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  • Why is there an emptiness in a person's soul? Get to know yourself

    Why is there an emptiness in a person's soul? Get to know yourself

    If an emptiness has settled in the soul for a long time and interferes with breathing deeply, a person needs help. Whether you believe in the existence of a soul or not, such a feeling arises sooner or later. This phenomenon is also called psychological pain.

    What is the soul?

    In order to determine that emptiness has settled in the soul, one should understand what the soul is in general. In many religious, philosophical and mythological traditions, the feeling of emptiness is characterized from completely polar angles. In the general understanding, the soul is the incorporeal essence of a living being. Psychology defines the soul as the mental abilities of a living being: mind, character, feelings, consciousness, memory, perception, thinking. Without all of the above, a person is overtaken by emptiness in life.

    Depending on the philosophical system, the soul can be mortal or immortal. In Judaism and Christianity, only humans have immortal souls. The Catholic theologian Thomas Aquinas attributed the "soul" (anima) to all organisms, but argued that only human souls are immortal, respectively, the emptiness of the soul is inherent only in people. Other religions (most notably Hinduism and Jainism) believe that all biological organisms have souls, and some teach that even non-biological objects (such as rivers and mountains) have souls. The latter belief is called animism. Thus, spiritual emptiness is attributed to all that exists.

    In science, the soul is also used as a construct to denote a certain substance in the human brain. It is important to note that science has yet to prove or disprove the existence of the soul.

    Biologist Cyril Barrett wrote that the soul is a word to denote an idea that people have invented and grown within themselves to represent the feeling that their existence is endowed with a conscience. Barrett explains that the soul is a property that emerges from the complex organization of matter in the brain, thus the emptiness in the soul has a biological explanation.

    In 1901, Duncan McDougall conducted an experiment in which he measured the weight of patients during life and after their death. He argued that at the time of death, weight loss was observed to varying degrees, as a result of which he concluded that the soul weighed 21 g was in the patient's heart. In response, eminent physicist Robert L. Park wrote that McDougall's experiments today do not have any scientific value.

    Causes of Mental Emptiness

    There is only one thing that can fill the spiritual emptiness - love. There is only one reason for inner emptiness - the absence of love. But this is not the absence of someone else's love, which provokes an inner emptiness. And it, in turn, is due to self-forgetfulness from self-dislike.

    Inner emptiness stems from a person's lack of connection with the spiritual source of love. When you deny yourself, condemn yourself, ignore your feelings, try to destroy feelings through addiction to drugs and rituals, you will certainly feel empty. In this case, oblivion sets in, which is called "emptiness in the soul."

    In this case, your ego is hurt and filled with false beliefs about who you are. A wounded ego can cause a person to view themselves as inadequate, unattractive, not good enough, unimportant, bad, and wrong. A long stay in this state will doom a person to loneliness and detachment from reality.

    These are programmed beliefs that have no basis in truth, but they can control a person's life, make him feel depressed. When you think that you are not good enough, then you turn to dangerous "helpers" (drugs, alcohol) to try to forget, to feel good, to fill the void that arises in the soul. But emptiness outside and inside are completely different things.

    False causes of emptiness in the soul

    Do you often feel empty inside? Discover the true cause of inner emptiness and determine what to do with it.

    Many feel empty inside, and most people have false beliefs about the emergence of a state of emptiness. Common reasons why a person feels empty are:

    1. The partner does not give the person enough attention and affection.
    2. There is no reliable partner for a fulfilling life.
    3. The work does not satisfy the ambition, and at the end of the working day there is a feeling as if the soul was exposed.
    4. The long-awaited success and takeoff on the career ladder does not come.
    5. There is not enough money for a comfortable life.
    6. Life is boring and not interesting.
    7. Lack of love, attention and approval from friends and family. Life is perceived as hopeless gray everyday life.
    8. There is an acute shortage of sex, which seems to be quite real to fill the inner turmoil.

    None of these situations are the real cause of inner emptiness. What does a person usually do to try to fill the inner void? A person begins to perform the following rituals:

    1. Consuming a large amount of food (especially sweets), alcohol, cigarettes and drugs are also used, even if you did not want it before.
    2. Detachment from the real world by immersing yourself in television or the Internet. Passion for gambling or shopping. The emptiness is filled in such moments, but this feeling is false.
    3. Trying to get the attention or approval of others with your inappropriate behavior.

    There are many rituals that people begin to perform to try to get rid of the emptiness in the soul. They may work at a certain moment, but soon the emptiness will return anyway, and the person will again seek dependence in order to create the appearance of the fullness of life and soul. The fact is that any method (be it eating sweets or shopping) only helps to eliminate some of the symptoms, if an emptiness has settled in the soul. The underlying cause of mental illness is still behind the scenes.

    Symptoms of Mental Emptiness

    There are some symptoms that signal a person's mental emptiness. The symptomatology was formed thanks to the efforts of psychologists and psychoanalysts. Likely signs that the inner emptiness is still present.

    1. Feeling that the person is not as good as others.

    2. The desire to be useful, a false sense of guilt in front of everyone.

    3. Vain striving for the absolute ideal always and in everything.

    4. I don't want to do anything and I don't want to talk to anyone.

    Do you wake up in the morning feeling like there is no reason to get up and face the new day? From time to time, every person feels a sense of emptiness, it is not easy to get rid of it. If this feeling is persistent, it could be a sign of a medical condition that is underlying depression, and if you almost always feel empty, you should seek the help of a qualified psychologist. But there are means by which you can overcome the occasional manifestation of this feeling, such as journaling, learning new things, and making new friends. Read on to learn more about how to deal with feelings of emptiness.


    Fill your life with love

      Spend time with those who love you. This could be your family or some of your closest friends. Spending time with those who truly know and love you for who you are is a remedy for feelings of emptiness. Concentrate on building and strengthening your connections with these people. You can find meaning in the usual pastime with loved ones who feel good around you. Also, spending time with family and friends can ease stress and give you a fuller sense of connection.

      • Spend less time with people who are suppressing you, even if they don't seem to be. If you must spend time with someone who hurts your self-worth or makes you feel helpless, then limit the time of these meetings.
    1. Make new friends or start a romantic relationship. The pleasure of meeting someone you are making a mental connection with, and the possibility that this relationship will grow into something unexpected, is a terrific antidote to feeling empty. A new friend or love interest can help you experience new experiences and show that you are an interesting person who has something to love about. Suddenly, the world may seem to you as if there is much more in it than you previously thought. Making new friendships can also help you feel a deeper sense of purpose and connection with those around you.

      • Sometimes it can be difficult to make new friends and meet people, especially in your mature years after you graduate from high school. Participating in clubs, group activities, or spending time at a favorite retreat are great ways to meet new people.
      • Try to be more generous about your time and say yes when you are invited to do something. If you feel like you don’t have time for a new relationship, they will not appear.
    2. Take an animal into the company. Studies have shown that having a pet can make life more fulfilling, more meaningful. People who have pets are less likely to suffer from depression and can benefit from being in their pet home. Having a pet that depends on you and your care can help you see your life more meaningful. Consider bringing a cat or dog from your local shelter to help reduce your feelings of emptiness.

      Be kinder. Doing unplanned acts of kindness can help you feel more meaningful as your focus is on others. Look for the little things that you can use to demonstrate your kindness to other people. These acts of kindness that you have done will make other people feel happy, which will help you feel meaningful too.

      Understand why you feel empty

      1. Talk to a trusted friend about your feelings. Keeping your feelings to yourself will harm you over time. Sometimes just talking about it can belittle them or drive them away. Talk to someone who understands and cares about you, or at least someone you trust; it can make a big difference.

        Start journaling and keeping track of your feelings and thoughts. Journaling can help you better understand how empty you feel, and is also the best way to relieve stress. To start journaling, choose a comfortable place and plan to spend about 20 minutes each day writing. You can start journaling by describing your feelings or thoughts, or you can use a hint. The following guiding questions can serve as clues:

        • When did you first notice your emptiness? How long did this sensation last? How long have you been feeling empty?
        • What emotions do you experience in a state of inner emptiness?
        • Do you tend to feel empty at certain times or in certain places? What do you notice in your environment when you are in the most extreme state of emptiness?
        • What thoughts come to you when you feel empty?
      2. Watch for signs of depression. Depression manifests itself in different ways in people, but bad moods and feelings of emptiness or worthlessness are very common symptoms. Depression can come in waves when you feel normal for a while and then be in a bad mood for weeks or even months, or it can be stable. Depression is very common among people: for example, in the United States, about 6.7% of adults experience major depressive disorder. Women are 70% more likely than men to experience depression. If you think you are depressed, then you are not alone in this. Seek treatment from your psychologist or psychiatrist if you experience any of the following symptoms of depression:

        • Constant feeling of sadness, anxiety, or "emptiness"
        • Pessimism and hopelessness
        • Feelings of guilt, worthlessness, or helplessness
        • Unusual irritability or anxiety
        • Mood or behavior swings
        • Loss of interest in things you used to love
        • Fatigue
        • Changing sleep patterns
        • Weight change
        • Thought of harming yourself or others
        • Pain that medications don't work for
      3. Determine if addiction can be a problem. Certain substances are another reason for the feeling of emptiness. Substances such as alcohol, drugs and prescription drug abuse can cause physical dependence on them. This can have a serious impact on your mood, thoughts and behavior. Oftentimes, people use these substances to fill a hole in their lives. If you think you have such a problem, then you are not alone in this: in 2012, about 7.2% of the US population suffered from alcohol dependence (AD). Many others are addicted to psychoactive substances like marijuana, stimulants like cocaine or methamphetamine, hallucinogens like LSD, and drugs like heroin. If you are worried that you have such a problem, ask yourself the following questions. Over the past year, you:

        Examine your behavior to see if you have borderline personality disorder (BPD). People with BPD often feel empty. People with BPD experience obsessive patterns of unstable emotions and behaviors that cause exhaustion or social distress. People with BPD have difficulty regulating their behavior and thoughts. They are prone to reckless behavior and cannot contain their impulses. Their relationships with other people become unstable. Approximately 1.6% of the US adult population is diagnosed with BPD at any given year. BPD is successfully treated under professional guidance. If you experience some or all of the following signs of BPD, then you need to see a psychiatrist:

        • You make tremendous efforts to avoid rejection, whether it is real or imaginary. You often believe that you will be abandoned or separated from your loved one. You react negatively, such as becoming extremely angry or fearful, even if you are temporarily apart (for example, your spouse is going to work). You are very afraid of being alone.
        • You alternate between idealization and being obsessed with the people you have a relationship with. People with BPD often begin their relationship by putting the other person on a pedestal, seeing them as perfect or ideal. After a while, you start to think that this person doesn't care enough about you or is involved in your relationship. Your relationship becomes unstable.
        • You have an unstable sense of your own personality. People with BPD struggle to maintain a stable sense of themselves, their identity, and self-esteem.
        • You are very reckless or impulsive. This is especially true on the issue of suicide. You may be doing reckless things like drunk driving, gambling, drug abuse, or risky sexual behavior.
        • You often think about hurting yourself and commit suicide attempts. You can cause yourself injuries such as cuts, scrapes or burns. Or you may threaten to harm yourself to draw attention to yourself.
        • You often experience sudden mood swings. These changes occur frequently and are very pronounced, for example, from joy to despair.
        • You are constantly feeling empty. You often feel empty, or longing, or a feeling that you need to do something.
        • You are having trouble controlling your anger. Many things provoke your anger, and you react with outbursts that may contain bitterness, sarcasm, or verbal outbursts. Be especially angry if you think that someone is indifferent.
        • Sometimes you are paranoid, or you feel the "unreality" of the world around you.
      4. Do some meditation and explore your feelings of emptiness. Meditation can help you connect and understand better your feelings of emptiness. Studies have shown that 30 minutes of meditation a day can help change behavior and brain activity. To start meditating, sit in a quiet place, close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. To help yourself improve your understanding of your integrity.

        • Pay attention to how you are feeling at the moment. Do you feel empty or empty, such as lack of meaning, dignity, clarity, or lack of peace or love? Accept that this feeling exists.
        • Pay attention to how you feel empty. Where in your body do you feel it? And how much space does it take up?
        • Think about your emptiness. Does it come from past memories? What emotions come when you notice this emptiness?
      5. Seek help from a qualified psychiatrist. Talking to your doctor about your feelings can help you understand and begin to fight this devastation. Your feeling of emptiness may be indicative of depression or other latent state. You should definitely seek help from a psychiatrist if you have signs of depression, substance dependence, or BPD.

      Finding meaning in everyday life

        Practice mindfulness. Awareness means that you are fully aware of your thoughts, emotions and events at the given moment without judgment. Research has shown significant benefits of mindfulness, including reducing stress and problems with anxious feelings. Mindfulness can even rewire your brain's stress response and help you interact more fully with others. Learning the skills to be aware of and acknowledge your thoughts and feelings without judging those emotions or yourself can help you become more calm, empathetic, and content. You can practice mindfulness at home, through meditation, or attending classes. Here's an exercise to get you started:

      1. Do something new. If you feel empty every day, then you may be stuck in one rut. What routines and schemes can drag you down? Find a way to bring new energy into your life. Changing your daily routine or setting aside half an hour a day to do something new can help fill that void.

        • For example, if you find it frustrating to get up and go to school or work every day, consider how you can make the process more fun. Find a new extracurricular activity to get excited about school again, or start volunteering on a new project at work.
        • Try something that is a little outside your comfort zone. Improving in a new area will give you something to think about and help build your confidence.
        • Even small changes can make a difference. Try a dish from a cuisine you don't know, ride a bike to work instead of a car, or start yoga in the morning before school.
        • Changing your personal space can also help. Replace your gray curtains in the bedroom with something brighter, paint the walls a different color, put things in order and bring creativity to the decor.
      2. Follow those goals and interests that matter to you. To feel the meaning of life, you should work towards achieving those goals and interests that mean a lot to you. Don't let others control which goals and interests you choose. If you try to achieve something that you are not really interested in, then you may need to realign your aspirations in order to be sure that you have chosen the right path.

        • If you are studying, consider whether you are studying what you want to learn or it was just your parents' choice.
        • Other types of external pressures can also have a negative effect on the decisions we make. Decide if you are doing what you want to do or if it is just to look more impressive to others.
        • If you find that there are forces or people hindering your independent life, take steps to change the situation. Once you gain more control over your circumstances, you may feel the feeling of emptiness subside.

    Emptiness is an inner feeling of losing something very significant. Devastated is an individual who is deprived of inner strength, as well as who has exhausted his mental resources. You can often hear the following sayings: "for some reason, empty inside ...", "something is missing ...". This state happened to everyone. And it seems like the circumstances are unchanged and everything is as usual, but something is not right. I don't want anything and not cute, my soul is green melancholy. In psychology, this state is called emptiness.

    What is emptiness

    In psychology, emptiness is interpreted as a state of emotional emptiness, a lack of moral strength, and the ability to live an energetic life. The reasons for the occurrence of this condition or sensation in an individual can be distinguished as follows:

    - overstated requirements. When a person makes increased demands on himself or on other individuals, for example, a wife to her husband or vice versa, a mother to a child, a boss to subordinates. The inability to adequately assess oneself or others, the expectation of something better, the setting of unrealistic, unattainable goals ends with the individual not getting what he wants. His needs are not met, his dreams are not fulfilled, his expectations are not met. The result is emotional emptiness;

    - life routine. In our life there are not so many holidays. Most of it is our usual affairs. Work, family, study - a standard set. Ideally, work is a place where an individual is engaged in a business that gives him pleasure, and money is still paid for this, vacation is paid and a bonus is given. The family will always support and understand. But life is different;

    The work may be beloved, but the boss is a tyrant, turns it into a living hell, in the family, too, not everything is smooth and the same thing is repeated every day. Then a person forgets about his needs, about spiritual growth, self-development, about the good sides of life and plunges headlong into gray everyday life. Therefore, life begins to seem to him empty and aimless.

    - environment. Everyone knows such a simple pattern: "tell me who your friend is, and I will tell you who you are." A person's environment significantly affects the way of life, his views and tastes. If life begins to seem empty and meaningless, you need to check your surroundings. If a person is surrounded by people without goals and hobbies who consider their life meaningless, then, most likely, he will think the same way;

    Bad habits also contribute to feelings of emptiness and aimlessness. They not only harm the body, but also undermine spiritual health. Bad habits include not only smoking cigarettes or drug use, but also computer games, excessive passion for social networks.

    Virtual life dulls the sense of reality, steals a lot of time, makes you dream of easy money, a beautiful life. Instead, in order to achieve something in life, to develop, to be useful, a person spends time on aimless sighs and regrets.

    You should always remember that the state of emptiness is subjective and can always be overcome.

    How to get rid of the feeling of emptiness

    There are several ways to get rid of emotional emptiness.

    First, it’s worth considering how long you have been in this mood. If not for long, then you need to analyze what events or individuals caused this. Perhaps you yourself are doing something wrong and understand that it should be corrected.

    There is no specific recipe for getting rid of feelings of emptiness, but there are methods that do work. To do this, you need to fill your life with love, as well as care. A person surrounded by loved ones and loving people is more stress-resistant and emotionally stable.

    It is important to spend more time in an environment where you are truly loved, cared for and genuinely worried about. These include close friends, parents, husband, wife, children. Time devoted to loved ones will strengthen relationships, make them stronger and deeper, and will also fill every minute of life with meaning. But with individuals who suppress, cause feelings of guilt, emptiness and dissatisfaction, communication should be minimized.

    The next way to get rid of emotional emptiness is to revitalize your social circle. You can make new friends, enter into a close relationship with a new partner. Or if you have a loved one, then you need to try to bring something new, unusual into the relationship. This will force you to open up in a new way and open up new sides in your partner. At an age when the social circle is already established, it is more difficult to make new acquaintances and relationships. But it is better to train yourself to say “yes” more often to new invitations, offers and people, because if you leave everything unchanged, then how can you expect improvements in life?

    A four-legged friend will help get rid of the feeling of emptiness. With the advent of a pet, a person's life changes, it becomes more meaningful and meaningful. Research studies have shown that people with pets are less likely to experience feelings of loneliness and dissatisfaction with life. The very fact that a four-legged friend is waiting at home, who is completely dependent on care and attention, who is sad when the owner leaves, and is immensely happy to return, fills life with meaning. Nowadays there are a lot of homeless animals, and by taking a homeless kitten or puppy into your care, you can do good to yourself and to him. Life will acquire a new meaning, and the animal will receive a home and a loving owner.

    No matter how trite it may sound, but when a person becomes kinder, he ends up receiving what he radiates. You can walk immersed in gloomy thoughts, delving into your own feelings and problems, but this will not bring good results. Better to take your mind off yourself and think about others. You can help your grandmother cross the road, buy flowers for your mother just like that, get your child a ball from a tree, donate money for treatment to a seriously ill person and immediately feel more significant and needed. Famous people who are involved in charity work admit that their lives have completely changed and acquired new meaning. After all, a good deed done brings joy not only to those around, but also to the person himself.

    The answer to the question "why?" Will help to get rid of the feeling of emptiness. The ability to reflect and find the reason is very important for a person, so it is important to answer to yourself the question "why do I feel empty?"

    After talking with a close friend, you can get an objective view from the outside, as well as friendly, irreplaceable advice in everyday life. If there is no one to talk openly with, you can turn to a psychologist.

    A psychologist is a qualified specialist in solving personal problems. He will help you understand the problem, and also tell you how you can positively change your life. But if the feeling of emptiness has turned into, then the help of a psychotherapist is required.

    To get rid of the feeling of emptiness, you need to learn to look for meaning in every day you live. Our thoughts determine our actions and all subsequent life. In every day and event, you need to try to find some meaning, and something good.

    In order to happily accept the daily routine or do something that is not particularly pleasing, you need to find a source of inspiration. This is a new book, a hobby, a future journey.

    And if work is hard labor for you, then you can pamper yourself with a cup of coffee or put an aquarium at work before work. This little thing will make life brighter and more enjoyable.

    It is very important to take care of yourself, eat healthy food, get enough sleep, play sports, without denying yourself full rest and life joys.

    By cultivating the good in yourself, you can get rid of the bad. Each person is the blacksmith of his own happiness, and what kind of life he will live depends not on other people or circumstances, but only on himself.