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  • How to spray currants during flowering. Tips and rules for processing currants after picking berries

    How to spray currants during flowering.  Tips and rules for processing currants after picking berries

    Processing currants in early spring from diseases and pests is a mandatory procedure that every gardener carries out. Insect pests and pathogens attack bushes. If preventive treatment is not carried out, the plant may die or a poor harvest will upset the summer resident. How to protect currant bushes? Tips and feedback from experienced gardeners will help to cope with this task.

    If you do not carry out preventive treatment of currants, a poor harvest will upset the summer resident

    Currant: treatment in the spring from pests

    Currant pests and their larvae are capable of destroying the entire bush in a short time, thereby depriving the summer resident of berries. Insects love to feast on the juice of the plant, depleting it. In this case, the currant wilts, the berries are not tied. What are the most dangerous currant pests and how to deal with them? We offer you to get acquainted with the most common insect pests of currants, namely:

    Insects love to feast on currant juice

    The first treatment of currant bushes from pests is carried out in early spring, even before the buds open. This will get rid of insects and their larvae before they begin to conduct their activities.

    It is forbidden to use chemicals during the ripening period of berries.

    • Currant pests: description with photos and methods of treatment

    Currant: spring treatment for diseases

    The currant processing schedule in early spring is of interest to beginner gardeners who want to protect the shrub from diseases and pests.

    Currants are often affected by various diseases. In order not to have to fight with them, it is better to resort to preventive spraying of shrubs. To do this, it is recommended to use the following processing schedule:

    • starting from May, every month currant bushes are sprayed with "Fitosporin" to prevent infection with a fungal infection. This drug is safe, easily washed off with water and its use is allowed during the ripening period of the crop;
    • treatment of currants with soda ash with laundry soap before flowering and after it will allow you to get rid of powdery mildew;
    • treatment in early spring before the start of sap flow of all plantings with urea is a prophylactic against bacterial diseases that are difficult to treat. The solution is prepared as follows: 700 grams of urea per bucket of water;
    • 3-fold spraying with "Epin" increases the immunity of currants under adverse weather conditions. The procedure is carried out with an interval of 7-10 days;
    • spraying with "Zircon" is useful both in spring and at the end of summer. The drug significantly increases the resistance of plants to common diseases;
    • spraying with copper oxychloride after harvesting will protect the bushes from fungal infection;
    • autumn treatment with Bordeaux liquid is a universal remedy for all fungal and bacterial lesions of currants.

    Currant diseases and the fight against them, photo

    Processing currants from diseases and pests in early spring, video:

    The currant processing schedule in early spring is of interest to beginner gardeners who want to protect the shrub from diseases and pests. It is difficult to treat currants from fungi and bacteria, but it is impossible to get rid of a viral disease.

    If you manage to emerge victorious in the fight against disease, pests, the harvest will be poor. Preventive treatment is the best thing a summer resident can do to save a crop.

    And what preparations and with what success did you use to treat currants?



    Many gardeners and summer residents grow currants on their plot. But, so that a good harvest will please for many years, it takes a lot of effort.

    All varieties of currants are susceptible to various diseases. There are more than 70 species of insects that harm shrubs. Their activity leads to a decrease in yield and complete death of the plant.

    In order to save currant plantings from diseases and pests in time, you need to know their symptoms and how to neutralize them.

    Powdery mildew is caused by the marsupial fungus Erysiphales.. In case of illness, a white loose coating forms on the surface of young leaves and berries. Powdery mildew is not common.

    Timely treatment measures taken can quickly defeat the disease. In any case, the presence of the disease indicates a deterioration in the condition of the currant bush.

    The main effective preventive measures are proper care and regular feeding.

    From powdery mildew, you need to spray currants with Fitosporin or a solution of pharmacy iodine, apply 1% copper sulfate

    Anthracnose is a fungal disease currant bush. Humid climate is favorable for the development of the disease. The place of vital activity of the fungus are green young shoots.

    At the initial stage of anthracnose, small dark spots appear. They gradually increase along with the progression of the disease.

    Spots deform leaves and fruits, and also have a negative effect on the entire bush. Anthracnose causes premature fall of foliage and a decrease in winter hardiness of the bush.

    To destroy the causative agent of anthracnose, fungicides are used in accordance with the instructions. The most famous drugs to treat the bush are: Fitosporin, Previkur, Acrobat, Ridomil.

    Fungus spores overwinter on fallen leaves. For prevention, it is necessary to destroy the infected foliage in time.

    To combat anthracnose, you need to spray currant bushes with Fitosporin, Previkur, Acrobat, Ridomil

    The main causative agent of currant terry is considered kidney mite. Terry currant is characterized by an ugly condition of the extreme leaves. With the progression of the disease, the flower brush becomes thinner, and the scales replace the flowers.

    There is a strong stretching of the leaves of young shoots. From five-leaf they turn into three-leaf. The veins are rough. The color of the foliage becomes dark green. The spicy aroma characteristic of currants disappears.

    How to fight? Spraying the plant 1% suspension of colloidal sulfur or lime-sulfur decoction.

    The treatment is carried out during the period when the tick comes out of the old buds. After 10 days, re-treatment is carried out.

    If the damage is severe, two more sprays are required (on completion of flowering and berry picking).

    To treat currants from terry, you need to spray the bush with a 1% suspension of colloidal sulfur or lime-sulfur decoction

    White spot or septoria - how to process in summer and spring?

    White spot or septoria caused by the fungus Septoria sibirica. This disease is one of the most common.

    Septoria is characterized by the appearance of small brown spots on the surface of the leaves. In the future, they become white in color, but the brown edging is preserved. Spots can spread to berries.

    The harmful fungus endures the winter on fallen leaves. Spores move to the surface during swelling from moisture (during wet weather or from excessive watering). Leaves are infected from the underside.

    Harm from white spotting:

    • falling leaves prematurely;
    • stopping the growth of the bush and its wilting;
    • crop failure.

    For the treatment of currant plantations and soil carry out the treatment with "Nitroferon" or copper sulphate in the form of a solution. The event must be carried out in the spring before the start of bud break.

    In the summer, four-stage processing is allowed 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride.

    For prevention it is necessary monitor soil moisture, destroy fallen leaves in a timely manner, row currant plantations, process and dig up the soil in the autumn and early spring.

    From white spotting, currant treatment should be carried out in spring and summer: "Nitroferon" or copper sulphate in the form of a solution, 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid or copper oxychloride

    What to do about rust?

    There are two varieties of currant rust: columnar and goblet.

    Columnar rust is caused by the fungus Cronartium ribicola Dietr.. The pathogenic microorganism negatively affects the foliage.

    Orange growths develop on the leaves from the underside, which, when powdered, form many bright spores. Yellow spots appear on the upper side of the leaf.

    Columnar rust appears on currant bushes in early August and spreads rapidly. The disease causes massive leaf fall prematurely and reduces yields.

    Also, with columnar rust, there is a decrease in the growth of young animals and a decrease in nutrient reserves.

    Goblet rust is caused by the fungus Puccinia ribesii caricis.. With this disease, bright orange pads develop on the foliage, flowers and ovaries.

    Active infection occurs at the flowering stage. For this reason, flowers and ovaries are severely damaged.

    The humid climate and proximity to the sedge favorably affects the harmful fungus. Goblet rust affects almost all foliage and flowers. This causes their premature fall and leads to a significant decrease in yield.

    There are two types of currant rust: columnar and goblet, spraying is carried out with Topaz, Previkur and Fitosporin-M, 1% Bordeaux liquid

    Currants can be treated equally for both types of rust. Fungicides "Topaz", "Previkur", "Fitosporin-M" suppress the development of the pathogen, do not allow spores to ripen and dissipate.

    It is also allowed to spray the bushes with 1% Bordeaux liquid.

    As a preventive measure the plant is transplanted to a hill, the soil is dried, and sedge thickets are removed.

    Why does non-nectrium drying of shoots occur?

    Nectrium shrinkage of shoots causes the fungus Nectria ribis. The disease is characterized by the formation of orange dots on the branches and shoots.

    They gradually grow and transform into voluminous tubercles. At the stage of spore maturation, the tubercles turn black, and the young shoots dry and die.

    Lack of timely treatment leads to the death of the entire bush.

    When the first signs appear, it is necessary to start a fight: prune the infected branches and burn them. Sections are disinfected with Bordeaux mixture and treated with garden pitch.

    For prevention regularly remove weeds, remove fallen leaves and fertilize.

    Nektrium drying of shoots is treated by pruning infected branches and burning them, the cuts are disinfected with a Bordeaux mixture

    Striped mosaic: measures to combat the disease

    Striped mosaic is a viral disease. The disease is characterized by the appearance of a pattern of bright yellow color on the leaves around the main veins after blooming.

    No treatment for striped mosaic: the infected bush should be removed.

    If a currant bush is affected by a striped mosaic, the bush should be removed

    Currant leaf gall midges are small brownish-yellow mosquitoes. Insects lay their eggs on young leaves of growing shoots.

    Unblown leaves are damaged by larvae. In the future, they become disfigured and die. Shoots stop their growth and begin to branch incorrectly.

    To get rid of the pest, it is necessary to treat plantings with insecticides during budding in the spring. If required, re-processing is carried out after the final harvest of berries.

    Damaged shoots should be cut without hemp in summer or autumn (until mid-September). Be sure to dig up the soil in the autumn season.

    To get rid of currant leaf gall midge, it is necessary to treat plantings with insecticides during budding in the spring

    How to save the crop from currant goldfish?

    Currant seedlings - greenish-copper beetles up to 9 mm long. Legless, flattened larvae with an expanded anterior end are yellowish-white in color. They prefer the core of the currant branch.

    The top of the damaged shoot dries out, and then the entire shoot dies. As a result, the fruiting of the bush decreases.

    To get rid of the currant borer, you need carry out low pruning and burning of affected branches.

    To get rid of the currant borer, you need to make a low pruning and burn the affected branches.

    How to spray from a spider mite?

    The spider mite is considered a small sucking pest. He lives on the leaf from the underside and braids the surface with his cobwebs.

    Damage is characterized by the formation of a bright point at the beginning of infection, then complete discoloration of the area. Heavily damaged sheets take on a marble appearance, dry out and fall off over time.

    Currants affected by the mite become less winter-hardy and yield less.

    Active development of ticks occurs from July to August.

    For spring treatment(during bud break) the bush is sprayed with acaricides. Sulfur preparations can cause leaf burn.

    With a severe injury re-spray. Acaricide can be added to chlorophos solution and applied after flowering.

    For prevention fallen leaves are destroyed, and the soil is dug up.

    To get rid of spider mites in spring, currants are sprayed with acaricides.

    Currant glass and plant care

    Currant glass - this butterfly is 1.5 cm long. It is covered with black scales with a lilac tint. There are light transverse stripes on the belly of the glass case.

    Pest females are able to lay up to 60 eggs in cracks in the bark of branches. The white caterpillars that have appeared gnaw through the core of the branches and make walkers in them for wintering.

    By the next autumn, they reach a length of 2 cm, but do not go outside. They spend another winter inside currant branches.

    At the end of May, the larvae gnaw their way out and pupate. Butterflies fly out in June. After the end of flowering, the branches damaged by the larvae wither and dry up.

    For prevention plantings with signs of a glass case are regularly inspected. It is important to prune and destroy damaged branches in time.

    To get rid of currant glass, you need to prune and destroy damaged branches

    How to get rid of fire?

    Firefly is a small gray butterfly 1 cm long. Pupae of moths hibernate under currant plantations. During flowering, butterflies lay eggs in flowers. This leads to damage to the flower.

    The presence of pests can be determined by the presence of hatched caterpillars on the bush and cobwebbed fruits. Caterpillars feed on currant berries.

    Affected bushes cannot be cured. To prevent the death of a bush from a pest, it is necessary to cover the soil around the currant with roofing material or linoleum before flowering.

    This coating will not allow pests to get out of the soil. After flowering, the leaves can be removed.

    For prevention from moths, it is necessary to cover the soil around the currant with roofing material or linoleum before flowering

    What to spray from the moth?

    Gooseberry moth - a butterfly with wings covered with black and yellow spots. Usually she prefers gooseberries, but currants are also not averse to feasting on. Egg laying occurs on the underside of the leaves.

    The emerging caterpillars eat the leaves from all sides. In the middle of summer, they turn into pupae and hang from the branches.

    For prevention it is necessary:

    • carefully clean and cultivate the land;
    • collect all pupae in July and destroy;
    • treat in the fall with urea;
    • spray plantings ("Fitoverm", arsenic calcium DDT and others).

    To treat currants from moths, you need to spray the bush with Fitoverm, arsenic calcium DDT

    Processing currants in autumn carried out in order to get rid of various pests and diseases. Indeed, with the onset of spring, all microorganisms come to life and begin their vigorous activity.

    In order to protect currants from pests and diseases, during the autumn period it is necessary to carry out a number of activities:

    • do autumn digging of the soil around the bushes;
    • destruction of fallen leaves;
    • pruning of damaged, weakened and old branches;
    • preventive spraying.

    For preventive spraying experts recommend the use of chemical solutions, which include drugs from pathogenic microorganisms and pests.

    For the information of beginners in gardening: if there is no desire to use chemical compounds, you can use natural ingredients - folk remedies (infusion of wormwood, garlic, onion peel, tobacco).

    When spraying red and black currants recommendations must be followed:

    We fight currant diseases and pests without chemistry:

    Timely care of currant bushes, their treatment from pests and diseases - growing a healthy plant for many years and getting a good harvest.


    Blackcurrant pests - how to get rid of uninvited "guests"


    One of the main concerns of gardeners is to protect blackcurrant bushes from pests. Some are adherents of environmentally friendly methods of struggle, the rest place all their hopes on chemicals, however, both of them pursue the same goal - to collect the highest and most healthy crop.

    Pests of black, red, white currants and agricultural technology - what connects them

    As folk wisdom says, the disease is easy to prevent, but difficult to cure. This statement also applies to harmful insects, whose invasions of bushes lead to very deplorable consequences.

    In well-groomed gardens, where the rules of agricultural technology are observed, not very favorable conditions are created for the reproduction of pests. These techniques are quite simple and consist in caring for the berry bushes. First of all, in early spring, all affected shoots are cut out at the soil level and burned along with the fallen leaves that have remained since autumn.

    Feeding, loosening the soil between the rows, around the plant itself also help maintain the health of the garden. Autumn digging of the earth causes significant damage to the number of wintering pupae, spores, etc. In addition, mulching the soil with a thick layer in early spring leads to the death of larvae of stem and leaf currant gall midges.

    At the first detection of uninvited guests, do not immediately apply the means of protection of the chemical industry.

    With a small number of pests, it is quite possible to collect them by hand or gently chuck them on a sheet spread under a bush, or you can also in an open inverted umbrella.

    Fighting aphids on currants

    These tiny, sucking insects are very difficult to get rid of. They multiply at an incredible rate, damaging the blossoming leaves and tops of the shoots.

    Ants help the aphids to settle in the garden, they take care of them and hide them in their nests for the winter, and again carry them along the stems in the spring. The first measures for its destruction must be carried out even on the green cone of the kidneys.

    If you have an aphid on a currant, we will now tell you how to deal with it.

    Natural Ways to Fight:

    • significantly reducing the aphid population will help to regularly wash it off the bushes with a strong stream of water or wetting the leaves with soapy water (250 g of laundry soap is diluted in a bucket of warm water);
    • spraying with infusions of garlic, onion husks (a bucket is filled up to half with husks, filled with water to the top and left for 5 days), tobacco, mustard (100 g per bucket), needles, tops of tomatoes or potatoes (4 kg of green stems or needles) is also depressing. insist 3.5 hours in a bucket of water). A decoction of bitter wormwood, hot pepper has the same effect (half a bucket of greens is poured with water to the top, infused for about a day, then boiled for half an hour and diluted 1: 1 with clean water before use);
    • homeopathic preparations Healthy Garden, Ecoberin, as well as bacterial preparations Bitoxibacillin, Batsikol will help the trouble.

    Scientific ways to fight:

    • treatment of affected bushes with "chemistry", for example, Aktellik, Fufanon, Karate, Aktara. Just remember that you need to have time to spray a month before picking berries.

    Bud mite on currant

    The first sign that you have a bud mite in your garden is abnormally swollen buds. In the spring, they are not able to open up and gradually die off, which affects the amount of the crop. In one kidney can be up to a thousand individuals. Having got out of it in the spring, they settle in the surrounding area with the help of insects, birds or wind.

    Another sign of uninvited guests is the changed shape and color of the apical leaves, which also lighten and become deformed, leathery. Over the summer, ticks give 3-4 generations.

    In addition, they are carriers of such a viral disease as terry. Therefore, throughout the growing season, you need to carefully monitor the appearance of enlarged buds and pluck them when they appear.

    It is best to deal with the mite in the period from bud swelling to the end of flowering.

    Ways to fight:

    • from folk remedies, spraying with infusions of tobacco, garlic (200 g of crushed heads are placed in a bucket of water, immediately stirred, filtered and applied), dandelion (400 g of greens or 300 g of rhizomes are poured with a bucket of water, insisted for 3 hours, filtered), walnut (3 kg of dry leaves per bucket of water, insist for about a day);
    • for chemical protection, a suspension of colloidal sulfur (100 g per ten liters of water) or Karbofos (75 g per bucket) is used. Apply at least two times.

    Spider mite on currant

    The spider mite is the scourge of blackcurrant, causing the greatest harm in hot, rainless weather. The presence of a sucking pest begins to appear already before flowering: bright dots are visible on the leaf blade from above. The mite on the currant lives on the underside of mature leaves, covers them with small cobwebs, as a result of which they turn yellow and fall off by mid-July.

    To get rid of the pest, weeds are destroyed in the fall, the soil is dug up, the remains of dry leaves are carefully collected in the spring and the bush is mulched until the end of flowering. The mass development of insects falls on the last month of summer. Affected plants winter poorly, and also lose high yields.

    Ways to fight:

    • for preventive purposes, the bushes are treated with infusion of tobacco, onion peel, and a decoction of wormwood before flowering (the recipes are given above). Sprayed several times at weekly intervals until the need is gone;
    • Another wonderful ecological remedy is Fitoverm biopreparation. It is used in a proportion of 2 ml per liter jar of water;
    • after harvesting the berries, currants can be sprayed with Karbofos (60 g per bucket of water). To treat the plant on unblown buds, or after flowering, a solution of Karbofos of a different concentration is prepared (30 g per bucket).
    • Eugene
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    Record dated: 4-5-2016

    Well, here we are, waiting for spring. The snow has almost completely melted, the sun is very hot during the day. Its rays are already opening the bases of the trunks of gooseberry and currant bushes.

    This means that the shrub wakes up and enters the growth stage - the buds swell, food slowly begins to flow along the branches.

    Together with the bushes, pests also wake up, therefore, the fight against them should begin as early as possible.

    Gooseberries and currants are the favorite "delicacy" of various kinds of pests. Apparently, not only we like their juicy fruits, but currant leaves - like brewing tea, such a flavor! So they climb onto the bush, hoping to profit.

    For example, bud moth caterpillars often hibernate on shoots, very fond of feasting on young currant buds, black aphid eggs can also be found on twigs, and a bud mite finds shelter for the winter inside currant buds.

    If you find pockets of gray dense plaque on the crooked tops of the shoots, these are pockets of powdery mildew in hibernation. The currant caterpillar gnaws its way into young branches - it spoils both the branch and the future harvest.

    And this is only the top of the bush, and below, in the fallen leaves, female spider mites sleep, they have an orange-red color. Anthracnose fruiting bodies winter there. All this living creatures and vegetation must be destroyed in early spring, without waiting until they wake up and begin to be active.

    To effectively deal with pests, you need to know the time when caterpillars, larvae, butterflies are most vulnerable. And spraying the bush will give the best result.

    Fight against bud moth on currants and gooseberries

    If the currant bushes look frozen in the spring, or even worse, burnt, the plant must have been struck by a bud moth. This is a very dangerous garden pest.

    Young caterpillars of the bud moth hibernate in cobweb cocoons, usually located at the basal rosette, on old cuts left over from pruning the stems.

    During the period of bud swelling, caterpillars wake up after the winter period, move up the stem and gnaw through the largest buds. Of course, during the time it is inside the kidney, the caterpillar eats all the young greens that were supposed to become leaves.

    The kidney dies, if there are a lot of caterpillars, then the bush may simply not produce a crop due to the loss of a significant part of the foliage.

    One such caterpillar is not limited to only one kidney, during its life it manages to taste up to 7 kidneys. After such exposure, the kidneys dry out and the bush looks as if burnt. During the flowering period of the currant bush, the caterpillars move back - into the soil under the bush to pupate into butterflies.

    These butterflies, at the beginning of the appearance of green berries, fly out of their cocoons and lay their eggs in the berry pulp. The larvae that appeared after some time eat the seeds inside the berry, from which the berry is colored ahead of time, dries up and dies.

    Methods of dealing with currant bud moth

    Please note that it is possible to effectively deal with bud moths precisely during the period of bud swelling, before flowering! To prevent the spread of bud moths with cuttings, their harvesting should be carried out before the caterpillars emerge from their cocoons, where they hibernated.

    Pruning bushes, burn all cut dry branches and stumps, clean the trunk circle under the bush from fallen leaves. To eliminate butterflies that fly out at the end of flowering, spray currant bushes with Spark.

    Dilute 1 tablet per 10 liters of water. Also, the plant can be treated with 0.1% actara, but if you are against chemistry, then infusion of dry mustard or celandine.

    This treatment will destroy, in addition to the kidney moth, sawflies, leafworms, gooseberry moth caterpillars.

    How to protect gooseberries and currants from currant glass

    If during the spring pruning of blackcurrant you come across branches with wormholes in the middle of the stem, then the plant is affected by a currant glass case. Such moves are eaten by her larva. The pest is able to eat through a third, or even half of the branches on a bush.

    At the end of flowering, the result of such eating of branches will become noticeable. Branches with an unripe crop will wither, and butterflies will come out of the holes eaten in the trunks, outwardly similar to wasps, with narrow translucent wings of a lilac tint.

    These butterflies lay eggs, fixing them in cracks in the bark, in the folds of the bush, in scales near the internodes.

    Young caterpillars, which appeared after two weeks, bite into the branches, and gradually, eating through the core, move to the base of the bush, where they hibernate.

    Methods of dealing with currant glass

    During spring pruning of bushes, currants are removed and all branches eaten by caterpillars are immediately burned. Cut off the entire branch, to a clean place where you can no longer see the moves - wormholes. At the same time, cut off the old branches under the base so that there are no stumps left, and cover the cut with garden pitch.

    In the future, during flowering and fruit set, inspect the bushes and cut out all fading shoots to a healthy part to prevent the spread of the pest. The processing of the bush after flowering is carried out according to the same scheme and with the same preparations as in cases with gooseberry moth and currant bud moth.

    Protection of currants and gooseberries from currant and gooseberry aphids

    Also, currants and gooseberries can be damaged by shoot aphids, while the leaves of the plant curl, fresh shoots become crooked, and growth slows down.

    Currant hairy (red-gall) aphids, which feed on the juice of young leaves of white, pink and red currants, also cause similar damage.

    Accumulations of currant aphids are localized on the reverse side of the leaf, on top of the leaf, while the appearance of dark red swellings - galls. Damaged leaves die. Aphids lay their eggs on shoots, where they endure the winter.

    Methods of dealing with gooseberry and currant shoot aphids

    To destroy aphid eggs, before bud break, thoroughly pour gooseberry and currant bushes with hot water, the temperature should be about 70 degrees. You can also spray the bushes with 0.1% fufanon or 0.1% decis. Infusions of these two insecticides are treated with already blossoming buds with young leaves, when the pests have entered the active phase of life.

    Protecting currants and gooseberries from bud mites

    In spring, on currant branches, you can see old, round, dried buds. However, there is no point in cutting them off, since the tick is no longer there. Ticks hibernate in ordinary, dormant buds, and in the spring they infect green buds that are about to bloom. From this invasion, the kidney grows and deforms. The female tick lays eggs inside the kidney, from which, in the future, larvae develop.

    The greatest number of mites is observed during the budding period, when the affected bud becomes outwardly similar to a small head of cabbage, pale yellow in color. The size of such an affected kidney can reach 1 cm.

    Therefore, there is no point in looking for a tick in large overgrown buds after the berries ripen - they are empty.

    The kidney mite spreads such a viral disease as terry. This year, instead of flowers and berries, thin purple needles form on the plant. There will be no harvest from such shoots. The mites themselves are very small, they are carried with the tool, with planting material.

    How to deal with kidney mites on currants and gooseberries

    Remove round buds when they swell, when buds form on the bush. Before flowering, it is necessary to spray the bush with 0.1% fufanon or decis, 0.2% karate is also suitable. It is during this period that the tick comes out of the kidney and can be destroyed.

    If the plant is affected by terryness, when the petals of the flowers are needle-shaped, of a purple hue, then after cutting out the buds with ticks, cut the bush affected by terryness to the lower branches, bend them to the ground and cover them 10 cm with soil, periodically watering the covered layers. Under the ground, the tick is not able to move and develop into a sexually mature individual. Healthy shoots will grow from the buds, which can be used as planting material in the fall.

    That's all! I hope you find this experience useful. My husband and I are very fond of blackcurrants, and berries, and tea from fresh leaves. Therefore, we are especially anxious about the health of our plantings. I wish your bushes health and a bountiful harvest!

    Among the means that it is necessary to spray currants in the fall from pests, there should be both, and. It is worth remembering that these drugs can pose a significant threat to human health, therefore, in the process of processing, personal precautions must be followed.

    As an antifungal drug, you can take, for example, a 1% solution, and others. Spraying is preferably carried out in the evening or early in the morning, since the drug, interacting with active sunlight, can burn the stems and leaves.

    Important! If you notice signs of any fungal disease or pest damage on your currants, a single treatment will not be enough, you should spray the bushes at least twice.

    As an insecticide, drugs such as Aliot, Neoron and others are suitable. All these preparations are designed to combat galits, glass cases and, which are especially greedy for currant leaves that are nutritious for them.

    Folk remedies

    Many modern gardeners refuse to use chemicals, because, getting on the leaves and stems of the plant, they will eventually, albeit in much smaller quantities, end up inside the berries. Therefore, we present one of the most popular methods of autumn processing of currant bushes.

    Garlic tincture has proved to be a very effective tool in the fight against various diseases and pests. To prepare it, you should take 100 g of garlic per 1 liter of water. Garlic should be finely chopped and added to water, then leave it all to brew for one day. Next, 4 g of finely chopped soap should be added to the resulting liquid for each liter of the mixture. It is necessary to process at the rate of 0.5 liters of tincture per bush.

    Did you know? Previously, the currant was called the monastery berry, since it was actively grown by monks in monasteries for the purpose of eating and as a raw material for various medicines.

    You can also use a weak solution, which has proven itself to be quite effective, and most importantly, an affordable remedy. Processing with potassium permanganate can be done at any time, even during the flowering period of the plant.


    Feeding currants after harvesting is a rather important factor contributing to its active fruiting in the next season. There is no significant difference for the plant, what kind of fertilizer you will be, organic or mineral, everything will be equally well perceived by them and will only benefit.

    Important! Remember that if, when planting, you applied fertilizer under your currant bushes, then over the next 2-3 years they will not need to be fed at all.


    From it is best to use, or humus. It is possible in combination, but not more than one bucket in total for each bush. These substances will provide your plants with the proper amount of nitrogen.

    You can also use any or mullein, but you need to be careful with these fertilizers, as they can "burn" the roots of plants if they are added undiluted. To obtain a ready-to-use solution, it is recommended to dilute these substances in a ratio of 1:10 with water and let them brew for a week.

    Mineral fertilizers

    Most often, fertilizers rich in and are used to feed currants, since the amount of nitrogen contained in organic matter completely covers the needs of this plant. Currant requires a lot of phosphorus, since this is the main substance that stimulates the stiffening of shoots. So, the following substances are best suited as mineral supplements:

    • Double in combination with (for 1 bucket of water, 2 tablespoons of each substance).
    • Ammophoska and (2 tablespoons of the first and 1 glass of the second in a bucket of water).
    • Superphosphate in combination with and wood ash (1 tablespoon of the first and second and 1 glass of ash per bucket of water).
    • Potassium sulfate in combination with superphosphate (a tablespoon per 10 liters of water).

    What else?

    A necessary part of the autumn care of currant bushes is its timely pruning and care, in the area in which this plant grows. Some gardeners assign agrotechnical manipulations a leading role in the successful development of this berry.

    Throughout the summer season, it is necessary to inspect the plants in the garden in order to detect warning signs in time. Both black and red currants, whose diseases and pests can destroy the entire crop, require your attention and care.

    Black currants (as well as red, white, pink) are subject to the same misfortunes as gooseberries, so pest and disease control for both crops is essentially the same.

    What is sick currant?

    The plant is able to "signal" that it needs your help, so most diseases can be guessed by changing the appearance of the bush.

    Currant resistant to diseases and pests

    To "insure" and protect plants from most diseases, purchase blackcurrant varieties that are resistant to diseases and pests:

    • Zoya;
    • Minsk;
    • Kipian;
    • Binar;
    • Katyusha;
    • Seaside champion;
    • Goliath;
    • Klussonovskaya;
    • Kupalinka;
    • Memory of Vavilov;
    • Titania;
    • Ceres;
    • Temptation and etc.

    Sferotek (American powdery mildew)

    The causative agent is fungi of the genus Spheroteca (Sphaerotheca). The first signs of currant infection with a sphere library are already noticeable in May: the leaves, stems of the bush, and subsequently the fruits are covered with a white coating (later the color turns brown). Then the berries shrink and lose their sweetness, diseased bushes do not have time to grow and die. The development of the disease is facilitated by high humidity, dry, nitrogen-saturated soil.

    Control measures

    The affected parts of the plant must be immediately cut and burned, and the bushes themselves should be treated with a fungicide (Fundazol, Topaz, etc.). For the prevention of the sphere library in the fall, it is necessary to remove fallen leaves, thin out the bushes. Dusting with wood ash is also effective.

    Septoria (white spot)

    The causative agent is a fungus of the genus Septoria. As with other fungal diseases, the most suitable conditions for the development of white spotting are high humidity, low light, and dense plantings. Brown spots (2-3 mm in diameter) appear on currant leaves, which brighten in the center by mid-summer, and turn brown along the edges.

    Control measures

    Infected leaves and shoots must be removed, then treated with 1% Bordeaux liquid. For prevention, it is necessary to carry out annual pruning of bushes, dig aisles, and in the fall remove fallen leaves from the site.


    Another common fungal disease familiar to many gardeners. The first signs are small reddish spots (1 mm in diameter) on currant leaves, which later begin to darken, swell and expand.

    Control measures

    In early spring, treatment with 1% Bordeaux liquid will help (repeat after harvesting). Since the fungus overwinters in fallen leaves, in the fall it must be carefully raked out from under the bushes and burned.


    Currants are attacked by 2 types of this disease: goblet (yellow-orange "warts" form on the underside of the leaf) and columnar (reddish small spots on the leaves are characteristic). After some time, the berries and foliage of the diseased bush fall off.

    Control measures

    When the leaves are just beginning to bloom, the bushes are treated with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid (or other fungicides), then the treatment is repeated during the formation of buds. The final spraying is carried out after flowering.

    Reversion (terry)

    A viral disease from which the plant cannot be cured. Signs of double currant: the appearance of the leaves changes - they lengthen and become pointed, later barren flowers of irregular shape grow.

    Control measures

    Sick bushes will have to be removed from the site; partial pruning of heavily affected shoots will not help. To prevent the emergence of this virus, carefully consider the choice of planting material. Since the terry virus is carried by insects (bud mites, aphids), treat the garden with pesticides in a timely manner.

    striped mosaic

    If the currant leaves began to turn yellow ahead of time, most likely a virus appeared in the garden that causes a striped, or veined, mosaic. A characteristic feature - yellowness - spreads along the veins of the leaf, forming a mosaic pattern.

    Control measures

    Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure a currant affected by a striped mosaic, so diseased bushes must be dug up and burned, and the area where the virus has spread must be disinfected with a 1% solution of potassium permanganate.

    Currant pests

    Carriers of many diseases are insects, therefore, to protect the garden, it is necessary to carry out timely processing of currants from diseases and pests in spring and autumn. In this fight, all means are good, so we recommend using both natural and chemical preparations, most importantly, do not forget about precautions - work in protective clothing.

    To make it convenient to figure out how to spray currants from diseases and pests, we suggest using our table:

    Scheme of processing currants from diseases and pests
    Time Procedure
    Early spring, just after the snow melts
    • removal of fallen leaves, loosening of the soil between the rows and around the bushes;
    • dousing the bush and soil with hot water with potassium permanganate (for 1 bush 5 l of solution) (against aphids);
    • spraying with a 3% solution of copper sulfate (300 g per 10 l of water) or urea;
    • spraying with a 3% solution of copper sulfate, a 5% solution of iron sulfate, infusion of ash (100 g per 1 liter of water, leave for 3 days, strain, add 3 liters of water) (against)
    Bud swelling period
    • sanitary pruning of bushes, careful cutting of stumps, burning of dry branches and leaves;
    • mulching the soil under the bushes with peat chips (layer 6 cm);
    • spraying with an 8-10% solution of lime (against kidney moth)
    Before flowering bushes (budding period)
    • spraying with 3% Bordeaux liquid;
    • treatment with Novaktion (5 ml per 10 liters of water);
    • spraying with colloidal sulfur (100 g per 10 l of water) or garlic infusion (100 g of minced garlic per 10 l of water) (against kidney mite);
    • treatment with Iskra-M, Aktara, Insector, Kinmiks, Inta-Vir and others (against aphids);
    • spraying with Inta-C-M, Lepidocid, Fufanon-Nova, Bitoxibacillin (against moths)
    At the end of flowering
    • spraying with Iskra (1 tablet per 10 liters of water);
    • loosening the soil around the bushes (against kidney moth)
    After flowering
    • spraying with 1% Bordeaux liquid;
    • spraying with Karbofos (75 g per 10 l of water), per bush - 1-1.5 l of solution;
    • spraying with colloidal sulfur, Aliot or garlic infusion (100 g minced garlic per 10 liters of water) (against kidney mite)
    After picking berries
    • spraying with a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture
    Late fall
    • cleaning and burning leaves;
    • loosening the soil around the bushes.

    kidney moth

    A small butterfly (wingspan 17 mm) yellow-brown. "Specializes" in red and white currants, black attacks less often. After wintering under the bark and at the base of the bush, the caterpillar comes out "to the light" and eats the contents of the currant buds. After flowering, the caterpillar becomes a butterfly and lays its eggs in berries, where the larvae continue to develop.

    Control measures

    For prevention, it is necessary to remove shoots with lagging bark “under the stump”, rake out fallen leaves from under the bushes and burn it away from the garden. During the swelling of the kidneys, the bushes can be treated with Iskra-M.

    currant aphid

    Curled leaves with reddish swollen spots and twisted young shoots are signs that the plant has been attacked by aphids. Colonies of this insect are easy to detect on the underside of the leaf, as well as on the shoots where the pest hibernates.

    Control measures

    To destroy the aphid eggs, the bushes are abundantly watered with hot water (before bud break) or treated with an insecticide (Fufanon, Decis, Aktara, Insector, Iskra, Inta-Ts-M, Inta-Vir, Kinmiks, etc.).


    During flowering moth butterflies lay their eggs in currant inflorescences. Then the caterpillars begin to eat berries and leaves, braiding them with cobwebs. Each caterpillar is capable of destroying 10-15 berries.

    Control measures

    Before and after flowering, currant bushes are treated with insecticide solutions (Spark, Fufanon-Nova, Bitoxibacillin). For prevention, before flowering, the ground under the bush is mulched with peat or compost, and in late autumn the soil under the currant is loosened, the bushes are spudded.

    kidney mite

    If in the spring on a currant bush too large swollen buds are found, similar to small cabbage "heads", most likely a kidney mite lives in them. When the larva becomes crowded in the kidney, it goes into another, and thus damaging a large number of currant buds. The tick can carry the terry virus.

    Control measures

    In early May, during budding, "suspicious" buds must be plucked out. Before flowering, when ticks are most vulnerable, the bushes are sprayed with an insecticide (Tanrek, Fufanon-Nova, Decis, etc.).


    Spring treatment of currants from pests and diseases, for example, pruning, helps to identify damage to the bush with a glass case. The caterpillars of this pest live in currant shoots and leave wormholes behind. They feed on the inside of the shoots, making moves, because of which the branches stop growing, dry out and die.

    Control measures

    Every 2 weeks it is necessary to inspect the bushes and cut off (to the white core) the drying shoots in which the caterpillars settled. You can treat currants from a glass case with the same preparations as in the fight against a tick or kidney moth.

    Protecting currants from pests and diseases is not too difficult and every gardener can do it. The main thing is to follow the basic agrotechnical rules, providing plants with timely care.

    Currant is not a particularly whimsical plant, which, nevertheless, needs to implement a certain set of measures to help it grow and bear fruit generously over time. Processing currants from pests and diseases, as well as a number of other activities - what the plant needs in the autumn. Further on this in detail.

    Features of caring for currants in the period after harvest

    Unfortunately, not all gardeners are aware that after the end of the harvesting process of currant berries, plant care not only does not weaken, but, on the contrary, only intensifies. The opinions of specialists regarding the measures to be taken in the autumn period vary greatly, but, in general, several general measures can be distinguished:

    • thorough loosening of the soil;
    • feeding plants with nutrients (after the end of the harvest);
    • treatment of plants from pests and diseases;
    • pruning bushes in order to properly form plants in the winter;
    • high-quality watering of plants for the winter (carried out after the foliage has completely fallen off).

    If you carry out each of the above activities correctly and in a timely manner, a healthy plant will delight you with a rich harvest next year. Further, in more detail about the features of the implementation of measures for the care of currants in the autumn.

    Harvesting currants

    Pruning currant bushes in the fall is a mandatory process that must be carried out with a sharp garden tool (an ordinary pruner or garden scissors will do). All damaged or diseased shoots and branches, as well as root shoots, are removed. Without fail, all branches lying close to the ground or turned inside the bush are removed. Cut parts of the plant should be removed from the site or burned.

    Regarding the loosening of the soil, the opinions of gardeners were divided. Proponents of organic farming argue that the soil around the currant bushes should never be loosened, because this can damage the young roots of the plant located close to the ground. An alternative option is soil mulching.

    Some gardeners believe that it is not worth leaving the near-trunk circle and tinning the soil under the bushes, sowing it with grass.
    As for autumn dressings, they must contain superphosphate and potassium chloride in their composition. Additionally, you can add a little manure, but only after stable cold weather is established, and currant shoots stop growing at that time.

    Advice. It is better to refrain from applying nitrogen-containing dressings in the autumn, as this can provoke unnecessary and overly active growth of shoots, which will lead to a decrease in the winter hardiness of currant bushes.

    For additional protection of the plant with the onset of winter cold, try making a neat bedding of oak bark, which will protect the root system of the bush from drying out and frost.

    Treatment of plants from pests in the fall

    Although the currant needs some processing in the autumn, it does not need any special chemicals at all: it is only important to properly prepare the soil for “wintering” (with the turnover of the layer), which will allow the soil to renew itself in some way and become at the same time prevention from many pests.

    So, the processing of currant bushes must be carried out in dry and fairly cool weather. In this case, the protective agents will not be washed off the plant with water, and the cold air will prevent the growth of bacteria.

    currant pruning

    As protective agents for currants, you can use ready-made complex preparations, such as Bordeaux liquid (1%), copper chloride, karbofos, etc. If you want to avoid the use of artificial chemicals, you can try treating the plants with concentrated garlic-based infusions, tobacco, onion peel or wormwood. All of them have a pronounced antiseptic and disinfectant effect.

    Advice. When processing currants in autumn, it is important to remember one important nuance: red and black currants are not the same thing. So, for example, after harvesting the blackcurrant, its bushes can be bare: by depriving the blackcurrant of leaves, you will help it speed up the process of accumulating strength for a successful wintering. But with red currants, you should be more careful: its foliage should also be collected, but only after it falls off on its own.

    Finally, some useful tips that are good to know when caring for currants:

    1. Before spraying a plant for preventive purposes, it is necessary to carefully examine it for damaged or affected leaves, branches, etc. If any are found, remove them from the bushes, then destroy them.
    2. Chemical treatment of currants, of course, will help protect it from pests, but nutritious top dressings will not be superfluous: they help (surprisingly) quickly increase the immunity of an adult plant.
    3. Carefully monitor the condition of the currant bushes: in no case should the plant be allowed to get sick with an ailment called "terry", since it is considered incurable.

    This concludes our consideration of the features of autumn care for currants, including the subtleties of processing this plant from pests and diseases in the autumn. Good luck!

    Currant care in autumn: video

    Currant is an unpretentious plant, but it has important features in its care. Processing currants in the fall is an event that helps increase productivity. By properly treating the bushes, you can provide them with reliable protection against pathogenic bacteria and insects. Regular care of currants will allow you to get a large number of berries during the harvest period.

    Why process currant bushes

    The systematic application of top dressing and regular processing of currants will save the bushes from pathogenic insects that cause irreparable harm.

    powdery mildew

    It appears as white spots or plaque on leaves and berries. Usually powdery mildew likes to appear in July or early August. During this period, you should be especially careful to prevent damage to the planted currants.


    Shows up throughout the summer. It is characterized by the formation of reddish spots on the leaves. Over time, the affected branches dry out, the leaves crumble. Such parts of the plant must be burned so that the disease does not spread to the entire area.

    moth butterfly


    Currants affected by aphids look unhealthy - they have red leaves that eventually dry out and fall off.


    From rust, the drug "Fitosporin" or Bordeaux liquid helps well. Currants affected by rust have convex growths of a red color.

    Processing time

    1. The first treatment should be carried out at the beginning of the currant flowering - in early spring.
    2. The second is during the appearance of the kidneys.
    3. The third - in the fall, after picking berries.

    Important! It is in the fall that currants need special treatment.

    After picking berries, it requires proper fertilizing and care. Thus, the plant tolerates a cold winter well, and produces a plentiful harvest of berries the next year.

    The processing of currants is started after harvesting the fruits, following the important rules:

    1. In addition to cutting thin and old shoots, you should cut off the branches affected by the glass case. Often these branches are sluggish and dry, have a black core. It is also worth paying attention to whether there is powdery mildew or bud mites. In this case, the shoots are completely removed by cutting them off from the base.
    2. Old currants should be rejuvenated a little. When pruning such plants, it is important to stick to the golden mean - do not cut a lot of branches. If you plan to delete a large number of unnecessary branches, it is recommended that you do this not immediately, but in stages.
    3. Such pruning should be done within 3-4 years. A third of the branches are pruned every year. Sections of thickened organs must be treated with garden pitch, branches must be burned.

    Processing currants in the fall from pests and diseases

    Processing currant bushes in the fall involves pruning dry branches, applying mineral supplements. By pruning fruit plants, you can protect them from various diseases, insect pests. Remove shoots that have reached 5-6 years and weakened, diseased branches.

    Attention! Prevention involves spraying the soil and the plant itself with a solution of colloidal sulfur or the use of Karbofos.

    By properly treating currants in the fall from pests, you can get a bountiful harvest for the next year.

    When choosing preparations for spraying, it is necessary to determine for what purpose they will be used:

    1. If you plan to feed the soil, you should select mineral or organic top dressing.
    2. If it is necessary to deal with pathogens of currant diseases, it is better to consider several options: spraying with Karbofos or Bordeaux mixture.


    Not only people like to eat currants, but also harmful insects. Pest control is necessary throughout the summer season, and additional treatments are carried out in the fall. Aphids and bud mites can cause great harm to currants.

    It is necessary to observe currant bushes throughout the season. In this way, the disease can be detected in time.

    Important! To grow a good currant, you should not only process it from diseases and insects, but also properly care for it.


    These funds affect the diseases that cause fungi. Such currant diseases include:

    • anthracnose;
    • rust;
    • brown spotting.

    The first treatment should be done in the spring, as soon as the leaves begin to bloom. It is this spraying that prevents the occurrence of these diseases. If it was not possible to process in the spring, then such measures should be taken in the fall, after harvesting.

    One of the well-known remedies that has been tested by time is Bordeaux liquid. For irrigation use a 1% solution.

    Rules for spraying Bordeaux mixture:

    1. Processing the bush at the beginning of flowering.
    2. Spraying after flowering.
    3. Blackcurrant processing in autumn, after harvesting berries.

    All subsequent treatments are carried out as needed. Sometimes, instead of Bordeaux liquid, copper chloride 0.5% can be used.

    Biological remedies

    A safe drug for spraying currants in the fall is Lepidocid. Handles caterpillars well. In the case of an increase in dosage, the drug not only destroys insects, but also adversely affects their reproductive function. Thus, caterpillars will not be able to lay larvae.

    The drug has its advantages and disadvantages.

    • does not harm people and animals;
    • quickly affects the causative agent of plant diseases;
    • can be used in combination with other processing means.
    • short duration (treatment should be done once every 7-10 days);
    • inconvenient to use over a large area, pests may have time to move to other plants;
    • cannot be used during rain;
    • only affects caterpillars.

    Another drug that has a detrimental effect on pathogenic insects is Bitoxibacillin. Only 3 treatments are enough for a season.

    The agent is sprayed at a temperature not lower than 15 degrees, in dry weather, in the evening.

    "Bitoxibacillin" has no disadvantages.

    Warning! The main thing is not to buy a fake.

    Top dressing and tillage

    Mineral fertilizers

    If, after planting the plant, the soil was well fertilized, the currant will not require top dressing for at least 2 years. After this time, it is worth returning to top dressing. After the fruits are harvested, it is important to fertilize the currants with phosphorus and potassium. 1 st. spoon of chloride-free potassium and superphosphate. After making such dressings, currants are watered with 10 liters of water.

    If the processing of currants in the fall is carried out in the rain, there is no need to water it. It is enough to sprinkle around the granules and loosen the soil a little. The rest of the autumn top dressing can be carried out with the addition of manure and potassium, superphosphate.

    organic fertilizers

    You can feed the soil and the plant with organic matter. Blackcurrants are processed throughout the autumn. In order for top dressing to work, a long time must pass. Organics (chicken droppings and manure) decompose for at least 6 months.

    The action of such fertilizers often comes closer to March, April. After 2-3 months, the bush begins to branch well, giving new shoots. These activities should be carried out during the entire summer season. Thus, the plant will receive the maximum amount of nutrients.

    Recommendations for processing currants after harvest

    One of the necessary activities for the processing of currants is pruning shoots. It is after this that the plant can be treated with special means.

    If the blackcurrant is young - up to 3 years, then for the purpose of prevention, the plant must be thinned out. This procedure involves pruning thin branches that have fallen to the ground, and adults are pruned in the fall for rejuvenation.

    Advice! By removing diseased and old shoots, closer to autumn, you can get a plentiful, high-quality harvest.

    On currants, it is necessary to remove old branches after cutting off all the berries - closer to autumn. All subsequent manipulations are carried out in late autumn. When all the foliage falls on the currant, this is the best time to trim the shoots.

    Important! Proper pruning of the plant in the fall provides not only a good harvest, but is also an excellent prevention of diseases and pests.

    Such bushes are much healthier, less susceptible to fungal attack.


    Processing currants in the fall is an important measure to protect against insects and fungi. This is the basis for the correct formation and development of quality fruits. Paying attention to fertilizing the soil in the fall, pruning old and diseased branches, you can safely expect a good harvest. Such bushes are much easier to tolerate cold autumn, severe frosts, form good immunity.