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  • In what dish is berry jam cooked. How can I wash the pan from burnt jam? If there is no steel cookware: aluminum or copper

    In what dish is berry jam cooked.  How can I wash the pan from burnt jam?  If there is no steel cookware: aluminum or copper

    “Recently, you can find a variety of recommendations about what is best to cook jam. Some experts (in particular, in your magazine in No. 1988) say that copper utensils are not suitable. Others are enameled and at the same time praise "comfortable copper and brass basins." What justifies such discrepancies?

    V. A. Kozhurnikov, pos. Medvedok, Kirov region

    This question is answered by a senior researcher at the Research Institute of Hygiene named after F. F. Erisman of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR, Candidate of Medical Sciences R. I. ANISKINA.

    From a hygienic point of view, you can cook jam in any dining room or kitchen utensils for food purposes. All of it is made from materials approved by the USSR Ministry of Health for food contact.

    However, berries and fruits contain organic acids, which can cause increased corrosion of surfaces in contact with jam. Therefore, it is advisable to use stainless steel or enameled dishes.

    It is allowed to cook jam in copper or brass basins. However, due to the fact that copper corrodes quickly in the presence of atmospheric oxygen, you should know:

    Can't use honey

    ny or brass basins

    with darkened or covered on

    summer surface. They must

    we must always be careful

    puppies and polished to a shine

    Ready jam is needed

    I can immediately pour into another

    dishes, and basins immediately

    How to wash burnt jam?

    Many housewives in the berry-fruit period are preparing jam for the winter. They try to closely monitor the process of cooking a sweet dish, but it happens that the delicacy burns. Read how to wash burnt jam and use various folk tricks for cleaning the pan, depending on what material it is made of.

    Each pot has its own "pill"

  • Aluminum saucepan. Our grandmothers used aluminum bowls to prepare a sweet product. A number of studies have shown that the use of this metal is strictly prohibited for cooking sour fruits, since aluminum emits active harmful particles and, when combined with acid, can be harmful to health. Cleaning an aluminum pan, if it was nevertheless used for jam, should be done carefully.
  • Enameled bowl. Dishes made of such material can be used for many years if properly cared for and protected from impacts. True, jam in enameled dishes is cooked for a long time, and the risk of burning it is higher.
  • Cast iron pot. Cast iron is ideal for cooking. In such a saucepan, you can cook jam, but only if you transfer it to jars immediately after cooking. It is not recommended to keep jam in a cast-iron bowl.
  • Refractory ceramic pot. Dishes made from this material are environmentally friendly. It is safe to use and easy to clean and wash. Refractory ceramics are ideal for making jam.
  • It is better to clean the pan from jam in the old fashioned way

    Not every housewife is aware of how to wash burnt jam using safe preparations. For cleaning enameled pans, it is strictly forbidden to use aggressive chemicals - alkaline powders. It is better to use soda, but rubbing the surface with an iron brush is not recommended. Soda is poured with water and boiled, then left overnight. In the morning, the pan is cleaned with a simple soft sponge. An aluminum pan is also washed in the same way.

    Enamelware is not poured with cold water immediately after the jam has been transferred. This leads to the formation of microcracks on the walls and bottom. But aluminum basins and pans should be immediately filled with cold water, while they have not yet had time to cool.

    Stainless steel pots clean well with regular salt. Salt in a saucepan is boiled in water, left for several hours and rubbed with a hard washcloth or iron brush.

    For stainless steel, a powder is applicable, so it can be used without fear that the pan will be damaged by scratches.

    If jam is burnt, how to wash a Teflon-coated pan, because powder and iron brushes are not applicable here. You can only soak the dishes with a solution that does not contain lye. The pan is filled with hot water or boiling water, left for a while and rinsed with cold water.

    To remove stuck or burnt sugar, you can use citric acid by boiling it in a burnt saucepan over low heat for 10-15 minutes.

    If the jam is burnt, keep in mind how to wash the pan with onion peel. A whole onion with husks is boiled in a bowl. At the same time, the housewives may not be afraid of a pungent smell - it immediately disappears.

    Jam - what to cook in, in what dishes it is better to cook:

    Of course, jam is best cooked in a wide and shallow bowl - in a basin. After all, in the process of repeated (usually 3 times) heating to a boil of berries with syrup, the excess liquid evaporates, and the jam becomes thick.

    5-minute jam can also be cooked in a regular saucepan, because. after 5 minutes of boiling, the jam still does not become thicker. In such a jam, the density is achieved by gelling the contents.

    Ware for cooking jam can be taken from food stainless steel, copper, brass or enameled.

    In no case should you cook jam in aluminum containers! When cooking, the protective oxide layer on the walls of aluminum dishes dissolves from acid, which is always present in berries and spoils the delicacy, and aluminum particles, getting into the jam, are harmful to health.

    Enamelware is safe for health, but jam often burns in it, so it is better to choose a basin or a stainless steel pan.

    Copper or brass basins were very popular in the past, our grandmothers cooked their delicious jam in just such. In a copper bowl, jam does not burn and retains its color and aroma.

    But we must remember that for jam, a basin made of copper or brass must be perfectly cleaned of oxides. It turns out that copper oxides dissolved by fruit acids from a darkened basin penetrate into the jam. Therefore, a copper basin should simply shine, only then is it suitable for cooking.

    Conclusion: the best container for cooking jam is a bowl or a wide stainless steel pan.

    Get yourself such dishes, and you will be sure that your jam is safe for health and has retained all the vitamins.

    How to cook jam

    How to make jam

    1. The proportions of fruits and sugar when making jam.

    As a rule, 1 kilogram of sugar is taken for 1 kilogram of berries.

    2. How to cook jam?

    Jam is boiled in brass or steel utensils - ideally wide enough basins so that the lower layers of the fruit do not soften under the weight of the upper ones.

    3. Storage of jam.

    Jam must be poured into prepared jars: washed in hot water with the addition of soda and heated to complete dryness in the oven (at a temperature of 60 degrees for 10 minutes). Store jam at a temperature of 10-15 degrees in a dark place.

    4. On what fire to cook jam?

    Jam must be cooked over low heat.

    5. When is the jam ready?

    Jam is cooked when a drop of syrup becomes very tight.

    6. Do you skim the foam from the jam?

    Skim the foam when cooking jam.

    7. What should I do if the jam does not thicken?

    8. How to cook jam without cooking.)

    For one jar of fruits, take 1 jar of sugar (or for 1 kilogram of fruits - 2 kilograms of sugar), grind with a mixer. Store the ground mass in the refrigerator.

    9. How to organize the storage of jam?

    To store jam, you can print labels with the name of the blanks and the date. Or just write on the bank with a marker.

    Utensils for cooking jam

    Jam is boiled in a saucepan or basin. The basin is good because the large open surface provides enhanced evaporation of the liquid - the jam will be thick, but the fruits or berries will not be digested. The saucepan is more convenient to use, it takes up less space on the stove or on the table between the stages of cooking jam.

    Can be used:

    Enamelware - it is suitable for cooking jam. But it is worth considering that even a small chip of enamel makes it impossible to use a basin or pan.

    Stainless steel utensils are suitable for cooking jam, but sometimes the finished product acquires a "metallic" aftertaste.

    Can not use:

    Copper basins, although they are traditionally considered the best utensils for making jam. Modern research convinces the opposite - copper is not suitable for making jam. Fruits and berries contain an acid that can dissolve copper oxides that appear in the form of a patina (dark coating) on ​​the surface of dishes. Even if the basin is torn off to a shine, it is still not worth using it for cooking - copper ions destroy ascorbic acid, depriving the jam of even the minimum amount of vitamin C.

    It is better to pour jam into jars with a small ladle, because. the necks of the jars are usually narrow - there is a risk of spilling the jam.

    About sugar in jam

    Sugar when cooking jam acts as a sweetener, thickener and preservative. When cooking jam, sugar is divided into fructose and glucose, which contributes to its rapid absorption by the body.

    When cooking jam, sugar obtained from sugar varieties of beets and cane is most often used. Exotic types of sugar: maple, palm, sorghum are rare in Russia and are not used for making jam, as well as brown unrefined raw cane sugar.

    If you reduce the rate of sugar bookmarking, the jam will be less high-calorie. But there is a risk at the exit to get the consistency of compote, not jam. Sugar can be replaced with food additives based on pectin. These are jams that improve the consistency of Confiturka, Kvittin, Zhelfiks.

    What a great summer, when berries and fruits ripen all around. You can enjoy plenty of juicy fruits and enrich your loved ones with useful substances. But the sunny time is not eternal, and sooner or later it will be replaced by a long winter.

    Sweet treats will disappear from the shelves, and with them the main source of vitamins. The only way to save them is to recycle the wonderful gifts of nature and make a product with a longer shelf life. The ideal candidate for this role is jam.

    You can prepare such a dessert from any berries and fruits. There are also many recipes. But in the process of cooking, a number of insidious questions may arise, one of them is in what kind of dishes is it better to cook jam?

    Choosing dishes

    The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a container is the material from which it is made. It is on him that the quality of the finished jam and the safety of the nutrients that nature has so generously awarded fruits and berries will depend.

    In addition, in different dishes, a sweet dessert is cooked in different ways. And thinking through all the possible nuances in advance is much easier than washing burnt jam.

    Stainless steel

    Stainless steel is called food grade steel for a reason. It does not react with food even when exposed to high temperatures for a long time. Therefore, it will not destroy the beneficial substances contained in the berries.

    The second well-known property of a common material is resistance to food acids. So, you can not be afraid of the harmful effects of acids contained in berries and fruits. The pelvis will not undergo oxidation and will serve its owner for many years.

    Any experienced cook will say without a shadow of a doubt that stainless steel cookware is the best option for making jam!


    But such dishes are best avoided! Its surface is covered with an oxide film, unable to withstand the destructive effects of acids, which are so rich in natural gifts.

    As a result, the film will dissolve, and the metal that it safely held will receive complete freedom. Therefore, if you do not want to eat a dessert with metal particles, give up aluminum dishes.

    But if there is no other option, there is no need to be upset. Boil the jam in an aluminum bowl, just don't keep them together for too long. It is better to immediately pour the finished product into jars and wash the basin. And remember, dishwashing detergents made from such a metal should not contain iron.


    Surely, many people remember how carefully their grandmother treated copper utensils. She was for them, a kind of family heirloom, passed down from generation to generation.

    The fact is that natural copper is very expensive, but it has special properties, namely, high thermal conductivity and durability.

    When cooking in such a basin, the jam heats up evenly and does not burn.

    But such dishes also have flaws:

    • Copper ions destroy the valuable ascorbic acid contained in fresh fruits.
    • And its oxides, which are harmful to the human body, can penetrate into the jam itself.

    However, if there is an urgent need to cook a dessert in such a dish, it is still possible, most importantly, to thoroughly wash and polish the basins each time. And also do not store the finished product in them.

    Teflon coating

    Such dishes appeared relatively recently, but have already earned the title of the most durable. The minimum service life with careful handling exceeds 10 years. In addition, the structure of the material, slightly reminiscent of a honeycomb, increases the heating surface and promotes uniform cooking of the jam.

    A saucepan made of high quality material will not be a bad replacement for a stainless steel basin. Especially when you need to cook quite a bit of jam.

    The only "but" - it can not be overheated! Therefore, for uninterrupted cooking of large volumes of jam, it, alas, will not work.


    The main advantage is uniform heating and cooking of jam. Also, a ceramic pan perfectly tolerates sudden changes in temperature and has a long service life.

    But it cools down for a long time, so while cooling the jam, it is better to pour it into another container.

    Enamelled finish

    Another kind of dishes in which it is worth making jam. But even here there are nuances.

    If the dishes are new, you can not worry about the quality of your favorite dessert. But over time, it undergoes critical changes.

    Enamel is a weak material. With constant heating to a high temperature, it cracks, and pieces of the substance can get into food, moreover, it is absolutely imperceptible to our eyes.

    Iron, which is under the enamel, begins to interact with the elements of the products. As a result, such a useful and important vitamin C for humans is almost completely destroyed.

    And of course, another minus of the irreversible process is the burning of jam in places of damage. Even if these are almost imperceptible chips and cracks, it will not be so easy to wash them from soot.

    However, despite such significant disadvantages, enamelware is an ideal option for settling jam. This is appropriate if you are preparing a dessert using the reusable cooking technology.

    An equally important detail that you need to pay attention to is the shape of the dishes:

    • Choose a shallow basin, because too thick a layer of food is boiled unevenly.
    • The wider the bottom, the better. With a large area of ​​contact with fire, the basin will heat up faster and more evenly, therefore, the lower part of the jam will not be digested.
    • And so that it does not burn, choose a basin with a whole, even, flat bottom. Otherwise, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort scraping off carbon deposits in cracks and gaps.
    • Since jam is a sweet and fragrant product, all the “sweet teeth” from the area flock to it: bees, wasps, bumblebees. An ordinary lid will protect them from their curiosity.

    If you make jam often, get a divider. With his helpWith the help of a knife, you will prevent the product from burning, as well as evenly distribute the temperature over the entire bottom of the basin.

    Properly selected dishes will help you prepare delicious, high-quality and really healthy jam, the magical properties of which we need so much in the winter cold. It's such a pity to waste wonderful berries for nothing!

    Hello, dear readers of the site "Note to the Family"! My today's article is for housewives, especially young ones, who are going to make jam, but don't know in which dish it is better to do it. But experienced housewives will also be able to find useful information for themselves, for example, on how to clean a basin for jam.

    So, in what kind of dishes is it best to cook jam? Reading!

    Basic requirements for utensils for cooking jam: it should be wide enough and low. This is necessary so that the liquid evaporates faster.

    Just such a form has a pelvis. Therefore, it is the basin that is considered the best utensil for cooking jam.

    Decided on the form. Now the material from which this very basin should be made. It is best if the basin in which the jam is supposed to be cooked is brass or copper. Basins made of of stainless steel.

    Some people like to make jam in enamelware. Enamel pots can be used when cooked jam needs to be kept in the same container until the next cooking, or when it needs to be stored for some time before packaging.

    BUT! There is one necessary requirement for enamelware: it should not have the slightest crack, let alone chipped enamel. Otherwise, in this case, iron will pass into the jam, and not only the appearance, but also the quality of the jam will suffer from this.

    A separate question that comes up very often:

    Is it possible to cook jam in aluminum cookware?

    There are so many people, so many opinions. Someone does not have a soul in their aluminum dishes. They say it is eternal, very convenient, the jam in it never burns. They use it themselves, their mothers and grandmothers used it, and everything is fine with everyone. And someone, having read or heard a lot of fears about aluminum in cooking, threw away all his aluminum utensils.

    All these are extremes. Although personally I also prefer not to use aluminum cookware. But from a scientific point of view, it is possible to cook in it, but it is impossible to store products, especially those containing acids and salts, since under their influence the protective oxide film on the aluminum surface is destroyed. Therefore, if the jam is cooked in one go, then with a strong desire it can also be cooked in aluminum dishes. Only immediately after cooking, transfer it, for example, to glass jars. But if the jam is cooked in several steps, and it needs to settle in the same bowl until the next cooking, then aluminum dishes are not suitable in this case!

    We have dealt with the material. Now let's talk about dish volume for making jam. The optimal volume will be from 2 to 6 liters. It is better not to use an even larger container, since tender berries (for example, such as raspberries or strawberries) can choke on their own weight, and in this case the jam will turn out more like jam. There is another negative point: the larger the container, the longer the cooking time of the jam. And increasing the cooking time does not have the best effect on the quality of the jam.

    And some more helpful tips.

    • If on the same day you need to cook jam from the same berries several times, then you do not need to wash the basin after each cooking.
    • Before starting jam cooking, carefully check the pelvis. It should not have greenish oxide spots!

    How can I clean the basin for cooking jam

    • In order to remove greenish oxide spots from the surface of the pelvis, it can be cleaned with sand or sandpaper, and then washed with hot water. Then the basin should be dried, after which it can be used to make jam.
    • A copper basin can be cleaned with the following composition: take 6 parts of water, 3 parts of ammonia and 1 part of chalk. Shake the resulting liquid well. Using a rag, apply this liquid to the surface of the pelvis, then wipe it to a shine with a cloth or woolen cloth.
    • Another way to clean a copper basin is to mix flour, small sawdust and vinegar to a slurry consistency. Cover the basin with this mass and leave to dry, and then peel it off and wipe the basin to a shine.

    Well, the last thing. After the process of cooking the jam is completed, the dishes in which the jam was cooked must, of course, be thoroughly washed, and then it is advisable to dry it on the stove until completely dry.

    Now, I think, you will no longer have the question: "In what kind of dishes to cook jam?" If the article was useful to you, do not be too lazy to press the social buttons. networks, share with others.

    Now the harvesting season is in full swing. I want to recommend you my proven recipes:

    I wish you delicious preparations!

    And I look forward to seeing you again on the pages of my site!

    Greetings to dear visitors of the site "Family Note"! We continue the heading CANNING. Today I want to give you a recipe for lecho for the winter. I really like the lecho prepared according to this ...

    The summer and autumn seasons are rich in harvest, so for many housewives at this time, a period of all kinds of twists and conservation begins. There is an opinion among the people that cooking jam in an aluminum pan is unacceptable. So is this?

    Some people believe that aluminum utensils should not be used when cooking jam, because. it is dangerous to health. Acids, salts and alkalis contained in fruits destroy the oxide film of the product, due to which the finished product quickly deteriorates and becomes toxic. Ardent opponents of aluminum most often cook jam in copper or brass utensils, as well as in stainless steel products.

    Others use aluminum cookware without restriction. In such containers, jam is cooked faster, does not burn and retains its taste properties.

    There is another opinion: it is possible to cook fruit in aluminum dishes, but only if it is immediately transferred to a jar for seaming. If the jam needs to be boiled several times, then aluminum pans are not used.

    Cook jam in an aluminum pan or not, you decide. In addition to jam, compotes, tomato sauces, salted fish, baby and diet food, milk, sour and pickled vegetables, meat in sweet and sour sauce, jelly and cabbage soup are prohibited in aluminum dishes. If you have pans made from other materials, then it is better to use them.

    People's opinions about aluminum cookware

    As mentioned above, there are many opinions on this matter. Here are the answers published on the answers service:

    I cooked... nothing happened

    It is impossible, aluminum utensils oxidize very easily and the oxide dissolves easily in jam, which quickly turns sour.

    better in enameled, in theory. But I usually cook in a large cauldron

    I cook jam and, in general, all preservation only in aluminum dishes.

    they can't be used at all.

    Actually, it's better in a copper basin. But if not, then in aluminum dishes, but only immediately pour. In enamelled. the dishes are on fire.

    I've been cooking all my life and nothing is normal

    You can cook only hot quickly put in jars

    I wouldn't

    you can’t ... Fruit acid destroys the oxide film on the walls of the pan or basin and aluminum molecules enter the product.

    Mom cooked all her life in an aluminum basin

    The most correct thing in a copper basin is to cook with low sides.
    But where can you find it now?
    Cook in aluminum, only very clean, and be careful not to burn.
    If there is an enameled one, you can also in it.
    I now have two medium bowls of their enamel, since the fruit is golden, but I still want to cook in them.

    in principle, it is possible, just immediately pour it into jars and more ... the pan should be with a wide bottom

    the surface of such dishes can actively react with acidic or alkaline products, releasing a sufficiently large amount of metal that is harmful to health. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to use aluminum utensils for cooking dishes with vinegar, tomato, sour fruits and berries, and dairy products. In addition, you can not use this dish for long-term storage of any food and dishes, including water.

    For as long as I can remember, my grandmother, my parents cooked jam in enamelware (large enameled basins).

    my mother has been using aluminum pans all her life, my mother is 86 years old, alive and well, thank God ..

    It's jam season. Modern housewives are wondering: what to cook it in? And the question is by no means idle. In a good way, jam should preserve not only the taste and aroma of summer berries and fruits, but also vitamins. And besides, do not eat any harmful impurities from the dishes.

    Our grandmothers traditionally boiled berries in copper basins. In Soviet times, such tubs with wooden handles on the sides were considered the highest chic. Not everyone had them, but every housewife in the USSR dreamed of this copper miracle. There was an opinion that it is in such a basin that the best and most delicious jam is obtained! But no, today the situation has changed.

    It turns out that copper utensils are by no means suitable for these purposes. Firstly, copper oxides, harmful to our health, dissolved by fruit acids during the cooking of sour fruits (cherry plum, cornelian cherry, etc.) can get into the jam. But this is not even the point (a polished pelvis is safe in this regard). The problem is that it turns out that the smallest amount of copper ions leads to the destruction of ascorbic acid - and that's it, there are no vitamins in the jam, just berries!

    We turned to Natalya Tikhonycheva, Candidate of Medical Sciences, for a comment:

    Our grandmothers, indeed, preferred to cook jam in copper basins. But I will not advise housewives to adhere to this custom, because copper ions destroy useful ascorbic acid in berries and fruits. If the household has only a copper basin, do not forget to properly care for it. Before and after cooking, thoroughly wash and rinse the basin with hot water, then dry until the moisture is completely removed. If copper oxide appears, wipe it thoroughly with sand, wash the basin with hot water and soap, dry it, and only then proceed to cooking jam.

    So what to cook in? Aluminum cookware is also not suitable for our purposes. The high acidity of the jam will destroy the oxide film on the surface of the metal, and a small amount of aluminum will inevitably fall into our delicacy. In principle, enameled dishes are well suited. But a problem may arise with it: enamel at high temperatures risks breaking off.

    So the best jam cooker is stainless steel cookware.

    And now a selection of rare and interesting jam recipes from our grandmothers:

    Rhubarb jam

    Rinse, peel and cut 1 kg of rhubarb, add about 600 g of sugar and leave for 8-10 hours. Drain the resulting juice and put on fire, bring to a boil, add another 600 grams of sugar. When the syrup boils, dip pieces of rhubarb into it, bring the jam to a boil, remove from heat and let it brew for an hour. Then simmer for 5 minutes, add ¼ teaspoon of ground cinnamon if desired, and immediately pour into pasteurized jars, roll up and turn upside down until cool.

    Blackcurrant jam

    Recipe: water - 3 cups, sugar 14 cups, currants - 11 cups.

    From the entire norm of water and half of the sugar, boil the syrup. As soon as the syrup boils, add all the berries. From the moment the syrup with berries boils, cook for 15 minutes over low heat. Then remove from heat, pour in the remaining sugar and stir until it is completely dissolved, you can cook the jam, but do not boil. The jam turns out jelly, fragrant.

    Pear and orange jam

    Recipe: honey - 165 gr, sugar - 200 gr, lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons, cloves - 6 pcs., hard pears - 1 kg, small oranges - 4 pcs., sliced ​​lemon - 1 pc., mint leaves - 4 pcs., water - 900 ml.

    Mix honey, sugar, lemon juice and cloves in water. Remove the skin from the pear, remove the core, leave the tail. Put the pears in a mixture with honey, mix, bring to a boil over high heat. Then reduce the heat, close the lid and cook for 20 minutes.

    Transfer the pears with a slotted spoon into a bowl, and put the oranges in the pan, from which it is necessary to remove the skin and white pulp, bring to a boil, cook the oranges without a lid for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Transfer the oranges to the bowl with the pears. Bring the syrup to a boil, boil for 10 minutes without a lid. Pour syrup over fruits, add lemon slices, mint. Boil 5 minutes, cool.

    small green tomato jam

    For 1 kg of tomatoes: 1 kg of sugar, 4 lemons.

    Green tomatoes - small - rinse, put in a bowl, pour cold salted water (50 g per 0.5 liter of water) and leave for 12 hours. Then boil, drain the water, and rinse the tomatoes with cold water 2-3 times. Juice is squeezed out of lemons, the zest is finely cut, combined and heated over low heat. Slowly add the sugar while stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved. Tomatoes are placed in the syrup and boiled over low heat, periodically removing the foam, until the tomatoes become transparent. Ready jam is packaged in sterilized jars and rolled up. Tomatoes retain their bright natural color when cooked.

    Blackberry jam with apples

    Recipe: 1 kg of mountain ash, 1 kg of Antonovka apples, 2 kg of sugar, water - 900 gr.

    Rinse the berries, dry them, pass through a meat grinder. Cut apples into slices. Then combine with sugar, add water and cook until tender.

    White acacia flower jam

    400 gr of white acacia flowers, 1.2 kg of sugar, 1 tbsp. grape juice, 1 tbsp. water.

    Peel acacia flowers so that only white petals remain and rub with 800 g of sugar with your hands and leave in an enamel bowl for 12 hours. Boil syrup from water, juice and remaining sugar. Pour acacia flowers and cook for 30 - 40 minutes until fully cooked.

    Barberry jam

    Pour washed and seeded ripe berries with sugar syrup (1 kg of berries - 1 kg of sugar) and leave for a day. Water for syrup - 1 cup. Boil in three doses until tender (usually 30-40 minutes). Jam is well stored in a cool place under a nylon lid.

    Assorted jam

    Gooseberries, cherries, strawberries, apricots - wash, dry. Remove pits from cherries and apricots - by weight there should be 1 kg of fruit. Boil fruits in syrup - 30 minutes. (For 1.25 kg of sugar - 2 cups of water). Cool the finished jam and pack in jars, close with plastic lids.

    Pear jam

    Pears - 1 kg, sugar - 1 kg, water 1.5 cups, citric acid 4 gr.

    Peel the pears from the skin and core, cut into slices, blanch for 5 minutes in boiling water and cool in cold water. Dip the pears in hot syrup and cook in 3 doses with standing. At the end of cooking, add citric acid or juice of 1 lemon.

    plum jam

    Wash plums and remove pits. Boil the sugar syrup, put the halves of the plums into the syrup, bring the mass to a boil, boil for 8-10 minutes and cool. During the cooking process, the jam should be shaken, not stirred. Arrange the finished jam in hot jars.

    Zucchini jam with blackcurrant

    2 kg of peeled zucchini cut into cubes, mixed with 1 kg of blackcurrant berries, pour 3 kg of sugar and leave for 12 hours. Boil in three doses for 5 minutes, each time allowing the jam to cool. Arrange the finished jam in jars and close the lid.

    Assorted jam

    Pears and apples of 0.5 kg cut into cubes pour 0.5 tbsp. water and 300 g of sugar, boil and leave for 10 hours. The next day, add 500 g of pitted plums cut into 4 parts, add another 300 g of sugar, boil for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling, add 0.5 teaspoon of ground cinnamon and cloves. Stir and turn off. Arrange in jars and roll up.

    Melon and raspberry jam

    Recipe: melon - 1 kg, raspberries - 300 gr, Saarland - 800 gr, water - 1 glass, lemon - 1 pc.

    Wash the lemon, dry it, remove the zest, cover it with sugar, pour over lemon juice and leave for 1 hour. Wash the melon, dry it, remove the peel, remove the seeds, cut into small pieces. Sort the raspberries, wash and dry quickly.

    Drain the lemon juice from the peels, add water and boil the syrup over low heat. After boiling, add melon, as soon as the melon is soft, add raspberries, continue to cook until thickened. Arrange the jam in sterilized jars and close the lids.

    Southern jam

    Recipe: watermelon peels - 1 kg, sugar - 1.5 kg, water - 500 ml, zest of one lemon, juice of one lemon.

    Peel watermelon rinds from the tops of the skin and separate the pulp. Cut the white peel into cubes. Pour the peels with hot water and cook for 5-10 minutes, then put them on a sieve and cool. Boil syrup from water and sugar, add zest, lemon juice, boil watermelon peels for 20-30 minutes, then remove from heat and leave in syrup for 2 hours. Then repeat this operation, once again let the jam stand for 2 hours, cook for the third time on low heat until the crusts are transparent. Arrange the finished jam in jars.

    Strawberry jam

    Strawberries - 1 kg, sugar - 1 kg, juice of one lemon.

    Sort the berries, wash, dry, place in a bowl in which jam will be cooked, add sugar, lemon juice and leave for 5 hours. Then cook for 15 minutes on low heat. Until fully cooked, cook in a day. Pour the finished jam into clean jars.

    Strawberries (strawberries) in redcurrant juice

    Strawberries (strawberries) - 1 kg, red currant juice - 300 gr.

    Wash the berries, dry them, put them in a saucepan, pour over the juice, boil for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling, pour into sterilized jars and roll up.

    Rosehip-rowanberry jam

    600 gr of rose hips, cleaned of hairs and seeds. The fruits of mountain ash 400 gr (preferably Nevezhinsky), blanch for 2 - 5 minutes, and then cook in three steps until cooked with the addition of 1 tbsp of water from blanching and 1.3 kg of sugar. Pour the finished jam into clean jars. Blanching is boiling over high heat.

    Gooseberry jam

    Recipe: berries - 2 kg, honey 1 kg, walnuts - how many berries will take.

    Rinse, dry, large unripe gooseberries, carefully remove the seeds without cutting the berries, fill the gooseberries with walnut kernels. You can make halves, but crush the nuts. Pour the berries with honey and cook the jam until tender.

    Strawberry or strawberry jam

    Sort the berries, wash, let the water drain. H 1 kg of berries take 1 kg of sugar and instead of water 1 glass of sour juice (red currants, apples, plums or gooseberries). Dip the berries into the hot syrup of sugar and juice and cook until tender, stirring constantly and skimming off the foam. After 30 - 35 minutes from the moment of boiling, the jam is ready. At the end of cooking, you can add 2 - 3 grams of citric acid - this gives a beautiful color. Pour hot jam into heated dry jars, and when cool, close the lid. If the jam turned out to be liquid, you will have to sterilize the jars for 15 - 20 minutes and roll up the lids.

    Raspberries pureed with sugar

    For this jam, you can use both garden and forest raspberries. Sort the berries, remove the damaged ones. If there are raspberry beetle larvae (white larvae), dip the berries for 10 - 15 minutes in salted water (20 grams of salt per liter of water) and the larvae will emerge. You can do it differently: scatter the berries on the table, the worms will crawl out on their own. Rinse the raspberries in a colander with water and beat with a mixer. Put the resulting mass in an enameled or porcelain dish, add 1.5 kg of granulated sugar per 1 kg of raspberries and stir until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour into clean, dry jars and seal tightly.

    Pumpkin jam

    Peel the pumpkin from the skin and seeds. Pour cold water into a basin or saucepan, put soda and lower the pumpkin, cut into large pieces. Leave for a day. Then drain the water, wash the pumpkin with cold water and put it on a sieve. When the water drains, cut the pumpkin into squares.

    Boil syrup, put pumpkin in it, but do not interfere. When the jam boils, remove it from the heat for a few hours so that the pumpkin does not boil soft and does not turn out to be jam. Then cook until done.

    For 1 kg of pumpkin 1.5 kg of sugar, 1 tablespoon of soda, 0.75 cups of water.

    Pumpkin and apple jam

    For such a jam you will need: 5 kg of pumpkin, 2 lemons, 2 kg of apples, 5 kg of sugar.

    Peel the pumpkin from the peel and seeds, pass through a meat grinder, add lemons without grains, passed through a meat grinder. Wash apples, peel, cut into cubes. Pour granulated sugar into pumpkin, lemon and apples. Cook in three doses for 5 minutes from the moment of boiling, stirring constantly.

    Ginger apple jam

    1 kg of apples, 1 kg of sand, tablespoons of grated ginger, 1 glass of water, 2 large lemons.

    Wash the apples, dry them, remove the core and cut into thin cubes. Remove the zest from the lemon, squeeze out the juice. Boil syrup from sugar and water, add lemon zest and juice, apples, grated ginger to the syrup. Boil the jam until it thickens. Pour into dry sterilized jars, close the lid.

    Rowan jam

    It is better to take the berries of the Nezhin mountain ash. Dip the berries for 3 - 5 minutes in boiling water or put in a warm oven for 1 - 2 hours. For 1 kg of mountain ash, take 1.5 kg of sugar and 3 cups of water. Pour the berries with boiling syrup and after 6-8 hours cook, removing several times for 10-15 minutes. Ready jam date to stand for 10 - 13 hours, then put in jars. If the syrup is liquid, drain it, hold it on the fire to “evaporate” and pour the jam again.