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  • New curses. What did Russian swear words originally mean?

    New curses. What did Russian swear words originally mean?

    Someone loudly and publicly, someone quietly, in a whisper, practically to themselves. The attitude towards swearing is very ambiguous and most often depends on the environment in which he lives or, rather than on social status and age.

    The widespread belief that teenagers swear many times more than mature people crashes on Russian roads, in auto repair shops and unremarkable drinking establishments. Here people do not hold back impulses that come from the heart, splashing out on the interlocutor and those around them a wave of their negativity. In most cases, the use of mate is associated with a lack of vocabulary or the fact that the person is not able to express their words and thoughts in a more cultured way.

    From the point of view of esotericism and religion, a scolding person from the inside decomposes himself and badly affects the surrounding space, releasing negative energy. It is believed that these people get sick more often than those who keep their tongue clean.

    Obscene language can be heard in completely different layers. Often in the media you can find reports of another scandal with famous politicians or movie and show business stars who publicly used profanity. The paradox is that even someone who uses mate to connect words in a sentence condemns such behavior of celebrities and considers it unacceptable.

    Attitude of the law to the use of profanity

    The Code of Administrative Offenses clearly regulates the use of swear words and expressions in a public place. A violator of peace and order to pay a fine, and in some cases of foul language may be subject to administrative arrest. However, in Russia and most of the CIS countries, this law is observed only when swear words were used in a law enforcement officer.
    Swear words, regardless of profession, income and level of education. However, for many, the limiting factor is the presence of the elderly, young children and work that involves polite communication with people.

    A couple of decades ago, resourceful people found a way out of the situation: along with obscenities in oral speech, his surrogate appeared. The words "damn", "zvezdets", "get out" do not seem to be swearing in the literal sense of the word and cannot fall under the corresponding article by definition, but they carry the same meaning and the same negative as their predecessors, but such words are constantly being added.

    On forums and in discussing news, as a rule, the use of strong words is prohibited, but surrogates have successfully bypassed this barrier. Thanks to the appearance of an obscene surrogate, parents have ceased to be ashamed to use it in the presence, harming the cultural development of their child, introducing the immature to the use of swearing.

    Taboo vocabulary includes certain layers of vocabulary that are banned for religious, mystical, political, moral and other reasons. What are the prerequisites for its occurrence?

    Varieties of taboo vocabulary

    Among the subspecies of taboo vocabulary, one can consider sacred taboos (on the pronunciation of the name of the creator in Judaism). The anathema on the pronunciation of the name of the alleged game during the hunt refers to the mystical taboo layer. It is for this reason that the bear in the persecution is called "the owner", and the word "bear" itself is derived from the phrase "in charge of honey."

    Obscene vocabulary


    One of the most significant types of taboo vocabulary is obscene or vocabulary, in the common people - mat. From the history of the origin of Russian obscene vocabulary, three main versions can be distinguished. The adherents of the first hypothesis argue that Russian swearing arose as a legacy of the Tatar-Mongol yoke. Which in itself is controversial, given that most of the obscene roots go back to the Proto-Slavic origins. According to the second version, abusive lexemes once had several lexical meanings, one of which eventually supplanted all the others and stuck with the word. The third theory says that abusive language was once a significant component of occult rituals of the pre-Christian period.

    Let's consider lexical metamorphosis using the most iconic formulations as an example. It is known that in antiquity, "to give up" meant "to cross out the cross on the cross." Accordingly, the cross was called "dick". The turn "fuck everyone" was introduced into everyday life by ardent supporters of paganism. Thus, they wished Christians death on the cross by analogy with their own god. Is it worth adding that the current users of the language use this word in a completely different context.

    Abuse also played an important role in rituals and rituals of pagan origin, usually associated with fertility. In addition, it should be noted that most conspiracies for death, illness, love spells, etc. abound in obscene lexemes.

    It is known that many lexical units that are now considered obscene were not such until the 18th century. These were completely ordinary words denoting parts (or features of the physiological structure) of the human body and not only. So, the Proto-Slavic "jebti" originally meant "to beat, hit", "huj" - "a needle of a coniferous tree, something sharp and sharp." The word "pisyda" was used in the meaning of "urinary organ". Let us remember that the verb "whore" once meant "to talk, to lie". "Fornication" - "deviation from the established path", as well as "illegal living." Later, both verbs merged into one.

    It is believed that before the invasion of Napoleonic troops in 1812, abusive vocabulary was not particularly in demand in society. However, as it turned out in the process, hazing was much more effective in the trenches. Since then, mate has become firmly rooted as the main form of communication in the troops. Over time, the officer stratum of society popularized obscene vocabulary to such an extent that it passed into

    Swearing has been accompanying Russia since its inception. The authorities, social formations, culture and the Russian language itself are changing, but the mat remains unchanged.

    Native speech

    Almost the entire 20th century was dominated by the version that the words that we call obscene came into the Russian language from the Mongol-Tatars. However, this is a delusion. Swearing is already found in Novgorod birch bark letters dating from the 11th century: that is, long before the birth of Genghis Khan.

    Revolt against matriarchy

    The concept of "checkmate" is rather late. In Russia from time immemorial it was called "barking obscene". It must be said that initially the obscene language included exclusively the use of the word "mother" in a vulgar, sexual context. The words denoting the reproductive organs, which we today refer to as mate, did not refer to "barking obscene."

    There are a dozen versions of the mate function. Some scholars suggest that swearing appeared at the turn of the transition of society from matriarchy to patriarchy and initially meant the imperious assertion of a man who, having passed the rite of copulation with the "mother" of the clan, publicly announced this to his fellow tribesmen.

    Canine tongue

    True, the previous version does not explain in any way the use of the word "bark". On this score, there is another hypothesis, according to which "swearing" had a magical, protective function and was called "dog language". In the Slavic (and Indo-European as a whole) tradition, dogs were considered animals of the "afterlife" and served the goddess of death Morena. A dog who served an evil witch could turn into a person (even a friend) and come with evil thoughts (bring the evil eye, damage, or even kill). So, sensing something was wrong, the potential victim of Morena, just had to utter a protective "mantra", that is, send him to "mother". It was his time to expose the evil demon, "the son of Morena", after which he had to leave the person alone.

    It is curious that even in the XX century the popular belief that “swearing” scares away devils and swearing makes sense even “for the sake of prevention”, without seeing a direct threat.

    Good calling

    As already mentioned, the Old Russian words denoting reproductive organs began to be attributed to "swearing" much later. In the pagan era, these lexemes were in common use and had no abusive coloring. Everything changed with the arrival of Christianity in Russia and the beginning of the ousting of the old "filthy" cults. The words of sexual connotation were replaced by “Church Slavisms: copulate, fertile oud, penis, etc. In fact, there was a serious rationale behind this taboo. The fact is that the use of the former "terms" was ritualized and associated with pagan fertility cults, special conspiracies, appeals for good. By the way, the very word “good” (in the old Slavic - “bolgo”) meant “a lot” and was used at the beginning in the “agricultural” context.

    It took the Church many centuries to reduce agrarian rituals to a minimum, but the “fertile” words remained in the form of “relics”: however, already in the status of curses.

    Censorship of the Empress

    There is another word that is unfairly attributed to swearing today. For the purpose of self-censorship, let us designate it as "a word with the letter" B ". This lexeme quietly existed in the element of the Russian language (it can even be found in church texts and official state documents), meaning "fornication", "deception", "delusion", "heresy", "mistake". The people often applied this word to dissolute women. Perhaps during the time of Anna Ioannovna, this word began to be used with greater frequency and, probably, in the latter context, because it was this empress who imposed a ban on it.

    "Thug" censorship

    As you know, in the criminal, or "thug" environment, swearing is strictly taboo. For a carelessly dropped obscene expression of a prisoner, a much more serious liability can await than an administrative fine for public obscene language in the wild. Why are “urkagans” so dislike Russian mat? First of all, that swearing can pose a threat to "give a damn" or "thug music". The keepers of the thieves' traditions well understand that if the mat supplants the argo, then they will lose their authority, their "uniqueness" and "exclusivity", and most importantly the power in the prison, the elite of the criminal world - in other words, "lawlessness" will begin. It is curious that criminals (unlike statesmen) understand well what any language reform and borrowing of foreign words can lead to.

    Renaissance mata

    Today's time can be called a renaissance of swearing. This is facilitated by the boom of social networks, where people got the opportunity to swear in public. With some reservations, we can talk about the legitimization of foul language. There has even appeared a fashion for swearing: if earlier it was the lot of the lower strata of society, now the so-called intelligentsia, the creative class, the bourgeoisie, women and children also resort to "savory words". It is difficult to say with what such a revival of "obscene bark" is connected. But we can safely say that this will not increase the harvest, matriarchy will not win, it will not drive out demons ...

    Hello comrades. You know, I noticed a long time ago that if you use abusive words correctly, your speech is transformed. Becomes graceful, interesting. And most importantly - what strong emotions can be conveyed with just one Russian swear word. A unique thing is Russian mat.

    Unfortunately, most people don't know how to use it. Sculpts it through every word. What do I suggest. I propose to get acquainted with the work of many classics who used ridiculous verbs in their works.

    You have heard and read many of them. Personally, I read it again with pleasure, and rediscovered something for myself.

    Perhaps I'm not the only one who will be interested.

    Yesenin S. A. - "Do not grieve, dear, and do not ahay"
    Do not grieve, dear, and do not ah,
    Hold life like a horse by the bridle,
    Send one and all to fuck
    So that you are not sent to the pussy!

    Yesenin S. A. - "The wind blows from the south and the moon has risen"
    The wind blows from the south
    And the moon rose
    What are you, whore,
    Didn't come at night?

    You did not come at night
    Didn't appear during the day.
    Do you think we're jerking off?
    No! Fuck others!

    Esenin S. A. “Sing, sing. On the damn guitar "
    Sing it, sing it On a damn guitar
    Your fingers dance in a semicircle.
    To drown in this stupor,
    My last, only friend.

    Don't look at her wrists
    And from her shoulders flowing silk.
    I was looking for happiness in this woman,
    And by chance he found death.

    I didn't know that love is an infection
    I didn't know love was a plague.
    Came up with a narrowed eye
    She drove the bully crazy.

    Sing it my friend. Bring me back again
    Our former wild early.
    Let her kiss a friend
    Young, beautiful trash.

    Ah, wait. I don't scold her.
    Ah, wait. I don't curse her.
    Let me play to you
    Under this bass string.

    The pink dome of my days is pouring.
    In the heart of dreams of golden sums.
    I groped a lot of girls
    He pressed many women in the corner.

    Yes! there is the bitter truth of the earth,
    I spied a childish eye:
    Males lick in line
    An expiring bitch with juice.

    So why should I be jealous of her.
    So why should I hurt this.
    Our life is a sheet and a bed.
    Our life is a kiss in the pool.

    Sing, sing! On a fatal scale
    These hands are a fatal misfortune.
    Just you know, fuck them ...
    I will never die, my friend.

    Esenin S. A. - “Rash, harmonica. Boredom ... Boredom "
    Rash, harmonica. Boredom ... Boredom ...
    The accordion player pours his fingers in a wave.
    Drink with me you lousy bitch
    Drink with me.

    They loved you, mocked you -
    Why are you looking so blue splashes?
    Or in the face you want?

    A scarecrow in the garden
    Scare the crows.
    Tortured me to the liver
    From all sides.

    Rash, harmonica. Rash, my frequent.
    Drink, otter, drink.
    I would be better off that big-titted one -
    She's dumber.

    I am not the first among women ...
    A lot of you
    But with someone like you, with a bitch
    Only for the first time.

    The freer, the louder
    Here and there.
    I won't kill myself
    Go to hell.

    To your pack of dogs
    It's time to get cold.
    Darling I'm crying
    Sorry Sorry...

    Mayakovsky V. V. - "You"
    To you, living behind an orgy, an orgy,
    having a bathroom and a warm closet!
    Shame on those presented to George
    read from columns of newspapers?

    Do you know, mediocre, many,
    thinking to get drunk better like, -
    maybe now leg bomb
    tore out the lieutenant from Petrov? ..

    If he is slaughtered,
    suddenly saw, wounded,
    how are you lip smeared in a cutlet
    humming Severyanin lasciviously!

    Do you, who love women and dishes,
    to give life to please ?!
    I'd rather be whores in a bar
    serve pineapple water!
    (Something reminds me of the plot of a verse. For example, the modern world and its foundations)

    Mayakovsky V. V. “Do you like roses? And I shit at them "
    Do you love roses?
    and I shit at them!
    the country needs steam locomotives
    we need metal!
    don't ooh,
    don't ah!
    do not pull the bridle!
    if you fulfilled the plan,
    send everyone
    in pussy
    did not fulfill -
    (now relevant)

    Mayakovsky V. V. - "Hymn of masturbators"
    broad shoulders!
    you will not lure
    fleshy tit!
    seduce us
    work with your left !!!
    (Yes, this is the Pikabushnik anthem XD, sorry guys, this is vinrar :))

    Mayakovsky V. V. - "Who are whores"
    Not those
    what bread
    for the sake
    in front
    and behind
    give us
    God forgive them!
    And those whores -
    not giving -
    here whores
    their mother!

    Mayakovsky V. V. - "I'm lying on someone else's wife"
    I lie
    on someone else's
    to the ass
    but we do not murmur -
    making communists
    out of spite
    Let the fuck
    like a mast
    puffs up!
    I do not care,
    who is under me -
    minister's wife
    or a cleaning lady!

    Mayakovsky V. V. - "Hey, masturbators"
    Hey masturbators
    shout "Hurray!" -
    fucking machines
    at your service
    any hole
    down to
    to the lock
    wells !!!

    Lermontov M. Yu. - "To Tiesenhausen"
    Do not drive so languidly with your eye
    Do not twist a round ass
    Voluptuousness and vice
    Do not joke at will.
    Don't go to someone else's bed
    And do not let you near yours,
    Not joking, not really
    Do not shake tender hands.
    Know, our adorable Chukhonets,
    Youth does not shine for a long time!
    Know: when the hand of the Lord
    Will burst over you
    Everyone you are today
    You see at your feet with a prayer,
    The sweet moisture of a kiss
    They will not calm your melancholy
    At least then by the tip of the dick
    You would give your life.

    Lermontov M. Yu. - "Oh, how lovely is your goddess"
    Oh, how sweet your goddess is.
    A Frenchman follows her,
    She has a face like a melon
    But the ass is like a watermelon.

    Goethe Johann - "What a stork can do"
    Found a spot for a nest
    Our stork! .. This bird -
    Thunderstorm of frogs from the pond -
    Nests on the belfry!

    They crack there day-day,
    The people are literally groaning, -
    But no one - neither old nor young -
    The nest will not touch him!

    You ask, what is such an honor
    Has the bird won? -
    She - sorry! - shit at the church!
    A commendable habit!

    Nekrasov N. A. - "Finally from Konigsberg"
    Finally from Konigsberg
    I got close to the country
    Where Gutenberg is not loved
    And they find a taste in shit.
    I drank a Russian infusion
    I heard "fucking mother"
    And come before me
    To write Russian faces.

    Pushkin A. S. - "Anna Wulf"
    Alas! in vain to the proud virgin
    I offered my love!
    Neither our life nor our blood
    Her soul will not be touched firm.
    I will only be full of tears
    Though my heart will split my sorrow.
    She's fed up on a pinch
    But he won't let you smell either.

    Pushkin A. S. - "I wanted to refresh my soul"
    I wanted to refresh my soul,
    To live an old life
    In a sweet oblivion near friends
    Of my past youth.

    I drove to distant lands;
    I longed not for noisy whores,
    I was looking not for gold, not for honor,
    In the dust among spears and swords.

    Pushkin A. S. - "Once a fiddler came to castrat"
    Once a fiddler came to castrat,
    He was a poor man, and he was a rich man.
    "Look, said the crazy singer, -
    My diamonds, emeralds
    I took them apart out of boredom.
    A! by the way, brother, - he continued, -
    When you get bored
    What are you doing, please tell me. "
    In response, the poor fellow is indifferent:
    - I? I scratch myself muda.

    Pushkin A. S. - "The Cart of Life"
    In the morning we sit in the cart,
    We're glad to break our heads
    And, despising laziness and bliss,
    We shout: let's go! Her mother!
    Shut up, godfather; and you, like me, are sinful,
    And you will hurt everyone with words;
    In someone else's pisa you see a straw
    And you can't see the logs at home!
    ("From the Vigil ...")

    And finally.

    “I live in Paris like a dandy,
    I have up to a hundred women.
    My dick is like a story in a legend
    From mouth to mouth. "

    V.V. Mayakovsky

    Psychologists believe that foul language is a great way to relieve stress and restore energy. Some historians consider Russian swearing to be a consequence of the elimination of taboo. In the meantime, experts are engaged in professional disputes, among the people “they don’t swear, they speak it”. Today we are talking about the origin of the Russian mat.

    There is an opinion that in pre-Tatar Russia they did not know the "strong word", and swearing, they compared each other with various domestic animals. However, linguists and philologists do not agree with this statement. Archaeologists claim that for the first time Russian swearing was mentioned in a birch bark letter of the beginning of the XII century. True, what exactly was written in that letter, archaeologists do not publish. Let's try to understand the intricacies of profanity, which is an integral part of the Russian language.

    As a rule, speaking about mat and its origin, linguists and philologists distinguish three main derivatives of the word. These derivatives include the name of the male genital organ, the name of the female genital organ, and the name of what happens with a fortunate coincidence between the male and female genital organs. Some linguists add a social derivative to the anatomical and physiological derivatives, namely, the word that they call a woman of easy virtue. Of course, there are other obscene roots, but it is these four that are popularly the most productive and effective.

    Delight, surprise, agreement and more

    Perhaps the most frequently used word among the profanity, the word that is most often written on fences throughout Russia, denotes the male genital organ. Linguists never agreed on where this word came from. Some experts ascribe Old Slavic roots to the word, claiming that in ancient times it meant “to hide” and sounded like “to fuck”. And the word “forge” in the imperative mood sounded like “forge”. Another theory attributes the word to Proto-Indo-European roots. In which the root "xy" meant "branch".
    Today it is extremely difficult to talk about the credibility of each of the theories. What can be stated unequivocally is that the word is very ancient, no matter how people with the diosyncrasy of obscene vocabulary want it. It is also worth noting that "this very word" of three letters is the most productive root forming new words in the Russian language. This word can express doubt, surprise, indignation, delight, refusal, threat, consent, despondency, encouragement, etc., etc. More than seven dozen idioms and words that are derived from this root are given in the Wikipedia article of the same name alone.

    Theft, fight and death

    The word for female genital organs is less productive in Russian obscene language than the word for the stronger sex. Nevertheless, this word gave the Russian language a lot of expressions that perfectly reflect the severity of Russian reality. So, the same root words from this well-known word often mean: lie, mislead, beat, steal, speak incessantly. Fixed expressions, as a rule, indicate a course of events that does not unfold according to plan, an educational process, a fight, a beating, failure and even breakdown or death.
    The origin of this word is attributed by some particularly furious linguists to Sanskrit. However, this theory does not stand up to even the most humane criticism. The most convincing theory, researchers consider the origin of the Proto-Indo-European languages. There, according to scientists, the cognates of the second most popular word in Russian mat, meant "saddle", "what they sit on", "garden" and "nest". It is also worth noting that this word can have both strictly negative and positive connotations.

    About sexual intercourse and not only about it

    The word that today in obscene language denotes sexual intercourse comes from the Proto-Indo-European language (jebh- / oibh- or * ojebh) and in its pure form means "to have sexual intercourse." In Russian, this word has given rise to a huge number of very popular idioms. One of the most popular is the phrase "** b your mother." Linguists claim that the ancient Slavs used this expression in the context of "Yes, I am good for you as a father!" There are other expressions with this verb known today, meaning to mislead, to express indifference, to make claims.

    Devaluation of the mat

    For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that many Russian writers were distinguished by the ability to insert a "strong word" into their speech. There was even a mate in some poems. Of course, we are not talking about fairy tales and not about love lyrics, but about friendly epigrams and satirical works. And it is worth noting that the great Pushkin masters swearing organically and skillfully:

    Shut up, godfather; and you, like me, are sinful,
    And you will hurt everyone with words;
    You see a straw in someone else's fuck
    And you can't see the logs at home!

    ("From the Vigil ...")

    The trouble with the modern Russian language is that today, due to various circumstances, the devaluation of the mat is taking place. It is used so widely that the expression of expressions and the very essence of the mat is lost. As a result, this impoverishes the Russian language and, oddly enough, the culture of speech. For today's situation, the words spoken by another famous poet, Vladimir Mayakovsky, are suitable.

    In 2013, on March 19, the State Duma of the Russian Federation adopted a bill banning obscene language in the media. Those from the media who still dare to use this or that "strong" word will have to pay a fine of about 200 thousand rubles. It is noteworthy that the deputies from the United Russia faction became ardent supporters of this bill, who commented on their actions as a desire to protect the country's population from an immoral information environment. However, most Russians believe that the fight against obscenities is useless. Neither campaigning nor fines will help in this. The main thing is internal culture and education.

    Loving a person who absolutely gives a fuck ** is my style, yeah ...

    There are a lot of good people in the world, but I always talk to f ** kers, it's more interesting with them

    And in a white dress and a veil I go with flowers to the altar and my father shouts after me Anton bl ** don't disgrace the family!

    Who Says You Need a Justified Cause to Hate? I'm not like that.

    If the cat flies its ass forward over the fence, it means that it fucked something off the table.

    Even a billion hearts under your ava won't fix the flaws of nature on your f * ck

    Briefly about myself - f * ck brains and a lot of you f * ck

    At home they say: "Leave your nerves at work!", At work: "Leave your nerves at home!" F ** k where to leave your nerves?

    I respect the ocean. He takes lives and doesn't give a fuck.

    They say that when you get fucked by a person, he begins to understand what he has lost. So let the f * ck rule the world. Everyone will be happy.

    The hedgehog came out of the fog, the marijuana ran out, he suddenly found hemp, and went into the fog again!

    And again I step into the bottomless heights, with a huge poster ... "All f ** king."