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  • I don't know how to study. I can’t communicate, I can’t study, I don’t remember anything and have never memorized

    I don't know how to study. I can’t communicate, I can’t study, I don’t remember anything and have never memorized
    1. The illiterate people of the 21st century will be not those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn and relearn. Alvin Toffler
    2. You cannot learn from someone who constantly agrees with you. Dudley Field Malone
    3. Walk through life as if there is always something to learn ahead and you can definitely do it. Vernon Howard
    4. Education consists mainly of what we have forgotten. Mark Twain
    5. I am always learning. The headstone will be my diploma. Erta Kitt
    6. Thinking you know everything stops you from learning new things. Claude Bernard
    7. In the end, what matters is what you have learned and what you have truly learned. Harry S. Truman
    8. You can teach a student a lesson in one day, but if you develop curiosity and curiosity in him, he will continue to learn all his life. Clay P. Bedford
    9. Life is like playing the violin in public when you learn while playing. Samuel Butler
    10. We can now say that learning is a never-ending process where you stay close to change. And the most difficult task is to teach people to learn. Peter Drucker
    1. The main goal of training is to teach you to think, and not to teach you to think in any special way. It is better to develop your own mind and learn to think for yourself than to load many other people's thoughts into your memory. John Deway
    2. Wise people learn from the mistakes of others, and stupid people learn from their own. author unknown
    3. There are three methods of teaching wisdom. The first is through imitation, and he is the noblest. The second is through repetition and is the simplest. The third is through experience, and it is the most bitter. Confucius
    4. Life is a learning experience only if you learn. Yogi Berra
    5. Wisdom lies in the ability to learn to miss the insignificant. William james
    6. Learning is, in fact, when you suddenly understand something that you understood all your life, but in a different way. Doris Lessing
    7. Teaching is not spectator sport. D. Blocher
    8. Anyone who stops learning gets old, no matter how old he is: twenty or eighty. Anyone who continues to learn remains young. The greatest thing in life is keeping your mind young. Henry Ford
    9. We gain real knowledge when we seek the answer to a question, not when we find out the answer itself. Lloyd Alexander
    10. Smart people stop learning ... because they've invested too much to assure everyone that they know everything, and now they can't afford to look ignorant. Chris Adjiris

    1. I never teach my students. I only give them conditions under which they can learn on their own. Albert Einstein
    2. For our developing mind, the whole world is a laboratory. Martin Fisher
    3. Nothing really worth knowing can be taught. Oscar Wilde
    4. If you hold the cat by the tail, then you can learn a lot that you would not be able to learn under other conditions. Mark Twain
    5. I hear - I forget. I see - I remember. I do - I understand. Confucius
    6. I always do what I can't do, in an order that helps me learn how to do it. Pablo Picasso
    7. We understand geology the morning after an earthquake. Ralph Waldo Emerson
    8. The human mind, which has learned a new idea, will never return to its old state. Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.
    9. Learning is not something that you get by chance. And what you strive for with passion and do with diligence. Abigail Adams
    10. Nobody ever really stops learning. Johann Goethe

    1. A person who reads too much and uses their brain too little ends up with the lazy habit of thinking too much. Albert Einstein
    2. Any learning is about emotions. Plato
    3. Curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning. William A. Ward
    4. I know a large number of people who are filled with knowledge, but do not have any of their thoughts. Wilson Misner
    5. Learning is not a means to an end, it is the end itself. Robert Heinlein
    6. Training is optional and unnecessary for survival. W. Edwards Deming
    7. Our knowledge stops us from continuing our studies. Claude Bernard
    8. All people around and everything that surrounds you are your teachers. Ken Keyes
    9. You live and learn. In any case, you live. Douglas Adams
    10. Live as if you are going to die tomorrow. Learn as if you are going to live forever. Gandhi

    1. Reading in itself only provides material for knowledge, but it is the process of thinking that enables us to assimilate this knowledge. John Locke
    2. One of the reasons people stop learning is the fear of being wrong. John Gardner
    3. You don't learn anything while you chat. Lyndon B. Johnson
    4. Anything can be an important learning experience if you take it with interest. Mary McCracken
    5. Never stop others. The speed of movement is not important, the main thing is the movement itself forward. Plato
    6. Ignorance is not a shame, it is a shame not to strive for knowledge. Benjamin Franklin
    7. Assuming is good, getting to the truth is better. Mark Twain
    8. Develop a passion for learning. If you succeed, you will always grow. Anthony Zhd. DiAngelo
    9. We learn when we do something. George Herbert
    10. Filling your mind with millions of different facts, but at the same time it is quite possible to learn nothing. Alec Bourne.

    To the question Do you know how to swim? How did you learn? I don't know how ... But I want to learn. given by the author User deleted the best answer is learn not to drown, look for movements that are comfortable and most effective for you, then try to stay afloat making as few movements as possible, and then figure out when to swim ... the truth is like on a bicycle - it's easier not to drown in motion ... if you will move convulsively, wasting your strength, holding your breath - you will not float far ... and you will not learn
    don't be afraid of water, don't panic, think about dolphins ...))
    Igor and
    try to lie down on the water pushing off from the bottom, slide along it, try to keep your head from going under the water, feel that the water supports you ...
    and I studied on a bike, though not for long ... and learned to swim, but it was useless until I thought about everything, figured out how my father was swimming, understood my head and swam in the summer immediately))

    Answer from 22 answers[guru]

    Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Can you swim? How did you learn? I don't know how ... But I want to learn.

    Answer from Katya Kovolina[expert]
    All beautiful answers! - partly agree with them. But I will ask you to notice the most important thing for you to overcome your fear of the subwoofer herself - say and repeat that I can, I can handle it. The second is the underdeveloped muscles of the legs and arms - do a few simple exercises during the week 1. lying on your back, bike with your feet 2. push-ups (to begin with, hang on your knees) 3. squats. Do everything as you can, 2.3 repetitions every day, increase the number of times by one. At first it will be a little difficult, and then you will have confidence in yourself and you can count on your legs and arms, and the result will go away from fear. Good luck - and remember you will succeed - I believe in you. There will be a desire to come to the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov here and learn. Write to help with the hotel.

    Answer from Neurosis[guru]
    Come to Alushta, to the Black Sea. We will teach you to swim.

    Answer from Teenager[guru]
    I studied in a swimming club.
    And then DROWNED TWICE.
    The first is in the Gulf of Finland at a depth of about half a meter. I stood on a cobblestone and they hit me in the legs. The head hit this stone. Bo-bo-bo.
    The second time was in Yalta during a storm.
    After that I can swim THREE meters.
    But I try not to enter the WATER.

    Answer from Good neighborliness[guru]
    I also swim a little better than an ax (((

    Answer from Denis Lunev[newbie]
    Air in the lungs and not be afraid of water, the muscles will slowly get used to it

    Answer from Kimma Arkadova[expert]
    In 50 years I signed up for the pool (2 years ago). The coach taught. I am very grateful to him. Now I swim with pleasure. Of course, it's not very convenient when you can barely swim, and the coach walks along the side with a stick (insures), you make an asterisk and think that the whole pool is just looking at you, etc. I wanted to give up everything. But now it is 1250 meters per hour. think good.

    Answer from Natalia[guru]
    I can. I learned at school - there was a swimming pool and we were taught to swim in the physical.

    Answer from Squirrel[guru]
    As a child, I drowned and since then I am terribly afraid of depth ((. Once in the pool I tried to swim with noodles. This is such a "stick" made of foam material. I took it to the sea several times (I bought it through an online store). It's very easy to use, There are many options, for example, you bend it so that the bend on the back is, and the ends of the armpits. At the same time, the arms and legs are free in movement. This noodle on the surface perfectly holds (it is not for nothing that it is used for water aerobics!) Over time, I gained confidence ( this is the main thing !!) and swimming skills.Now I can swim on my own, of course not far, but in pleasure! And what I wish for you!

    Answer from Ћ. [guru]
    My grandfather at one time, back in the pre-war years, read a book on swimming techniques, taught himself, dad taught and taught me.
    I am also a wild coward, I was 7-8 years old, my parents said: we must learn to swim. First, they brought a basin at the dacha, where they forced me to dip my head and hold my breath. Then I trained in the bathroom in the winter, immersing myself completely under the water. And then it turned out that by submerging under water, water pushes a person out. It is impossible to drown - even the drowned ones emerge.
    Then on the river I was taught to make an asterisk, which is on the stomach (it is easier on the stomach), that on the back (water is poured into the ears on the back, you have to get used to it) And that's all - then the person keeps on the water, without making any movements. I didn't know how to swim by the age of 10, but I dived easily with a fish.
    and then they sent me to the pool and my joy would not have been complete if 3 of my classmates had not gone with me. Since then, you won't drown me))))

    At school, in elementary grades, I had no equal in stupidity in the form of some kind of puppy adherence to the class teacher. The elderly woman could not understand why I kissed her before leaving class and going home. At first she was terribly embarrassed, standing still over me in indecision, and then, when such our goodbyes became the norm, she willingly offered me her powdered cheek, and I went home with a sense of accomplishment.

    I studied well, but a lot depended on my mood. If I didn't want to remember that four is not five, then I sat with a detached face and studied the landscape outside the window. I really liked the sky, which sometimes changed its color. Today, for example, it was very blue, and yesterday white clouds floated on it.
    -What are you, daughter, - my mother looked at me sadly, having read the entry in the diary, which reads about my dreamy behavior. - In the lesson you need to listen carefully to the teacher, and not to look at the windows.

    I agreed with my mother, and corrected myself for a while. I was glad to see the pleasant surprise in her eyes when I came home from school again and boasted about my excellent grades.
    “Well, you can, when you want!” Said the parent and always gave me some surprise: a small chocolate called “Pushkin's Tales” or a bun.

    One day my mother, hearing me recite the tale of the goldfish by heart, laughed.
    “It's good that you remember so,” she said and hugged me tightly.
    Since then, I have been doing something like an open lesson in class, acting as a reader. With the permission of the teacher, I went to the blackboard and selflessly recited some poem by heart. The guys didn't listen to me very carefully. Many of them yawned, and some, turning to each other, played with some spillikins.

    Well done, Sveta, - the teacher said, nodding her head at every line I uttered. - Develop your memory, it will come in handy for you.
    One day she asked me for help. Leading me to the last desk, at which the new girl was sitting, the teacher said:
    -Ellochka, meet this-Sveta. She will explain some math to you, and you try to remember.
    I looked in horror at an adult girl, who by that time was seventeen years old, and could not understand why I should explain banal examples to an adult.
    Ella blushed terribly when I timidly sat down next to her at the desk and opened the textbook.

    The girl absolutely could not add or subtract numbers.
    “It's simple,” I told her in excitement. “You just need to remember that four plus three will be seven, and five minus two is three. You just need to memorize the table and that's it.
    The poor girl was again left for the second year due to poor academic performance, and I asked the teacher not to add me to the laggards anymore.
    “I don’t know how to teach,” I said to her, bursting into tears. “I’m not a teacher.


    When I sit down to my lessons, I just pretend to teach.


    I am in 11th grade, very soon exams, graduation, I need to think about exams and a certificate ... And I can not study at all ... I have a rather busy daily routine, I have no time for anything other than study. I usually do not come home until 7:30 pm. When I come, I have a snack again, lessons. This is ideal. But lately I can't do my homework, the only exception is the math, which I do at breaks on the same day, when asked, it does not require much effort. But German, English, literature, history, biology and the rest of the list, in which there are only 20 subjects, are no longer subject to me. Especially tasks where you need to take notes or write an essay. If you need to tell a text on any topic orally, say, in English or German (my specialized subjects), then I easily improvise, even writing grammar exercises in a notebook quickly, but essays in writing kill me. When I sit down to my lessons, I just pretend to teach, I don't know why. After a while, I just forget everything and go to bed. The next day, when I need to do something again, I remember that I also need to do the previous task, it just doesn't make me want to live, it's like a snowball that grows and is about to crush you ... I can not anymore. Help me please!


    Where are you going and who are you going to study for?

    I want to go to university, to the faculty of Chinese philology. After university, I want to work as a translator, literary translation is possible, but in general I have a dream, but I don’t know if it will come true, go to China, or for work, or work or study there.


    What subjects are the most difficult for?

    The hardest thing I have with history ... I just can't remember dates and events. Rather, approximately what happened I can remember, but not specifically ... In general, everything could be just wonderful if it were not for school, which causes almost all my problems ... This is a monster devouring my time without any sense of proportion ... I just can't learn everything completely, and I just don't know how to cheat. Most of the time is spent on the execution of all sorts of abstracts, on their study, and as a result, knowledge is not added! It's just some kind of mess in my head and that's it. This is a waste of time, to the detriment of yourself, and not study! I am gradually exhausted, not only mentally, but also physically. When I try to take a break, it only takes time and does not work.


    Describe your typical weekday?

    I usually wake up around 6:30, pack my bag (if I didn't have time in the evening), eat, etc. (as experience shows, this is not a waste of time), I do not wear makeup, which significantly reduces the time for getting ready, I leave the house at 7:30, I have to be at school at 7:45 - this is the limit. I arrive home at about 4:00. At home I eat and change. Then I take the bus to the courses. I return home again only at 8 pm. Now you need to learn everything else - read literature, write notes, texts. It eats up about four hours of my time. I go to bed at 12 at night and later. Then everything is repeated. Usually, I feel like a squeezed lemon.


    It is definitely impossible to reproach you for laziness, you work hard like a horse. I didn’t come up with this sweatshop exam preparation system, so it’s not up to me or you to change that system. You wrote that you do not know how to cheat. What does it mean? Tell me more?

    Most of my classmates never worry about independent or control tests, they never learn anything, because in the lesson they simply cheat, either from a cheat sheet, or from someone else's notebook, or from a textbook, etc. For all the time I spent at school , never learned to cheat. I cannot, it is somehow wrong, unworthy ... Even when I already want to try, it seems to me that the teacher simply cannot fail to notice it, nothing comes of it. And the most offensive thing is that those who skated insolently, and I know it, and I know that they know the subject much worse than I do, the grades are almost always better.


    Now it's clear what your problem is. You are equally conscientious in trying to teach what you need and what you don’t need. (You are so used to it). And when you cheat, you feel a strong sense of shame. But with today's workloads, it is impossible for schoolchildren to teach everything equally conscientiously. So you need (no matter how blasphemous it may sound) to learn how to write off those subjects for which you will not take the USE, and which are needed only for the average score in the certificate. I see no other way out. And also read if you have not read the online consultation -"I am ashamed that I can not study" - somewhat similar to your situation.

    Thanks a lot for the link (this case is really similar to mine) and for the advice. Probably, this is far from the worst option if I want to live safely until admission. This will be much easier, because you will need to spray attention not to 20, but to a maximum of 7 items! And that means more time for what is needed and less mess in your head! Of course, this is not very good from the teacher's point of view, but in this situation it is no longer up to that. Especially after my body began to desperately signal its problems with fainting. Thank you very much again for the valuable and practical advice!


    Good luck

    [In contact with]

    All online consultations are published only with the consent of the consultant.

    How to force yourself to learn


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    I'm a second year student. Specialty design. I am addressing, perhaps, with a problem that is quite common for many students: I cannot bring myself to study. There is less and less time before the session, and more and more debts. I cannot say that laziness "attacked" me, but some kind of apathy. I don't want to do anything at all. Not because I am ashamed to come unprepared, or I don’t understand anything in lectures, but simply a complete unwillingness to anything. I can't figure out why? I hope you'll give me a hand.










    How to get rid of jealousyPERFECTIONIST SELF-CONFIDENCE



    I am 19 years old, I have a very deep depression, I constantly think about suicide, there were attempts to hang myself but it was unsuccessful, now I do not understand what is real and what is not. Since childhood, I have never had friends, I always sat at home and went almost exclusively to school or at school I was mocked, bullied, teased by a girl, my father tried to educate me, very rudely. 3 years ago my parents divorced. My mother was an ideal for me. She always gave me what I wanted, the best I always got from relatives, grew up selfish, thought everyone around was fools, that they laugh at me and scoff at me, these are their problems. so it turned out that at school I really didn’t learn anything, because I was constantly afraid to go there, to be offended or offended, but to say nothing in response I couldn’t and didn’t even take information from the teachers. I didn’t learn anything at home either and didn’t understand why people study at all. I entered college, I paid a bribe, I’m a third-year student, I’m an outcast at the institute. in reality I can't even start a conversation. did it on the machine without understanding the assignment, not knowing what it was necessary for the profession and for me and not for the teacher, not with my mind or paying for exams. thought it was just a game. realized that I am an angry dissatisfied person, all my life I rejected information, study , now I'm degrading ... I'm also sitting at home without friends and acquaintances, and now only I realized that this study and this profession is not just for show, but in order to make money with my mind, I understand why I am communicating with people. then talk or obschatsya double in the eyes I can not really say anything, in my head stupor and emptiness. I have an addiction to the house and to the computer. I’m just a vegetable. in the end I don’t know anything, I don’t have one friend, I’m just going crazy, my roof is going, I was with psychologists, psychotherapists, they gave a referral to a crazy hospital , my mother no longer listens to me, she says that the psycho hospital will not help me, that they will inject me with injections, etc. all my relatives think that I study very well and become a good specialist that I am an excellent student, that I just do not want to study, and I will I don’t even know elementary things. No one will let me go from the institute. I’ve studied half the way, I’m studying for money. I’ve been in a state of depression for 4 months, I can’t help myself with anything, my mother thinks that this is just a joke, and I will continue studying, I care my physical condition, I feel that I'm bent over, but in my head this is ... (self-inflicted, accusations, torture, hallucinations, acute pains and megraine) I go out into the street, I come to the institute - panic, fear, phobias, I try to talk to someone, ask for help in my studies, everyone ignores me, I run home from the institute and stay with myself, and sa my terrible. I don’t know how to live on, I live now for the sake of my family, I understand that inst is not the end of the world, but without education you’re nothing. I sit in pairs for a tick, I didn’t study and didn’t take a steam bath before, I can’t skip. The profession of an architect is difficult, I must understand and present all drawings and designs. ., and now I sit in pairs and think where am I? where am I? how do they know this? how people communicate with each other and make friends, share experiences, tell stories ..
    the point is not even that I leave the institute, but that I do not know how to communicate, I don’t know what it is, I can’t study, I don’t remember anything and never remembered. What’s wrong with me? How will I make good money, because my mother and family not eternal, and will not be able to care for and follow me all my life

    I hope for someone else's support, I feel that I’ve driven myself into a trap, and there’s no way out of it, but I want to live ... if I go to a crazy hospital, I’ll rest, I’ll get out of there, and it gets even worse, I have to study anyway. I don’t see the future. justify hopes and invested money, but I don’t know how, because a person in life must solve problems himself, but I can’t, addiction. I feel that I have degraded and completely dull. I don’t overlook the elementary. help with good advice or a word
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    Dima, age: 19/05/2011


    About school grudges. Nothing really personal there. you are not bad, and even your offenders are not as bad as they seemed. Everything is at the level of instincts\u003d108

    Communication is practice. You don't communicate because you are afraid. but you are afraid because you don’t know how, and you don’t know how because you don’t communicate. we must break this vicious circle.
    You can start by chatting on the Internet. you can go to some kind of psychological training.
    There is another way, I spied in our guest room.
    what to do if you are afraid of something, how to overcome your fear?
    the best way is to face the danger and face it.
    You are afraid of other people, contacts, communication - tomorrow (well, right after the holidays) you go and get a job where communication is necessary. Distributors at McDonald's, a courier, a sales manager, a salesman ... Students are willingly taken to such not very paid places.
    I guarantee you that in three months everything will be different for you.

    And I completely agree that the psychiatric hospital will not solve your problem. You need to learn to communicate, contact, interact. And in the psychiatric hospital they don't teach this :(

    Try it yourself for now. It will work out if you believe in yourself and ACT.

    YuliaA, age: 36/05/2011

    Dim, I really sincerely feel sorry for you and really want to say something good and kind. The main thing is to hold on, fight it. You are stronger. Of course, it's difficult without friends, but heed the above advice, get into the sphere of communication with people, it will become easier, you will learn find an approach to different personalities. Do not give up. Depression will someday pass. To some extent, I understand you, I’m a little the same. I really hope that your condition will improve, everything will be fine. Believe \u003d)))

    Dary, age: 03/05/2011

    Hello Dima.
    The main thing is that you must clearly understand for yourself: suicide is not an option. It's not just physical death. This is also spiritual death. Now you have the opportunity and time to change your life. To live it, while following your convictions, to try something in it. Sometimes this very bitter experience comes through tears and suffering, sometimes it seems that this black streak will not end. So that's it. When you change yourself, your current problems will disappear. Change your attitude towards them. In fact, you are already changing. You perfectly describe and understand everything. In order not to feel lost, you need to do something worthwhile. Personally, it helps me to feel needed by the fact that I try to help other people in word or deed. So there is a benefit from me, there is a meaning in my life. This is not some dissolute money-burning in a sweepstakes or in a nightclub! You help another person in this life at a time when, without your feasible help, he can simply die. It is during this period that your help is needed, then he will go by himself. After all, this is someone's brother, sister, son, father. Even if it's a different person. But when I helped, I feel peace and joy in my soul. Dima, prayer is great power. It can be difficult and tedious to perform, sometimes it even seems that there is no benefit from it. She alone has great power. You need to pray. Even in life you have to fight. After constant falls, get up and move on. Our tests are given to us within our strength. Don't think that others are so confident and happy. Everyone has their own soul, many are just trying to look positive. And do not blame them for this, they are ordinary people.
    Dima, I advise only what I have tried on myself. To gain confidence, do sports. Anyone. The main thing is to study. Not everything is so bad with you. Only when you read your letter, the feeling is that you are guided only by the negative. Believe me, it's not all that bad! I don’t want to write to you about why I came to this site myself. Everything is relative. Please don't get hung up on yourself. This life is worth living. Find meaning and joy in it. Do what you must. You will see, with time everything will work out.

    Sergey, age: 27/05/2011

    Dima, what kind of specialist will you be with such an attitude to study? If you are not capable of this profession or you do not like it, it is better not to continue getting it. If your parents forced you, try to convince them that this is not for you. An unloved profession and study problems further aggravate depression. You really should find a job now, especially if you change several jobs and teams. So you can find communication partners and even, maybe, friends. Probably, in every team there are uncommunicative and "souls of companies".
    Good luck to you!

    Alina, age: 22/05/2011

    To be honest, there were very similar problems, I have sooo many complexes about my appearance - I have a problem with my eyes, and so, once a classmate called me for a workout, I firmly decided that I would go there (although before that I could not even imagine how do people manage to learn how to fight or, for example, learn to dance) thank God that there was such a coach, whom I consider one of the best people that I have met in life, he gave me a lot: the ability to stand up for myself, self-confidence , support, and most importantly, BELIEVE IN GOD, try to go to church, try to get closer to the Creator, this should help you a lot! And one more piece of advice - try to radically change something in your life - do something unusual for you!

    Valentine, age: 03/05/2011

    Hi Dima! In fact, there is a very simple way - not to pay bribes, but to pay the tutor! I'm sure it will help you! After all, you realize that this is necessary - and this is already a lot!
    How to communicate with people? ... first of all, you need to be open yourself and not be afraid to be misunderstood - because there are a lot of people and someone will not understand you anyway, this is natural, but someone will understand!
    I remember when I started my studies, I attended classes for a couple of days, and then I got sick for a long time (otitis media), and when I went back to school, you know, I found myself in a difficult situation: everyone had already met, found some company ... it would seem I could give up, sit on the last desks ... But once I just said to one girl: "Hello, is your name Olesya? Can I sit down with you?" ...
    Dima, everyone has their own test, just do not give up, because everything is in them. Now, when my classmates and I recall the beginning of our studies, everyone says that they thought I was some kind of "beech" :) It's funny, isn't it ?! Start chatting with classmates now - don't be afraid! Just say, "Hi! Can you please help me ..?" I think in communication you need to be, first of all, friendly! And it's okay that you need to look closely at people for so long - it's even good!
    Good luck! You will succeed! There will definitely be people who will understand you! Now read my previous sentence again .. FIND !! But only if you yourself will do something for this - SEARCH! After all, you must admit that if you just stay at home, then friends won't appear from behind the curtains? :)
    Believe in yourself!

    Nina, age: 22/07/2011

    Hey boy you're only 19 years old! what a suicide, the whole life is ahead.
    turn off the internet, do it yourself at home, or with a tutor. if you are interested in this profession at all.
    and friends, be open is the most important thing. smile (:
    start by communicating on the Internet (:

    Ksenia, age: \u003d\u003d / 03/07/2011

    On the suicide: "... to the hospital! To drug addicts and madmen ... a straitjacket, electroshock, lobotomy ... no, he needs sympathy, care and warmth." (c) Bore. Not a bad comedy, by the way.
    In general, I feel, perhaps, no better than yours. I also dream of suicide, but I understand that this is just an escape from problems.
    Laugh and joke even at the most successful people. Over presidents, over the stars, even over God. But this is not an indicator of the insignificance of the ridiculed, rather the mocking. After all, it's joking (for the most part) - who? An ordinary people who have not achieved anything, who, very often, judge superficially.
    I think whatever you are, it will happen from time to time. Just do your best in terms of your development (spiritual, physical and mental). To have a clear conscience before oneself. Admit a mistake, if there is one, a gap in knowledge, a defect in appearance and try to fix it or compensate with something else.
    I believe that the people who mocked you are also, in their own way, unhappy. It is unlikely that someone living on the planet has never experienced grief. Happy people do not need to humiliate others, they give what they are full of - happiness. And vice versa - unhappy people. This does not mean that you need to feel sorry for them. Spit on them as they spit on you and move on. The best revenge is success.
    And learn to respect yourself enough to listen to other people's comments, but draw your own conclusions and not take your own life because of the opinions of strangers to you.
    And I would also advise you not to get worse (following the example of the bullies), but better. You don't have to be a gopot, a convict or a mean person to be respected. Better nobility, combined with intelligence and independence. I hope you get the point.

    Oksana, age: 10/15/2013

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