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  • What does personal freedom depend on? subjective. What does it mean to be free

    What does personal freedom depend on? subjective. What does it mean to be free

    People tend to strive for freedom. Freedom as an end in itself, freedom as a blessing. Freedom as a lifestyle. We've all gone through this trying to achieve freedom. But in all my life I have not seen a single free person. As paradoxical as it may seem at first glance.

    Let's take a look at the normal life course of a person.

    First, the child, being a fetus in the womb, is tied by the umbilical cord to his mother and cannot be free. He receives oxygen, nutrients from his mother and is completely dependent on her. When the umbilical cord is cut, the person is again not free, because he begins to depend on obstetricians, then on the mother. What kind of freedom can we talk about here? If you want to undress, they wrap it up. Want to eat - weaned. Everything is determined not by the child himself, but by his environment.

    The child is growing up. It seems that freedom should come. But again the restrictions begin: “don't go there”, “don't make a noise here”, “don't do it”. Again, all actions are determined by adults. Mom decides what to eat, how to punish you, when to sleep or go for a walk. There is no freedom again. And the person thinks - "Here I grow up and become free!"

    School age comes and, it would seem, you can make independent decisions. But again there is no freedom, for a person begins to depend on teachers, on the demands of all possible help around the house. And again it is not you who make the decisions, there is no freedom. “Okay,” the child thinks, “I'll grow up yet.”

    With growth, the child again does not achieve freedom. In high school, he already receives much more serious workloads, begins to depend on his classmates, a person enters society and now depends on him. Even more so than from his parents, because he spends less time with them. Social factors determine his behavior.

    The thought of freedom does not leave: "When I grow up, real life will begin!" But after a few years, you start to depend on another society, that is, on the university. Then you think: “That's it. Now 18 years will knock - and no one decides to me! " And at the age of 18, for example, love happens, and you already feel responsibility to another person. You start to depend on him. Again, you are not the only one who decides everything in your life.

    And when you get married, you decide even less. Freedom is limited by other obligations, it is necessary to somehow support the family. You depend on children, on their desires. Children grow up, responsibility increases, freedom decreases: instead of drinking beer with friends, you go home, because your wife and child are waiting for you at home. When grandchildren appear, you also cannot help but take care of them, because they are so good and beloved. Then you get sick and you start to depend on doctors. And so on until the end. Until your last breath, you depend on someone ...

    And so the question arises: where is freedom, and is it possible in principle. What kind of freedom do people dream of then? After all, everyone knows these milestones. How can you then dream of something that is obviously unrealizable? We do not see people around us who consider themselves free. And the question of freedom, as some kind of value in life, is constantly raised, but does not find understanding. It's good to be free, of course. Probably. We were so inspired, at least. But we don't see such people!

    What is freedom in the usual sense? It is the absence of any restrictions that can influence our actions and determine our behavior. We live in a society. A person's society changes throughout his life, the intensity and nature of his influence on us changes. But we want to feel free from this society. We cannot feel independent because we are part of it. We can fantasize about freedom, and this will continue with us until our last breath.

    - We do not only fantasize, but also strive for freedom. Many adults try to gain this freedom by divorcing their spouse. Some teenagers leave home for this.

    Yes. They try to get this freedom, but they never get it in the end. You can get rid of and not depend on your wife, but since you live in society, you cannot do without him. This place can be taken by your friends, another woman, to whom you will again have obligations. And again there is no freedom.

    You, of course, can get rid of society. But even then you will not be free. Because you will depend on external conditions: on the weather, on the strength of the structure in which you live. The safety of your life will be threatened. Freedom itself in the understanding of the absence of restrictions is a complete illusion. It simply cannot exist in principle.

    - That idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom that you cited: that is, the absence of restrictions, frameworks, the ability to act in accordance with your desires - did you have it before, in your youth?

    Yes. Just like others

    - Did you have any events that changed your idea of \u200b\u200bfreedom, or did it happen smoothly?

    It's just that at some point in your life you start to analyze, look around. And gradually you come to the realization that freedom is something unattainable.

    Let's see how freedom is treated in dictionaries.

    “Freedom is the ability of the subject to manifest his will. Freedom is the ability of a person to act in accordance with his interests and goals, based on the knowledge of objective necessity. Freedom has no unambiguous understanding and interpretation ”.

    If we go "from the opposite", freedom is the opposite of, say, slavery. When we do something to some extent for the sake of others, due to external pressure, against our will, this is slavery.

    Let's see what happens to people. In fact, it all ties in easily with money. We don't do much for fun, not for money. Working not for money is a sacrifice of your own time and interests. Although she is highly appreciated by society. To some extent, such sacrifice can be called freedom. But now this trend is not developed. We mainly work for money. We get married because it is accepted. We wash socks because we have to. Otherwise, we wouldn't be doing anything.

    In addition, we depend on the perception that other people form about us. We are extremely dependent on the opinions of people and on our own claims: we always have little power, praise and money. Our own claims make us dependent on what these claims are aimed at. We begin to do things that we, in fact, do not want to do: get up early in the morning, help someone with something, call somewhere. But we want to be considered good! And therefore we are forced to make some sacrifices. Instead of lying in bed in the morning, we need to get up and go somewhere so that the opinion of us is quite worthy. Plus money. Why do we need this money? And this is where our conceit comes in. We think something like this: “I didn't find myself in the garbage. Let those boobies drive Zhiguli. But I deserve more! And I have to put my ass in the car with all the amenities. I will work hard, get up early and come back late! And then I will drive this car, show it to everyone and prove to everyone what I am worth! "...

    Sometimes power is even more addictive than money. Some people think: “Let me be paid less. Let me not come home and instead spend the day and sleep at work. But if only I could get one more star for shoulder straps, because this will confirm my claims. I will prove to myself that I am not some kind of Vasya Pupkin, a pathetic sergeant, but a whole lieutenant colonel. "

    And so on across the spectrum of our addictions. Dependencies on opinion, social status, and power restrict our freedom.

    - Dependence on money is the most striking example. And it looks like this is the main addiction?

    At the current stage of cultural development, this is the most basic dependence. But what is money really?

    - Cut green paper?

    That is how it is. If we talk about the functions that they perform, then we can say that money performs the function of exchange for material values. We know this from the course of economics. It is clear that money is a necessary tool, which has always been and, most likely, will be until the very end. Because using squirrel tails as money (we have already gone through this) is somewhat inconvenient. But there must be some kind of universal and convenient medium of exchange.

    But the question is not even about the money itself, be it squirrel tails, gold coins or multi-colored cut paper. It is about the motivation for their accumulation. And here the following pattern becomes clear: people earn and save money (by the way, money is the equivalent of spent energy) SIMPLY SO. We spend our entire lives in a mad race, voluntarily depriving ourselves of freedom in exchange for the money we earn.

    We can do something during working hours, guided by our own interests, but our interests are usually at odds with the interests of the organization in which we work. Our self-indulgence is likely to be short-lived. Perhaps in a week or two we will get bored with our occupation. Or it will continue until the first shout from the boss. And then our interesting lesson will no longer seem so interesting to us. Partly also because our actions contradict the opinion we make about ourselves, as well as the opinion and attitude of other people towards us. We are very dependent on the second!

    If such a case takes place, then here we have to decide what is more important for us. Maintain your self-importance by sending a boss and lose money. Or put up with it and make money. That is, decide which dependence is dominant. And at the same time we manage to consider ourselves free! This is an interesting paradox.

    It turns out that we are changing one dependence for another.

    The worst thing is that any person is dependent on power and money. Some are desperate for freedom and are screaming about it at every angle. Well, if you really want freedom so much, please free yourself from the main dependence - money. Hand out the money, wrap yourself in a hide and go into the forest.

    - But for example, punks have one freedom, and skinheads have their own. The latter, for example, are trying to make the world around them free from the "black" who seem worthy of extermination. .

    What does “everyone have different freedom” means? Freedom is one! It cannot be for someone like that, but for someone completely different. I want one, I don't want another. These are not in-store glazed curds. I want - I buy cheese from this manufacturing plant, but I want another. Freedom is the ability to do what you want. If you are forced to go against your will, make money stupidly (not just work for pleasure or for the sake of variety for some time, but do it regularly and constantly: day after day, year after year, doing a certain thing), then you are not free! You are in the business of making money. You are definitely addicted. Depends on making money.

    This may be good. You will not depend on money - you will depend on those people who will throw you bread or not. It is impossible to get rid of this. Freedom is impossible. If you do not depend on your boss, then you will depend on a passer-by who will still think whether to throw you a pretty penny or not.

    And then what do we do with this money? This is an important point! We spend strength, health, our energy, deny ourselves something in order to earn money, put it in a pile and put it on the shelf. That is, this accumulated energy does not give us anything. It doesn't matter if you take them to the bank or leave them at home and put them on the shelf. We believe that we are supposedly investing money in some kind of reliability, in our future. Moreover, if we think soberly, then we understand that the future may not come. What is the logic here? Even if tomorrow comes, then something can happen to money: depreciation, devaluation, inflation. We all went through this several times.

    At the same time, we seriously believe that money is freedom. If anyone can resolve this paradox, I would be most grateful.

    But the worst thing is that when we put money in the bank for the future and save it, say, up to a sum of $ 100,000. And at the same time we think that when we accumulate, then we will become free. And when we make the last installment, and we have the amount we were striving for, then we not only do not become free, but even more dependent, dependent on money. Now we are forced to think about so that this money does not disappear, so that the bank does not heat us up. That is, we begin to think about how we can protect ourselves from losing this money. The situation is this: there is real money, and it should give freedom. But it turns out quite the opposite ...

    And by the way, the most unfree people are rich people who have to constantly think about money. They are forced to sacrifice their time, health, their families, relationships with children, friends. It is known that nothing can embroil as much as money. There is a saying "If you want to make an enemy, give someone a loan." This is how the equivalent of our labor works, in which we want to see the symbol of freedom.

    Well, by the way, one lack of freedom can turn into another. Here is an example - Khodorkovsky, a man who had a lot of money. He was not free from money and from his own claims, and wanted to convert his funds into power. Converted. Now he is not free for real. But he got rid of money. Man exchanged one freedom for another. And after all, a person, probably, also dreamed of earning a certain amount of money and becoming free ...

    Freedom from power is another example. In general, money and power go together. One is converted to the other. What freedom does the President have? Each step is determined by the head of the guard. Every step! A person not only does not have a personal life, he cannot live a full life. By and large, he does not belong to himself. The bigger the boss, the greater the responsibility. The greater the responsibility, the more a person has to sacrifice his own interests for the interests of the workers. If we are talking about a normal responsible boss. Where is freedom here?

    By the way, a person who makes money, over time, is forced to spin even more in order to invest this money, not to lose, etc. That is, with an increase in power, responsibility increases, and energy costs for maintaining this state at some stable level increase.

    In Orthodoxy, money, power, and everything for which we exchange our freedom are synonymous with the word "passion." Passion for getting a high position, making the extra $ 100,000. And when you ask why you need this money, you get the answer - "To buy a new apartment." - "What for?" - "To make it comfortable there." Why should you work hard like a convict all your life in order to live in a luxurious apartment in old age? Is this a reasonable investment? ..

    Everything that is happening now with our attitude to money is fueled by the media, fueled by the propaganda of consumerism suggested to us. On the radio station "Echo of Moscow" you can hear the following slogans: "Who is how much?" (Is it okay at all?) Or "Money doesn't smell!" (That is, it doesn't matter what kind of money and how received).

    So, people thus become slaves of money or things. And this slavery is complete. It is beneficial only to those who produce these things and are at the top of this power structure. If earlier they put shoes on slaves, and they could not escape anywhere, now this is done easier - with the help of money and bills. They prove to you with their help: “You will come running to the owner anyway! And you will play by our rules! "

    If you don't have a new refrigerator, then you are the last sucker. We all have! And the same idea is suggested by advertising that works in this direction. You are stupid if you haven't bought this juice yet.

    Many people succumb to these advertisements and start buying the advertised products. From the point of view of the manufacturer, a person who does not buy a product is not valuable to them. This is an extra person. They are trying to put everyone on some kind of tea for weight loss, on the means of technology (so that the consumer constantly buys new models and makes an upgrade). And a person becomes a real slave, because he is addicted to advertising, and it forms his way of thinking.

    - Probably also the opinion of others.

    And so is it. The opinion that money is needed is also imposed from outside. And it is accepted without any critical consideration. With the help of these "Trojans" thrown into the human brain, it can be easily controlled (like a computer infected with a virus). That is, no pads are needed anymore. A person can be manipulated anyway. He will play according to the prescribed rules, he will become a cog. Moreover, it is on passionate things that people are kept: on accumulation, on a sense of their own worth, on the weaknesses of a person that are embedded in him. Any religion calls them "passions." What kind of freedom do you want after that, being in prison (that is, being dependent on money, from manipulation, from circumstances, from some of your passions). Some people think: "But I, so smart and free, look at you fools in prison."

    Yes, how smart are you? You are in the same prison, only in the next cell!

    Our bondage in the form of passions is not enough for us, we still have such a powerful mechanism as lending.

    When talking about loans, we can give an analogy with a fisherman. Here a man works every day for his uncle and goes fishing on weekends. Sits on the shore and thinks: “This fish is a fool. Hooked. " Although the same person is being led on the same hook. He is here and now (immediately!) Offered to buy a thing. Here and now! And it doesn't matter that the person then overpays 10 times, repaying the interest. But he also wants to buy a thing now. He doesn't think about the future. Moreover, they say to him - “What are you? This is how everyone lives in the West! " Now they generally look askance at those who do not live on credit. We are told: “Come on, take it! Take it while the loan is being given! "

    And the person swallows this hook. And then he is in slavery and will not go anywhere. And all why? And all because we want to live "here and now."

    These aspirations are fueled by advertising. There is a lot of cash. Money should work. There is no point in investing money in serious, high-tech industries while fools live in the world. Let them borrow goods better, let them pay interest. And rich people do not need to invest money anywhere, with lending everything becomes easier. Nobody gave a loan 10 years ago. Money was accumulated by those people who put it in a jar or under a mattress. Now this money is being shaken out of them. And to understand this mechanism is very simple, there would be a desire ...

    And when you think about all this, it becomes very funny to watch the "smart" fishermen. And yet they consider themselves free people! They are sure: “I myself choose what I want? Himself! Do I pay voluntarily? Yes! So I'm free? " Nobody will tell you that you are a slave.

    So what is freedom? In the Gospel there are these words: "Know the truth, and the truth will make you free." In light of what we have said, this sounds rather strange. It would seem that we know many examples of free people. In reality, there are few of them, literally a few.

    In fact, free people are people who are in inner harmony with themselves and are dependent only on God. They were not dependent on money or any passions. And by and large they were not tormented by conscience, they lived in harmony with themselves.

    Imagine a situation - a merchant comes to some Orthodox monk-elder and says: “Come on, father, jump three times, say“ ku ”and bow twice. And I will take off the sack of money from the cart for that. " In such a situation, the elder will be surprised: “Lord, have mercy! What are you, dear man, invented? Sick, or what ?! Why do I need money? My soul is more important to me! " And he will send the merchant to report.

    The same elder can be offered power: to become an abbot or a bishop. He will refuse this too. And he does not need all these little things, since they limit freedom. He doesn't need anything. Here it is - inner freedom. There are no attachments, no passions.

    One might object: there is no freedom from God. But you can also say that there is a loving Father who gives everything to his son. And the son, out of respect for the Father and for the Father, does everything on a completely voluntary basis. This does not in the least contradict his desires and interests. In this case, in general, a person has complete freedom. He does not depend on external factors, does not depend on his father. Whatever the father wants, the son does voluntarily. This is the moment of complete freedom. Not to be free from passions, desires.

    If we touch upon Buddhism, then here too freedom is the state when you are free from attachments. That is, you cannot calmly go to heaven when you have some attachments on earth. In this case, you leave a particle of yourself on the ground. The same is said in Islam. In general, all religions say that a person cannot be free if he is attached to something here on earth. But it is still difficult to say about the absence of attachments - you still get attached to people, you do good. In our case, we are talking about attachment to things: fame, vanity, to some empty goods that do not benefit your soul. After all, your soul will leave this earth, and will not take anything with it.

    And then the elders did not only guess. They had real experiences. The experience of observing all the hustle and bustle of the world. King Solomon, the richest man of his time, called life "vanity of vanities." What was he missing? Money? In bulk! Authorities? Above the roof! Concubines? A whole harem! And all over the world there was a fame of his wisdom. And after all, not a poor man, but the greatest king said that there is nothing earthly that would be worth our efforts. Except love. That is, human relationships are important, it is important to have a desire to give from oneself. Love, sacrifice to another. This is the highest degree of freedom, when I give something, and I don't need anything in return. Whether a person will accept my gift, will not accept and spit at me is fundamentally irrelevant. I am free from any of your decisions: I gave, I gave, and you are free to take or not take. They say that God is infinite love. And largely because he wants to give. This is freedom to the highest degree!

    Previously, people lived free from weather, natural disasters, and passions. Now such people are few. By the way, I saw such free people before their death. Not often, but I had to. A state when a person realizes that he is going to die. He resigned himself, completed all the affairs on earth and became completely free. He doesn't care what happens next. He is reconciled with the whole world. And even with the sky. And this is such a calmness in this cancer patient, such confidence, such harmony in his soul despite his illness. It's just amazing to watch ...

    And in war, such cases are possible. When people are under fire. When they accept this inevitability of death, they experience the greatest freedom. They are not attached to anything.

    But nobody strives for such freedom. We live by the concept of ephemeral freedom.

    Even the same oligarchs are dependent people. They are actually not free, being in competition. They cannot allow their production to stop and their competitors go over their heads. Therefore, they are forced to modernize production, produce new products with improved characteristics or (in the service sector) offer new services to customers.

    - Do you strive for this state?

    I strive, but I think that I am not yet ready to experience this state. This takes maturity. To do this, you need to carry out colossal work on yourself. It doesn't matter how long it takes. Effort is important. It will take tremendous work and a desire to completely remake yourself.

    It is very difficult to give up everything. What kind of person, for example, voluntarily relinquishes power? People, of course, resign, they are fired. But this is accompanied by stress, an internal crisis. Downgrading is always bad, in our understanding. Those people who have power over us (it does not matter what kind of power it is: with the help of money or power over minds) cannot renounce it. On the contrary, they will try to bind us in every way and use all available opportunities for this.

    Actually, earlier slave owners did the same with slaves. They came up with mechanisms for enslavement. No one had ever released people on their own initiative, unless, of course, these actions were dictated by some spiritual motives. Now, clear mechanisms for enslaving people are also being created. And the best of them is to bind people to money, that is, to suggest that money is the most necessary thing. And then you can use money to influence people's lives, their desires and actions.

    Your feedback

    Every living being, including man, always strives for freedom. What does it mean to be free? Each of us reveals this concept in his own way, but at the same time, each of us wants to be free. The freedom of a person depends on himself, as well as on the society in which he lives, as well as on the content that he puts into the concept of "freedom".

    Relativity of freedom

    Let's give an example. A person, still in childhood, dreams of being able to grow up and become free: you can not listen to your parents, not learn lessons, not go to school. And this hour comes, but it brings with it other problems: work, children, family. The question arises: when did this person have more freedom? Probably during childhood. For he is now even more loaded and depends on many life factors. Time has passed. Our hero did not make friends with the law and ended up in prison. Is he free today? Physically, of course not. Morally? It depends on his character: does his conscience gnaw at what he has done? Is he worried about his family? From this it is clear that such a concept as personal freedom is relative.

    From the example, we can conclude that different people in the same conditions will consider their position not the same: one can say that he is free, and the other will not be a free person.

    What are the types of freedom

    Scientists consider the concept of "freedom" in all its manifestations, and on this basis they define four types of freedom. Namely:

    The first type is physical freedom. If a person is physically free, it means that he has the opportunity to go where he wanted and do what he wants.

    The second type is spiritual freedom. It enables a person to live in his perception of the world, he has the ability to express what he thinks about.

    The third type is national freedom. A person can live with his people and consider himself a part of it.

    The fourth type of freedom is state freedom. It enables a person to choose the government under whose rule he would like to live.

    What does it mean to be a free person

    We return again to the issue of human freedom. First of all, the freedom of the individual must be seen as the freedom of employment. He should do exactly what he likes. His activities should bring him not only benefit, but also moral pleasure. Are we free from this point of view? Probably not, because today's time does not give us the opportunity to choose the type of activity. We are forced to do what will bring us prosperity. And material wealth does not provide us with a state of freedom.

    Every day, when we come to work, we obey our management, the work schedule of the institution or enterprise, its charter and rules. In a way, a person becomes a slave to the structure in which he works. It is good when there is the smallest human relationship between the employer and the employee, when his work and efforts are judged according to their merits. Otherwise, he becomes a small screw of the system that oppresses him.

    Hence, the conclusion suggests itself is not wealth and satiety of a person determines his freedom. A person must work creatively, he must open his soul, give people his skills and show talent. Then it will be possible to say about him that he is really free.

    The concept of human freedom can be viewed from many sides and positions, but the main indicator of determining one's freedom is the person himself, his thoughts and his attitude to life and the surrounding society.

    One of the core values \u200b\u200bis the right to control your own life. Some believe that it is given from birth. Others think it's worth giving it after coming of age. Still others generally regard independence as a privilege of a separate group of people, based on gender, social or other characteristics. There is no unequivocal answer to the question of what freedom is from the standpoint of morality, ethics, philosophy, legislation or social norms. There is only a generalized concept and a large number of interpretations, depending on from what point of view we are considering it.

    What is freedom?

    Freedom of a person is his right to be the reason for his actions himself, without the influence of external factors. The most generalized definition reveals the essence of the concept, implying the possibility of an independent choice of one's life guidelines or actions. Considerable attention is paid to the problem of freedom in all religions and philosophical teachings of the world. Its presence is considered one of the highest values \u200b\u200balong with life itself.

    Who is a free man?

    From the standpoint of legislation, a free person is one who has the right to certain behavior, enshrined in the Constitution of his country. It's about regulated freedom. The more developed a country's democracy, the more rights its citizens have.

    From the point of view of ethics, a person's freedom is expressed in his ability to express his will. But, in this case, it is appropriate to speak about morality, when the expression of the will of one person can be negatively reflected on someone else. This means that people are still endowed with responsibility to society. The most democratic philosophers. Their definition of freedom is similar to that given at the beginning of this article, without reference to legislation or a sense of conscience. On the other hand, the possibility of uncontrolled behavior raises a number of moral and ethical questions, making the concept of "absolute" freedom a utopia.

    It is most correct to talk about the possibilities to freely perform certain actions, if they do not pose a threat to the life or health of other people, do not infringe on their honor and dignity. Otherwise, others are also free to prevent immoral behavior by their actions. It turns out to be a vicious circle.

    How can a person achieve freedom?

    If we are not talking about extremes, then the possibility of free expression of will is extremely important for everyone. Even if circumstances take away freedom of movement, no one can deny the ability to dream and think. In his head, everyone is free as much as his worldview allows him.

    Free your mind

    The most terrible of all is the fetters that hold back the mind. A free person is, first of all, a person devoid of stereotypes, open to understanding his inner world. It is appropriate to recall the saying about the dream of a slave - "a market where you can buy a master." An extreme form of enslavement, when an individual cannot even imagine something better. If someone decides to become more free, then this path should start with their thoughts. Believe in freedom yourself, and only then seek it.

    Understand what prevents you from being free

    When a person has already embarked on the path of his inner liberation, first of all, he needs to understand what makes him dependent. These factors include:

    • Fears, insecurity, complexes;
    • Foreign opinion, public stereotypes;
    • Dependence on financial well-being;
    • Inability to make decisions on your own.

    Independence, as our right, sometimes requires decisive action. She appears in the fight. First of all - with yourself.

    Defeat your inner barriers

    Fears, insecurity, complexes are firmly rooted in almost everyone. They are the product of past failures. And not only their own, but also their own family. Sometimes parents, not having achieved something in their lives, begin to program for failure and children, developing in them many complexes. This becomes the first barrier to personal freedom.

    Be sincere to yourself

    It is worth respecting the opinion of other people, but it is not advisable to follow it thoughtlessly. Parents, grandmothers, grandfathers, friends-comrades, colleagues, can sometimes suggest the right things. But, everyone has their own life and how to dispose of it is an individual choice. This is personal freedom. Before "turning on" the rebellious spirit, defending your opinion, it is worth, for a start, to develop this opinion. Be an individual, with your own views, desires, needs. If you only follow the rules of the majority, then you may never become yourself.

    Stop chasing money

    Money is very important in this world, but very often it becomes a trap from which it is difficult to get out. In pursuit of profit, people risk becoming its hostage. This does not mean that you must definitely give up financial well-being and devote yourself to a hermit. Simply, choosing a job, additional earnings or opening your own business is desirable in the area that arouses the greatest interest and positive emotions.

    Learn to make decisions on your own

    A serious problem that prevents many people from gaining their independence is the fear of independence. One of the reasons is ignorance, which keeps people like real shackles. Very often, someone becomes dependent on others just because they do not know any other way. Learning more about the laws of the world around them, understanding their own capabilities and rights, people receive a powerful weapon in the struggle for their freedom. Fear usually appears in response to a misunderstanding. Thus, expanding your worldview can open up freedom, thereby making the first step towards it.

    In addition, practice is an important stage in the development of independence. If you don't start doing something and decide for yourself, then how to become independent? Of course, failures are not excluded, but the one who does nothing is doubly wrong. After all, the freedom of a person is the realization of his will. The very word "realization" implies activity.

    One can ponder over the question of what freedom is for years. This is everyone's right. But, in addition to thoughts, it is desirable to embody it in life. If you want to be free - be it! There are a number of barriers along the way, but most of them are in the head. Therefore, positive thinking and an active life position can be considered the first step towards liberation.

    Babochkina Ya.O. What does personal freedom depend on? Subjective and objective factors // International Journal of Social and Humanitarian Sciences. - 2016. - T. 5. No. 1. - S. 203-206.



    Ya.O. Babochkina, student

    Vladimir State University A.G. and N. G. Stoletovs

    (Russia, Vladimir)

    Annotation. In our modern world, the topic of the concept of freedom is relevant. It is different for each person. There are many factors that affect it. Many writers try to understand what freedom is. There are many sociological laws that influence our worldview. Freedom contributes to the emergence of individual responsibility, and responsibility is the guiding stimulus of freedom. IN as important enough, the task of a person's knowledge of himself is put forwardand the study of nature.

    Keywords: freedom, responsibility, sociological law, will, personality.

    Is the topic of freedom relevant in our time, because each person has changed his worldview to the concept of freedom. Freedom is not only what we do, it is also an opportunity for creativity. Sometimes we confuse freedom with will. So what is freedom? What subjective and objective factors affect it? What conditions are needed for spiritual development and creativity for a person? We will try to solve these pressing problems answer, considering first, what factors affect the worldview of freedom.

    We highlight subjective factors:

    1. The meaning of life for a person. This is a criterion that is important for every personality. After all, it is different for each person and not everyone can even determine their meaning in life during their lifetime. For example, for someone the meaning of life is their own family, beloved husband and children, many try to think and philosophize in order to understand their meaning in life, let's say in science or in some kind of action that is pleasant for society.

    2. Human behavior and education. This is also a fairly significant criterion. After all, if a person breaks the law or leads a riotous life according to his own concepts, then subsequently leads to adverse consequences. And that person will say that freedom is what is behind bars and forget a lot about the moral principles of society.

    3. The spiritual world of man. It can be distinguished as one of the main criteria for a person. Each personality is different.Z depends on the upbringing of a person, hisacceptance of the world, his erudition, his environment and even from what family he is.

    4. The opportunity to realize yourself in creative interests - an equally important factor influencing the worldview of freedom. Since creativity can also be attributed to freedom. Because our world cannot live without it, otherwise the whole world would not be educated and filled with spiritual values.

    Having considered the subjective factors, now consider the objective factors (external), which influence the worldview of the concept of "freedom":

    1. Economic forces - this is one of the factors influencing our worldview towards the concept of "freedom". Since it depends on ourfinancial well-being and life arrangement.

    2. State of society - this factor can be characterized as the environment in which the person is. After all, as the saying goes “What environment, such a person. " This is an important factor because the environment also affects a person's worldview, his activities. Let's say if a person wants to engage in vocals or other creative activities and his environment supports, he will do it, and if not, then he can quit and just walk the whole evening with a cigarette in his mouth and a beer in his hands.

    3. Religion - an important factor that affects our worldview (since each religion has its own treatises and dogmas of freedom).

    It is also worth paying attention to N.Somin in his article "Types of social love", inwhich, he reveals that there are several kinds of freedoms.

    1. Accept "freedom from" if the Personality is used by his own freedom of preference in order to free himself fromabout constraining him factors and for that most to give freedom to his own whims and desires. According to the essence of the proceedings, “freedom from” for such a person becomes the highest value, which someone with all his might tries to save. "Freedom from" leads to self-will and indulgence of their own passions, breaking, in the end, everything, the personality. The knowledge of the Lord that the freedom of the Person, although great, is in no way unconditional - sympathy is limited by the good will of God.

    2. Highest typefreedom represented "freedom for", the essence which in the choice of any alternative and zeal walk according to the chosen path. The previously given deviation fromabout "Freedom from" for any value, practically replacing "freedom from" with this value. And because this kind of selection seems to be a step of free power, in this case it is also called independence, "freedom for", although the Individual loses his own independence. For example, a patriot who decides to protect the Motherland with a pistol in his hands becomes a military man, is subject to a strict military statute, i.e. loses its own "freedom from" to acquire the highest value .

    It is also worth contacting V.Yu.Katasonov and to his article: "Freedom, will are manifested by creation, need - by birth» ... It is hardly allowed to find the most correct signs in order to embody these two abstract thoughts. The individual who arrives in this world is at the same time being formed (done) and appears. Someone is made by the Supreme as well as an independent, free individual. Nearbywith creation The individual acquires the Spirit. Appears being born a different person, like a person not free, dependent on terrestrial conditions, so Tikhomirov relies to our Slavophile A.S. Khomyakova. EU whether the Individual appears, he contains the beginning of his own birth, is linked by the umbilical cord with this source, he is not free and mortal. Thus, lo and behold, the process of creation never stops! It did not end in any way many thousand years ago. Some people incorrectly believe that the Lord has been resting since that time. No, He doesn't stop creating. However, society did not acquireae m independence is once and irrevocably. They preferto be in the midst of independence and bondage (necessity). If the Individual was an emanation of the Lord, thenin this case did not possess bs independence, and stretched practically and mechanically to its own Key, not as an independent individual, but as a complex Divine Element. After all, a free Individual, that is, created, has the ability to directly select: to walk towards the Lord, to withdrawfrom Him, including walking contrary to the Lord. The Lord formed from nothingness aboutsociety. The Lord shapes anyone Faces about from nothingness and then leads the Persons from the cradle to the cemetery " .

    Thus, we see that there is a certain difference between freedom and will. Will is what is given to us from birth. And man will never be free, since God controls our life.

    Now let's look at freedom with an example a social factor that affects our worldview. As a source, we take the articles of N.V. Somin a and G.M. Shimanov.

    Considering in Somin's article about the types of freedom, it should be noted that "Value due to which The individual sacrifices his own freedom, has the ability to be positive,and to some extentnegative. Satanists sothey sacrifice their own freedom in order to gain power andwith the help of worship to the black forces. As a consequence, it is important thatd in order for "freedom for" to be performed for positive purposes, foriya the power of God,it should be directed for the good. And the given good is a feeling for the Lord and neighbor, sincethe feeling has the ability to be present only in a couplewith freedom. "

    From this we conclude that Somin wants to us to bring that freedom is - vital alternative and aspiration follow the chosen path.

    And he also writes that the sociological laws of society also affect our worldview. They are of two types:

    1. Z acons - restrictions.

    2. Z acons - duties.

    Laws - limitations explain scientific laws - they are produced constantly by the very nature of social phenomena. Samples of such laws are presented in N. Somin's note "The Boundaries of the Possible." Laws obligations are represented by highly moral public maxims. For example, the rule of truth .

    That is, Somin wants to say freedom is also influenced by sociological laws, which must always be carried out because of human morality.

    Now consider the opinion of G.M.Shimanova in his article "Why Our Faith Is The Most Correct."

    “At the key is freedom - this fight between good and evil... Supreme freedomthis is kindness in truth .... Ideal freedom is impossible without creativity and passion.Due to this is what the Lord allowed Adam to fall into sin. When, if he made the fall impracticable, then he refused bs people in the freedom of their choice. And freedom of preferenceis the basis of human independence, from which theindependence of the highest kind» .

    From this we can conclude that, freedom is our choice for which we are responsible. What is it in moral principles and in truth that our freedom is revealed. And it is also worth paying attention even such a concept as "responsibility". N. Somin in his article "Personal Salvation and Social Transformation" reveals our concept from a religious point of view.

    “The argument is easy: working on society leads to the world of the Church, towards the turnher from heavenly realities to earthly ones. And this is harmful for the Church. Therefore, believers not necessary plunge into secular proceedings. And in case, if home and financial custody should hesitate, in this case, get carried away with social and socio-political processes - especially harmful for the purpose of salvation - we are forced only by our popularity, and due to this, that to be carried away by them is only to please your own passions " .

    From the considered reflections, let us assume that the concept of human freedom is connected with the philosophical side of existence.C free - real opportunity free to think and do as you wish. This is a reasonable choice of behavior and worldview. However, society limits the possibility of choice by various generally accepted standards and rules, due to the idea of \u200b\u200ba well-coordinated maturation of a person inabout the entire social and social organization. Hence, importance arises as the reverse side of freedom.

    Thus, the Individual has no way of changing the laws.nature , however, having organized his own activity, focusing on them, he has the opportunity to rise above these laws, and gain superiority over the reality around. Howeverless, this kind of aspect to the combination of independence and responsibilitypersonalities accept farnot always. Individuality has the ability to be realized only if it fully applies independence, as well as the possibility of selection. Is it more than a selected urgent task, which is that resources for its implementation will correspond to the laws of formation, around reality. The duty, in its own order, is associated with the need to choose the means and methods,which should the task is realized. In a similar way, freedom promotes the emergence of individual responsibility, and duty is seen as a catalyst for freedom.

    From all of the above, we will draw several conclusions. Free action of a person always implies his responsibility to society for your deed. Freedom and responsibility are closely related to each other. A person is always responsible before his actions. Freedom is, before total main actionsmorality is the choice between good and evil and this is one of the leading problems, which connects such sciences as dialectics, theory of knowledge, ethics and philosophy. Freedom is our activity in creativity and our activity in social world.

    As the most important condition for the freedom of a person, his harmonious development, the requirement is put forward to change the world around him, such a structure so that a person gets from this world worthy of representation, so that she gets used toa real human physical relationsto feel like a human.

    In conclusion, it can be notedwhich seems to be quite important the task of a person comprehending himself, in order to present yourself as a measure of everyday relationships,offer their assessment in accordance with their essence, to organize humanly world, according to requests of its nature.

    Bibliographic list

    1. Somin N.V. Types of social love. Url:

    2. Katasonov V.Yu., Trostnikov V.N., Shimanov G.M. History as Providence of Godiy / Resp. ed. O. A. Platonov. - M .: Insti here Russian civilization, 2014. - S. 45-46.

    3. ... narod. ru / pochemu _ nasha _ vera. htm

    5. Somin N.V. Personal salvation and social transformation Url:


    Y.O. Babochkina, student

    Vladimir state university named after A. G. and N. G. Stoletov

    (Russia, Vladimir)

    Annotation. In our modern world, the actual topic of the concept of freedom. Each person it is different. There are many factors which it is affected. Many writers try to understand what freedom is. There are many sociological laws that affect our worldview. Freedom contributes to the emergence of personal responsibility, and responsibility is a guiding incentive of liberty. As enough important put forward the problem of cognition of the man himself, and study nature.

    Keywords : freedom, responsibility, sociology, law, will, personality.

    For millennia, since prohibitions, power and morality appeared, the concept of freedom has existed. Some people define it as the absence of the above factors. Others as a person's power over their actions, provided that they do not harm other people. Still others believe that freedom is a subjective concept and depends on the aspirations of each individual person.

    So what is freedom? Let's try to figure it out.

    Freedom in philosophy is defined as the state of the subject, in which he can independently determine his goals, opinions and means. That is, in fact, this concept brings together all the judgments given above. The freedom of each person depends on the degree of its acceptance as a life value. That is why we see so many different approaches to understanding and self-realization. And therefore, all people understand in different ways what freedom is.

    It is customary to distinguish between two freedoms: positive and negative. The second presupposes the independence of the individual from any external or internal manifestations that interfere with its implementation. Getting it is possible by eliminating them. Positive freedom is achieved through the spiritual development of a person and his achievement of inner harmony. Some philosophers believe that it is impossible to achieve this freedom without going through the pursuit of the negative. This division does not in the least contradict the integrity of the concept. On the contrary, it helps to broaden our understanding of what freedom is.

    Personal freedom is directly related to the freedom of creativity, since the latter is a natural consequence and expression of the former. Therefore, many writers and artists, who in their time did not get the opportunity to create their works because of the prohibitions of censorship, turned against the government. But it is worth distinguishing between freedom of expression and not confusing it with the freedom of aggression. The ban on the latter is not a restriction on the individual. On the contrary, it was created to protect her freedom. Such prohibitions will exist until they pass into human consciousness as a natural necessity.

    Nowadays, people are increasingly looking for freedom not from external factors, but within themselves. began to understand in a new way what freedom is. And he tries to achieve it through, self-determination and expression in the areas available to him. This view is close to the concept of positive freedom, but it also contains echoes of negative. It was formed in connection with the relaxation of social prohibitions. Therefore, now inner freedom comes to the fore - the achievement of the integrity of the personality and the possibility of its expression.

    So, almost every generation forms a new view of what freedom is. And one cannot say that one of them is wrong. After all, each person is free to give his own answer to this question and give this word a meaning close to him. For someone, freedom is an opportunity to express their opinion, for someone - the absence of a ban on creativity, for someone - harmony with the world around them ... But in any case, it plays an important role for each individual and society in the whole.