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  • How to get the key from the tax office. How to change the e-mail from the office? Legal entity's personal account

    How to get the key from the tax office. How to change the e-mail from the office? Legal entity's personal account

    Contains an information resource called the Personal Account of the taxpayer. Its purpose is the implementation by taxpayers and bodies of the Federal Tax Service of the obligations, norms and rights established by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The convenience and informativeness of the resource made it possible to actively use the personal account of the taxpayer for individual entrepreneurs, legal entities and individuals, and also on the site it is possible to search for TIN by name or surname, or vice versa - to search for a taxpayer by TIN.

    Personal account of an individual

    Every citizen can use the functions of the resource, it is enough to have access. How to get access to the taxpayer's personal account? This can be done in any of the three available ways:

    1. Having a login and password issued by the tax authority and reflected in a special registration card. It is a document that contains the personal data of a citizen. Those. to obtain it, you must contact the tax service in person and present an identity card (passport), TIN certificate. If the previously obtained login and password are lost, you should contact the tax office again with the same documents in order to restore access to your personal account. After receiving the login and password from the inspector, you must enter your personal account within a month and change the temporary password from the registration card to a convenient and memorable one for the user.
    2. Using a Public Services Portal (ESIA) account. It should be borne in mind that to enter and use the personal account of the Federal Tax Service, the ESIA account must have the "Confirmed" status. You can only confirm the entry in person at the multifunctional centers "My Documents" or in the client service of the Pension Fund of Russia by presenting your passport and insurance certificate. This method is the most convenient for most citizens, as it requires only one username and password to access all government services and services.
    3. With a qualified electronic signature. A certificate of such a signature is issued by a Certification Center accredited by the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation. Key signature files are stored on a removable storage medium (for example, a flash drive), a special encryption provider program must be installed on the personal computer where the documents are signed.

    A number of possibilities are available for registered users, it is enough to open the personal account of the taxpayer for individuals using the link

    - Most often they turn for information about taxation objects (transport, real estate, land plots), so you can know how relevant this information is in the databases of the tax authority. There you can also see what taxes have been charged to you, their payment, whether there is a debt on any of them or whether there is an overpayment. In the personal account of an individual, it is possible to print receipts for paying taxes, as well as receive notifications.

    - The next popular item is the submission of a tax return in the form of 3-NDFL and tracking the progress of its verification. On the Internet resource of the Federal Tax Service, you can both download the program to fill it out, and then send it electronically with an electronic signature, or fill it out online. If you want to receive a tax deduction through the taxpayer's personal account, then after the completion of a desk audit, it will be possible to form an application for a refund. It can also be completed and submitted online, specifying the account number for crediting the deduction amount.

    - You can contact the tax authority without leaving your home, get a certificate, make an appointment, send a complaint. In the section Typical questions there are answers to questions that have already been asked by citizens and they are the most popular. If the necessary information is not found there, you can generate an appeal in electronic form.

    Personal account of an individual entrepreneur

    This service allows entrepreneurs registered with the Federal Tax Service to resolve a number of issues related to their activities. The taxpayer's personal account for individual entrepreneurs is available at and provides the following options:

    • Choice of taxation system. The service allows you to choose not only the best option, but also independently calculate all taxes for it, payable to all extra-budgetary funds. If an entrepreneur is on a simplified taxation system, he can adjust the tax rate within the framework of tax legislation. "Tax calculator" allows you to detail each amount, visually reflecting the dependence of all values.
    • Tax calendar. The entrepreneur will know exactly when he needs to file reports with the tax authority and the dates of taxes. This is convenient, since it is not always possible to keep track of changes in legislation, and ignorance of the laws does not exempt one from responsibility.
    • Extracts from EGRIP. You can get an extract through your personal account without contacting the tax office in person. This opportunity is provided by an online service.
    • Information about overpayments or tax arrears, the presence of unclear payments.
    • Information about tax audits. If an entrepreneur appears in the inspection schedule, he can find out when to wait for an inspector, prepare all the documents, and put them in order.
    • Appeals to the Federal Tax Service. Here you can apply for offset or refund of amounts that were overpaid.

    It is possible to get into the personal account of an entrepreneur with a login and password obtained from the tax authority to enter the resource as an individual, or using a key carrier containing an electronic signature.

    Legal entity's personal account

    For legal entities, a special service has been created on the website of the tax service (, which allows organizations to carry out electronic document flow with the Federal Tax Service, as well as control tax calculations.

    To take advantage of all the opportunities, you need to know how to access the personal account of a taxpayer - a legal entity. First, you need to obtain a qualified electronic signature (ES) issued by the Certification Center, then register on the FTS website in the "Personal Account of a Legal Entity" section, and sign an Agreement on Electronic Document Management. Only after passing these stages, the organization will be able to use the service with full rights.

    All documents sent via the Internet resource will be signed with the electronic signature of the head and will be equivalent to the paper version signed by the head and certified by the seal of the organization. Therefore, the requirements received from the inspection, for example, about the payment of taxes, are binding.

    How to get a tax deduction through the taxpayer's personal account

    In a simple and convenient way, a citizen who has the right to a refund of funds spent on training, treatment or the acquisition of real estate can receive a deduction through his personal account. This does not require a personal presence at the tax office, waiting in queues and a stack of printed and copied documents. Let's talk about this in more detail.

    After receiving the login and password in the INFS or using the ESIA account (by registering on the website of public services), you need to open the taxpayer's personal account for individuals and receive an online electronic signature, which will subsequently sign the documents to be sent. To do this, go to "Profile" and "Obtaining a certificate of the ES verification key". Processing is usually quick.

    Now you can start filling out the declaration directly in your personal account or send the already uploaded file from the filling program in the section "Personal income tax".

    Filling out the declaration on the site usually does not cause difficulties, the interface on the resource of the tax authority is intuitive.

    Then you must attach all scanned documents confirming the right to tax deduction. After downloading the necessary scanned copies, the system will offer to sign the package of documents with an electronic signature.

    Once the whole procedure has been done correctly and consistently, you can send the declaration for verification to the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate. It remains only to track the passage of the office audit and wait for the receipt of the return of the amount to the account.

    Search for a taxpayer by TIN

    Another convenient service on the website of the tax service is a search by TIN (taxpayer identification number) ( With its help, you can find by TIN and check information about any organization, individual or individual entrepreneur registered with the tax authority. Search parameters are TIN, OGRN, name of a legal entity or name and surname of an individual. Having entered the code confirming that you are not a robot, we press the search button and the information about the requested counterparty is displayed on the screen.

    What can be found by TIN?

    In the case of an individual, information about the place and date of registration with the tax authority is revealed, whether the citizen is an individual entrepreneur.

    If a legal entity is being checked, then you can find out the following information.

    Each chief accountant can now open a personal account of the company on the website ( Now the service has become available in absolutely all regions of Russia. The capabilities of a personal account are certainly useful for any company. Indeed, with the help of this service, you can quickly solve a number of small tasks, which usually spend a lot of valuable accounting time. Let's say getting a certificate about a budget. You no longer have to personally go to the inspection or send a courier there. The document can be requested in your personal account. You will find a list of the main features of the new service in the diagram below. Next, we will tell you what you need to do to start using your personal account.

    What opportunities does the personal account of a legal entity give

    Decide with an electronic signature

    You can connect to the “Personal Legal Entity” service on the website ( in the “Electronic Services” section (see below; highlighted by the number 1).

    To do this, you will need to buy it from any of the special operators. Their list is available on the website of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation in the section "IT"\u003e "Electronic signature".

    The special operator will issue a qualified check (KSKPEP). You need it on your computer. Together with the certificate, you will receive an electronic signature medium - a USB flash drive (e-token), a floppy disk. It will need to be connected to the computer every time you enter your personal account.

    If you have a qualified electronic signature for submitting tax and accounting reports, then you can use it. Then it is not necessary to buy a separate signature to work in your personal account. This is directly stated in the user manual for the service provided on the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia.

    Check if the computer is suitable

    Next, you need to configure your computer. After going to the section of the website of the Federal Tax Service of Russia "Personal account of a legal entity" ( click on the button "Read the conditions and check their implementation." All of these conditions are listed in order. So, the operating system on the computer must be Microsoft Windows XP SP3 or higher. And the browser is Internet Explorer 8.0 or higher. You will need to download additional programs, links to which are given here in the list.

    To find out if all system requirements are met, run an automatic scan of your computer. First, connect the media with the electronic signature to your computer, then click on the "Start verification" button in the appropriate section. And then the system itself will detect which conditions for connection are met and which are not (see below; highlighted by number 2). If the check is successful, you can proceed to registration.

    Register in the system

    The first time to get into the "Personal account of a legal entity" is possible only with the help of an electronic signature key issued to the company. That is, an employee entitled to act without a power of attorney. He must go through a simple registration with the service. On the registration page, enter the OGRN, sign the Agreement on the opening of access with an electronic signature, enter the email address and the code from the picture.

    Activate your personal account

    A link to activate your personal account will be sent to the email address specified during registration within three days. Just follow it.

    Now any company that has an electronic signature can work in the system. For example, the chief accountant. The number of such users is not limited. Thus, he can include other employees in the list of users of his personal account. Also, the manager has the right to establish access rights for each of them: full or limited. All this can be done in the "Administration" service (see below; highlighted by number 3).

    In the same service it is necessary to enter information about other separate divisions, if any. This can be done only with the electronic signature of the head of the company.

    Then it will be possible to work both in the mode of a separate subdivision and in the mode of the company as a whole. To do this, you need to enter the PPC of the company or separate division at the top of the page. In fact, it is an information filter. If the checkpoint is not specified, then the information will be displayed for the organization as a whole.

    The main menu consists of tabs: "Information about the taxpayer", "Information about settlements with the budget", "Preparation and sending of applications", "Request for documents".

    Also on the main page you can see information about the number of sent applications, a list of events and information about the main indicators (see below; highlighted by numbers 4, 5, 6). Such as arrears, overpayments and outstanding payments.

    New! Free legal advice on taxation and other areas.

    To simplify interaction with taxpayers of various types, the Federal Tax Service has developed a special one.

    An account of an individual or company allows you to perform various operations to pay taxes; track payment statistics; plan interaction with the local tax authority. Your own account in the taxpayer's office allows you to reduce the number of personal visits to the tax office and work in multitasking mode.

    Why do you need a personal tax office

    To register in the personal account of the tax service, you need to visit the FTS website. The home page of the site looks like this.

    Before registering in the taxpayer's personal account, you need to select a region. The selection window is located in the upper left corner of the page interface. Typically, the subject of the federation, the site is determined automatically.

    • individuals;
    • individual entrepreneurs;
    • legal entities.

    To create a personal account, you need to click on the main page the link "Enter your personal account" under the appropriate type of taxpayer.

    There is no need to follow the links that are indicated in bold capital letters - "INDIVIDUALS", "INDIVIDUAL ENTREPRENEURS", "LEGAL ENTITIES". By clicking on them, you will not be able to create a personal account, since you will be taken to the section of consulting assistance.

    Online registration will allow:

    • receive services of the IFTS via the Internet;
    • fill out and submit tax returns;
    • view property details.

    The available functions depend on the type of account in which the registration was made in the personal tax office. There is no familiar registration interface for a new user on the site. Instead, there is a description of the sequence of registration actions, links to document forms and a window for identifying already registered users.

    In order to use the functionality of the portal, you need to visit the local branch of the Federal Tax Service with identity documents and TIN. In the presence of a specialist, you need to fill out a registration card, after which the applicant will be provided with a password to enter the account.

    If personal presence at the Federal Tax Service is impossible for the payer for various reasons, then it is possible.

    Before registering a personal account with the tax office, you can get demo access to the resource's functionality. Test registration in the personal tax office implies entering twelve zeros instead of a login. In this case, the password is arbitrary.

    At the bottom right of the page, there are video tutorials detailing how to register on the tax office's website.

    Registration of a personal account of an individual in the tax office

    It is worth registering a taxpayer's personal account for individuals at least in order to gain access to such functions:

    • repayment of tax arrears;
    • downloading software for filling out tax returns;
    • certification of declarations with an electronic signature and sending them to the IFTS;
    • obtaining information regarding current tax debt;
    • printout of payment documentation;
    • appeal to the tax authority at the place of residence.

    There are three ways to open a taxpayer's personal account for individuals:

    1. Using the login and password issued to the individual after filling out the registration card.
    2. Using an electronic signature.
    3. By applying the user's registration data obtained on the State Service portal.

    The Tax Inspectorate has developed a demo access that allows you to create a taxpayer's personal account for individuals in a test mode, which fully reflects the functionality of the user menu.

    After logging into the LC FL, the user will see the following interface.

    Custom menu tabs allow you to:

    • view current objects of taxation;
    • view the current overpayment / debt on taxes and fees;
    • view the archive of completed forms 2-NDFL and 3-NDFL, fill out and save new forms;
    • receive reference and contact information from local tax offices.

    It is not enough just to register for an individual for full-fledged work on the site. To use the document management functions, you need to obtain an electronic signature key.

    Password to access your personal account

    The easiest way to get a password for a taxpayer's personal account is to visit the tax office and fill out a registration card. The applicant will then be assigned a password. The TIN acts as a login.

    With this method of registration, you can receive a password to your personal tax office only after a personal visit, since the user account contains materials that qualify as tax secrets in accordance with Article 102 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

    It is allowed to submit an application for access to the taxpayer's personal account in electronic format through the FTS website. After processing the request, the applicant will be assigned a date for a visit to the IFTS, where he can receive the code from the account.

    Password change and recovery

    What to do if the user has forgotten the password in the personal tax office on the website Recovery offers two options:

    • via Email;
    • by visiting the IFTS.

    To recover the password by email, the user must follow the corresponding link in the login menu. After that, you need to fill in the fields in the appropriate window.

    If an individual does not remember the verification word, then he has no choice but to recover the password from the taxpayer's personal account by visiting the inspection department.

    How to register through Gosuslugi

    Access to the LC FL is possible through the use of the identification data of the ESIA (those that are used to enter the website of the State Service). The main thing is that the account on the State Services is confirmed.

    You can verify your account:

    • at the local offices of the Unified Information Agency;
    • at the MFC;
    • in the offices of the Russian Post;
    • in the offices of the Russian Post.

    After confirming the State Services account, the user will have access to the full functionality of the taxpayer's office. In the fields for registration data of the LC FL, you will need to enter the login and password from the State Services.

    Registration using EDS

    To access the site in this way, you must contact the Certification Center with the accreditation of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. You need to have a passport and SNILS with you.

    At the Center you need to fill out an appropriate application. A legal entity for obtaining an EDS additionally provides:

    • constituent documents;
    • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
    • certificate of registration with the Federal Tax Service.

    A digital signature key costs from one and a half thousand rubles. It is provided to the applicant on the day of application.

    How to create a taxpayer personal account for individual entrepreneurs

    The personal account of an individual entrepreneur in the tax office suggests two ways of entering:

    • by login and password issued by the IFTS specialists;
    • using EDS.

    To register a personal account, a tax individual entrepreneur must contact the appropriate authority at the place of residence, taking with him a passport, TIN, and a certificate of registration of an individual entrepreneur. After that, you need to enter the received username / password in the login fields on the website of the tax inspection at

    To obtain an electronic signature, contact the authorized center of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications. The electronic ID will be written to the smart card or USB stick. You need to connect the device to the computer, select the type of electronic signature (in the screenshot below), pass the connection check and log in.

    If you register in the personal account of an individual entrepreneur, the user will have access to the following functions:

    • making changes to the USRIP / obtaining an extract from the register;
    • sending applications to fiscal institutions, tracking the status of documents;
    • tracking current tax and levy arrears;
    • obtaining data on the current taxation scheme, changing the scheme for calculating the tax burden;
    • formation of an extract on transactions with taxes.

    Also, by registering an account, an individual entrepreneur gets access to the SME Business Navigator reference and consulting system.

    Personal tax office for legal entities

    Registration of a taxpayer's personal account for legal entities is possible only if available. Connection to the personal account of a taxpayer of a legal entity is impossible in a standard browser. Cryptographic provider software is required to view the pages and identify the user.

    In addition to having a digital signature, it is required to prepare a set of documents to gain access to the LC of the legal entity.

    Documents that a legal entity must provide to open a personal account in the tax office:

    • copies of constituent documents;
    • identification documents of the founders of the legal entity;
    • copy of the charter;
    • extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

    After unlocking access to the legal entity, the following functionality is available:

    • registration of an extract from the USRN;
    • obtaining a certificate on the current amount of fines, unpaid fees, penalties;
    • receiving in real time information about current tax debts;
    • send information to amend the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;
    • send messages of the form С-09-6;
    • apply for clarification of an unclear payment.

    The link provides a complete guide that explains in detail the registration algorithm and functionality of the personal account for legal entities.

    The new personal taxpayer account for individuals delighted everyone with the simplicity of the interface and colorful design. The new website of the tax office appeared in early August 2018. It has changed not only the design, but also some functions. Consider them in our article below.

    Registration in a new personal account on the tax ru website is already beneficial to the taxpayer because there is no need to stand in a painful queue at the tax office. The solution to questions can be found without leaving home, namely:

    • receive information about transport, property, overpayments and debts;
    • monitor insurance premiums;
    • receive receipts for taxes;
    • download programs for registration of 3-NDFL on your computer, as well as fill out the declaration online via the Internet;
    • send 3-NDFL data to the tax office via the Internet using an EDS;
    • monitor the status of the audit according to the 3-NDFL declaration.

    All of the above features make the use of PC very convenient. After all, he saves time, practically negating trips to the tax office.

    How to access the LC service

    Despite all the advantages, the site is quite simple. The only difficulty may be that you will have to personally go to the Federal Tax Service in order to gain access to your personal account. The good news in this situation is that this trip to the tax office may be the last for you: then all operations can be performed without leaving home.

    There are 3 options for entering the new taxpayer's personal account:
    • Register with any tax office. Registration is carried out by employees of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate only if you have your passport and TIN. After that, you will be provided with access data by which you can enter the new taxpayer's personal account.
    • With the help of an electronic digital signature. In this case, the key certificate for checking the EDS must be issued by an organization authorized by the Ministry of Economic and Communications of the Russian Federation. It can be used on any medium, but for its correct operation you need the CryptoPro CSP software module 3.6 and higher.
    • Through a personal profile on the STATE SERVICE website. If you have already been puzzled by registration in the past and went to the post office or to the MFC for a password, then your page on the public services portal can go to the new personal account of the tax inspectorate using these data. In this case, the LC itself will not open to you immediately, but at first it will be formed for 1-2 days.

    If the password is lost along with the login, as the tax authorities say, the personal account (new version) will be available only after a second visit with an identity card to the IFTS.

    If you have a confirmed login and password for access, then go to the website of the tax inspection

    In the window that appears, enter the personal access data in the LC received from the tax authorities. If you need to enter using other parameters, then select the appropriate sections that are located to the right of the "Enter" button: using an EDS or through the State Services.

    Overview of personal account functions

    On the main page of the new version of the personal account of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, an inscription about the status of your taxes shines in bright large letters.

    Or you will see a less optimistic message about your tax debt, indicating the due date.

    There you can also see a number of buttons that move on to further actions:

    • taxpayer profile with full name and TIN;
    • my taxes;
    • my property;
    • life situations;
    • contacts;
    • letters.

    On the same page, you can switch to the version for the visually impaired or customize the colors and font of the interface as you wish.

    By clicking on the central inscription on debt, you will find yourself on a page with a tax breakdown showing the entire history of transactions.

    The new version of the personal account of the taxpayer for individuals allows you to make selections by type of taxes, transactions and tax departments. There you can also analyze in detail the accruals and payment status for a certain tax.

    What can be seen in the personal profile

    When you go to your personal profile, all your identification information will be visible:

    • contacts;
    • personal Information;
    • history of actions.

    In the same place, you can get the cloud version of the digital signature, but it will be unqualified and valid only for the updated version of the taxpayer's personal account.

    To do this, you need to come up with a password and send a request to create an EDS. In this window, you can also register with the Federal Tax Service an existing qualified EDS for working in the new version of your personal account.

    And in this window, monitor the status of accounts abroad, and notify the IFTS when opening such an account.

    If, according to the IFTS data in your personal account, when you download a new version of the interface, you notice a discrepancy in personal data, then you need to write an adjustment to clarify the information. This is done by clicking on the orange button "Specify personal data".

    After that, the application goes to the tax office and it will take about 30 days to process it. But the very next day after submitting the application, the tax authorities will write you an answer that it has been taken into account.

    What can be seen in the service "My taxes"

    When you click the "My taxes" button, you go to the history of transactions for current taxes.

    For each tax, it is convenient to view the details, where the amount of paid and accrued taxes is reflected by dates. From the same tab, you can go to the page to clarify information about the property.

    Additionally, in this window there are links to go to information on insurance payments and income that the employer shows to pay personal income tax for you. True, insurance premiums will not be displayed immediately, since a request to the Pension Fund is first formed, and this usually takes several days.

    But in the information on income, you will instantly find information about the amount of your official salary in the form of a history of 2-NDFL certificates from the employer.

    Each reference can be downloaded immediately and read in detail. It is downloaded as a PDF zipped in a ZIP folder.

    In the same tab there is a button "Information on income from the declaration", which shows data on income tax.

    What can be seen in the service "My property"

    When you go to the "My property" tab, information about your property is immediately displayed. Optionally, you can put a filter and see in detail by type:

    • the property;
    • owned land;
    • cars;
    • boats, yachts, boats;
    • aircraft, helicopters.

    And also the property is filtered by the state of accounting and it is possible to track even the property removed from registration.

    In this department, a statement of benefits is written or information about the property is clarified if they are incorrectly displayed in the IFTS. The application will go to the tax office immediately, but changes in the taxpayer's personal account will be displayed only after a few days.

    At the bottom of the My Property window interface is the Property Help Desk.

    It tells in detail what to do in non-standard cases. For example, if in your personal account when loading a page of a new service:

    • not all property objects are visible;
    • an object that does not belong to you is shown;
    • objects are displayed with errors in characteristics.

    All parameters for the object can be viewed in detail by clicking on the name of the property.

    What can be seen in the service "Life situations"

    On the tax ru website, the most extensive department in the new personal account of the taxpayer is "Life situations". They contain all the real life examples that can be managed online:

    • to transfer the surplus payment from one tax to offset the payment of another;
    • issue a refund of overpayment for tax to a bank account;
    • correct information about the property;
    • take advantage of benefits for certain categories of citizens;
    • report about an account in a foreign bank;
    • submit a 3-NDFL declaration;
    • make corrections to the data on objects of taxation or the amount of tax;
    • request various inquiries;
    • change personal data;
    • get up and deregistered in the tax office;
    • complain about the poor work of the tax authorities.

    Most of the operations in this window require an electronic signature. It is registered by following the link from this window to the service for receiving the electronic signature.

    The renewal of the taxpayer's personal account turned into a holiday.

    The interface thoroughly describes examples when a 3-NDFL declaration is required:

    • additional income, deductions from which have not yet been paid;
    • overseas earnings;
    • margin from the sale of property owned for less than 3 years;
    • receiving a prize;
    • a gift not from family members;
    • expenses for the purchase or construction of living space;
    • spending on health restoration;
    • spending on studies;
    • spending on pension benefits.

    The declaration can be filled out directly on the website or you can download a special program for filling out 3-NDFL on your computer.

    If you have planned to fill out and send the declaration through the website, then you will need an electronic signature. If it is absent, the service will redirect you to register the electronic signature.

    This window also displays all declarations sent in previous periods.

    What can be seen in the "Contacts" service

    The "Contacts" tab displays the data of the Call Center for work with taxpayers and the data of your territorial tax office where you are attached.

    In this place, the preliminary time of admission to the Federal Tax Service is drawn up for the following situations:

    • receipt and delivery of various documentation;
    • authorization in your personal account;
    • filing reports on paper;
    • providing information from various registries;
    • registration and approval of TIN;
    • entry in the passport about the data of TIN.

    The function allows you to choose any tax department, regardless of the place of attachment.

    It is very convenient to sign up in advance with the IFTS. In this case, you will be able to drive up to the inspection at the specified time and will be able to go to the inspector's appointment without queuing.

    Comparison of the new version of the LC with the old

    If desired, the user can view and evaluate the old version of the personal account. To do this, move the cursor over the orange button in the upper right corner "Switch to old version".

    If you have not previously been registered in the old version of the LC, then you will be asked to come up with a clever password. Otherwise, you will not get access to the full functionality of the site.

    To do this, you will need to go to the new version of the taxpayer's personal account as before and enter the old password in the "Contact information" tab and come up with a new one. If you got into the office through an account on GOSLUGAH, then, of course, you do not have the old password and therefore you will not be able to change it.

    In the old version of the LC, the functionality is much less than in the new one. So, for example, the tab for taxes displays only data on income and insurance premiums. In the new version, absolutely all taxes of an individual are reflected in a similar window.

    And the tab “Taxpayer documents” contains only electronic document flow and the ability to apply to the tax office.

    After you enter the old version, you will not be able to update your personal account. Therefore, you must either make a series of cancellations of the action, or close the website of the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate and re-enter the LC.

    Obviously, the Federal Tax Service is trying to simplify the work with taxpayers as much as possible. After all, the bulk of the questions can now be solved from any computer using the new version of the personal account for individuals.

    The personal account was created primarily for the convenience of taxpayers. Now they can get all the information they are interested in, without statements, long waits and queues. Service features include:
    - obtaining up-to-date information on registered property and transport objects, on accrued and paid for them;
    - control over the state of settlements with the budget, the presence of debts, etc.

    In order to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe functional features of the system, you need to enter a login - 000000000000 (12 zeros) and an arbitrary password in the authorization form.

    - receiving and downloading tax notices and receipts;
    - payment of tax payments;
    - tracking tax audits according to the form No. 3-NDFL.

    The service also allows you to directly contact the tax authorities without a personal visit.

    How to get access to the taxpayer's personal account

    To gain access to your personal account, you must contact any FTS, not only at the place of registration. To do this, you need to write an application and present your passport and TIN.

    You can only get access to a personal document in person upon presentation of your passport. This cannot be done in other ways, since the information in your personal account constitutes a tax secret.
    If the application is submitted through a proxy, then you must provide a notarized power of attorney.

    All that remains is to get a registration card with a login and a temporary password to access the "Personal Account". Within a month, the password must be changed to any convenient and memorable one. If the taxpayer misses this deadline, he will need to contact the Federal Tax Service again to get a connection. If you lose your password, you will need to do the same; you cannot recover it by other methods. This was done in order to ensure security and prevent access to the information contained by third parties, since the initial password is issued on paper.

    You can get access to your personal account without visiting the Federal Tax Service only using an electronic signature (ES) or a universal electronic card (UEC). Citizens who have ES / UEC can write an application for connection in electronic form on the main page. In this case, you will only need to enter a phone number and email address. The rest of the details will be read automatically. After gaining access to your personal account, you will need to enter your username and password. But it will be possible to log into the service using the ES or UEC.