality: 1) relatively satisfactory; 2) tense; 3) critical (pre-crisis); 4) crisis - a zone of emergency ecology

    a technical situation; 5) catastrophic - zone of ecological disaster

    Goals and objectives of the municipal environmental policy.

    The 2003 federal law assigns to the competence of urban districts and municipal districts the organization of environmental protection measures, as well as

    the organization and implementation of environmental control of industrial and social facilities in the territories, with the exception of facilities,

    environmental control of which is carried out by federal government bodies. Formation of local environmental policy should be based on

    on the analysis of the existing ecological situation and trends in its development.

    Based on the assessment of the environmental situation, the identified

    problems, specific areas of municipal environmental

    policy and its priorities. In most cases, both the environmental problems of the territory and the priorities of the municipal environmental policy are ecological and economic in nature, since they are associated with the functioning of specific

    business entities that pollute the environment. Environmental and economic problems can manifest themselves in very different ways and must be considered taking into account the spatial-temporal and causal factors. Only on this basis can one choose ecological and economic


    Based on the analysis, economic, technological and organizational and legal measures are developed to eliminate or neutralize adverse factors, including:

    Introduction of advanced technologies and modernization of the material and technical base of specific industries; re-profiling, relocation or liquidation of environmentally hazardous industries;

    multiturn resource use (utilization of production waste,

    recycling water supply, etc.);

    creation of sanitary protection zones around environmentally hazardous industries;

    the use of economic instruments for regulating environmental management.

    Mechanisms for the implementation of municipal environmental policy.

    The subjects of municipal environmental management are the bodies

    local self-government, interacting with specially authorized state bodies and with the public. The objects of municipal management are all users of natural resources: legal and physical

    persons, regardless of the nature of the activities carried out and organizational

    legal forms of management.

    The main tasks of the municipal administration in the field of ecology:

    Formation of an effective system of environmental monitoring, identification and inventory of economic entities and production processes in the territory that have a negative impact on the state

    the environment;

    Creation of a program and mechanisms for environmental management and rational use of natural resources, development and implementation of a system of administrative measures and economic levers to ensure the quality of the environment.

    Environmentally friendly municipal management is a special area of ​​management that involves the regulation of the impact of economic

    subjects on the environment to protect the interests of the population while ensuring sustainable, balanced development of the territory.

    The implementation of the municipal environmental policy is based on the economic mechanism of nature management. The most important principle on which environmental policy should be based

    local government, is that the pollutant of the natural

    Wednesday pays. This implies the presence in the municipality of a monitoring system (tracking) of stationary and mobile sources of pollution, the state of the environment.

    Environmental charges levied on users of natural resources include:

    taxation, fees for regulatory and excess use of natural resources, fees for limited use and excess pollution of the environment, fines, insurance fees, import and export

    damage compensation rates.

    Based on the essence and content of the municipal environmental policy,

    it is advisable to highlight the following main tasks of municipal authorities:

    Justification of the strategic concept of environmental management

    in the municipality, including the rational use of

    native resources;

    Use of a system of administrative measures and economic regulation mechanisms that ensure the achievement of strategic and tactical goals of the environmental development of the municipality;

    Organization of an effective environmental monitoring system;

    Formation of a system of economic incentives and encouragement of public and private initiatives aimed at improving the environmental situation;

    Promoting the organization of environmental awareness and education in all

    forms of education - from preschool institutions to higher education, the creation of a system for improving the environmental qualifications of municipal


    The method of trading licenses has become widespread in a number of countries.

    pollution, when within the municipality local governments form a “market for pollution rights”; polluting enterprises represent demand and municipalities supply.

    The development and implementation of environmental policy requires the organization of legal, informational, technical, socio-psychological, financial

    Ecological situation and ecological problems of cities

    The state of the environment is one of the most important parameters that determine the quality of life of the population on the territory of the municipality.

    The ecological safety of the territory is an essential component of public safety, therefore the municipal authorities, especially in cities with an unfavorable ecological situation, must develop and implement local environmental policy, coordinated with the environmental policy of the state and aimed at protecting the environment from adverse technogenic impacts. The implementation of an effective municipal environmental policy has a positive effect on the environmental situation not only in a particular municipality, but also in the region and in the state as a whole. And vice versa, a municipality with an unfavorable ecological situation, as a subsystem of the state and the region, has the right to count on the participation of the state and on the attraction of its resource capabilities to correct that R1LI of a different situation.

    The severity of environmental problems, the need to ensure environmental safety and rational use of natural resources are recognized today all over the world. The aim of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection and nature management is a balanced solution of socio-economic and environmental problems in the interests of present and future generations. The main environmental pollutants in municipal areas are shown in the figure. Enterprises that extract and process minerals destroy the soil layer, pollute it with waste, violate the groundwater regime, and sometimes completely destroy small rivers. Energy utilities that use a variety of fuels are the largest sources of air pollution. Industrial enterprises using backward technologies that do not provide an integrated and waste-free (or low-waste) use of all types of resources, pollute the air basin, water bodies and the soil layer with various types of industrial waste. This is especially true for enterprises in the chemical, metallurgical and some other industries. At the same time, one cannot fail to note the desire of individual economic entities to get the most from the use of the natural resources of the respective territories with a minimum of responsibility for the state of the natural environment.

    Automobile transport is a particularly dangerous air pollutant, since it operates in the immediate vicinity of residential buildings and crowded places.

    The ecological situation is characterized by the following components.

    There is insufficient legislative support for the environmental aspects of sustainable socio-economic development of cities. Environmental legislation is often full of declarative and reference norms. Such norms are addressed to the normative legal acts of executive authorities that were absent at the time of their entry into legal force. The problems of environmental protection in urban settlements are solved in regulations adopted at different levels: federal, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies. Their general drawback is that they regulate particular issues of nature management and protection of individual natural objects without taking into account the specifics of the environment of urban settlements. In order to correctly understand the tasks of legislation in the field of environmental protection of urban settlements and effectively solve them, one must have a clear idea of ​​the city-forming factors of these administrative-territorial entities, the possibilities of influencing the state of the environment by means of law. The reform of technical regulation is proceeding slowly, which hinders the development of mandatory environmental requirements. There are no effective legal mechanisms to compensate for environmental damage. Wrongful decisions and actions, as well as inaction of participants in environmental legal relations, only exacerbate the difficult environmental situation, especially in the territories of the population. Law enforcement practice testifies to the factual impunity of many violations and even crimes of an environmental nature.

    There is a constant growth of registered environmental crimes, often outstripping the growth of crimes in general, and an increase in their share in the overall structure of crime. So, for the period 2005-2009. the number of environmental crimes increased by almost 4.3 times (2005 - 14,818; 2009 - 41242). Similar trends are observed in other countries. At the same time, it is recognized that the reform of criminal and administrative legislation that has passed in many countries, although it contributed to the strengthening of the fight against encroachments on the environment, did not fulfill all the goals set.

    One of the fundamental reasons for violation of environmental legislation in this area is the weakness and ineffectiveness of state environmental control and supervision, and the frequent reorganization of environmental management bodies. At the same time, an effective dialogue has not yet been established on these problems of state authorities and environmental organizations. Radical improvement of the system of environmental protection management bodies in urban settlements will improve control over the state of various natural objects of the urban environment. According to the President of Russia D.A. Medvedev, “we need to put things in order in the environmental sphere and increase its efficiency”.

    On May 18-21, Nizhny Novgorod will host an international scientific and industrial forum "Great Rivers: Environmental, Hydrometeorological, Energy Security", dedicated to transboundary environmental cooperation. Its organizers are UNEP, UNESCO, the Federal Agency for Water Resources, the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring, the Federal Agency for Sea and River Transport of the Russian Federation, the Russian River Register, the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography of the Russian Federation.

    Such a forum brings together up to 1,500 representatives of government agencies, world-famous scientists, business leaders, experts and public figures from more than 30 countries.

    Over the past 10 years, more than five thousand scientific institutions, industrial enterprises and government agencies from 46 countries of the world and 63 constituent entities of the Russian Federation have taken part in the work of symposia on international environmental cooperation. In connection with the current situation, it is necessary not only to improve existing, but also to adopt new regulatory legal acts. This will provide a solution to the problem under consideration, use a scientific approach in lawmaking, and will also contribute to the revival of the interest of citizens and society in improving and maintaining environmental law and order in urban areas.

    Therefore, at present, the problem of forming an ecological culture of enterprise management, which involves reducing and preventing the negative impact of enterprises on the environment, is acquiring special relevance.

    The object of study is the powers of local self-government bodies of the Russian Federation on the example of the Moscow region of Novy Urengoy in the field of relations related to environmental protection.

    The subject of the thesis is the environmental policy management system at the municipal level.

    The aim of the thesis is to analyze the features of management in the field of environmental protection and natural resources at the municipal level and develop recommendations for improving environmental management at the municipal level.

    In accordance with the purpose, object and subject of research, we set the following tasks:

    Analyze the goals, directions, tasks and principles of the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of ecology in the Russian Federation;

    Define a decision-making system for environmental management;

    To study the basics of improving environmental management at the municipal level;

    Determine the economic and financial mechanisms for the implementation of environmental policy on the example of the municipal formation of the city of Novy Urengoy;

    Make an analysis of the effectiveness of environmental protection measures for 2007-2009. (on the example of the municipality of Novy Urengoy).

    The main methods in the work are - the analytical method (used in the analysis of literature and regulatory legal acts), methods of comparative analysis and generalization.

    The multifaceted nature of the topic made it necessary to study the positions of the doctrine and normative legal sources of constitutional, administrative, civil, municipal, criminal and other branches of law, revealing the theoretical and practical essence of the issues. In this regard, the theoretical basis of the dissertation was the works of S.S. Alekseeva, A.P. Anisimova, A.I. Bobyleva, E.N. Zhevlakova, A.E. Zhalinsky, V.N. Kudryavtseva, O.E. Kutafina, V.V. Lazareva, A.V. Malko, M.N. Marchenko, A.F. Nozdracheva, SV. Polenina, N.G. Salischeva, M.S. Studenikina, N.Yu. Hamaneva and others. Development of problems of the system and structure of environmental legislation, the possibility of using certain legal instruments (legal responsibility, eco-audit, pollution charges, etc.) for the purpose of environmental protection in the works of L.Ye. Bandorin, S.A. Bogolyubova, M.M. Brinchuk, M.V. Vasilieva, N. D. Vershilo, R.Kh. Habitova, A.K. Golichenkova, O. L. Dubovik. N.A. Dukhno, N.G. Zhavoronkova, T.V. Zlotnikova, I.A. Ignatieva, O.S. Kolbasova, O. I. Krassova, O. N. Kuznetsova, V.V. Petrova, T.V. Petrova, B.C. Stepanenko and other environmental lawyers made it possible to highlight the specifics of their manifestation in relation to environmental protection in urban settlements.

    The regulatory framework of the study is composed of: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal legislation, laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the executive authorities of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, regulatory acts of local self-government bodies regulating environmental protection in urban settlements and related problems of negative impact on nature.

    For the most complete disclosure of the topic and achievement of the set goal, this work has the following structure: introduction; three chapters; conclusion; list of used sources and literature.

    Chapter 1. Normative and legislative regulation of the implementation of state environmental policy at the municipal level

    1.1 Goals, directions, tasks and principles of the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of ecology in the Russian Federation

    The entry into force of the amendments to the federal legislation on January 1, 2005 was a notable event in public life and the next step in the development of the management system and environmental protection.

    State and regional environmental policy is an independent sphere of public life in the field of environmental protection and natural resources, the pinnacle of the state's environmental function. The main parameters for characterizing environmental policy are: balance of interests, goals, principles, directions, functions, tasks, thematic sections, tools (mechanism, means, provision, levers), forms, indicators, priorities, problems, leaders, theorists and practitioners, legal the foundation.

    Understanding environmental policy in a broad sense combines political, sociological, economic and other aspects of this phenomenon. The problems of environmental policy, its content, the question of how the actual actions of the authorities correspond to the declared goals, the question of the difference between the declaration and reality is the subject of a separate study, mostly not legal in its content.

    For the development of civil society as a condition for the implementation of state policy in the field of ecology, it is necessary to improve legislation: to create legal conditions that allow citizens to participate in the adoption and implementation of environmentally significant decisions, including through surveys, public hearings, public examinations and referendums; in order to develop public environmental control, including public inspections.

    The main parameters for characterizing environmental policy are: balance of interests, goals, principles, directions, functions, tasks, thematic sections, tools (mechanism, means, provision, levers), forms, indicators, priorities, problems, leaders, theorists and practitioners, legal the foundation.

    Understanding environmental policy in a broad sense combines political, sociological, economic and other aspects of this phenomenon. The problems of environmental policy, its content, the question of how the actual actions of the authorities correspond to the declared goals, the question of the difference between the declaration and reality is the subject of a separate study, mostly not legal in its content.

    According to the Environmental Doctrine of the Russian Federation, the strategic goal of state policy in the field of ecology is to preserve natural systems, maintain their integrity and life-supporting functions for sustainable development of society, improve the quality of life, improve public health and demographic situation, and ensure the country's environmental safety.

    State and regional environmental policy is an independent sphere of public life in the field of environmental protection and natural resources, the pinnacle of the state's environmental function.

    The law establishes the presumption of the potential environmental hazard of any planned economic and other activity. A conscientious initiator should act in accordance with accepted social norms, including ensuring that his activities comply with the state environmental policy. Politics has a large degree of autonomy and has a strong impact on the economy and other spheres of society. In this regard, the practical significance of the issue under consideration is directly manifested.

    In accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, States have the sovereign right to develop their own resources in accordance with their environmental policies and are responsible for ensuring that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not harm the environment of other States. or areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction (Convention on Biological Diversity, ratified by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 17.02.95 No. 16-FZ).

    Abroad, the terms “policy in the field of sustainable development” are used as close in meaning to the term “environmental policy”, and the name “political ecology” is a special educational and scientific direction.

    The modern environmental policy of Russia has come a long way in its formation. At the same time, the history of its development clearly demonstrated to us that the implementation of environmental policy depends not only on the implementation of its directions in regulations, but also directly on the level of legal awareness and culture of society.

    The subjective factors influencing the implementation of environmental policy include: the level of legal awareness and environmental awareness of a person, the level of legal culture and environmental culture of society; the development of democratic principles in society, contributing to the active participation of the population and the individual in governing the state and decision-making, the level of social and legal activity of citizens, etc. Modern scientists have repeatedly expressed their position on the unpreparedness of Russian society for the transition to a qualitatively new level of relations with the environment. Indeed, the perception of environmental policy issues directly depends on a number of factors, which must be considered in the context of a particular level of mass culture and the readiness of society to perceive new trends in the modern world.

    A concentrated expression of theoretical provisions in the field of environmental protection in Russia today is the Environmental Doctrine, approved by the Government Decree of August 31, 2002 N 1225-r. It defines the goals, directions, tasks and principles of the implementation in the Russian Federation of a unified state policy in the field of ecology for the long term. According to the Doctrine, the main priorities of modern environmental policy are:

    Priority for society of the life-supporting functions of the biosphere in relation to the direct use of its resources;

    Equitable distribution of income from the use of natural resources;

    Prevention of negative environmental consequences as a result of economic activities, accounting for remote environmental consequences;

    Refusal from economic and other projects related to the impact on natural systems, if their consequences are unpredictable for the environment;

    Use of natural resources on a paid basis and compensation to the population and the environment for damage caused as a result of violation of legislation on environmental protection;

    Openness of environmental information: participation of civil society, self-government bodies and business circles in the preparation, discussion, adoption and implementation of decisions in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources;

    Sustainable development, which provides for equal attention to its economic, social and environmental components, and the recognition of the impossibility of the development of human society with the degradation of nature.

    Thus, the main priorities of modern environmental policy can be criteria for Russia's transition to sustainable development, postulated in the Concept of the Russian Federation's transition to sustainable development. At the same time, it is worth agreeing with the opinion of those scientists who believe that the environmental and legal culture of modern Russian society does not correspond to the principles of sustainable development. Thus, in one of his interviews, MV Zakharov said that "the Russian society does not fully understand what place environmental problems occupy in the spectrum of difficulties facing the country today."

    At the sub-legal level, the terms “state environmental policy in the regions of the North”, “the main directions of regional policy in the field of environmental safety and environmental protection” (the same for the Federation and the constituent entities of the Federation), “state policy and legal regulation in the field of environmental management, environmental protection and environmental safety ”,“ unified scientific and technical policy in the field of environmental protection ”.

    Among the problems of implementing Russia's environmental policy, the absence of an active civil society focused on environmental issues is highlighted. Indeed, the modern social environmental movement today is not a powerful factor in strengthening civil society and solving environmental problems. Moreover, many environmental actions carried out by social movements go unnoticed for many citizens. This situation is especially typical for settlements remote from the center, whose residents have little idea not only about specific environmental activities carried out in the country or region, but also about environmental policy in general.

    At the same time, a low level of environmental culture reduces the activity of the population in solving environmental problems, distorts ideas about the actual environmental situation. Thus, 42% of the respondents are sure that achieving sustainable development in Russia is impossible without solving environmental problems, and 23% believe it is possible. The impossibility of developing the country without solving environmental problems was most often noted by citizens of the age group 30-50 years old. At the same time, 35% of the surveyed citizens this issue caused difficulties in connection with a poor understanding of what the concept of sustainable development of the country may include. The respondents also expressed their ignorance about the Environmental Doctrine (79%).

    The greatest awareness of environmental policy issues was shown by respondents aged 20 to 40, including students. It is noteworthy that students noted their educational institutions as the main source of information on environmental policy. At the same time, the majority of respondents noted an insufficient (or extremely low) level of coverage in the media (mass media) of measures taken by the state to protect and restore the environment. This opinion is really worth agreeing with. Based on the information provided by the media, it seems that it is possible to interest citizens in environmental issues rather with comments on odious actions on the part of nature conservationists than with information about the implementation of state environmental policy. First of all, this indicates that environmental education in Russia is at an extremely low level.

    In our opinion, the modern environmental and legal culture of the population of our country is not capable of ensuring Russia's transition to sustainable development, moreover, its low level has a disorientating effect on environmental policy as a whole. Therefore, we believe that the effective implementation of environmental policy and Russia's transition to sustainable development are possible as a result of a radical change in the worldview, the system of social values ​​and ideas in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.

    The legitimate interests of individuals and organizations must be taken into account when forming state environmental policy. The policy will reach its goal faster when choosing the target groups to whom it is addressed.

    The national interests of Russia are a set of balanced interests of the individual, society and the state in the economic, domestic political, social, international, informational, military, border, environmental and other spheres. They are long-term in nature and determine the main goals, strategic and current tasks of the state's domestic and foreign policy. One of the main tasks in the field of ensuring the national security of the Russian Federation is to radically improve the ecological situation in the country.

    Sectoral interests, first of all, are in ensuring the production of goods and services in which a particular sector of the economy specializes.

    Departmental interests (sectoral interests in the narrow sense, as the interests of one or several government bodies that are definitely close in the field of activity, for example, the interests of departments of the natural resource block) are in instilling the “point of view” of the department to citizens and organizations for solving specific managerial (incl. h. functional) tasks.

    Local interests - a set of ideas about the types of activities that are optimal for the economic and social development of the municipality, and the ways of their implementation.

    Corporate interests can spread over the territory and resources of entire states and groups of states (among transnational corporations, financial and industrial groups, commercial entities). They mainly pursue the goal of making a profit.

    The current Federal Law of 10.01.2002 N 7-FZ (as amended on 27.12.2009) "On environmental protection" (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on 20.12.2001) is of great importance for the complex of environmental problems.

    The Law of the Russian Federation of 21.02.1992 N 2395-1 (as amended on 27.12.2009) "On Subsoil" regulates the mineral resource policy, which is the guarantor of Russia's economic security. It outlines the basics of rational nature management and protection of subsoil.

    The Forest Code of the Russian Federation of 04.12.2006 N 200-FZ (adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on 08.11.2006) (as amended on 27.12.2009) sets out the legal basis for the rational use, protection, protection and reproduction of forests, increasing their ecological and resource potential. Forests are classified into groups and categories according to their ecological, social and economic importance. This is important for the rational use and protection of forest resources.

    The Forest Code establishes general requirements for forest management: preservation and strengthening of the environment-forming, water-protective, protective, sanitary-hygienic, health-improving and other useful properties of forests; reproduction, improvement of species composition and quality of forests, etc.

    An important legal act regulating the rational use and protection of water resources is the Water Code of the Russian Federation of the Russian Federation dated 03.06.2006 N 74-FZ, which establishes state ownership of most water bodies.

    The powers of state management bodies for the use and protection of water bodies include: determining the procedure for establishing water protection zones, coastal protection strips of water bodies, the regime for the use of their territories, as well as the regime of specially protected water bodies in federal ownership, conducting a state examination of pre-design and project documents for the construction and reconstruction of economic and other objects affecting the state of water bodies; state monitoring of water bodies, their protection from pollution.

    Water protection zones of water bodies that serve as sources of drinking water supply or spawning grounds for valuable fish species are declared specially protected areas in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of Russia.

    The Federal Law "On the Animal World" (as amended on 03/14/2009) regulates relations in the field of protection and use of the animal world, conservation and restoration of animal habitats in order to ensure biological diversity, create conditions for its existence, preserve the genetic fund of wild animals and other protection of the animal world as an integral element of the natural environment.

    So, the ongoing restructuring of state management of nature management and environmental protection, the formation of modern environmental and environmental legislation should create favorable conditions for the transition to the protection of integral natural complexes (in contrast to the previously prevailing resource-based form of nature protection): streamlining the system of specially protected natural areas (refusal from their excessive multiplicity); strengthening the protection of "living nature" (on an equal footing with the "inanimate" independent natural block).

    1.2 Decision-making system for environmental management

    Currently, in Russia, many organizations and enterprises are interested in achieving environmental efficiency, control the impact of their activities, products and services on the environment (OS). All this is being done in the context of an ever increasing tightening of legislation aimed at environmental protection, as well as in the context of a general growing concern of stakeholders with environmental issues, including sustainable development. The task is that such work on environmental protection is carried out not by individual enterprises and organizations, but by solving these issues at the state level and by involving all organizations and enterprises that have an impact on the environment. In our opinion, such work should be carried out within the framework of a structured system of administrative management at all levels (state, industry, constituent entities of the Russian Federation).

    The state environmental management system is aimed at:

    Implementation and improvement of state policy in the field of environmental protection;

    Creation of a safe production environment in organizations;

    Protection of the legitimate interests of workers affected by the polluted environment and occupational diseases;

    Ensuring effective interaction and cooperation of subjects of social and labor relations in addressing environmental protection issues: employers, employers' associations, state bodies, local government bodies, trade unions represented by their respective bodies, their associations and other representative bodies authorized by employees.

    Considering that in the current legislation there is no delineation of functions in the field of environmental protection and, in this regard, the competence of the federal executive body in charge of environmental protection, federal executive bodies and executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection is not specified, in the system of public administration of environmental protection (hereinafter referred to as the SSUEP), the goal was to specifically define these functions.

    The subject of consideration of the system of state management of environmental protection is the system of state management of environmental protection in the Russian Federation, which includes three levels:

    Federal. State management of environmental protection in the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection" is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation directly or on its behalf by the federal executive body in charge of environmental protection - the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation and other federal executive bodies.

    Consideration of issues and preparation of proposals in the field of environmental protection, coordination of the activities of federal executive bodies is carried out by the Interdepartmental Commission for Environmental Protection in cooperation with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, associations of trade unions and associations of employers, as well as organizations of the Russian Federation. Certain functions of environmental protection management are performed by the bodies of the Prosecutor's Office and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation;

    Industry-specific. Management of environmental protection in an industry or in a specific field of activity is carried out by the relevant federal executive bodies and their territorial bodies jointly with the executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    The level of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. State management of environmental protection in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is carried out by the federal executive authorities and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection within the limits of their powers.

    Bodies of local self-government carry out environmental protection management in the relevant territory within the limits of their powers, as well as powers delegated to them by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner.

    The content of industrial management of natural resources and environmental protection is determined by the tasks of a particular enterprise to fulfill the legal environmental requirements addressed to it. These tasks, taking into account the specifics of enterprises, can be associated with ensuring the rational use of subsoil, forest resources, with the protection of water bodies, atmospheric air, handling industrial waste, etc. A special organization of relevant activities will help to most successfully solve such problems. At the same time, the most specific functions of production management are planning, accounting for harmful effects on nature, coordination of environmental protection activities of various departments, and environmental control. Management is carried out both by functional services (engineer, mechanic, technologist, power engineer, sales, control), heads of production departments, and specially created departments (services) for nature protection. If earlier environmental services were created at many Russian enterprises, now the responsibility for environmental protection, as a rule, rests with the head of one of the functional divisions, most often the chief engineer. Industrial management of natural resources and environmental protection is mainly regulated by local acts, i.e. acts of the enterprise, taking into account its specifics.

    Sectoral (departmental) management of nature management and environmental protection is carried out by ministries, state committees, federal services within their industry or sphere of activity, if such activity is related to the use of natural resources or harmful effects on the environment. As in industrial management, the content of sectoral management is determined by the specifics of the industry or sphere of activity, the nature of the enterprises included in its system, the scale and types of impacts on nature.

    In the environmental practice of Russia, there is a reserve for increasing the efficiency of public, industrial and sectoral management. It concerns the development of cooperation between public organizations and citizens, enterprises and sectoral ministries with specially authorized state bodies for managing natural resources and environmental protection. The basis of cooperation is the unity of the goals of activities in this area. Such cooperation would undoubtedly enhance efficiency and public administration.

    On a national scale, the greatest responsibility for the consistent implementation of environmental legislation lies with the bodies exercising state management of environmental management and environmental protection. The constitutional basis for their activities is Art. 10 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which enshrined the principle of dividing the unified state power into legislative, executive and judicial branches.

    Public administration in the field of nature management and environmental taps are an integral part of public administration as a whole.

    The role of government in this area is determined by the importance of government agencies in the mechanism of environmental protection. In the triad of subjects - a citizen, an organization (entrepreneur) and the state - state bodies occupy a special place. They have special legal and administrative means to ensure the implementation of environmental requirements of the legislation, having the opportunity to resort to state coercion, if necessary. First of all, they are entrusted with the responsibility for ensuring environmental protection within the framework of the state's ecological function. First of all, citizens have the right to ask them for non-observance of their environmental rights and legitimate interests and environmental legislation in general.

    State management of natural resources and environmental protection is carried out on the basis of a number of methods. Management methods are understood as ways of state influence on the behavior and activities of the governed. Methods are divided into administrative (direct order provided by the possibility of state coercion), economic (creating conditions for the economic interest of organizations and labor collectives in fulfilling the requirements of legislation and management decisions) and moral (awarding state awards, conferring honorary titles, etc.).

    Taking into account the role of public administration in this area in comparison with other types of government, its content is widest.

    Management of the use and protection of subsoil shall also be carried out taking into account the existing geological features of the formation of mineral deposits. The separation of economic and operational and control and supervisory functions of the organization of state management of natural resources and nature protection as a principle manifests itself in the fact that the bodies endowed with control and supervisory functions for managing the use and protection of natural resources cannot perform functions for the economic use of the corresponding resources. This principle should be applicable to specially authorized state bodies in the field of nature management and environmental protection. This principle ensures the objectivity of environmental control and supervision and the effectiveness of the environmental law as a whole.

    State management of the use and protection of natural resources is carried out by various state bodies endowed with different competencies and functioning at different levels. They can be divided into three types: bodies of general competence, bodies of special competence, functional bodies.

    The peculiarity of the management of natural resources and environmental protection by bodies of general competence is that they carry out this activity along with the solution of other tasks assigned to their competence - the development of the economy, management of the development of the social sphere (health, education, etc.), culture, defense , space, etc.

    Bodies of general competence exercising state management of the use and protection of natural resources include:

    Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;

    President of Russia;

    Russian Government;

    Administration of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    Local administration bodies.

    The Government of the Russian Federation pays considerable attention to the problems of preserving and improving the water quality of large and small water bodies. Since 2007 (since the transfer of authority), funds from the federal budget have been allocated to clean up small rivers in the region: in 2007 - 7.3, in 2008 - 10.2, in 2009 - 16.9 million rubles.

    Federal funds allocated to the constituent entities are part of the funds of water users who pay for the use of water bodies. At the same time, as noted in the Department of Environmental Protection and Natural Resource Use, in 2007 the payers of our region did not receive payments for the use of water bodies to the federal budget, in 2008 it amounted to only 597 rubles (five hundred ninety seven rubles). In 2009, the amount of payments has already reached 3.7 million rubles. If all water users fulfill their obligations in good faith, budget revenues will amount to about 37.5 million rubles.

    Thus, the region received an amount that significantly exceeded the receipts to the federal budget from the region's payers. All allocated funds were used to clear small rivers.

    When analyzing the system of government bodies in the field of environmental protection and nature management of general competence, the fundamental question is: are representative bodies involved in this process? In accordance with the principle of separation of powers, state administration is entrusted to the executive authorities. Previously, when all power belonged to the Soviets of People's Deputies, representative bodies also exercised environmental protection management. Their participation in management was even enshrined in the Law on Environmental Protection.

    Taking into account the operation of the principle of separation of powers, the role of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation in state management of natural resources and environmental protection is minimal. It boils down, in particular, to the adoption of a decision on the declaration of an ecological emergency zone and an ecological disaster zone in accordance with the Law "On Environmental Protection". In addition, the parliament is entrusted with a number of control powers stipulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which are indirectly related to the area in question. Moreover, they mainly belong to the State Duma. The control powers of the State Duma are manifested in the fact that it gives consent to the President of the Russian Federation for the appointment of the Chairman of the Government of Russia and decides on the issue of confidence in the Government of Russia. Given that state funding for environmental protection is critical to achieving the goals of maintaining and restoring a favorable state of the environment, the State Duma's control over the activities of the Government when formulating the budget is an important management function. Control over the execution of the federal budget, including those related to environmental protection, belongs to the joint jurisdiction of both chambers of the Federal Assembly. On a regular basis, such control on behalf of the Federal Assembly is carried out by a specially created body - the Accounts Chamber.

    The environmental protection activities of the President of Russia are regulated by many acts, including the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The most important functions of the administrative activities of the President, provided for by the Constitution, include the determination of the main directions of the internal and external environmental policy of the state; rule-making; organization of the system of central executive bodies of Russia; guarantees of observance of the rights of citizens in the field of natural resources and environmental protection; ensuring the coordinated functioning and interaction of public authorities in the field of nature management and environmental protection.

    Management of environmental protection and nature management is carried out both directly by the President of the Russian Federation and by structures in his administration. During the existence of the institution of the presidency in Russia, special structures in the Presidential Administration were the Presidential Adviser on Ecology and Health Protection, the Interdepartmental Commission on Environmental Safety of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. However, the first of these structures has been abolished.

    The competence of the Government of the Russian Federation and the governments of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of nature management and environmental protection is determined by many regulatory legal acts, both general and environmental. In accordance with Art. 114 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation The Government of the Russian Federation:

    Ensures the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of ecology in the Russian Federation;

    Manages federal ownership of natural resources;

    Carries out measures to ensure the rule of law, the implementation of environmental rights of citizens, etc.

    Government of the Russian Federation:

    Ensures the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety;

    Takes measures to implement the rights of citizens to a favorable environment, to ensure environmental well-being;

    Organizes activities for the protection and rational use of natural resources, regulation of natural resources and the development of the mineral resource base of the Russian Federation;

    Coordinates activities to prevent natural disasters, accidents and catastrophes, reduce their danger and eliminate their consequences.

    In more detail, the powers of the Government of the Russian Federation are regulated in the Law "On Environmental Protection" and other acts of legislation on the environment. In particular, the Government of the Russian Federation:

    Provides the development and implementation of state environmental programs;

    Coordinates the activities of ministries and departments on the territory of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection;

    Establishes the procedure for the formation and use of the federal extra-budgetary environmental fund;

    Organizes the preparation and distribution of the annual state report on the state of the environment;

    Establishes the procedure for the development and approval of environmental standards for emissions and discharges of pollutants into the environment, limits for the use of natural resources, waste disposal;

    Establishes the procedure for determining the payment and its maximum amount for the use of natural resources, environmental pollution, waste disposal, and other types of harmful effects;

    Makes decisions on the organization of specially protected natural areas and objects and their inclusion in the natural reserve fund of the Russian Federation;

    Organizes a system of universal continuous environmental education and education of citizens, etc.

    The activities of bodies of general competence in the field of nature management and environmental protection at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are regulated by both federal legislation and regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. It includes ensuring the implementation of state environmental policy; coordination of the activities of ministries and departments in this area; planning of rational use of natural resources and environmental protection; organization of keeping cadastres of natural resources at the level of subjects; exercising state control over the use of natural resources and environmental protection, etc.

    State authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation:

    They implement the state policy in the field of environmental protection on the territory of the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation and, for this purpose, create subdivisions for environmental protection and state expertise of environmental conditions as an executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection, or as part of an executive body for environmental protection of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

    Develop and adopt laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation on environmental protection;

    Participate in the development and implementation of federal target programs for improving conditions and environmental protection;

    Develop and approve territorial target programs for improving conditions and environmental protection, control their implementation;

    Determine the costs of environmental protection at the expense of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    Transfer, if necessary, to local self-government bodies, separate powers for state management of environmental protection in the territories of municipalities.

    The executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection

    Along with the coordination activities for environmental protection on the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection:

    Develops draft laws and other regulatory legal acts of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation on environmental protection;

    Submits draft legislative acts of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for an opinion on compliance with federal legislation to the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation;

    Organizes the communication to organizations of normative legal acts on environmental protection approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies;

    Supports at the regional level the functioning of the Russian Information System for Environmental Protection (RISOOS);

    Organizes the development and implementation of territorial target programs for improving conditions and environmental protection;

    Takes part in the development and implementation of federal target programs for improving conditions and environmental protection;

    Develops, together with interested organizations, measures for the economic interest of employers in ensuring safe environmental conditions;

    Organizes training and testing of knowledge of environmental protection requirements for specialists and managers;

    Provides information assistance to organizations in placing orders for the purchase of personal protective equipment;

    Conducts state expertise of environmental protection conditions for employees, certification of environmental protection work in organizations;

    Controls the reflection of environmental protection requirements in the constituent documents of legal entities during their registration;

    Participates in the prescribed manner in the investigation of group accidents at work, accidents at work with a serious outcome, accidents at work with a fatal outcome;

    Annually sends the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation information on the state and measures to improve conditions and environmental protection in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, proposals for improving the federal legislation on environmental protection and for the formation of state policy in the field of environmental protection;

    Prepares conclusions for consideration in court on the liquidation of organizations or their divisions in the event of violations of environmental protection requirements;

    Provides interaction on environmental protection in the territory of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, associations of trade unions, associations of employers, the state environmental protection inspectorate in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, other bodies of state supervision and control over compliance environmental protection requirements, local government bodies;

    Provides methodological assistance to organizations in improving the work of environmental protection services;

    Carries out control over the conditions and environmental protection, the quality of certification of workplaces for environmental protection, the correctness of compensation for hard work and work with harmful or hazardous environmental conditions, and also prepares proposals for classifying organizations as a professional risk class in accordance with the results of certification of work on environmental protection in organizations;

    Organizes and conducts an examination of environmental conditions on projects for the construction of new and reconstructed production facilities in terms of compliance of the environmental conditions projected in them with the requirements of environmental protection;

    Issues permits to educational institutions for training and testing the knowledge of environmental protection requirements for employees of organizations, including managers;

    Organizes and carries out the preparation and issuance of opinions to organizations on the state of conditions and environmental protection when licensing certain types of activities; sends proposals to licensing authorities to suspend or revoke licenses to organizations that do not comply with environmental protection requirements;

    Together with interested organizations, develops activities for the generalization and dissemination of best practices in the field of environmental protection, organizes contests, days of environmental protection, etc.;

    Considers disagreements between employers and employees of organizations for the provision of compensation for work in a harmful or hazardous environment and issues opinions;

    Organizes work related to the preparation of an opinion on the nature and conditions of the environment to resolve the issue of the correctness of the establishment of discounts and premiums to the base insurance rate in accordance with the requirements of the Federal Law "On Compulsory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases";

    Organizes the work of territorial interdepartmental commissions or coordination councils for environmental protection.

    The powers of local self-government bodies in the field of environmental protection and nature management are defined both by the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 “On the General Principles of Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”, and by individual acts of environmental legislation.

    Local self-government is exercised throughout Russia in urban, rural settlements and in other territories. This is the most numerous system of bodies in the country, designed to solve problems in the field of interaction between society and nature. When assessing these bodies, it is important to keep in mind that environmental problems tend to be local in nature.

    Local self-government is an expression of the power of the people, it is an independent and under its responsibility activity of the population, recognized and guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, to resolve issues of local importance directly or through local self-government bodies, based on the interests of the population, its historical and other local traditions. Local self-government bodies include both elective and other bodies formed in accordance with the charters of municipalities.

    Municipalities are in charge of issues of local importance, as well as certain state powers that may be vested in local self-government bodies.

    Local issues include:

    Possession, use and disposal of natural resources in municipal ownership;

    Ensuring the sanitary well-being of the population;

    Regulation of planning and development of municipal territories;

    Control over the use of land on the territory of the municipality;

    Regulation of the use of water bodies of local importance, deposits of common minerals, as well as subsoil for the construction of underground structures of local importance;

    Improvement and gardening of the territory of the municipality;

    Participation in environmental protection on the territory of the municipality;

    Organization and maintenance of the municipal information service.

    Based on the analysis of sources of environmental pollution, the ecological state of the territory of the municipality of Novy Urengoy, the priorities of environmental activities are:

    reducing the negative impact and regulating the quality of the environment;

    preservation of natural complexes and biological diversity, including rare and endangered species of animals and plants;

    informing, enlightening and enhancing the ecological culture of the population;

    organization and development of the environmental education and training system.

    So, in modern conditions, the priority is to ensure sustainable socio-economic development of the municipality while maintaining a favorable environment.

    1.3 Basics for improving environmental management at the municipal level

    The Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (hereinafter - the Autonomous Okrug) is characterized by the presence on its territory of a large number of minerals, among which the most important is hydrocarbon raw materials. Undoubtedly, hydrocarbon production determines the economic stability of the Russian Federation. The Autonomous Okrug accounts for more than 75% of all proven gas reserves in Russia (one third of the world), 10% - oil. 216 deposits of carbon raw materials have been discovered in the Autonomous Okrug. Of these, only a quarter is in commercial development, 11 fields are ready for exploitation, including the giant Bovanenkovskoye, Kharasaveyskoye, Novoportovskoye in the Yamal region of the Autonomous Okrug.

    In this context, it is fundamentally important to note that the Autonomous Okrug is the territory of the original residence of the indigenous small-numbered peoples of the North. The Yamal region of the Autonomous Okrug is one of the few regions in the world where the original culture of aboriginal peoples has been preserved. The key components of the culture of the ancient northern ethnic groups are reindeer husbandry, hunting and fishing.

    The industrial development of the Yamal Peninsula - the entry of gas workers to the sea shelf, the development of the Bovanenkovo ​​oil and gas field, the construction of the railway, according to ecologists, will significantly increase the human impact on nature and exacerbate the problems of its protection. This applies to both natural complexes in general and individual, especially vulnerable species of animals and birds included in the Red Book of Yamal.

    In the floodplains of the rivers crossing the Yamal Peninsula, the most valuable nesting sites of the red-breasted goose and peregrine falcon are concentrated in Yamal; the small swan, white-fronted goose, common scooper, and white-tailed eagle live. This is the most important area for nesting and molting of waterfowl - bean goose, white-fronted goose, pintail, long-tailed duck and others. Here are the northern boundaries of the distribution of many species of animals and plants. The river basins have the most valuable commercial stock of whitefishes. Fossil remains of mammoth fauna are concentrated here.

    Active industrial development of the North has a significant impact on ecological situation of the developed territories, on the traditional way of life of the aboriginal population and traditional crafts. In addition, an increase in the concentration of pollutants in the air, water, soil and plants leads to a significant deterioration in the health status of both the newcomer and the aboriginal population of the Autonomous Okrug. The change in the health status of the population associated with a change in the environment is of a delayed nature, and the duration of the delay period is different for different genesis of technogenic impact.

    When implementing plans for the industrial development of the Yamal Peninsula, it is necessary to preserve the unique ecosystem of the peninsula as one of the main components of maintaining the existing way of life and the state of human health. The industrial development of the Yamal Peninsula and the related restructuring of the economy in this area should be accompanied by an assessment of the environmental pressure on humans. Monitoring of environmental pressure will make it possible to promptly identify emerging environmental problems and timely take appropriate measures to ensure a stable and safe environmental situation in the Autonomous Okrug on the example of the Yamal region under conditions of active technogenic impact.

    The Department of Natural Resources Regulation and Development of the Oil and Gas Complex of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is the executive body of state power of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, which carries out the functions of developing state policy, legal regulation, state control, as well as ensuring the implementation of the powers of the Autonomous Okrug as a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the following areas of activity:

    Subsoil use;

    Land use;

    Water use;

    Forest management;

    Protection of the environment, atmospheric air, specially protected natural areas of regional significance and the treatment of production and consumption waste, as well as the organization and conduct of state environmental expertise of regional facilities.

    This year, taking into account the unresolved problems with the financing of municipal control, we can talk about the creation of municipal environmental control services so far in industrialized cities, where there is a possibility of maintaining such a service and there are serious environmental problems.

    The regulation of municipal environmental control on the territory of the municipality of the city of Novy Urengoy can be developed for the purpose of legal regulation of legal relations in the field of performing the functions of a local government body on environmental protection, rational use of natural resources and ensuring environmental safety in the territory of the municipality.

    When introduced, the following goals and objectives are achieved:

    Implementation of the norms of federal legislation providing for the transfer of functions in the implementation of environmental policy, material resources and responsibility to the municipal level;

    Regulation of the activities of the local self-government body in the implementation of municipal environmental control;

    Creation of a legal mechanism for the environmental management system at the municipal level;

    Creation of a fundamentally new municipal service coordinating the environmental activities of enterprises and organizations, regardless of their form of ownership and departmental subordination;

    Determination of the forms and methods of involving the population in activities for the improvement of the environment and the improvement of places of residence and common use on the territory of the municipality.

    With the introduction of municipal environmental control, the following results can be expected:

    An efficiently operating system of environmental management in the city will be created, which will allow pursuing a targeted environmental policy that will steadily reduce the anthropogenic impact on the environment and, accordingly, reduce the mortality and morbidity rates of the population, carry out measures for landscaping and landscaping, improving socio-economic indicators and the quality of life;

    There will be incentives for enterprises through municipal environmental control in the introduction of the latest environmentally efficient technologies, assistance in the development of the market for environmental services and environmental entrepreneurship will reduce the consumption of natural resources, prepare the economy of the municipality for Russia's accession to the WTO and the transition to European standards for the safety of products and processes of its production, will create new workplaces;

    Involvement of the public in solving the environmental problems of the city and planning environmental activities will serve as an incentive for the population to grow environmental culture, civic activity in public control, for the practical participation of residents of the municipality in the implementation of environmental protection measures.

    Coordination of the control activities of federal and regional authorities and administrations within the framework of municipal environmental control in the city can be carried out either in connection with environmental issues to the socio-economic development of the city, or on the basis of an agreement with territorial bodies of federal executive power in the field of environmental protection and nature management. In order to avoid duplication of environmental control functions, taking into account the requirements of the Federal Law "On the Protection of the Rights of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs in the Conduct of State Control (Supervision)" checks.

    Chapter 2. The main directions of work on the implementation of state environmental policy on the example of the municipal formation of the city of Novy Urengoy

    2.1 Mechanisms of economic regulation of issues of implementation of environmental policy (on the example of the municipal formation of the city of Novy Urengoy)

    The economy of nature management is closely related to the economy of the country and forms the initial information about the need to use natural resources in solving problems of the efficiency of production development. The emergence of new tasks for the rational use of natural resources and environmental protection is due to the tangible need for management practices. An integrated program-targeted approach to the development of new forms of ownership and a market economy reflects the interconnection of all sections of the environmental management program. The development of the scientific foundations of the economics of environmental management is facilitated by the development of general schemes for the distribution of productive forces, including regional aspects, production characteristics, resource potentials, etc.

    The economic assessment of the state of pollution and the determination of the main planned indicators for the preservation of a high-quality natural environment make it possible to develop a comprehensive plan for the protection, restoration and improvement of the environment. In its development, it should be based on the estimated minimum justified costs, which should be linked to annual and strategic integrated planning for the future budgets at the local, district and national levels. The higher the national income, the greater the amount that can be allocated for environmental protection.

    Currently, the legal and socio-economic aspects that establish the principles of using the resources of the natural environment have not yet been fully developed. Therefore, there was a mismanagement towards the treasures of nature, towards the operation of machinery, equipment, buildings and structures. To create conditions for the harmonious development of society and nature, implying more and more complete satisfaction of human needs, new socio-economic problems of environmental protection have arisen, for the solution of which resource-saving and environmental protection measures that ensure the preservation of people's health and maintenance of the comfort of their lives have become decisive. The tendency of changes in the indicators of the ecological and economic system should be such that conditions for the preservation of nature for the present and future generations are created.

    From the analysis of the retrospective development of environmental protection measures and resource-saving technologies for the production of consumer goods, it follows that the multibillion-dollar costs for these purposes did not bring the desired results. Environmental and economic efficiency indicators have not improved.

    The main reason for the deterioration of the environmental situation in our country is the lack of a sustainable mechanism that would put the economy of pollution sources depending on environmental and economic standards that determine the types of economic, moral and other incentives for rational resource use and environmental protection measures in conditions of changed forms of ownership of the means of production and natural resources.

    The strategy of socio-economic development, if it takes into account the resources of use, reproduction of the natural environment, should take into account the growth of agricultural, industrial, individual and other products, an increase in the amount of energy produced, the expansion of transport and the service sector, an increase in household comfort, working conditions, etc. The comprehensive development of environmental and resource-saving activities in municipalities, territorial-production complexes, at enterprises should be focused on increasing the indicators of environmental and economic efficiency and meeting the socio-economic needs of a person. In our country, the formation of market relations, the privatization of property, changes in the forms and methods of economic management are taking place, which should contribute to an increase in the environmental and economic efficiency of nature management. The world experience in the construction of environmental facilities indicates that the problems of environmental protection and resource-saving activities in industry, agriculture and the non-production sphere can be successfully solved in the development of territorial planning, within the framework of industrial and social infrastructures, at the level of republics and the country as a whole.

    The environmental policy of the municipality of Novy Urengoy is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources.

    In accordance with the principles of the Concept of the Transition of the Russian Federation to Sustainable Development, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 440 dated April 1, 1996, it seems possible to ensure a balanced solution to socio-economic problems and preserve a favorable environment and natural resource potential in order to ensure a worthy contribution of the municipal education in Novy Urengoy in the desire of the world community to meet the needs of present and future generations, achieving harmony with nature and forming the sphere of reason (noosphere), scientifically substantiated by V.I. Vernadsky.

    Legal basis for municipal environmental control:

    European Charter of Local Self-Government (adopted by the Council of Europe on October 15, 1985 in Strasbourg). Extractions:

    Art. 4. Sphere of competence of local government

    P.1 The main powers and competence of local self-government are established by the constitution or law. However, this provision does not exclude the granting of powers and competence to local governments in accordance with the law for specific purposes.

    A.2. Local self-government bodies, within the limits established by law, have full freedom of action to carry out their own initiatives on any issue that is not excluded from their competence and is not attributed to the competence of another government body.

    A.4. The powers presented to local governments should, as a rule, be complete and exclusive.

    A.5. When delegating authority from central or regional bodies to local self-government bodies, the latter should, as far as possible, have the freedom to apply them in accordance with local conditions.

    A.6. In the planning process and any decisions directly related to local self-government bodies, they are consulted as far as possible - in advance and in the appropriate form.

    Art. 6. Compliance of administrative structures and resources with the tasks of local governments.

    A.1. Without prejudice to broader legal provisions, local governments should be able to determine their own internal administrative structures so that they respond to local needs and ensure effective governance.

    Article 9. Sources of funding for local governments.

    Clause 1 Local governments have the right, within the framework of the national economic policy, to receive sufficient own financial resources, which they can dispose of in the exercise of their functions.

    P.2 The financial resources of local self-government bodies should be commensurate with the powers granted to them under the constitution or law.

    A.6. The procedure for the provision of redistributed funds must be properly coordinated with local authorities.

    2. The Constitution of the Russian Federation. Extractions.

    Article 15. item 4. The generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation are an integral part of the legal system. If an international treaty of the Russian Federation establishes rules other than those provided for by law, then the rules of the international treaty are applied.

    Article 72. item 1. The joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation includes: ... c) issues of ownership, use and disposal of land, subsoil, water and other water resources; e) nature management, environmental protection and environmental safety, specially protected natural areas; j) ... land, water, forestry legislation, legislation on subsoil, on environmental protection; m) the establishment of general principles for the organization of the system ... of local self-government.

    Article 130. item 1. Local self-government in the Russian Federation ensures the independent solution of local issues by the population….

    Article 131. p.2. The structure of local self-government bodies is determined by the population independently.

    Art. 132. p. 1. Bodies of local self-government independently manage municipal property, form, approve and execute the local budget, ... carry out the protection of public order, and also resolve other issues of local importance.

    Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On General Principles of Organization of Legislative (Representative) and Executive Bodies of State Power of Subjects of the Russian Federation". Dated October 6, 1999 No. 184-FZ (in subsequent editions, including the version of the Federal Law dated July 4, 2003 No. 95-FZ).

    Article 1 Principles of activity of state authorities of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    A.1. In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the activities of the authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation are carried out in accordance with the following principles:

    h) independent exercise of their powers by local self-government bodies.

    Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On General Principles of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" dated August 28, 1995 No. 154-FZ (subsequent editions, including the version of the Federal Law dated 08.12.2003, No. 169-FZ). Extractions.

    Article 6. Local self-government subjects.

    A.2. Local self-government issues include:

    Regulation of the planning and development of the territory of the municipality;

    Control over the use of land on the territory of the municipality;

    Regulation of the use of water bodies of local importance, deposits of common minerals, as well as subsoil for the construction of underground structures of local importance;

    Improvement and gardening of the territory of the municipality;

    Organization of utilization and processing of household waste;

    Participation in environmental protection on the territory of the municipality.

    Article 9. State support for local government.

    Federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation create the necessary legal, organizational, material and financial conditions for the formation and development of local self-government and assist the population in exercising the right to local self-government.

    Article 21 Municipal Service.

    A.2. Legal regulation of the municipal service, including the requirements for positions, the status of a municipal employee, the conditions and procedure for passing municipal service, the management of the service is determined by the charter of the municipal formation in accordance with the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and federal law.

    Art. 32. Relations of local governments with enterprises, institutions and organizations that are not in municipal ownership.

    On issues that are not within the competence of local self-government bodies, their relations with enterprises, institutions and organizations that are not in municipal ownership, as well as with individuals, are built on the basis of contracts.

    Local self-government bodies, in accordance with the law, have the right to coordinate the participation of enterprises, institutions and organizations in the complex socio-economic development of the territory of the municipality.

    Art. 44. Binding nature of decisions made by direct expression of the will of citizens, decisions of local government bodies and local government officials.

    A.1. Decisions made by direct expression of the will of citizens, decisions of local self-government bodies and local self-government officials taken within their powers are binding on all enterprises, institutions and organizations located on the territory of the municipality, regardless of organizational and legal forms, as well as local self-government bodies and citizens.

    5.Federal law of the Russian Federation of October 6, 2003. No. 131-FZ "On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation" (as amended by the Federal Law of June 19, 2004, No. 53-FZ).

    Art. 16 clause 1 clause 12: the organization and implementation of environmental control of industrial and social facilities on the territory of the urban okrug, with the exception of objects, the environmental control of which is carried out by federal government bodies, belongs to the issues of local significance of the urban district. The same article provides for the organization of environmental protection measures, the organization of the waste management system, the organization of landscaping and gardening, etc.

    Art. 17, clause 1 establishes that, in order to resolve issues of local importance, local self-government bodies have the authority to issue municipal legal acts, make changes and additions to the charter of the municipality, exercise other powers in accordance with federal law and the charter.

    Article 42. Municipal service.

    Legal regulation of municipal service, including requirements for municipal posts of municipal service, determination of the status of a municipal employee, conditions and procedure for passing municipal service, is carried out by federal law, as well as the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the charters of municipalities adopted in accordance with it.

    Article 43. System of municipal legal acts.

    A.3. The representative body of the municipality, on issues related to its competence by federal laws, the laws of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the charter of the municipality, makes decisions that establish rules that are binding on the territory of the municipality….

    Art. 44. Charter of the municipality.

    The charter of the municipality should determine: ... a list of issues of local importance.

    6. Federal Law of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2002. No. 7-FZ "On environmental protection" (as amended by the Federal Law of August 22, 2004 No. 122-FZ). Extractions.

    Article 7. Powers of local self-government bodies in the field of relations related to environmental protection

    Local issues of the urban district:

    Organization and implementation of environmental control of industrial and social facilities on the territory of the urban district, with the exception of facilities, environmental control of which is carried out by federal executive bodies.

    Article 10. Management in the field of environmental protection is carried out by local governments in accordance with this federal law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, charters of municipalities and regulatory legal acts of local governments.

    Article 68. 1. Municipal environmental control on the territory of the municipality is carried out by local self-government bodies in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and in the manner established by the regulatory legal acts of local self-government bodies

    7.FZ of November 23, 1995. No. 174-FZ "On ecological expertise" (with amendments and additions dated April 15, 1998, as well as in the edition of the Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 No. 122-FZ). Extractions.

    Art. 9. Powers of local self-government bodies, urban districts and municipal districts in the field of environmental expertise.

    1.The powers of local self-government bodies, urban districts and municipal districts in the field of environmental expertise in the relevant territory include:

    Delegation of experts to participate as observers in meetings of expert commissions of the state ecological expertise of objects of ecological expertise in the case of the implementation of these objects in the relevant territory and in the event of a possible impact on the environment of economic and other activities planned by another administrative-territorial unit;

    Adoption and implementation, within the limits of its authority, of decisions on environmental impact assessment based on the results of public discussions, polls, referendums, statements of public organizations (associations), movements, information about the objects of environmental impact assessment;

    Organization of public discussions, conducting polls, referendums among the population on the planned economic and other activities that are subject to environmental expertise;

    Organization of public ecological expertise at the request of the population;

    Informing the federal executive authorities in the field of environmental expertise about the planned economic and other activities on the territory of the corresponding municipal formation;

    Informing the prosecutor's office, federal executive authorities in the field of environmental protection and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation about the beginning of the implementation of the object of environmental impact assessment without a positive conclusion of the state environmental impact assessment;

    Implementation of other powers in this area in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Bodies of local self-government, urban districts and municipal districts have the right to:

    Receive from the relevant state bodies the necessary information on the objects of environmental expertise, the implementation of which may have an impact on the environment within the territory of the municipality, and on the results of the state environmental expertise and public environmental expertise;

    Submit, in writing, to the federal executive authorities in the field of environmental expertise, reasoned proposals on the environmental aspects of the implementation of the planned economic and other activities.

    Municipal environmental control is carried out by the Environmental Protection Department of the Administration of the municipality, which is created by the decision of the representative body of the municipality.

    The activities of the Department are coordinated by the Deputy Head of the Administration of the municipality.

    The Department for Environmental Protection of the Administration of the Municipal Formation (hereinafter referred to as the Department) in the implementation of municipal environmental control is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, international treaties of the Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the Charter and other legal acts of the municipality, as well as this Regulation.

    The list of officials and specialists of the Department authorized to carry out municipal environmental control is approved by the Head of the Administration of the municipality.

    Financing of activities for the implementation of municipal environmental control is made from the local budget.

    According to the Federal Law of October 6, 2003 N 131-FZ "On general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation", Federal Law of January 10, 2002 N 7-FZ "On environmental protection", orders of the Head of the Administration of the municipal formation .Novy Urengoy dated July 5, 2009 N 161-Pr "On the ecological improvement of Novy Urengoy in 2009 - 2011", the Charter of the municipal formation of Novy Urengoy created a municipal target program "Environmental protection in the Urengoy for 2010 - 2012 ".

    The total amount of funding for the activities of the Program and sources is 47308 thousand rubles. (predictively), of which:

    district budget - 20,000 thousand rubles. (predictively);

    municipal budget - 27308 thousand rubles. (predictively), including:

    for 2010 - 5100 thousand rubles. (predictively);

    for 2011 - 13,108 thousand rubles. (predictively);

    for 2012 - 9100 thousand rubles. (predictively).

    The main objectives of the Program: organization of an effective management system in the field of environmental protection, compliance with sanitary and environmental standards when handling production and consumption waste, their rational and cost-effective waste management, the formation of environmental culture and environmental outlook of the population, promotion of environmental knowledge.

    The program activities are aimed at the implementation of tasks in each of the areas. The basis of the Program is a system of interrelated activities, which are linked in terms of resources, performers and timing of the implementation of a complex of regulatory and legal framework, production, socio-economic, organizational, economic and other activities that provide an effective solution to problems in the field of environmental protection.

    The measures stipulate that the main objectives to be achieved as a result of environmental protection work are:

    Reducing anthropogenic impact on the environment;

    Organization of collection and processing of production and consumption waste;

    Creation of environmentally friendly conditions for storage and disposal of waste;

    Raising the level of culture of the population, shaping consciousness in the field of environmental protection.

    As a result of the implementation of the measures, it is predicted:

    To reduce the damage to the environment as a result of the disposal of production and consumption waste, ensuring the solution of the issue of waste disposal in the amount of 434.526 thousand cubic meters. m per year;

    Improve the sanitary and epidemiological situation;

    To raise the level of ecological culture of the population;

    Ensure environmentally friendly disposal of production and consumption waste.

    Children's Ecological Station is the only institution in the city whose activities are aimed at environmental education and upbringing of children, adolescents and environmental education of the population of the Municipal Formation of the city of Novy Urengoy, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

    The municipal educational institution of additional education for children "Children's Ecological Station" was created on the basis of the city station of young naturalists in accordance with the order of the City Department of Public Education of Novy Urengoy on 01.11.1988.

    Children's Ecological Station is an institution of additional education for children, engaged in environmental education and education of the younger generation, by creating conditions:

    for the disclosure, development and satisfaction of the interests of children in ecological, aesthetic and naturalistic work;

    the formation of interest in biological sciences, ecology, experimental research activities;

    education of respect for nature, involvement of children and adolescents in nature conservation activities.

    Pupils of DES study in various schools of the city and have the opportunity to receive a wide range of educational services for harmonious self-development, but only the Children's Ecological Station has the necessary conditions to ensure direct communication of the child with nature, its living objects, in the harsh climate of the Far North. The study of the social order for additional educational services showed that parents, especially in families with low and middle incomes, are interested in additional education, upbringing and development of children communication with living objects of the DES zoo corner), the DES team tries to satisfy as much as possible the social order of the population and educational institutions of the city for additional educational services, to implement in the institution an educational system that contributes to the moral and civic formation and development of children and students.

    Thus, the current federal and regional legislation directly provides for the possibility of considering, adopting and enacting the Regulation on municipal environmental control. The approval of the Regulation by a decision of the local representative body is made after the introduction and approval by it of additions to the Charter of the municipal formation, providing for the classification of the organization of municipal environmental control as issues of local importance, the creation of an appropriate subdivision in the structure of the city administration.

    2.2 Analysis of the effectiveness of environmental protection measures for 2007-2009. (on the example of the municipality of Novy Urengoy)

    Analysis of the state of the environment shows that there has not yet been an improvement in the ecological situation in the city: urban areas are used irrationally, the total number of green spaces is decreasing, and the proportion of degraded trees and shrubs is increasing. Despite a sharp drop in the mass of emissions from transport, there is no improvement in the quality of atmospheric air, which is due to the poor technical condition of vehicles and the fact that the increase in the city's car park is not accompanied by adequate road construction and traffic management measures. There is no full-fledged legislative base to ensure the greening of economic activities; an effective economic mechanism has not been created to stimulate resource conservation, the introduction of environmentally friendly technologies and the reduction of production waste. The totality of the complex of these problems causes concern of the townspeople.

    According to the data provided by the Department of Natural Resources in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, most of the pollutants entering the main waterway of the Ob, as well as its tributaries, are aggravated by oil, oil products, phenols, and heavy metals. Among them are mercury, lead, tin, strontium, manganese - only ten names. The mass of pollutants discharged into the water bodies of the district in 2009 amounted to approximately 17,177 tons.

    Also last year, gross emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere amounted to more than 818,574 tons. Of these, the lion's share falls on stationary sources, that is, at enterprises of the oil and gas complex, such as OJSC Rosneft-Purneftegaz, LLC Nadym Gazprom, OJSC Sibneft-Noyabrskneftegaz, LLC Urengoy-Gazprom, LLC Tyumengazstroy ... Oil and gas enterprises account for 61 percent of air emissions of pollutants, the main ones being sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbon oxide, nitrogen oxides, volatile organic compounds, solids, hydrocarbons, etc.

    The most important source of air pollution in our region is the burning of natural gas in flares. The number of flares on the territory of the Okrug is 1,110 units, gas flare units - 70 units. The existing level of atmospheric air pollution in the area is formed due to emissions from the operated compressor stations Novourengoyskaya Urengoysky LPU 000 Tyumentransgaz and KS-00 Novourengoysky LPU of the Noyabrsk Trunk Pipeline Administration Surgutgazprom and pollution generated by long-distance transport from industrial areas across the territory ) Novy Urengoy.

    The background air pollution in Novy Urengoy was adopted in accordance with the "Guidelines for the control of atmospheric pollution RD.52.04.186-89" (Moscow, Goskomgidromet, 1991) as for cities with a population of up to 250 thousand people, and is the following values:

    For nitrogen dioxide - 0.03 mg / m3;

    For carbon monoxide - 1.5 mg / m3;

    For sulfur dioxide - 0.05 mg / m3;

    In 2009, discharges of pollutants from mobile sources, that is, from vehicles, amounted to 132,962 tons, which is 16 percent of all gross emissions. This year it is expected to increase by another 13 percent, as the number of cars in the district has increased. Thus, according to the traffic police of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District, at the beginning of this year, 142,368 wheeled vehicles were already registered in the district. Emissions from mobile sources mean all types of transport: road; railway, air, river. But the lion's share, of course, falls on the automobile - 78 percent, the main pollutants: carbon monoxide, soot, lead compounds and others.

    According to the data of the state statistical observation, more than 333 thousand tons of waste was formed at the enterprises of the district (meaning production and consumption waste), of which the main part - 83 percent - falls on the share of the oil and gas complex: LLC "Service Drilling Company" - 79,981 tons, LLC Sibneft-Noyabrskneftegaz - 37282, LLC Yamburggazdobycha - 17810. The total amount of waste per year in the district is 878 thousand tons, of which 218 thousand are toxic waste. Behind these figures is the rejection of reindeer pastures, the reduction of the forest fund, and environmental pollution.

    Highly qualified specialists of OAO GazpromDobychaUrengoy are involved in solving environmental problems, scientists from the branch institutes VNIIGAZ, TyumenNIIgiprogaz and other scientific organizations of various ministries and departments are involved.

    The main goal of scientific research today is the creation of environmentally friendly technologies and equipment.

    A sectoral system of industrial environmental monitoring is being created for emissions of harmful substances and wastewater discharges, for the state of air, water environment and soils in the area of ​​operation of OJSC Gazprom DobychaUrengoy.

    OJSC GazpromDobychaUrengoy protects tundra landscapes by reducing land losses during pipeline construction, the field is being drilled by the cluster method (3 - 7 wells in the cluster), the use of high-performance equipment, compact gas processing plant, reliable gas transmission systems. Restores disturbed lands, uses modern biotechnology to clean up pollution. Total on the balance sheet of the society - 23747.94 hectares of land.

    OJSC GazpromDobychaUrengoy protects rivers and lakes from industrial wastewater pollution by burying them in the Cenomanian absorbing horizon; for this purpose, a specialized landfill has been created at the field. With the direct participation of specialists of the department, the "Regulations on hydrogeoecological control at the Urengoy specialized industrial waste injection site" have been developed. The main result of the work performed was that the removal of more than 20 million m3 of industrial wastewater under the gas reservoir over 22 years of operation of the Urengoyskoye field prevented their pollution of the earth's surface, rivers, lakes and drinking groundwater, i.e. prevented a real ecological disaster for a large region with a very vulnerable natural environment. A regulatory and legal framework has been created to justify the construction and operation of specialized landfills for underground disposal of industrial wastewater, which made it possible to exempt GazpromDobychaUrengoy from annual payments for wastewater disposal.

    The problem of permafrost thawing in the area of ​​the MPC is being solved by carrying out a comprehensive assessment of the current situation (the state of gas pipelines and the natural environment) based on the results, a decision was made on the need and possibility of gas cooling. There are currently four gas cooling stations (GOC) operating at the field at the CGTU 11, 12, 13, 15.

    When designing roads, the following environmental protection solutions are envisaged:

    The subgrade is designed in such a way as to exclude a possible violation of the thermal regime of the existing soils at the base of the subgrade and the adjacent strip (dumping of the subgrade from the quarry, and the lower part is poured over the frozen base while maintaining the mossy cover in an undisturbed state);

    Locations and openings of artificial structures ensure the preservation of drainage conditions after the construction of highways, which excludes a negative impact on the environment;

    Upon completion of the construction of highways, land allotted for temporary use is reclaimed: the road strip.

    The basis for environmental protection during the construction of electrochemical protection means is the mandatory observance of environmental protection requirements at all stages of work with land reclamation after their completion.

    Let us analyze the effectiveness of the environmental measures taken in the municipality of Novy Urengoy for the period from May 2009 to May 2010.

    Created by the administration of the city of Novy Urengoy, the municipal system for ensuring environmental safety in the city, which includes the Department for Environmental Protection and Natural Resources and the municipal institution "City Department for Analytical and Operational Quality Control of the Environment", which monitors the reliability of charging for normative and over-normative pollution of the natural environment and the spending of these funds for their intended purpose, is working to increase the revenues of these funds to the budget.

    The main task of the municipal institution "City Department of Analytical and Operational Quality Control of the Environment" is to accumulate and control the spending of funds to finance activities in the field of environmental protection in the city.

    The main source of receipt of these funds is the payment of enterprises, institutions, organizations for emissions, discharges of pollutants, waste disposal and other types of environmental pollution within the established standards and limits.

    Environmental management consists in the development and implementation by local government bodies of measures aimed at implementing a strategy in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources. It is known that the effectiveness of any activity largely depends on the effectiveness of the management structure, and environmental protection in the municipalities of the Russian Federation is no exception. At the same time, management in the field of environmental protection has a number of features: objective, due to the socio-economic conditions of the regions; subjective - political processes, reorganization of state bodies and changes in the regulatory framework.

    In order to address the issues of preservation, improvement of the quality of the environment and improvement of the ecological situation of the city, topical for the city of Novy Urengoy, the Department has strengthened work to ensure environmental safety in the city as part of the implementation of systematic environmental monitoring, combined with inspections of compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation.

    The number of inspections of compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation (692 inspections) carried out by the Department's employees in 2009 increased by 2.4 times in comparison with the same period in 2008. The largest number of inspections (57%) were carried out at the request of citizens.

    Tab. 1


    2009 as of 24.04.09

    In total, inspections were carried out, including:

    According to the requirements of supervisory authorities

    At the request of citizens

    Raids as part of administrative commissions

    Based on the results of the control activities

    Drew up protocols on administrative offenses

    Fines accrued (thousand rubles)

    Unauthorized objects identified:

    Of them dismantled

    As of April 24, 2010, the number of administrative offense reports drawn up by the Department's employees increased 1.4 times in comparison with the previous year, following the consideration of which fines were charged in the amount of 597.9 thousand rubles. (indicator of 2008).

    Based on the results of the measures taken to ensure environmental safety in 2009, the number of orders issued to eliminate detected violations was increased by 3.7 times, sent to law enforcement agencies and state structures of inspection materials by 1.7 times compared to 2008.

    As part of the work carried out, as part of the commission for the release of unauthorized land plots, the demolition of unauthorized buildings and the transfer of other objects in 201, the employees of the Department identified 57 unauthorized objects, of which 29 objects were dismantled. As of April 24, 2010, 32 unauthorized objects were identified, of which 18 were dismantled (78%).

    The receipts of targeted environmental funds for 2008-2009 are shown in Table 2 and Fig. 1.

    Receipt of targeted environmental funds in the city budget for 2008-2009

    Continuous implementation of municipal environmental monitoring, combined with inspections of compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation, led to the receipt of revenues in the budget of the city of Novy Urengoy by 27% compared to the same previous period, including: by 23% in payments for negative environmental impact, by 72% on fees for services received by the Office.

    Fig. 1. Receipt of funds for environmental pollution in 2008 - 2009

    The increase in revenues is primarily due to:

    more complete accounting of users of natural resources, clarification of the volumes of pollution when calculating payments;

    the introduction and implementation of such an effective measure as control over the reliability of initial data based on reconciliation of payments against the primary environmental protection and accounting documentation available at enterprises.

    inflation rate.

    In general, in 2009, the Department provided the city budget with revenues in the amount of 94.7 million rubles, the implementation of the annual plan is 104.9%, including:

    Payments for negative impact on the environment - 84.8 million rubles. (104.4% of the annual plan),

    Payment for services received by the Department - 9.8 million rubles. (109.6% of the annual plan).

    In addition, in 2009, 5.3 million rubles were additionally attracted to the city budget. in the form of fines, voluntary compensation for environmental damage, sponsorship contributions, which is 204% more than in 2008.

    In the first quarter of 2010, the fulfillment of the plan for payment for services received by the Department is 238% (1,547 rubles), 849,960 thousand rubles were additionally attracted to the city budget.

    In 2009, the municipal order, provided within the framework of budgetary funds, was placed and executed in full.

    For the first time in the city of Novy Urengoy, in addition to measures to identify and suppress illegal demolition of green spaces, work has begun to increase and qualitatively improve the green fund of the city. In order to improve the ecological situation and improve the environment, work is underway to develop a long-term target program "Preservation and development of green spaces in the city of Novy Urengoy." The adoption of this program will ensure the growth of the pace and quality of landscaping in combination with the comprehensive improvement of the city, improving the quality of the urban environment, improving living and recreation conditions for the population, preserving and developing socially significant green areas of common use.

    The provision of a stable income to the budget of the city of Novy Urengoy, as well as the adoption of the general plan of the municipality, made it possible to substantiate the increase in the expenditure side of the budget of the city of Vladivostok under the section "Environmental Protection" from 1.2 million rubles. in 2009 to 8.946 million rubles. in 2010, which in turn will increase the number of measures taken in the field of environmental protection.

    There is a tendency for more active cooperation of the Department with public environmental organizations in the implementation of environmental projects.


    Ensuring the environmental safety of the regions of the Russian Federation and the constitutional rights of the population to a favorable environment is currently impossible without the creation of modern mechanisms for regulating nature management and environmental activities at the municipal level. The division of environmental protection activities at the federal level among several authorized bodies currently creates obstacles to the implementation of effective management and control in the field of environmental management. The authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and especially local governments are poorly involved in these processes due to the limitations of their powers.

    Local governments, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, are entrusted with the authority to organize waste management, participate in the state environmental expertise procedure in order to protect the interests of the population, issue approvals for the provision of land plots for mining, ensure environmental safety in the construction and development of systems engineering communications.

    The main goal of the policy of the municipality of Novy Urengoy in the field of improving the environmental management system and ensuring environmental safety is to realize the rights of city residents to a favorable environment, its protection from negative impacts caused by economic and other activities, improvement and improvement of the quality of the environment for the transition from the elimination of the consequences of pollution to its prevention.

    Environmental management is among the highest overall priorities for city management. The environmental management system of the municipality of Novy Urengoy ensures the order and consistency of resolving environmental issues on the territory through the allocation of resources, the distribution of responsibilities and the constant assessment of methods, procedures and processes. The environmental management system introduced as one of the management elements is a sign of good management of the territory and increases its investment attractiveness. Implementing environmental management with maximum capacity prevents environmental disasters.

    The basic principles of environmental management are defined by GOST R ISO 14001, which establishes requirements for the environmental management system in order to implement the environmental policy of the territory and achieve target indicators, taking into account the requirements of environmental legislation and taking into account the results of environmental monitoring. In general, the environmental management system includes the following elements:

    Optimization of the control system and prevention of impacts on various components of the environment;

    Carrying out a regime for saving energy and using natural resources;

    Prevention and limitation of abnormal incidents;

    Public awareness, training and participation in environmental issues;

    Informing public organizations about the impact on the environment and on issues related to the state of the environment.

    The executive bodies of state power of the municipality of Novy Urengoy should periodically analyze and evaluate the current environmental management system in order to identify favorable opportunities for its improvement. The environmental management system is a tool that allows you to achieve the level of environmental performance that it has established for itself, and systematically monitor it.

    All sectoral executive bodies of state power of the Moscow region of Novy Urengoy, responsible within their competence for the entire range of issues related to environmental safety and environmental protection, should participate in the implementation of the environmental policy of the municipality of Novy Urengoy.

    In order to improve the environmental management system and ensure environmental safety, the author of the thesis proposes the following activities:

    To develop and introduce a system of target and planned environmental indicators as quantitative criteria for the environmental efficiency of the policy pursued by the executive bodies of the municipal formation of Novy Urengoy;

    To inform the heads of the sectoral executive bodies of state power of the municipal formation of the city of Novy Urengoy, ordinary employees "The main directions of the activity of the Administration of the municipal formation of the city of Novy Urengoy";

    Develop projects of targeted programs financed from the budget of the municipal formation of Novy Urengoy in the prescribed manner, aimed at ensuring environmental safety and environmental protection;

    Create the Eco-Audit Chamber of the municipal formation of Novy Urengoy under the auspices of the Administration of the municipal formation of Novy Urengoy.

    List of sources and literature used

    Normative legal acts

    1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation. - M: Legal lit. - 1993 .-- 64 p.

    2. Russian Federation. The laws. On subsoil: the law of the Russian Federation of 02.21.1992 N 2395-1 // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 1995. - N 10. - Art. 823.

    3. Russian Federation. The laws. On the ratification of the Convention on Biological Diversity: Federal Law of 17.02.1995. N 16-ФЗ // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 1995. - N 8. - Art. 601.

    4. Russian Federation. The laws. On the animal world: federal law of 24.04.1995. N 52-FZ // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 1995. - N 17. - Art. 1462.

    5. Russian Federation. The laws. On compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases: Federal Law of July 24, 1998 N 125-FZ // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 1998. - N 31. - Art. 3803.

    6. Russian Federation. The laws. On the general principles of the organization of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Federal Law of 06.10.1999 N 184-FZ (as amended on 05.04.2010) // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1999.- N 42. - Art. 5005.

    7. Russian Federation. The laws. On environmental protection: federal law of 10.01.2002 N 7-FZ // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - N 6. - 2002.

    8. Russian Federation. The laws. On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation: Federal Law of 06.10.2003 N 131-FZ // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2003. - N 40. - Art. 3822.

    9. Russian Federation. The laws. Water Code of the Russian Federation: Federal Law of 03.06.2006 N 74-FZ // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2006. - N 23. - Art. 2381.

    10. Russian Federation. The laws. Forest Code of the Russian Federation: Federal Law of 04.12.2006 N 200-FZ // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - N 277. - 2006.

    11. Russian Federation. Government. On the Environmental Doctrine of the Russian Federation: Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 31, 2002 N 1225-r // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 2002. - N 36. - Art. 3510.

    12. Russian Federation. The president. On the system and structure of federal executive bodies: decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 9, 2004 N 314 // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - 2004 .-- 17.04.

    13. Russian Federation. Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. Regulations on the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia for the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Approved by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation dated 05.17.2002 No. 266 [Electronic resource] / Access mode: // # "1.files / image002.jpg">

    Rice. 2. The main functions of the Department of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources Management
    See: Russian Federation. Government. On the Environmental Doctrine of the Russian Federation: Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 31, 2002 N 1225-r // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2002. No. 36. Art. 3510. See: N.I. Laptev. Environmental program as one of the conditions for sustainable development of the region // Problems of interaction between nature and society. Tomsk, 2009.S. 4-5.

    See: Russian Federation. The laws. On subsoil: the law of the Russian Federation of 02.21.1992 N 2395-1 // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1995. N 10. Art. 823.

    See: Russian Federation. The laws. Forest Code of the Russian Federation: Federal Law of 04.12.2006 N 200-FZ // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. N 277.2006.

    See: Russian Federation. The laws. Water Code of the Russian Federation: Federal Law of 03.06.2006 N 74-FZ // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2006. N 23. Art. 2381.

    See: Russian Federation. The laws. On the animal kingdom: federal law of 24.04.1995. N 52-FZ // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1995. N 17. Art. 1462.

    See: A. Pozdeeva Ecology under reliable control // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Special issue "Chemical disarmament". No. 5076 (252). 29.12. 2009.

    See: S. Tarakanov, Millions for Ejection. Compensation for negative impact on the environment is used irrationally // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. Sakhalin. No. 4701. 08.July. 2008.

    See: The Federation Council held parliamentary hearings on the development of the regulatory framework in the field of environmental insurance. - Access mode: # "#_ ftnref23" name = "_ ftn23" title = ""> See: In 2010, the Kirov region will receive 14.8 million rubles for the protection of water bodies. - Access mode: # "#_ ftnref24" name = "_ ftn24" title = ""> See: Russian Federation. The laws. On environmental protection: federal law of 10.01.2002 N 7-FZ // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. No. 6.2002.

    See: Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 114.

    See: Russian Federation. The president. On the system and structure of federal executive bodies: decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 9, 2004 N 314 // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 2004.17.04.

    See: Russian Federation. The president. On the system and structure of federal executive bodies: decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 9, 2004 N 314 // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. 2004.17.04.

    See: Russian Federation. The laws. On compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases: Federal Law of July 24, 1998 N 125-FZ // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1998. N 31. Art. 3803.

    See: Russian Federation. The laws. On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation: Federal Law of 06.10.2003 N 131-FZ // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2003. No. 40. Art. 3822.

    See: Current archive of the Environmental Protection Administration of the municipality of Novy Urengoy.

    See: Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Administration of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District. On the approval of the departmental target program "Scientific support of measures to ensure a stable and safe environmental situation in the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the conditions of active technogenic impact in the period 2009-2011: Resolution of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug of December 25, 2008 N 720-A [Electronic resource] / Access mode: // # "#_ ftnref33" name = "_ ftn33" title = ""> Quote: Rational use of natural resources should be understood as a system of public events aimed at systematic maintenance and enhancement of natural resources, improvement of the production foundations of soil productivity, water, air, plants, animals and other factors of production.

    See: Constitution of the Russian Federation. 1993 Article 15.

    See: Russian Federation. The laws. On the general principles of the organization of legislative (representative) and executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation: Federal Law of 06.10.1999 N 184-FZ (as amended on 05.04.2010) // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 1999. N 42. Art. 5005.

    See: Russian Federation. The laws. On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation: Federal Law of 06.10.2003 N 131-FZ // Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2003. N 40. Art. 3822.

    See: Charter of the Moscow region of Novy Urengoy. Approved. By the decision of the City Assembly dated 28.12.1998 № 147 // Pravda Severa. March 31. 2007.S. 4-11.

    See: Russian Federation. The laws. On environmental protection: federal law of 10.01.2002 N 7-FZ // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. No. 6.2002.

    See: Municipal formation of Novy Urengoy. Mayor. On the ecological improvement of the city of Novy Urengoy in 2009 - 2011: order of the Head of the Administration of the municipal formation of the city of Novy Urengoy dated July 5, 2009 N 161-Pr // Pravda Severa. 2009.02.07.

    See: Ibid.

    See: Environmental policy of Gazprom DobychaUrengoy [Electronic resource] / Access mode: // # "#_ ftnref42" name = "_ ftn42" title = ""> See: L. Galaktionova Our home is a habitat // Pravda Severa. 2009.15.06. P. 2.

    See: L. Galaktionova Let's live cleaner and quieter // Pravda Severa. 2008.12.04. P. 1.

    Work description

    In this course project, I conveyed the need to comply with ecology when making municipal decisions. In Chapter 1, I showed the ecological situation of cities and other settlements, and also put at the forefront the question of the emergence and solution of the ecological problems of cities.
    Chapter 2 examined the regulatory legal acts that need to be guided by the municipal authorities when making decisions, including the direction in which our state policy is going in this area, as well as the solution of the environmental issue by the authorities of local self-regulation.

    Introduction …………………………………………………………………. …… .2
    Chapter 1. Ecological situation and ecological problems of cities. …… .2
    Chapter 2. Normative and legislative regulation of the implementation of the state environmental policy at the municipal level ... …… .4

    2.1. Goals, directions, tasks and principles of the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of ecology in the Russian Federation ………… .4

    2.2. Goals and objectives of the municipal environmental policy ......................... 11
    2.3 Decision-making on environmental protection management ... ........ 12
    2.4 Basis for improving environmental management at the municipal level ........................................ ............................................... 24
    Chapter 3. Personal view of the problem of ecological regulation on the scale of the village. ………………………………………………………… ..... 27
    Conclusion................................................. .................................................. ....... 29
    Bibliography................................................ ............................................thirty

    Files: 1 file


    Federal State Educational Institution

    higher professional education

    "State University of Management"

    Institute for Innovative Economic Management

    Department of Appraisal and Property Management


    on the topic:




                      3rd year student

                      full-time education

                      A.V. Vasiliev


                      Professor, Doctor of Economics. sciences

                      R.B. Novouzov

    Moscow city


    Introduction………………………………………………………… ………….…….2

    Chapter 1... Ecological situation and ecological problems of cities. …… .2

    Chapter 2. Normative and legislative regulation of the implementation of the state environmental policy at the municipal level ... …… .4

    2.1 ... Goals, directions, tasks and principles of the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of ecology in the Russian Federation ………… .4

    2.2. Goals and objectives of the municipal environmental policy ...................... ... 11

    2.3 Decision-making on environmental protection management ... ........ 12

    2.4 Basis for improving environmental management at the municipal level .............................. ........... ................... ........................... 24

    Chapter 3. A personal look at the task of ecological regulation on the scale of the village. ………………………………………………………… ..... 27

    Conclusion .............................. .............................. .............................. ................29

    Bibliography .............................. .............................. .............................. ..30


    In this course project, I conveyed the need to comply with ecology when making municipal decisions. In Chapter 1, I showed the ecological situation of cities and other settlements, and also put at the forefront the question of the emergence and solution of the ecological problems of cities.

    Chapter 2 examined the normative legal acts that need to be guided by the municipal authorities when making decisions, including the direction in which our state policy in this area is going, as well as the solution of the environmental issue by the local self-regulation authorities.

    In Chapter 3, I presented my personal view of the ecological situation in the village of Ilyinsky, Moscow Region, where I live, and also expressed several rational ideas for modernizing environmental policy at the local government level.

    Chapter 1. Ecological situation and ecological problems of cities

    The state of the environment is one of the most important parameters that determine the quality of life of the population on the territory of the municipality. The ecological safety of the territory is an essential component of public safety, therefore, the municipal government, especially in cities with an unfavorable ecological situation, must develop and implement a local environmental policy, coordinated with the environmental policy of the state and aimed at protecting the environment from adverse man-made influences. The implementation of an effective municipal environmental policy has a positive effect on the environmental situation not only in a particular municipality, but also in the region and in the state as a whole. And vice versa, a municipality with an unfavorable environmental situation, as a subsystem of the state and the region, has the right to count on the participation of the state and on the attraction of its resources to correct a particular situation.
    The severity of environmental problems, the need to ensure environmental safety and rational use of natural resources are already recognized throughout the world. The aim of the state policy of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection and nature management is a balanced solution of socio-economic and environmental problems in the interests of present and future generations.
    Enterprises that extract and process minerals destroy the soil layer, pollute it with waste, violate the groundwater regime, and sometimes completely destroy small rivers. Energy utilities that use a variety of fuels are the largest sources of air pollution. Industrial enterprises using backward technologies that do not provide an integrated and waste-free (or low-waste) use of all types of resources, pollute the air basin, water bodies and the soil layer with various types of industrial waste. This is especially true for enterprises in the chemical, metallurgical and some other industries. At the same time, one cannot fail to note the desire of individual economic entities to get the most from the use of the natural resources of the respective territories with a minimum of responsibility for the state of the natural environment.
    Automobile transport is a particularly dangerous air pollutant, since it operates in the immediate vicinity of residential buildings and crowded places.
    The ecological situation is characterized by the following components:
    - the ecological capacity of the territory of the municipality, which is understood as the ability of nature to overcome adverse effects and ensure the reproduction of existing natural systems. A single criterion for the ecological capacity has not been developed, but a system of criteria can be used that makes it possible to determine, although approximate, but based on real indicators, the limits of the permissible total anthropogenic load on specific territories. Assessment of the ecological capacity of the territory is the task of special studies and services, and the application of the results obtained by these services is one of the most important elements of the municipal environmental policy;
    - the impact of the environmental situation on the health of the population. It is highly dependent on the environmental situation in general and is itself an indicator of the quality of the local habitat. The connection between many diseases and the quality of the environment has been irrefutably proven;
    - a set of factors that determine a specific environmental situation in the municipality. This list is specific to each locality, although it consists of general factors. The identification and consideration of specific factors that have determined a particular environmental situation in a municipality is a prerequisite for the development of a municipal environmental policy. For this purpose, the structure of the economy of the municipality is analyzed, trends in the resource intensity of enterprises are determined, the volumes of waste entering the environment, the size of territories requiring reclamation, the level of concentration of anthropogenic impacts is estimated, local reserves (or their absence) are identified when characterizing the ecological capacity of territories, research is carried out. and ranking the main causes of environmental distress.
    There are five degrees of trouble and severity of the ecological situation in the municipality:
    1) relatively satisfactory;
    2) tense;
    3) critical (pre-crisis);
    4) crisis - a zone of an environmental emergency;
    5) catastrophic - an ecological disaster zone.

    Chapter 2. Normative and legislative regulation of the implementation of state environmental policy at the municipal level.

    2.1 Goals, directions, tasks and principles of the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of ecology in the Russian Federation.

    The entry into force of the amendments to the federal legislation on January 1, 2005 was a notable event in public life and the next step in the development of the management system and environmental protection.

    State and regional environmental policy is an independent sphere of public life in the field of environmental protection and natural resources, the pinnacle of the state's environmental function. The main parameters for characterizing environmental policy are: balance of interests, goals, principles, directions, functions, tasks, thematic sections, tools (mechanism, means, provision, levers), forms, indicators, priorities, problems, leaders, theorists and practitioners, legal base 1

    Understanding environmental policy in a broad sense combines political, sociological, economic and other aspects of this phenomenon. legal in its content.

    For the development of civil society as a condition for the implementation of state policy in the field of ecology, it is necessary to improve legislation: to create legal conditions that allow citizens to participate in the adoption and implementation of environmentally significant decisions, including through surveys, public hearings, public examinations and referendums; in order to develop public environmental control, including public inspections.1

    The main parameters for characterizing environmental policy are: balance of interests, goals, principles, directions, functions, tasks, thematic sections, tools (mechanism, means, provision, levers), forms, indicators, priorities, problems, leaders, theorists and practitioners, legal the foundation.

    Understanding environmental policy in a broad sense combines political, sociological, economic and other aspects of this phenomenon. The problems of environmental policy, its content, the question of how the actual actions of the authorities correspond to the declared goals, the question of the difference between the declaration and reality is the subject of a separate study, mostly not legal in its content.

    The strategic goal of the state policy in the field of ecology according to the "Ecological Doctrine of the Russian Federation" 2 is to preserve natural systems, maintain their integrity and life-supporting functions for sustainable development of society, improve the quality of life, improve the health of the population and the demographic situation, and ensure the country's environmental safety.

    State and regional environmental policy is an independent sphere of public life in the field of environmental protection and natural resources, the pinnacle of the state's environmental function.

    The law establishes the presumption of the potential environmental hazard of any planned economic and other activity. A conscientious initiator should act in accordance with accepted social norms, including ensuring that his activities comply with the state environmental policy. Politics has a large degree of autonomy and has a strong impact on the economy and other spheres of society. In this regard, the practical significance of the issue under consideration is directly manifested.

    In accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, States have the sovereign right to develop their own resources in accordance with their environmental policies and are responsible for ensuring that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not harm the environment of other States. or areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction (Convention on Biological Diversity, ratified by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated 17.02.95 No. 16-FZ1).

    Abroad, the terms “policy in the field of sustainable development” are used as close in meaning to the term “environmental policy”, and the name “political ecology” is a special educational and scientific direction.

    The modern environmental policy of Russia has come a long way in its formation. At the same time, the history of its development clearly demonstrated to us that the implementation of environmental policy depends not only on the implementation of its directions in regulations, but also directly on the level of legal awareness and culture of society.

    The subjective factors influencing the implementation of environmental policy include: the level of legal awareness and environmental awareness of a person, the level of legal culture and environmental culture of society; the development of democratic principles in society, contributing to the active participation of the population and the individual in governing the state and decision-making, the level of social and legal activity of citizens, etc. Modern scientists have repeatedly expressed their position on the unpreparedness of Russian society for the transition to a qualitatively new level of relations with the environment. Indeed, the perception of environmental policy issues directly depends on a number of factors, which must be considered in the context of a particular level of mass culture and the readiness of society to perceive new trends in the modern world.

    A concentrated expression of the theoretical provisions in the field of environmental protection in Russia today is the Environmental Doctrine, approved by the Government Decree of August 31, 2002 N 1225-r.1 It defines the goals, directions, tasks and principles of the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of ecology in the Russian Federation. for the long term. According to the Doctrine, the main priorities of modern environmental policy are:

    Priority for society of the life-supporting functions of the biosphere in relation to the direct use of its resources;

    Equitable distribution of income from the use of natural resources;

    Prevention of negative environmental consequences as a result of economic activities, accounting for remote environmental consequences;

    Refusal from economic and other projects related to the impact on natural systems, if their consequences are unpredictable for the environment;

    Use of natural resources on a paid basis and compensation to the population and the environment for damage caused as a result of violation of legislation on environmental protection;

    Openness of environmental information: participation of civil society, self-government bodies and business circles in the preparation, discussion, adoption and implementation of decisions in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources;

    Sustainable development, which provides for equal attention to its economic, social and environmental components, and the recognition of the impossibility of the development of human society with the degradation of nature.

    Thus, the main priorities of modern environmental policy can be criteria for Russia's transition to sustainable development, postulated in the Concept of the Russian Federation's transition to sustainable development. At the same time, it is worth agreeing with the opinion of those scientists who believe that the environmental and legal culture of modern Russian society does not correspond to the principles of sustainable development. Thus, in one of his interviews, MV Zakharov said that “Russian society does not fully understand what place environmental problems occupy in the spectrum of difficulties facing the country today” .1

    At the sub-legal level, the terms “state environmental policy in the regions of the North”, “the main directions of regional policy in the field of environmental safety and environmental protection” (the same for the Federation and the constituent entities of the Federation), “state policy and legal regulation in the field of environmental management, environmental protection and environmental safety ”,“ unified scientific and technical policy in the field of environmental protection ”.2