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  • Social degradation. Unjust government and degradation of society

    Social degradation. Unjust government and degradation of society

    Lately you think that you have become very stupid? We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main signs of degradation and determine how well your fears are justified.

    This is how a person is arranged - he must constantly develop and strive for new heights: personal, spiritual, intellectual and social. As soon as we stop developing, our brain turns on the program ... no, not self-destruction, but degradation. Of course, it's nice to lie on the couch all day, looking at the ceiling, but degradation is too high a price for idleness!
    Note that from time to time we still need some kind of unloading. Relaxing on the beach for a month, sleeping off for a week and not reading any smart literature is useful if you have experienced great stress or are tired to the point of exhaustion. But such rest should be alternated with vigorous activity.

    Signs of personality degradation

    American psychologist Maslow has identified several qualities inherent in people with personality degradation:
    - Treat yourself as a cog. When a person believes that nothing depends on him, that he is only a pawn that cannot change anything: neither in his life, nor in the life of society.
    - Minimum desires. All actions are reduced to satisfying purely physiological needs - to eat, sleep, relieve sexual hunger. Such people go to work only for money, and meet people of the opposite sex only for sex.
    - Black and white world. The environment for such people is divided into "us" and "strangers". These people do their best to protect themselves from "strangers", they have a very narrow social circle.
    - Categorical. A degrading person considers his opinion to be the only correct one and considers disputes and discussions an unnecessary waste of time.

    Poverty of the lexicon. A person uses only elementary phrases, it is difficult for him to find words to describe something, it is especially difficult for him to choose adjectives - it is this part of speech that expresses our emotions and feelings. In general, such people try not to speak, they do not want to spend unnecessary efforts on verbal functions.
    - Dependencies. Alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling addiction are very striking signs of degradation. It is difficult to say whether they are the cause or effect of degradation, but the fact remains: if a person is addicted, there is a great risk that he will degrade.

    How not to degrade?

    Tips, on the one hand, are very simple, but on the other - difficult to implement. Especially if you're not used to making an effort. However, it is worthwhile to strain!
    - Read! This is a universal advice to anyone who does not want to go down intellectually. Read not only fiction, but also books from an area that you have never been interested in. This keeps our brains from getting stale.
    - Take care of yourself! Yes, taking care of your appearance is not a whim, but one of the elements of self-respect. Make sure you look aesthetically pleasing.
    - Reason. Try not to take statements for granted. Argue, debate, defend your point of view - and know how to change it if the opponent's arguments are convincing.
    - Be moral. The norms of society were invented for a reason, they have a deep meaning. Therefore, the postulates that one should not lie, steal, fornicate and so on help you integrate into society. And do not get corrupted spiritually.
    - Think high. What is the meaning of your life? What is your purpose? What are you striving for, and what is valuable to you? Think about such things from time to time, it is even more useful to look for answers to your questions in spiritual practices.
    - Be creative. Creativity is the most effective way for self-development and self-realization. It doesn't matter in what area you manifest it, it will not let you degrade. Look for new ways to solve standard problems, be creative at home and at work.
    - Meet. Expand your social circle, try to meet and make friends with people who are engaged in an unfamiliar business.

    Today I read an entertaining text and decided to post it here, adding some of my thoughts. A little, because everything is so clear to those who understand and cannot understand in any way to those who degrade, spitting in the direction of good people.

    For a long time I have been thinking about the degradation of modern society. My brother recently said that the theory is such that people do not develop, but degrade, that there used to be smarter people (I remember the story of Atlantis). For me, most likely, everything that happens to people in the modern world resembles a kind of isolation of certain groups of people from the general mass, which, in turn, will eventually crush these groups of self-developing, striving for improvement, people and everything around.

    One thing I want to say is that people cannot develop without understanding, full realization that selfishness will destroy this world, our cozy planet. Without awareness of elementary things, humanity has no future. Not understanding that you need to self-organize in everything and develop society all over the planet - there will be nothing but chaos, because the increase in entropy will not stop. The elementary postulates of the original truth, which everyone can understand and change in themselves, are capable of becoming a new stage in the development of mankind. Little needs to be done for the sake of achieving common goals, you just have to observe elementary norms, principles and moral norms: do not push in the subway if you came up later than the person standing in front of you; let one car pass through, passing in the sample, and those who follow behind that car - do not climb, but let the one who let pass, because it is logical when they pass one car at a time (this is honest, so to speak); do not smoke outside, because many people cannot stand the smell of cigarettes, and not say that I don't give a fuck; do not think that you are something different and "cool", and not just a person of flesh and blood; to leave a passage for people who are in a hurry, and not trudge like a nerd along the entire perimeter of the passage with the same narrow-minded parts of the mass, etc. etc.

    The times when we tried to be "cooler" around sane people around us are over. All these are echoes of cave life and our instincts, following which you may survive, but degrade completely. Why survive if the Earth itself will not remain at such a rate !? Even the moron can understand this. This is not some kind of corrals about Armageddon, everything is already real now and there is not much left. Now we are fed (not vegetarians) by livestock and poultry, which occupy 30% of the living space on the planet, and consumption is growing and by 2050 the world's population will be approximately 9 billion people (this is officially so much). 2050 doesn't seem that distant, does it?

    Even though I am an agnostic, from childhood I thought that the Bible was written by smart people, maybe even very smart people, they just wanted to hide it and expound it in a language understandable to mankind, our period. There are many warnings and instructions on how to live. Some parts of it, roughly speaking, are a textbook on under what conditions humanity will be able to survive and develop into something more.

    The article describes what the ancestors knew about justice and truth from the very beginning. Yes, all these are natural rights and rules that are known to everyone from birth. There is one, the only Truth, just in the modern world everyone interprets it in their own way, and this is very wrong. Today the cops have their own truth, the gopota have their own, the cattle have their own ... but this is nonsense! Truth and justice are the only ones, like the laws of the Universe. As a logic that cannot be masculine or feminine, it either exists or it does not! A fundamental understanding of the rules of life in society can save it.

    I am a maximalist and a cynic, so I often hear: "But he thinks so and it is right for him, and you are so ...!" - in general, this is often said not only to me. But dear people, what does this mean, what does it mean - "everyone has their own truth" !? For example, I ALWAYS assess the truth of what is happening, I try to look at the root or something, there are initial conditions. For example, someone rushes to the subway and walks quickly, you shouldn't, like a ram, not let such people pass, you just need to go a little to the right and that's it. No, the human EGO swelled up to the skies (I immediately recall the cult speech of the Devil in one of the final scenes in the film Devil's Advocate, played by the wonderful Al Pacino. There he talks about the human EGO and Edi Borzun. That people will soon create so much stench with their selfishness that he will reach heaven). You just need to notice people around, at least good ones. And who is good, you ask. I decided on these long ago and I won't get tired of repeating that Good man - this is the kind of person who will not be the first to harm another.

    Literally today in the subway (the subway is generally a great collection of examples of this kind) I moved away and almost hung on the handrail to give way to people, but some selfish female essence stood right in my place, from which I deviated (my one leg and half of the torso was still there) to help others. And she watched all this, but in the most rude way she squeezed in, trying to push me out. I just took my place and she almost flew away, while still having time to get really nasty on me (she didn't even understand why she was wrong, but how could it be?). I try not to pay attention to such people anymore. But judging by the analysis of the situation around them, acquaintances, acquaintances, acquaintances, etc., there are more and more such boors and they can crush, in some places, a healthy society. In miniature, this happened in 1917 and the next, when the Bolshevik stench destroyed the entire intelligentsia and the Russian state structure.

    Below is the text that I read today and which I mentioned at the beginning. There is a lot of good in it, but there is not very good and true, but the general essence is close to me, maybe it will be interesting for you to read and evaluate. It is said about science, in my opinion, is not true, science should develop in parallel with morality and primordial truth. If the human essence of the majority was not the same as I described above, then using the fruits of modern science, a person could create a lot of good, respectively, bring a lot of constructive things into the world.

    Modern people are weak ugly idiots

    and the history of civilization is a documentary chronology

    continuous and rapid degradation.


    I formulated the theory of degradation while reflecting on the history of architecture. The clear chronological movement of architectural styles, from beautiful and sublime to increasingly base and ugly, must have had a logical explanation. Antiquity, Empire, Gothic, Baroque, Art Nouveau ... constructivism ... deconstructivism ... The answer was obvious. Normal people are incapable of creating and contemplating ugly architectural forms. The degradation of architectural styles could only indicate the degradation of the creatures who created them.

    From that moment on, everything was already clear. But for completeness, I will write a few more lines.

    Bitter truth
    Most of the hostages of the popular scientific worldview are convinced that previous generations eked out a miserable existence, devoid of elementary joys and amenities. In fact, it was not at all like that. 2,000 years ago, the inhabitants of Roman cities used centralized water supply, sewerage and steam heating. Public baths surpassed modern libraries and galleries in luxury. Things were happening in the arenas that no one has seen since. Wine poured from the fountains on holidays. Free bread was distributed on the streets. Monumental columns and triumphal arches towered around. Taxes were paid only in case of war. Magistrates carried out state functions at their own expense. Perfect world order pax romanarested on the authority of five lawyers and a dozen legions. Anywhere in the world, you could intimidate an entire city with the words, "I am a Roman citizen." And what does today's plebs have?

    Modern people breathe smog every day they live. See the ugliness. Hearing lies. They eat and drink sickening waste. Wrapped up in synthetics. One by one, they die in the rat holes of apartment buildings from melancholy and insignificance. What has given them the progress they believe in? Light bulb, plastic wrappers, bureaucracy? Are you, in fact, convinced that a mobile phone can add eloquence to someone, and a computer - intelligence?

    This is not an abstraction. The difference can be seen and touched. Any object of modern material culture is much more primitive than its historical counterpart. The larger the time gap, the more monstrous the difference. Let's compare:

    100 years ago: 1 ruble (Ag 900, 20 g) - now: 1 dollar (paper, 1 g);
    2000 years ago: table (cypress, 1 000 000 IIS) - now: table (chipboard, 420 UAH);
    2500 years ago: pectoral (Au 958, 1148 g) - now: body armor (kevlar, 1500 g).

    You yourself can easily find evidence of decline. Take a close look at the artifacts of the 19th-20th centuries, inherited from your parents and grandparents. Visit museums, architectural monuments. Antiques look more soulful and graceful. But these are just material manifestations. Even more frightening is the evidence of spiritual and physical degradation.

    Spiritual degradation
    The main criterion for the loss of humanity is the inability of modern people to realize the nature of the world and their place in it. If the fact of a rational organization of the world for genuine people was self-evident (Ps. 103, 24), then by the 18th century. only Locke was able to perceive him with the help of Cicero (Soch., M. 1985, T. 2, p. 99).

    The ancients did not try to invent false morality and false values. Several moral axioms and common sense were enough for them to live. Written Roman law emerged only as a product of progressive moral disorientation. The very idea of \u200b\u200blaw in the next 2 thousand years degenerated into an absurd concept of "positive law", which lost its final connection with morality and natural rationality.

    By means of vulgar pseudo-theoretical speculations, modern people have exchanged moral values \u200b\u200bfor a hierarchy of utilitarian needs. Now they quite “morally” and “legally” cash out their human dignity for a pack of popcorn or crocodile shoes.

    Intellectual degradation
    Humanity is no longer capable of creating intellectual works. In bookstores, among the piles of waste paper, you can hardly find two or three decent works. If you burn all the books written over the past 100 years, world culture will not lose anything at all.

    Did you know that Plato is the most sophisticated thinker today? And the most exalted poet - Homer? Over the past 2.5 thousand years, none of the people have been able to create something like that. And can you? Then at least memorize two of Homer's poems by heart, as all educated people of that time did (... once listened and memorized). Until the VI century. BC. Homer's texts were not even recorded.

    A particularly interesting aspect of mental decline is the phenomenon of so-called "science." It cannot be argued that ancient people denied the need for a certain skill (lat. sciens) in technical matters, the organization of aqueducts or sewers. But to base your worldview on this ...

    Before the "social sciences" appeared, people only knew that they had to live with dignity and that honor had to be paid in blood. But now sociology, psychology, criminology, etc. “Discovered” as if: 1) “worthy” and “unworthy” are relative concepts; 2) the majority of the population behaves "unworthily", which means that this is normal and even democratic; 3) shedding the blood of villains is not pedagogical and economically impractical, especially since "honor" is an antiscientific delusion.

    Even more authority was won by the "natural sciences", which turned into an absurd religious cult. If "science has proved" that smoking is harmful to health, the fight against this evil can be regarded as a universal good and the destiny of mankind. It never occurs to anyone to ask - why is this "health" necessary if in the end you still have to die? Nobel laureates who can't even read Greek are now talking about the fate of humanity. Silicon Valley cyber geniuses who have difficulty communicating with real people write games for children. You can trust them. After all, these smart guys in white coats invented a thermonuclear bomb and "anthrax", for the common good they crossed a fish with a tomato. They definitely know what they are doing.

    Aesthetic degradation

    Contemporary art is so ugly that special psychiatric theories have to be invented to justify its adequacy. If in the Middle Ages some “great genius” had decided to paint his “black square” on the ceiling of the Doge's Palace, he would have simply been impaled.

    Is it appropriate to compare these "sublimations" with antique marble colonnades, Byzantine mosaics and Gothic stained glass windows? No comments are needed here. I want to draw your attention to just one nuance.

    Why do you think the ancient Greeks, although they were aware of the pragmatic properties of iron, preferred weapons of copper and gold ( "The army moved, and as if the whole earth was on fire ...")?

    Physical degradation
    Will any modern athlete be able to row several thousand kilometers, live on the street for 10 years without food or warm clothes, and wage fierce hand-to-hand combat for days, as did any average participant in the Trojan War? Or at least kill lions and leopards with your bare hands, as the Roman bestiaries did? Perhaps, if the fate of the current generation were determined by Lacedaemon standards, the entire current population would have to be thrown off a cliff.

    Previously, war was a criterion of law, personal dignity and social status. Today's people value comfort and safety more. Why risk your life and health if it is much more pleasant to lie and steal. And if you need someone to lime, then it is wiser to use the trigger or the button. In the old days, it would have been just a shame: "Heroes fought, blazing with enmity, devouring the heart".

    The worst secret of history
    This is not to say that no one noticed this. Spengler, Toynbee, Ruskin, etc. suspected something, but could not establish the cause. And the point is this:
    1. The copy is worse than the original. A copy of a copy of a copy is much worse. It can hardly be expected that the extremely distant descendants of Adam will be able to live for 930 years and know the names of all birds and animals. By the way, the world around us is not improving either.
    2. The vilest survive. Since people do not consider life a priority value, they cannot compete in survival tactics with the “Darwin's apes,” whose growing population determines the face of modern civilization.
    3. Modus vivendi. Human forms of existence need a congruent socio-cultural environment: the crucibles of war, the narrow crossroads of duels, the cleansing flame of the Inquisitions. Steel does not coexist with manure.

    One way or another, the recognition of the fact of degradation of humanity would mean a fatal collapse of the paradigm of scientific and technological civilization and the philosophy of consumer-pluralistic "humanism". This would mean the need to destroy the existing world order. Fortunately, nobody is interested in this, nobody wants it, and nobody can. Therefore, hiding the real state of affairs is the most important task of all sciences.

    What is the day ahead?
    When 20 years ago I watched the TV show Fahrenheit 451 about the fun of degenerates from the future, I could not have imagined that the future would come so fast. Even 100 years ago, people killed and died for the word "honor", and today perverts claim to be "rights". 500 years ago, "scientists" were burned at the stake, but nowadays they are not even beaten.

    The future does not bode well. Any innovations and reforms (lat.r e forma - disorganization) provide only synchronization of the degree of decomposition of society with the degree of depravity of people. You should not blame politicians, financiers, officials for giving (taking) what you (they) deserve. Should you expect more?

    Now you know the true reasons for the stupidity, the baseness of individual individuals, the shamelessness of society, the dishonor of the state, the perniciousness of reforms, the madness of laws. I hope this will help you find peace and get rid of illusions. Why instruct idiots? Let it be rewarded to them according to their deeds, according to their evil deeds, and what they deserve be given to them. Enjoy the drama.

    The favorite word of many modern people is "degradation". "We are all degrading," "society is degrading," "adolescents are degrading." On what grounds do people define personality degradation? This concept should be considered, as well as the reasons why it arises.

    To some extent, the concept in question is offensive. People use it to humiliate or insult someone. In fact, degradation takes place in society. However, it is erroneous to believe that it has emerged only recently. Degradation has existed at all times. It's just that the strata of society in which it took place were different.

    Degradation can occur not only among poor people, but also among the rich. It does not depend on the level of material condition. What, then, are the causes of degradation? Psychologists single out only the psychological side, when a person could reach higher peaks, but began to go down the steps of social development.

    A person usually gets stuck at one of the stages of his development, rejecting and considering all the others unnecessary. A person either becomes a loner, improving and doing only himself. Or he is dedicated to his family. Or completely immersed in work, where you have to interact with a group of people. Or he is trying to change the whole world, when he himself has neither housing nor order in the house.

    But a truly developed person becomes one who improves at all stages of development. What are these steps?

    1. Knows, self-perfects himself, bears his own good.
    2. He gets to know a loved one, a person close to him, learns to interact with him, directs his efforts to develop relations with him.
    3. Knows society as a whole, interacts with it in such a way as to bring the benefit to all its members (including himself).
    4. Cognition of the entire planet, the solar system, the Galaxy, etc. Interaction with the world so that development occurs both for the person himself and for the world as a whole.

    It is necessary to develop not at one level, but at all levels to gain knowledge, come to understanding and strive for interaction, where the effect of synergy will occur - the development of everyone and everything, improvement, a position where everyone wins. Getting stuck at one of the steps leads to the fact that a person does not feel the disclosure of his potential in himself. A person cannot be fixated on one thing. By nature, he is given the desire for all-round development and self-expression.

    What is personality degradation?

    The concept under consideration is determined by those synonyms that apply to it. What is personality degradation? It:

    • Decline in performance.
    • Decreased activity.
    • Regression (reverse development).
    • Loss of stability.
    • Mental balance care.
    • Depletion of judgments, talents, interests, etc.

    What are the criteria for determining personality degradation? For such symptoms:

    1. Memory dysfunction.
    2. Increased irritability.
    3. Lack of concentration of attention.
    4. Narrowing of interests.
    5. Decrease in adaptive capacity.
    6. Weakness.
    7. Complacency.
    8. Carelessness.

    In everyday life, this concept is used everywhere with the aim of humiliating others. In rare cases, we are talking about a serious degradation of the personality. However, turning to a psychologist or psychotherapist becomes necessary if a person really begins to break down.

    Degradation is destruction that leads a person to a beggar, miserable, miserable and sick existence. Just as muscles begin to atrophy when not used, so a person becomes "dysfunctional" when they begin to degrade.

    Seeking the help of a psychologist on the site site can be carried out when a person has been in a binge, depression, loneliness, isolation, uses drugs or is exposed to harmful effects for a long time. The longer a person degrades, the more serious forms of degradation develop:

    • Marasmus.
    • Dementia.
    • Carelessness.
    • Loss of contact with the environment.
    • Complete indifference to everything.

    Specialists identify the main cause of degradation. Anyone who has been drinking alcohol for a long time eventually becomes disabled, isolated from society and sick.

    Degradation reasons

    Degradation is the result of many factors. It manifests itself in a gradual loss of interest in oneself, life, current events, and more. The reason may be some event that seriously traumatized the person: the breakdown of the desired relationship, the death of a child, the loss of a loved one, etc.

    The causes of degradation should also include various failures that happen to a person. The more of them in a short period of time, the faster a person comes to give up and do nothing. The strength of failure also affects. If a person has lost everything that he had, the occurrence of one such event will be sufficient for further degradation.

    In some cases, we are talking about degradation when an individual ceases to develop spiritually or intellectually. However, this concept is not always correct in this case. Lack of development in the intellectual and spiritual level can only speak of a person getting stuck at the level of development at which he is already.

    Alcoholism is called the main cause of degradation. The connection between alcoholism and degradation is obvious: a person gradually becomes detached from real life, becomes more immersed in his own problems, stops developing, even loses some skills, knowledge and health.

    Elderly people can be prone to degradation, especially after retirement or after being laid off from work. Many psychologists believe that the loss of working capacity or dismissal from work due to reaching retirement age negatively affects a person who gradually ceases to take on responsibilities and bear responsibility. Pensioners who continue to work and lead a social life, progress further or maintain their level of development.

    People who are lonely or who have lost loved ones are prone to degradation. They become depressed, gradually losing skills, knowledge and interests. In some cases, they can thus give up life, thereby committing delayed suicide.

    Lack of spiritual development is like a lack of sports and exercise in a person's life. If muscles are not used then they will atrophy. Other factors can contribute to degradation:

    • Lack of will.
    • Senility.
    • Laziness.
    • Drug addiction.
    • Procrastination.

    Signs of degradation

    The degradation of the personality entails disastrous consequences when a person conditionally dies, although he physically continues to live. To help a loved one, who may not notice or refute his own regression, it is necessary to notice all the signs of degradation in time:

    1. Less attention is paid to the spoken words. The speech becomes simplified.
    2. No attention is paid to appearance. Becomes less neat and tidy.
    3. The circle of communication is limited. Avoiding people who bring trouble to life.
    4. All actions are based on the desire "I want". He is only concerned with himself, completely renouncing caring for loved ones.
    5. Narrowing the circle of interests.
    6. Frivolity.
    7. Carelessness with moodiness.
    8. Windiness and inconstancy.
    9. Flat humor.
    10. Discontent and grumbling.
    11. Judgments are superficial and lightweight.
    12. The behavior is cheeky, cynical. Loss of feelings of shame and disgust.
    13. Deceit, selfishness, self-centeredness.
    14. Hot temper and irritability.
    15. Fear, prejudice, negative perception, anxiety.
    16. Decreased memory, impoverishment of judgment.

    A. Maslow identified the following stages of personality degradation:

    • Learned helplessness - when a person depends on circumstances and other forces.
    • Basic needs become dominant.
    • People are divided into "us" and "strangers".
    • Increased self-criticism - when a person blames himself for even what he did not do.
    • Poor speech - it is difficult to find the right words to express your thoughts, especially when it comes to adjectives that express emotions.
    • Exaltation of one's own opinion: others think wrong.
    • The emergence of dependencies.

    Degradation of personality in alcoholism

    Where there is alcohol in large quantities, there is always degradation. It seems that alcoholism will not hurt a person because he drinks little and in moderation. However, alcoholism always starts small. However, personality degradation in alcoholism always comes suddenly, and a person may not notice destructive properties behind him.

    Alcohol dependence is progressive:

    1. Decreased control in the amount of consumed drinks, increased irritability, sometimes, somatic dysfunction.
    2. Superficial thinking, lowering criticism of one's own actions.
    3. Loss of social contacts, destruction of personality, gross ataxia.

    How is personality degradation manifested in alcoholism?

    • Self-criticism disappears, memory decreases.
    • In all troubles, according to alcoholics, others are to blame.
    • Rudeness, excessive self-confidence, unresponsiveness, heartlessness, incorrectness, cynicism.
    • Sleep with frequent awakenings.
    • Interests are narrowing towards drinking.
    • There is an avoidance of people who create problems.
    • Professional skills are lost. At work, they avoid work duties, while they do not want to miss out on material benefits.
    • Responsibility to other people is lost.

    With alcohol degradation, people hide their own fears, weakness and weakness. When they drink, then the sea is knee-deep, which allows them to enter into conflicts and prove their own innocence. When sober, they may not be able to do anything.

    Alcoholism should be treated by a psychotherapist or narcologist who is better versed in the problem. Personal degradation is eliminated together with a psychologist, who focuses on solving those problems because of which a person began to drink.


    Degradation manifests itself in various forms. The result is always the same, if you do not eliminate this state and do not return it to the reverse process - complete maladjustment in society. The person will become primitive, uninteresting and sick. He will look like a weak-minded creature that needs help.

    Degradation affects life expectancy. A person loses interest in his own life, so he may not do anything to prolong it or make it worthy. If we talk about alcoholism or suicide, in this case, a person contributes to his own destruction.

    Usually people use this word without thinking about the fact that we are talking about a serious mental illness. But not every person who has become weak degrades. However, everyone who degrades always becomes weak.

    Mental disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction, old age can be the cause of personality degradation or collapse. If the changes are not associated with illness or old age, the causes of degradation are resentment towards life, guilt, loneliness, lack of interests.

    What does degradation mean? The word "degradation" is quite common. It is used when talking about a gradual deterioration, decline, loss of valuable qualities and properties observed in various areas of life - culture, society, art, environment. This term is also used in relation to physical, chemical and biological processes: degradation of soil, proteins, etc.

    Psychologists use it when they talk about the destruction of the personality - the narrowing and impoverishment of interests, feelings, talents and judgments, a decrease in mental activity and performance, up to complete indifference and loss of contact with the environment. Degradation of personality is also called mental dullness. One of the most severe forms of personality degradation is insanity, or deep dementia. Degradation of personality is an integral part of a deeper disintegration of the human psyche: dementia, or dementia.

    How is personality degradation manifested?

    The first signs of degradation appear long before the complete disintegration of the personality. The circle of interests of such people narrows, mainly in the general cultural aspect: they stop watching films, reading books, and attending concerts. They are characterized by frivolity, flat humor, carelessness, along with moodiness, discontent and grumbling. They become annoying and familiar. Their judgments are lightweight and superficial, and in their behavior there is a swagger, a tendency to cynicism, a decrease in feelings of shame and disgust. Such qualities as deceit, egocentrism develop.

    As the disease progresses, intellectual disabilities increase. The character changes for the worse: the person becomes irritable, quick-tempered. Its main features are a negative perception of the world - an attitude towards all events with a negative prejudice, inner fear, etc. Memory deteriorates, interests narrow, and judgments and feelings become impoverished. It becomes difficult for a person to concentrate his attention on something.

    Another manifestation of personality degradation is lack of will, excessive complacency and carelessness. Carelessness and complete indifference to the world around us are observed in a severe form of degradation - marasmus. Degradation of personality also affects the external appearance of a person. Characteristic changes in appearance are visible, one might say, with the naked eye: slovenliness, stoop, indifferent gaze, inappropriate behavior. They say so about such people - degraded.

    American psychologist Maslow has identified several qualities inherent in people with personality degradation:

    • treating yourself as a pawn on which nothing depends either in public or private life;
    • the main thing in their life is the satisfaction of basic primary needs;
    • they divide the world into "theirs" and "strangers" and try to protect themselves from "strangers";
    • they believe that their opinion is unshakable and not subject to criticism and discussion;
    • their language is poor, they use elementary speech patterns. Their brains do not want to spend the effort on verbal functions.

    Why does personality degradation occur?

    A person degrades when he stops developing spiritually. His brain, as it were, begins to atrophy "as unnecessary." There can be many reasons why a person gives up and loses faith in himself, he becomes uninteresting to live, he ceases to follow events, develop intellectually, forgets about his previous hobbies. With someone, this happens with the loss of a loved one, someone loses their taste for life after the collapse of hopes or a series of failures. The most susceptible to personality degradation are lonely people who feel like failures and useless.

    But these factors in most cases threaten with degradation not by themselves, but by the fact that a person begins to seek consolation and oblivion in alcohol and sooner or later goes into a binge. The concepts of alcoholism and personality degradation are inseparable. Moreover, alcoholism can be both the cause of degradation and its consequence.

    Unfortunately, personality degradation often develops in older people after retirement. Psychologists even argue that retirement is very harmful. Lack of duties, responsibility, the need to load the brain lead to gradual spiritual death.

    At the same time, there are many elderly people who have retained a lively and clear mind. If a person in old age remains a versatile personality, does not sit idle, if retirement frees up time and energy for new occupations, then personality degradation does not threaten him. Degradation of personality can be a consequence of mental illness or organic diseases of the brain (schizophrenia, epilepsy, intoxication, trauma, etc.).

    Senile marasmus as a form of personality degradation

    Senile marasmus is a progressive disease that is an irreversible mental disorder. Its reason is the atrophy of all processes that occur in the brain, and this happens mainly due to pathological changes in its blood vessels. Aggravates the situation and heredity.

    The disease develops gradually, over the years, and strangeness in behavior is not immediately noticed by others. The person just becomes distracted, forgetful, grumpy, stingy and egocentric. But as the progression progresses, the symptoms become more pronounced, and it is already impossible not to notice them. Memory deteriorates, false memories of events that did not exist appear. In the end, a person ceases to recognize loved ones, loses the skills to take care of himself, and he needs constant control and help.

    Alcoholism and personality degradation

    Another example of complete personality degradation is alcoholism. Alcohol for an alcoholic is the main vital need, and his brain works with one goal - where and how to get alcohol. The alcoholic's thoughts are superficial, phrases and words are simple and unpretentious.

    Symptoms of personality degradation in alcoholics appear already in the early stages of alcoholism. They are emotionally unstable: tearfulness, resentment, pessimism can abruptly change to excitability, irritation and anger. They lack a sense of guilt and understanding of their actions, but carelessness, euphoria, underestimation of life's difficulties are observed. Their actions are inadequate and unpredictable. Alcoholics become rude, deceitful and selfish.

    Unfortunately, no one is immune from the risk of spiritual degradation - it threatens any person who will "go with the flow" and not engage in self-development. If you do not improve, do not invest time and energy in your development, spiritual death can occur before physical death. Another poet N. Zabolotsky wrote:

    “Don't let your soul be lazy!

    So that the water in the mortar is not pounded,

    The soul is obliged to work

    Day and night, and day and night!

    If you decide to give her a favor,

    Freeing from work,

    She's a last shirt

    It will rip off you without pity. "

    People who overcome their passivity, maintain an active physical state, are interested in everything that happens in the world, and take an active life position are unlikely to face personal degradation. The immediate environment is also important: so that there are people nearby who would infect with their desire for new knowledge and skills.

    As for senile insanity, it is completely impossible to cure it, but at an early stage it can be corrected. Therefore, when the first signs appear, it is worth examining: if its cause is vascular diseases of the brain, for example, atherosclerosis, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment. B vitamins, in particular B6 and folic acid, and Ginkgo-biloba extract or capsules will help to suspend the development of senile marasmus.

    Personality degradation - this is a reverse development, regression, loss of stability, weakening of activity, decline in working capacity and mental balance. Simply put, the personality loses its inherent features simultaneously with the impoverishment of all skills and qualities: judgments, feelings, talents, activity.

    It is possible to distinguish such symptoms of personality degradation as increased irritability, narrowing of interests, dysfunction of memory and attention, a decrease in adaptive capabilities. Also, the considered violation can be expressed in the development of carelessness, complacency, weakness.

    The most severe type of personality degradation is considered, manifested in carelessness, loss of contact with the environment, complete indifference to the environment. A common cause of the described disorder is alcoholism, accompanied by severe somatic disorders and neurological dysfunctions caused by the abuse of alcohol-containing liquids. Alcoholics lose social ties, and professional functioning and work life are also affected.

    Reasons for personality degradation

    It is believed that the human subject completely degrades if it ceases to develop spiritually, since the brain atrophies as a result of "unnecessary". There are many reasons for personality degradation, causing a loss of faith in oneself, which gives rise to a loss of interest in being. Such people cease to develop intellectually, to follow the ongoing events. They forget their old hobbies. Also, the decline of interest in one's own existence can be affected by the death of a loved one, the collapse of hopes or as a result of a series of failures. Lonely people are more prone to personal breakdown.

    The listed factors, for the most part, do not in themselves threaten with personality degradation. The described violation is caused by the desire of people to seek oblivion in alcohol. Such a pernicious "hobby" sooner or later degenerates into a binge.

    Alcoholism and personal degradation are two inseparable concepts. At the same time, alcoholism can simultaneously be the cause of the destruction of the human personality and be a consequence of degradation.

    Spiritual degradation of the individual is an urgent problem of modern society. Often, a personal decline is formed in persons of the age category as a result of resignation, retirement. Many psychologists are convinced that the end of professional activity with retirement is harmful to people. The absence of the need to load the brain with responsibility, duties gradually lead to a weakening of personal properties.

    Along with this, there are many elderly people who have retained mental alertness and clarity of thought. If an individual in his advanced years tries to remain a multifaceted personality, constantly invents new entertaining activities for himself, if retirement age is not a sentence, but only frees up time and opportunities for new achievements, then the degeneration of personality does not threaten such a person. In addition, the violation in question may be a consequence of mental ailments or organic pathologies of the brain (, trauma).

    The problem of personality degradation often affects single individuals or those who have experienced the loss of a loved one. People who have lost a relative fall into a depressive state, which contributes to the rapid personal wilting. A huge part of humans, in an attempt to repay their lives for the misfortune they have endured, gradually kill themselves by such actions. Such attempts can be called delayed.

    Feelings of guilt are a common cause of regression in personal development. Individuals who feel useless, unnecessary, often lose their best qualities. In addition, if the subject has ceased to believe in his own potential due to several successive failures, then the likelihood of personality degradation is also high.

    A number of factors can be identified that contribute to the weakening of personal properties, namely drug addiction, lack of will, cruelty, senile insanity, banal laziness and procrastination (a tendency to push aside unpleasant things or important tasks). However, first of all, the spiritual degradation of the personality occurs due to the lack of compassion, mind, love and sincerity. It is these listed components that make a person out of the human subject.

    Senile marasmus, which is considered a severe form of personal degradation, is a progressive illness that is an irreversible mental disorder. The reason for its occurrence lies in the atrophy of the processes that occur in the brain, arising from the pathology of the capillaries. The hereditary factor can aggravate the situation.

    The disease develops gradually. Behavioral oddities are not immediately apparent. Initially, the individual becomes absent-minded, a little forgetful, obese, greedy and egocentric. As the disease progresses, the symptoms become brighter. Deteriorates, false memories of incidents that did not happen. It is possible to single out such main symptoms of personality degradation in marasmus as complete indifference to what is happening and carelessness.

    Signs of personality degradation

    In order to be able to respond in time and help a loved one, it is necessary to notice any behavioral deviations in a timely manner.

    Social degradation of the personality is found both in the external appearance of the human subject and in changes in his internal state. The degrading subject pays less attention to the spoken words, their own appearance, neatness and neatness. His speech becomes more simplified, and the circle of communication becomes limited. Patients avoid people who bring unnecessary trouble into their existence. The defining motto of the descending personality becomes the phrase “I want”. Aloofness from relatives, family and other concerns is gradually developed.

    A person who has chosen the path of degradation does not want to think or care about others. He seems to fade and plunge into himself, moving away from loved ones. Long before the complete destruction of the personality, the first harbingers of the approaching degradation appear. The circle of hobbies is narrowing, mainly in a general cultural sense: they do not attend concerts and theatrical performances, they stop reading and watching TV programs. They become characterized by frivolity, flat humor, frivolity, carelessness at the same time as capriciousness, inconstancy, discontent and grumbling. The descending individual turns into a familiar annoying subject, whose judgments are characterized by surface and lightness, and behavior - by swagger, cynicism, a decrease in disgust, etc. Traits such as self-centeredness, selfishness and deceit are progressing.

    As the symptoms escalate, the intellectual impairment becomes more pronounced. The character of such a person is transformed. The sinking individual becomes hot-tempered and irritable. A negative perception of the world, a prejudiced attitude towards everything that happens, and the internal become dominant features. In addition, the individual has a decrease in memory, narrowing of interests, impoverishment of judgments. The ability to concentrate is severely impaired.

    Signs of personality degradation are lack of will, carelessness and excessive complacency. The destruction of personality can be noticed with an unarmed cursory glance by a sloppy appearance, a stoop in appearance, an indifferent gaze, and inappropriate behavior.

    The famous psychologist A. Maslow argued that social degradation of the personality is characterized by the following stages of progression:

    - the formation of the psychology of "pawns" - the phenomenon of "learned helplessness" (a person feels himself completely dependent on circumstances or other forces);

    - the emergence of a lack of basic goods when the initial needs become dominant (food, survival, sexual satisfaction);

    - the formation of a "clean" surrounding society (society is subdivided into good individuals and bad, "ours" and "outsiders"), the social world for them becomes like black and white;

    - the emergence of increased self-criticism - the so-called cult of "self-criticism" (the subject pleads guilty even to those acts that he did not commit);

    - the depletion of vocabulary (the subject uses elementary phrases in his own speech, it is difficult for him to describe anything, the selection of adjectives is especially difficult, since it is they that express human feelings and);

    - protection of “sacred foundations” (the individual resolutely does not want to think about the fundamental prerequisites of the worldview, he has no doubts about his own “lofty foundations”, such a person is unable to look skeptically at them, that is, the person considers his own opinion to be the only correct one);

    - the appearance of various dependencies.

    Below are twelve aspects of life that neutralize the threat of personality degradation:

    - reading, because it is the book that contains the age-old wisdom of people, which trains the "gray matter" and does not let the brain dry out;

    - taking care of the appearance even in the most difficult periods of life;

    - the fight against bad habits (excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, excessive intemperance in food, smoking marijuana - activities unworthy of a well-bred developed personality;

    - belief in the best (saddened pessimists are the first candidates for degeneration);

    - a feeling of love (you need to love your parents and other relatives, pets, partner, life), a loving person will never go down;

    - stop worrying about trifles, you do not need to suffer just because the world is unfair, and people are unhappy, if a problem is solvable, then it does not exist, and if there is no solution, then anxiety and anxiety will still not help get rid of it;

    - self-development (learning new things, watching training videos, attending various trainings, reading, getting a second education - all this will not allow a person to go down);

    - belief in the inevitable retribution for the bad deeds committed (most criminals commit offenses because of the conviction of their own exclusivity and, accordingly, impunity, both before the posthumous court and before the current legislation);

    - following the norms of morality (lying, stealing, breeding gossip, committing meanness and nasty things - destroys the personality);

    - you should not abuse obscene language, since obscenities, obscene words destroy the soul;

    - following the rules of decency (public scratching of the genitals, public nose-picking, chomping, licking fingers or plates are considered signs of personal degradation);

    - while the human subject is alive, one should not give up, because only after death nothing can be changed, therefore one must fight under any even the most compelling circumstances.

    Degradation of personality in alcoholism

    Many have suffered from this serious illness. However, terrible statistics do not stop anyone. Everyone believes that alcoholism will not happen to him and alcoholic drinks will not be pulled into their own snares. At first, a person only tries alcohol, choosing the one that he likes, then he begins to abuse intoxicated drinks, which gives rise to a harmful addiction. At the same time, the drunkard is not able to comprehend that exorbitant libations with alcohol are called by this terrible word - alcoholism.

    Mental progreduated disorder called alcoholism belongs to the category of chronic ailments related to the type of substance abuse. It manifests itself as a gradual increase in alcohol dependence, a decrease in self-control regarding the use of alcohol-containing liquids, the progressive development of somatic dysfunctions, increased, often superficial thinking, a decrease in the critical perception of one's own actions, and inaccurate movements. The last stages of the disease are characterized by the loss of social contacts, gross ataxia, and personality destruction.

    The problem of personality degradation and chronic alcoholism are inextricably linked. In a person who abuses intoxicated drinks, intellectual activity is impaired, memory decreases, self-criticism disappears. Alcoholics blame the surrounding society or circumstances for all troubles. People suffering from alcoholism become rude, overly self-confident, unresponsive, soulless, incorrect, cynical. Their sleep is disturbed and characterized by frequent awakenings. As the doses consumed increase and become more frequent, the range of hobbies among alcoholics narrows. All their thoughts are only about alcohol, nothing else can interest them. Alcoholics do not perceive the meaning of many everyday situations, the surrounding society does not hurt them. People who abuse strong drinks stop reading books, going to theaters or other public cultural events. This is how personality degradation debuts.

    Responsibility and duty to relatives, children, partner, team, friends, society among alcoholics either weakens or disappears altogether. They lose disgust, a sense of shame and guilt, as a result of which they become untidy, familiar, annoying, do not understand the ridiculousness or incorrectness of their actions. The alcoholic often turns into a mercantile, optional subject in the professional activity. He is unable to master new things, to concentrate, to separate the important from the secondary.

    The movements of the drinker are accelerated due to the relaxation of the impulses of braking, inaccuracies and defects in work appear. The consequence of this is the loss of qualifications, dismissal or demotion, loss of social ties. Alcoholics are unaware of their own downfall, making unrealizable false promises, trying to impress and embellish reality. The drunkards' humor is riddled with flat jokes on important topics. Alcoholics pester others with their own sentimentality and obsessive frankness. Surrounded by drinking companions, they exalt each other, convince of mutual selflessness and devotion. They condemn people who avoid their company and discuss them with hostility.

    At the workplace, alcoholics do their best to evade official duties without losing material benefits. Behind the endless demagoguery, drunks try to hide a formal approach to work, their laziness.

    The first symptoms of personality regression become noticeable approximately six to eight years after the onset of systematic abuse of alcohol-containing liquids.

    Some drunks become excitable, others - carefree and complacent, frivolous, capricious, grumpy, others - apathetic, depressive and inert, fourth - disinhibited in an intimate sense. Often one state can be replaced by another. Some drinkers in life are timid and insecure individuals who consider themselves the worst of all. In such patients. However, the state of intoxication transforms them, turning them into boastful and picky individuals. They tend to scandal and take offense for no reason. Such people in a sober state are rather quiet subjects, and in drunkenness they turn into brawlers and fighters. Most often, this behavior manifests itself in family relationships, when there is no need to restrain oneself and control.

    Alcohol degradation has a destructive effect on the individual, it destroys families. She brings suffering to relatives of the drinker, inconvenience to neighbors, problems in the working environment. Reverse personality development caused by alcohol disfigures the life of the drinking individual and society. Alcoholism is a serious illness that leads to loss of personality and causes social death of the individual. That is why timely treatment of personality degradation generated by excessive libations is so important. Excessive craving for alcoholic beverages must be treated, since every person has the right to a healthy and fulfilling existence.

    Personal degeneration, the consequences of personality degradation can be eliminated on condition of absolute rejection of the consumption of alcohol-containing liquids.

    Treatment of personality degradation provoked by alcoholism is in the competence of psychotherapists, and the elimination of dependence on alcoholic beverages is in the jurisdiction of narcologists. The most important conditions for an adequate therapeutic effect are the drinker's awareness of the destructive effect of alcohol or other intoxicating liquids and the patient's desire to stop consuming alcoholic beverages in the future. Compliance with the listed conditions will make it possible to facilitate the task of doctors as much as possible, which will have a beneficial effect on the therapy itself, and will also contribute to the soonest getting rid of the manifestations of degradation.

    Therapeutic measures focused on eliminating the consequences of the destruction of the individual's personality, not only include a complete rejection of alcohol, but also require psychological assistance, as well as the support of loved ones. The relatives and the closest circle of the alcoholic should pay more attention to him. Individuals who have made the decision to forever free themselves from destructive cravings need the help of those closest to them. And they certainly don't need their condemnation. It is often difficult for recent alcoholics to stop thinking about drinking. Therefore, the task of the family is to distract them from the destructive attraction. You can come up with a hobby that can not only interest a sick relative, but also distract him, take his free time and thoughts. Otherwise, there is a great risk of breakdown. Without the support of relatives and friends, an individual suffering from alcoholism, it is almost impossible to get rid of this terrible disease.