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  • State Duma elections form of ballots.

    State Duma elections form of ballots.

    4. The form and text of a ballot paper, the number of ballots, as well as the procedure for exercising control over the production of ballots shall be approved by the relevant election commissions no later than 20 days before voting day. The text of a ballot paper must be placed on only one side of it. In the case of using transparent ballot boxes, the form of the ballot is established taking into account the need to protect the secrecy of voting, except for the case when envelopes are used for this purpose by the decision of the commission organizing the elections.

    5. When voting for candidates, the names of registered candidates are placed on the ballot paper in alphabetical order, while the ballot paper contains the following information about each of the registered candidates:

    Information about changes:

    1) surname, name, patronymic. If the surnames, first names and patronymics of two or more candidates coincide completely, information about the candidates is placed in the ballot in accordance with the dates of birth of the candidates (information about the senior candidate is indicated first), and if the candidate changed the last name or first name or patronymic during the election campaign, or within a year prior to the day of the official publication (publication) of the decision on the appointment of elections, the previous surname, name, patronymic of the candidate shall also be indicated in the ballot;

    2) year of birth;

    3) the name of the subject of the Russian Federation, district, city, other settlement where the candidate's place of residence is located;

    4) the main place of work or service, the position held (in the absence of the main place of work or service, the occupation);

    5) if the candidate is a deputy, but works on a non-permanent basis - information about this simultaneously with the indication of the name of the representative body;

    Information about changes:

    6) if the candidate is nominated by an electoral association - the word "nominated" indicating the name of the relevant political party, other public association in accordance with part 3 of Article 16 of this Law;

    7) if the candidate has nominated his own candidacy - the word "self-nomination";

    Information about changes:

    6. If a registered candidate nominated directly, in accordance with part 2 of Article 19 of this Law, indicated in his statement of consent to run for office that he belongs to a political party, another public association, the name of the corresponding political party or other public association shall be indicated in the ballot paper in accordance with part 3 of Article 16 of this Law and the status of a registered candidate in this political party, other public association.

    8. When voting for lists of candidates, the abbreviated names of electoral associations, as well as surnames, names, patronymics of at least the first three candidates from the list and emblems of electoral associations (if they were submitted to the election commission organizing elections in accordance with part 2 of Article 16 of this Law) in a single color. The drawing of lots is carried out by the electoral commission organizing the elections, with the participation of authorized representatives of electoral associations no later than 30 days prior to voting day. The number received by the electoral association as a result of the drawing of lots is retained until the end of the election campaign.

    9. If a registered candidate included in the ballot paper has or has a criminal record, the ballot paper must indicate his / her conviction.

    19. In cases of withdrawal from the unified list of candidates of a registered candidate, whose surname, first name and patronymic are indicated on the ballot paper, cancellation or cancellation of the registration of a candidate, a unified list of candidates after the production of ballots, lower election commissions at the direction of the election commission that registered the candidate, the unified list of candidates , cross out information on such candidates, on electoral associations that registered such unified lists of candidates in the ballot papers. If it is necessary to make changes to the prepared ballot paper concerning information about the candidate, about the electoral association, or in the case provided for in part 10.1 of this article, the corresponding changes by the decision of the election commission that registered the candidate, the unified list of candidates may be made by members of the lower election commission from hands or using technical means.

    20. If, less than 10 days before voting day, decisions on the registration of candidates, unified lists of candidates are adopted, after the production of ballots, the election commission that registered the candidate, the unified list of candidates shall have the right to make a decision on entering the data on the specified registered candidate into the ballots produced. , a single list of candidates by hand or using technical means.

    Information about changes:

    21. In exceptional cases, at polling stations formed on ships that will be sailing on election day, it is allowed to produce election documentation, including ballots, directly by the precinct election commission. The decision on the production of electoral documents with an indication of the required circulation and the timing of the production of ballots is taken by this precinct election commission in agreement with the corresponding higher election commission.

    22. On voting day, after the end of the voting time, unused ballots in the election commissions organizing elections, lower election commissions, are counted and canceled (the lower left corner of the ballot paper is cut off), about which the corresponding election commission draws up an act, which indicates the number of canceled ballots. In precinct election commissions, this procedure is carried out in accordance with part 3 of Article 55 of this Law. The persons specified in part 4 of Article 7 of this Law have the right to be present when canceling ballots. These ballots are kept sealed by the secretary of the election commission along with other documentation.

    The Central Election Commission of Russia (CEC) has approved the forms of ballots for the forthcoming elections of deputies of the State Duma of the seventh convocation in September, white is chosen for ballots in the federal district, and green for single-mandate constituencies.

    The CEC at its meeting today approved the forms of ballots for voting in the elections to the Duma in the federal electoral district and in the single-mandate electoral district. At the same time, the first of them will be printed entirely on white paper, and in the ballots for single-member constituencies, a background protective mesh will be applied on the front side with green paint.

    The width of all ballots will be the same - 210 millimeters, length - up to 600 millimeters. The deputy chairman of the CEC noted that, based on the number of parties, all the information about them provided by law will fit into a ballot of this length.

    In addition, today, ballots were approved for voting in the federal and single-mandate constituencies using complexes for processing ballots (KOIB), as well as using complexes for electronic voting (CEG). Thus, in general, the CEC approved the forms of six different types of ballots.

    The text is placed on only one side of the ballot paper. The CEC document emphasizes that in the case of using transparent boxes, in order to protect the secrecy of the vote, the ballot is folded upside down.

    In the ballots for the federal district, the names of the parties that registered the federal lists of candidates will be placed in the order determined by the drawing of lots. The ballot should contain the name of the party and the emblem in a single color (if it was submitted to the CEC), surnames, names and patronymics of candidates included in the federal part of the list, as well as the number of the corresponding regional group (if any) and surnames, first names, middle names of the first three candidates from this group.

    In addition - and this applies to all forms of ballots - if the candidate had or has a criminal record, information about it must be indicated.

    The names of registered candidates are placed in alphabetical order in ballots for single-mandate constituencies. At the same time, if the surnames, first names and patronymics of two or more candidates completely coincide, then information about these candidates will be posted in accordance with their dates of birth - the first is information about the senior candidate, indicated in the CEC resolution.

    In the upper right corner on the ballots for the federal and single-mandate districts, there is a place for a special protective sign (stamp), signatures of two members of the precinct election commission and the seal of this commission.

    Bulletins are printed in Russian. By decision of the election commission of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, they can also be printed in the state language of the corresponding republic within Russia, and, if necessary, in the languages \u200b\u200bof the peoples of the Russian Federation in the territories of their compact residence.

    We can already say that the Central Election Commission, as well as all organizations and persons responsible for holding the parliamentary elections, have reached the home stretch and this allows us to sum up some results of the work of these bodies. The CEC organized its work as efficiently as possible, which allows the 2016 elections to be held with maximum efficiency.
    We will assume that the approved ballots, by the way, are of a modern design minimize the chances of falsification. A big plus is the format of the ballots, which allows all nationalities living in Russia to participate in elections.

    On Sunday, September 18, 2016, Russia will host Single voting day, in which the elections will be held.

    Who will be elected on the Single voting day - 2016

    This is the election of deputies State Duma, heads of several constituent entities of the Federation, as well as the election of deputies of legislative bodies of power in 38 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    State Duma elections - 2016

    The main ones in this are the elections to the State Duma, the President of Russia emphasized in his pre-election televised address. Vladimir Putin.

    “Of course, the key event is the elections to the State Duma. I am convinced that we are all interested that worthy, competent, energetic and honest people come to the State Duma, capable of fulfilling the will of the people and justifying their trust, ensuring stability, development and national accord, ready to be united in upholding Russia's interests, ”the president said.

    How are elections to the State Duma held - 2016

    Elections of deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the VII convocation will take place throughout the entire territory of Russia, including Crimea.

    Elections will be held on a mixed system: out of 450 deputies - 225 will be elected on party lists in a single federal district (proportional system), and another 225 - in single-mandate districts (majority system). Candidates in single-mandate constituencies can be nominated both by parties and without being tied to any political associations. Independent candidates are called self-nominated candidates.

    To get into the State Duma according to the proportional system, the parties need to overcome the 5% barrier, and the candidates in the constituencies need to get a relative majority of votes.

    Previously, the mixed system was used in the 1993, 1995, 1999 and 2003 elections.

    How many voters in Russia

    As of January 1, 2016, 109 million 820 thousand 679 voters were registered in the Russian Federation (including the territory of Crimea), and taking into account the Russians who have the right to vote and living abroad - 111 million 724 thousand 534 voters.

    What should be the minimum turnout

    According to the current legislation, the elections will be recognized as valid for any turnout, since there is no lower threshold. Nevertheless, in order for the parliament to be as representative as possible, both the authorities and all parties participating in the elections are interested in having the turnout as high as possible.

    Which parties participate in the elections to the State Duma - 2016

    14 parties are participating in the 2016 State Duma elections. According to the results of the drawing of lots, they will appear in the following order on the ballot paper:

    1. "Motherland";
    2. "Communists of Russia";
    3. Russian Party of Pensioners for Justice;
    4. "United Russia";
    5. Greens;
    6. "Civil Platform";
    7. LDPR;
    8. Party of People's Freedom (PARNAS);
    9. Growth Party;
    10. "Civil Force";
    11. "Apple";
    12. Communist Party;
    13. Patriots of Russia;
    14. "Fair Russia".

    Is there a column "against all"

    No, there is currently no such column.

    What happens if you spoil or take away the ballot

    The ballot is considered spoiled and does not participate in the voting if no party (candidate) is marked in it, or more than one pariah (candidate) is marked, or signs are put in all columns. Nevertheless, such a ballot is included in the total count of those who took part in the elections. The ballot taken out from the precinct is not taken into account when counting the votes. In any case, this strategy either does not affect the election result at all, or its influence is extremely small.

    Is it possible not to take part in the elections

    Yes, a citizen does not have to go to elections, the law does not provide for any sanctions for this. But in this way, the "truant" avoids making a decision on the path of development of his country and gives an advantage, perhaps, to parties not close to him, whose electorate is traditionally the most disciplined. In addition, it cannot be completely ruled out that someone else is using the absent voter's ballot.

    How to vote for the voter you like if you are registered in another district

    No way. In single-member constituencies, you can vote only at the place of registration. If you take an absentee ballot, then in someone else's precinct you can only vote on party lists.

    Is it possible to become an observer in these elections

    No, now it is too late to "fit" into work at the polling station in any capacity. The only thing you can do is come to the polling station on September 18 and cast your vote for the chosen party or candidate.

    How to watch elections online

    You can get acquainted with all the official information on elections, find out your constituency, candidates and other useful information on the website Central Election Commission ... You can also watch the process there.