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  • NNN and SNS ski mounts: differences, pros and cons
  • How to install ski bindings on cross-country skis
  • How to install cross country ski bindings
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  • Mounts sns pilot salomon equipe installation. How to install ski bindings on cross-country skis

    Mounts sns pilot salomon equipe installation.  How to install ski bindings on cross-country skis

    ski trips- a favorite form of winter recreation. Even an inveterate lover of a hot summer will not refuse to breathe fresh air in a snowy forest. What can we say about those who cannot imagine their life without skis!

    It should be noted that currently skiing in our country actively developing, and the stores offer a wide range of equipment for its different types. Someone prefers cross-country skiing, and some, on the contrary, like leisurely walks. There are those to whom the flat terrain seems boring and they ride from the mountains. Mention should also be made of tourists making winter skiing trips.

    For all these activities need different types of skis, and the higher the level of the athlete, the more stringent his equipment requirements. The smallest nuances are taken into account, which beginners and amateurs may not even suspect.

    In the existing variety of skis and related sports, everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves, and ordinary cross-country skiing will surely win the palm.

    Still, fans of skiing need to look for places where you can ride, and amateur ski tourism is a pleasure for everyone. But treadmills can be used in the nearest park or forest and do it at least every weekend. Especially gambling can even take part in some local competitions!

    So, in order to diversify your winter leisure, it is enough to buy the necessary clothes and equipment: skis, poles and bindings. Here it is worth dwelling on them in more detail.

    Ski bindings and their types

    Mounts- This is a very important element of the ski structure. They transmit forces from the foot to the ski, set the direction of sliding. The older generation probably remembers the models of their grandfather's model: a belt clamp was attached to the ski, which fixed the leg with an elastic band at the back. The only plus of such “inventions” is that they could be worn on any shoes, even on felt boots. And if we compare the described samples with modern ones, then the importance of the role of fasteners will be quite obvious: they provide comfort and stability at any move.

    The three main types of cross-country ski bindings are:

    Nordic Norm 75mm, or the so-called welt. This is an outdated model that is gradually falling into disuse. Connoisseurs of such antiques and an extremely low price prevent it from finally saying goodbye to it.

    NNN system from Roteffella appeared later and has two longitudinal guides that stabilize the boot. In terms of functionality, it is in no way inferior to the previous version.

    SNS system from Salomon, with one longitudinal guide. This is the modern standard for fastenings of a very high level. The soles of the boots for such bindings allow the foot control the ski at any stroke.

    The last two systems are now the most in demand, but there are no obvious advantages or disadvantages compared to each other, so you can choose any. At a price they will cost more than NN75, but they are much more convenient and practical, and save on installation these fasteners. Usually in the instructions it is recommended to seek help from specialists, but such an operation is quite possible to perform on your own. All you need is a little confidence and the right tool:

    • Skis and bindings;
    • Markup template;
    • Screwdriver with a blunt cross bit and drill;
    • Ruler;
    • Marker;
    • PVA glue.
    • Awl;

    Mounting order

    For all types of bindings, you first need to find the center of gravity of the skis. On some models, the manufacturer has already marked this place, but it is usually advised not to trust the factory branding. Such balancing is necessary for a normal comfortable ride, when the ski does not “outweigh” in any direction. Finding the center of gravity carried out very simply. It is necessary to install the ski on the edge, for example, of a ruler, and move along it until the “scales” freeze parallel to the floor. The ruler in this case will indicate the center of gravity, which will need to be marked with a marker.

    So, the desired point is found. In modern models, the line of the center of gravity coincides with the axis of the fastening of the boot bracket, so you need to attach the front part of the fastening to the ski and mark its correct position with a marker. If it is necessary to install Nordic Norm 75, then two screws of the fastening bracket must be located on the marked line. In other words, it is necessary to place the device so that the edge of the big toe is on the line of balance.

    An important step is marking the holes. For him, the ideal option would be to use a special conductor, which allows you to accurately find the position of the fasteners. If there is no such conductor, then a paper template is also suitable, which are usually equipped with fasteners. In the case when it is not there, you will have to mark the ski with an awl through the holes in the mount attached to it. By the way, since the mount consists of elements that move relative to each other, it should be used for marking in assembled form, so that later there is no mismatch in size.

    Check for self-control. A drilled ski cannot be restored back, so an extra check will not hurt. Having measured the distance between the holes on the mount, you need to compare them with similar parameters on the finished layout.

    Drilling holes according to the marks made. Usually, the instructions indicate how deep the screws need to be drilled, and what length and diameter the drill should be. If there is no suitable length, you can take any and wrap it with electrical tape on top, leaving only the necessary millimeters. Using a drill at low speeds, holes must be drilled in the marked places.

    Filling with glue. Blow the finished holes to remove dust, and fill with glue. Sometimes it can come with mounts, but if it is not there, then a simple PVA will do. This will help to fill the cracks formed during drilling, waterproofing and provides a more secure fit. Sometimes it is advised to use epoxy for this purpose, but it is better not to do this, since the solvents in the resin can damage the ski. By the way, there is also an alternative opinion, stating that glue is not needed, but everyone will decide for himself. In any case, it is not difficult to do this, and the glue will not interfere.

    Construction assembly. The mount must be re-attached to the ski and start tightening the screws, first not completely, to make sure that the installation is even, and only then finally, so that there are no backlashes. For NN 75, you will first have to insert the boot and check its centering on the ski. Waiting for the glue to dry. After the fasteners are installed, you must wait another 10-12 hours for the glue to dry completely.

    This video details how to install the SNS mounts.

    Do-it-yourself ski binding installation is doable. The main thing is to have self-confidence and the right tools.

    Bindings are an important piece of ski equipment. As a rule, the installation of bindings is done by a store, however, some skiers prefer to do it themselves. Let's find out how they do it.

    Types of ski bindings

    There are three types of ski bindings:

    1. Rigid (welted) - Nordic Norm 75 mm.
    2. Semi-rigid - straps, elastic bands and buckles.
    3. Systemic:
      • SNS Salomon
      • NN Rotofella

    Since the first two types are gradually falling out of use due to their total imperfection and moral old age, there is no need to talk about them. It is much more interesting to talk about system mounts.

    It is worth noting that if the skier decides to install the NN 75mm, the installation instructions below will suit him.

    Systems from Salomon and Rotofella

    These binding systems have a different number of longitudinal components, functionality and boot stabilization indicators, and are also presented in various modifications. They are great for cross-country skiing - the most common in skiing.

    • Rotofella system NNN appeared somewhat later than NN 75mm. The fastening and stabilization of the boots is carried out here, thanks to two longitudinal guides. The functionality of these mounts is not inferior to NN.
    • In SNS Salomon only one hinge is used. Due to the nature of the soles of the boots, designed for such bindings, the skier can control the ski, making any move. This is the most modern version of ski bindings.

    There are no significant disadvantages or advantages between these systems. They are more convenient, more practical and more modern than their predecessors, so they cost a little more.

    How to install bindings on cross-country skis yourself

    To install the fasteners, you will first need the following inventory:

    • cross-country skis and fastenings on them;
    • Paper template for marking or jig;
    • Screwdriver (cross bit + drill 3.4 - 3.6 mm);
    • Marker;
    • PVA glue;
    • Ruler;
    • Awl.

    Installation instructions

    Installation of ski bindings takes place in several stages.

    Step 1: Center of Gravity

    The first step is to determine the center of gravity of the skis. To do this, the ski is installed on the edge of the ruler and moves along this surface until the skis freeze, like balanced scales, parallel to the floor.

    The middle lines of balance should be marked with a marker. The marked line will coincide with the axis of the bracket attachment.

    Step 2: Markup

    The next step is to mark the holes on the ski platform. This action is performed using a paper template, which is usually supplied with the mounts. If it wasn’t on your hands, it doesn’t matter, you can download it from the Internet, or mark the ski with an awl, attaching the assembled mount so that the center of gravity coincides with the axis of fixation of the shoe.

    At the same time, in the NNN system, the holes are located in front of the axis of the center of gravity, and in the SNS, the axis lies directly under the mount. For professional marking, a conductor is used.

    Step 3: Drill holes

    Before drilling, you should check the distance between the holes located on the mount with the distance between the points marked during marking.

    Holes for Rottefella are drilled with a drill with a diameter of 3.4 mm, and for Salomon - 3.6 mm. The depth of the holes is 10 mm. Drilling is performed at medium speed with light pressure. To ensure reliable fixation, the finished holes are blown and then filled with glue.

    Step 5: Assembly

    Now that the holes are ready, you need to attach the fasteners and tighten the screws tightly. After that, the ski is left to dry (about 10-12 hours).

    Now cross-country skis are ready for use. As you can see, there is nothing difficult in this. The main thing is to exercise caution and attentiveness, as well as to have all the necessary tools.

    Ski bindings are the most important elements of an athlete's equipment, on which his safety will depend. It is very important to install them correctly. This can be done either with your own hands or in the workshop. This article provides information about the main types, provides instructions on how to remove bindings from skis, how to put bindings on skis yourself.

    By design and purpose, there are 4 varieties:

    1. Soft.
    2. Rigid.
    3. Semi-rigid.
    4. Mountain.

    Soft (simple) is a loop made of leather or fabric, into which the foot is placed in ordinary shoes - boots or felt boots. Sometimes, for a more secure fit, an additional strap is used that wraps around the heel. Such loops are usually put on skis for a child or hunting.

    Semi-rigid consists of metal cheeks, a sling that holds the boot on top and a strap that wraps around the heel. Previously, they were part of the winter equipment of military personnel. Currently, they are often installed on children's models.

    Semi-rigid are of three types: cable, spring, with swinging cheeks. The third type is the most convenient. Unlike the first two, they do not spoil the shoes, they are reliable, they are easy to fasten and unfasten. Good for long hikes. They do not require special shoes, while fixing the boot is much tougher than simple ones.

    The most popular are hard ones. There are three systems of this type:

    1. Nordic Norm 75 (NN 75).
    2. Salomon Nordic System (SNS).
    3. New Nordic Norm (NNN).

    Nordic 75 is a welted system with a spring-loaded shackle and a locking mechanism. The boot has 3 or 4 holes on the sole, with which it is installed on protruding rods. Then the edge of the boot is pressed with a metal bow. NN 75 is usually mounted on wooden cross-country skis.

    Since this design does not fix the heel at all, it cannot be used for skating.

    NNN and SNS are the most common designs for plastic running models and roller skis. They come in a variety of models and modifications designed for every level, from hobbyists to world-class athletes. Installing SNS and NNN ski bindings on your own will not take much time. The difference between these types lies in the number of longitudinal guides for fixing the boot.

    Both systems can be of three types:

    1. Mechanical.
    2. "Machine".
    3. "Semiautomatic".

    New Nordic Norm was developed by Roteffella. Due to the fact that the front brace is moved back, this design is more suitable for skating.

    The device is a plate with a double profile holding the sole. Fixation is carried out using a transverse rod. The boot rests on a rubber stop. The rigidity of the stop determines the rigidity of the entire structure. The stops are painted in different colors (white, green, black, red), which determine the degree of rigidity.

    There are several NNN upgrades. One of them is NIS (Nordic Integrated System). It is distinguished by ease of installation and the ability to shift the boot along the longitudinal axis.

    Salomon Nordic System was developed by Salomon. This device has only one guide. In the front there is a rubber stop, the rigidity of which can also vary. There are two main types:

    1. SNS Profile
      This type is generic. It can be used for both skating and classic skiing.
    2. SNS Pilot

    Usually used for skating.

    Alpine skis differ from other types in that they completely fix shoes, and are also able to come unfastened when an athlete falls.

    There are 4 main types:

    1. Alpain.
      Suitable for skiing on groomed trails.
    2. Frame.
      The front is connected to the back with a frame. They allow you to fully secure the foot on the descent and unfasten the heel for climbing uphill.
    3. Pin.
      The boot is fixed by means of 4 pins - pins.
    4. Telemark.

    Frame and pins are suitable for skiing on prepared trails, as well as for freeriding.

    Installation instructions

    For installation, the following tools and materials will be needed: marker, screwdriver, drills, ruler, glue, awl.

    Center of gravity

    Installation of all structures begins with the definition of the balance line. The front edge of the shoe should be on it. Sometimes the center of gravity is already marked by the manufacturer, but it is better to determine it yourself. To find it, you need to put the ski on a narrow object and move it until it reaches the equilibrium position. The line of balance should be noted. This feature will be the axis of the bracket for NNN and SNS type devices. For NN 75 it will determine where the screws should be placed.


    Marking can be done using a special conductor, and in its absence, using a paper template.

    Be sure to check the correctness of the markup by measuring the distance between the marks. In NNN systems, fasteners are located closer to the front end relative to the balance line, and in SNS systems directly on the line.

    Hole drilling

    It is recommended that you follow the instructions included with the kit to determine the required hole diameter and depth. For SNS and NNN systems, holes are usually drilled 10 mm. Remove dust from the finished holes, then fill them with glue. This will provide a more secure fixation of the screws.


    After that, the device should be attached to the marked holes, and the screws should be tightened evenly. Care must be taken not to displace it relative to the longitudinal axis. For NN 75, it is recommended to check the centering accuracy before screwing. You can go on the track after 12 hours, when the glue dries.

    If old fasteners need to be installed on new equipment, it will not be difficult to remove it. Start disassembly from the back. First you need to carefully remove the plug from the screw and unscrew it. Then remove the bar, unscrew the two bolts under it. The last bolt is also under the plug.

    How to install a ski mount on mountain modifications?

    Installing bindings on such skis is practically the same as installing on cross-country skis. This work is carried out in several simple steps.

    First, the center of gravity is found as described above. Then you need to lay the fastener so that its front edge exactly matches the balance line, place the boot in the clip and align it. After that, you should carefully mark the holes with a pencil or awl, drill them. Then attach the front with screws. The back is set to the middle position, and holes are outlined. Holes are drilled, the back is fixed with screws. Installation ends with configuration.

    Recently, some models are produced with pre-installed platforms, on which it is easy to install latches without fixing with screws. This makes it possible to reinstall for a different shoe size, as well as the possibility of displacement along the longitudinal axis.

    The choice of bindings depends on the style of skiing, as well as on the degree of preparedness of the skier. It is recommended to buy products from trusted well-known companies such as Salomon, Fisher, Atomic. The products of these manufacturers are distinguished by reliability and high quality.

    ), it remains only to put the mounts and train. The installation process is simple, but requires some skill. Therefore, we recommend contacting a service center where professionals will install fasteners quickly and efficiently. If you still want to do it yourself, then let's start.

    Installing bindings on roller skis is practically no different from installing bindings on skis. To install bindings on roller skis, you need the same set of tools as for installing on regular skis:

    1. Special jig or template for mounting fixtures

    Conductors for different mounting systems are different, be sure to pay attention to this (SNS and NNN). The jig for installing bindings on roller skis is shorter than for installing skis.

    2. Drill for installing fasteners

    On sale you can find special drills with a limiter, for example, Rottefella drills for 3.7 mm for skis and 4.1 mm for metal ski rollers. If there is no special drill, then a conventional drill for metal will do. Many sources recommend installing 4 mm fasteners with a drill, but from experience we recommend 4.5 mm. Screws go into such holes easier and hold tight. If there is only a standard Rottefella 3.7 or 4.1 mm, then it is better to widen the holes by placing the drill at an angle. You can lubricate the screw with any household lubricant or machine oil, some recommend using holding ski wax. Otherwise, screwing the screw will be very difficult.

    note that NIS platforms come with larger screws and it is better to drill 5 mm holes for them.

    3. Screwdriver and screwdriver for tightening

    Left standard PH, right - PZ

    1. Unlike skis, there is no need to look for balance on rollers. The mounts are placed so that the heel of the boot is close to the mudguard of the rear wheel.

    2. We apply fasteners to the frame of the roller and mark the front hole or the axis of the boot. If it is more convenient, you can mark the hole for the heel and set the template along it.

    3. We install the conductor according to the marking and drill the necessary holes.

    4. Screw the mount. Screws go into the metal very tight - this is normal ..


    On the bindings, it is better to change the flexor to Hard (hard), and on the SNS pilot, increase the spring force so that the roller does not sag too much from the heel of the boot.