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  • Black and red currants: diseases and pests. Blackcurrant: planting and care Why currants crack

    Black and red currants: diseases and pests.  Blackcurrant: planting and care Why currants crack

    It often happens that gardeners complain that currants stop bearing fruit. Bushes should bear fruit every year. The peak yield occurs in the 5th year of planting.

    If, after planting in the first year, the currant does not produce berries, this is normal, but in the absence of fruits in the second and subsequent years, it is worth thinking about the reasons.

    What could be the reasons that the currant does not bear fruit?

    Wrong landing site. If the seedling is planted in the shade or in a too hot place, the bush may not produce a crop. When planted in the shade, the bush may stretch in height to give stormy greenery, and there may be few or no berries at all.

    The soil where currants are planted should not give an acidic reaction. To get rid of acidity, it is limed. Do it better ahead of time, a year before landing. In addition, too fertile soil can also have a detrimental effect on the crop. In this case, trenches are made at a distance of 35-45 cm from the bush, and they are filled with clay soil with the addition of ash and bone meal. Carry out rejuvenating pruning at such bushes, cutting out extra "fattening" shoots.

    Lack of moisture. A plant with weak watering may not produce an ovary. They can dry out

    Unsuitable climate. In cold areas, southern varieties may wake up earlier and fall into spring frosts when the ovary dies. It is necessary to choose the right varieties, taking into account climatic features.

    Varieties may not form ovaries without cross-pollination. In this case, you need to provide it. The way out can be planting a number of flowers, honey plants.

    Incorrect top dressing with the same type of fertilizer often leads to a cessation or reduction in yield.

    Bush aging. Age 7-10 years, when - the plant can no longer bear fruit due to the lost resource. Younger plants can still be rejuvenated with pruning, but for a bush older than 10-20 years this may not help.

    In addition, there are diseases that lead to a lack of yield in currant bushes.

    Serious disease - reversion (terry). This viral disease of currant is transmitted by a bud mite. It leads to infertility. In plants affected by this virus, the flowers are deformed, the petals become thinner, stretched and become, as it were, terry, turning green or purple. The specific aroma of currant is lost. Fruiting practically stops. The disease infects bush after bush, and in a few years it can affect all currant bushes.

    The first preventive measure in order not to get the virus into your garden should be to purchase good healthy seedlings. They are taken from reliable suppliers. And cuttings for propagation from healthy bushes.

    For the prevention of the disease, plants should be constantly inspected, for the timely detection of a kidney mite - as the main carrier of terry. During flowering, the bushes should be checked especially carefully. If double (curly) flowers are found, it is worth immediately cutting and destroying these shoots. But the reversion disease is very insidious and it is almost impossible to stop it. Most likely, such bushes will have to be destroyed. Such currants not only do not bear fruit, but also infect other bushes.

    Therefore, do not allow this virus into your garden.

    The kidney mite as a carrier of the terry virus is very dangerous for currants. It develops inside the kidneys, affecting them. Its sign is the enlarged round buds of the plant. If they are found, they should be immediately torn off and destroyed. But when it is completely hit, the bush is uprooted and burned. As a preventive measure, garlic is planted between currant bushes, and the bushes are sprayed with garlic infusion.

    Glass butterfly. If the leaves of the currant wither, the ovaries fall, there is a danger of being affected by this pest. This insect gnaws its own moves in the shoots. For treatment, you need to cut the shoots to a healthy trunk. If the plant is severely affected, then you can cut it to the roots. Places of cuts close up with the help of a garden pitch.

    Currant does not bear fruit because of the ants. Forest ants can also cause irreparable damage to currant bushes. They feed on the insides of flowers, depriving the plant of its ability to bear fruit. You need to get rid of them by biological or chemical means.

    Disease prevention

    For the prevention and treatment of currants, Zircon, Epin-extra, Novosil, Khom are used. In the spring, when leaves appear, spray with Zircon and Epin-Extroy. After flowering with "Zircon", after harvesting, with "Khom" or "Zircon". If such measures do not help to return the yield and cure the bush, then it is removed and replaced. And the soil in this place is better to change or plant a new plant in a new place.

    Currant leaves curl and dry: what is the reason?

    If the currant leaves curl and dry, then it is hardly worth expecting a full-fledged collection of berries from it. What to do? First of all, you need to find the cause of the plight of the bush and why the leaves of the currant curl, then figure out how to process it.

    Why currant leaves curl

    What needs to be done to find out the cause of the painful condition of the bush? It is necessary to determine the nature of damage to the leaves. The causes of the disease can be varied, but mostly they are pests and fungal infections.


    spider mite

    It spreads with the help of the wind and with cuttings. Weaves the lower part of the leaf with a network of the thinnest cobwebs. Damaged areas are light specks that gradually grow into faded areas. The leaves become "marble", darken and dry. Currant suffers. Its winter hardiness and productivity are reduced.

    Fallen leaves and topsoil are the wintering grounds for females. In the spring they climb the currants and lay their eggs on the blossoming leaves. Hatched larvae can be viewed through a magnifying glass. They are yellow-green. In the heat in the south, up to ten generations develop. The mass release of the tick occurs in June - July. By autumn, the larvae turn orange-red and leave for the winter.

    currant glass jar

    Butterfly with narrow transparent wings, on the abdomen of the female there are three transverse yellow stripes. Butterflies fly out ten to fifteen days after the blackcurrant has faded. They lay up to 50 eggs in crevices in the bark. The caterpillars bite into the core of the branches, making moves up to 40 cm. In the next spring and summer, they damage the branches by sliding down. In the fall, they winter again inside the branches and in the youngster of spring - early summer, having made a hole, they go outside. They first pupate and then turn into butterflies.

    Branches affected by the glass case wither and dry out at the beginning of the ripening of blackcurrant berries.

    Currant leaf midge

    Small brownish-yellow mosquito with one pair of wings. Eggs are laid on young leaves of blackcurrant, on the tops of shoots. Young leaves damaged by larvae become deformed, acquire a “torn” appearance, turn black and dry. Shoots stop growing or begin to branch unnaturally. Young bushes and seedlings are especially affected. Up to four generations of gall midge are hatched in one summer. The winter is spent in cocoons in the soil. Summer begins with the blooming of currant flowers. Lays eggs on emerging leaves. The hatched larvae live in groups in unopened leaves, causing them to curl and dry out. The tops of the shoots often die off. The pest causes especially great damage in nurseries.

    Currant gall midge

    Yellow-orange mosquito with two brown stripes on the back; the wings are covered with dense dark hairs. Lays eggs in cracks in currant bark. The larvae live in colonies under the bark. They feed on the sap of the branches, which is why the bark acquires a brown tint, gradually darkens. Depressed, gradually growing spots and cracks protrude on infected places. The branches break and dry up.

    Over the summer, 2-3 generations of gall midges hatch. The annual dying off of branches reduces the ability of plants to restore shoots and yields.

    leaf gall aphid

    Settles on the leaves of white and red currants. In the spring-summer period, aphids do not have wings; later, winged females fly over long distances. The pest hibernates in the stage of eggs, which are laid in autumn on the bark of shoots near the buds. The larvae hatch in the budding phenophase. Aphid colonies settle on the lower surface of the leaves. Red or yellow "blisters" - galls - form on the upper side of the leaves. The leaves are dying.

    When currant growth stops, aphids migrate to herbaceous and weed plants. In September, the pest moves back to currants to lay eggs.

    Gooseberry shoot aphid

    The larvae hatch from the eggs during bud swelling. They feed on leaves, causing them to curl. Shoots are deformed, grow poorly. The leaves are compressed into a ball. In the phase of the end of flowering, the larvae mature, turning into females. In autumn, they lay eggs on the shoots, which then hibernate.



    It affects young leaves, shoots, fruits. It manifests itself as a powdery coating, which gradually becomes brown, felty. The shoots dry up, the leaves are deformed and fall off, the berries lose their commercial qualities. Infection of plants occurs in the first warm days, when the buds open, the leaves bloom, or after the berries are set. The most favorable conditions for the development of the disease are a temperature of 17-28°C and an air humidity of 90-100%. In dry weather, the process is suspended.


    It appears on leaf petioles and young shoots, less often on berries. It is expressed in small brown spots on the leaves. In the course of the disease, the spots coalesce, the leaves turn brown, dry, and fall off prematurely.

    On petioles, stalks and green shoots, the spots are small, black, slightly depressed. As a result, growth and winter hardiness of plants decrease, shoots die off.

    Signs of it appear on the leaves in June. The infection grows rapidly under favorable conditions and continues until the end of September. Intensive development of the disease occurs in years with strong moisture.


    The fungus infects leaves and berries. It manifests itself in the formation of brown spots of various shapes from the bottom of the leaves. With the development of the disease, the spots become white with a brown border.

    On berries, the disease appears before ripening with brown spots, depressed or cracking. They also generate controversy. The leaves fall prematurely, the growth slows down, the quality of the berries deteriorates.

    columnar rust

    Chlorotic spots appear on top of the leaves, fungus pustules appear below, orange and powdery. They gradually turn into yellow-brown columns of spores in the form of hairs, like felt. By autumn it turns brown. The leaves fall a month and a half before the natural leaf fall, which affects the winter hardiness of plants and productivity. Spores hibernate on fallen leaves, mycelium - on coniferous trees. The blackcurrant of the European and Scandinavian subspecies is severely damaged. Rust of this species is found in all areas of industrial cultivation of currants.

    goblet rust

    Black currant becomes infected during the bud break phase. Yellow spots appear on the leaves of young shoots. Later, they swell and crack, cup-shaped depressions filled with orange spores become visible.

    Leaves turn brown and dry. Berries fall off. Spores infect sedge, the fungus develops on it in the second half of summer and hibernates. The disease develops most strongly in a rainy spring. Currants should not be cultivated in places favorable for the growth of sedge.

    Currant leaves are curled, how to process? Measures to combat diseases and pests of currants.

    In autumn or early spring, they are removed at the root and dry damaged shoots are destroyed. In such shoots there may be larvae of the vitreous, borer, stem gall midge, currant bud moth and other pests, pathogens of various diseases (anthracnose, powdery mildew, etc.). They burn fallen leaves, dig up the soil in order to reduce the number of pests and destroy the sources of diseases.

    How to treat currants from twisting leaves?

    Approximate calendar of protective measures:

    In the phase of bud break against the main fungal diseases in plantations, spraying with 1% Bordeaux mixture is carried out.

    Before flowering, the bushes are treated against aphids, mites, and other pests with one of the insecticides: Fufanon (10 ml / 10 l of water), or kemifos (10 ml / 10 l of water), or a spark (10 ml / 10 l of water).

    Before the appearance of flower brushes against anthracnose and other fungal diseases, another treatment is carried out with a Bordeaux mixture (100 g of copper sulfate + 100 g of lime / 10 l of water).

    To contain American powdery mildew (sferoteca), treatments are carried out with Thiovit Jet (20-30g / 10l of water).

    After flowering, cut below the soil level and burn the shoots damaged by the glass.

    After harvesting, when pests and diseases appear, plantations are sprayed with the same preparations as before flowering.

    On commercial plantations of berry crops, chemical treatments are not carried out after flowering. In the event of the appearance of pests after flowering, plants are protected by treating with biological preparations:

    Bitoxibacillin - 80-100 g / 10 l of water;

    Lepidocide - 20-30g / 10l of water;

    Fitoverm - 4 ml / 10 water.

    Spraying is carried out against each generation of the pest (caterpillars of 1-3 age) with an interval of about a week.

    These activities help to eliminate the various causes of currant leaf curl.

    Currant is one of the most delicious and healthy berries, which is grown almost everywhere. But sometimes, instead of harvesting a generous harvest, the gardener gets one disappointment. Since the berries begin to crumble even before they are fully ripe.

    There are a lot of reasons why currant berries fall off, but in the vast majority this happens because of a careless attitude towards this culture. So, why the crop from the currant bush crumbles and how to eliminate the causes, and we will consider below.

      The reason for shedding berries

      A large number of old branches on a bush

      lack of moisture

      Wrong landing zone

      Lack of pollination

      Defects and pests

      Branches overloaded with harvest



    The reason for shedding berries

    As already described above, there are many reasons why currants crumble. But at the same time, every problem that served as a shedding of berries can be eliminated if certain measures are taken in a timely manner. So, what factors provoke such a problem:

    • a large number of old branches on the bush;
    • lack of moisture;
    • improperly selected landing zone;
    • lack of pollination of shrubs;
    • defects and pests;
    • weather factors;
    • branches overloaded with harvest.

    As they say, if there is a problem, then there is a solution. Therefore, it is worth considering in detail how to eliminate all the above negative factors.

    A large number of old branches on a bush

    The very first reason why the berries fall on the currant is the age of the currant bush. If the plant was planted relatively recently, then often the reason why it sheds part of the crop lies in the fact that the bush still does not have enough strength to fully grow and form berries.

    Well, in the event that this happens with an old bush, then this is the first signal that the plant is running out of resources and it can no longer fully produce a crop.

    You can overcome this problem in the following way:

    • carry out sanitary and anti-aging pruning of red and black currants;
    • apply fertilizer to the soil;
    • loosen the soil, weed the currant beds, moisten each bush and mulch.

    All these manipulations will help the plant to restore strength as quickly as possible and completely rejuvenate. And the result of this procedure will be a good harvest.

    lack of moisture

    The second reason why the ovary crumbles is the lack of moisture. If the spring turned out to be dry, take care of watering the currants yourself. And in order to understand that the reason for shedding is precisely the lack of watering, take a knitting needle and stick it into the soil: if the earth is dry by more than 4 cm, such a plant needs urgent watering.

    Wrong landing zone

    The third reason, due to which the berries begin to crumble, is the initially incorrectly chosen area for planting. It is important to understand that currants will not be able to ripen in the shade. And if it is planted in such a place, then the result will be a fall in the crop.

    At the same time, keep in mind that this crop should not be planted in the wind either.

    The best option would be to plant a garden beauty in a well-lit front garden. Well, in the event that the bush is already planted in an unfavorable place for growth, then with the onset of autumn, transplant it to another place.

    Lack of pollination

    The fourth reason for shedding berries may lie in the fact that currant bushes are not pollinated. This problem can arise when only one bush is planted in the front garden. You can correct this situation by planting at least a couple more currant bushes nearby.

    It is worth highlighting one important point: in order to understand the reasons why the berries fall off, you need to regularly pay attention to the currant bush. Only in this case, you will quickly identify the provocateur and eliminate him.

    Defects and pests

    If your currant bushes are over 10 years old, then you should be more careful about them. Do not forget that it is from this period that the attacks of defects of fungal origin become more frequent and more ferocious.

    As a result, the culture sheds even green berries. The fact is that the older the currant bushes, the more often fungal defects appear on them. It is possible to identify that the problem is in the disease by the following signs:

    1. If white spots appear on the foliage, then the plant is attacked by powdery mildew, which provokes the shedding of berries. At first, the fruits are covered with a white coating, due to which the stalks dry and crumble.
    2. The next defect, which can also provoke shedding of berries, is anthracnose. You can identify it by the black dots that appear on the leaf. When anthracnose begins to develop, it attacks all the foliage and fruits, on which brown spots begin to appear. Further, the bush begins to wither, and the fruits crumble, without having time to ripen.

    As a rule, insect pests hibernate in fallen leaves or in diseased branches that have not been removed from the site in a timely manner. The main provocateurs of crop loss are the following insects:

    • moth;
    • sawfly;
    • glass case.

    Timely pruning, front garden cleaning and preventive treatment will help to overcome such a problem.

    Branches overloaded with harvest

    Another problem that often fails to harvest a novice gardener is the congestion of the branches. Quite often it happens that the year turned out to be very fruitful and the currant pleases with a generous harvest so far only green berries.

    And when the time comes to collect ripe berries, the gardener discovers that there is nothing to collect from the bush: all the berries have crumbled. In this case, the person is to blame. The fact is that if the harvest is excessive, then the shrub can discard the berries, regardless of whether they are ripe or not.

    To avoid such a problem, you need to take care in advance and tie up the bushes on which a lot of ovaries have formed. In this way, you will help the shrub cope with a heavy load and save the crop.


    And the last reason why currant berries can crumble is weather conditions. Quite often, you can encounter such a nuisance: the gardener organized the proper care of the crop, but there is no harvest.

    Such a problem can arise if the summer turned out to be rainy and cool. The fact is that currants are heat-loving plants, and if the weather deteriorates, it can simply reset the crop.

    In addition, if strong winds blow, then such a factor negatively affects pollination. The fact is that bees do not fly under adverse weather conditions. Accordingly, there can be no talk of pollination, but if there is no pollination, then there are no fruits.


    And in conclusion, it is worth emphasizing that there are a lot of reasons why a gardener observes a large number of fallen berries. But more often than not, the person himself is to blame for the problem. If you devote a little time to the plant and perform the simplest manipulations to care for currants, it will surely please you with a good harvest.

    This product got its name from the word "currant", which means "strong smell" in Old Russian. But in reality, leaves, buds, fruits and even blackcurrant branches have a pronounced aroma. Its berries usually ripen in July-August. In folk medicine, not only fruits are used, but also branches of a shrub belonging to the gooseberry family.

    Blackcurrant is popularly considered a pantry of vitamins and health. Its berries contain vitamins B, P, K, C, carotene, pectin, essential oils, phosphoric acid, potassium and iron salts. Currant leaves are rich in copper, magnesium, manganese, phytoncides, sulfur, vitamin C. The latter distinguishes currants from other berries. Ascorbic acid is found in greater quantities only in rose hips, so for the daily norm it is enough to eat about 15-20 berries.

    Blackcurrant has anti-inflammatory, blood-purifying, diuretic, tonic and other properties.

    At high pressure, spasm is removed from the vascular wall. As a result, the blood vessels "relax", which leads to a decrease in the pressure in their cavity.

    The effect comes from the regular consumption of a small amount of berries. According to expert research, blackcurrant lowers blood pressure by 10-15 points. If somewhere you come across information that currant berries increase blood pressure, then in no case believe this fact.

    Collect fully ripened currant fruits. However, it must be remembered that after two weeks, the loss of vitamin C in their composition can reach 70%.

    Despite a large list of useful properties, including the fact that blackcurrant lowers blood pressure, it has contraindications for use. The fact is that the product should not be carried away by hypertensive patients who have gastritis with high acidity, hepatitis of various etiologies, and stomach ulcers.

    Long-term and unlimited consumption of the product leads to an increase in blood clotting due to the high content of phenolic compounds and vitamin K. Blackcurrant is contraindicated in patients with hepatitis, but it is recommended to add it to the diet for other liver problems.

    Experts advise to abandon one hundred percent currant juice during pregnancy. It can cause an allergic reaction in children, but in small quantities it can increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood. Blackcurrant juice is harmful at a high risk of developing thrombosis, after suffering a stroke and heart attack.

    Blackcurrant leaves have tonic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, cleansing and antirheumatic effects. The mentioned medicinal properties are explained by the content of tannins and biologically active substances, phytoncides, vitamins, essential oils. There is more ascorbic acid in currant leaves than in the berries themselves.

    Natural raw materials are widely used for gout, cardiovascular diseases, gastritis, bleeding and metabolic disorders. Tea from currant leaves increases appetite, positively affects the functioning of the digestive tract. Due to its effective action, the drink is effective in kidney diseases.

    Long-term use of the decoction lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of developing diabetes. Wine based on currant leaves fights heart disease, strengthens the cardiovascular system, and prevents vascular fragility.

    The harm of currant leaves can be observed with individual intolerance or hyperacidity. With prolonged use of tinctures and decoctions based on natural raw materials, it is worth consulting with a specialist.

    Every summer, do not miss the opportunity to enjoy fresh berries. Squeeze juice from currants and drink three times a day for a quarter cup. It is recommended to adhere to this regimen for at least two weeks.

    Currant jam to reduce pressure. To prepare for the autumn-spring period, you can make jam. Take five tablespoons of honey and about 600 grams of berries. Currant carefully grind through a sieve, and then mix with honey. We mix a teaspoon of such a honey-currant mixture with a fifth of a glass of water and drink it three times a day. Also, healing jam can be added to tea brewed on currant leaves. Periodically it is worth taking a monthly break to avoid an overabundance of vitamin C.

    Decoction of currant from pressure. Dried berries, from which decoctions can be made, will not become a hindrance. To do this, take two tablespoons of the product, pour a glass of boiled water and put on low heat. Boil for 10-15 minutes, and then insist for about one hour. Then pour into glass containers, store in a cool place. Such a decoction at elevated pressure is drunk four times a day for the fourth part of a glass. The course of currant therapy can be 4-5 weeks. Treatment of hypertension with a decoction will clearly demonstrate how blackcurrant affects pressure.

    Currant leaf tea from hypertension. In addition to currant berries, its leaves are also used to treat hypertension. Dry the latter and brew like regular tea. A daily glass of broth will replace a cup of drunk coffee. Studies have shown that the substances of this herbal tea can stimulate no worse than caffeine, having a healthy effect on the body as a whole. To prepare it, we take 2 tbsp. chopped currant leaves and pour them with 200 ml of boiling water. We let it brew for 15 minutes. To improve the taste properties, add 1 tsp. natural honey.

    Blackcurrant tincture on vodka. The recipe for making the product at home is quite simple. Blackcurrant tincture for arterial hypertension can be an excellent tool in the fight against the disease. In a saucepan, mix 400 g of currant berries, 200 ml of water and 250 g of sugar. Bring to a boil, remove from heat after 3 minutes. Then the fruits need to be crushed with a pusher. Chilled syrup mixed with 0.5 liters of vodka. Pour the mixture into a glass container and close the lid tightly. We insist the medicinal preparation for up to 20 days, shaking the contents of the jar every 2-3 days. We filter the tincture through gauze, pour into bottles and tightly close with corks. We store blackcurrant tincture in the refrigerator or basement. Take 30-50 ml per day. The tincture will answer the question: does blackcurrant increase or decrease blood pressure? The drink allows you to normalize digestion, lower blood pressure and increase immunity.

    Wine from currant leaves with hypertension. With daily consumption of no more than 100-150 ml, this drink has antihypertensive properties. Due to the content of fruit acids, the drink dilates blood vessels, which allows you to lower blood pressure. To prepare it, 70 chopped fresh currant leaves are poured into 150 ml of vodka and left for 4 days in the refrigerator. Then add 700 ml of red wine and 300 grams of sugar to the mixture. Mix thoroughly and let it brew for about 10 days. The resulting wine is filtered and poured into containers.

    In any preparation, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the plant extract. Often, not only berries and leaves, but also currant buds are used as ingredients.

    Red currant berries also have a large number of beneficial effects, having a beneficial effect on the entire cardiovascular system. Coumarins reduce blood clotting and prevent the formation of blood clots. With regular consumption, a person has a decrease in the level of "bad" cholesterol, energy support for the heart muscle and strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

    Despite the fact that red currant does not reduce blood pressure, it will still be useful for people who suffer from the manifestation of hypertension.

    The natural product increases appetite, removes toxins from the body and allows for good absorption of animal protein. It is recommended to store red currants for no more than two days. However, when frozen, many medicinal properties can be preserved. Redcurrant juice is often used as a blood-restoring and anti-inflammatory agent. Currant leaves are used for hypovitaminosis. Decoctions and infusions normalize digestion, kill the painful intestinal flora, remove toxins. The high content of vitamin C improves immunity. Substances contained in red currant berries and leaves can prevent cerebral hemorrhages, epileptic seizures, strokes and heart attacks.

    Red currant tea. For atherosclerosis and problems with the circulatory system, it is recommended to brew a tablespoon of red currant berries with leaves with a glass of boiling water. Leave the drink to cool, filter and drink throughout the day in small portions.

    To increase the tone, we take the same number of leaves and berries, steam 0.5 liters of boiling water, hold for 15 minutes in a water bath. Then we filter and drink in a cooled form, half a glass three times a day. It is recommended to follow this course of treatment for about a week.

    Yuri, 33 years old

    Redcurrant tincture on vodka. To increase the elasticity of blood vessels and improve blood flow, you can try to make a tincture based on red currants and vodka (moonshine or diluted alcohol). Pour 300 grams of red currant berries into a liter jar, where we add 200 grams of sugar and 500 ml of vodka. We close the container with a lid and leave it in a warm, dark place for 15 days, shaking every three days. At the end, the tincture must be filtered through cheesecloth and bottled. If the tincture is stored in a cold place, its shelf life can be more than a year. Drink no more than 50 ml per day. With a mild form of hypertension, the effect of the tincture is felt after 2-3 days.

    Ripe currant berries can be stored both dried and frozen. Jams and compotes are often made from it, which are especially delicious, since red currants are known for their gelling properties.

    It is better to dry the berries in special dryers at 45 degrees, which avoids the destruction of vitamins and the volatilization of essential oils. After freezing or drying, the product retains its beneficial properties for two years.

    As you can see, the use of black and red currant berries is an excellent way of drug therapy. For many centuries, a natural product has been used to strengthen immunity and reduce pressure. With regular consumption of currants, overall well-being will certainly improve. Proper use of the gifts of nature will normalize blood pressure, maintaining it in the future at the required level. The benefits of blackcurrant are explained by its rich composition, so the fruits of the shrub can have a preventive effect in case of problems of the cardiovascular system.

    Recent studies by Western scientists have made adjustments about the benefits and harms of blackcurrant. It was previously believed that a high concentration of bioflavonoids has serious benefits for the body, but now scientists agree that water-soluble substances of plant origin in such quantities cause serious harm to the health of people who have suffered strokes or heart attacks.

    The inclusion in the diet of products with antihypertensive properties, of course, will achieve a positive effect in the fight against hypertension. Using folk advice, it is important not to overdo it, because in large quantities a harmless storehouse of natural components can worsen the dynamics of therapeutic treatment. Therefore, never forget to listen to your body and be sure to consult a specialist.

    People suffering from hypertension are wondering how blackcurrant affects blood pressure? The influence of the berry on the indicator of blood pressure is due to the ability to expand the lumen of the vessels, as a result of which the pressure normalizes, the state of health becomes better and the attack of hypertension recedes.

    Blackcurrant is rich in flavonoids, vitamins and microelements that have a beneficial effect on the body. The berry contains a large amount of vitamin C; to meet the daily requirement, you need to eat only 20 pieces. But currants were especially fond of for their unique qualities:

    • tones the body;
    • cleanses the blood;
    • has a diuretic effect;
    • activates metabolic processes;
    • improves immunity;
    • relieves inflammation.

    The fruits of the shrub can be eaten throughout the year. For the treatment of hypertension, not only berries, but also leaves are used. They are good to add to tea.

    Effect on blood pressure

    The berry has a high content of ascorbic acid and rutin. These trace elements help strengthen the vascular wall. The tone of arteries and veins is normalized by improving their structure. The inner surface of blood vessels thanks to vitamin C is protected from the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques. With increased pressure, a strong blood pressure occurs, and rutin makes the vessels more elastic, due to which they withstand the influx.

    Blackcurrant does not increase or decrease blood pressure: it helps to normalize blood pressure. That is, it can be used by hypertensive and hypotensive patients. But the effect of products that normalize blood pressure will only be if you eat a few berries daily.

    The berry contains tocopherol, which helps to reduce blood pressure, but it is very small. Normalization of pressure indicators occurs due to polyphenols with the following properties:

    • if a person has low blood pressure, they maintain metabolism at an average level in the cells of the inner layer of blood vessels;
    • if a person has high blood pressure, they contribute to the activation of metabolism in endothelial cells for greater production of substances that reduce blood pressure.

    To achieve the effect, currants should be consumed regularly, only in this case, blood pressure will normalize and will decrease by 5-15 mm Hg. Art.

    Rules for use and recipes

    With hypertension, it is useful to eat blackcurrants. But it needs to be done right. In order to have a berry at home all year round, it is recommended to dry it or freeze it. 1 kg will be enough. The berry does not lose its beneficial properties in any form. The buds, stems and leaves have healing properties. Blackcurrant for hypertension is useful if you use it according to one of the popular recipes.


    Not all hypertensive patients can eat berries. It is forbidden to use fresh fruits if there are concomitant diseases:

    • gastroduodenitis, accompanied by increased acidity;
    • stomach ulcer;
    • ulcerative colitis;
    • any type of hepatitis;
    • hypercoagulation.

    In the absence of the above diseases, folk remedies for hypertension can be used in combination with drug treatment. Do not use fresh berries if you experience pain in the epigastric region.

    Any folk prescription is not an alternative to drugs. The doctor deals with the treatment of hypertension, and the use of currants to reduce pressure is a preventive and supportive measure.

    For hypertensive patients, currants are very useful and are recommended in any form! It reduces blood pressure due to the fact that after its use, the vessels dilate.

    Especially well helps with hypertension blackcurrant!

    It normalizes vascular tone and relieves spasms, as a result of which blood pressure gradually normalizes with regular use of berries.

    Currants have been proven to lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients. Back in the 15th century, the healing nectar of the berry was recognized as useful and healing, due to the fact that it contains many vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C. This berry also contains antioxidants, so daily consumption of currant fruits will help maintain longevity and youth for as long as possible .

    Blackcurrant berries are advised to be consumed fresh to prevent the onset or further development of hypertension, as well as restore strength and restore energy to the body.

    Red berries, when consumed regularly, help to improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, and also prevent the appearance of cancer cells.

    Experts say that if you eat red every day, you can significantly reduce the risk of stroke.

    So, currants (especially black ones) can normalize high blood pressure, and for hypotensive patients it is not recommended to abuse such berries.

    Recipes for hypertensive patients

    There are just a lot of recipes for making berries. It is eaten fresh, dry, brewed into tea and even compresses are made.

    Healing tea

    Tea made from young blackcurrant leaves helps to restore and strengthen the body very well. It can also be used to normalize blood pressure.

    Preparing a drink is very simple: you need to add a few currant leaves to the tea infuser (they must first be washed in running water) and a little ordinary black tea (leaf). Pour boiling water over everything and leave to infuse for half an hour. You can drink ready-made tea at any time of the day and in any quantity, as it is very useful.

    For the best effect, a small amount of rose hips and, if necessary, honey or other sweetener can be added to the tea prepared according to the above recipe. Rosehip has a beneficial effect on high blood pressure, normalizes it and strengthens the body as a whole.

    Useful infusion

    Instead of tea, you can make an infusion: chop dried currant leaves and pour a glass of boiling water (on a tablespoon of leaves). Leave for 30-40 minutes, strain and divide the finished drink into three doses a day.

    fruit juice

    Fresh leaves can also make a good infusion if, in addition to currants, add a little more lemon or orange juice (freshly squeezed). The leaves are poured with boiling water and infused for 20-30 minutes, then freshly squeezed juice is added. Such a drink is recommended to be taken 2-3 times a day, half a glass at a time. You can also add honey or sugar to it if you like.


    Harvested blackcurrant berries can be dried and stored in a closed dark place, preferably cool. Then, in the winter season, a pressure decoction can be made from them: a couple of tablespoons of berries are poured with boiling water and boiled over low heat for about fifteen minutes.

    After that, the broth should cool to room temperature and, if desired, a little sugar can be added to it. It is recommended to drink such a drink 2-3 times a day until the blood pressure returns to normal.

    Fresh delicacies

    You can freeze the berries, and when you need to stabilize the pressure, you just need to take them out of the freezer, mix with sugar and eat a little with tea or water.

    For the prevention of hypertension, it is generally very good to grind fresh berries with sugar and eat 1-2 teaspoons of such a delicacy during tea drinking.

    Hypotensives are not forbidden to eat fresh currant berries or drink teas and decoctions from its leaves, however, this should be done in small quantities so that the condition does not worsen.

    Experts say that currant leaf tea is completely harmless in this regard, so even those who suffer from low blood pressure can drink it. But, in any case, it is better to know the measure and not to experiment with your health.

    Useful properties of berries

    Currant berries contain many different vitamins (A, C, E, B vitamins, etc.), as well as other useful elements (iron, aluminum, magnesium, phosphorus, etc.). The leaves of this shrub contain essential oils, tannins, phytoncides and pectins.

    • Thanks to this composition, currant berries have a beneficial effect on vision, make blood vessels more elastic, purify the blood, help strengthen the nervous system, and even improve memory.
    • To avoid a lack of vitamin C in the body, it is enough to consume a couple of tablespoons of fresh berries a day.
    • Vitamin C strengthens the immune system and makes the body more resilient, so its lack and deficiency is always bad for health.
    • Also, currant berries and leaves are rich in iron, so they are recommended for people who have low hemoglobin. Berries are advised to be consumed internally to prevent the occurrence of cancerous tumors, diabetes and Alzheimer's disease.


    Currant is an excellent medicine against many diseases, however, it also has contraindications that you need to know about:

    1. So, you can not eat the fruits inside with hepatitis (although, with other problems with the liver, the berry can and should even be eaten in the quantities necessary for the body).
    2. Doctors also warn that even healthy people need to know the measure when eating this berry, since if you eat it in large quantities every day, it can adversely affect blood clotting.
    3. Black and red currants are not recommended for those who have problems with high stomach acid, acute gastritis or ulcers, as the berries can irritate the walls of the stomach, which will worsen the situation.
    4. You also need to consider the fact that the berry can cause allergies, especially in children, and although this is treatable and is not serious or dangerous, children should not be given a lot of berries to eat. But you can make tea from currant leaves for them - even children are allowed to drink such a drink in moderation.
    5. Finally, berry juice is contraindicated for those who have experienced a stroke or heart attack.

    Thus, the fruits of the currant, especially black currant, are very useful for various diseases and problems with high blood pressure. But the treatment of hypertension should always be comprehensive, so you need to listen to the recommendations and advice of your doctor and take all the drugs that he prescribes.

    Blackcurrant lowers blood pressure better, so it is better to use dark varieties as an additional remedy to combat hypertension.

    To cope with such a serious disease as arterial hypertension, it is necessary to spend a lot of effort and money on medicines. From this article you can find out how and in what form blackcurrant can help people with high blood pressure, the rules for storing and using the necessary parts of the plant.

    The composition and properties of blackcurrant

    Black currant belongs to perennial shrubs of the gooseberry family. Due to its wide distribution in Russia, it has long been used for treatment and in cooking. Leaves and fruits are of the greatest importance, occasionally buds.

    Treat products with a low calorie content, but not recommended in large quantities for people suffering from obesity of 2, 3 and 4 degrees due to the sugar content.

    The composition of blackcurrant includes a large amount vitamins:

    1. Ascorbic acid. When the berries are ripe, the amount of vitamin C in them is the greatest, just a couple of berries can provide a person with a daily rate of a biologically active substance. At maturity, the berries lose most of the ascorbic acid, which is why an average of 20 berries will provide the daily norm. Vitamin C supports the tone of the immune system, is responsible for the neutralization of certain types of toxins from the body.
    2. Provitamin A. Beta-carotene is responsible for stimulating the body's defense systems, exhibits antitumor activity, and is necessary for the normal functioning of the eye analyzer.
    3. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6. This group of biologically active substances is responsible for regulating the assimilation of protein fractions, reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood, the general condition of the body, especially the nervous system. Also, the vitamins of this group are a stimulus for the production of hormones and ensure the normalization of the processes of anabolism and catabolism.

    Blackcurrant is also rich in macro- and microelements, among which the largest number:

    1. Sodium - performs the function of maintaining the acid-base state and muscle contraction.
    2. Potassium - normalizes blood pressure, heart rate.
    3. Calcium and phosphorus - take part in maintaining the normal state of bones and joints. Phosphorus as part of buffer complexes also takes part in the regulation of the acid-base state.
    4. Magnesium and iron - are part of the red blood cells (erythrocytes), reduce the likelihood of anemia.

    The composition of blackcurrant also includes:

    1. Phytoncides, which have a detrimental effect on microbes and viruses.
    2. acids- are represented by a numerous organic fraction, are responsible for stimulating appetite, increasing the volume of enzymes secreted by the stomach and pancreas, and have an antibacterial effect.
    3. Pectin. Stimulates the peristalsis of the small, large intestine, improves the process of digestion, reveals detoxifying properties.
    4. Tannins. The properties are especially pronounced when combined with pectin. This is due to the fact that tannins retain food in the intestines, and the previous beneficial substance provides active absorption of the necessary elements.
    5. Essential oils. They have bactericidal and disinfecting properties.

    Lowers or raises blood pressure?

    Due to the high content of vitamin C, tannins and essential oils, which belong to polyphenols, blackcurrant has hypotensive action. The effect of pressure reduction is carried out in the following ways:

    1. Vitamin C provides blood purification from harmful substances and a significant amount of cholesterol and leads to a decrease in vascular tension.
    2. Polyphenols are able to relieve spasm of the vascular wall, which provides "relaxation" of blood vessels.

    Polyphenols have unique properties. With high blood pressure, they contribute to the activation of metabolic processes in endothelial cells, stimulating the production of mediators that reduce pressure. With hypotension, a normal level of blood pressure, metabolic processes in the cells of the endothelial layer of blood vessels are maintained at an average level, which does not cause any changes.

    How to choose and store blackcurrant?

    To get the maximum effect from the use of plant berries, you must be able to choose them correctly. When looking for or buying blackcurrants on your own, you should choose large, intact, ripe fruits. It is not worth collecting and buying overripe, damaged berries because the latter have lost most of the vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances.

    Black currant fruits also have a pleasant smell. If there is a musty smell coming from currant berries, you should not buy or collect them.

    If you find a white coating on the berries, do not consume them. Black currant fruits can be affected by powdery mildew, which can harm your body.

    When buying frozen currants, look at how much ice the package contains. A large amount of the latter indicates repeated defrosting / freezing processes, which is why useful substances in such currants are contained in small quantities.

    If you want to buy some dried berries, pay attention to the freshness, characteristic smell and appearance of the currant. If you find extraneous odors, impurities and pests, refuse to buy.

    To treat hypertension with blackcurrant, you must also adhere to the rules for storing and harvesting shrub fruits:

    1. Immediately after harvesting or buying currants, it is preferable to store the berries dried in tightly closed glass jars. To do this, the fruits are dried in thin layers spread out in a dark place. Periodically, during drying, currants should be turned over.
    2. A dry and cool cellar is a great place to store berries.
    3. It is better to prepare a little currant. For treatment during the year, 1 kg of berries is enough.

    How to use blackcurrant with high blood pressure?

    In recipes, berries, leaves are most often used, less often - currant buds. The most common and effective means:

    1. Currant juice. For cooking, you only need to squeeze the juice from ripe berries and drink 50 ml of liquid 3 times a day. For the manifestation of hypotensive action, the use of juice should last at least 2 weeks.
    2. Currant leaf tea. Grind the dried leaves and add 30 g per glass of boiling water. Before drinking tea, let the latter brew for 10-20 minutes. To improve the taste of tea, you can add a couple of teaspoons of honey.
    3. Currant decoction. To prepare a decoction, pour 30 g of dried berries into 200 ml of water and let the mixture boil for 15 minutes over low heat. After we let the broth brew for an hour and pour it into a glass vessel, which we put in a cool place, where we will store the medicine for hypertension. The remedy is taken 50 ml 4 times a day for 4-5 weeks.
    4. Currant tincture. Mix 2 cups of the berries of the plant, 1 cup of water and 1/4 kg of sugar and put on low heat. When the mixture boils, wait 3 minutes, remove from heat. Currants with the help of a crush should be crushed and the resulting mixture should be left to cool. Next, add 500 ml of vodka to the broth. The product should be poured into a glass vessel, let it brew for 3 weeks, periodically shaking the contents (1 time in a couple of days). Before use, the resulting tincture must be filtered using gauze and poured into small tightly closed bottles. It is better to store the product in a dark, cool place (a basement or a refrigerator will do) and take 40 ml per day.

    Currant tincture will help not only reduce pressure, but also tone the organs of the digestive tract and strengthen the immune system.

    1. Currant jam. Grind 3 cups of berries and add 50 g of honey to them. Mix 5 g of jam with 30-40 ml of water or tea on currant leaves and drink. You can use the remedy 3-4 times a day.

    If you consume jam for a long period, it is worth taking a break of 30 days, after which you can continue the course of treatment for hypertension.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Blackcurrant is used with caution, because there are a number of contraindications in which it is impossible or possible to use berries, but only under the strict supervision of a specialist and in small quantities. TO contraindications relate:

    • increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis;
    • hepatitis, other pathological changes in the liver;
    • stomach ulcer, duodenal ulcer;
    • gastritis;
    • increased acidity of the stomach;
    • individual intolerance.

    Use currants and products based on it with caution for women during gestation and lactation.

    Side effects are not pronounced, occasionally there is blanching, nausea, vomiting.

    Blackcurrant with high blood pressure (video)?

    You can learn more about the beneficial substances that the berry in question has in its composition, about the effect of currants on the body of a hypertensive patient, as well as about the preparation of some remedies for high blood pressure, from this video.

    The remedies discussed above are excellent for the treatment of hypertension. Decoctions prepared on the basis of berries and leaves of the plant are also suitable for the prevention of high blood pressure and strengthening the immune system in general. The main thing is to pay attention to contraindications to the use of currants and observe the conditions for the preparation and storage of berries.

    Today, perhaps, it is impossible to find a summer cottage where currants would not grow. The black, red and white beauty won the love of gardeners with delicious fragrant and healthy berries. In order to get a good harvest every year, the bushes in the berry bush need proper care and timely reproduction of the varieties you like.

    In some cases, it becomes necessary to transplant currants:

    • if neighboring overgrown trees or shrubs begin to interfere with the bushes;
    • if the bush is outdated and requires rejuvenation;
    • if you need to transplant rooted cuttings or shoots;
    • if the land under the adult bush is depleted and the plant is sick from a lack of nutrients.

    In each of the above cases, the rules for transplanting currants and the order of work are the same.

    Currant transplant rules

    A currant transplant is preceded by the choice of a place for a future bush or berry. Currant loves lighted warm areas and does not tolerate darkening, so the bushes should be located away from trees, fences and outbuildings. The site for the future berry plant is dug up to remove weeds and roots of old plants.

    • On the selected site, pits are prepared in 2-3 weeks at a distance of 1-1.5 meters from each other. Fertile soil, humus (compost), potash, phosphate fertilizers or wood ash are poured into the pits. The prepared soil should be loose and nutritious. For red currants, it is advisable to add sand to the nutrient mixture, and lay a small layer of rubble for drainage at the bottom of the pit.
    • It is desirable to maintain the size of the holes at least 50-60 cm wide and 30-40 cm deep, but it is more advisable to focus on the size of the roots of currant bushes.
    • A transplanted bush requires careful preparation. Young shoots are cut in half and old branches are cut to the ground. Currants are dug carefully and taken out of the hole. You do not need to pull the plant by the shoots - you can damage the roots or branches. If it is not possible to extract the currant the first time, it is dug in a circle again 1.5-2 bayonets of a shovel in depth.
    • If the bush is healthy, then it can be dug up with a clod of earth and transplanted. If the bush is sick, you need to carefully examine all the roots, remove damaged or dry ones, remove the larvae of pests and insects living in the root system of plants. Treat the roots of plants with a solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate).

    • Pour enough water into the pit so that the fertile mixture turns into a liquid substance. It is necessary to immerse the bush in the slurry and, holding it by weight, sprinkle it with dry soil 5-8 cm above the root collar of the bush.
    • Water the bush again so that the earth is compacted around the roots.

    Transplant in autumn

    All gardeners are tormented by the question: when is it better to transplant currants in order to get a full harvest as early as possible?
    In the northern regions, it is advisable to transplant currants in the spring, when the snow melts and the temperature is above zero. But if the bushes have already begun to grow, then transplanting to a new place should be postponed until autumn.

    Autumn transplantation requires patience, as the bush must shed its leaves, and the sap flow will already stop in the shoots.

    For central Russia, the most favorable period is mid-late October.
    In the northern regions, the deadlines are shifted by 2-3 weeks. If the bushes are transferred too early, the currant can “mix up” the seasons and grow, throwing out buds that freeze in winter, weakening the bush. With a warm and dry autumn, transplanted bushes require regular watering.

    Winter shelter in this case is mandatory. You can pour 2-3 buckets of old humus mixed with leaves of ornamental trees into the base of the bush. Then, by spring, a fertile layer of loose soil forms around the bush, in which you can build a watering bowl.

    Currant bushes, planted in autumn, adapt to a new place during the winter and take root in order to give a harvest in the summer.

    Currant bushes transplanted in the spring take root for a long time, adapt and produce a crop only after a year. Around the bush in the fall, you can plant garlic cloves. When it rises in the spring, cut the feathers by 0.5-1 cm every 3-4 days, then the smell of garlic will repel pests.

    Transplant in the spring

    In the spring, rooted cuttings are usually transplanted, that is, they are transferred from the nursery trench to a permanent place in the berry. If the cuttings were planted in the fall, then in the spring they will be twigs with 2-3 leaves from the buds left above the ground.

    If the bush was grafted last spring, a year ago, then by the time of transplantation, full-fledged bushes with 2-3 shoots should be obtained. It is easy to transplant such young bushes, according to the rules described above. But you need to dig up the plant with a clod of earth, then there is a minimal risk of damage to the roots. Bushes transplanted in spring require constant care and abundant watering throughout the summer.

    Transplantation of adult currant bushes in the spring is carried out as early as possible in the middle or end of March, as soon as the ground has thawed.

    Summer transplant

    Transplanting currants in the summer is not desirable, but possible. After all, it happens that people acquire a new dacha and it is a pity to leave their favorites, in which they have invested so much warmth and energy. In this case, adult bushes are dug up with a clod of earth, which should be as large as possible. To transport bushes to a new place, buckets, basins and boxes are used according to the size of the roots. Having planted a bush in a prepared hole, carefully water it daily for several days.

    Seedlings from containers can be transplanted into the berry garden at any time of the year and even in summer, providing them with abundant watering and timely feeding. Immediately after planting, the place under the bush should be mulched with peat, compost, humus or sand, then the moisture will last longer. If the planting pits are filled well, the planted bushes will need to be fed only after a year.

    Article in the topic: golden currant - the rules of care!

    Why you need to transplant currants

    The reasons for transplanting currants are varied. As a rule, a shrub is transplanted in the following cases:

    • The soil was depleted, the bush was not enough food.
    • The bush stopped developing, the growth of young shoots is minimal.
    • Fruiting has noticeably decreased, the berries have become very small.
    • The plant has grown too much, it began to take up too much space.
    • You planted a fruit tree nearby (for example, cherry plum), it quickly grew, and the bush was in deep shade, because of which it stopped bearing fruit.
    • You started a redevelopment of the site.
    • You want to propagate a shrub.

    Whatever the reason or purpose, renewal and rejuvenation will obviously only benefit the bush, because the currant bush in one place should grow no more than 10-15 years.

    However, only bushes that are no more than 3 years old can transfer well. For older plants, this is a huge stress, respectively, they take root for a very long time and poorly, get very sick, rarely bear fruit. Nevertheless, according to many gardeners, it is quite difficult to “ruin” currants, so in the end it will start to grow.

    Features of transplanting black, red and white currants

    There are no differences between transplantation and propagation methods of black, red and white varieties of shrubs.

    When is it better to transplant currants: in autumn or spring, is it possible in summer

    As a rule, shrubs, including currants, are transplanted in autumn, but this procedure can be carried out in spring and even in summer (but with a number of restrictions). There is no particular difference between transplanting in autumn or spring, and when it is better to do this, each gardener decides on his own.

    The specific timing of transplantation directly depends on the climatic features of the region and the current weather conditions of this year.

    Transplant in autumn

    The optimal time for an autumn transplant will come when the plant's vegetation is over and it has shed its leaves. This means that the currant has already formed buds for the winter and fell asleep. At the same time, 20-30 days should remain until stable autumn frosts, this time is just enough for the rooting of the bushes.

    Thus, the approximate dates for transplanting currants in the fall in the South of Russia are October-November, in the middle lane (Moscow region) - the second half of September-first half of October, in the Urals and Siberia - September (although in the northern regions it is better to transplant in the spring).

    Transplant in the spring

    Replanting currants in the spring is optimal after all the snow has melted and the ground has thawed. At this time, the bush is sleeping, its buds have not yet swollen, which means that if everything is done correctly, then the transplant will be successful.

    There is not much time, therefore, if you did not have time within the recommended time frame and the currant has already begun to bloom, then you should not replant such bushes. The plant can drop all flowers and start to get sick. It is better to postpone the procedure for the fall or do it in the summer (if you really need it).

    Approximate dates for spring transplantation of currants in different regions: in the south - the month of March, in the middle lane (Moscow region) - April, in the Urals and Siberia - May.

    Summer transplant

    Of course, summer is the worst time to transplant not only currants, but almost all plants (except strawberries and seedlings with a closed root system). Therefore, as a rule, this procedure becomes a necessary measure. For example, if you urgently need a place where bushes grow, or you have completely sold your summer cottage and want to take the bush with you to a new place.

    The main thing is that after transplanting the currants to a new place, do not forget to carry out regular abundant watering, especially if it is hot and the air is dry. And before that, be sure to carefully trim the shrub!

    Video: summer currant transplant

    How to transplant currants to a new place: site preparation rules

    In order for the transplant to go for the benefit of the plant, it is necessary to responsibly choose a place and suitable soil.

    Planting site and soil

    The requirements for a place to grow currants are as follows:

    Planting hole and nutrient soil

    The optimal dimensions of the planting pit for currants are: depth - 30-40 centimeters, diameter, depending on the size of the bush, as a rule, within 40-50 centimeters.

    Currant loves loose fertile soil. The nutrient substrate for filling the planting pit can be prepared as follows: mix humus, compost, wood ash (or potassium sulfate - 30-40 grams), add superphosphate (30-40 grams).

    Methods for transplanting (reproducing) currants

    In total, there are 3 ways to propagate a currant bush:

    • dividing the bush (spring and autumn);
    • layering (spring and autumn);
    • cuttings - green (in late spring-early summer) and lignified (in early spring).

    Transplantation of a young and old bush with and without division

    Recommendation! Some gardeners advise a year before transplanting to pour a couple of buckets of earth directly onto the bush, and in spring or autumn, dig it up and divide it. The bush should produce many annual shoots from the root, of course, if you water it enough.

    Step-by-step instructions for transplanting currants to a new place:

    Important! Transplantation of a young currant bush is carried out in a similar way, including with mandatory pruning.

    Video: transplanting a currant bush to a new place

    Note! Many gardeners recommend not replanting or planting, but throwing away a 10-15 year old bush, before propagating it with layering or cuttings. But if you are satisfied with its fruiting, and the reason for the transplant is simply the need to change the place, then it's up to you. In addition, propagation by layering is the fastest and best way to transplant (propagate) for an old bush.

    Transplantation by propagation by layering

    Step-by-step instructions for transplanting currants by propagating them by layering:

    Important! If you cut the branches and see that the middle of the trunk is black, then the bush is sick with a "glass case". Alternatively, you need to cut branches even lower so that the trunk is clean.

    Video: propagating currants by layering is the best way to transplant an old bush

    You can also propagate currant bushes cuttings, but it’s worth saying right away that this method requires quite serious care when growing, because. cuttings take root with great difficulty. Therefore, if you need to transplant (seed) currants in the coming year, it is not very suitable. But if you are interested in this particular method, then watch the following video.

    Video: propagating currant cuttings in autumn

    Berry features

    Blackcurrant is a perennial shrub, of small height up to 2.5 m. It consists of 10-20 branches that developed at different ages with large five-fingered leaves.

    A characteristic feature of the culture is the absence of root buds. If planted under the root neck, a standard shrub is obtained, short-lived and not very fruitful.

    The bush consists of five to six axial branches and many side ones. New branches develop from the root shoot. A year later, these shoots, considered biennial, will be covered with flowers and fruits will appear.

    The culture is winter-hardy. In cold winters, annual growths and buds can freeze, which leads to a decrease in yield. In places protected from the wind, plants overwinter with less damage. But low temperatures are especially painful during the flowering period.

    The culture loves the light, in the shade the yield decreases. Bushes growing in the shade are most susceptible to diseases and biological pests.

    The culture loves water, but its excess can lead to aging, the bush is covered with lichen, stops growing, dies. Watering in dry weather is especially important during the formation of berries (for the middle zone, the end of June-beginning of July) and during the period of fruit ripening (second half of August).

    Transplanting in winter is good because the soil that has settled after snowmelt settles and compacts, which is useful for the root system. Shoots are planted in the ground with a slight slope, the roots are straightened and evenly covered with earth.

    Special attention

    Redcurrant - decoration of the garden plot, but not only. It bears fruit well, the berries are extremely useful for vascular diseases, rheumatism, and gastric disorders.

    With proper care, fruiting lasts 20 years or more. Early and late varieties are known. Using the difference in fruiting time, you can enjoy the taste and benefits of berries all summer.

    The culture is resistant to drought, endures frosts down to -40′, unpretentious to the soil. It is not afraid of transplanting, however, it is preferable to transfer redcurrant bushes to a new place in the fall. The root system quickly adapts to a new place, does not experience problems with survival.

    When transferring to a new place, top dressing is required, as well as compliance with the general rules for all species. The difference between red and burgundy transplants is that the hole is made large, the root system is more sprawling and branched.

    It is better to have shrubs at a distance of one and a half meters from each other and other crops growing on the site. The optimal distance between rows is 3 m. The currant transplanted in autumn will please with a harvest next year.

    The best time to transplant

    The need to move shrubs can arise for several reasons:

    • moving to another cottage;
    • variety breeding;
    • in order to get rid of developed soil diseases;
    • release from the shadow of the developed crowns of fruit trees;
    • planned renewal of culture;
    • depletion or contamination of the soil.

    There may be other reasons as well.

    Particularly favorable time is the spring and autumn periods. Experts recommend regions with harsh climatic conditions to solve these problems in the spring.

    Transplant in the spring

    It should be remembered that the culture begins vegetative development early.

    If transplanted after the start of sap flow, the plant will have a hard time, along with rooting, the process of growing branches and green mass will occur.

    Spring activities are carried out after the final thawing of the soil when the temperature stabilizes to + 1 ° - + 5 ° С, this circumstance reduces the time for rooting to 3 weeks.

    It is necessary to have time so that the rooting process does not interfere with the process of budding and flowering. The plant will quickly grow with proper watering, cold soil should be moistened with water at room temperature.

    Summer transplant

    If necessary, you should dig a bush with a large amount of earth, trying not to damage the roots. Place in a basin or box and transport to a new place.

    If it is not possible to land immediately, you need to make sure that the earth does not dry out, for this you can cover the root with the earth with a wet rag.

    After planting, high-quality top dressing and soil mulching are required. It is better to place the bush at some distance from other plants.

    Transplant in autumn

    Autumn transplant of currants is less stress for the plant. Before the onset of the first frost, it will have time to adapt to a new place.

    By autumn, enough nutrients have been accumulated, the downward flow of juices helps to heal wounds faster. The ideal time is the period from September 10 to 15, when the active growth of the roots is recorded.

    At this time, it ends, folds and leaves fall, the plant begins to fall asleep. And all surgical interventions, as you know, are best done in a state of sleep.

    It turns out that, nevertheless, autumn events are preferable for currants. Spring or summer procedure is forced, unfavorable. The basis of the criterion is the state of the bush. He must either still sleep, or already sleep.

    How to choose a new location

    The right choice of location guarantees a good survival rate of the culture and successful fruiting in the future.

    You should choose a place in advance. The best place for transplanting a currant bush is sunny, weed-free, even. Elevation threatens with a low level of groundwater, lowland - high.

    For a black and green look, you need to choose the north and northeast direction, the cultures are not capricious, unpretentious, a little shade will not hurt.

    Red, white and yellow currants require light and warmth. It is better to place them in the southern and southwestern parts of the site, so that the soil is properly warmed up by the sun and water does not stagnate.

    It is good to plant in places where potatoes, beets, corn, beans, buckwheat grew before. You can not transplant where there is stagnation of cold air, humidity. Such conditions will provoke the development of root rot, fungus and other troubles.

    How to transplant - detailed instructions

    Preparations for transplantation should begin at least 2 weeks in advance:

    • dig a plot 40 cm deep and 70 cm wide, clear of weeds, carefully select the roots. For tall bushes of a remontant type, the dimensions of the hole are 60-70 cm deep, 1.5 m wide. In principle, the size of the hole should correspond to the root system of the dug up plant;
    • apply fertilizer. Fill the pit by a third with layers:
    • manure;
    • Earth;
    • superphosphate 200-300 g (less for red currants);
    • wood ash.
    • pour two buckets of water and leave so that the necessary conditions are formed in the pit for root survival. Two weeks before planting, the layers will be saturated with moisture, the minerals will be absorbed by the soil, and the roots will not burn.

    Before transplanting, you need to prepare a bush. Since the volume of the roots of the excavated plant will decrease significantly, it is necessary to reduce the volume of the vegetative mass. Currants are cut without regret.

    In order not to doubt, it is enough to remember how the rejuvenation process takes place. All branches are cut at the root, facilitating its development, and in a year they get a good harvest.

    The branching zone is located at the root base, from here lateral shoots grow by 30-40 cm, where the fruits are formed. A similar zone is located on the upper segments of the branches, but here the berries are smaller. They are cut into thirds.

    After pruning, a height of no more than 50 cm remains. Old branches, dead shoots, tops are also cut. Two weeks before the move, the plant needs to get used to it.

    Pruning before transplanting

    First, the branches are tied into a bundle, then they dig a hole around the center at a distance of 40-50 cm, to a depth of 35 cm. They deepen it, digging roots from all sides, sip a little, release them from the ground.

    With a spade bayonet, the middle of the root system is lifted, the retaining processes are cut. It is better to put the excavated bush on a canvas of tarpaulin or other material in order to more conveniently transfer it to a new place.

    The pit is again watered. After it has been absorbed, place the roots in the hole so that the neck is below the surface. The roots should be spread over the pit so that they lie freely, naturally, without creases and bends.

    The soil should be covered evenly, without voids, shaking the bush. Then the earth is rammed and a convenient irrigation circle is formed. Produce watering - 20 liters. No need to hurry. Water should remain in the hole, gradually being absorbed. Then fill the hole with peat, humus, earth.

    Post transplant care

    The culture is unpretentious, grows and bears fruit, without requiring special attention. But you need to take care that the berry is large, juicy, not sour.

    Care after transplantation consists in regularly loosening the soil for breathing and nourishing the roots. Loosen the ground at the base of the bush no deeper than 5-6 cm, deepening to the edge of the hole up to 15 cm.

    The shrub tolerates winter better under snow. If there is an opportunity to get into the garden, you need to throw snow at it, the more the better.

    A plant may need to change its place of residence for several reasons. An adult currant bush is transplanted in the following cases:

      an overgrown bush interferes with neighboring plants, or nearby trees shade currants;

      the bush has been growing in this place for a long time, the soil is clearly depleted and toxic substances have accumulated on the ground as a result of the vital activity of this crop;

      there was a need to renew and rejuvenate the shrub, for example, if the bush is very old and a revision of the overgrown root system is required in order to remove dead and diseased parts, a healthy and young part is left for further cultivation;

      you need to transplant the shoots formed near the bush;

      a redevelopment of the territory is being carried out and another place is planned for the currant or it is necessary to transport the plant to another site;

      there was a rise in groundwater and the soil became too damp, which is detrimental to currants.

    Transplantation of an adult fruit-bearing shrub is carried out only in case of emergency, since this procedure is a strong stress for the plant.

    Currant hardly survives the move and usually gets sick for a long time. Rare cases of death. Therefore, we must try to take into account the botanical species features and the annual vegetation cycle of the plant.

    The currants are transplanted immediately after the snow melts in early spring or after the end of leaf fall in late autumn. The main condition is the dormant state of the bush, when the plant has not yet begun to grow and even the buds have not yet appeared, or at the end of the growing season, when the bush has already shed all the leaves and is preparing for winter.

    The transplant time is determined by the climatic features of the regions.

    A summer transplant is also allowed, but as a last resort.

    Features of transplantation in different seasons

    It is best to transplant a berry bush in the fall, but you can carry out this procedure at other times of the year.

    Spring transplant of currant

    Spring transplantation is started in early spring, after the ground has thawed and a constant temperature of about 0–1 ° C has been established. It is very important that the kidneys do not even swell yet. The period during which you can touch the plant is very small, but then the bush will have the opportunity to take root well. If it does not work out, then it is better to postpone the transplant until autumn or next year.

    It is highly undesirable to transplant flowering currants. She will get sick and drop all the flowers.

    It is necessary to dig up a bush with a lump, trying to shake off as little earth as possible from it, so that the risk of damage to the root system is minimized. After planting, the plant should be watered very abundantly with water heated in the sun or at room temperature. This provides the best conditions for the bush to take root. Harvest can be expected no earlier than next year, as the plant will throw all its strength into rooting.

    Autumn transplant of currants

    At the very end of autumn, when active growth ends, the movement of sap slows down and the plant loses leaves, you can start transplanting shrubs. Stress will least affect the plant during this period.

    It is very important to choose the right time for the autumn transplant. The plant should have about 3 weeks to establish before hard frost, until the ambient temperature constantly drops below 0 °C. If this is done too early, then there is a chance that the plant will mix up the seasons and throw out the buds, which will inevitably freeze in winter. This will greatly weaken the bush and it will not be able to take root quickly. If this procedure is late, frosts will damage the root system that has not really taken root. A bush planted in time will have time to take root well before the first frosts and in the spring will begin to actively grow and develop. It will bloom and bear fruit.

    For the winter period, the currant must be covered so that it does not freeze out. To do this, the bush is covered with several buckets of humus or compost. If the autumn is warm and dry, then fresh plantings should be regularly watered.

    In the middle lane, the approximate dates for the autumn transplant are at the end of October and the beginning of November. In the northern regions, this procedure is carried out 2-3 weeks earlier.

    Is it possible to transplant currants in summer

    In the summer, it is highly undesirable to start a currant transplant. But there are times when there is no other way. For example, when a plot is sold on which a varietal shrub grows, and you don’t want to leave it to new owners at all. Or it is not possible to cope with the disease and you have to relocate the shrub to an uninfected piece of land.

    Adult bushes need to be dug out with the whole clod of earth. The larger the lump, the greater the chance of a successful completion of the operation, because then the roots will be less damaged. The plant will need very abundant watering, especially if the weather is dry and hot.

    If we talk about seedlings with a closed root system, purchased in individual containers, then they can be planted during the entire growing season. After transplanting, it is necessary to thoroughly shed the soil with water and mulch with humus.

    How to transplant an adult currant bush

    First you need to decide on the landing site. Currant, although it is considered a rather unpretentious plant, it still has some requirements for a place of residence:

      currant prefers well-lit sunny places;

      does not like lowlands and areas with high humidity;

      it is not advisable to plant bushes in places on the windward side;

      this shrub prefers to grow freely, so it does not need to be planted along fences, fences, buildings and next to large trees (it is necessary to retreat at least one meter).

    After the landing site is determined, it is necessary to dig up the site and remove weeds, stones, debris and old roots from the ground. It is better to do this in advance, about 10-20 days in advance.

    The main stages of transplantation are as follows:

      Pits for planting are dug at a distance of about a meter from each other. For large bushes, it is necessary to leave a larger distance.

      The diameter of the hole is about 0.5–0.6 m, the depth is 0.3–0.4 m. But it is better to be guided by the size of the root system of the transplanted plants.

      At the bottom of the pit, a drainage layer with a thickness of at least 7–8 cm is laid out, consisting of a mixture of crushed stone and sand.

      We fertilize the extracted garden soil with humus, wood ash and complex fertilizers (phosphate, potash). Top dressing is made according to the instructions on the package based on the volume of soil.

      The hole is filled with soil mixture by about two-thirds.

      Old branches are completely cut off from the bush. New shoots are shortened by half.

      The plant is carefully dug in and removed along with a clod from the ground. Do not pull on the branches, as you can damage them.

      The excavated bush and root system need to be examined for pests and their larvae. If there are pests, then it is necessary to treat the plant with special insecticidal solutions.

      Water is poured into the hole to form liquid mud.

      The bush is immersed in the slurry and sprinkled with the remnants of the earth, which must be carefully compacted to prevent the formation of voids. The root neck deepens by 7–8 cm.

      A layer of mulch is applied from foliage, humus, peat, needles, etc. to prevent the topsoil from drying out and for fertilization.

      The plant must be watered abundantly for 3-4 days.

    It is forbidden to use fresh manure when planting currants, as this can cause a chemical burn of the roots of the plant.

    It is not necessary to feed the plant additionally. All the nutrients needed for the first time have already been added to the planting hole. During the growing season, further care will consist of regular watering as needed.

    Place selection rules:

    1. Choose an open sunny area. Currant loves light. Blackcurrant can also be planted in partial shade.
    2. The site should be flat with an average level. In the lowlands, the currant will rot, and on the hills and slopes, the bush may not have enough moisture.
    3. Try to keep the place not very windy. We grow currants in a sunny area near the fence.
    4. There should be a sufficient distance between the currant and neighboring bushes. And the point here is not only the danger of thickening. Currants are easily infected by many diseases and pests from plants of other species.
    5. Choose a site with light loamy soil. Be sure to check the acidity level - the pH should be neutral or slightly alkaline. Be prepared to further loosen the soil if necessary.
    6. Pay special attention to what plants have grown in the chosen place before. Good predecessors for currants are beans, potatoes, corn.
    7. The place should not be surrounded by a large number of well-grown weeds.

    When to transplant currants in the fall to a new place

    You can transplant currants to a new place at almost any time from spring to autumn. However, the plant receives much less injuries from this procedure when the sap flow is slow and the shrub is at rest.

    There are 2 options - spring and autumn. We list the benefits of each period:

    • In spring, plants wake up from a long sleep. If you perform a transplant before the start of active sap flow in the roots and shoots (from March 10 to March 20), then in most cases the transplant will be well tolerated by the plant. The disadvantage of this approach is that the current season will have to be missed, fruiting will either not be at all, or it will be weak - the plant will adapt. On the other hand, a shrub that is not strong in a new place is not threatened by winter frosts. For residents of the northern regions of Russia, only a spring transplant of currants is suitable.
    • In autumn, many plants tolerate transplanting much easier than in other periods. Currant in this case is no exception. Already next season in a new place, the bush will be able to give a good harvest. It is important to perform this procedure at least a month before the arrival of stable frosts so that the roots of the plant can take root properly.

    In central Russia, currant transplantation is usually performed from mid-September to mid-October, focusing on a long weather forecast from weather forecasters. As long as the temperature remains moderately warm, the plant actively grows the lateral roots it needs for rapid rooting.

    Transplanting too early can play a cruel joke - currants will begin to produce fresh foliage in the current season and will suffer greatly when frosts arrive. Late planting is fraught with complete freezing of poorly rooted bushes.

    Site preparation and landing

    Approximately 2-3 weeks before the expected date of transplantation, it is necessary to prepare the site:

    1. It is dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet, simultaneously extracting all weeds and roots from the ground.
    2. Dig a planting hole. On average, its dimensions are 60x60x50 cm (length, width, depth).
    3. If you plant several bushes, leave at least 1.5 m between adjacent planting pits.
    4. Organize drainage on heavy soils. For these purposes, you can use pebbles, crushed stone, broken bricks.
    5. A layer of soddy soil, a bucket of compost or rotted manure, 250 g of superphosphate, 1 liter of crushed wood ash are poured at the bottom of the planting pit. It is desirable to mix the resulting fertile layer. In this form, the pit is left for several weeks until planting.

    Preparation of currant bushes, transplantation

    Before transplanting, it is necessary to take care of the currant bushes that this procedure awaits. Plant pruning should be done in the spring. The height should be shortened to 50 cm. All old branches must be completely cut off, and young ones shortened by a third.

    If you prune later, please note that a minimum of 3 weeks must elapse between pruning and transplanting.

    To extract a currant bush from the ground, it is dug to a depth of 30 cm, retreating from the trunk by 40 cm. Then they carefully take it by the lower part and try to drag the plant up. If the currant does not lend itself, then the lateral roots are cut off with a shovel, which interfere with the process. In no case do not take on the branches, they will break.

    The plant extracted from the ground is carefully examined. First of all, they pay close attention to the roots of the plant - there should not be rot and other diseases on them (the affected areas must be cut off with a margin). All pests and their larvae are removed along with part of the roots surrounding them.

    In case of severe infections, the roots of the plant are immersed in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate for 15 minutes.

    Landing steps:

    1. Pour 2 buckets of water into the planting hole.
    2. At the bottom of the landing pit, a small mound is formed in the center.
    3. The bush is set on a mound and the roots are spread evenly from all sides. As a result, the plant should be located relative to the cardinal points in the same way as in the same place.
    4. While one person holds the correctly positioned bush, the second begins to fill the hole. So that the roots do not end up in air voids, the plant is gently shaken several times without lifting.
    5. The soil around the planted bush is lightly tamped. Be sure to make sure that the root neck ends up 5 cm below the ground.
    6. A trench is dug around the trunk and 20 liters of water are poured into it.
    7. The trunk circle and trench are mulched with straw, dry leaves or peat.

    If after planting there is dry weather without rain, the transplanted currant is watered for 2 weeks once every 2 days, 20 liters of water under each bush.

    Around the end of November, when constant frosts set in, the currants are carefully tied up and covered with spruce branches. The fallen snow is raked up to the bushes from all sides.

    Summer this year turned out to be famous: ripe, juicy, multi-berry. Everything happens at the same time: it blooms, ripens and quickly gathers in cans and buckets. The delicate fragrant Victoria has not had time to depart, as the blue-black or red currant itself asks for jelly and compotes. And behind these summer, pleasant chores, we forget that after the birth of bright vitamin berries, the currant bush needs care and attention, and such a seemingly unpretentious plant as blackcurrant, diseases and pests can cause a lot of trouble. Examine this wordless plant, take a closer look at its leaves, because you will still need them for all sorts of pickles. If the currant leaves turn brown, yellow or covered with rusty spots - sound the alarm, roll up your sleeves and get down to treatment. The health of your currant is in danger!

    Try to correctly identify the disease and make a diagnosis. Now we will look at some of the most common currant diseases.

    Enemy number one: powdery mildew

    AMERICAN POWDER DEW very often undermines the health of currants, but many of you do not pay any attention to it, but in vain: you can be left without a crop next year. American powdery mildew covers the berries, leaves and shoots of the currant with a white cobweb coating, which gradually thickens and black dots appear on it. Leaves and shoots abruptly stop growing - this is American powdery mildew. Urgently make top dressing for your currants - apply high doses of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers to the ground and be sure to spray the bush with infusion of ash (4 kg per 10 liters) and superphosphate (100 g per 10 liters) or make an even simpler mixture: potassium permanganate ( 3 g) and potassium nitrate (50 g).

    But in no case do not use potassium chloride!

    Enemy number two: ascochitosis

    The health of your currant can also be undermined by such a common disease as ASCOCHITOSIS. If you notice that brown, brown spots with a dirty gray middle, and possibly with black dots, appear on the leaves, stems and berries of the currant, while the leaves become brittle and dry quickly - this is ascochitosis. Get ready to work for the health of your currant. It is urgent to spray the bushes with 1% Bordeaux liquid, collect and burn all the fallen leaves. And do not forget to dig up the soil in the fall.

    Third enemy: anthracnose

    Our vitamin sissy also has another no less terrible enemy - ANTHRACNOSE. Always be vigilant and carefully monitor the currant leaves. If suddenly small yellowish spots appeared on them, which rapidly grow and change color to brown, while the leaves curl and fall off; if there are yellow sores on the shoots, and tubercles on the berries, this is ANTHRACNOSE. Anthracnose is a very insidious enemy of currants, it can calmly overwinter on fallen leaves, and in the spring, with rains and winds, spread all over your site. So you are in danger of being left without currant compotes and jams. There is only one way out in this situation: treatment of anthracnose with 1% Bordeaux liquid, spray every single bush, collect and burn the fallen leaves, and be sure to dig the soil.

    What else threatens the currant?

    It can cling to your currant, and later a fungus called Septoria can take root on it. This fungal disease loves neglect and humidity. Under these conditions, septoria gives free rein: it spreads over the leaves in the form of round corner spots, which gradually become white with a narrow brown border and black dots in the center of the leaf. The fungus clings rather tightly to the currant and hibernates on its fallen leaves, and in the spring it grows to its full potential. It is necessary to straighten the plant, dig up the ground and feed it with mineral fertilizers (zinc, copper, boron, manganese) at 6 g per 10 liters. And, of course, as always, for processing black and red currants, you will need a 1% solution of the essential Bordeaux mixture.

    Bordeaux liquid is also used in the fight against GLASS RUST. You can see the symptoms of this disease with your own eyes again on currant leaves. They are covered with yellowish bubbles that burst, and the leaves then turn brown and dry. Another type of RUST, only COLUMN, can also bring irreparable harm to your currant, however, its symptoms are somewhat different: abundant orange tubercles appear on the underside of the leaves, consisting of spores, then outgrowths form in place of the tubercle and the leaves fall off. Treatment will help with all kinds of rusts: it is necessary to spray the currant bushes with 1% Bordeaux mixture, burn the fallen leaves, and dig the soil.

    Well, if instead of a brush on your bush of red or black currant a green scaly terry sprig is tied up, no Bordeaux liquid will help here - the bush must be removed from your garden immediately and ruthlessly.

    The sultry, wonderful and so rare summer in our Urals has not yet ended, not the entire harvest has been harvested. Emerald cucumbers, bright orange tomatoes still continue to ripen, and Victoria and raspberries have already worked for the glory of our stomach, while currants continue to work to this day. Therefore, take the time to help your garden plants, feed them, treat them. Do not be frivolous, do not give currants to diseases and pests. The plant helps a person fight many evil insidious diseases, eliminates many sores, a person, in turn, must take care of the health of his green fellow. Do not wait for autumn, start today, go to the site, take an interest in the health of the currant, carefully examine its leaves, berries, shoots, and if everything is in order, be calm about your future harvests! Good luck and understanding with nature!