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  • How to quickly and easily tie up tomatoes. How to properly tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse and open field: tying methods

    How to quickly and easily tie up tomatoes.  How to properly tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse and open field: tying methods

    Most gardeners and summer residents who grow different crops must allocate beds for tomatoes. This pattern is not surprising, since growing such a vegetable is quite interesting. Varieties of tomatoes are different - both undersized and tall.

    Preference is given to tall tomato crops, as they are able to produce large tomatoes. Such plants, of course, need proper care, but the result will be excellent. Of particular importance in the care of seedlings is the procedure for tying bushes. Gardeners know a special technology correct tying tall tomatoes in open ground.

    Why is the tying procedure necessary?

    Despite the fact that the stems of plants can be strong, experienced summer residents still recommend tying shrubs. As a rule, many varieties of tomatoes need such a procedure. An important point is the tying up of tall plants that can reach a height of up to 2 m.

    If we are talking about low-growing varieties of tomatoes, then they do not need to be tied up. However, such varieties are less often used by summer residents, since every gardener tries to rationally use the territory of the site. And tall crops save space, as they take up less space.

    Tying up tomatoes is an important agricultural procedure. Performs the following functions:

    • During the period of fruit growth, the stems are not damaged under the weight of ripe tomatoes. Culture does not expend energy on survival, but directs them to ensure high yields;
    • Since the bush grows vertically, the access to light and fresh air for plants increases. Shrubs begin to grow and develop better;
    • Precipitation in the form of rain is not terrible for tomatoes. If the plant grows vertically, then the stems, shoots and fruits will not rot;
    • A tied bush simplifies the spraying procedure;
    • In addition, it simplifies the implementation of other care procedures, such as mulching, hilling, weeding;
    • When watering tomatoes, avoid getting water on the foliage of the plant. The process of tying facilitates the fulfillment of such a condition;
    • Since in the process of tying the fruits are located high above the ground, this allows them to be protected from damage by mice and slugs.

    Based on the above arguments, we can conclude that tying bushes is a necessary and useful procedure. It is necessary to start the process of tying up plants 15-20 days after the seedlings are planted in a permanent place of growth. Read about it in another article.

    Tying methods

    It is worth noting that gardening develops every year. Breeders are constantly developing new varieties of vegetable crops. In practice, gardeners have tried different methods of tying. Feeding and pinching shrubs are important steps in growing tomato crops.

    On pegs

    This is one of the most popular ways to keep the stems upright. tall tomatoes. To do this, you need to drive a peg into the ground next to the bush, and then carefully tie the stem of the plant to it. If necessary, tie up the shrub in several places. The height of the peg can be about 20 cm above the stem of the seedling.

    You can tie the stems using any pieces of fabric. It is optimal to choose synthetic material, since natural fabric will begin to rot, which will harm the plant. An indispensable material in tying is leg-split.

    In specialized stores, you can buy "clamps" that can be used to secure tomatoes. Tying should be done high. The tourniquet should not be tightened too tight, otherwise the plants may die. As the tomato culture grows, the garter can be gradually shifted upwards.

    On the trellis

    If we are talking about the impressive size of the tomato plantation, then tying with pegs should not be used, the design will be uncomfortable. It is optimal to use tying plants on trellises. This will require a thin long beam or strong pegs. Stakes should be driven in on different sides of the beds, and a wire is stretched and fixed between them. Plants should be attached directly to the wire. This method can be used in several variations:

    1. The wire is stretched between the bars at a height of approximately 2 meters. For this procedure, it is recommended to use long twine. In the process of growing tomatoes, the stems will wrap around the twine.
    2. Wire rows should be stretched, which are fixed on stakes. Each individual bush should be tied to such a stretch. In addition, you can skip the lashes between the horizontal stripes as they grow. The result is a kind of wickerwork of tomatoes.

    When choosing one of the options, it is worth remembering that it is impossible to tighten the ropes tightly on the stems. In addition, this method can be used to tie up individual fruits that will grow excessively weighty.

    Watch the video! How to build a trellis for tall tomatoes. We tie up tomatoes

    Important! The design on a long bed can be modified and made more durable. To do this, you need to drive additional pegs between the two main ones. With this design, even a strong wind will not be a hindrance.

    cages for vegetables

    How convenient to tie shrubs using special cages? Summer residents often build special cages for bushes. Such structures will last for several seasons. A separate cage is made for each bush. A rigid wire is used, from which identical circles should be formed. Next, the circles are fastened together, it is important to keep the distance using a vertical stand. As a result, cells of a cylindrical shape will be obtained.

    Such structures should be installed on a bed on top of tomato bushes. As the plants grow, you should make a garter. If there is no wire of the required thickness, you can make a cage out of wood. In addition, the structure can be wide so that it can cover several bushes. This method is more reliable than conventional stakes.


    In order to tie tomatoes, planted on open field, you can use special caps. Such caps are suitable for fixing the shoots of other crops. In order to make such a structure, you will need vine branches or wire. It is necessary to build a pyramid with a transverse and main viscous in the shape of a cell. Caps are installed on the bed during the period of planting seedlings. The distance between plants should be approximately 1 meter. If the territory of the site allows, then the distance may be greater.

    To date, there are approximately 10 thousand different. The largest tomatoes can grow and weigh up to 1.5 kg, and the smallest tomato has a diameter of 2 cm. Therefore, to the question, what way better tie up bushes, there is no exact answer. The method of tying must be chosen, focusing on the variety of tomatoes.

    Tying bushes is available even to inexperienced gardeners, since such a procedure does not require skills:

    1. Experienced gardeners advise every year to use new materials for attaching the stems to the props, as there may be an infection on the tissue flaps;
    2. It is important to disinfect the equipment to be used before the procedure. The easiest way is to boil the material;
    3. All actions must be carried out sequentially, without haste. Care must also be taken to avoid damaging the plants.


    The procedure for tying tomatoes is considered simple, but necessary. If it's about indeterminate tomatoes, then they are tied up in the same way as other varieties. Worth a look video instructions for tying technology. There are many nuances of the garter tall varieties tomatoes. This will accelerate their development and improve the state of the culture.

    Watch the video! How to tie up tomatoes in the open field

    Many beginner gardeners are interested in why and how they tie up tomatoes. Tomato is a rather capricious and demanding crop that requires increased attention in the process of growing. There are several simple ways to get a good crop of tomatoes.

    Carefully tied beds make it easy to care for plants. No matter how strong the stems of plants are, in the process of fruit ripening, they begin to bend to the ground, becoming a delicacy for slugs and worms, and sometimes they can break. This is especially true for tall tomatoes that can reach two meters in height.

    A simple procedure for tying tomatoes will bring great benefits to the future harvest and save them from typical problems. Why is a tomato garter useful for a beginner gardener?

    1. It is important to water tomato bushes under the root, without affecting the tops and fruits, so as not to provoke the appearance of burns on them under the influence of sunlight. Seedlings lying on the ground cannot be watered in this way.
    2. Tomato fruits will not be available to caterpillars, slugs, mice and other pests, as they will be located above ground level.
    3. The stem, leaves and fruits will be protected from excessive moisture and decay.
    4. The stem will not bend or break under the weight of the crop.
    5. Securely tied tomatoes will not die from heavy rains that can harm the plant with powerful blows, causing damage to the bushes.
    6. Garter tomato in the open field allows you to make tomato bushes as open as possible to the sun's rays, which will give them the opportunity to fully develop.
    7. Garter tomatoes will allow you to effectively carry out the spraying procedure to prevent all kinds of diseases.
    8. Growing tomatoes is impossible without carrying out procedures such as pinching, mulching. Tying tomatoes will make these processes easier.

    How to tie tomatoes

    With the development of vegetable growing, several options have been developed and taken root, how, with the help of tying, success in growing tomatoes can be achieved. Here are the main ways to garter tomatoes:

    • pegs;
    • cells;
    • tapestries;
    • caps;
    • hooks.

    With the help of pegs

    Many beginner gardeners are interested in the question - how to tie tomatoes to pegs? Using pegs is the most common way. It is important to use it on time. How to use it for a garter for a tomato? It is necessary to choose the appropriate height of each peg, corresponding to the dimensions of the bush. Tall seedlings will need pegs 2-2.5 meters high, medium-sized - much lower. To properly tie tomatoes, you need to use stakes, the height of which is 30 cm more than the height of the tomato bushes.

    Each peg must be firmly fixed in the ground, deepening it by 30 cm. It should be located at a distance of 10 cm from the tomato stem so as not to damage the roots (photo 1). The tomato should be tied loosely enough. First you need to tie the twine to the support, then wrap the stem without effort and tie it. As the plants grow, the tomato garter is repeated several times.

    It is worth noting that it is important to pre-burn wooden pegs and slats in a furnace or on a fire before installation. A garter on supports with charred ends can be used for a long time, otherwise the pegs will rot by the end of the season.

    With the help of cells

    When tying, you will need blanks in the form of circles made of thick wire. They need to be attached to metal supports, thus obtaining a strong cage in the form of a cylinder. The structures will be needed in large quantities - one for each bush. It is necessary to dig each cell to a depth of 15-20 cm and tie a seedling to it (photo 2).

    Instead of wire and rebar cages, you can make wooden ones by driving one support near individual tomato bushes to get a square cage. It will be much stronger than pegs.

    Such designs will last more than one year, although it will take a little effort to make them. As the tomatoes grow in the open field, the tying must be repeated several times.

    On trellis

    Successful cultivation of tomatoes is also possible thanks to tying bushes on trellises. The method consists in the fact that wooden supports about 3 m high are driven into the soil at opposite ends of the beds. If the beds are too long, several supports can be driven into one row at a distance of 2-4 m from each other. To their upper part as tightly as possible with the help of nails, you need to nail the slats to get a frame. We stretch the wire horizontally on the supports, the lower one should be located at a height of 25 cm from the ground.

    On the resulting frame, you need to make garters for a tomato in the form of a grid using soft wire or nylon rope. The trellis will serve as a solid support for growing bushes, especially if you install it on both sides of the beds. Such a wicker structure is not afraid of any wind (photo 3).

    Growing tomatoes on trellises allows you to tie individual bunches with pouring fruits so that they do not bend under their weight.

    Supports in the form of caps

    You can tie tomatoes in the open field on supports in the form of caps (pyramids). Seedling holes must be prepared by forming a triangle with sides of 35-40 cm. A column about 3 m high is driven in the center of the triangle, from the top of which 3 equal pieces of wire are pulled. They become a support for 3 plants at the same time.

    Such "wigwams" can be made from any improvised means - ropes, twine, vines. To cover 4 bushes, you can use a larger number of guy rods with transverse weaving in the form of a cage (photo 4).

    Crocheting tomatoes

    As a garter for tomatoes, it is convenient to use hooks that will effectively perform their function all summer long. With the help of hooks, the strongest supports for growing giant plants are obtained. This method seems rather complicated for tying tomatoes in the open field, but it is the one that is optimal for tying up tall tomato bushes.

    Along the entire length of the beds, you need to stretch the wire or rope, attaching it to the supports installed in the same way as for tying with trellises. From a used bicycle tube or old socks, tights, rings should be cut, and hooks should be made from dense, strong wire. Near each bush, you need to stretch the fishing line, place loops on it at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other, thread hooks into them, and the design is ready. It remains to bring the rings under the desired branches, bend them in half and thread hooks into them. As the bush grows, the garter is repeated, only the ring is put on the hook located above.

    Plants tied in this way are not damaged, because the soft material does not cut into them, and the clusters do not break under the weight of the pouring fruits.

    How to tie up tomatoes (video)

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    No matter how strong the stem is, all gardeners recommend tying tomatoes in the open field. Any varieties of tomatoes require timely garters, and especially tall ones - those that reach 2 meters in height. Low-growing varieties are often not tied up at all, but the proportion of their cultivation compared to taller varieties that give a more abundant harvest is constantly decreasing, because everyone is striving for the expedient use of every square meter of land on the site. Therefore, with the same care, labor costs and planting area, high varieties are more rational and cost-effective than their low counterparts.

    A tomato garter is not a tribute to garden traditions, but a “production necessity”. This simple procedure has a lot of benefits for your future harvest, namely:

    What gives a garter

    • The stem will not bend and break as it grows and under the weight of the fruit, so its vitality will not be used to fight for survival, but will only be aimed at a good harvest.
    • With a vertical arrangement of the tomato bush, it will be as open as possible to sunlight and fresh air, so it will develop sufficiently, because the plant loves the sun and will give an excellent harvest.
    • Inevitable rains and downpours will not be able to damage the tomato in the open field if it is securely fixed on an additional support.
    • Tied tomatoes are easier to spray, and the effectiveness of the procedure will be higher, so such bushes will be less susceptible to diseases characteristic of growing these vegetables.
    • It is also much easier to carry out other procedures for the care of seedlings in the open field: mulching, hilling, weeding, pinching
    • Garter of a tomato stem will simplify watering, because, based on the correct growing technology, the vegetable does not welcome the ingress of excess moisture on the leaves, so it is better to do any water procedures near the root.
    • Tying up the stem will keep the fruit some distance off the ground, so your crop won't become a dining room for slugs or mice.
    • Excessive soil moisture will not harm the ripening of the fruit if they are not located on the ground, so the garter will keep the vegetables from rotting on the branches.

    Namely, based on the above positive aspects of the tomato garter, experienced gardeners never forget about this stage of growing a vegetable.

    The construction of garter devices should begin 2 or 3 weeks after planting seedlings in open ground. In total, you will need to strengthen the stem 3-6 times during the season by tying it to a support. The amount will depend on the tallness of the variety you choose to grow.


    With the development of horticulture, the breeding of new crops by breeders and the invention of modern materials, several methods of gartering a tomato when grown in open ground have appeared and taken root in vegetable growing. Each of them has proven its effectiveness in practice, so you can safely choose any that is convenient for you and your summer cottage. You may even be able to invent something of your own based on them, so let's take a closer look at each option on how to properly tie up tomatoes.

    To begin, note that any of the methods below use materials that do not harm the plant, so follow the tips and you will never have problems growing tomatoes. The twine, which you will use as a handy tool in order to tie up the tomato bushes, must not be tightened tightly so that it does not crash into the stem of the plant. For fastenings, any fabric torn into strips, twine or other type of rope will do. Wire or fishing line will not work at all, because it can cut deep into the stem and irreparably destroy it.

    Natural fabrics are good, but not entirely acceptable for open ground, because. can rot and fall off, but even worse - become an incubator for a pathogenic infection. Therefore, we will choose something synthetic, but not too thin to tie up the stem. By the way, you can use materials for gartering grapes. In any case, the rule applies: the garter material is chosen by you for one year, and then thrown away so as not to transfer a possible infection or disease to new seedlings of the next year.


    The first, and also the most common way for open ground, is the use of tall pegs. Stakes can be metal or wooden, their material does not matter, the main thing is to use them on time and correctly. The height of each peg should correspond to the "growth" of the tomato bush.

    For low and medium-sized varieties, you can choose materials 20-30 cm above the seedlings, but tall ones will require longer stakes - up to 2-2.5 m.

    Each of the pegs should be strengthened in the ground so that it holds firmly, usually deepened by 20-25 cm, retreating from the stem of the tomato by about 10 cm, so that the root system is not inadvertently damaged by you. You need to tie the tomato loosely, it will be right to first fix the string on a peg, then wrap the stem around and tie. As the vegetable grows, we perform this process several times.

    On the trellis

    If you have a tomato plantation, it would be more rational to use a different garter method. It will require a thin beam or strong pegs, and their number is much less than in the method described above. We drive in the racks at the beginning and end of the tomato beds, we stretch the wire between them. With this method, you will need to tie the stem of the tomato to a stretched wire. You can tie up a plant like this if you planted a tall variety of tomato, and using a stretched wire is available in several options:

    1. pull a strong wire on a high beam at a level of about 2 m - then the twine for the garter should be long enough to reach both the support (wire) and the stem. Tomato lashes will wrap around these ropes as they grow;
    2. pull several rows of wire, fixing them on the beam. Then each bush will need to be tied up separately several times to the formed stretch or pass the stem as it grows through the horizontal stripes so that the braid comes out of the tomato.

    In any case, do not forget to tie up correctly - do not tighten the rope tightly on the stem. By the way, in this way, you can also tie up separate brushes with fruits, which often turn out to be very weighty.

    If the bed is long, then it will be necessary to strengthen the structure by driving in additional intermediate stakes, then no wind will be terrible for your garter. And if you plant 2 beds parallel to each other at a short distance, then the design will come in handy for tying tomatoes from both at once: you will get a kind of tomato hut.


    With a little effort, you can design entire structures for the garter that will last you for a year. These will be original cells for vegetables. They are built separately for each bush. First, several circles of the same diameter are made of dense reinforcing wire, then they are fixed at the insistence of each other on vertical racks of the same wire. It turns out a cylindrical wire cage, which is installed at the same time as the pegs, and then, as the bush grows, you only need to tie up the stem in time.

    If you cannot find a wire, then you can build a similar frame of wood, fastening the stakes together like a stool, only without a seat. If such a cage is made wide enough, then it is able to cover 4 tomato bushes - for each “leg” of the structure. This is much more reliable than driving in individual pegs.

    No matter how amazing plants gardeners grow on their plots, they almost always make the traditional choice in favor of tomatoes. It is so nice to grow this crop from the very seed, to see how the fruits ripen and to try the very first reddened one right from the garden. There are short, medium and tall tomatoes. Most often, large-fruited, tall varieties are grown in the areas of our country, which require special care. The result is worth it, but to get it, you have to study the features of the garter of tall tomatoes.

    Why tie tomatoes?

    Not all varieties of tomatoes are able to "keep themselves" in the process of growth, and even more so the development of fruits. Under the mass of pouring tomatoes, the bushes begin to lean towards the ground and may even break. If injury does not occur, then the future crop is unlikely to benefit from lying on the ground - slugs and worms will enjoy an unexpected gift with pleasure.

    There is one more circumstance - tomatoes must be watered under the root, and when they are in a supine position, this is impossible. It is undesirable to water the tops of a tomato, as well as pour water on the fruits lying on the ground. And in general, the path to the tops of the plant for any disease in this case is significantly reduced.

    To avoid unpleasant moments that can negatively affect the final result of all your work, tomatoes must be tied up. And now let's figure out how.

    In conditions different from those in southern latitudes, tomato garter becomes a necessity.

    General rules

    In different climatic conditions, things are different. For example, in the southern latitudes, where tomatoes are grown on large plantations in the rays of the bright sun, it is not advisable to tie them up. The fruits lie on the ground, and the whole plant receives much more nutrients from the ground than in the case of a garter.

    Residents of cooler regions are unlikely to think about such a method of growing. Periodic rains, combined with not the highest temperatures (especially at night) can ruin all the efforts of summer residents with late blight or some other misfortunes like rot. That is why here you will definitely have to tie up tomato bushes, even undersized ones. It is necessary to completely exclude the contact of fruits with the ground.

    Thanks to the garter, contact of the fruit with the ground and their decay is excluded.

    An important condition is to exclude wires, fishing lines and thin ropes from the number of garters for tomato bushes. For this purpose, you need to use nylon tights and stockings. But this is ideal. Various straps and powerful ropes are also suitable, if only the garter is really strong, but gently holding the bush, without pinching the stem.

    In order not to expose tomatoes to the risk of infection with last year's diseases, do not use old garter material.


    The simplest of the known methods is a garter to a wooden or metal peg driven into the ground. For each bush, a peg is driven in nearby, and a variety of materials are used as the material for the garter - nylon stockings, a cord from household appliances, ribbons and straps. The bush is tied up near the top of the stem.

    The advantage of this method is that garter materials can be used every year. The downside, as already mentioned, is the possible infection of plants with diseases left on the garter materials from last year. But here there is a way out - disinfection of all materials before new use.

    An important point is not to pull the stem with garter materials, so as not to damage it and not subject the plant to death. Since the bush will grow further, it is necessary to equip it with new garters or raise the old one as it grows.

    Let's complicate the garter a little by applying tapestries. We put them at some distance from each other and stretch the wire horizontally between them. Between the rows of wire we make a distance of 45 cm. Actually, rows of bushes will be tied to these wires.

    A metal mesh can serve as a good guide for tomato bushes, only its cells should be large

    The third way is called linear. In the middle between the stakes, a wire is pulled, then a rope is pulled to it over each tomato, one of its ends is attached to the stem of the bush.

    The fourth way - we make our own cage for each bush. The cage is made of wire or metal. We bend the circles that will be connected by rods. We plant a tomato bush, drop a cage to a depth of 15 cm and tie it with a rope.

    The next way is to use pyramidal caps made of four rods each. Each cap holds four bushes and, when planting, it is dug in 25 cm, and the tops of the rods are connected with wire.

    The sixth method involves the use of hooks and wire. On both sides of the tomato row, stakes are dug in, between which a cable is pulled. After 30 cm, a fishing line or twine is pulled from it, to which rings and hooks are attached. Hooks will catch the stems of tomato bushes.

    The tomato bush has the ability to grow significantly both in width and in height. And the range of sizes for different varieties varies significantly. Balcony varieties have a height of 20-30 cm, and some indeterminate vines can reach 3 m.

    If the stem of low-growing standard tomatoes easily withstands the weight of its fruits in a vertical state, then the stem of other varieties bends to the ground even before the formation of the ovary. It is necessary to know the vegetative characteristics of tomato varieties and how to tie plants in order to effectively help them form a good crop and improve ripening.

    Tomato plants need constant care and a number of agrotechnical measures, one of them is tying. Reasons why a plant requires a garter:

    • easier to stepson and process;
    • it is convenient to carry out watering, fertilizing and loosening;
    • improves ventilation and reduces the risk of developing diseases;
    • fruit clusters of tied plants are open to sunlight and ripen better;
    • fruits lying on the ground are attacked by slugs and other pests;
    • the usable area of ​​the greenhouse is rationally used.

    In addition to purely practical advantages, properly tied tomatoes in a garden or greenhouse have a neat, aesthetic appearance.

    What varieties should be tied up

    The main part of the varieties of tomatoes needs a garter. The exception is low-growing varieties, the stable stem of which fully withstands a few ovaries. Medium-sized, determinant tomatoes, when grown in a hot climate in the southern regions, in the open field, also make no sense to tie up.

    Their development and maturation occurs quickly, and even fruits that fall on dry land ripen safely (due to low humidity).

    In the middle lane, it is necessary to tie up all medium-sized and tall varieties, both indeterminate and determinant.

    Advice! If the summer is damp and cool, then the garter will not damage even undersized tomatoes, so that the stem does not lose stability under the weight of the fruit.

    How to properly tie tomatoes

    For a garter, you need to choose a material that would not injure the stem, was soft, not thin, durable. For a small number of plants at home, you can take fabric cut into strips 3-4 cm wide, old linen and even nylon tights. In mass production of tomatoes, linen twine is usually used.

    Currently, manufacturers offer plastic holding devices for holding fruit clusters and shoot ties, they can be used repeatedly.

    An even more perfect option is a garter device, which wraps around the stem and its support with a special tape.

    Tying accessories

    1. With individual stakes.

    Such a garter is simple and affordable, but very laborious and costly over large areas. You will need an individual support for each plant. Can be used:

    • wooden slats, tree branches;
    • metal rods, remnants of reinforcement;
    • plastic tubes.

    The height of the material chosen for the support should be 25-30 cm more than the height of the plant, as this is the minimum depth to which the stake must be driven into the ground for stability.

    It is not advisable to use such devices for tall tomatoes, since too high a support may not withstand the weight of the plant with fruits and collapse.

    1. With wallpaper.

    To implement this method of tying, strong materials are stretched between two stable supports: wire, rope, cable, or a crossbar is installed. Below, at a distance of 35-55 cm from each other, other parallel rows are pulled. The growing stalk of a tomato is tucked to one side or the other, passing through rows of ropes or simply tying them to them as the plant grows. Fruit brushes are additionally attached to parallel trellises with a rope or hook. The method is more suitable for plants formed into one stem.

    1. With linear trellises.

    For this type of garter between supports that are installed among several seedlings, only the upper trellis is pulled. It must be strong and not strongly bend, because several heavy plants will be tied to it at the same time. From the upper trellis, the material chosen for the garter (twine) is lowered down, with which the seedlings are tied and, as it grows, the material is wrapped around the stem.

    1. Cells.

    With this method, a round or square structure is made for each plant from intersecting vertical and horizontal rods of wire or other durable material. The tomato bush is placed inside the cage, buried for stability in the soil. The method is quite expensive, it complicates the care of the plant, an additional garter to the cage itself is required.

    1. Caps.

    They are constructed from four high rods, which are dug into the soil, and are interconnected at the top. The design is designed for 4 plants, that is, one for each support. The cap can be used to build a shelter in the spring, but in general, this is a troublesome task.

    Gardener's tips on how to tie up tomatoes:

    How to make a trellis design yourself

    A trellis is a rope, wire or crossbar placed over plants. For the installation of the trellis, you will need strong supports in the form of wooden or metal poles. In greenhouses, the upper structural elements of the structure itself are used as fasteners for trellises.

    The main conditions for the manufacture

    • The material for the trellis should be selected depending on the number of seedlings and the variety of tomatoes in order to support the weight of all the bushes. At the same time, the trellis should not stretch and sag, otherwise the plants will move and sag. For a linear trellis, it is better to use thick wire, an iron or metal crossbar. For several tapestries stretched in parallel, the material may be thinner.
    • The supports must be fixed very firmly so that they do not collapse under the weight of the plants. Poles for long trellises need to be dug deep into the soil and stretched in the opposite direction from the direction of the trellis. It is better to tie tomatoes of one type of bush to one trellis. The height of the structure depends on the variety: large - for indeterminate ones, lower - for medium-sized determinant ones.

    How and when to tie tomatoes

    In a polycarbonate greenhouse

    Tall varieties of tomatoes are most often grown in polycarbonate greenhouses, so it is best to tie them to a linear trellis stretched over a row of plants. The sequence of work is as follows:

    • a rope or twine is thrown through the trellis, their length should be 30-50 cm longer than the distance to the trellis;
    • the stem is tied with a free knot (with the expectation of subsequent thickening) below the first true leaf;
    • garter material is wrapped around the stem in a spiral under each leaf and flower brush;
    • the upper end under the trellis is tied with a slip knot in order to be able to lengthen the thread after the next twist.

    Advice! For bandaging to the trellis, special hooks can be used, on which twine is wound with a margin.

    In the open ground

    This is how mostly low-growing and medium-sized tomatoes are grown. For small plants, a garter to single supports (stakes) is usually used. It is more rational to tie taller bushes to parallel trellises, cages and grids of intersecting trellises. The stem of the tomato is freely wrapped with twine, its ends are crossed and tied to a support.

    On the windowsill

    Low-growing balcony tomatoes can not be tied up, but if the variety has an unstable stem, then a beautiful wooden or plastic peg and an original soft cord can be used for gartering.

    The time and money spent on tying up tomato plants will pay off with a decent harvest and will make it possible to rationally use the sown area.