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  • Topas is an autonomous sewerage system for a summer residence. Features of autonomous sewerage topas

    Topas is an autonomous sewerage system for a summer residence.  Features of autonomous sewerage topas

    Help in choosing a station

    The modification of the autonomous sewage system TOPAS must be selected taking into account the conditions in which it will have to work. These conditions include the number of people living in the house, the number of plumbing fixtures and the volume of the maximum (volley) discharge of wastewater. The characteristics of the TOPAS brand are such that they do not require the construction of a concrete pit and are placed in any type of soil. The structural elements are made of polypropylene, an anti-corrosion material. The undoubted advantages of a septic tank also include:

    • Compact and lightweight design.
    • One-piece body of the treatment system, where all the chambers are located.
    • Innovative step-by-step wastewater treatment.

    The principle of operation of the septic tank is based on the latest technological development, in which the biological treatment of wastewater occurs with the help of aerobic microorganisms. Degree of purification: visually transparent, odorless water. To select the necessary TOPAS sewerage, it must be taken into account that the daily volume of wastewater is approximately 200 liters per person, and the salvo depends on the amount of plumbing used during peak hours. As a rule, this is morning and evening. If there are five people in the house at the same time, the daily output will be one cubic meter. If, at the same time, during peak hours, the volume of salvo discharge does not exceed 220 liters, then the TOPAS-5 station will suit you. But the attached instructions also specify that this is the maximum possible limit, calculated for a period of up to two hours. That is, if the limiting discharge of wastewater needs to be increased, then the station must be chosen with this in mind, for example, TOPAS-8.

    Serious and important parameters for choosing one or another modification of the TOPAS sewer system are the depth of the inlet pipe to the septic tank, the level of groundwater and the method of wastewater disposal. Taking into account these indicators, one of the modifications is selected: Pr, Long or Long Pr.

    Etc- high occurrence of groundwater involves the use of a septic tank of this modification with the function of forced discharge of the purified liquid (automatically, using a drainage pump). But not only in this case, this model is chosen. It should be chosen in all cases when it is required to forcibly bring the cleaned sewage to the ground surface or into a shallow ditch, as well as into the well, if it is required that its entire volume work.
    note that in those modifications where there is no abbreviation "Pr", the treated drain leaves the septic tank (station) by gravity when the maximum volume is reached.

    Long, Long Pr- if the pipe leading to the station is laid at a depth of 80 cm to 140 cm (along the lower edge of the pipe), then modifications with the abbreviation "Long" should be selected.

    The Topas septic tank is an autonomous sewerage system for country cottages and summer cottages that do not have a connection to a centralized sewerage system. In the basic configuration, it is equipped with two compressors operating alternately. At the outlet, water can drain by gravity into a well, pond or container for subsequent irrigation of cultivated plants.

    The modification marked C differs from the main one in that it is serviced by only one compressor unit, which provides the system with air using a distribution valve.

    Topas Pr is produced for installation in areas with loamy and poorly absorbent soils. Its difference is the presence of a drainage pump designed for the forced removal of wastewater. Advantages: possibility of descent in any direction and ejection over long distances

    A septic tank with the indication "Long" in the name is recommended for areas with deep freezing of the earth. Its installation allows the depth of the supply pipe to be more than 80 cm from the zero level (the maximum allowable value is 140 cm).

    Topas US has a reinforced hull that can withstand the increased pressure of soil masses.

    Device and principle of operation

    Externally, the septic tank is a polypropylene box with a lid. Inside, it is divided into five main compartments:

    1. Receiver with built-in filter for screening out large fractions of dirt;
    2. Aerotank filled with aerobic bacteria;
    3. Sump for clarification of liquid;
    4. Compartment for the accumulation of sludge;
    5. Compression department in which the pump is installed.

    According to the principle of operation, it does not differ from standard biological stations with three chambers. Drains enter the first compartment through pipes. Here, settling takes place to screen out coarse and insoluble particles of an organic and inorganic nature.

    After the primary clarification, the liquid is pumped to the next compartment, where the treatment with aerobic bacteria is carried out. Due to the start of the fermentation cycle, the water at this stage is purified by 75–80%. Then the activated sludge is pumped into a special storage tank, and the effluent is redirected to a sump. Cleaned up to 98%, they are brought out (into a special container, drain ditch, natural or artificial reservoir, soil).

    When choosing a modification, one should take into account the processing capacity for which the station is designed. This is indicated by a numerical marking parameter (from 4 to 150), which determines the number of users served at a time.

    Disadvantages and features of operation

    When using the Topas bioseptic, one should take into account the capacity of the receiving compartment, which determines the volume of the salvo discharge.

    Among the shortcomings are:

    • The need for regular pumping of excess sludge;
    • Dependence on the power grid;
    • The inadmissibility of draining chlorine bleaches and other chlorine-based compounds that destroy the bioactive mass into the sewer;
    • In case of clogging or overflow, the septic tank may fail;
    • Violations of the conditions of use in everyday life may cause damage.

    Installation and commissioning

    Installation of the station is quite simple, the main thing is to follow the manufacturer's recommendations. However, without sufficient experience, it is better to entrust the installation and connection to professionals.

    First of all, a place is selected that meets the requirements of sanitary standards in terms of distance from buildings, a source of drinking water (if the house does not have a central water supply), roads and a fence. As a rule, this distance is at least 4 meters.

    Then they begin to prepare the pit for the Topas septic tank. Its dimensions should be 20–25 cm larger than the body on each side. If the site has loose crumbling soil, to facilitate work, a wooden formwork is installed to prevent the destruction of the walls. A sand cushion (10-15 cm) is poured to the bottom and it is well compacted. Then the structure is carefully lowered, setting it strictly horizontally using the building level.

    The sinuses are filled with sand. To prevent the bioseptic from being pushed out by the soil, backfilling is carried out with parallel filling of the container.

    A pipe is laid from the station to the house to transport the sewer drain to the septic tank. Ditch for descent is equipped. It is advisable to entrust the electrical installation and connection to the electrical network to an experienced electrician.

    Before putting into operation, it is necessary to read the manufacturer's instructions or seek the advice of a competent specialist.


    • To prevent excess sludge from entering the purified water, it must be pumped out periodically. Otherwise, it will grow and overflow the department allotted for it.
    • For the effective performance of the biological treatment system, a certain level of liquid must be maintained in the sump.
    • It is recommended to change the compressor membranes every 2 years.
    • Cleaning from particles of insoluble dirt settled to the bottom is carried out systematically by a specialist of a service company or independently.
    • The life of the bacterial filter is 12 years, after which it must be replaced.

    As a result of improper operation and untimely maintenance of the septic tank, breakdowns are possible, therefore, an agreement should be concluded with a specialized company that will inspect, repair and replace defective parts.

    Septic tanks are one of the most effective options for organizing autonomous wastewater treatment. These devices are not too cheap, but they are convenient and reliable.

    To understand why it is worth or not worth installing such a device on the site, you should study the principles of its operation. That is what we will talk about in this article. As a current example, we will use a septic tank for giving Topas.

    And also we will consider in detail the device of such a system, highlight the main pros and cons, give recommendations for the operation and maintenance of the septic tank.

    A septic tank is a type of sewer device specially designed for complete or almost complete processing, clarification and disinfection of sewage waste masses.

    The operation of the device is based on the principle of biological treatment. Active oxygen and special bacteria are used as an active component, which decompose wastewater into water and neutral sludge.

    Image gallery

    The principle of operation of septic tanks "Topas"

    Through the sewer pipe, effluents enter the first receiving chamber. Here, sewage masses are fermented with the active participation of anaerobic bacteria.

    When the level of effluents in the receiver reaches a predetermined level, the waste is pumped into the second chamber using an airlift.

    When laying all types of sewer pipelines, including the drain system, the level of soil freezing in winter should be taken into account so that the sewage does not freeze and create plugs in the channel intended for their flow.

    It is not recommended to pour substances that contain antibiotics, as well as chlorine or manganese compounds into the sewer, since this creates an environment hostile to bacterial cultures, they can simply die.

    If the number of bacteria in the septic tank decreases markedly, waste processing will slow down, and an unpleasant smell will appear in the septic tank.

    For the same reasons, it is not allowed to use a septic tank for the disposal of large quantities of alcohol-containing liquids, technical oils, antifreeze, high concentration acids or alkalis, for example, household cleaners.

    Do not flush wool down the drain. Although it is organic matter, it cannot be processed quickly enough in a septic tank, but it can clog the device.

    Regular removal of neutral sludge accumulated at the bottom of the Topas septic tank is an important part of maintaining the device, ensuring its smooth operation.

    Problems can also arise as a result of a power outage. If the septic tank does not work, and the waste continues to flow, this will lead to an overflow of the tank, as a result, the untreated mass will enter the soil.

    It should be understood that this is not a heating system, the complete pumping of fluid from the septic tank will have a detrimental effect on the bacteria inhabited in the device. Before conservation, the device is cleaned and left partially filled with water.

    Topas septic tanks are reliable and useful devices. They are quite diverse both in terms of functionality and price, which allows you to choose the right septic tank for any site.

    It is very important not only to choose the right septic tank for your home or summer cottage, but also to carry out its competent installation and regular maintenance. In this case, the device will work properly for a long time.

    Do you have a compact septic tank from the Topas family installed in your country house? Tell us, did you install it yourself or did you call the master? How often do you clean it and are you satisfied with the overall system? Leave your comments and add a photo of your septic tank in the block under this article - your feedback will be useful to many cottage owners.

    There are many requirements for modern sewer systems. Among them - efficiency, reliability, safety.

    Topas is an autonomous sewer complex that meets all of the above requirements. What is a septic tank and how does it work?

    Characteristics of the sewer complex Topas

    Topas is always popular with the consumer, thanks to the optimal combination of its most important characteristics:

    Helpful information:

    • compact dimensions (the installation uses no more than one square meter);
    • a septic tank can be installed in any place convenient for arranging sewer drains;
    • ease of draining water, which can be used for irrigation or other needs;
    • simple maintenance of the septic tank, all work can be done on their own.

    Advice! The sludge accumulated in the tank can be used as an organic fertilizer.

    Septic Topas has several undeniable advantages that give it an advantage over competitors.

    Organic pollution, along with sewage, enters the septic tank from the house through the pipeline. There, in the first tank, they are exposed to active bacteria. To speed up the decomposition process, the aeration tank provides a constant supply of oxygen to the tank. The presence of oxygen contributes to the rapid decomposition of feces, fat, food debris that enter the sewer. Such a system provides water purification by 99% in a short time. These figures best confirm the high environmental performance of the septic tank.

    The level of wastewater treatment by the Topas septic tank fully complies with accepted international standards. This system organizes a complete cycle of wastewater treatment. Moreover, all stages of cleaning take place inside the installation without any contact with the surrounding space.

    Features of autonomous sewerage Topas

    Autonomous sewerage Topas successfully operates in various climatic zones. These septic tanks received such distribution due to high environmental characteristics, ease of use. Many people choose Topas because of its ability to quickly and efficiently clean drains.

    Topas septic tanks have several options. Topas 5 and Topas 10 are common. Each of them has its own characteristics that allow the use of these installations in certain conditions. Topas 5 is installed in dachas, and Topas 10 is bought by owners of country houses. The range of these septic tanks also includes such installations that can serve hotels, cottage settlements.

    Features of the septic tank Topas 5

    This septic tank has the smallest capacity of all models of this series that are produced today. Topas 5 is taken to serve cottages and small country houses. Its capacity is 1 m³ of water without reagents.

    This model can be installed for permanent work or for seasonal use. The main advantage of this septic tank is the ability to carry out high-quality water purification. Solid sediment accumulates at the bottom of the septic tank, this sludge is often used as fertilizer for growing plants in the garden. At the same time, a sufficiently high processing power is combined with a small amount of energy consumed. Topas 5 takes as much energy as a simple light bulb.

    Advice! To ensure the operation of the septic tank in areas with unstable power supply, you can use an electric generator.

    One of the advantages of the system is that it is not required to additionally pour new portions of bacteria into the system. They will reproduce themselves and exist in the tank, using human waste that enters the tank as a nutrient medium. The waters move by gravity, from the septic tank they pass into the gutter or into the drainage field.

    Topas 5 is designed to service drains from a shower, toilet and two sinks. If Topaz 5 is installed in a country house, it should not accommodate more than five people.

    Basic principles of wastewater disposal

    If it is not possible to bring sewage into a natural reservoir or ravine, it is necessary to equip a filtration site. For the competent arrangement of this element of the sewer system, it is necessary to analyze the following parameters:

    • depth of soil freezing;
    • surface water level;
    • ground water level.

    Before installing a septic tank, it is necessary to consider the removal of treated water. If we talk about Topas 5, then you need to drain 1000 liters per day somewhere. If possible, divert water into a ditch. If this is not possible, a filtration well is equipped.

    Option number 1 - Drainage into a ditch

    Option number 2 - Drainage into the filtration well

    • exclude the ingress of acids, alkalis, alcohol, medicines into the system, they can destroy bacteria;
    • do not dispose of rotten food through the sewer system, it may disrupt the operation of the installation;
    • in the absence of electricity, minimize the discharge of water. Because from an overflowing container, contaminated water will enter the site;
    • reduce the ingress of sand, earth into drains, inorganic substances adversely affect the operation of the system;
    • it is necessary to provide regular service, which consists in changing filters and other elements.

    At the stage of designing or building a house, it is worth developing a sewerage system, since a certain comfort of living in a future house depends on it. An excellent option, which is highly preferred by owners of country cottages, is the autonomous sewer system Topas. The unit is used for cleaning, biological treatment of wastewater with the help of forced air supply, in order to force air into the system, a compressor is used.

    The work of the septic tank Topas

    The bio-cleaning system works with the help of an electrical network, that is, it is plugged into a power outlet at home. This is necessary in order for the pumps and compressor to function, which are the main elements of the septic tank. Many may think that with such an installation, problems with a large waste of electricity may arise. However, there is nothing to worry about, Topas consumes as much energy as one light bulb, that is, not much. And this can certainly be considered a big plus. Also, the big advantage of such a device can be considered that it does not require heating / heating, since during its operation, heat will be released independently in the process of wastewater treatment.

    It is worth noting that aerobic bacteria are able to clean pollution by 98%, this will save you from the need to build additional filtration fields or other thorough cleaning systems. The job of Septic Topas is to clean according to the principle of settling and biodegradation.

    Advantages of autonomous sewerage Topas

    As a rule, the modern Topas sewerage system has a number of advantages over its competitors, namely:

    unlike other classic septic tanks, the Topas station with a bio-treatment function does not require pumping out wastewater using a sewage machine throughout the entire period of operation. So you save on calling such specialists and of course save yourself from an unpleasant smell;
    insoluble sediment accumulates in a special tank, it is easy to clean it yourself;
    this septic tank is suitable for use both in a private house and in the country, the main thing is to choose the right model, calculate the amount of liquid used per day.