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  • Technology presentation on cross stitch. Cross stitch (presentation)

    Technology presentation on cross stitch.  Cross stitch (presentation)

    Clothes embroidered with a cross. The history of the emergence of embroidery goes far into the depths of centuries. This art belongs to the era of primitive culture. It is closely related to the appearance of the first stitch in the manufacture of clothing. Animal veins, and threads of flax, hemp, cotton, wool, silk served as the material for embroidery in different distant times, and natural hair was also used.

    A bit of history In our country, embroidery has an ancient history. She decorated clothes, shoes, horse harness, housing, household items. The museums of our country have collected many examples of folk embroidery. The best preserved items of the XIX century. In those days, embroidery was conditionally divided into urban and peasant (folk) embroidery. Urban embroidery was influenced by Western fashion and did not have strong traditions, while folk embroidery was inextricably linked with the old customs and rituals of the Russian peasantry.

    The story about the peasants By the age of the peasant girls had to prepare a dowry for themselves. These were embroidered tablecloths, valances, hats, towels. Before the wedding, a public display of the dowry was arranged as evidence of the bride's diligence and skill. The bride presented the groom's relatives with her products. In peasant families, clothes were sewn from homespun linen and woolen fabrics. It was decorated not only with embroidery, but also with lace, braid, and colored chintz inserts.

    On the territory of Russia, archaeologists have discovered fragments of clothing embroidered with gold threads. Finds dating back to the 9th - 12th centuries confirm that embroidery existed and developed already in the era of Ancient Rus'. Since pagan times, women - embroiderers have created scenes of everyday life in their embroideries - pictures. Most often, beddings (sheets) were decorated with embroidery, the ends of which hung from the beds, as well as towels, tablecloths, curtains, wedding and festive shirts, canvas sundresses, hats, scarves. The embroidered towel was used not only in everyday life. Ritual, richly embroidered towels hung on sacred trees, roadside and grave crosses, decorated with them the temple of idols. HISTORY OF EMBROIDERY

    Later, in Christian times, the custom appeared to decorate icons, mirrors and windows with embroidered towels. At a wedding, Shrovetide, at the birth or death of a person, embroidered towels were a sacred amulet. A special power to protect people from evil forces, diseases and the elements was attributed to an ordinary ("made about one day") towel.

    Embroidery on men's shirts. Originating in antiquity, the art of embroidery has been constantly improved over the centuries. A person who constantly lived in the midst of nature and watched it, already from ancient times learned to create simple patterns, conventional signs-symbols, with the help of which he expressed his perception of the world around him, his attitude to incomprehensible natural phenomena. Each line, each sign was full of clear meaning to him, was one of the means of communication. Ornament for a men's shirt Over time, individual figures changed, became more complex, combined with other forms, creating patterns-drawings. This is how ornaments arose - a consistent repetition of individual patterns or a group of them (such a repetition of several elements of a pattern is called rapport.)

    Embroidery The language of each ornament is connected with the history and culture of the people. The creators of ornaments always turned to nature, using what they saw. Each nationality retained in embroideries the most characteristic, closest to the national character, aesthetic tastes, and concepts of beauty. Folk craftswomen created patterns that were distinguished by a wide variety of individual motifs, where real observations of the nature around them intertwined with fabulous ideas. A creatively considered connection of individual components is called a composition and consists of alternating individual figures and their rows arranged horizontally, vertically and diagonally.

    Patterns on napkins An ornament for a napkin was developed by Margarita Savostikova. A very important role in all types of creativity is played by color - a harmonious combination of colors and their shades. For the most part, color is the hallmark of the republic, region, district and even a separate village. The harmonic combination often lies in the balance of warm and cold, light and dark tones. The same ornament acquires a new sound from changing the color of the threads in embroidery, it may seem bright and colorful or restrained and faded. It must be remembered that the background of the product always complements the pattern, and therefore its color should emphasize the rhythm of the repetition of each individual motif or figure.

    Patterns Pattern for tablecloth: The ornament of folk embroidery is always closely related to the structure of home-made fabric. Therefore, most patterns consist of geometric shapes. Permanent elements of geometric ornaments are individual figures in the form of points, straight and broken lines, circles, crosses, triangles, squares, rosettes. The geometric ornament is characterized not only by the variety of figures, but by the variability of their execution. The main and most typical is a rhombus or a square set at an angle. Rhombus-figures can be crossed by diagonals, with processes - extended sides, with hooks, small rhombuses at the corners, can be enclosed in squares and larger rhombuses, arranged in rows, superimposed on each other at the corners. Quite often, the gaps between the individual figures of one ornament are filled with other figures, which not only complement it, but also create a new pattern. An important role in various variants of geometric ornament is played by the size of the pattern and the proportional ratio of its parts.

    About embroidery For centuries, the traditional arrangement and ratio of parts of the pattern, their unity with the cut of clothes and shoes, the placement of ornamental compositions that emphasize the shape of a human figure or decorated objects have been worked out. Ornamental motifs, located over the entire surface of the product or some part of it, not only decorated, but also emphasized its shape and size. Modern options for the arrangement of ornaments on a particular product depend on its purpose, size and shape, taste, sense of proportion of the embroiderer, her knowledge, traditions and imagination. When composing a pattern, it is always necessary to highlight its central part. 5 proverbs for the day Where it is crowded, there is a place for a soldier. Wren - burning, blackthorn - prickly. Will not hit the face in the dirt. Prayer does not knead sourdough. Whoever loves science knows no boredom.

    Towel One of the finest examples is the inherited Towel, an old work from the beginning of the 20th century. Embroidered with a one-sided cross on a woven fabric (most likely home weaving), lace (merezhka - Gorky guipure) is also handmade. The diagram has been restored.

    EMBROIDERY IN Rus' Russian embroidery has very deep roots. On the territory of Ancient Rus', all women, regardless of age and position in society, were fluent in this type of needlework. There is nothing surprising in this: Russian nature, striking in its beauty, unpredictability and diversity, is the best educator of artistic taste. It is impossible to live in Russia and not be able to appreciate the splendor of its vast expanses of boundless steppes, impenetrable forests, turbulent rivers and bewitching, frightening swamps. However, not only the desire to display the beauties of nature served as the spread of embroidery among the Russians. At the heart of this type of needlework, and in particular cross-stitch, are the customs and rituals of our people. Embroidery art in Rus'

    Embroidery Russian embroidery has very deep roots. On the territory of Ancient Rus', all women, regardless of age and position in society, were fluent in this type of needlework. There is nothing surprising in this: Russian nature, striking in its beauty, unpredictability and diversity, is the best educator of artistic taste. It is impossible to live in Russia and not be able to appreciate the splendor of its vast expanses of boundless steppes, impenetrable forests, turbulent rivers and bewitching, frightening swamps. However, not only the desire to display the beauties of nature served as the spread of embroidery among the Russians. At the heart of this type of needlework, and in particular cross-stitch, are the customs and rituals of our people. The cross for a Russian person has always been a symbol of protection, capable of protecting from the effects of evil spirits, the evil eye and other troubles.

    Cross-stitch During the reign of paganism, Russians, as a rule, decorated towels, sheets, bedspreads, tablecloths and other household items. Embroidered clothing was also widely used. The most popular were embroidered hats, sundresses and shirts. A special place at that time was given to symbolic embroidery: things used in various rituals were necessarily decorated with sewing. Only the most skillful craftswomen were entrusted with embroidering towels for the decoration of temples, items intended for decorating sacred trees, grave crosses, dresses for the bride and groom. At the same time, narrative embroidery began to develop, depicting everyday scenes, natural landscapes, portraits of people and images of animals. With the advent of Christianity in Rus', embroidery acquired a new meaning.

    Information Now embroidered products were considered as a symbol of Christ's faith. A special role was given to cross-stitch. Embroidered towels began to be used to decorate the iconostasis, mirrors, windows and doors of the dwelling. Items decorated with embroidery acted as a necessary attribute at all significant holidays. Needlewomen prepared amulets in advance for each wedding, christening, birth of a child, etc. Ordinary, that is, “made in one day”, products were of the highest value. It was believed that a towel embroidered in the period from dawn to dusk of one day acquires pristine purity. As a rule, several craftswomen performed such embroidery together. With the first ray of the sun, they took needles in their hands, and the last stitch was made at the same time as the sun set over the horizon. If they managed to finish the work on time, the result of joint creativity was a talisman that could ward off a deadly disease, prevent a natural disaster, and protect against evil spirits. In their works, embroiderers used a variety of motifs, which often carried a hidden meaning. Moreover, each element of the pattern denoted a special character. For example, wishes for good and well-being in family relationships were hidden in the image of a hooked cross, and the celestial body was symbolized by various circles and rhombuses inscribed in the ornament by embroiderers.

    Machine for yarn Embroidery served for the decoration of temples and churches, and was also used as a decoration for clothing elements of high-ranking nobility (boyars, members of the royal family) and clergy. The veil intended for the decoration of the royal throne, which was embroidered by one of the most skilled craftswomen of her time, the daughter of Tsar Boris Godunov, has survived to this day. The most common ornamental motifs are female figures, amphibians and reptiles (snakes and frogs), birds (roosters, peacocks, etc.), various trees and flowers. When working, embroiderers use different types of stitches: counting surface, goat, pigtail, set, cross and hemstitch. The location of embroideries on clothes are, as a rule, connecting seams, collars, hems, edges of sleeves and cuts.

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    Presentation for the lesson in the seventh grade. Lesson module: "Embroidery: history and modernity." Lesson topic: “Cross-stitch. Methods and types of cross stitch. Bulgarian Cross. Prepared by: Zorina Galina Alekseevna Teacher of technology, art and drawing. MBOU gymnasium No. 4, the city of Ozyory. 2012

    slide 2

    Continue acquaintance with the history of Russian embroidery, the main methods of cross-stitch and a variety of the Bulgarian cross. The purpose of the lesson.

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    Educational: Introduce the history of embroidery; Familiarize yourself with the methods and types of cross stitch; Teach the technique of making counted seams. Developing: continue to develop creative thinking, attentiveness and accuracy in work, develop imagination and aesthetic taste. Educational: To develop the ability to work in a team quickly, accurately, taking into account the opinion of the teacher and classmates. Cultivate love for one of the oldest art forms - embroidery; Lesson objectives: Lesson 1 (introductory)

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    Embroidery not only brings great pleasure, but also makes it possible to decorate the House and give joy to loved ones.

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    This art belongs to the era of primitive culture. Embroidery is closely related to the appearance of the first stitch. In different distant times, animal veins served as the material for embroidery, and threads of flax, hemp, cotton, wool, silk, natural hair was also used. In our country, embroidery has an ancient history. She decorated clothes, shoes, horse harness, dwelling. Embroidery was conditionally divided into urban and peasant. Urban embroidery was influenced by Western fashion and did not have strong traditions. Folk music was inextricably linked with the ancient customs and rituals of the Russian peasantry. The history of embroidery

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    The art of embroidery has a long history. In ancient times, when people lived apart, each nation had its own characteristics in embroidery. From generation to generation, patterns and color schemes were worked out and improved, embroidery patterns with characteristic national features were created. By the nature of the patterns and methods of their implementation - RUSSIAN embroidery is the most diverse. REMEMBER! In the 6th grade, you studied two main groups of peasant embroidery - NORTHERN and CENTRAL RUSSIAN. Northern embroidery includes works of Arkhangelsk, Novgorod, Ivanovo, Vologda, Vladimir and Gorky guipure. Central Russian embroidery includes the work of the Ryazan, Tula, Tambov, Voronezh and Oryol regions. DIFFERENCES IN EMBROIDERY of the Central Russian strip from the northern strip. The patterns of the Central Russian stripe were dominated by geometric shapes and ornaments, they were distinguished by an unusual variety of patterns and color options. The embroidery patterns of the northern strip were most often performed with PAINT and SET stitches. Artistic motifs dominated the plot compositions. Complex compositions were conveyed in SILHOUETTE, OUTLINE, IN ONE COLOR and ONE RECEPTION. Russian embroidery.

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    Modern embroidery can be used to decorate children's and women's clothing, as well as household items: window curtains, napkins, cushion covers, rugs and panels, towels, aprons, bags, souvenirs, etc. SO! EMBROIDERY is the art of decorating a fabric or knitwear with stitches that enrich its surface and enhance its beauty. Fashion for various types of embroidery appears and disappears, but the main types remain unchanged. These include cross stitch. Modernity of embroidery

    slide 13

    One of the oldest types of needlework, which many women and men around the world are passionate about. And this is not surprising, because all that is needed for embroidery is patience, patience and once again patience. But the desire to create beautiful creations with your own hands, was, is and will be. Cross stitch is a technique for decorating items with different stitches of thread. This is a method of embroidering a design on canvas using a needle and colored floss threads. This embroidery uses the full cross or half cross stitch technique.

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    Threads for embroidery (mulina) Embroidery needles (tapestry) Hoop Drawings, diagrams Thimble Scissors, centimeter, magnifying glass Canvas Tools and materials for cross stitch:

    slide 16

    In modern cross-stitching, the basis of embroidery is canvas. This is a canvas specially worked out at the factory, marked in a cage in such a way that each cell of the canvas is a place for drawing a cross with threads. There is a wide variety of materials from which canvas is made (silk, linen, cotton, blends and even plastic), but its main indicator is the dimension of the canvas. Today, there are several types of canvas in various colors in needlework stores, but for beginners, it is better to use Aida canvas. Based on 100% cotton. A slip canvas is a canvas designed to be embroidered on fabric that does not have an even weave. There is also a water-soluble canvas for embroidery on fabric. After finishing the embroidery, it is enough to lower it into warm water and it will dissolve. Canvas

    slide 17

    In some embroidery kits, the manufacturer applies a pattern to the canvas, which is subsequently filled with an embroidered cross. This technique is called "printed cross". If the pattern is not marked on the canvas, then this technique is called the “counting cross” (the embroiderer has to count the number of crosses herself).

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    "Traditional method" You finish the previous cross and start the next one. Cross Stitch Methods: "Danish Method" First cross stitch half and finish the cross stitches as you go back. In most cases, both methods are used. For example, "Danish method" for most stitches and "traditional" for insulated crosses. Choose the method that you like the most.

    slide 21

    The figure shows how one cross and a number of them are made. The numbers show the order in which the stitches are sewn (traditional and Danish methods). The basic rule is that the top stitches should lie in the same direction. Stages of the cross: Task according to the schemes application No. 2

    slide 22

    Types of cross-stitch: Half-cross - the first stitch of sewing an ordinary cross (tapestry). Simple cross. All top stitches should lie in the same direction. Straight cross - consists of vertical and horizontal lines. Double cross - alternation of simple crosses and small straight lines between them. Cross Leviathan (Bulgarian) - the seam differs from a simple cross in that it is complicated by two more crossing stitches (vertical and horizontal). The star cross is another type of cross, consisting of a straight cross, on which four oblique diagonal stitches of the same or smaller size are superimposed.

    History of embroidery

    • Embroidery is one of the most beloved and widespread types of needlework.
    • In the old days in Rus', all women mastered these arts.
    • A girl of seven or eight years of age began to prepare a dowry for herself, and by the age of fifteen or sixteen she had to have festive and everyday clothes, tablecloths, valances, towels, which should have been enough for several years.
    • Particular attention in Russian embroidery was paid to geometric ornaments, plants, animals.
    • In the form of a rhombus, a circle, a rosette, the sun was depicted - a symbol of warmth, life; a female figure and a flowering tree personified fertility, a bird symbolized the arrival of spring
    • Our Russia is great, And our people are talented, About craftsmen - craftsmen For the whole world
    • the rumor goes.
    The embroidery was done
    • linen threads
    • woolen threads
    • silk threads
    • metal (gold
    • and silver) threads
    • hair
    • beads
    • pearls
    • sequins, sometimes in combination with sewn on precious stones, coins
    Tools and materials
    • Fabric, floss threads, needles, thimble, scissors, hoop, pencil, centimeter tape, carbon paper
    Occupational Safety and Health
    • Labor is very important
    • Sometimes unsafe.
    • You must know the rules
    • Observe safety.
    • In order for the embroidered sample to be neat from the front and back sides, the work should be done without knots.
    • The beginning of the working thread can be fixed in different ways.
    Attaching thread to fabric
    • put together the ends of the thread
    • thread the needle with folded ends
    • sew a small stitch at the beginning
    • work so that the tip is in the form of a loop
    • remained on the front side of the fabric
    • pass the needle through the loop and tighten
    Seam "forward needle"
    • The seam "forward needle" is performed in a straight or curved line by moving the needle from right to left.
    • A seam is a series of stitches of the same size, made at intervals of the same size.
    Seam "lace"
    • The seam is performed in two steps:
    • a) lay the stitches of the seam "forward needle".
    • b) a needle with a thread (usually of a different color) is brought under each stitch from top to bottom, without piercing the fabric.
    Depending on how the needle and thread are brought under the stitches, various types of seams are obtained. Seam "back needle"
    • A back-to-needle or behind-the-needle stitch is a continuous row of stitches of the same size, made from right to left.
    • The needle is inserted at the end of the previous stitch, and brought out to the front side to the left of the second stitch at the same distance. Thus, the purl stitch is 2 times longer than the front stitch.
    stalk seam
    • This is a continuous row of diagonal stitches that fit snugly together.
    • Runs from left to right
    Stitch stitch embroidery
    • The thread is directed down and pressed with the thumb of the left hand
    • Skip 2 mm and insert the needle into the tissue
    • Pull out at the end of the previous stitch
    chain stitch
    • It is possible that the name "tambour" stitch comes from the method of embroidery on fabric stretched over a hoop, like a tambourine - a tambourine. And they embroidered something with a hook, placing a skein of yarn under the hoop and dragging the loops of the thread with a hook from the inside out to the face. On the surface of the fabric, patterns were formed from a series of loops - what we now call a chain stitch. Subsequently, they learned to perform this seam with a needle
    • The chain stitch is a continuous row of loops coming out of one another.
    • Performed from top to bottom (on yourself)
    • The thread is directed down and forms a loop
    • Insert the needle into the loop
    • Bring the needle through
    Fastening the last tambour loop
    • The needle is inserted into the fabric behind the loop (under the loop)
    • A label is a designation of the belonging of a given item or clothing to a specific person, for example, the initials or the name of the owner of the item.
    • A monogram is a ligature of the initial letters of a name, surname. These are not only marks, but also decoration of the product.
    We embroider ourselves

    Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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    Introduction Cross-stitch is one of the oldest types of needlework, which is carried out by many men and women around the world. And this is not surprising, because all that is needed for embroidery is patience, patience and once again patience. Embroidery is the kind of needlework that has been created for many years, making your home warm and cozy, delighting and attracting the interest of others.

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    Description of the slide:

    From the history of cross-stitching The history of cross-stitching goes far back into the depths of centuries, when the first stitch appeared, made by primitive people when fastening the skin of a killed mammoth. The material for cross-stitching was: animal veins, threads of flax, cotton, hemp, silk, wool, and natural hair was also used. The most ancient embroideries that have survived to this day are dated by scientists to the 6th-5th centuries BC. In Rus', embroidery was used to decorate shoes, clothes, dwellings, horse harness, and household items.

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    Project Idea Embroidered paintings are one of those elements of interior decor that will never go out of fashion. Embroidered paintings are also valuable because they carry not only external beauty, but also much more - the warmth of skillful hands, love, positive warm energy. Embroidered paintings can decorate any room in the apartment - the kitchen, living room, bedroom and even the nursery. The main thing is that the picture (both the frame and the drawing) harmoniously fit into the style of the interior both in color and in theme.

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    Description of the slide:

    Cross-stitch technology Cross-stitching is done on fabrics on which the warp threads are clearly visible. One cross stitch should completely fill one small square of fabric. For embroidery, linen and cotton mercerized threads and floss of different colors are used. Accurate and reliable fastening of the thread is the basis of embroidery. There are simple requirements for this important aspect of embroidery:  no knots,  at the end of embroidery with thread, fasten it under at least 4-5 stitches on the wrong side,  cut the already fixed thread tip close to the fabric. It will be easier to achieve perfect crosses if you follow some rules:  do not use too long thread,  carefully ensure that the top stitches are always directed in one direction (“/” is the bottom stitch, “\” is the top stitch).

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    Materials and tools To perform hand embroidery, you need very simple tools: needles, thimble, scissors, centimeter tape, hoop, fabric. For cross stitching, it is most convenient to use canvas. They embroider with different threads: iris, floss, staple, silk, woolen, bobbin.

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    Safety Instructions It is very important to pay attention to the workplace when embroidering. It is best to equip it by the window, because good lighting is necessary during work, this will allow you to save your eyesight. Be sure to use a table lamp at night. Safety rules when working with stabbing and cutting tools: 1) do not stick the needle into clothes during work or do not leave it at the workplace; 2) the needle should always be with a thread, in case of loss it must immediately be sought; 3) do not bite off the thread with your teeth, but cut it off with scissors; 4) do not sew with a rusty needle; 5) pass the scissors rings forward; 6) do not take needles in your mouth; 7) store scissors in stacks, and needles in needle cases.

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    Description of the slide:

    Calculation of the cost of the product № Materials used Price (rub) Consumption Costs (rub) 1 Canvas “Aida” No. 16, white color 50 1 pc 50 2 Wooden hoop, diameter 20 cm 165 1 pc 165 3 Tapestry needles No. 22 (set of 5 pcs) 35 1 pc 7 4 Thimble 40 1 pc 40 5 Measuring tape 15 1 pc 15 6 Pattern for embroidery 30 1 pc 30

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    Description of the slide:

    Ecological expertise Let's list the components necessary for work. These include: thread, canvas, hoops and needles for work. In this work, I use Russian-made threads from Gamma. Hoop made of wonderful beech wood, made in India. Needles - made of high-alloy steel - Russian production, for long-term use. From the foregoing, it follows that the main components for embroidery do not harm nature, neither during production nor during operation. They do not cause allergies, do not irritate the eyesight and hearing of a person.

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    The presentation on the topic "Cross-stitch. Methods and types of cross-stitch. Bulgarian cross" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Technologies. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 27 slide(s).

    Presentation slides

    slide 1

    Presentation for the lesson in the seventh grade. Lesson module: "Embroidery: history and modernity." Lesson topic: “Cross-stitch. Methods and types of cross stitch. Bulgarian Cross.

    Prepared by: Zorina Galina Alekseevna Teacher of technology, art and drawing. MBOU gymnasium No. 4, the city of Ozyory.

    slide 2

    Continue acquaintance with the history of Russian embroidery, the main methods of cross-stitch and a variety of the Bulgarian cross.

    The purpose of the lesson.

    slide 3

    Educational: Introduce the history of embroidery; Familiarize yourself with the methods and types of cross stitch; Teach the technique of making counted seams. Developing: continue to develop creative thinking, attentiveness and accuracy in work, develop imagination and aesthetic taste. Educational: To develop the ability to work in a team quickly, accurately, taking into account the opinion of the teacher and classmates. Cultivate love for one of the oldest art forms - embroidery;

    Lesson objectives: Lesson 1 (introductory)

    slide 4

    slide 5

    This art belongs to the era of primitive culture. Embroidery is closely related to the appearance of the first stitch. In different distant times, animal veins served as the material for embroidery, and threads of flax, hemp, cotton, wool, silk, natural hair was also used. In our country, embroidery has an ancient history. She decorated clothes, shoes, horse harness, dwelling. Embroidery was conditionally divided into urban and peasant. Urban embroidery was influenced by Western fashion and did not have strong traditions. Folk music was inextricably linked with the ancient customs and rituals of the Russian peasantry.

    The history of embroidery

    slide 6

    Slide 7

    The art of embroidery has a long history. In ancient times, when people lived apart, each nation had its own characteristics in embroidery. From generation to generation, patterns and color schemes were worked out and improved, embroidery patterns with characteristic national features were created. By the nature of the patterns and methods of their implementation - RUSSIAN embroidery is the most diverse. REMEMBER! In the 6th grade, you studied two main groups of peasant embroidery - NORTHERN and CENTRAL RUSSIAN. Northern embroidery includes works of Arkhangelsk, Novgorod, Ivanovo, Vologda, Vladimir and Gorky guipure. Central Russian embroidery includes the work of the Ryazan, Tula, Tambov, Voronezh and Oryol regions. DIFFERENCES IN EMBROIDERY of the Central Russian strip from the northern strip. The patterns of the Central Russian stripe were dominated by geometric shapes and ornaments, they were distinguished by an unusual variety of patterns and color options. The embroidery patterns of the northern strip were most often performed with PAINT and SET stitches. Artistic motifs dominated the plot compositions. Complex compositions were conveyed in SILHOUETTE, OUTLINE, IN ONE COLOR and ONE RECEPTION.

    Russian embroidery.

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    slide 12

    Modern embroidery can be used to decorate children's and women's clothing, as well as household items: window curtains, napkins, cushion covers, rugs and panels, towels, aprons, bags, souvenirs, etc. SO! EMBROIDERY is the art of decorating a fabric or knitwear with stitches that enrich its surface and enhance its beauty. Fashion for various types of embroidery appears and disappears, but the main types remain unchanged. These include cross stitch.

    Modernity of embroidery

    slide 13

    One of the oldest types of needlework, which many women and men around the world are passionate about. And this is not surprising, because all that is needed for embroidery is patience, patience and once again patience. But the desire to create beautiful creations with your own hands, was, is and will be. Cross stitch is a technique for decorating items with different stitches of thread. This is a method of embroidering a design on canvas using a needle and colored floss threads. This embroidery uses the full cross or half cross technique.


    Slide 14

    Embroidery methods

    1. Manual 2. Machine 3. Computer 4. Industrial

    Slide 15

    Threads for embroidery (mulina) Embroidery needles (tapestry) Hoop Drawings, schemes Thimble Scissors, centimeter, magnifier Canvas

    Tools and materials for cross stitch:

    slide 16

    In modern cross-stitching, the basis of embroidery is canvas. This is a canvas specially worked out at the factory, marked in a cage in such a way that each cell of the canvas is a place for drawing a cross with threads. There is a wide variety of materials from which canvas is made (silk, linen, cotton, blends and even plastic), but its main indicator is the dimension of the canvas. Today, there are several types of canvas in various colors in needlework stores, but for beginners, it is better to use Aida canvas. Based on 100% cotton. A slip canvas is a canvas designed to be embroidered on fabric that does not have an even weave. There is also a water-soluble canvas for embroidery on fabric. After finishing the embroidery, it is enough to lower it into warm water and it will dissolve.

    Slide 17

    In some embroidery kits, the manufacturer applies a pattern to the canvas, which is subsequently filled with an embroidered cross. This technique is called "printed cross". If the pattern is not marked on the canvas, then this technique is called the “counting cross” (the embroiderer has to count the number of crosses herself).

    Slide 19

    Slide 20

    "Traditional method" You finish the previous cross and start the next one.

    Cross Stitch Methods:

    "Danish Method" First, embroider half a cross and finish the crosses as you return.

    In most cases, both methods are used. For example, "Danish method" for most stitches and "traditional" for insulated crosses. Choose the method that you like the most.

    slide 21

    The figure shows how one cross and a number of them are made. The numbers show the order in which the stitches are sewn (traditional and Danish methods). The basic rule is that the top stitches should lie in the same direction.

    Stages of making a cross:

    Task according to schemes application No. 2

    slide 22

    Types of cross stitch:

    Half-cross - the first stitch of sewing an ordinary cross (tapestry). Simple cross. All top stitches should lie in the same direction.

    Straight cross - consists of vertical and horizontal lines. Double cross - alternation of simple crosses and small straight lines between them.

    Cross Leviathan (Bulgarian) - the seam differs from a simple cross in that it is complicated by two more crossing stitches (vertical and horizontal). The star cross is another type of cross, consisting of a straight cross, on which four oblique diagonal stitches of the same or smaller size are superimposed.

    slide 23

    Alternating crosses - this embroidery consists of ordinary crosses and other straight lines. Rice stitch - first, the entire background is filled with large crosses with threads of one color, and then proceed to rice stitches with threads of a different color. The Italian cross is a cross in a square. The goat is a seam of crossed stitches diagonally. The ermine trace is a complex cross of three stitches. A double-sided cross is when simple crosses are obtained on both the front and back sides.

    Variation of the cross

    slide 24

    During work At the end of work Be careful! The thimble is worn on the middle finger of the right hand. Store needles and pins in a needle case. Scissors should be passed by closed blades, rings forward. Count the needles before working in the needle bed. Store tools and accessories in a special place.

  • No need to overload your project slides with text blocks, more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. Only the key information should be on the slide, the rest is better to tell the audience orally.
  • The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information provided, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to make out at least something, or completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  • It is important to rehearse your report, think over how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, how you will finish the presentation. All comes with experience.
  • Choose the right outfit, because. The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  • Try to speak confidently, fluently and coherently.
  • Try to enjoy the performance so you can be more relaxed and less anxious.