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  • The main spheres of human life and their development. Realize that life goes on after failure.

    The main spheres of human life and their development. Realize that life goes on after failure.

    The topic of choosing a priority, when you consciously focus on one thing for a long time, is so acute that it cuts even those who barely touch it.

    The topic of choosing a priority, when you consciously focus on one thing for a long time, is so acute that it cuts even those who barely touch it. Meanwhile, it is almost impossible to make conscious changes without such a choice, especially if you are not 20 years old and the results of your current beliefs require complete processing. In fact, you need to learn to "walk" again.

    Information is perceived from a computer screen even more or less tolerantly, consciousness can cleverly ignore painful facts in a text, but on programs it is felt much more clearly. When, for example, at the climax of a marathon, it comes to the essence of focus - the need to devote most of your attention to one task, the development of one area - body, business or relationship - tension appears. How can you choose from such important aspects?

    • Body or Deed?
    • Business or relationship?
    • Relationship or body?

    How can you ask the question from this angle? Isn't it about balancing all aspects of life?

    This is a well-selling position that is so often speculated by various authors. I, too, support development in all spheres of life, but how is this done practically, without pink bows on the training box? What is behind the stories of people who actually live at high speeds?

    I have already told how it was with me. I chronically tried to do "everything at once": in one fell swoop to solve all my questions from developing my favorite business and getting myself in shape to being surrounded by people close in spirit, until I realized that this story has been for many years, and the state of affairs has not changed much ( the scenery doesn't count). It is fair to say that under what I love, I have always understood my favorite business and people who are close in spirit - just such people, having previously defined these concepts for myself. That is, it was about the maximum realization of its potential, which does not tolerate half measures. With compromises, of course, it's much easier to put together the puzzle of your own life, but will the pattern suit you?

    From year to year, I repeated the same mistake, absolutely not realizing myself - I tried to cover everything at once. Even for a moment I could not admit that I would give up something for the sake of one single goal. But, thank God, my blindness was not permanent. The realization that in these attempts I had already spent about 7 years, and all the key issues remained unresolved, they knocked on my door one day, opening my eyes that all this time I was holding on with a nervous grip on something that I do not even have ...

    Salvation came to me with the simple word "priority."

    Prioritizing and following them is the key to creating conscious change in your life and moving forward on the path of personal choice. You cannot do everything all at once, but you are absolutely able to do everything, but gradually.

    My choice was given to the cause, according to the principle - start with what is closest to you at the moment.

    Not with what you want most and not with what relatives or friends tell you - start with that. It is more efficient. Learn to make conscious changes, first in one area, the rest will tolerate this skill already.

    It sounds smooth, but it's scary to try it on.

    • Is it possible to deal with two areas in parallel?
    • And if all three at once?
    • How to choose the right one?
    • How long should you keep focus on one thing?

    When I am directly asked these questions, I cannot insist on only one priority and I will never tell a person in person that if he does not focus on one task now, he will not solve it. I can write in the material, I can say - no. This is my position. Therefore, in conversations, I will always support any voiced choice. But for the conscientious reader, I will again suggest an experiment.

    Take 4 apples. Medium in size for easy grip.

    Hold on? Fine.

    Now juggle them so that none of them fall to the floor. And juggle beautifully, high, skillfully. Putting your whole soul into this process. We are here for maximum implementation, right?

    It is difficult to deny the fact that there are people who easily and masterfully juggle four apples, but what is there - they can do ten. That is, it is possible. And if possible, then you can. Or?

    Juggle. Right now. Not dropping one.

    Watching how someone cleverly operates in all areas of their life, and trying to repeat it on the fly in your experience is a utopia, especially if your life requires major repairs up to pouring a new foundation. First, learn to consciously develop one area - be it business, body or relationships, and then, having gotten a little stronger in the process of conscious life-creation, add new "apples".

    To learn how to juggle with four apples, you first need to learn how to catch one correctly, then add the second to it, and so on, and after mastering the basics - each subsequent apple is easier and easier to add.

    Take one ball in your hand and throw it from one hand to the other. The height of the throw is slightly above eye level. Throws and captures are made at different points. Throws - closer to the middle of the body, captures - from the outside. After the capture, the hand makes a semicircular movement and makes a throw. This exercise is simple but very important as it lays the foundation for juggling. Practice until you are confident in throwing and catching the ball.

    "How to learn to juggle"

    Complicated? No. Easy? Also no.

    Even just tossing the ball from hand to hand requires a certain amount of effort and concentration, so why does anyone else think that for the development of their life they can "go with the flow"?

    How to become a virtuoso juggler of your own life and develop to the maximum in all areas?

    0. And who is the juggler?

    I would like to say that it is you. But not really. It is you, Conscious. Able to take life into his own hands and twist any of its aspects at will. You need to grow up to be a juggler.

    There are four main areas: soul, body, business and relationship. So, the state of a juggler is your contact with yourself, with a sphere called the "soul." This is the foundation, without which any transformations are meaningless, as they will scatter to smithereens on the very first bump. Without accepting the present moment and without full responsibility for everything that happens, prioritization, in fact, does not matter.

    What is acceptance of the moment?

    This is, first of all, a refusal to whine: what has been planted has grown. It is absurd to complain here. It is also the ability to see the good right now and concentrate on it. Not as a blind optimist, because "it is necessary", but as a reasonable juggler, who loves ripe apples more than rotten ones, and who understands perfectly well that what he takes in his hands (what he focuses on) will determine what “turns "In his life.

    1. Learn to "juggle" one sphere first

    The very choice of priority that will save many smart people from the lifelong label of “budding”.

    You either realized your abilities or you didn't. It doesn't matter if you have them.

    Choose the area of \u200b\u200blife that is closest to you on this segment and take it to a new level. Do what you dreamed of. Moreover, do it beautifully, high, skillfully. Put the process on a new track, which will later need to be maintained, but for now it requires all your attention for a fruitful construction. Give yourself, in the end, to something without a trace. Set a goal, set a timeline, move forward.

    Ideally, you prioritize about 80 percent of your attention and only 20 percent of your time and energy goes to the rest. This layout allows you to lay a track in the shortest possible time - from six months to a year for version 1.0

    2. Add new spheres while continuing to "hold" the old ones. Apples should not fall

    And now you are already quite tolerable "twist" one sphere, when to move on to the next and how?

    There is no question that you will reach a certain conditional "end" in the development of the first sphere, after which you can finally switch over. This process does not imply any "stops" or "finals". You just feel like you've got your hand enough to take the process to the next stage in line with your goals.

    Do not wait for a definite moment when it will be clear that the time has come to add new spheres, and even more so, confident inner readiness. This will not happen.

    It's just that at some point you need to understand very clearly about yourself - are you a juggler with always one apple or are you a virtuoso of your life?

    And move on to the next stage - adding goals for other areas of life, taking into account that the previous processes remain in force. I talked about this transition in detail here.

    Apples should not fall. But they will drop initially. This must be experienced while continuing to develop your skill.

    Juggling training - this is not a story about the fact that, after filling your hand with one apple, you put it aside and take another, that is, after one sphere, suddenly switch to another, because it also needs a lot of attention. No. This is where the very work begins in all areas of life - adding new elements to the existing process and continuing your conscious play with them.

    A little about concentration from Pavel Durov:

    The ability to concentrate on one lesson for many hours is a skill that is less and less common in our mobile-online era. But it is precisely this skill that is required for an intellectual, creative, or spiritual breakthrough. The future belongs to those who develop immunity to technological attention traps and retain the ability to concentrate for a long time.

    3. Visible lightness, known as virtuosity, comes only after hard training.

    “If what you do is not easy for you, don't do it,” is another excellent monetization advice that is actively promoted.

    Indeed, a professional juggler easily throws balls, a confident tightrope walker walks along the cable without tension, and an experienced snowboarder flies on the trampolines as if it were as natural as running.

    Virtuosity is the feeling of lightness with maximum concentration that comes with mastery.

    But was it easy for these people from the very beginning, when they learned to "spin their first apple"? And who would they be if they listened to such advice? Rather, who would they have remained?

    Forever promising ...

    The ability to develop the vision that there is no difference between this snowboarder and any area of \u200b\u200byour life, that all existence is woven from the same fabric and obeys the same laws, and all people around are nothing more than an extension of each other - this is the first a step towards becoming an inner juggler capable of keeping balance in the development of all spheres of life. And this is much more exciting and productive than endless fuss with the inner child.

    Yes, it scares me. Let's remember the US presidential election. Trump won because many people lost money in the 2008-2009 global crisis. They no longer feel like they can get back on their feet, prices are constantly rising, and people were really annoyed about the American government's course. The election of Trump or the vote for Brexit is caused by the huge discontent of ordinary people, since for them the global economy was not working effectively enough, despite all the loud statements from politicians. The problem is that even the heads of state themselves do not have sufficient leverage to rule the world, which is changing so rapidly through the implementation of an artificial intelligence system. It's destructive for the workforce. And if people are so annoyed with the consequences of the global crisis and the inability to make more money, then they will simply be furious to learn that they no longer have a truck driver or accountant job. And instead of them, the duties are performed by the computer, which does not need a pension or salary, which will not go on strike and will not complain, will not take sick leave.

    Therefore, the main question here is: what skills will we need in this new world? The rule "live and learn" works regardless of age and position. We should all learn new skills. This is very important today, people must learn. New types of activities will appear that do not exist now. It usually happens like this: with the advent of new technologies, new specialties appear, this has historically developed over the past 30-40 years. The computerization of the world has created more jobs than it has destroyed. But the advent of artificial intelligence is destroying more jobs than it is creating. For example, 25 million jobs will disappear in the United States, but only 10 million will appear - this is a huge difference, 15 million jobs simply will not.

    Therefore, people urgently need to master new skills over the next 5 years and constantly keep in mind that over the next 5-10 years, many types of work will be transferred to robots with artificial intelligence.

    First, we need to become more tech-savvy, teach how to write codes, for example. But there is a downside: if the computer itself writes the code more intelligently than a person, why bother? Robots have already been created that will be able to invent whole new languages. So - rather unexpectedly - we should be exploring the creative field, like music or making games. Machines have difficulties with such things, people understand this much better. There are also things that are much more valuable if they are made by hand: for example, jewelry can be made by a machine, but you don't want to buy such a thing, because you will probably like something made by the same person like you more. Such a thing will have its own story, and its value will be higher. It's the same with clothes - you don't want a thing that was designed by a robot. Cheap clothes can be made by machines, but exclusive outfits are made by hand, and the designer puts his creative impulse into their creation.

    In order for a person to be an integral harmonious personality and to feel satisfied, he needs to develop in all the main spheres of life. Accordingly, for this it is necessary to know the main spheres of human life in which one needs to develop. We will talk about this and much more in this article.

    Initially, we must understand that a person is simply obliged to start at least somehow work on himself and develop as a person. Without this, life passes under the total influence of fate, which is quite easy to learn from an experienced astrologer or palmist, for example.

    I hope that the prospect of being a puppet in the hands of fate does not appeal to you and you want to get out of its influence at least a little. This is within the power of each of us, but it takes a lot of effort.

    The problem of dissatisfaction in life

    Most people feel dissatisfied and unhappy precisely because they miss an important moment in the development of all spheres of life.

    As a rule, a modern materialistic person directs his attention mainly to some things and objects that are valuable from his point of view, but completely forgets about the more subtle and important aspects of human life.

    The problem is that this one itself a purely materialistic concept of life inevitably brings suffering to absolutely every person who adheres to it... Frankly speaking, in matter and happiness is not present, and so, temporary satisfaction.

    That is why there are many examples from life when a person who has everything from a material point of view, but does not feel happiness. Many people with a low level of consciousness do not understand this. They believe that when you are rich, you automatically become happy.

    See the video for more details:

    But it also does not mean that we completely need to stop thinking about the material aspects of life. We live in the material world, therefore, by will, not by will, we have to reckon with this. All materialists face this problem.

    So, let's take a look at all the main areas of human life.

    The main spheres of human life

    There are four main areas of human life. Some authors divide them more broadly, but their whole variety can be reduced to four groups. Each of these areas of life requires attention to itself. Harmonious development in these four directions is the main condition for happiness.

    Physical sphere

    This area is our health and everything connected with it. Health is often cited as the most important area, putting it first. But in part, this is a delusion.

    Health and the physical sphere of life in general are important without a doubt, but they are not the main goal of human life, since without any options the body will die, no matter how we take care of it.

    Therefore, it is important to keep your thinking sober: understand that health is important, but not of great importance without the development of the following main areas of human life .

    Social sphere

    This is the sphere of relations with all the people around you, as well as with oneself, which is important. This also includes the ability to make money, since this is directly related to society and the benefits that we bring to it.

    I would like to note that this area is very important for the happiness and success of a person. Depending on what kind of relationship we build with people, our destiny develops, and this also directly affects the attitude towards ourselves.

    Any activity in society is impossible without relationships with people, what can we say about relationships with relatives, which are extremely important in life.

    The moment we stop caring about relationships with people, those relationships immediately begin to deteriorate.

    Remember that we must learn to build right relationships, first with parents and teachers, then with a spouse, then with children, with colleagues, with friends, etc.

    Intellectual sphere

    This area includes areas such as development in professional activity, goal setting, working with emotions and mind, etc. Many authors identify these areas as separate areas.

    It is important to learn to feed your mind and mind with the right "food", because our way of thinking, our values \u200b\u200band our future destiny depend on it.

    In this case, it is important in which environment we spend most of the time. It is difficult to change your worldview while staying in an old environment that, for example, does not want to develop and is skeptical about everything except money, drinks, etc.

    Spiritual realm

    I am not afraid of this word, but this is the most important sphere of human life. If this area is forgotten by people, then he will definitely live a priceless human life in vain.

    This includes serious spiritual growth, the development of selflessness and non-condemnation, service to God and all living beings, and much more. It is important to understand that we have a spiritual nature and are not a physical body that we can see in a mirror.

    Remember that as we develop the spiritual realm, we simultaneously fill all other realms. Everything else depends on spirituality, and not vice versa.

    How to develop the main areas of human life?

    Now we need to determine the steps that need to be taken to develop a particular area of \u200b\u200bhuman life. Of course, this is a big topic, so here will be a short description of the process plus a video in addition.

    Physical development

    In the physical realm, we need to learn how to properly handle our body. This is the area from which the process of personality self-development usually begins.

    Be sure to include here:

    - any physical activity, but in moderation (running, gym, fitness, dancing, etc.)

    - cleanliness of the body and environment

    - harmonious sex life

    - eradication of bad habits

    That's not all, but start working in these areas at least.

    Development of the social sphere

    In this area, there is one simple recipe for how to build the right relationships with people. First, remember an important rule:

    You must always invest your strength in relationships with all categories of people who can be divided into senior, equal and junior.

    How to properly invest in relationships? Someone needs time, someone needs to say a kind word, and someone needs to give something.

    But whatever it is, we must always:

    - people who are older than us in age, position, career ladder show respect

    - with people who are equal to us, need to be friends

    - people who are younger than us need provide support and care

    Never do the following:

    - do not envy your elders

    - do not quarrel with equals

    - do not humiliate the younger ones

    More details about this area in the video below.

    Development of the intellectual sphere

    We also need to develop in related areas, thanks to which we can move in the main direction.

    If you want to become one of the best in a particular field, then find someone who is already the best and start learning from him.

    Development of the spiritual sphere

    The first thing to understand is that I am a soul, a spiritual being with an eternal nature. This is not always easy and quick to happen, so the following are points to help you do this.

    For the development of the spiritual sphere, it is necessary to gain knowledge about the soul, about eternity, about God, about the spiritual world, about spiritual development.

    Methods for correct spiritual development:

    - listening to lectures on spiritual topics

    - reading the scriptures

    - communication with exalted people

    - spiritual practice

    - searching for a spiritual teacher and serving him

    You can find out all directions of development in each of the areas right now by watching the video below. It understands all four spheres of life in detail (I decided that it would be more convenient to tell about this in a video than to write a huge article).


    There are even more useful free videos on the youtube video channel. Recommend.

    Summary of the article

    So, in the article you have learned the main areas of human life. These are the physical, social, intellectual and spiritual realms. You also learned how to develop each area.

    Sergey Yuriev http: //site/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/Blog-loglogotip-bloga-sergeya-yurev-6.jpgSergey Yuriev2016-09-19 05:00:25 2018-06-18 12:06:18 The main spheres of human life and their development

    After talking with technology and innovation experts at Singularity University in California, Pete Flint collected different predictions about the future: about how we will think, about the opportunities that will open up to us, and about the challenges that society will have to face.

    Pete Flint

    Investor and technology consultant, founder and director of online real estate service Trulia, founder of, an online travel service.

    An optimistic outlook suggests that advances in technology will solve some of the big problems in areas ranging from medicine to transportation and energy. This will allow reaching a qualitatively new level of life.

    Already, the rate of change is very high: literally every week something new appears in business and technology. In the future, the speed of progress will only increase. And this entails changes in ethics, culture and society. New problems will arise that humanity will have to solve.

    Features of the development of innovations

    1. In fact, it is very difficult to predict the future, because it is too illogical and the principles of exponential growth do not apply in many areas of life. In terms of technology, many of them are developing exponentially. As a result, we often overestimate the impact of scientific discoveries in the short term and underestimate the long term.

    2. It is often difficult to predict the future because of companies that innovate that are attractive to a limited number of people. The public either does not notice such innovations, or ridicules them. Nonetheless, these companies are growing rapidly and provide decisive advantages for themselves, while other organizations are either unable to use the new product, or are unwilling to do so, or they are doing it too late.

    3. Innovation is like a baton, where one group of people creates something and passes on to another. First, dreamers pass their ideas on to innovators, who, in turn, pass on products to entrepreneurs, and they - to big businessmen, creators of empires, in order to put the product on a financial basis and introduce it to the masses. Successful technology investment depends on timing and understanding how innovation evolves.

    GLAS-8 /

    4. We must be enthusiastic about the emergence of superintelligence that will help solve many important problems. Especially considering the fact that technological breakthroughs happen both when deeply immersed in one science, and at the junction of different disciplines.

    5. Consumer technology is constantly improving. Usability, data analysis, analytics will be of increasing importance. The companies that are doing this now have great prospects for the future.

    6. Some technology companies, whose activities are based on their own data, public data or intellectual property assets, on the contrary, will weaken. Because other companies and communities provide data for free or for very little money to attract users to their services.

    7. or artificial intelligence will make many people happy.

    Adam McIver /

    8. have practically become a commodity of mass consumption. In the future, increased power and number of sensors, lower prices, more advanced interfaces and lower costs will drive the further proliferation of robots.

    Richard Unten /

    9. Robots will become much more interesting when they begin to do what is not available to humans, instead of just replacing humans, as is happening now.

    10. The shift to self-driving electric vehicles will greatly affect everyday life in general. And this will happen much earlier than expected, and before people have time to prepare for this. The fact that during the trip you can do whatever you like and not follow the road, cities and areas. In large cities, this will affect the quality of life and is likely to lead to a surge in urbanization.

    11. The introduction of electric vehicles will start slowly and then quickly pick up steam. As gas stations become less in demand, it will become less and less profitable to have a regular car over time.

    12. Changes in robotics and the introduction of innovations in manufacturing and agriculture will destroy the traditional production chains that exist today. This will create many business opportunities.

    The medicine

    hooleyp /

    13. In the near future, 3D printing will allow the creation of cartilage and bones, taking into account the characteristics of a particular person. In the long term, molecular and nano printing will create devices and robots that will revolutionize medicine. For example, with the help of such a seal, it will be possible to create organs for transplantation.

    14. The cost of genomic testing is falling rapidly, and this procedure will cost a penny in the next decade. This will have a major impact on and at the same time the emergence of consumer health products and crazy ideas like smart toilets and showers based on sensitive sensors.

    15. The ability to conduct low-cost genetic research, combined with data analysis, will shift the focus of medicine from treatment to diagnosis and prevention of disease. This will allow finding cures for the worst killers of our time - cancer and neurological disorders.

    16. To account for the huge amount of information obtained from sensitive, inexpensive sensors, medicine will need analytics and artificial intelligence. Fragmentation and accounting of information will become the main problems of medicine.

    17. People born in developing countries today have every chance to live 2.5 years longer than those born 10 years ago. As technology advances exponentially, human life expectancy will increase with every decade. So in the future, those who will be born in a few decades will have every chance to live a very, very long time (if, of course, they can afford it). In this regard, a number of problems will arise - financial, cultural and social.

    Finance and economics

    18. Blockchain - a technology for reliable distributed data storage - will soon change the way financial institutions work. They will become almost invisible to us.

    PROre: publica /

    19. will evolve until it becomes practically indistinguishable from the real world. Moreover, it will surpass reality in the quality of experience and functionality. This will go really far and will have a huge impact on our society.


    20. The cost of obtaining solar energy will fall, so it will be used more and more often.

    Takver /

    21. Over the past few decades, changes in the energy sector are not held back by technology, but by politics and social factors.

    22. Innovation in energy storage and transportation matters even more than new energy extraction technologies.

    23. Digitizing information will create potential threats, so the investment in security will be huge.


    24. Most likely, the skills required for the job are. To stay afloat, the specialist will need to undergo repeated training. A new approach to education and career will be required.

    25. Our children and grandchildren will live in a different world. For them to be successful, we must provide them with continuous learning and knowledge in technology, engineering, and develop critical thinking, creativity and sensitivity.

    Organizations of the future

    26. As technology advances, the demands on the productivity of organizations and leaders will increase. This will shorten the lifespan of most companies. The most successful organizations of the future are those that will continue to train employees and introduce new technologies throughout their existence.

    27. Companies that have the ability to rapidly innovate and change will always keep pace with progress.


    28. To prevent a sharp decline in jobs, the government will need to provide everyone with a basic income, whether they work or not, and help them get through the changes in society and in the workplace.

    29. The number of US jobs is expected to halve over the next 20 years due to computerization and the replacement of humans with robots. In less developed countries this figure will be lower.

    30. Job cuts due to the introduction of robots and artificial intelligence are predictable and inevitable, just as they were in the past when automating enterprises. But it is difficult to predict how the government and society will react to this.

    31. The rapid development of technology should help people in all areas of life. But if there are no major changes in government and society, then technologies will be available only to a small number of wealthy people, which will further divide society into classes.

    32. Some developing countries will be able to overtake others in building certain types of infrastructures and gain an economic advantage, just as established companies are beating out by adopting a new, more efficient model of operation.

    33. The future reflects many stories that are woven into traditional religions: life after death, out-of-body experience, eradicating disease, curing paralysis, superintelligence, and so on. Is this a coincidence? Or has our human nature pushed us to solve these problems throughout history? And how will religions react to miracles becoming commonplace?

    34. Perhaps society will become more humane, or maybe it will value human nature more in a digitized life. As technology becomes more and more invisible, a person moves up the Maslow pyramid of needs and begins to value things around him in a way that all generations of people before him could not.

    Topic 7. The concept of social progress

    The problem of the direction of the changes taking place in society originated in antiquity and remained quite controversial.

    Different views on the direction of social development

    French enlighteners - history of continuous renewal, improvement of all aspects of society.

    Religious movements - the prevalence of regression in many spheres of society.

    Plato, Aristotle, J. Vico, O. Spengler, A. Toynbee - movement along certain steps within a closed cycle, that is, the theory of the historical cycle.

    Contemporary researchers - positive changes in some spheres of society can be combined with stagnation and regression in others, that is, the conclusion about the inconsistency of progress.

    Humanity as a whole has never regressed, but its forward movement could be delayed and even stopped for a while, as they say stagnation .

    The concept of progress in modern conditions is increasingly being transformed towards enriching it with humanistic parameters and characteristics. The development of a person in his spiritual and physical dimensions, the awareness of the intrinsic value of human existence, the creation of favorable conditions for a person - this is the progress of modern society. As humanistic criteria the following indicators of the progressive development of society are put forward: average human life expectancy, child and maternal mortality, health status, level of education, development of various spheres of culture, sense of life satisfaction, degree of respect for human rights, attitude to nature, etc.

    Sample assignment

    B2.Below is a list of terms. All of them, with the exception of one, are associated with the concept of "progress".

    Social reform; stagnation; social revolution; social development; modernization.

    Find and specify a term that is not related to the concept of "progress".

    Answer: Stagnation.

    Topic 8. Processes of globalization and the formation of a single humanity

    In the modern world, there is a significant strengthening of ties between individuals, organizations and states, and the interdependence between them is growing. Humanity is developing, expanding its ties and contacts. People are more and more aware of themselves as a single community, where everyone is connected with many thousands of other people in all parts of the Earth.

    The modern world in all its diversity is one, and its parts are closely interconnected.

    Globalization the process of integration of states and peoples in different fields of activity.

    The main causes of globalization: transition from an industrial society to an information society, to high technologies; transition from the centralization of the economy to its decentralization; transition from the national economy to the world one; transition from alternative choice ("either / or") to variety of choice; use of new communication technologies: the Internet, satellite television.

    Globalization is a process during which the mutual influence and interdependence of peoples and states increases.

    The main directions of globalization: activities of transnational corporations with branches around the world; globalization of financial markets; international economic integration within individual regions; creation of international organizations in the economic and financial spheres: International Monetary Fund, World Bank, World Trade Organization, etc.

    The formation of a global economy gives rise to the interdependence of the economies of individual states. The success or crisis of countries is having a tangible impact around the world. Power becomes powerless in front of global processes. This prompts the unification of efforts of different countries to address socio-economic and political issues, for example, the expanding European Economic Community.

    On the issue of the formation of a single humanity, there are the following points of view:

    - The unity of humanity is only apparent. People speak thousands of languages, profess different religions, adhere to different values. The world is not at all one. It is diverse and multifaceted.

    - The modern world does not leave much room for variety. People in different parts of the world eat the same foods, watch the same TV programs, read the same literature, etc. The existing differences should disappear in connection with the information revolution that has swept the whole world today.

    - The world is one and diverse. The stronger the tendency towards unity, the more clearly the diversity of cultures, lifestyles, and social values \u200b\u200bis manifested. One does not contradict the other. The unity of humanity complements its diversity.

    In the modern era, humanity gains unity Not only anthropological - as a biological species, but also social - uniting into an integral world social system, and cultural - because in the interchange of the achievements of different cultures, a single common human culture is formed.

    Sample assignment

    A1.Choose the correct answer. Are the following judgments about the consequences of the globalization process correct?

    A. Globalization contributes to the integrity of the world and its development.

    B. Globalization promotes the spread of values \u200b\u200band norms characteristic of Euro-American culture.

    1) only A is true

    2) only B is true

    3) both statements are true

    4) both judgments are wrong

    Answer: 3.

    Topic 9. Global problems of humanity

    The term "global problems" appeared in scientific literature at the end of the 60s. XX century The global problems of our time are not something new for the current stage of human development, but represent an exacerbation and deepening in modern conditions of the previously existing problems in the system "man - nature - society".

    All global problems are interconnected. It is impossible to solve each of them separately: humanity must solve them together in order to preserve life on the planet.

    Taking into account the current level of social development and the special acuteness of the global problems facing humanity, various social forecasts of the prospects for humanity are made:

    Pessimistic forecasts ("environmental pessimism") are connected with the fact that it is impossible to solve the global problems of mankind, since this will require the implementation of such measures that are practically impossible to implement (for example, the suspension of population growth, the rejection of technical and technological progress, a decrease in the level of consumption, etc.). The inevitability of an ecological catastrophe, "the end of history", the death of mankind.

    Moderately optimistic forecasts ("scientific and technical optimism") substantiate by the fact that scientific and technical discoveries and technological innovations can become the basis for solving the most complex of global problems. A condition for this is the adoption by the world community of the concept of "sustainable development", according to which the scientific, technical and technological revolution should be subordinated to the interests of survival, preservation of the natural environment of human existence.

    Sample assignment

    B4.Find the global problems of our time in the list below and circle the numbers under which they are indicated.

    1) the problem of education of the masses

    2) demographic problem

    3) food problem

    4) trade problem

    5) the problem of using space

    6) scientific problem

    Write the circled numbers in ascending order.

    Answer: 235.

    Section 2. Spiritual life of society

    Topic 1. Culture and spiritual life

    Culture is a very complex phenomenon, which is reflected in the hundreds of its definitions and interpretations that exist today. The most common are the following approaches to understanding culture as a phenomenon of public life:

    - Technological approach: culture is the totality of all achievements in the development of the material and spiritual life of society.

    - Activity approach: culture - creative activity carried out in the spheres of material and spiritual life of society.

    - Value-based approach: culture is the practical implementation of universal human values \u200b\u200bin the affairs and relationships of people.

    Starting from the 1st century. BC e. the word “culture” (from the Latin cultura - care, cultivation, cultivation of the land) meant the upbringing of a person, the development of his soul and education. It finally came into use as a philosophical concept in the 18th - early 19th centuries. and denoted the evolution of mankind, the gradual improvement of language, customs, state structure, scientific knowledge, art, religion. At this time it was close in meaning to the concept of "civilization". The concept of "culture" was contrasted with the concept of "nature", that is, culture is what man created, and nature is what exists independently of him.

    Based on numerous works of various scientists, the concept " culture »In the broad sense of the word can be defined as a historically conditioned dynamic complex of forms, principles, methods and results of active creative activity of people constantly renewing in all spheres of social life.

    Culture in the narrow sense - the process of active creative activity, during which spiritual values \u200b\u200bare created, distributed and consumed.

    In connection with the existence of two types of activity - material and spiritual - two main spheres of the existence and development of culture can be distinguished.

    The division of culture into material and spiritual is very arbitrary, since it is sometimes very difficult to draw a line between them, because they simply do not exist in their "pure" form: spiritual culture can be embodied in material carriers (books, paintings, tools, etc.). etc.). Understanding all the relativity of the difference between material and spiritual culture, most researchers nevertheless believe that it still exists.

    Under spiritual life of society usually understand that the area of \u200b\u200bbeing, in which objective reality is given to people not in the form of opposing objective activity, but as a reality that is present in the person himself, which is an integral part of his personality.

    The spiritual life of a person arises on the basis of his practical activity, is a special form of reflection of the surrounding world and a means of interaction with it.

    The spiritual life usually includes knowledge, faith, feelings, experiences, needs, abilities, aspirations and goals of people. Taken in unity, they constitute the spiritual world of the individual.

    Spiritual life is closely related to other spheres of society and is one of its subsystems.

    Elements of the spiritual sphere of society: morality, science, art, religion, law.

    The spiritual life of a society covers various forms and levels of social consciousness: moral, scientific, aesthetic, religious, political, legal consciousness.

    Sample assignment

    A1.Choose the correct answer. Are the following judgments about culture correct?

    A. Culture - a set of values, the general level of intellectual, moral, aesthetic development of people.

    B. Culture - a set of historically established forms of joint activities of people.

    1) only A is true

    2) only B is true

    3) both statements are true

    4) both judgments are wrong

    Answer: 1.

    Topic 2. Forms and varieties of culture: folk, mass and elite; youth subculture

    When it comes to cultural diversity, it is understood in different ways.

    However, most often, speaking about the diversity of cultures, they mean three forms of culture: elite, popular, mass and its two varieties: subculture (from Latin sub - under) and counterculture (from Latin contra - against).

    The criterion for the presence and formation of a subculture is the totality of all its parameters.

    Components and signs of a subculture, knowledge (picture of the world in the narrow sense of the word); values; style and lifestyle; social institutions as a system of norms; skills, abilities, methods of implementation, methods; social roles and statuses; needs and inclinations.

    Popular and elite cultures are not hostile to each other. Achievements, artistic techniques, ideas of "elite art" after a while cease to be innovative and are adopted by mass culture, raising its level. At the same time, profit-making popular culture enables film companies, publishing houses, and model houses to support the “creators” of elite art.

    The youth subculture is often viewed as deviant (deviating), expressing a certain degree of opposition to the dominant culture. It develops most often on the basis of peculiar styles in clothing and music and is associated with the development of a consumer society, creating more and more new markets for products aimed primarily at young people. Youth culture is a culture of conspicuous consumption. Its emergence is also associated with an increase in the role and significance of free time, leisure, around which all relationships are formed. The youth subculture also focuses more on peer group friendships rather than family. In addition, the growth of living standards allows large-scale experiments with the way of life, the search for other, different from the culture of adults, cultural foundations of their existence.

    Sample assignment

    B6.Read the text below where a number of words are missing. Select from the provided list the words to be inserted in place of the blanks.

    “Initially, in the interaction of innovation and ____________ (1) in culture, the dominant role is played by the latter, which consolidates and retains slowly accumulating innovations. Moreover, this system in the early stages of the development of society is necessarily characterized by extreme cruelty, does not allow even a shadow of ______________ (2). The deeper into the past, the more we see a person swaddled in speech and figurative stamps and stencils, in formulas for assessments and ______________ (3), in the formulas of everyday ____________ (4), practical ____________ (5), beliefs. He is relieved of the need to think: almost just in case of life, almost for every question there is a saying, proverb, quote, verse, writing, generalized artistic _____________ (6) ".

    The words in the list are given in the nominative, singular. Choose one word after another in sequence, mentally filling in each gap. Note that there are more words in the list than you need to fill in the blanks.

    B) behavior

    C) democracy

    D) innovation

    E) art

    E) reason

    G) continuity

    3) tradition

    I) wisdom

    The table below shows the pass numbers. Write under each number the letter corresponding to the word you have chosen.

    Answer: ZVBIEA.

    Topic 3. Mass media

    Mass media (mass media) have a huge influence on the formation of spiritual models (standards) of mass culture.

    The media are:

    The totality of all channels of information transmission: print (newspapers, magazines, newsletters, newsletters, etc.); radio; the television; cinema; video; The Internet.

    The totality of all genres through which the entire content of the mass media is realized: note; interview; reportage; report; correspondence; comment; review; conversation; talk show; press conference; questionnaire; feature article; essay; interactive survey; feuilleton; pamphlet.

    The media influence not only feelings, attitudes, social attitudes, value orientations, etc., but also the form and in what ways they spread among various social groups, how they manifest themselves in the activity and behavior of the latter. Their enormous role will become especially evident if we consider that the tools of communication and knowledge, as such, are at the same time tools of power.

    Efficiency and dynamism, widespread use of documentary and artistic forms contribute to the fact that the media quickly and effectively influence the spiritual life of society, on the consciousness of the broadest masses. They can quickly and easily persuade public opinion in support of some specific goals, campaigns, a particular political course, etc. The media contribute to the perception and assimilation of the dominant values, ideals, ideological and political attitudes by people. characterized by universality, standardize and form a homogeneous culture, unify opinions, orientations, attitudes, behavioral guidelines.

    Verbal expression of information, especially for audiovisual media, is not the only and not always the most important element of information activities. The ever-growing stream of images, symbols, signals pushes aside the word not only as a means of transmission, but also as an element of the culture of our time. The media are becoming the main agent for the production and distribution of culture.

    Sample assignment

    B3.Read the text below, each position is numbered.

    (1) Today the press, radio and television have become indispensable attributes of modern life. (2) During the Soviet period, there was no such variety of publications and programs in the mass information sphere, representing the entire spectrum of opinions. (3) Among researchers of mass communication, there is an opinion that in Soviet times, methods of influencing the audience were coercive. (4) In our opinion, a democratic society brings with it other models of influence on the population, since now it is not the army hierarchy that works, but a game on equal terms.

    Determine which positions of the text are:

    A) factual nature

    B) the nature of value judgments

    Write a letter under the position number indicating its nature.

    Transfer the resulting sequence of letters to the answer form.

    Answer: AABB.

    Topic 4. Art, its forms, main directions

    Art is the central link in aesthetic culture, a special form of social consciousness.

    There are a number of theories about the origin of art:

    biologizing - the origin of art from the need to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Art arises from emotional excitement, the psyche, which is in a state of conflict, at the moments of transformation and switching of the energy of elementary drives towards the goals of high creative activity;

    playroom - the reasons for the emergence of art in the need for a person to spend energy unspent in labor activity, in the need for training to master social roles;

    magical - art is a form of various types of magic, introduced into the daily activities of a primitive man;

    labor - art is the result of labor: the useful qualities of the objects produced become an object of artistic pleasure.

    Art practical human activity aimed at mastering and creating aesthetic values. Art expresses an aesthetic attitude to the world. It creates a special reality - artistic, in which the aesthetic reflection of the world, as a rule, has little to do with the utilitarian needs of man.

    There are different views on art in society: art is an imitation of nature; "Nature is the best master of forms." Art is the creative self-expression of a person or a symbolic and symbolic concept.

    Piece of art man, his relationship with the outside world and other individuals, as well as the life of people in certain historical conditions. The life of people is reflected in art in all its diversity in the form of artistic images, which, being the result of fiction, nevertheless are a reflection of reality and always bear the imprint of really existing objects, events and phenomena. With the help of an artistic image, the process of artistic generalization takes place, the selection of essential features of cognizable objects.

    The form of being art work of fiction, which has a specific and genre specificity and is realized as a material object - a sign that conveys to people a certain artistic concept that has aesthetic value.

    Art as a cultural phenomenon is subdivided into a number of species, each of which has a specific language, its own sign system: architecture (architecture); painting (genres: portrait, still life, landscape, genre genre, animalistic genre, historical genre); sculpture (easel, decorative, monumental); arts and crafts; literature; music; theater; the circus; ballet; movie; photography; stage.

    Art as a form of artistic knowledge has specificity: is figurative and descriptive; uses special methods of reproducing the surrounding reality, the means by which artistic images are created (word; sound; color, etc.); plays an important role in the process of cognition, imagination and fantasy of the cognizing subject.

    Art performs many different functions in society, about the content of which there are disputes between supporters of various theories.

    Sample assignment

    C8.State your thoughts (your point of view, attitude) about the problems raised in the statements. Provide the necessary arguments to substantiate your position.

    In carrying out the assignment, use the knowledge gained in the course of social studies, the relevant concepts, as well as the facts of social life and your own life experience.

    “The goal of art is not a dream, but real life” (R. Rolland).

    “Art is loved by those who have failed in life” (V. Klyuchevsky).