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  • "I can not". Study methods

    At school, in elementary grades, I had no equal in stupidity in the form of some kind of puppy adherence to the class teacher. The elderly woman could not understand why I kissed her before leaving class and going home. At first she was terribly embarrassed, standing still over me in indecision, and then, when such our goodbyes became the norm, she willingly offered me her powdered cheek, and I went home with a sense of accomplishment.

    I studied well, but a lot depended on my mood. If I didn't want to remember that four is not five, then I sat with a detached face and studied the landscape outside the window. I really liked the sky, which sometimes changed its color. Today, for example, it was very blue, and yesterday white clouds floated on it.
    -What are you, daughter, - my mother looked at me sadly, having read the entry in the diary, which reads about my dreamy behavior. - In the lesson you need to listen carefully to the teacher, and not to look at the windows.

    I agreed with my mother, and corrected myself for a while. I was glad to see the pleasant surprise in her eyes when I came home from school again and boasted about my excellent grades.
    “Well, you can, when you want!” Said the parent and always gave me some surprise: a small chocolate called “Pushkin's Tales” or a bun.

    One day my mother, hearing me recite the tale of the goldfish by heart, laughed.
    “It's good that you remember so,” she said and hugged me tightly.
    Since then, I have been doing something like an open lesson in class, acting as a reader. With the permission of the teacher, I went to the blackboard and selflessly recited some poem by heart. The guys didn't listen to me very carefully. Many of them yawned, and some, turning to each other, played with some spillikins.

    Well done, Sveta, - the teacher said, nodding her head at every line I uttered. - Develop your memory, it will come in handy for you.
    One day she asked me for help. Leading me to the last desk, at which the new girl was sitting, the teacher said:
    -Ellochka, meet this-Sveta. She will explain some math to you, and you try to remember.
    I looked in horror at an adult girl, who by that time was seventeen years old, and could not understand why I should explain banal examples to an adult.
    Ella blushed terribly when I timidly sat down next to her at the desk and opened the textbook.

    The girl absolutely could not add or subtract numbers.
    “It's simple,” I told her in excitement. “You just need to remember that four plus three will be seven, and five minus two is three. You just need to memorize the table and that's it.
    The poor girl was again left for the second year due to poor academic performance, and I asked the teacher not to add me to the laggards anymore.
    “I don’t know how to teach,” I said to her, bursting into tears. “I’m not a teacher.

    To the question Do you know how to swim? How did you learn? I don't know how ... But I want to learn. given by the author User deleted the best answer is learn not to drown, look for movements that are comfortable and most effective for you, then try to stay afloat making as few movements as possible, and then figure out when to swim ... the truth is like on a bicycle - it's easier not to drown in motion ... if you will move convulsively, wasting your strength, holding your breath - you will not float far ... and you will not learn
    don't be afraid of water, don't panic, think about dolphins ...))
    Igor and
    try to lie down on the water pushing off from the bottom, slide along it, try to keep your head from going under the water, feel that the water supports you ...
    and I studied on a bike, though not for long ... and learned to swim, but it was useless until I thought about everything, figured out how my father was swimming, understood my head and swam in the summer immediately))

    Answer from 22 answers[guru]

    Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Can you swim? How did you learn? I don't know how ... But I want to learn.

    Answer from Katya Kovolina[expert]
    All beautiful answers! - partly agree with them. But I will ask you to notice the most important thing for you to overcome your fear of the subwoofer herself - say and repeat that I can, I can handle it. The second is the underdeveloped muscles of the legs and arms - do a few simple exercises during the week 1. lying on your back, bike with your feet 2. push-ups (to begin with, hang on your knees) 3. squats. Do everything as you can, 2.3 repetitions every day, increase the number of times by one. At first it will be a little difficult, and then you will have confidence in yourself and you can count on your legs and arms, and the result will go away from fear. Good luck - and remember you will succeed - I believe in you. There will be a desire to come to the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov here and learn. Write to help with the hotel.

    Answer from Neurosis[guru]
    Come to Alushta, to the Black Sea. We will teach you to swim.

    Answer from Teenager[guru]
    I studied in a swimming club.
    And then DROWNED TWICE.
    The first is in the Gulf of Finland at a depth of about half a meter. I stood on a cobblestone and they hit me in the legs. The head hit this stone. Bo-bo-bo.
    The second time was in Yalta during a storm.
    After that I can swim THREE meters.
    But I try not to enter the WATER.

    Answer from Good neighborliness[guru]
    I also swim a little better than an ax (((

    Answer from Denis Lunev[newbie]
    Air in the lungs and not be afraid of water, the muscles will slowly get used to it

    Answer from Kimma Arkadova[expert]
    In 50 years I signed up for the pool (2 years ago). The coach taught. I am very grateful to him. Now I swim with pleasure. Of course, it's not very convenient when you can barely swim, and the coach walks along the side with a stick (insures), you make an asterisk and think that the whole pool is just looking at you, etc. I wanted to give up everything. But now it is 1250 meters per hour. think good.

    Answer from Natalia[guru]
    I can. I learned at school - there was a swimming pool and we were taught to swim in the physical.

    Answer from Squirrel[guru]
    As a child, I drowned and since then I am terribly afraid of depth ((. Once in the pool I tried to swim with noodles. This is such a "stick" made of foam material. I took it to the sea several times (I bought it through an online store). It's very easy to use, There are many options, for example, you bend it so that the bend on the back is, and the ends of the armpits. At the same time, the arms and legs are free in movement. This noodle on the surface perfectly holds (it is not for nothing that it is used for water aerobics!) Over time, I gained confidence ( this is the main thing !!) and swimming skills.Now I can swim on my own, of course not far, but in pleasure! And what I wish for you!

    Answer from Ћ. [guru]
    My grandfather at one time, back in the pre-war years, read a book on swimming techniques, taught himself, dad taught and taught me.
    I am also a wild coward, I was 7-8 years old, my parents said: we must learn to swim. First, they brought a basin at the dacha, where they forced me to dip my head and hold my breath. Then I trained in the bathroom in the winter, immersing myself completely under the water. And then it turned out that by submerging under water, water pushes a person out. It is impossible to drown - even the drowned ones emerge.
    Then on the river I was taught to make an asterisk, which is on the stomach (it is easier on the stomach), that on the back (water is poured into the ears on the back, you have to get used to it) And that's all - then the person keeps on the water, without making any movements. I didn't know how to swim by the age of 10, but I dived easily with a fish.
    and then they sent me to the pool and my joy would not have been complete if 3 of my classmates had not gone with me. Since then, you won't drown me))))

    You need to learn, but are you wasting time? Are you sure that if you worked harder you would get good grades? Don't worry, you are not alone, most people have learning difficulties. Read our article to stop wasting time and start learning seriously!


    Overcoming resistance

      Whatever you are doing, stop and start studying immediately. The easiest way to calm yourself down is that you will take on a serious matter "in an hour." Such promises can take a whole day. If you want to study seriously, there is no need to procrastinate. Leave what you are doing, grab your school supplies, move to a safe and secure place, and get busy with your studies. Do not harm yourself by reassuring yourself with words like: "I will pass one more level, and then for my studies," or: "One more episode and that's it." The earlier you start practicing, the earlier you finish, respectively, you will have more free time.

      • The hardest part is getting started. As soon as you cross the line of resistance, you will realize that everything is not so difficult.
    1. Force yourself to take notes and sketches. Sketching is not only fun but also rewarding. For example, you need to remember some events of the Great Patriotic War - draw them! The first minutes are the most important, in the beginning you can easily get distracted and move on to another activity. To prevent this from happening, start writing notes, even if they are not entirely interesting to you. In the process of studying, you will find yourself in the fact that you are no longer going to be distracted by anything else.

      • If the notes seem useless later, you can always rewrite them.
    2. Tune in. State of mind plays an important role in academic success. Gather yourself physically and mentally, stay in this state from start to finish. Below are a few motivational ideas, use them if you are sure they will help you:

      • listen to uplifting music - any music you listen to before starting a sports game will do;
      • move, walk, jump or beat a pear;
      • come up with an inspiring speech;
      • if possible, change the place of work as often as possible - the main thing is that you do not get bored with the workplace.
    3. Give yourself a reward. Learning is easier when you know that diligence will be rewarded. For example, if you have a sweet tooth, take some time after a successful class, go to the store and buy ice cream.

      Tell us about your curriculum. If all else fails, shame yourself! Tell your friends what you are going to study to get a good mark on the exam. After such an announcement, you will be ashamed to fail the exam and this feeling will put pressure on you, forcing you to study harder.

      • Better yet, tell your friends that you are going to study with them. In this case, you will either have to study (with friends, who will be a kind of motivation), or cancel such classes. Whatever action you choose, your friends will know about it.

      Getting rid of distractions

      1. Set aside time to practice. When you study, it is important to fully concentrate on your studies. If, while studying, you will be distracted by something else, be it a TV show, a game or another task, you will not be able to remember much information (if you can remember anything at all). Allocate for activities and only enough time for classes.

        • Depending on the volume of assignments, set aside time for a one-time session, or for regular sessions. The latter is preferable, as you will get used to this schedule over time.
      2. Choose a place where you will not be distracted. Unfortunately, many people manage to allocate a sufficient amount of time to study, but spend it on secondary things. Therefore, when choosing a place to study, exclude anything that might distract you. This place should be quiet, with no video games, no computer, no TV, no friends, and so on.

        • If during classes you need the Internet, but you are worried that you will be distracted by different games, social networks or something else, use a special free browser extension that temporarily blocks some sites.
      3. Use music or white noise. Some people are able to be distracted by complete silence. If you are one of those people, try playing music or white noise while studying. Music has a positive effect on some people, encouraging them to practice. Others are better off practicing to the sounds of nature, such as rain or waves. White noise is soothing, helps you focus, and prevents distractions. The main thing is that the music itself does not distract you. If you find yourself singing along, turn it off. When it comes to music, it is better to listen to the one that is without words, for example, classical.

        Eliminate the reason for postponing classes. As a last resort, you can simply temporarily (or permanently) get rid of distractions. For example, if you are postponing your studies because of video games, give them to a friend and let them stay with him for a week. If that doesn't work, sell them. No matter how difficult it is to get rid of them, you will later realize that it was worth it.

        Before starting your studies, exercise, eat and relax. Hunger or fatigue can cause you to postpone classes. Therefore, before embarking on a diligent study, take care of your physical needs. Choose healthy and nutritious foods. Set aside time for exercise. Get a good night's sleep. Taking care of the body will help the brain work better and remember more information.

      • Taking time out is good for the brain.
      • Sit down to your lessons in a calm state. Try not to think about events that can trigger a surge of emotion.
      • Learn the basics well. Ask yourself questions and try to answer them correctly. Learning is not a goal, but a process.
      • Keep order on the table. When everything is at hand and in its place, there will be no place for stress and worries.
      • Reward yourself for completing challenging tasks.
      • Always carry spare pens, pencils, and other study supplies with you.
      • Buy special aids, they are pretty cheap. These manuals collect the main points, the subject is explained in a concise and simple language. These books are easier to deal with.
      • Many schools provide additional classes in various subjects. Visit them if you are having difficulty with a particular subject. Classroom learning is more fun and rewarding.
      • Ask your parents to listen to you as you explain what you have learned. As you retell what you have learned, you can review it and understand better.
      • The sooner you start assignments, the better. Studying at night is not beneficial.
  • 3-7 years old
  • 7-12 years old
  • teenager
  • Learning is not easy even for adults, let alone toddlers. At first, a child does elementary things for us with difficulty, sometimes waiting for the help of adults and saying “I can't”, so as not to show his “powerlessness” and not make mistakes again. Of course, it is easier, faster and better for adults to do everything on their own, only the child does not benefit from this.

    Having heard from the child “I can't”, the parents try their best to convince, and often force them to perform the necessary actions. But there is a more efficient way - trick. On the path to success, he promotes the development of the necessary skills. Several points that can be safely used as an "answer" to the child's "I can't":

      "Let's think about where we can learn this." There are many options here: library, Internet, adult advice, TV programs. The child must be confident that everything can be learned. The task of adults is to push him to the source of information.

      Speaking "I learned it like this ...", an adult gives confidence to the student, which has a positive effect on his mood and self-esteem.

      "Let's find a way to get by with what you can do." There is always an opportunity to bypass the ill-fated skill that has not yet succumbed, and "go from the other side", but still achieve the desired result

      "Let's try it together." Often, a child simply does not want to be alone with an unloved / difficult / boring activity. And one of the ways to keep an adult close to you is to say that he doesn't know how to do this. Stay close and help in word and deed, but don't do everything for the child. Among other things, this is a wonderful excuse to spend time together.

      "Let me show you how to do it quickly." Recently, the so-called "life hacks" have become widespread, small tricks that make life easier. It is worth showing the child, in your opinion, the most interesting, which will allow not only to "simplify" the training, but also to conduct it in a playful, interesting form.

      "Do not worry, but you are excellent at something else ...". Of course, there are very gifted children who, from an early age, do everything easily, but it is completely normal if there are difficulties. Therefore, it is not worth focusing the child's attention on some kind of failure; talk about what he is doing great. You will both distract and increase your self-esteem.

    Children learn everything quickly. It would seem that only yesterday he could not do anything himself, and today he does not even ask for help from adults. I would like to be near at such moments. After all, adults can not only teach children something, but they themselves can learn a lot from them.

    Vladimir Manulenko

    The desire to reach new heights requires a person to be able to acquire useful skills. What is required to assimilate new information? yourself? How to optimize knowledge acquisition? How to develop the ability for self-organization? All this will be discussed.

    Are we being taught to learn?

    Not a single educational institution, from kindergarten to universities, explains to a person how to plan his day and develop self-organizing skills. Often, teachers simply work out their program by familiarizing themselves with the base of subjects. The only thing that can be learned in such classes is the skill to systematize knowledge in the form of the correct design of abstracts. To achieve success in adulthood, even in childhood, you need to figure out how to learn how to learn on your own.

    Why learn self-study skills?

    Time does not stand still. With the development of society, the conditions of human existence change. Skills that have helped a person in the past may, after several decades, stop helping to achieve the desired results. Many specialists in one of the fields notice that their knowledge is gradually turning to dust. Such people sometimes have to relearn just on the go.

    Comprehension of the skills of self-organization makes it possible to save time, own strength and operate with deep knowledge. The result is a readiness for a variety of life situations, the ability to choose new professions, expand the circle of contacts, and acquire interesting hobbies.

    Goal setting

    Why is it difficult to study on your own? Significant difficulties arise primarily in people who do not have a specific goal. It is not always about career growth, but also about social life, creativity, hobbies. A goal is a must in order to know where to go next.

    Sometimes a person has to force himself to perform certain actions. If the achievement of the result promises real benefits and advantages over others, things go much faster. It is enough just to get involved in the learning process and move step by step towards a specific goal.

    How to learn to study on your own? The choice of a suitable profession plays an important role here. Some people experience suffering for years, learning what they don't like. As a result, nothing fruitful comes of this and the time is wasted. If a person manages to find a profession that is really interesting, gaining knowledge in the presented area will truly bring not only benefits, but also pleasure.


    Chaotic movement to achieve specific goals slows down the learning process. Without drawing up a concrete plan, a person often has to be prostrated. How do you develop the ability to learn on your own? Planning requires a specific curriculum. It is important to make a list of sources of information from which knowledge will be drawn. It is imperative that working according to plan becomes a habit. This is the only way to tune oneself to fruitful activity.

    Taking notes

    Can I study on my own? Taking notes will help with this. If teaching takes place in lectures, it is important to write down only those concepts that may be useful in the future. When reading literature, it is worth noting quotes, definitions, statements that look useful.

    It is not necessary to take notes by hand. If you wish, you can use electronic devices. The convenience of this or that option depends on each individual. However, there are several ways to organize your data worth trying. This will ultimately lead to the most convenient solution.


    The movement towards achieving the goal in learning will be ineffective if the execution of tasks is disordered. In such cases, quite often there is a desire to begin to cope with what the heart is more about, and not to deal with a really important matter. To understand how to learn how to learn on your own, it is recommended to be determined with current tasks. If some of the less-than-high-priority learning tasks go unfulfilled at the end of the day, these shortcomings may not be that important.

    High-quality execution of the case to the end

    To gain useful learning skills, you must try to make every effort to complete an important task the first time. As a result, you do not have to postpone the case until later and return to it later when some important points are forgotten. This will reduce the number of mistakes during training and will not force you to spend your free time on redoing what you started.

    Control over your own state

    It is quite difficult to force yourself to study if you feel tired, hungry, or the body is exhausted from illness. Therefore, you need to prepare for the process of comprehending useful information. The person should not experience physical or mental discomfort. It is necessary that thoughts be focused exclusively on learning. When intending to start the process, it is recommended that you complete important daily tasks. This will put obsessive anxieties out of your head. Before training, you should take a bath or shower, eat, dress up in comfortable clothes.

    Fight procrastination

    How to force yourself to study if everyone is lazy? In psychology, the tendency of an individual to regularly postpone important matters for later, which causes a whole lot of trouble, is called procrastination. Many people prefer to sort out possible actions in their own head, rather than immediately start implementing specific tasks. Distractions are often the excuse for delaying learning.

    To avoid procrastination, it is worth protecting yourself from irritants that lead to distraction. It is necessary to realize that the need to implement important, rather complex matters often causes a desire for a temporary deviation from the goal. Achieving high results in self-study will allow the choice of prepositions that will set you up for fruitful work.

    Fear of asking questions

    How to learn English on your own or to comprehend any other area of \u200b\u200bknowledge? An obstacle on the way to achieving the desired results for some people is the emergence of discomfort when it is necessary to communicate with the teacher. Misunderstanding of some points in the submitted material violates the logical chain of information awareness. A student who is afraid to ask questions is almost doomed to fail. Such a person is limited in comparison with those around him. In some situations, it is much better to demonstrate your lack of understanding of the material than to let things go by themselves.


    During classes, do not drive yourself into a remote corner. In addition to studying, you need to see other things that allow you to relax. Any work should have a decent remuneration. For this reason, it pays to sometimes take time to do things that are enjoyable. There should always be activities that make it possible to balance your own emotional state.

    Compliance with the regime

    How to teach a child to learn independently? The skills for organizing affairs should be developed in a person from an early age. The child must learn that after returning from school, he will have leisure for several hours. However, after that, you must definitely start doing your homework. If the child attends a sports club, goes to drawing or to a music school, you can sit down for lessons later. Be that as it may, do not postpone the comprehension of useful material at home until just before going to bed.

    It may take a year or more for a baby to adapt to such a regimen. During this time, parents should maintain appropriate control and try not to let things go by themselves.

    Already in elementary school, it is important for a child to understand how to rationally use his time. However, parents are encouraged to respond to requests for help at the right time. But this should be done only in those situations when the baby is really unable to cope with educational tasks on his own.

    Memory development

    Some people find it difficult to learn on their own because they have a poor ability to remember information. Such persons should work on themselves in terms of controlling the level of concentration. Concentrating on the task, you should try to fully understand the meaning of the information received. It is worth giving up mechanical memorization, since this approach does not at all contribute to the development of memory.

    However, it is not recommended to overload yourself with information. It is better to write down meaningful data and try to relate it to what is already stored in long-term memory. This combined method of memory development will allow you to develop the right associations.

    There are other ways to better remember payloads. It consists in dividing knowledge into certain blocks. The smaller the amount of pieces of information received, the better it is assimilated.

    Eradicating laziness

    Often ordinary laziness does not allow us to study on our own. Lack of motivation can be solved as follows. It is enough to divide a complex case into minor stages. This will allow you to complete some of the training tasks in a certain time period. In this way, one can gradually approach the final goal. Each subsequent stage of the task may seem less daunting.

    In order to eradicate laziness before learning, it is worthwhile to comfortably arrange a workplace, listen to your favorite music, and resort to other solutions that will allow you to tune in a positive mood.

    Thought about pleasant bonuses also give an opportunity to force oneself. It is about a reward that you can think of to yourself for successfully completing a task. This can be a break for a cup of coffee, watching your favorite TV show, etc.

    Independent study of a foreign language

    I would also like to consider how to learn English on your own. First, it is important to comprehend the basic verbs, which include concepts such as: "to be", "to have", "to desire", "to give", "to take", "to go". Having mastered the combination of these and other similar words with common pronouns, you can form a kind of base. This approach will allow you to build simple, meaningful phrases.

    Usually, a person who resorts to independent study of a foreign language experiences the greatest difficulties in overcoming the speech barrier. To really speak English, you need to find a good conversation partner. When looking for the latter, it is better to give preference to a professional tutor who will point out mistakes and force you to practice.

    So, we tried to figure out how to force ourselves to learn, if everyone is lazy. Finally, I would like to provide some more practical recommendations on this matter:

    1. You need to set yourself only realistic goals and rejoice in every, even the smallest, victory.
    2. It is important to save time that can be spent on getting the benefits of learning by visiting social networks less, avoiding frequent phone calls and text messages.
    3. When learning, there is often a sense of routine. To overcome such an unpleasant feeling, it is worth adding variety to the material. It will be useful to comprehend information not only in writing, but also watching useful videos, listening to audio, communicating with like-minded people.
    4. In the learning process, it is worth paying attention to inconsistencies in the material, shortcomings, mistakes, inaccuracies. You can discuss this with your teacher. Even if you cannot prove your case, this approach will make the process of comprehending new information more fun. Over time, thinking will become more flexible and critical.
    5. It is useful to understand that studying and achieving high goals is not the whole life. It is necessary to spend time on quality rest, communication with family members and comrades.


    So we found out what is required in order to learn how to independently comprehend useful skills. The presence of desire is of decisive importance here. It is also important to find for yourself the right balance between productive work and the desire to fall into inaction. Ultimately, any learning must be supported by practice. Otherwise, the effort spent will not matter.