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  • Methodical recommendations “The role of the class teacher in the prevention of accidents and child injuries. Educational system for the prevention and prophylaxis of offenses and crimes in the environment of Nesov - Educational work - Regional

    Methodical recommendations “The role of the class teacher in the prevention of accidents and child injuries.  Educational system for the prevention and prophylaxis of offenses and crimes in the environment of Nesov - Educational work - Regional

    Analysis of work on the prevention and prevention of offenses.

    The school has developed and operates a system of work on the prevention and prevention of offenses.
    The work is carried out in a number of areas:
    Identification of children and families in need of special assistance. Studying this contingent of students, identifying problems.
    Coordination and implementation of preventive activities.
    Implementation of individual student support programs.
    In the institution for the academic year, a social passport of the school was drawn up (in accordance with the social cards of each class).
    The data from the school's social passport for the academic year indicate an increase in the number of single-parent families (122 single-parent families), insufficient parental attention and care in the education and upbringing of children and, as a result, an increase in the number of families in a socially dangerous situation (16 families) and, as a result, students of the “risk group” (17 students are at the Higher School of Economics, 4 of which are registered with the PDN).
    At school, preventive work is carried out through:
    Implementation of preventive measures ("Good habits" - grade 4, grade 6; "Childhood without alcohol" - grade 7, grade 8; "All colors except black" - grades 2-4; "School without tobacco" - grades 7-10; "School of Mutual Understanding" - grades 8-10; "Learning to communicate" - grades 5-6; "Planet of Tolerance" - grades 5-10).
    The system of additional education (circles, sports sections), which ensure the employment of students. There are 7 circles in the school in different directions: the sports club "Me and my health" - children learn complexes of exercises to strengthen their health, get acquainted with the elements of massage; circles of artistic creativity - "The World of Fairy Tales", "In the World of Books", "In the World of Theater", where children not only travel through fairy tales, but also feel themselves as fairy-tale characters; "Skillful hands" and "Fun workshop", the main task of which is the development of general and fine motor skills of students, where children create extraordinary crafts from the simplest materials, developing an aesthetic taste; ecological - biological circle "Floriculture", to instill a love for nature, native land, the main task of this circle.
    For several years, a historical and literary museum has been operating, which covers the history of the Oryol region. The students themselves are the guides of the museum. They are very responsible for conducting excursions for school students, OSU students, teachers, parents.
    Organization of a system of practical conversations at classroom hours, communication hours, school-wide meetings.
    Spending months on the formation of a healthy lifestyle and the prevention of delinquency.
    Interdepartmental interaction is carried out: planning of joint work with the PDN inspector; interaction with specialist doctors.
    Classroom hours, conversations, meetings with the PDN inspector, classes in circle activities, participation in quizzes, health holidays, school-wide events helped to improve the psychological and socio-pedagogical support of the educational process.

    Measures of pedagogical influence:

    The school holds weekly disciplinary lines, which summarize the results of the week according to the "Disciplinary calendar", according to the points: changeable shoes, missing and late for lessons, culture of behavior, bad habits.
    For active participation in school-wide work, creative and sports activities, success in study, work, children are awarded with letters of gratitude, souvenirs. For students, school-wide holidays are held: "Bread is the head of everything", "Maslenitsa", "Watching the formation and songs", "School around the world" and many others.

    Individual work with children at risk:

    An individual correctional program is drawn up for each student of the "risk group" and includes the following sections:
    1. Information about the child and his parents;
    2. Psychological and pedagogical study of the student;
    3. Organization of psychological, social assistance;
    4. Organization of the student's free time;
    5. Accounting and results of work.
    This direction is the most important, as it is aimed at providing specific assistance to the child.
    In the academic year, all socially disadvantaged families were visited at home, weekly consultations of parents are carried out by a social teacher and a school psychologist (12 individual and 5 group consultations were held in the academic year).
    During the school year, documents were submitted to the Commission on Juvenile Affairs regarding the parents of a student in grade 8a. The class teachers have constant contact with families at risk, but the school administration has repeatedly interviewed the parents of the students throughout the year. Informing parents about the activities of an educational institution is one of the conditions for organizing cooperation between the school and the family.

    The main areas of interaction between family and school:

    1. Study of the conditions of family education.
    2. Informing parents about the content of the educational process and its results.
    3. Psychological and pedagogical education of parents.
    4. Interaction with the parent committee.
    5. Joint activities of parents and students.
    You can add to them:
    -fulfillment of tasks designed for the joint work of the child and the parents;
    -participation in exhibitions, competitions organized for students and parents; - holding days of health and joint holidays with the participation of parents.
    The main forms of family work in our school are group and individual.
    Individual forms include, organized by class teachers and teachers, conversations with parents on the education and upbringing of the child, consultations, visits to families, which helps to get better acquainted with the living conditions in which the child lives. Parental counseling is beneficial both for themselves and for the teacher. Parents get a real idea of ​​school affairs and the behavior of the child, while the teacher - the information he needs for a deeper understanding of the problems of each student.
    The forms and methods used in preventive work do not humiliate the honor, dignity, self-esteem and self-respect of the personality of minors and their parents and do not create a negative attitude towards students and parents.
    Preventive work in the academic year yielded positive results. The school will continue to work with students on the prevention and prevention of offenses in these areas in the coming academic year.

    Tamara Sannikova
    Pedagogical Council "The system of work of the teaching staff of the school for the prevention of juvenile delinquency"

    Training plan for pedagogical owls eta

    "The system of work of the teaching staff for the prevention of juvenile delinquency"

    Target: conducting a systematic analysis of the work of an educational institution for the prevention of neglect, delinquency and crime among minors.

    Tasks and:

    1. Identification of problem areas in the prevention of child neglect and delinquency.

    2. Determination of the scope of interaction of the school with services and institutions for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency.

    3. Selection of appropriate forms and methods of work with students recognized as being in a socially dangerous situation and their legal representatives.

    4. Formation of the desire for mutual exchange of effective pedagogical experience in building relationships with students and their parents on the basis of a personality-oriented approach.

    Expected Outcome at:

    Creation of conditions for methodological and technological modeling of various types of activities aimed at reducing the growth of offenses, crimes;

    Formation of critical thinking of all participants in the educational process in relation to knowledge, skills of practical action aimed at reducing the growth of offenses and crimes.

    Form of the pedagogical council: round st ol.


    1. Organization of a methodological exhibition "Effective methods of prevention of delinquency and crime among minors"

    2. Preparation for group work of teachers on the problem "Difficult child - who is he?" Deputy Director for VR Sannikova T.V.

    3. Drawing up and implementation of the plan for the Decade of Legal Knowledge "We and the Law" Deputy Director for BP T.V. Sannikova

    4. Conducting and analyzing questionnaires on the problem of the formation of law-abiding behavior of minors Deputy Director for BP

    T.V. Sannikova

    5. Analysis of the state of the preventive work of the educational institution Deputy Director for BP

    T.V. Sannikova

    Revealing effective techniques and methods of preventive work with children recognized as being in a socially dangerous situation and their legal representatives (classes of the rehabilitation group, the "Teenager" club Head of Defense Ministry O.P. Bakshtai

    Drafting decisions of the pedagogical council Deputy Director for BP

    T.V. Sannikova

    Work plan

    meetings of the pedagogical council

    "The system of work of the teaching staff for the prevention of juvenile delinquency"

    1. Introduction to the topic of the pedagogical council. Choosing the most accurate definition "Difficult child - who is he?"

    Group work. Director Isobova I.M.

    2. Analysis of the state of the preventive work of the educational institution

    3. Conditions for constructive rehabilitation of students and their further effective development.

    4. Analysis of the effectiveness of the rehabilitation group, the "Teenager" club.

    Information from the social teacher T. N. Zvonkova, the head of the "Teenager" club E. N. Sazonova.

    5. Analysis of the questionnaire "Law and We" on the problem of the formation of law-abiding behavior.

    Information of the Deputy Director for VR Sannikova T.V.

    5. Development of memos for organizing individual and collective preventive work with minors

    Group work. Head of the MO class teachers O.P. Bakshtai

    6. Summing up. Discussion and decision making.

    Information of the school director Izobova I.M.

    Introduction to the topic of the pedagogical council

    "Difficult child - who is he?"

    Izobova I.M.

    The younger generation is in a very difficult socio-psychological situation. Adolescents are not ready to cope with increasing stressful situations and suffer from their possible negative consequences. Therefore, teachers are entrusted with a huge responsibility for the upbringing of a person with a socially active position.

    And now I invite you to answer the question "Who do we call a difficult teenager?"

    To do this, you have small green leaves on your tables, 4 for each team member. Take them in hand. Now think about it and write down one “Difficult Child” quality on each piece of paper. To avoid repeating the qualities, before you write down, you should say it out loud so that your team members know that this "quality" is already taken.

    Now out of 16 cards, you should leave 9 that most closely match the definition of a difficult child.

    Lay out the cards in 3 columns of 3 cards each. Further, using 3 cards diagonally, or horizontally, or vertically, make up the sentence "Difficult child is ...". Take a yellow sheet and write it down. Next, voice the proposal to your group members and choose the most successful one. And number 3 will sound to everyone.

    "On the system of work of the teaching staff

    on the prevention of juvenile delinquency "

    Sannikova T.V., Deputy Director for educational work

    In the system of preventive activities of an educational institution, two areas are distinguished: measures of general prevention, ensuring the involvement of all students in the life of the school, and measures of special prevention, consisting in identifying students in need of special pedagogical attention and working with them on an individual level. To achieve preventive goals, an effective system of methods and means of influencing the personality of the offender is used.

    Work on legal education and prevention of delinquency and crime among minors in an educational institution is systematic and is carried out in the following areas:

    a) preventive work;

    b) organization of leisure activities;

    c) work with legal representatives;

    e) organization of useful employment and active recreation for students during the holidays;

    f) work with children of deviant behavior;

    The school implements a set of measures aimed at improving the social and legal status of the family, the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents, the formation of their conscious and responsible attitude towards fulfilling their responsibilities for the upbringing, maintenance and education of their children.

    For the purpose of early detection of deviant behavior and social ill-being in families, correction of adolescent behavior, correction of parent-child relationships, consultations are held with class teachers, with adolescents and their parents. Meetings of the Council for the Prevention of Neglect and Juvenile Delinquency are held monthly. The main goal is to improve the system of providing timely and qualified assistance to children, adolescents and (or) their families in difficult social, family, pedagogical and other situations; prevention of unlawful behavior of school students; prevention of harmful addictions, the use of toxic and narcotic substances; prevention of injuries, immoral behavior of parents and students; activation of the educational position of legal representatives.

    In total for the 2016 calendar year, twelve scheduled meetings of the Council were held, of which 2 (24.10.2016, 25.05.2016) joint meetings of the Council of the educational institution "Yanovichi secondary school of the Vitebsk region" rural executive committee.

    The dynamics of the state of affairs in families where children are recognized as being in a socially dangerous situation, in families where children are brought up, who are under internal control, registered with the juvenile affairs inspectorate in the Vitebsk regional executive committee, was monthly considered at meetings of the Council for the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency educational institutions.

    An indicator of the effectiveness of the preventive work of an educational institution is the number of offenses and crimes committed by students.

    On 10.06.2016, Tochilenko Vladislav, Tochilenko Stanislav, Yupatov Sergey were put on the preventive record at the IDN of the Vitebsk District Department of Internal Affairs. For the period from June 10 to December 10, 2016, preventive work was carried out with them and their legal representatives.

    The school organized the work of the "Teenager" club under the leadership of E. Sazonova, weekly classes of the rehabilitation group with the daytime stay of children (social teacher T. N. Zvonkova). On Saturday, the members of the rehab group are involved in school-wide activities.

    In order to ensure the useful employment of minors of various types of registration, hobby classes, extracurricular activities, cultural events are held on the sixth school day.

    Optional classes and additional education classes are attended by 100% of schoolchildren who are in all types of registration.

    One of the effective methods of preventive influence is setting children with deviant behavior on internal control.

    Throughout the year, the number of children being supervised within the school periodically decreased and stopped at the number two.

    Persistent daily educational work, joint efforts of the entire teaching staff, school, family, the involvement of public organizations, the purposeful work of a social teacher make it possible to obtain positive results.

    As part of the work on the prevention of neglect and delinquency, meetings were organized with the assistant prosecutor of the Vitebsk region, Osipenko E. V., Deputy KDN Adamovich E. S. “Criminal and administrative responsibility of minors”.

    Gana Valerievna, an educational psychologist at the educational institution "Specialized educational center of Vitebsk region", conducted individual correction sessions with students "Conflicts and their solutions".

    Conclusion: the educational institution organized purposeful work to implement the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated November 24, 2006 No. 18 "On additional measures for state protection of children in disadvantaged families", the Law on the prevention of delinquency and neglect of minors

    1. To carry out further work on the timely identification of family problems and the negative impact of the family on the development of the child

    2. To consider at the next Council on the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency of educational institutions the issue of increasing responsibility for early detection of family trouble among preschoolers in the State Educational Institution "Yanovichi crèche / kindergarten of Vitebsk region", UZ - unorganized preschoolers (from 0 to three years old)

    3. Due to the fact that preventive work with students and their families did not lead to complete stabilization of family well-being, it is necessary to improve the work of the SPPS through a set of measures:

    3.1. Strengthen the responsibility of the employees of the State Educational Institution "Yanovichsky Nursery Garden", UZ for the early detection of signs of seed trouble and reporting it to the educational institution for emergency response

    3.2. At the meeting of the joint venture, listen to the monthly reports of the class teachers on the work with the family and the child

    3.3. To study the requirements for maintaining documentation of personal files of SOP, MSC, IDN at the methodological association of class teachers until January 5, 2017. Head of Defense Ministry O.P. Bakshtai

    3.4. Eliminate the formal approach to work with a child recognized in a socially dangerous position and his family on the part of class teachers D.O. Rodulevich, N.A. Savenko.

    3.5. Timely draw up the necessary documents at the request of the guardianship and guardianship authorities, ROVD, IDN

    3.6. The social teacher should report to the administration of the educational institution on the state of documentation on the management of personal files of the SOP, IDN, VSHK monthly

    3.7. In preventive work with dysfunctional families, adhere to the interaction algorithm of all interested structures constantly

    Conditions for constructive rehabilitation of students and their further effective developmentgroup work with teachers

    Bakshtai O.P., Head of the Ministry of Defense

    I invite you to exchange thoughts, ideas on organizing a system of activities for working with difficult children. To do this, take a blue sheet and write down 5 ideas - proposals for organizing work with difficult children, you are given 5 minutes for this, wrote down - drew the line.

    Now get up from your desks, pull back the chairs, find a couple with a colleague from another group, exchange ideas and write down new ones for yourself, draw the line, you are given 2 minutes for this.

    Now sit down at the table with your team and exchange ideas and write down the missing ones.

    Which team has the most ideas?

    The team reads out, the rest mark the ideas already voiced and then add them.

    Ideas are written on the board.

    About the work of the rehabilitation day stay group

    at the State Educational Institution "Yanovichskaya Secondary School of Vitebsk District"

    Social teacher Zvonkova T.N.

    On the basis of an educational institution, a rehabilitation group of day care has been working for the second year.

    The activities of the rehabilitation group are regulated by the regulation approved by the director of the educational institution. The enrollment and expulsion of children to the rehabilitation group is carried out on the basis of the statements of the legal representatives of minors, and is formalized by the order of the head of the educational institution.

    Minors attend the rehabilitation group 2 times a week during the academic year.

    Rehabilitation work with children is carried out by SPPS specialists, class teachers, subject teachers, librarian, leaders of additional education and extracurricular activities. On Thursday - conducted by the social teacher T. N. Zvonkova; on Saturday - class teachers, subject teachers, librarian, supervisors of additional education and extracurricular activities according to the work plan.

    The purpose of the work of the rehabilitation group:

    Providing assistance to minors and their families in difficult life situations.

    The tasks of the rehabilitation group:

    prevention of social orphanhood;

    psychological and pedagogical rehabilitation of minors;

    establishment and strengthening of parent-child relations;

    assistance in stabilizing the situation in the family;

    development of skills of cultural behavior of minors;

    assistance to minors in overcoming difficulties in their studies;

    useful employment of children after school hours.

    The forms of rehabilitation work with children are selected depending on the problems, needs and resources of the family and the minor.

    The one-hour group lesson is divided into 2 parts: in the first part of the lesson, correctional work with minors is carried out (lessons with training elements, exercises to relieve psycho-emotional stress, role-playing games, discussions).

    In the second part of the lesson, interactive forms of work are used, quizzes, games, sports, practical classes are held. The most striking activities of the rehabilitation group in the 1st and 2nd quarters were the following events: the release of leaflets "I am against smoking", the training "My school", the creative report "My holidays", the hour of communication "Trust", the game "Portrait of the team", the psychological game " An incredible journey. "

    About the work of the "Teenager" club

    on the basis of the State Educational Institution "Yanovich secondary school of the Vitebsk region"

    Head of the "Teenager" club Sazonova E. N.

    Club tasks:

    Protection of the rights and legitimate interests of minors in difficult life situations;

    Acquaintance of adolescents with new forms of behavior;

    Teaching adolescents to effective strategies and ways of behavior;

    Creation of a safe environment for testing new forms of behavior and personal self-realization;

    Acquaintance of a teenager with himself;

    Increasing the level of knowledge of adolescents about the properties of the human psyche and personality, the mechanisms of action of psychoactive substances, social and psychological laws of human functioning in society;

    Humanization of the adolescent's value system;

    Formation of a responsible attitude to personal choices;

    Development of students' communication skills in various life situations with a focus on a non-violent model of behavior.

    Classes in the club are held 2 times a month; the topic of the lessons corresponds to the planned one.

    The priority areas of the club are

    Organization and implementation of events in the direction

    club activities;

    Organization of meaningful leisure and communication of students;

    Classes in the club are attended by children aged mainly 9-14 years.

    In order to organize and conduct joint leisure for all members of the club, club days are regularly held (theme nights, holidays, game and competition programs).

    Analysis of the questionnaire survey on the problem of the formation of law-abiding behavior of minors

    To understand the specifics of the behavior of children and adolescents, we conducted a study of ideas about law-abiding behavior and possible means of its formation. As a result, the following was clarified.

    1) Children and adolescents, their parents quite unanimously affirm that the formation of law-abiding behavior is necessary in order to:

    a) There was order in the country;

    b) Life was safe;

    2) Of the laws known to them that protect the rights of the child, first of all, they call:

    1st place: the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus;

    2nd place: Law of the Republic of Belarus "On Education";

    3rd place: Charter of the school.

    3) Children and adolescents, answering the question about the rules of behavior, very rarely can formulate specific rules for themselves (except for - do not drink, do not smoke, do not be rude to elders). At their best, they call this rule of being disciplined. Parents believe that the most important rule is to “respect your elders”.

    4) Due to the fact that it is quite difficult for adolescents and parents to formulate their own life rules, it is also difficult for them to name those rules that they are ready to give up. The answer most often sounds: “I don’t know”, “I am satisfied with everything”.

    Of the specific rules that they are willing to give up, teenagers call school uniforms and curfews.

    Parents of children and adolescents are ready to renounce injustice, violence and cruelty in modern society.

    5) On the question of the rules that modern children and adolescents would never refuse, first of all they talk about such specific rules as “do not kill”, “do not rob”, “do not humiliate children”, “do not be rude to elders”. At the same time, many children and adolescents honestly answered that they did not know the answer.

    Parents very clearly define their priorities here: decency and punctuality (come and go from work on time; do everything on time).

    6) When asked what rules their friends follow, the most typical answer is “almost all” or “none”. Of the definite answers, the most frequently sounded “do not break the order. Observe the rules in public places. " Their parents noted such important rules: “do not offend or offend people”, “defend your rights”, “respect your elders”.

    7) In the question. why do children and adolescents violate the rules and laws, they note:

    a) nothing to do;

    b) adults set an example;

    c) do not respect the rules and norms of society, laws mean nothing to them;

    d) want to show themselves, distinguish themselves;

    e) lack of attention.

    Parents are unanimous here:

    a) children and adolescents see only their rights, forgetting about responsibilities;

    b) lack of a positive example of adults;

    c) do not think and do not know about the consequences;

    d) lowering moral standards in the media;

    e) get into bad company.

    8) For children and adolescents themselves, the idea that laws must be observed is expressed in the following:

    a) as they correspond to the traditions and norms of society;

    b) since non-compliance with the law can be punished;

    c) regardless of the circumstances;

    d) when they coincide with their own rules and beliefs;

    e) I don't know

    9) The answers about the free time of children and adolescents were distributed quite curiously. Their stable interests:

    Hanging out with friends;

    Relaxing at home or doing housework;

    Sports and do homework.

    For parents, their children's free time looks like their child is walking with friends or helping around the house. However, many parents note that their children have practically no free time.

    10) The answers of children and adolescents about what they would like to do in their free time are not much different from what they actually do. Again they call it: walking, relaxing, spending time with friends. The parents add that they only want to "hang out" and play computer games.

    11) When asked what associations modern children and adolescents belong to, they most often answer: - Belarusian Republican Youth Union, BRPO.

    Thus, modern children spend most of their free time at home, limiting opportunities for their social development.

    12) What should adults do for children to comply with the rules and laws: - personal example of adults;

    Raise your children;

    teach laws and regulations.


    individual and collective work with problem children

    Bakshtai O.P., Head of the Ministry of Defense

    And now we turn to practical work. Using the ideas that we put forward with you, in 10 minutes you should compose:

    1 team - "Memo to the class teacher" System of preventive work with "difficult children".

    Team 2 - Booklet for parents “System of preventive work with“ difficult children ”.

    Team 3 - Poster for students "Where and how can they help me?"

    Presentation of memos, booklets, posters.


    class teacher

    for working with problem children

    1. Keep a diary of observations.

    2. Monitor the attendance of difficult teenagers on a daily basis.

    3. Together with subject teachers, constantly monitor the issue of adolescents' progress.

    4. Inform parents about absenteeism on the same day.

    5. Strictly follow the assignment of marks in the diary.

    6. Check the employment in the circles every month.

    7. Meet with teenagers daily.

    8. Every quarter to hear difficult teenagers and their parents at meetings of class parenting committees. If necessary, invite to the Prevention Council.

    9. Do not emphasize misconduct, educate on positive examples.

    10. Do not use moralizing. In re-education, the decisive factor is the teacher's personal example, attention to the child, the ability to rejoice at the child's success.

    11. Involve in labor activity, serious affairs, fulfillment of public assignments.

    12. Prevent the possibility of improper actions of children.

    13. To organize an interesting life of the team in which the "difficult" learns.

    14. Teach children the methods of self-education.

    15. Normalization of the family environment, neutralize the harmful influence of parents.

    16. Individual patronage.

    17. Involvement of adolescents in circles, sections, control their attendance.

    18. Involvement of the parent community.

    19. Maintain close contact with the IDN.

    Explanatory note

    Protecting the health and life of children is the most important task not only for parents, but for teachers and other teaching staff. In this regard, the question arises of the prevention of child injuries in the organization of educational activities. Through education and training, it is possible to reduce the number of accidents with children and prevent their injury. Educational functions in a general educational organization are performed by all pedagogical workers. However, the key role in solving educational problems belongs to the class teacher.

    The class teacher and his mission

    The class teacher is a school teacher who performs the functions of an organizer of children's life, aimed at preserving and strengthening the health of children, developing mutual understanding among students, their parents, teachers and other participants in educational activities.

    The Institute of Homeroom Teachers in Russian schools has its own history. Until 1917, in gymnasiums and other secondary educational institutions of the Russian Empire, there was a post of class teacher, to which full-time teachers were appointed who were responsible for the education of students and supervised their behavior. A post was also established as an assistant class teacher, or class warden, who monitored the behavior of students in the classroom and outside of school (on the streets, in theaters, in private apartments, etc.). In the history of the development of the Russian school, the institute of classroom leadership has always been given the most important place, since it is the class teacher who plays the leading role in the formation and development of the child's personality, disclosing his identity, abilities and potential opportunities, in protecting his interests. Classroom leadership in Russia is over 130 years old. During this time, not only the functions and responsibilities of the class teacher have changed, but also the very concept of class leadership at school.

    The main direction of the professional activity of a modern class teacher is extracurricular work, within which such priority areas are distinguished as:

    Implementation of an age-related approach in the process of creating a favorable educational environment;

    Strengthening spiritual contacts between the class teacher and students in the course of cooperation in a common cause and a responsible attitude towards it;

    Constant motivation of a person to maintain and strengthen health, self-education and self-education.

    Formation of safe student behavior

    The class teacher participates in the formation of the participants in educational activities of sustainable skills of safe behavior during educational, extracurricular and work activities.

    The class teacher needs to know that the causes of childhood injuries can be divided into three groups:

    The behavior of the child himself (a low level of coordination of movements, inability to control his body, as well as a lack of skill in performing an action; lack or lack of knowledge about the danger, about the possible consequences of the chosen actions; trauma due to fatigue, emotional excitement, gambling excitement and other psychophysiological conditions);

    Actions of surrounding peers;

    The actions of adults around the child (common oversight of children, lack of control over their behavior).

    Children are often injured who have a high propensity to take risks, are motor disinhibited, excitable, emotionally unstable, prone to frequent mood swings, and behave inappropriately in stressful situations. As a rule, such children are not self-critical, they often overestimate their abilities and capabilities.

    In the age aspect, the most traumatic age is considered to be from 6 to 12 years old, which is associated with the increased emotionality of children during this period and their insufficiently developed ability for self-control.

    Children of 8-10 and 14-15 years old are more often injured. Children of the first age group - primary school students - are highly active. These are fidgets who find it difficult to sit still. They like outdoor games, quickly get excited, run, jump, ride on rails, etc. Often they get injured as a result of collisions with each other, when they stumble and fall unsuccessfully.

    Teenagers (children of the second age category) are often injured during fights, fights, or, for example, when one trips another, pushes, hits with a hard object, etc.

    Children at this age are already aware of the possible consequences of their actions, but nevertheless they neglect the danger, commit thoughtless acts, becoming victims of their own bravado, the desire to distinguish themselves in front of their peers.

    A large number of injuries occur at critical age periods: 3, 7, and 11–12 years. During these periods, children and adolescents become capricious, irritable, and often come into conflict with others. They may develop a rejection of previously unquestioningly fulfilled requirements, reaching the point of stubbornness and negativism, which leads to violations of the rules of behavior and, as a result, to injuries.

    Conditions for trauma to students

    Indicators of a predisposition to injury are the emotional properties and qualities of the child's temperament.

    Accident exposure is promoted by:

    Low level of attention (concentration, distribution and switching),

    Insufficient sensorimotor coordination,

    Small observation (discretion),

    Low endurance,

    Excessively high (or low) risk appetite.

    The student's stressful states force him to deliberately take risky activities that he believes will help relieve stress. A person in such moments is more motivated by emotions, not reason.

    It was found that 60% of students are characterized by weakness of nervous processes, which affects their overall performance and is associated with emotional instability. Emotionally unstable, impulsive children are much more likely to be injured than their calm and balanced peers.

    In the modern world, hypokinesia is becoming a serious problem for students under conditions of increased intellectual load in educational organizations. Up to 70% of students suffer from its consequences (impaired posture, vision, increased blood pressure, overweight, etc.). Such children are also often traumatized due to poor coordination and poor orientation in space.

    The listed psychological causes of injuries should be taken into account when developing organizational measures to prevent child injuries. Each case of injury must be dealt with either in one-to-one conversation or in the classroom. At the same time, the discussion of cases of injuries, the analysis of their causes should be carried out in the teaching staff.

    Organization of preventive work by the class teacher

    The class teacher is called to be an organizer of children's life, a proofreader of interpersonal relations and a defender of students in their class in difficult conditions and psychological collisions of school life, to work to prevent accidents and injuries among students in their class. He does this work not alone, but together with the students of the class, their parents, teachers working in this class.

    The functions of the class teacher, which will ensure the possibility of carrying out preventive work with children:

    - cognitive diagnostic function(from lag cognitio - knowledge, knowledge; from Greek diagnosis - definition) - is associated with the need for a comprehensive study of the characteristics of the development and behavior of students and determining the level of their upbringing in order to take these features into account in the process of extracurricular work and the implementation of an individual approach to their learning and education. The class teacher needs to know the state of health of students and physical development, the conditions of home education, interpersonal contacts and participation in organized activities, manifested inclinations, abilities and interests;

    - organizational and stimulating function... It is due to the fact that the participation of schoolchildren in extracurricular activities is to a certain extent voluntary. It is incompatible with either coercion or with strict regulation of the activities of students, the main thing is the ability of the class teacher to organize extracurricular work in such a way that it enthralls students with high content, diversity and freshness of forms, a constant search for new approaches to its implementation;

    - unifying function... An effective factor in upbringing is the unity of students, a healthy psychological microclimate in the classroom, comradely communication, caring for each other, and the influence of the student body. At the same time, it is necessary to prevent the appearance in the class of groups with a negative orientation, creating conditions for exciting joint activities of children;

    - coordinating function... Several subject teachers work in the class, there is a need to coordinate their pedagogical efforts to teach and educate students, coordinate their activities and implement a unified approach to children. Similar work must also be carried out with the parents of students and involve them in educational work together with the school.

    The educational work of the class teacher is carried out according to plan. The class teacher's work plan is a concrete display of the upcoming course of educational work in its general strategic directions and the smallest details. Hence - the expediency of an organic combination of a long-term plan of educational work and plans for specific educational activities. It is better when the homeroom teacher has a long-term work plan for the entire academic year, and then consistently develops detailed plans for the academic periods.

    When planning educational work in the direction of "Prevention of child injuries", the class teacher should proceed from the following provisions:

    a) the plan should provide for a variety of activities and types of work that would help teach students to behave safely at school, at home and on the street;

    b) the plan should provide for the inclusion of schoolchildren in cognitive and sports activities;

    c) the system of extracurricular educational work should be subordinated to the organization, education and development of the student body, the formation of interpersonal relations;

    d) the plan should contain activities aimed at coordinating the educational efforts of the class teacher, teachers who work in the class, and parents (legal representatives).

    Planning for child injury prevention

    Activities for the prevention of child injuries are included in the plans for educational and educational work. For younger students, it is advisable to arrange health matinees, various quizzes, competitions. Children of middle and senior school age already have some knowledge of injury prevention measures. When working with this age group, you should pay attention to the formation of the correct attitude towards possible dangers.

    In order to prevent child injuries and accidents with students in the class, you can plan the following activities:

    Conversations with parents at parent-teacher meetings and with students during class hours about the need to comply with the rules of conduct at school and the requirements for clothing and footwear of students;

    Determination of the schedule of duty of students in the class;

    Systematic individual work of a teacher-psychologist and class teacher with discipline breakers.

    For the effectiveness of the implementation of the planned work plan, the class teacher must correctly select the forms of work with students on the prevention of injuries and accident prevention. Below is a list of forms of work with students:

    By type of activity - educational, labor, sports, artistic and others;

    By the way of the teacher's influence - direct and mediated;

    By the time of the event - short-term, long-term, traditional;

    By the time of preparation - forms of work carried out with students without including them in preliminary training, and forms that provide for preliminary work, training of students;

    According to the subject of the organization - teachers, parents and other adults act as organizers of children; children's activities are organized on the basis of cooperation; the initiative and its implementation belongs to children;

    According to the result - the forms, the result of which can be information exchange, the development of a common decision (opinion), a socially significant product;

    According to the number of participants - individual, group, mass.

    Class teachers at the beginning of the school year, before each vacation, as well as before hikes, excursions, field events, should conduct briefings with class students in the following areas:

    Rules of safe behavior on roads, transport, observance of traffic rules;

    Compliance with safety measures during sports events, excursions, hiking trips, being on the sports ground;

    Safe behavior on the water, near a pond, in a pool, on ice;

    Prevention of negative situations in the yard, on the street, at home, in public places;

    Rules of conduct when finding explosive objects;

    Rules for handling explosive objects, substances;

    Fire safety and electrical safety rules.

    When planning extracurricular activities, one must proceed from the fact that the most important source of influence on children is, first of all, life itself. The life of a schoolchild can be viewed from two sides: the school itself (education, various school affairs, classmates), and the rest - at home, in the yard, on the street, in various companies, communities. Often the "second" life acquires more power over the child than the "first". You can often observe a huge gap between these parts of a student's life. Trying to influence any one side, as a rule, we get only a negative result: deformation of the student's personality, decreased motivation, behavioral problems. Therefore, the task of the class teacher is to closely integrate school life and extracurricular activities.

    Creating a holistic developmental environment through circles, sections, using the capabilities of the parent team (trips, hiking, etc.), thematic weeks, a portfolio helps to form a full-fledged healthy personality.

    The school, the family can direct joint efforts to ensure that each child does not waste his free time thoughtlessly, but replenishes his knowledge, becomes familiar with literature and art, physical education and sports. Mass cultural, physical culture and recreational activities for schoolchildren are a reliable barrier against injuries.

    It is impossible to predict, to foresee where the child may be injured. Attention should be paid to cases associated with behavior that contains an element of physical violence towards others, and sometimes with a deliberate desire to hurt and show their physical superiority. Injuries from teenage fights are on the rise.

    Both class teachers and parents can teach a child the rules of behavior in public places. It is important to explain, for example, that a fight is an unacceptable way to sort things out, because you can always agree or try to avoid conflict. Parents should do everything in their power to ensure that their child neither unknowingly nor even intentionally harms other children by his actions. And the class teacher can help parents do this work.

    Homeroom teacher and parenting community

    An important area of ​​the multifaceted activity of the class teacher is working with the parents of students in the class entrusted to him.

    The child spends most of the time at school and at home, so it is important that the influences of teachers and parents do not contradict each other. This is feasible if teachers and parents become allies and like-minded people, with an interested and coordinated solution to the problems of upbringing. Naturally, the style of work should be democratic, based on mutual trust, interaction with parents. The purpose of this interaction is to take care of the child's development.

    The class teacher should remember that he is called, together with the parents of the students, to create an upbringing environment, to ensure the unity of the requirements of the school and the family in relation to the personality of the child.

    Mutual activity should be based on the following principles:

    Appeal to the feeling of parental love and respect for it;

    Benevolence and diplomacy in dealing with parents;

    The position of cooperation in communication with parents, respect for their personalities as mother and father, their labor and social activities.

    All activities of the class teacher with the parents of students can be represented by the following directions and forms:

    Study of the conditions of family education;

    Informing parents about the content of the educational process in the classroom;

    Psychological and pedagogical education of parents;

    Interaction with the parent committee;

    Joint activities of parents and students;

    Informing parents about the course and results of upbringing and teaching children.

    For pedagogically competent, successful and effective fulfillment of their duties, the class teacher needs to know well the psychological and pedagogical foundations of working with children, to be informed about the latest trends, methods and forms of educational activity, to own modern education technologies.


    1. Lavrent'eva VV Collection of methodological materials on preventive work at school // Classroom teacher. - 2012. - No. 6.

    2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated February 3, 2006 No. 21 "On the approval of the Methodological Recommendations on the implementation of the functions of the class teacher by pedagogical workers of state educational institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal educational institutions."

    3. Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" (dated December 29, 2012, No. 273-FZ).

    Appendix No. 1

    Indicative List of Topics for Conversations and Classroom Hours on Child Injury Prevention

    Topic number 1. Student behavior rules:

    General provisions;

    Rules of conduct for changing rooms and dining rooms;

    Rules of conduct for lessons and breaks;

    The stairs can be dangerous.

    Topic number 2. Traffic Laws:

    City, microdistrict in which we live and possible emergencies;

    Choosing the safest routes to school and home. Practical lesson;

    Rules of conduct on the street. Why you need to know the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads;

    Traffic Laws. Practical lesson;

    Traffic light and its signals;

    Road signs;

    Pedestrian crossings and rules for their use;

    Cycling rules;

    Where you can and where you can't play;

    Movement in groups;

    Behavior of schoolchildren near railway tracks. Railway safety rules;

    Acquaintance with the transport of the city;

    Rules of conduct on transport.

    Topic number 3. Fire safety rules:

    Causes of fires.

    Precautions to prevent fire in the apartment.

    How to act in the event of a fire at home, at school.

    Fire safety when handling combustible, flammable materials and substances.

    Rules for the use of electrical appliances.

    Topic number 4. Dangers of a criminogenic nature:

    How to behave at home when you are alone in an apartment;

    How to behave on the street when a stranger is trying to take you somewhere.

    Topic number 5. Water safety:

    Rules and safety measures for behavior on water bodies;

    Rules of conduct on water bodies in different seasons of the year;

    Basic life-saving appliances and rules for their use.

    Topic number 6. Pets and Potential Dangers:

    Pets. Dangers associated with animals;

    Safety measures when handling and caring for pets in the city.

    Appendix No. 2

    The class teacher's work plan for the prevention of child road traffic injuries

    No. p \ p

    event title



    Designing corners in classrooms for the prevention of child road injuries, selection of methodological materials for teaching children road safety, planning work for the year


    class teachers

    Protecting students' safe routes to school and home


    class teachers

    Parents' meeting "Child Safety"

    September, April

    class teachers

    Conversation at parent meetings on topics related to the rules of conduct on the roads of the city.

    Consultation for parents: features of safe behavior in the winter season.

    October December

    class teachers

    Participation in the All-Russian action "Attention, children":

    Production of memos, schemes "Safe traffic in the school microdistrict",

    Registration of the stationary "Road Safety Corner",

    Conversations with students about a safe journey home from school,

    Conversations on traffic rules

    September, May

    deputy. on VR, class teachers

    Class hours dedicated to the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims

    class teachers

    Conducting class hours, quizzes on traffic rules, cooperation with traffic police inspectors

    during a year

    class teachers

    Preventive measures "Safety does not have a vacation!"

    October, December, April, May

    class teachers

    Seminar "Requirements for ensuring the safety of children when organizing transportation, going outside the school"


    deputy. director of educational work

    Appendix No. 3

    Work plan for students with bicycles and scooters

    P / p No.




    Identifying children with bicycles and scooters


    class teachers


    Briefing for students with bicycles and scooters

    September, January, May

    class teachers


    Meeting of students with the traffic police inspector (1-11 grades)

    during a year

    deputy. VR directors, class teachers


    Drawing competition "My friend a bicycle" (1-4 grades)

    class teachers


    Quiz "Cycling Rules"

    classroom teacher


    Keeping a strict record of students with bicycles, scooters

    during a year

    classroom teacher

    Class teacher Children of the "risk group"; Children of the "risk group"; Reasons and date of registration in intra-school registration; Reasons and date of registration with intra-school registration; Forms of work with these students; Forms of work with these students; Living conditions for children in families. Living conditions for children in families.

    School psychologist Consultation of the class teacher based on the results of diagnostics carried out by him during the admission of students to school; Consultation of the class teacher based on the results of the diagnostics carried out by him during the admission of students to the school; Conducted correctional and developmental work with class children and their parents; Conducted correctional and developmental work with class children and their parents; Necessary recommendations on this issue. Necessary recommendations on this issue.

    Social educator Information about students and their families, which can help in the work on the prevention of neglect and delinquency; Information about students and their families, which can help in the work on the prevention of neglect and delinquency; Information about students from large, low-income, disadvantaged, foster families and families with disabled children, receive recommendations for working with children from such families. Information about students from large, low-income, disadvantaged, foster families and families with disabled children, receive recommendations for working with children from such families. The use of various methods and techniques (conversations, observations, diagnostic studies ...) to attract "difficult" pupils to useful activities in their free time. The use of various methods and techniques (conversations, observations, diagnostic studies ...) to attract "difficult" pupils to useful activities in their free time.

    Deputy Director for educational work Providing organizational and methodological assistance in maintaining documentation Providing organizational and methodological assistance in maintaining documentation Analysis of the conditions and causes of negative manifestations Analysis of the conditions and causes of negative manifestations Consulting students and parents on upbringing Consulting students and parents on upbringing Preparing information on activities in an educational institution Preparation of information on activities in an educational institution Report on interaction with bodies and institutions of prevention Report on interaction with bodies and institutions of prevention

    Class teacher documentation Drawing up a work plan for the prevention of neglect and delinquency; Drawing up a work plan for the prevention of neglect and delinquency; Keeping a diary of the class teacher. Keeping a diary of the class teacher.

    Reasons for registration within school records: violation of the School Charter: systematic non-fulfillment of homework, refusal to work in the classroom, constant absence of a notebook, textbook, systematic absence during tests, laughter, shouts, conversations in the classroom; violation of the school charter: systematic non-fulfillment of homework, refusal to work in the lesson, constant absence of a notebook, textbook, systematic absence during tests, laughter, shouts, conversations in class; missing classes (absenteeism); missing classes (absenteeism); constant fights, rudeness, foul language; constant fights, rudeness, foul language; fights leading to bodily harm; fights leading to bodily harm; smoking; smoking; drinking alcoholic beverages; drinking alcoholic beverages; commission of an offense by a minor with further delivery; commission of an offense by a minor with further delivery to the police; him to the police;

    Committing a crime or complicity in it; commission of a crime or complicity in it; systematic damage to state and personal property; systematic damage to state and personal property; bullying young or weaker students, bullying young or weaker students, students of a different nationality (violation of the International Convention by students of another nationality (violation of the UN International Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Constitution of the Russian Federation); UN on the Rights of the Child, the Constitution of the Russian Federation); isolated cases of violation of public order at school, as a result of which there was a threat to the health of another person; isolated cases of violation of public order at school, as a result of which there was a threat to the health of another person; the commission of a juvenile offense for which administrative responsibility has been established. the commission of a juvenile offense for which administrative responsibility has been established.

    Registration at the request of the class teacher; at the request of the class teacher; at the request of the school administration; at the request of the school administration; as a result of the commission of an act by a minor for which administrative responsibility has been established; as a result of the commission of an act by a minor for which administrative responsibility has been established; as a result of the commission of an act by a minor for which criminal liability has been established. as a result of the commission of an act by a minor for which criminal liability has been established.

    Documents for registration at the Higher School of Economics application of the class teacher for registration; the class teacher's application for registration; characteristics of the minor; characteristics of the minor; the act of visiting a minor at home; the act of visiting a minor at home; certificate of preventive work with a minor; certificate of preventive work with a minor; extract of grades for the current quarter. extract of grades for the current quarter.

    Reasons for inviting to the Council on the prevention of parents' failure to fulfill their responsibilities for the education and upbringing of a minor; non-fulfillment by parents of their responsibilities for the education and upbringing of a minor; evasion of a minor from training (absenteeism, failure to do homework, non-work in the classroom). evasion of a minor from training (absenteeism, failure to do homework, non-work in the classroom).
    Conditions for exclusion from the educational institution By decision of the management body Exclusion of a student from the institution is applied if educational measures have not yielded results and the student's further stay in the institution has a negative impact on other students, violates their rights and the rights of employees of the institution, as well as the normal functioning of the institution. By decision of the governing body, the expulsion of the student from the institution is applied if measures of an educational nature have not yielded results and the further stay of the student in the institution has a negative impact on other students, violates their rights and the rights of employees of the institution, as well as the normal functioning of the institution. For repeated gross violations of the institution's charter, the student may be expelled from this institution.For repeated gross violations of the institution's charter, the student may be expelled from this institution.

    Educational system for the prevention and prevention of delinquency and crime among minors

    “Someone, sometime, must answer,

    Highlighting the truth, revealing the truth,

    What are difficult children?

    The eternal question and the patient is like an abscess.

    Here he is sitting in front of us, look,

    Compressed by a spring, he despaired,

    Like a wall with no doors and no windows.

    Here they are, these main truths:

    Late noticed ... late taken into account ...

    No! Difficult children are not born!

    They just didn't get help on time. "

    (S. Davidovich)

    Today, the school has 21 students and 10 pupils of the State Traffic Police Department (5 class-sets: 2 class-sets in primary grades, 3 class-sets - 5-9 grades).

    The school employs 7 teachers (86% have higher education), among them:

    3 people - honorary workers of general education.

    There is practically no staff turnover in the school. A stable teaching staff has been working for many years.

    The relationship between teachers and administration is based on mutual understanding, trust, and reasonable exactingness.

    School teachers create a comfortable psychological environment in the classroom, and this is the key to the successful perception and assimilation of curricula by children.

    The educational programs of the school are focused on ensuring the success of each student in various areas of school life.

    The children's public association "Issky teenagers" has been working since 2000

    The social composition of students is heterogeneous: children of workers, office workers, and the intelligentsia.

    67% of students live in complete families, 33% - in single-parent families, only with their mother.

    Most of the parents of our children work in the SEC "Issa".

    The educational level of the parents of the schoolchildren is divided into the following groups: 38% have basic general education; 43% have secondary education; 14% have specialized secondary education; 5% have higher education. Most of the parents have 2 or more children.

    Social passport MBOU "Isskaya basic secondary school"

    The school enrolls 21 students from grades 1 to 9, there is no 8th grade, 1 student of the 8th type is enrolled in the 9th grade, including 11 students in the primary grades, 10 students in the middle level.

    10 children aged from 3 to 6 years old are brought up in the State Traffic Police Department.

    There are 5 children from large families in the State Traffic Police Department. It:

    1. Akimova Anna

    2. Fedosenko Yana

    3. Akimov Anton

    4.Aleksandrov Ivan

    5.Andreeva Evgeniya

    6.Efimova Ekaterina is a single family.

    7.Mukhin Pavel - single-parent family

    Children from complete families:

    1. Fedorova Daria

    2.Yakovlev Timofey

    3. Skobareva Alexandra

    Initial link - 11 students, including:

    Children from large families:

    1.Fedosenko Victor

    2. Fedosenko Daniil

    Children from single-parent families: 1. Mukhin Nikita

    2. Fedosenko Anton

    3. Plushcheva Alice

    4. Fedosenko Victor

    5. Fedosenko Daniil

    Children from low-income families in primary care:

    1. Aldatov Marat

    2. Aldatov Alan

    3. Fedosenko Victor

    4. Fedosenko Daniil

    5. Fedorov Andrey

    6. Plushcheva Alice

    7.Pavlova Anastasia

    8.Skobarev Daniil

    9. Mukhin Nikita

    10.Fedosenko Anton

    11.Ivanova Tamara

    Middle level - 10 students.

    Children from large families: 1. Akimov Stas

    2. Andreev Stas

    3.Andreeva Victoria

    Children from single-parent families: 1. Mikhailova Nadezhda

    2. Akimov Stas

    Children from low-income families: 1. Gavrilov Danil

    2. Akimov Stas

    3. Andreev Stas

    4. Andreeva Victoria

    5.Mikhailova Nadezhda

    Senior link - 1 student

    Children from incomplete families: Ivanov Sergey - 9th grade.

    Children from low-income families: Ivanov Sergey - 9th grade.

    8th grade student Anastasia Petrova is homeschooled

    One of the main tasks of the teaching staff is to preserve the contingent of students.

    The actual inability and unwillingness of a significant part of parents to engage in raising children leads to the need for the teaching staff in their activities to take on the solution of this problem in order to give our children equal starting opportunities for their development as individuals.

    The relevance of the development of the educational system for the prevention of delinquency and crime among minors

    Today, along with positive changes in society, there are processes characterized by negative trends: the way of life of people is changing, social differentiation is deepening, conflicts and lack of spirituality are increasing, there is a tendency to an increase in the number of families of the so-called "risk group", the number of minors involved in criminal activity is growing. , storage, delivery, sale and use of drugs, there was a sharp increase in homelessness and neglect of minors.

    The reasons for the growth of delinquency and juvenile delinquency include the following: the deteriorating living conditions of our population, the decline in the prestige of education, culture, hence the decline in the cultural level of young people in their mass, which leads to increased aggressiveness and cruelty.

    A growing number of adolescents are involved in prostitution, drug trafficking and sale, gambling, production and sale of works that promote the cult of violence and cruelty.

    The difficult crime situation in the country prompts researchers in various fields of science to search for effective ways and means of preventing and overcoming various deviations in the behavior of a child, including delinquency.

    All the conditions for organizing the prevention of juvenile delinquency are being created at the Issa school.

    The educational system determines the content, the main ways of developing the prevention of delinquency and crime among minors.

    This educational system includes all components of the educational process of the school and institutions of additional education for children in the field of free time. It is aimed at developing in children immunity to the factors of the emergence of negative manifestations of behavior, through their involvement in socially significant activities, which in general allows to ensure positive meaningful employment of adolescents in their free time, thereby implementing early prevention of delinquency among minors.

    Targets and goals educational system for the prevention of delinquency and crime among minors


    Creation of conditions for the organization of comprehensive prevention of juvenile delinquency.

    Objectives of the program:

    1. Timely identification of children and families in difficult life situations or socially dangerous situations (as a possible condition for committing offenses);

    2. Identification of the interests and needs of students, difficulties and problems, deviations in behavior, the level of social protection and adaptation to the social environment;

    3. Determination of the main directions, forms, methods of social and pedagogical work with students prone to offenses.

    4. Involvement of adolescents in positive activities that are adequate to their interests, abilities and mental state, capable of distracting them from committing offenses;

    5. Organization of events aimed at the development of social initiative, the implementation of social programs;

    6. Rendering assistance in life self-determination of students;

    7. Promote the adaptation of the individual to life in society.

    8. Creation of psychological comfort and safety of children in school, family;

    9. Coordination of interaction of teachers, parents, specialists of social services, representatives of administrative bodies for the prevention of juvenile delinquency;

    10. Increasing the psychological and pedagogical competence of parents and teachers;

    11. Determination of the effectiveness of preventive work

    The entire teaching staff of the school is involved in the prevention of juvenile delinquency.




    Period of execution

    Identifying family and children
    social risk groups

    Class teachers

    During a year

    Identifying children involved in
    illegal activities

    District inspector, class teachers

    During a year

    Identification of learners, long-term
    time not attending educational institutions, taking measures to return them to school

    Class teachers

    On the fact of missing classes

    Conduct a meeting with the director: "Organization of employment and summer vacations for adolescents at risk", etc.

    Director of the school

    According to the school work plan

    Conducting seminars with class teachers on the problems of neglect and juvenile delinquency.

    Head of the methodological association of class teachers

    According to the plan of the merging method

    Intensification of work on the promotion of legal knowledge among minors (development of topics for lectures, conversations to promote legal knowledge, holding a week of legal knowledge, other events to promote legal knowledge, etc.)

    School principal, class teachers

    Throughout the year (monthly)

    Legal and regulatory framework:

    1. UN Concept on the Rights of the Child

    2. The Constitution of the Russian Federation

    3. Family Code of the Russian Federation

    4. Law of the Russian Federation "On Education"

    5. Priority national project "Education".

    6. Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On State Support of Youth and Children's Public Associations".

    7. Civil Code of the Russian Federation

    8. Federal Law No. 120 "On the Foundations of the System for the Prevention of Neglect and Offenses"

    9. Charter of the school.

    10. Law of the Pskov Region dated 09.06.1995 No. 14 - oz "On the Rights of the Child" (adopted by the Pskov Regional Assembly of Deputies on 20.05.1995)

    Conceptual approaches

    Offense - behavior (actions) of people, which contradicts legal regulations and harms social and interpersonal relationships.

    The formation of illegal behavior in children and adolescents may be due to the following reasons:

    · Social and pedagogical neglect, when children or adolescents behave incorrectly due to their bad manners, prevailing negative stereotypes of behavior, lack of the necessary positive knowledge, skills and abilities;

    · Deep psychological discomfort caused by the dysfunction of family relationships, negative psychological microclimate in the family, systematic educational failures, unsettled relationships with peers in the class team, wrong (unfair, rude) attitude towards him from parents, teachers, classmates;

    · Deviations in the state of psychological and physical health and development, age-related crises;

    · Lack of conditions for self-expression, unemployment in useful activities, lack of positive and significant social and personal life goals and plans;

    Neglect, negative influence of the environment and developing on this basis socio-psychological maladjustment, mixing of social and personal values ​​from positive to negative.

    Based on the analysis of literature and legal acts, the following definitions can be distinguished prevention:

    The use of a set of measures designed to prevent the emergence and development of any deviations in development, training, education.

    Preventive measures are based on activities aimed at:

    Creation of optimal psychological, pedagogical and socio-psychological conditions for the normal implementation of the process of socialization of the individual;

    Implementation of psychological, pedagogical and social assistance to families and adolescents;

    Providing, if necessary, measures of social and legal protection of the child (forced removal of the child from the family, deprivation of parental rights, etc.)

    There are the following types of preventive activities: primary, secondary, tertiary.

    Primary prevention - is applied at the level of early manifestations of propensity to commit offenses. The preventive function is performed by the institutions families and schools, as well as a system of out-of-school leisure institutions.

    Secondary prevention - a set of medical, socio-psychological, legal and other measures aimed at working with minors who have deviant and asocial behavior.

    Tertiary prevention - a set of measures of a socio-psychological and legal nature, aimed at preventing the commission of a second crime by a teenager who has released from prison.

    The mechanism of the functioning of the educational system for the prevention of delinquency and crime among minors

    In the system of preventive activities of the school, two directions are distinguished: measures of general prevention, ensuring the involvement of all students in the life of the school, and measures of special prevention, consisting in identifying students in need of special pedagogical attention and working with them on an individual level.

    The mechanism of the educational system for the prevention of delinquency and crime among minors is based on the following activities:

    1.Diagnostic activity
    - identification of students with behavioral deviations in the first grade and timely organization of work to correct their behavior;
    - studying the level of development and upbringing of students;
    - observation of students in various situations;
    - determining the position of the child in a peer group, in a family;
    - determination of the level of self-esteem, self-control, self-education skills;
    - identification of positive qualities and shortcomings in behavior, communication;
    - study and identification of the interests and inclinations of the child;
    - study of the characteristics of the character and temperament of the child;
    - determination of the motives of behavior and communication;
    - taking into account the state of health of the child;
    - monitoring the child's contact with parents (guardians).
    2. Individual correctional work
    - individual counseling on how to correct deficiencies in behavior;
    - the study of individual characteristics, the level of education of students and, on the basis of the studied, the definition of specific tasks and methods of further pedagogical influence;
    - individual work of the class teacher, school administration with students requiring behavior correction;
    - creation of conditions for the development of the child's creative abilities, assistance in organizing reasonable leisure time (circles, sports sections, etc.);
    - involvement of students in active social work;
    - unobtrusive control by the teacher, class teacher, school administration over the child's behavior in the classroom and after school hours;
    - conducting communication trainings; - attraction to reading of fiction, enrollment in the library;
    - individual conversations, meetings with interesting people.
    3. Working with family
    - study of the child's social status in the family;
    - teachers 'speeches at parents' meetings;
    - visiting families for the purpose of conducting conversations on the prevention of crime and delinquency;
    - meetings with employees of the juvenile affairs inspectorate;
    - individual consultations for parents;
    - joint preventive work of the school with the parent committee of the school;
    - involvement of the parental committee of the school, the Council for the Prevention of Offenses and Crimes in the work with the family;
    - providing material support to disadvantaged families (reducing the price of meals for students, providing free use of school textbooks, interaction with the social service of the district.);
    - involvement of parents in parenting
    meetings, conversations with students, to participate in school-wide activities;
    - holding creative meetings, thematic parenting meetings;
    - attraction of specialists for individual consultations and meetings with parents; - inviting parents of disadvantaged families to school holidays;
    - Prompt solution of the issue of deprivation of parental rights (isolation of the child from the harmful influence of parents).
    4. Interaction with interested organizations
    - cooperation with the commission on juvenile affairs of the region;
    - cooperation with the inspectorate for juvenile affairs of the region; - cooperation with employees of law enforcement and investigative bodies; - cooperation with the regional House of Children's Art.
    5. Information, organizational and methodological activities
    - holding joint pedagogical councils;
    - interaction of methodological associations of class teachers of middle classes and primary school teachers (continuity in work);
    - compilation of psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students who are in the intra-school control;
    - development of materials to help the class teacher;
    - drawing up the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the class;
    - organization of exhibitions of literature, posters;
    6. Legal education of students
    - study and discussion of the Rules for students;
    - study of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Rights of the Child";
    - study of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on the responsibility of minors;
    - organization of meetings with employees of the traffic police, police department;

    - Carrying out thematic film lectures;
    - conducting class hours, drawing contests, posters, etc. 7. Lesson activities Social studies in grades 6 - 7
    The main goal of this course is to educate a worthy person, a citizen, whose orientations are associated with the enduring values ​​of human civilization. One of these values ​​is RIGHT, as an indissoluble unity of "can" and "no", rights and obligations, freedom and personal responsibility of everyone for their lives.
    Along with the educational goals of the course "Social Studies" pursues the goal of primary legal education, ie. familiarization with the most important documents for a child: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Principles of Tolerance, the Family Code of the Russian Federation, etc.

    The topic "Citizen is a worthy son of the Fatherland" (Rights and obligations of a citizen in the Constitution of the Russian Federation)

    7th grade:
    - The topic "Why is it important to comply with the laws" (Constitution, Family Code, Labor Code, Law "On Education)" - Topic "Defense of the Fatherland" (Law on Military Duty)

    Topic: "Guilty - answer" (Criminal Code, Code of Administrative Offenses, Civil Code, Labor Code)

    8. Classroom, school-wide, neighborhood, traditional activities The involvement of adolescents in a variety of activities is the most important means of correcting their value orientations, the development of social activity, gives them the opportunity for self-realization and self-affirmation.

    At the same time, the closest attention is paid to the organization of socially useful activities that best meet the needs of adolescence, is an irreplaceable means of socialization. The school holds events in which school students, together with teachers, prepare scenarios for these events, for example, the holiday of the New Year tree, Maslenitsa, Mother's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day and others, since there are not many students, then all students and teachers are usually involved in activities. and parents. This unites the school team, the children do not have much time for wasted pastime. Teachers prepare and conduct olympiads and quizzes in subjects for elementary school students with middle-level students. The history teacher at the school created a group of guides from students of the 6th, 7th, grades (optional), which developed excursions around the school museum corner and the city of Pskov. (We are planning a trip to Pskov, where the circle members will show their excursion skills). Classroom hours for the prevention of bad habits are systematically held in accordance with the school's work plan. This year, they were held on the following topics: "Be able to say NO", "Bad habits are ruining our lives", a meeting with police officers is planned on the topic: "Types of responsibility of minors for drinking alcoholic beverages." School students took part in the regional competition of posters "For a healthy lifestyle". These classroom hours draw the attention of children to the fact that they need to take good care of their health, develop skills for a healthy and safe lifestyle, and adhere to a socially active civic position. Fire safety work is underway in accordance with the school's plan. Conducted: class hour-workshop "Caution, fire!", Class hour with the presentation "Protect the forest from fire!" During classroom hours, school-wide and district events, students develop stable skills for safe behavior on the roads, as well as systematically the school administration at parent meetings acquaints parents with analytical reports on road accidents in the region and the district.
    School recreational autumn, spring and summer camps are very popular. A prerequisite for staying in the autumn and spring camp is daily hiking in the forest. Indoors, competitions in table tennis, checkers, pioneerball, and football are held. The guys spend about 4 hours a day on the street. In the school camp, children are in a different age group. It contributes to the daily routine, helps in everyday life. In such a situation, the elders are always in sight and must show only a positive example to the younger ones, the younger ones like that they are taken care of, but at the same time they are independent. The summer health camp includes hiking and cycling trips. In field conditions, teachers help children show themselves, feel the shoulder of others, and get acquainted with the traditions of the school. The acquired skills in practice help the children in their educational activities, make it possible to evaluate themselves and their comrades in a new environment, allow them to re-evaluate the well-known rules and norms of behavior, to see the practical meaning in their content. Health camps for low-income and large families are of particular importance, children are not only supervised for half a day, but have a full 2 ​​meals a day and organized leisure, which is an excellent prevention of offenses. 100% of school students attend circles that work both in the daytime and in the evening. This allows you to identify the individual interests of students and engage them in extracurricular hours.

    Mug name

    Time spending


    Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Ethics (Grade 1)

    Fedorova Anzhelika Alekseevna

    Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Ethics (Grade 2)

    Fedorova Anzhelika Alekseevna

    Fundamentals of Religious Culture and Ethics (Grade 3)

    Fedorova Anzhelika Alekseevna


    Ivanov Sergey Pavlovich

    History of the native land

    Osipova Inessa Yuzefovna

    Physics around us

    Mikhailova Tamara Valentinovna

    Entertaining math

    Mikhailova Tamara Valentinovna

    Interesting geography

    Galina Pustoshkina

    In order to strengthen discipline during the period of teaching and other activities, the school has organized a daily watch of the administration, class teachers and students. Discipline offenders are subject to the measures provided for in the school charter. In the plans of educational work, class teachers annually plan work on the prevention of offenses: class hours, conversations, raids to check the daily routine, monitor the employment of children in their free time from school. Employees of the PDN, a district inspector come to the school to provide preventive assistance in promoting legal knowledge among students. Questions about the state of preventive work at school are constantly discussed at meetings with the director, at meetings of pedagogical councils, class teachers report on the work done. The teaching staff maintains close ties with the commission on juvenile affairs under the administration of the Pushkinogorsk region. To organize work on the prevention of offenses among students, to control their daily routine, the parent committee of the school is also involved.

    The intended result:

    Organization of preventive activities that contribute to the reduction of juvenile delinquency.

    This year, by the decision of the Pedagogical Council dated 09/30/2012, the following were registered in the school:

    1. The "dysfunctional" Andreev family.

    Mother: Andreeva Yulia Alexandrovna

    Father: Andreev Sergey Alexandrovich

    Children: Andreeva Victoria Sergeevna 05.11.2001 year of birth, student of the 5th grade.

    Andreev Stanislav Sergeevich 02.09.1999 year of birth, 6th grade student.

    Andreeva Evgenia Sergeevna 07.02.2007 year of birth, pupil of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

    Reason for registration: large family (3 children). There is no proper control over children, both parents abuse alcohol, children have an unkempt appearance, pediculosis has been repeatedly noted.

    2. The "dysfunctional" Plyushchev family.

    Mother: Plyushcheva Galina Petrovna

    Children: Plyushcheva Alisa Sergeevna born on 16.05.2001, 4th grade student.

    Reason for staging: there is no proper attention to the daughter. Alice often misses classes, is late for the first lesson, and does her homework poorly.

    Alice has an unkempt appearance, head lice is often noted.

    3. The "dysfunctional" family of the Aldatovs.

    Mother: Rybnikova Evgenia Nikolaevna

    Father: Aldatov Murat Khasanbekovich

    Children: Marat Muratovich Aldatov was born on August 31, 2003, 3rd grade student.

    Aldatov Alan Muratovich 17.09. Born in 2001, 4th grade student.

    Ivanova Isabella Muratovna, born on May 26, 1997, a 7th grade student.

    Reason for staging: there is no proper attention from parents to children. Sons often miss classes, are late for lessons, and do not do their homework. Ivanova Isabella voluntarily left the parental home, and her mother was unable to insist on the girl's return to the family.

    4. "Difficult teenagers" - Andrey Sergeevich Fedorov, born on 23.12.2003, student of grade 3.

    Mother: Petrova Galina Alexandrovna

    Father: Fedorov Sergey Alekseevich

    Reason for setting: Seen repeatedly in theft, lying, aggressive towards classmates.

    Diagnostics: At the diagnostic stage, data is collected on the current problem situation, information is analyzed and systematized in order to identify the reasons that may contribute to the commission of juvenile delinquency.

    At this stage, the following methods and techniques are used: observation, conversation, questioning, testing, analysis of documentation, etc.

    Observation is the most common and natural method in the work of an educator. It is used to study the external manifestations of human behavior without interfering with his actions. It is important to conduct observation in natural conditions: in communication, in the game, in the lesson, etc.,

    The method of conversation of obtaining and directly correcting information in the process of vocabulary communication is a way of penetrating into the inner world of a person and makes it possible to understand his problems.

    Questioning is a method of collecting information through a written survey of students. In terms of content, the questionnaire should only cover a specific problem.

    The interview method involves pre-prepared questions for each specific respondent. Using this method it is important:

    use a conversational style of communication

    consider the capabilities of the respondent

    create a habitat familiar to the respondent

    take into account the time factor (enough time)

    eliminate the influence of third parties.

    Name of the event


    Responsible for implementation

    Organization of monitoring of the social composition of school students and their families


    Classroom teacher

    Psychodiagnostics of personality traits of students prone to deviant behavior and committing offenses

    during a year

    Classroom teacher

    Study of the social environment of students at the MSC

    during a year

    Classroom teacher

    1. "What do you want to know about yourself?" - asks the teacher. And he offers a choice: "Can I find out if you have a good memory, how developed is your attention?" Teenagers tend to respond with interest to this.

    proposal, after that you can move on to discussing more complex issues, for example: 2. "Why do comrades respect you?" 3. "What prevents you from doing well in school?" 4. "Why don't you get along well with people?"

    5. "How do you see yourself in the future?" - this question almost always remains unanswered among adolescents, which is an indicator of the lack of formation of promising ideas about themselves in tomorrow's life.

    encourage adolescents to draw up a personal growth program. It is important to help adolescents get rid of false self-images that often arise under the influence of a street company, to stimulate the formation of adequate self-esteem. Therefore, it is necessary that

    In the second case, the ability to maintain a conversation is important, you need to know what you are talking about and be able to express your thoughts in an accessible form.

    In the third case, that it is more pleasant to communicate with a well-groomed and cheerful, benevolent person than with a gloomy "dirty man". Recall the feelings of the guys when they were smartly dressed for the holiday, their mood, as well as the fairy tale about Fedor, etc. Give examples in the discussion of how a "clean" and "dirty" house looks like.

    As part of your homework, ask the children to depict this in pictures.

    Communication culture


    Purpose: to draw the attention of students to the rules of etiquette, to interest them in the norms of etiquette.

    Here are some general rules for having a pleasant conversation that will help a student to be a pleasant companion not only at the table, but in any situation.

    1. Let's define to begin with what should not be said. Try not to talk about things that may unpleasantly offend the interlocutor. Do not speak disparagingly about, for example, an actor of small stature "meter with a cap", if the one with whom you are discussing him is not tall himself. Do not praise your dog in front of a friend whose dog has recently been hit by a car. Do not describe the beauty of a vacation in the Bahamas if you know that the parents of your companion are not able to take him even to the nearest village.

    2. Don't humiliate others. Do not hurt the feelings of your interlocutor, do not try to "pin up" him, offend, rise at his expense.

    3. Don't gossip. Only speak well of those who are absent. Not only is it shameful to gossip in general, your words can convey “as intended” and even add their own. How will you look into the eyes of someone on whose account you "innocently walked" a couple of days ago in a one-on-one conversation.

    4. Do not discuss too narrow problems that, except you, are of no interest to anyone.

    5. Each interlocutor has his own topic. With a classmate, you can discuss the problems of the new teacher. And the grandmother from all this will only understand that you are at odds with the teacher and you are facing a deuce. The barley in your cousin's eye is unlikely to be of interest to the headmaster. And the scandal between mom and aunt, because of the one who better remembers the events of ten years ago, it is better not to discuss with anyone at all.

    6. On the street and in a public place, do not speak too loudly for strangers to hear it. Do not think that strangers will pay enthusiastic attention to you: "Oh, how brave they are!" or "Oh, how witty", or "Oh, my God, what a cool!" Most likely they will think: "What bad manners!" And they will turn away boringly.

    7. In general, you should not speak too loudly. If your words are not paid attention to, then this is most likely not because you speak too quietly, but because you speak uninteresting or confused. Or maybe your interlocutor does not know how to listen. Then you shouldn't waste your vocal cords on it.

    8. Do not speak too softly either, so that people are not forced to strain their ears with all their might. Don't mutter under your breath. Don't speak too fast, but don't stretch your sentences either. If you are not confident in your artistry, do not utter words with excessive affectation (if you do not know the word - ask an adult).

    9. Don't tactlessly answer or respond to questions.

    10. If you misunderstood or misheard something, then do not ask again, as in the bazaar, "What?" (and even more so "Shaw?") Say: "Sorry, I didn't hear."

    11. If a third has joined the two interviewees, find a topic that will be of interest to all three.

    12. If you notice that two people are talking, are discussing something intimate, not for someone else's ear, leave the conversation elegantly, do not break the “tete-a-tete”. Do not under any circumstances ask: “What were you talking about here without me? If you don’t tell me, I’ll be offended! " "None of your dog business!" will not work.

    13. It is very bad manners to answer a question with a question. It always sounds like you think your comrade is a complete fool. For example, they ask you: "Have you already had dinner?" It's pointless and impolite.

    14. Do not clutter your speech with curses. Tsing through clenched teeth "black words" for which our great-grandmothers could drag a criminal to wash his mouth with soap, some guys - and sometimes girls! - seem mature and experienced. In fact, this causes disgust and horror of others. Sorcerers believe that the one who uses dirty expressions in speech attracts the forces of evil and spoils his fate.

    It is necessary to expand the vocabulary that you use, but you should do it wisely. When you hear a new word, ask the elder to explain its meaning to you. Better yet, check the dictionary! And only when you understand the meaning of the new word well, start using it.

    Then your tongue will gradually become richer and cleaner. It will become easier for you to express your thoughts, and you will become a pleasant companion both at the table and in life.