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  • The problem of preserving the correct literary speech. One of the signs of the cultural catastrophe that befell us is foul language

    The problem of preserving the correct literary speech. One of the signs of the cultural catastrophe that befell us is foul language

    One of the hallmarks of the cultural catastrophe that has befallen us is foul language. It nests not only in groups of teenagers hanging out and has long ceased to be a "linguistic prerogative" of a drunken loader in a grocery store.

    The writing

    On the Internet, on television, radio, and even in print and books, traces of foul language are increasingly found.

    In this text S.I. Vinogradov makes us think about the question: "Should foul language be considered a cultural catastrophe?"

    Analyzing the problem, the author discusses why in modern society "motherfucking freely and proudly pours" everywhere and everywhere. The writer gives an example of various types of foul language and analyzes its hypostasis, thereby showing how deeply this scourge of society has taken root. The writer also says that, unlike in past years, in the present tense both ladies and high, educated strata of society do not hesitate to use obscenities. Therefore, the author calls the family and upbringing the main reason for the spread of foul language, because a priori a person who does not have swear words in his vocabulary cannot emerge from a “swearing” environment.

    The author believes that swearing is the main sign of lack of culture, leading to a cultural catastrophe. It destroys society from the inside, corrupts the mentality of the people, its language and moral character. The world of a person who prefers obscenities to pure and correct speech is primitive and depressing, and this cannot but lead to sadness. And, taking care of our future, we should not be tolerant of obscenities, but must impose a complete ban on it.

    I completely agree with the opinion of S.I. Vinogradov, and I also think that swearing should be eradicated from modern society, because a person's speech is a reflection of his consciousness and intellect, morality and spirituality, and foul language is a sign of a primitive human consciousness.

    In the novel by D.I. So, conveying the image of one of the main characters, Mrs. Prostakova, he uses abusive and foul language in her remarks, which characterizes her as a rude and narrow-minded woman, ignorant and arrogant. Later we learn that the whole Prostakov family communicates with each other in the same language. In this cell of society, rudeness and ignorance reign, Prostakova communicates with her serfs with terrible tyranny, which testifies to her complete lack of spirituality. It is not surprising that the apogee of this whole situation was Mitrofanushka - a worthy son of his mother, a spiritless, ignorant and rude traitor.

    Similarly, A.N. Ostrovsky in the drama "The Thunderstorm". Two characters, Kabanikha and Dikoy, use a lot of nasty, swear words in their speech, the author shows them as ignorant people, not endowed with intelligence and empty. With their speech, their behavior, eternal reproaches and abuse, they pester their loved ones and do not allow them to exist normally. Kabanikha is a domineering, wayward tyrant, striving for eternal humiliation of loved ones, and Dikoy is an example of immoral and rude foul language, and both of them are in the work "The Dark Kingdom", which has confidently flooded and continues to flood the public.

    Thus, we can conclude that the presence of obscene words in the lexicon is a sign of a person's lack of culture, his moral and spiritual poverty. Foul language is truly a scourge of modern society, leading to cultural disaster.

    Lesson topic

    Preparation for an essay - reasoning based on the original text (preparation for the exam, part 3 C. Text by S. Vinogradov "On foul language". Appendix 1.).

    Lesson objectives:

    Educational: preparing students for writing an essay - reasoning based on a comprehensive analysis of the original text (preparation for the exam), repetition of knowledge about the journalistic style of speech, the formation of practical skills necessary for successfully passing the exam (students must understand and be able to analyze the text, as well as complete assignments, similar to examination).

    Developing: further development of the communicative, linguistic and linguistic competencies of students:

    Define the problems of the text,

    Ability to see language means of expression in the text,

    Ability to create your own statement based on the source text.


    Education of a culture of speech; increasing the exactingness of your speech;

    Raising adolescents' conscious rejection of foul language;

    Fostering a respect for the language.

    Tasks:consolidate skills

    Formulate the main problem of the source text;

    Comment on the problem based on text;

    Formulate the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text;

    Express your own opinion on the problem using arguments.

    Lesson type: speech development lesson.

    Methods: problematic, research (questioning and observing the speech of others), partially - search (used when working with text), reproductive method (working with a textbook, supporting schemes), differentiated learning.
    Forms of work: frontal, individual, group.

    Techniques:problem statement, expressive reading, text analysis, planning, work with dictionaries.

    Lesson type: workshop.
    Equipment: dictionaries, "Dictionary of the Living Great Russian language" by V. I. Dal, text by S. Vinogradov "On foul language" (G. T. Egoraeva "Russian language. Unified State Exam. Practical work. Real tests. 2012. Publishing house" Exam ", Moscow, 2012 ), reference schemes, templates for writing an essay.

    As a homework assignment, students were asked to write down the statements of great people about the Russian language. Students prepared messages about the need to respect the Russian language, about the dangers of foul language, conducted a questionnaire (Appendix 2). The preparatory work was carried out in groups.

    During the classes.

    The epigraph of the lesson is written on the board:

    Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this heritage passed down to us by our predecessors ...

    I. S. Turgenev.

    1). Organizational moment. Preparation for active cognitive activity. Psychological attitude to the lesson, the ability to switch attention to educational activities.

    2)... Topic message.

    3) Goal setting and motivation.Involve students in the process of setting goals and objectives for the lesson. Awareness of the goals of the lesson by each student.

    Today in the lesson we continue to prepare for the exam. Using the knowledge gained, we will try to conduct a holistic (complex) analysis of the text. What will be the result of our work?

    To write an essay - reasoning based on the source text - this is the goal of our lesson.

    To correctly write an essay-reasoning, what should we be able to? What taskstoday we must decide what results to come at the end of the lesson (based on the topic of the lesson)?

    - understand the author's text,
    - to formulate the problem of the original text,
    - comment on it based on the text,
    - to formulate the position of the author of the text on this issue,
    - formulate your own position and argue for it,
    - write an essay-reasoning.
    The purpose of a comprehensive text analysis is to identify the author's intention.

    I draw your attention to the fact that all the works that will sound in the lesson, you can use in your composition as literary arguments.

    4). Work on the topic of the lesson.

    Homework check.

    -Let's start the lesson by checking the homework. At home, you needed to find the statements of great people about the Russian language. Let's read them.

    How many good words have been said by famous people about the Russian language! Pay attention to the words of I. S. Turgenev written on the board. More than 100 years ago, in 1882, in the declining years, shortly before his death, the great Russian writer I.S. support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language! If it weren't for you, how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that is happening at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people! " (June 1882) Is it by chance, referring to Russian writers, and to all Russian people , he passionately urged: "Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this property passed on to us by our predecessors." Nothing happens by accident in life. And, probably, it is not an accident that shortly before his death the great writer thought about the fate of his native language? Don't you think his words are prophetic? It was not a momentary whim that made Turgenev mentally turn to his native language in meditation on the fate of his homeland. Let the words of the great writer be parting words for us in life.

    Several years later, another Russian writer, Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, passionately urged:

    Tombs, mummies and bones are silent, -

    Life is given only to a word:

    From the ancient darkness, on the world churchyard,

    Only Letters sound.

    And we have no other property!

    Know how to protect

    At least to the best of his ability, in the days of anger and suffering

    Our immortal gift is speech.

    He believed that the word, speech is what can withstand death:

    “Russia and the Russian word are something inseparable,” he wrote.

    And in the difficult time of the Leningrad blockade, Anna Akhmatova seemed to respond to the call of her senior comrades:

    We know what's on the scales

    And what is happening now.

    The hour of courage has struck on our watch

    And courage will not leave us.

    It's not scary to lie under the bullets of the dead,

    It's not scary to be left homeless, -

    But we will save you, Russian speech,

    Great Russian word.

    We will carry you free and clean

    We will give them to our grandchildren, and we will save them from captivity.

    In order to destroy a people, it is not at all necessary to conquer it; it is enough to destroy its culture, first of all its language. Therefore, it is so important to understand the meaning of these words:

    save word!Not a house, not a life, not even a homeland - but a word. Because everything is in the word. And home, and life, and homeland. And faith. The word embodies the spiritual wealth of the people - this is what must be protected in the native language. Otherwise, we will simply degenerate as a nation.

    N. Dorizo \u200b\u200bhas lines:

    Any language is great in its own way -

    A priceless heritage of centuries.

    So take care of your native language,

    Like the most precious thing in the world.

    Statement of the problematic question.

    How do you and I, their descendants, fulfill the behests of great writers? How do we feel about the great and mighty Russian language? What is the state of the Russian language today? Guys, unfortunately, rudeness and swearing have become almost commonplace in our life. What needs to be done to make swearing and obscenities perceived as evil? We will try to answer this problematic question.

    Let us turn to the text by S. Vinogradov. This text was first published in the magazine

    "Science and Life" # 4, 1993. Let's read the text (each student has collections).

    5). Text analysis. Determination of the students' level of proficiency in text analysis skills.
    What is the theme of the text?

    The topic of the text is usually presented in the introduction.The purpose of the introduction in journalistic texts: to evoke a certain feeling in the reader, to emotionally tune it, to create a state of tense expectation. Did the author manage to intrigue readers? Search for keywords in the introduction (disaster and bad language).

    What is bad language?Working with dictionaries (dictionary by V.I.Dahl)

    Foul language - This is speech filled with rude indecent expressions, obscene words, abuse. This phenomenon has many definitions: obscene language, unprintable expressions, swearing, obscene language, vocabulary of the "bodily bottom", etc. from the word "filth." In Dahl's dictionary we read: filth-abomination, filth, filth, vileness, filth, rot, carrion, stench, feces; stench; lewdness, debauchery, moral corruption; everything that is disgusting. " This smell of rot, stench, stink is in the air we breathe. People let him loose when they use foul language and poison everything around him.

    Disaster - an event with unfortunate, tragic consequences.

    Try to determine the style of the text and the leading type of speech. What style should we refer to the text? Which addressee is the text intended for? What are the goals of the journalistic style and its main features?

    Usually, writers turn to journalistic style when they want to draw attention to some socially significant moral problems, topical issues of modern life.

    The main function of works of journalistic style - affecting:discussion of pressing social, public issues in order to attract public opinion to them, influence on people, the formation of certain views, belief in something, inducement to certain actions. The text is written in a style that causes a certain reaction from the addressee.

    Let's try to define what is the problem the author puts forward. Choose three to four theses that will help you formulate the problems of the text. What worries him?

    The problem of the text is a complex issue that requires research, it is a “cross-cutting” thought that worries the author.

    Vinogradov considers the problem of spreading foul language in our language, society, in our life (Proposals No. 1, 7, 20.), the problem of the purity of the language, attitude to the native language. The author draws the attention of readers to a very important problem.

    Now we have to comment on the formulated problem.The commentary should be based on the read text... It is impossible to indulge in general reasoning on the problem, breaking away from the text. Remember, you are not commenting on the problem at all, but exactly how the author of the original text views the given problem (as formulated by you).

    The problem is socially significant, important, acute, topical, urgent, serious, complex, sore, burning.

    Why, when characterizing the problem, did we choose these definitions?Why did the author prefer this particular problem? Is it relevant? How topical is it now? Prove it with the words of the text. How does the author himself answer this question? How does the author characterize the choice of this problem?

    What is the type of speech?

    Reasoning with elements of description. The author puts forward the thesis and proves it.

    So, the topic of the text and the problematic are defined.

    It will be easier for us to comment on the position of the author if we observe the composition of the text. How many parts can you highlight in the text? Select parts of the text. Remember that microtopic boundaries often coincide with paragraphs. However, the number of micro-topics and paragraphs does not always coincide: one paragraph can contain two micro-topics, or a micro-topic can occupy two paragraphs. In addition, there are so-called “free” offers. They open and end the text, comment on the thought expressed in the micro-theme, and therefore the author can put them into a separate paragraph. The conclusion repeats the main idea expressed in the introduction.

    State the main points of each part.

    Cultural catastrophe - this is how the author characterizes the landslide foul language that has become a speech norm for most people. A catastrophe is an event with unfortunate, tragic consequences (commenting on the first micro theme). Proposals 2-6.

    In sentences 25-29, he discusses recipes for curing foul language.

    What is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text, its idea?To determine the idea of \u200b\u200bthe text, let's run a test.

    What sentence contains the idea of \u200b\u200bthe text: 1) 32) 123) 29

    The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe text is expressed in the urge to action, in the author's call in sentence No. 29.

    "Let's be intolerant of foul language - we will impose a complete and non-negotiable ban on it."

    In what proposals does the author's position openly sound?

    Sentences 21, 22, 23.

    What is your position? Do you agree with the author, his thoughts? Is foul language dangerous? Do I need to fight him? Formulate and argue your own attitude to the problem posed.

    Students' answers using additional material (work in groups). (Appendix 2)

    What are the recipes for this disease? What does the author say about this?

    The answer to this question is contained in proposals 26-29.

    How to deal with foul language? Is it possible to get rid of this disease? What does the author think about this? (the answer is in the last paragraph. Sentences 25 - 28). What recipes would you suggest?

    You need to start with yourself. We do not have power over the speech of others, but we have power over our own speech. This is our mirror. And don't let it get dirty. Do not use obscene expressions in your own speech. Remember the words of A. I. Solzhenitsyn, appropriate in this situation: "Let it come into the world and even reign in the world - but not through me." There is no need to be afraid to be a black sheep. Let everyone talk, but I won't. (you can give the results of the questionnaire conducted in the process of preparing for the lesson. Appendix 3).

    Be able to culturally rest, master the techniques of relieving psychological stress.

    Do not be afraid to confront the environment, to resist the use of obscene expressions in your presence.

    Learn to ask for forgiveness, forgive yourself.

    Practice speaking politely and beautifully. Find literary expressions for use in critical situations. Constantly engage in self-improvement. - Read good literature. Be picky about your friends. Sincerely love people and be afraid of offending them.
    - It is important to learn to think and talk about good things, remembering that our words materialize, and our thoughts are realized.

    Use as many positive statements as possible in your speech (praise, encouragement, expressing kind positive feelings and thoughts). Give every day as many compliments as possible to other people, for example: “You look very good today”, “Glad to see you,” “You answered amazingly well in class,” etc.

    Over time, you will find that compliments become a habit that you really enjoy.

    6). Group differentiated work. Completing assignments in the course of students' independent work. Let's get to work! (each microgroup receives a sheet of paper with the name of the microtheme on which the work is performed. One microgroup writes the introduction, the second formulates and comments on the author's position, the third argues its own opinion, based on life and reading experience. By the end of the lesson, a coherent text is obtained from pieces of group work. As literary arguments, you can cite the works that were sounded in the lesson).

    Students' speeches, analysis of the work performed.

    7) Let's summarize the lesson:

    Are you interested in the topic of the lesson? What's new have you learned?

    - How satisfied are you with your own (individual) work in the lesson?
    - How satisfied are you with the collective (group) work?
    - What did today's lesson give you?
    - What would you like to wish your classmates?

    Thank you all for your work.


    G. T. Egoraeva “Russian language. Unified State Exam. Workshop. Real tests "2012. S. Vinogradov" On foul language ". Exam Publishing House, Moscow, 2012.

    “Russian language 5-9 grades. Intellectual marathon. Extracurricular activities at school. " Authors-compilers: T. A. Kurushina, V. A. Basistaya et al. Volgograd, Publishing House "Uchitel" 2009.

    "Russian language. Preparation for the final certification. Grades 9-11 "Compiled by: N. Ya. Nelyubova, N. Yu. Kadashnikova, EV Popova and others. Publishing house" Uchitel ", Volgograd, 2008.

    Attachment 1.

    1) One of the signs of the cultural catastrophe that has befallen us has become foul language. 2) It nests not only in groups of teenagers hanging out and has long ceased to be the "linguistic prerogative" of a drunken loader in a grocery store. 3) Swearing freely and proudly flows in the corridors and smoking rooms of prestigious universities, from the stage and screen, from the pages of our press. 4) The rule “not to express yourself in front of the ladies” has become a deep anachronism: swearing is now not gender-selective, and some “ladies”, especially at a tender age, are able to plug another bum in the belt.

    5) The landslide profanity in general, apparently, is a companion of times of crisis. 6) The historian and thinker of the 17th century, clerk Ivan Timofeev, among the vices and sins that led to the Troubles that almost destroyed Russia, also mentioned "the fetid pronunciation of the tongue and lips of obscene nasty words."

    7) Nowadays, foul language exists in different forms, as if it appears in several guises.

    8) First of all, this is the usual foul language characteristic of people with a low level of culture. 9) In this case, obscene words and expressions for the person who uses them are used, one might say, automatically - both as units of naming the corresponding objects and actions, and as interjections expressing various feelings, and as ballast fillers of the speech flow (like as some other people say every minute: so, so to speak, it means). 10) Habitual mate is an absolute and complete manifestation of lack of culture. 11) Although it is connected with the level of education, but not directly: I, for example, knew peasants, behind whom there were two classes of a parish school, but for whom a swear word was as unnatural as laziness or bad work; at the same time, I know swearing students, engineers and doctors. 12) The main medium for the formation of habitual foul language is the family, the main reason is the cultural vacuum reigning in it. 13) Therefore, foul language is so stable: a child who every day hears his parents "caress" each other with a fierce word will almost certainly grow up "swearing" and pass on this habit to his children.

    14) The so-called affective foul language is widespread. It is associated with the expression of a feeling and is usually the emotional reaction of a person to a situation, words or behavior of other people, even to his own actions.

    16) Another manifestation of foul language is deliberate shocking, a challenge to society, attempts to destroy the generally accepted rules of decency. 17) The range of this type of mat is very wide - from elementary linguistic hooliganism, inscriptions on fences and in toilets to mannered cynical speeches of some representatives of the intelligentsia and, so to speak, works of art - books, films, plays. 18) Yes, in the texts of great Russian literature there are many lines and lines, where the corresponding words, even in academic editions, were bashfully replaced by dots. 19) But is there anything in common between them and obscenities for the sake of fashion, to create an aura of scandalous scandal, or simply because they cannot speak otherwise?

    20) Mat is, alas, an objective harsh reality. 21) Realizing this clearly, should we take an indifferent attitude? 22) Unlikely. 23) After all, foul language not only offends other people, but also has a destructive effect on the person himself: mate, as it were, becomes part of his mentality. 24) A person begins to look at the world through a grid, the nodes of which are connected from obscene words, and this world is depressingly primitive, since all the diversity of life in it is reduced to the simplest functions.

    25) There are no and cannot be any universal recipes for curing foul language. 26) One thing is clear: this is possible only with a significant increase in the cultural level of both society and the individual. 27) No need to entertain yourself with illusions: no one will teach a drunken lumpen or a prostitute from the square of three stations to speak another language. 28) But a lot can be done in a microcollective - in the classroom, student auditorium and especially in the family. 29) Let's be intolerant of foul language - we will impose a complete and non-negotiable ban on it.

    Appendix 2.

    A) Mat for many today has ceased to be profanity. It is now spoken. But swearing is not just indecent, these words have a negative effect on health, says Stanislav Zenin, head of the laboratory of water biophysics at the Research Institute of Human Ecology and Environmental Hygiene. Sysina. “Words and thoughts can change the environment around a person. It happens that you come to an apartment and feel at ease in it. And in the other - uncomfortable. This is the result of the relationship between people living in these apartments. If the house is constantly swearing, then this does not change its aura for the better. Foul language changes space. Getting into such an environment, the body begins to adjust to the negative.

    B) Foul language is especially dangerous for children. Their intellectual development depends, for the main overview, on the language spoken by the adults around them. Children, hearing dirty speech, learn to use foul language themselves. The mental development of such children is inhibited. If a child hears only speech, consisting of two or three dozen words and expressions (mostly indecent), then there can be no talk of any mental and mental development of this child. In adolescence, the problem of foul language becomes especially acute, because in the eyes of a teenager, foul language is a manifestation of independence, the ability to disobey prohibitions, that is, a symbol of adulthood. In addition, it is a sign of linguistic belonging to a peer group, speech fashion. Sometimes this is an imitation of youth idols, for example, popular TV presenters, actors, singers.

    But few of the guys realize that foul language, like rudeness, is a weapon of insecure people. Rudeness allows them to hide their own vulnerability and protects them, because discovering weakness and uncertainty at this age is tantamount to complete defeat. In addition, high school students sometimes try to offend their parents with swear words, shock them, piss them off in order to measure their power over them and confirm their own emotional independence from them.

    C) Studies have shown that swearing people very quickly manifest age-related changes at the cellular level, which lead to all kinds of diseases.

    Without risking experimenting on humans, subjecting them to abuse, scientists have conducted research on plants. The seeds of the Arabidopsis plant were tested. For several weeks on a regular basis - three to four hours a day - a tape recorder nearby "read" rude phrases. As a result, most of the seeds died, and the survivors became genetic freaks. These monsters, having suffered many diseases, passed them on by inheritance, and after several generations degenerated. On this basis, scientists have concluded that certain words have an informational effect on DNA.

    The opposite experiment was also carried out: scientists "blessed" seeds killed by radioactive irradiation of ten thousand roentgens, prayed over them, and then the confused genes, torn chromosomes and DNA strands fell into place and fused, the killed seeds came to life.

    D) Foul language is a great evil. This is a disease of the intellect, a trouble of a distorted consciousness. Very often a person, accustomed to using obscene language instead of ordinary words, breaks the habit of speaking in a normal language. Getting into an unfamiliar normal society, he tries to keep silent more so as not to accidentally say an indecent word. Gradually, a person loses the ability to speak normally, but retains the ability to use foul language. Scientists have called this disease "Tourette's syndrome" (or coprolalia, from the Greek kopros - feces, dirt and lalia - speech. So in medicine, they call an irresistible attraction to cynical and obscene language).

    Appendix 3.

    Profile (anonymous):

      Do you often use obscene words in your speech?
      a) In communication in “his” circle

    b) I use it, but very rarely

    c) I never use it at all

      What provokes you to use obscene words and expressions?
      a) I cannot express my feelings otherwise

    b) anger at something or someone

    3. What (or who) is your source of “new” words and expressions?
    a) friends

    4. Do you consider it permissible to hear abuse from classmates?
    a) Sometimes you can, if necessary

    b) never

    Questionnaire "Profanity in my life"

    Class _______ "___"

    1. Why do you think people use swear words and curses in their speech? _____________________________________________________________________________________

    2. If you use swear words (swear words) in your speech, explain why? _____________________________________________________________________________________

    3. How often do you say these words? __________________________________________________

    4. In what situations does this happen? _____________________________________________________

    5. Do you think this is bad or not? ____________________________________________________

    6. How do you feel when you say these words? ______________________________________

    7. How do you think other people feel or think when they hear you say swear words? _______________________________________________________________________

    8. How do you feel when someone swears in front of you? _________________________________

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________

    9. From whom do you most often hear such words? ________________________________________

    10. What do you think needs to be done so that people (children) do not use swear words? _____________________________________________________________________________________

    11. What needs to be done so that you do not use these words? __________________________________


    12. Do you want your future children to use swear words in their speech? Why? _____________________________________________________________________________________

    Thank you for your frankness!

    Writings about foul language

    I read with interest the text of S. Vinogradov, in which he reflects on the problem of foul language.

    Reflecting on the general foul language, which is widespread in society and is a manifestation of lack of culture, the author believes that obscenities are a companion of times of crisis, and cites as an example such a historical event as the Troubles that happened in Russia in the seventeenth century. S Vinogradov is sure that "there are not and cannot be any universal recipes for curing foul language", the only way is "to raise the cultural level of both society and the individual."

    I fully share the author's point of view and believe that foul language is a destructive phenomenon for society, which shows a low cultural level of both society and an individual. The Russian people have many proverbs that show how terrible foul language is, because it kills a person's soul, his heart. "From a rotten heart and rotten words" - you can't say better!

    Archpriest Alexander Novopashin in his article "Rotten Words" writes that "the sad omen of our time is not only idle, empty, useless, but also rotten" obscene "words." They have become so firmly established in our vocabulary that today “they no longer use foul language, they speak foul language, they speak with each other”. The priest, addressing the youth, gives useful advice on how to get rid of this addiction.

    On the Internet, on the website "For the Young", I got acquainted with interesting information about the work of scientists who proved that a person who uses profanity gets old earlier and worsens his gene pool. I was amazed by the fact that it turns out that the mat has a destructive effect on all living things, including water: frozen water, when exposed to the mat, acquires a musty taste ... But the human body mostly consists of water ...

    It is known that doctors find out if a person is healthy or sick by examining the tongue; we can say that our words are a sure sign of the good or bad dispositions of our soul.
    Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk

    Some are very picky in food and do not allow their famous dishes to be spoken, but they are not so picky and careful about the words coming out of their mouths.
    Blessed Augustine

    Abstinence of the tongue shows a wise man.
    Rev. Abba Isaiah

    One of the hallmarks of the cultural catastrophe that has befallen us is foul language. It nests not only in groups of teenagers hanging out and has long ceased to be the "linguistic prerogative" of a drunken loader in a grocery store. Swearing freely and proudly flows in the corridors and smoking rooms of prestigious universities, from the stage and screen, from the pages of our press. The rule “not to express yourself in front of the ladies” has become a deep anachronism: the mat is now non-selective in terms of gender, and some “ladies”, especially at a tender age, are able to plug another bum in the belt.

    All-round profanity, apparently, is a companion of times of crisis. The historian and thinker of the 17th century, clerk Ivan Timofeev, among the vices and sins that led to the Troubles that almost ruined Russia, mentioned not only lies, hypocrisy, insolence of perjury, the loss of a love union, insatiable avarice of money, immense consumption of wine and gluttony, but also “stinking language and mouth of obscene nasty words. " Of course, it would be an oversimplification, speaking of foul language, to reduce everything to social or ideological reasons. Invective (offensive) and obscene (out-of-the-box) vocabulary exists in many languages \u200b\u200band cultures. It is from words of this kind that the lexical composition of foul language, or mat, is formed. This is a relatively small ("dirty dozen", as the English say) and closed group of words and expressions, the use of which is taboo in the cultural community. This group includes the names of parts of the human body, primarily genitals (the so-called vocabulary of the "bodily bottom"), physiological functions, sexual intercourse, as well as words derived from them. This also includes some offensive lexemes like a word that in its basic meaning serves as the name of a dissolute woman, but is still more often used in the interjection function - when expressing the whole gamut of human emotions: anger, indignation, amazement and even delight.

    A number of myths have formed around the Russian mat in the everyday consciousness. The most stable of them is the idea that the most cynical curses appeared during the period of the Tatar-Mongol yoke and were introduced into the Russian language by the Horde. This is not true: the roots of most obscene words are of common Slavic or even Indo-European origin.

    By the way, having such an ancient history, the vocabulary that today is included in the taboo zone was not always perceived as indecent. For example, one of the most widespread curses today - an obscene synonym for a prostitute and words derived from it, freely penetrated into book sources at the end of the 17th century. However, gradually these words began to be perceived as "shameful" and in 1730, as experts say, they were banned from book sources by almost a special decree.

    The second myth, somewhat opposite to the first, is the conviction that Russians are particularly fond of obscenities. They say that already in ancient times our ancestors could not do without the appropriate vocabulary even in ritual actions, even in wedding ceremonies. Indeed, among the Eastern Slavs, as, indeed, among other peoples, in pagan times there was a cult of fertility, belief in the mystical marriage of earth and sky as a source of harvest. Yes, at Russian weddings, so-called corylous songs were sung, which contained ritual insults to the groom (so that the chosen one would not have to reproach him in her future life), often, in our modern opinion, obscene. Naturally, such representations and rituals, by necessity, had to have their own special vocabulary - but then the words included in it were not perceived as indecent. And only in relation to later times ... the flesh began to be considered initially sinful, and a ban was imposed on the vocabulary of the “bodily bottom”, we can talk about ritual foul language that existed in the last century. For example, a Russian peasant, frightening off evil spirits, did not necessarily cross himself with the sign of the cross, but, believing that “the devil is afraid of swearing”, he could use obscene language to “protect”.

    Nowadays, foul language exists in different manifestations, as if it appears in several guises.

    First of all, this is the usual foul language characteristic of people with a low level of culture. In this case, obscene words and expressions for the person who uses them are not marked in any way (or almost in any way), they are included in the usual verbal series of their lexico-phraseological thesaurus (dictionary) and are used, one might say, automatically - and as units of naming the corresponding objects and actions, and as interjections expressing a variety of feelings, and as ballast fillers of the speech flow (just like some other people say every minute: "here", "so to speak", "means"). Habitual swearing is an absolute and complete manifestation of lack of culture. Although it is connected with the level of education, it is not directly: I, for example, knew peasants who had two classes of parish school behind them, but for whom a swear word was as unnatural as laziness or poor work; at the same time, I know the habitually and sadly swearing students, engineers and doctors. The main environment for the formation of habitual foul language is the family, the main reason is the cultural vacuum that reigns in it. Therefore, foul language is so stable: a child who every day hears his parents “caressing” each other with a fierce word will almost certainly grow up to be “swearing” and pass on this habit to his children.

    The so-called affective foul language is widespread. It is associated with the expression of a feeling and is usually an emotional reaction of a person to a situation, words or behavior of other people, even to his own actions (someone, probably, will easily remember the words that he says or wants to say when, with all his might striking a nail with a hammer, hits himself on the finger). Often, though not always, affective swearing is an insult. By the way, there is a point of view according to which the possibility of relieving strong psychophysical stress through the use of forbidden vocabulary is precisely the main reason for its existence. Moreover, the stronger the taboo, the more emotional relaxation the violation of the ban brings. Therefore, they say, in different cultures, insults are created and, of course, taboo about what is sacred or vital for a given ethnos: among Russians, this is an insult to the mother (in Slavic cultures, maternal kinship is valued), among Catholics - Madonna, etc. The most offensive expression used by the Chukchi and Eskimos can be translated roughly like this: "You are an incompetent." An English medical journal of the 19th century wrote: “Who was the first in the world to curse his fellow tribesman, instead of splitting his skull with a club, thereby laid the foundations of our civilization; after all, if you stepped on someone's corn, he will either hit you or scold you, then both at the same time is hardly possible. " Although the latter statement is highly doubtful, mat as a kind of affective behavior does exist. But he, of course, is outside the "cultural framework" of communication. By the way, native speakers themselves understand this well, and not only the most intelligent of them. As a result, attempts are being made (this is also typical for the children's environment) to supplant obscene words, to replace them with others. This is the reason for the spread of the word "pancake" in a kind of interjection function: "Here, damn it, again it does not work." And, although there is a clear and undisguised phonetic allusion to the "primary source", this is still not a dirty curse.

    Another manifestation of foul language is deliberate shocking, a challenge to society, attempts to destroy the generally accepted rules of decency. The range of this type of mat is very wide - from elementary linguistic hooliganism, inscriptions on fences and in toilets to mannered cynical (in public) speeches of some representatives of the "intelligentsia" and, so to speak, works of art - books, films, performances. Yes, in the texts of great Russian literature there are many lines and lines, where the corresponding words, even in academic editions, were bashfully replaced by dots. But is there anything in common between them and obscenities for the sake of fashion, to create an aura of scandalous scandal, or simply because they cannot speak otherwise?

    Mat is, alas, an objective harsh reality. Realizing this clearly, should we take an indifferent attitude? Unlikely. After all, foul language not only offends other people, but also has a destructive effect on the person himself: mate, as it were, becomes part of his mentality. A person begins to look at the world through a grid, the nodes of which are connected from obscene words, and this world is depressingly primitive, since all the diversity of life in it is reduced to the simplest functions.

    There are not and cannot be any universal recipes for curing foul language. One thing is clear: this is possible only with a significant (by an order of magnitude, several orders of magnitude) increase in the cultural level of both society and the individual. No need to indulge in illusions: no one will teach a drunken lumpen or a prostitute from the square of three stations to speak another language. But there is a lot that can be done in the microcollective — in the classroom, student auditorium and especially in the family. Let's be intolerant of foul language - a total and non-negotiable ban on it.

    Is foul language harmless?

    (Lesson at school)

    One of the signs of the spiritual and cultural catastrophe that has befallen us is foul language. If earlier swearing was mainly the specific language of criminals, drunkards and other degraded persons, now swearing penetrates deeper and deeper into all social and age strata of society, they are increasingly trying to impose on us that the Russian language is generally impossible without swearing.

    We will try to show the historical roots of foul language and debunk some of the myths that have arisen around it.

    Let's start with the fact that mate is an ancient phenomenon inherent in almost all peoples. The apostle Paul wrote about the "rotten word". In the IV century, St. John Chrysostom said: “Whenever someone swears with obscene words, then the Mother of God given her prayer cover from a person takes away from the Throne of the Lord, and she herself retreats, and which a person obscenely chooses, exposes herself on that day, curses her mother and bitterly insults her. With that person, it is not befitting for us to eat and drink, if we do not lag behind that swear word. " Let us remember these words of the saint; we will return to them later.

    What is the phenomenon of swearing? Why do words, denoting mainly medical terms, when “translated” into an obscene language become obscene foul language? Why are they generally used, often not for their intended purpose? In all languages \u200b\u200band cultures, swear words mean the same thing. This is a relatively small ("dirty dozen" as the English say) and closed group of words. This group includes the names of parts of the human body, primarily genitals, physiological functions, sexual intercourse and words derived from them.

    Bishop Barnabas (Belyaev) writes that shame is “a purely pagan heritage. It is entirely rooted in the phallic cults of the Ancient East, starting from the satanic depths (see: Rev. 2:24) and the dark abysses of debauchery in honor of Baal, Astarte and others and ending with the classical heirs of Ham. " The cults of ancient Babylon, the land of Canaan, which practiced the sacrifice of babies, the service of debauchery, fornication, ritual prostitution, and gave the appropriate terminology for ritual incantations that formed the basis of swearing.

    By pronouncing obscene words, a person (even if unwittingly) invokes demonic forces and participates in a fanatical cult. It is known that the peoples inhabiting Canaan were conquered by the Jews and mercilessly destroyed at the command of God. And this is not at all inexplicable cruelty, but the righteous anger of God, punishment for monstrous corruption and worship of sin.

    One of the widespread myths is the assertion that the Mongols and Tatars brought swearing to Russia. It is ridiculous to believe that there used to be pure, highly moral Krivichi and Rodimichi, who did not know foul language, and then spoiled Mongols came and taught them obscene language. No, the roots of foul language are pagan incantations, and in Russia they were even before the Mongols. The Eastern Slavs, like other peoples, in pagan times had a cult of fertility, a belief in the mystical marriage of earth and heaven. At Russian pagan weddings, the so-called coryl songs were sung, which contained ritual insults to the groom (so that the chosen one would not have to reproach him in family life). With the help of swearing, the pagan Slav also scared away evil spirits, thinking that demons were afraid of swearing words.

    After the Baptism of Rus, they were severely punished for profanity. In the decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1648, the inadmissibility of foul language in wedding ceremonies is emphasized: so that "at marriages they should not sing demonic songs and say no shameful words." It also mentions the Christmastide foul language: "And on the eve of the Nativity of Christ and St. Basil's Day and the Epiphany ... so that they do not sing the song of the demons, they do not swear at the song of the demons and curse with any obscene barking." It was believed that an obscene word was insulted, firstly, the Mother of God, secondly, a person's own mother and, finally, mother earth.

    There was a perception that swearing is punishable by natural disasters, misfortunes and diseases. Even under Tsars Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich, they were punished with rods for swearing in the streets. It will be useful to recall that for obscene language in a public place, even under the Criminal Code of the USSR, 15 days of arrest were supposed to be.

    We are responsible for every idle word, especially the bad. Nothing passes without a trace, and by insulting the mother of another person, sending curses to him, we thereby bring trouble on ourselves. Let us recall the words of St. John Chrysostom: "The one who is abusively chosen, subjects himself to the curse on that day."

    For shame, God permits various troubles, misfortunes and diseases on a person. In medicine, there is a kind of mental illness (though poorly understood), when a person, perhaps even far from dirty swearing, suffers from unexplained seizures. The patient suddenly begins, against his will, spewing out streams of obscene language, often very sophisticated. Sometimes he blasphemes the saints and God. Everything is obvious to a believer. In spiritual practice, this is called possession, or demonic possession. The demon possessed makes him utter terrible curses and blasphemy. It is known from practice that this kind of demonic possession can happen even with children by God's permission.

    Very often people who are in spiritual darkness hear voices that utter a stream of swearing and blasphemy. It is not hard to guess who these voices belong to. Since ancient times, swearing has been called the language of demons.

    I will give an example of how the so-called "black word" works, that is, expressions with the mention of a line.

    One person was very fond of using this word to the place and out of place. And then he somehow comes home (and in the middle of his room there was a table) and sees that under the table sits the one whom he so often remembered. A man in horror asks him: "Why did you come?" He answers: "After all, you yourself constantly call me." And disappeared. This is not some horror story, but a completely real story.

    As a priest, I can cite many such cases even from my little practice.

    The devil, unfortunately, is not a character in horror films, but a real force that exists in the world. And a person who uses obscene, nasty, black words himself opens the door of his soul to this power.

    Accustomed to swearing is already dependent on his bad habit. As the apostle says, while committing sin, the slave is sin. Whoever thinks that he is independent of his habit of swearing, let him try not to use obscenities for at least two days, and understand who is the boss in the house. Quitting swearing is no easier than quitting smoking. Recently, an emergency happened in the famous Rostov beauty salon: three women-hairdressers quit at once. The reason was that the director forbade them to swear in the workplace. Young women were unable to endure this prohibition.

    Besides the fact that swearing is spiritually harmful, it impoverishes a person culturally. If we remove from the language of another foul language all the swear words that are most often used to connect words and have no meaning, then we will see how poor its vocabulary is. Using bad words, the swearing man often subconsciously wants to drown out the voice of conscience and shame in himself, so that later it would be easier to commit shameful acts.

    Mat defiles a person, kills his soul. In the company of swearing people there is a false shame to say a sincere, kind word. Such a company mocks not only the words “love”, “beauty”, “good”, “mercy”, “pity”, it suppresses the very possibility of an open, pure look.

    Every young man who uses obscene language should ask himself the question: will he be pleased when his little son or daughter begins to swear in front of him? There is a very interesting custom in American families. When children bring swear words from the street and ask about their meaning, the parents, as a rule, explain everything honestly, but then they force the child to wash his mouth with soap and water, because disgusting words stain the mind, soul, hearing, and the speaker their mouth. It would be nice for us to introduce a similar custom for our children.

    Once my wife and I were vacationing in the village of Fenino near Moscow. And there we met a little boy who had only recently begun to speak. He was three years old. And now, in his insignificant vocabulary, there was already swearing. What will be next?

    Young people often use foul language to appear more mature, courageous and stronger. I heard a joke. The ensign scolds the soldiers: "Why are you swearing like children?" In every joke, as you know, only a fraction of the joke.

    The teenager, exquisitely cursing, wants to hide his inner weakness, infantilism. And instead of proving by deed that he is already an adult, he puts on the armor of rudeness and inaccessibility. That's how cool I am - I swear, and I smoke, and I drink. And it looks funny and childish. Someone who is really strong does not need to prove it to the whole world. A truly independent person is not one who lives according to the law of the herd: where everyone is, there I am. A strong person does not allow a bad habit to dominate him. If you swear in front of girls and let them swear yourself, what kind of man are you after that?

    But how, you say, on television we often hear obscene words now? Not everything on TV is right and good. What is shown must be filtered. Modern television is commercial, and nothing random will be shown there. This is either an advertisement (explicit or hidden), or a paid order. The head is given to us not only to stick the MP-3 player into our ears, but also to think, analyze, and not blindly follow someone. Why do we need to dance to the tune of those who want us to turn into a stupid, stoned herd of sheep chewing pop chewing gum?

    When you meet a person using a mat, you involuntarily wonder: is everything in order with his head? Because so often in colloquial speech, the genitals and sexual intercourse can only be a sick, sexually concerned person.

    Hegumen Savva (Molchanov), who cares for a lot of the military, was told by one army officer that for a long time he could not get rid of the passion of foul language. He eradicated this habit in this way. As soon as the "rotten word" came out from him, he took note of it, found a convenient place in the barracks and made 10 bows. And the vice of foul language was completely abandoned to them. It is very good for young people to follow this example.

    You can buy this book

    22 / 05 / 2008

    published by the Sretensky Monastery in 2008.

    One of the signs of the spiritual and cultural catastrophe that has befallen us is foul language. If earlier swearing was mainly the specific language of criminals, drunkards and other degraded persons, now swearing penetrates deeper and deeper into all social and age strata of society, they are increasingly trying to impose on us that the Russian language is generally impossible without swearing.

    We will try to show the historical roots of foul language and debunk some of the myths that have arisen around it.

    Let's start with the fact that mate is an ancient phenomenon inherent in almost all peoples. The apostle Paul wrote about the "rotten word". In the 4th century, St. John Chrysostom said: “Whenever someone swears with obscene words, then the Mother of God given by Her prayer cover from a person takes away from a person and she herself retreats, and who a person obscenely chooses, exposes herself on that day, curses her mother and bitterly insults her. With that person, it is not befitting for us to eat and drink, if he does not lag behind that swear word. " Let us remember these words of the saint; we will return to them later.

    What is the phenomenon of swearing? Why do words, denoting mainly medical terms, when “translated” into an obscene language become obscene foul language? Why are they generally used, often not for their intended purpose? In all languages \u200b\u200band cultures, swear words mean the same thing. This is a relatively small ("dirty dozen" as the English say) and closed group of words. This group includes the names of parts of the human body, primarily genitals, physiological functions, sexual intercourse and words derived from them.

    Bishop Barnabas (Belyaev) writes that shame is “a purely pagan heritage. It is entirely rooted in the phallic cults of the Ancient East, starting from the satanic depths (see: Rev. 2:24) and the dark abysses of debauchery in honor of Baal, Astarte and others and ending with the classical heirs of Ham. " The cults of ancient Babylon, the land of Canaan, which practiced the sacrifice of babies, the service of debauchery, fornication, ritual prostitution, and gave the appropriate terminology for ritual incantations that formed the basis of swearing.

    By pronouncing obscene words, a person (even if unwittingly) invokes demonic forces and participates in a fanatical cult. It is known that the peoples inhabiting Canaan were conquered by the Jews and mercilessly destroyed at the command of God. And this is not at all inexplicable cruelty, but the righteous anger of God, punishment for monstrous corruption and worship of sin.

    One of the widespread myths is the assertion that the Mongols and Tatars brought swearing to Russia. It is ridiculous to believe that there used to be pure, highly moral Krivichi and Rodimichi, who did not know foul language, and then spoiled Mongols came and taught them obscene language. No, the roots of foul language are pagan incantations, and in Russia they were even before the Mongols. The Eastern Slavs, like other peoples, in pagan times had a cult of fertility, a belief in the mystical marriage of earth and heaven. At Russian pagan weddings, the so-called coryl songs were sung, which contained ritual insults to the groom (so that the chosen one would not have to reproach him in family life). With the help of swearing, the pagan Slav also scared away evil spirits, thinking that demons were afraid of swearing words.

    After the Baptism of Rus, they were severely punished for profanity. In the decree of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in 1648, the inadmissibility of foul language in wedding ceremonies is emphasized: so that "at marriages they should not sing demonic songs and say no shameful words." It also mentions the Christmastide foul language: "And on the eve of the Nativity of Christ and St. Basil's Day and the Epiphany ... so that they do not sing the song of the demons, they do not swear at the song of the demons and curse with any obscene barking." It was believed that an obscene word was insulted, firstly, the Mother of God, secondly, a person's own mother and, finally, mother earth.

    There was a perception that swearing is punishable by natural disasters, misfortunes and diseases. Even under Tsars Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich, they were punished with rods for swearing in the streets. It will be useful to recall that for obscene language in a public place, even under the Criminal Code of the USSR, 15 days of arrest were supposed to be.

    We are responsible for every idle word, especially the bad. Nothing passes without a trace, and by insulting the mother of another person, sending curses to him, we thereby bring trouble on ourselves. Let us recall the words of St. John Chrysostom: "The one who is abusively chosen, subjects himself to the curse on that day."

    For shame, God permits various troubles, misfortunes and diseases on a person. In medicine, there is a kind of mental illness (though poorly understood), when a person, perhaps even far from dirty swearing, suffers from unexplained seizures. The patient suddenly begins, against his will, spewing out streams of obscene language, often very sophisticated. Sometimes he blasphemes the saints and God. Everything is obvious to a believer. In spiritual practice, this is called possession, or demonic possession. The demon possessed makes him utter terrible curses and blasphemy. It is known from practice that this kind of demonic possession can happen even with children by God's permission.

    Very often people who are in spiritual darkness hear voices that utter a stream of swearing and blasphemy. It is not hard to guess who these voices belong to. Since ancient times, swearing has been called the language of demons.

    I will give an example of how the so-called "black word" works, that is, expressions with the mention of a line.

    One person was very fond of using this word to the place and out of place. And then he somehow comes home (and in the middle of his room there was a table) and sees that under the table sits the one whom he so often remembered. A man in horror asks him: "Why did you come?" He answers: "After all, you yourself constantly call me." And disappeared. This is not some horror story, but a completely real story.

    As a priest, I can cite many such cases even from my little practice.

    The devil, unfortunately, is not a character in horror films, but a real force that exists in the world. And a person who uses obscene, nasty, black words himself opens the door of his soul to this power.

    Accustomed to swearing is already dependent on his bad habit. As the apostle says, while committing sin, the slave is sin. Whoever thinks that he is independent of his habit of swearing, let him try not to use obscenities for at least two days, and understand who is the boss in the house. Quitting swearing is no easier than quitting smoking. Recently, an emergency happened in the famous Rostov beauty salon: three women-hairdressers quit at once. The reason was that the director forbade them to swear in the workplace. Young women were unable to endure this prohibition.

    Besides the fact that swearing is spiritually harmful, it impoverishes a person culturally. If we remove from the language of another foul language all the swear words that are most often used to connect words and have no meaning, then we will see how poor its vocabulary is. Using bad words, the swearing man often subconsciously wants to drown out the voice of conscience and shame in himself, so that later it would be easier to commit shameful acts.

    Mat defiles a person, kills his soul. In the company of swearing people there is a false shame to say a sincere, kind word. Such a company mocks not only the words “love”, “beauty”, “good”, “mercy”, “pity”, it suppresses the very possibility of an open, pure look.

    Every young man who uses obscene language should ask himself the question: will he be pleased when his little son or daughter begins to swear in front of him? There is a very interesting custom in American families. When children bring swear words from the street and ask about their meaning, the parents, as a rule, explain everything honestly, but then they force the child to wash his mouth with soap and water, because disgusting words stain the mind, soul, hearing, and the speaker their mouth. It would be nice for us to introduce a similar custom for our children.

    Once my wife and I were vacationing in the village of Fenino near Moscow. And there we met a little boy who had only recently begun to speak. He was three years old. And now, in his insignificant vocabulary, there was already swearing. What will be next?

    Young people often use foul language to appear more mature, courageous and stronger. I heard a joke. The ensign scolds the soldiers: "Why are you swearing like children?" In every joke, as you know, only a fraction of the joke.

    A teenager, exquisitely cursing, wants to hide his inner weakness, infantilism. And instead of proving by deed that he is already an adult, he puts on the armor of rudeness and inaccessibility. That's how cool I am - I swear, and I smoke, and I drink. And it looks funny and childish. Someone who is really strong does not need to prove it to the whole world. A truly independent person is not one who lives by the law of the herd: wherever everyone is, there I am. A strong person does not allow a bad habit to dominate him. If you swear in front of girls and let them swear yourself, what kind of man are you after that?

    But how, you say, on television we often hear obscene words now? Not everything on TV is right and good. What is shown must be filtered. Modern television is commercial, and nothing random will be shown there. This is either an advertisement (explicit or hidden), or a paid order. The head is given to us not only to stick the MP-3 player into our ears, but also to think, analyze, and not blindly follow someone. Why do we need to dance to the tune of those who want us to turn into a stupid, stoned herd of sheep chewing pop chewing gum?

    When you meet a person using a mat, you involuntarily wonder: is everything in order with his head? Because so often in colloquial speech, the genitals and sexual intercourse can only be a sick, sexually concerned person.

    Hegumen Savva (Molchanov), who cares for a lot of the military, was told by one army officer that for a long time he could not get rid of the passion of foul language. He eradicated this habit in this way. As soon as the "rotten word" came out from him, he took note of it, found a convenient place in the barracks and made 10 bows. And the vice of foul language was completely abandoned to them. It is very good for young people to follow this example.