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  • Levada fencing Water supply and heating
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  • Walking for a horse in a private stable. Levada fencing Water supply and heating

    Walking for a horse in a private stable.  Levada fencing Water supply and heating

    Horses are herd animals, hence they need a lot of movement and emotion. Monotonous standing in a stall 23 hours a day can adversely affect the physical and psychological health of the horse and lead to the acquisition of bad habits, such as bear pitching, biting, etc. Nowadays, more and more stables offer their guests walking in levadas, where horses can calmly wander in the fresh air, chat with relatives and even have fun running.

    Levada fencing

    It is clear that in such a levada, good ground with drainage is desirable so that when playing, the horses do not slip on it in rainy weather and do not overload the joints on too hard soil in dry weather.
    Now I want to talk about another important component of a safe levada - fencing. Horses are large shy animals, they are easily injured by the wrong fence of the levada. Let's look at the options for acceptable fences.

    General provisions

    The height of any fence should be at least 1.5 m, optimally - 1.7 - 2.5 m. It is advisable to keep the distance between the posts no more than 2 - 2.5 m. crossbars - optimally 3, the distance between them is 40-70 cm.

    I also want to add that it is desirable to install any fence, avoiding the formation of sharp corners in the levada. Horses are very fond of galloping along the fence and braking sharply in the corner, also in the corner the dominant horse can easily pinch another horse, all this can lead to injury. For the same reason, the levada should not be long and narrow. Therefore, the fewer corners in your levada, the more rounded they are, the less risk of injury to horses.

    Wooden fence. pillars

    Wooden poles, unfortunately, do not last long. To extend this period as much as possible, it is necessary to sand the posts before digging in, and also process their bottom. For these purposes, they resort to soaking in mining, resin, oil, charring, wrapping with roofing material, and treating with special protective compounds. Remember that all surfaces that will be in the reach of horses should not be treated with toxic agents. In the pits dug under the pillars, a waterproofing layer should be created, at least a crushed stone pillow should be poured. This will help keep water from pooling directly near the base of the post, and will also strengthen the soil around it. Sometimes clay is used for these purposes, which is rammed into a pit. Besides insulating clay also has an antiseptic function.

    Levada fencing

    The posts should be the same height as the top bar: if the tops of the posts are higher, there is a risk that a horse that decides to jump over the fence will be badly injured on them. It is recommended to cut the top of the post at an angle - this will help rainwater drain better and slow down the process of wood decay. Sometimes, for these purposes, additional wooden plugs are attached at an angle from above.
    If the posts of your fence are round, it is most convenient to make cuts in them from the inside according to the shape of the crossbars, and fasten the crossbars already in them.


    Ideally, if you can install three rows of crossbars. In no case should you install the lower crossbar close to the ground: in wet ground, the horse’s leg can slip under it and get stuck, ideally raise the lower board by 50-70 cm. The boards or half-bars for the crossbars should be thick enough. Also consider the strength of the tree from which you are going to build a fence. Horses will probably try to stick their heads between the crossbars, scratch on the boards, try the tree for a tooth, so you can’t save on the crossbars - they must be thick and strong enough, remember that the sharp broken edges of the boards are very traumatic for horses.

    The crossbars should be nailed on the inside of the levada. If the bars are stuffed on the outside, it is easier for the horse to squeeze them out with his weight. It is better to avoid diagonal crossings of the crossbars: the horse's leg can get stuck at the intersection. For fastening, it is better to use self-tapping screws or bolts, rather than nails, the latter may fall out of the tree due to loosening of the structure.

    Wooden railings, if they are made wisely, last long enough, look beautiful, damaged crossbars are easy to change. It is possible to plant a hedge (not poisonous for the horse) along the inner perimeter of the levada, which will not allow horses to come close to the fence, reduce the likelihood of damage to the structure and injury to the horse.
    A little trick: you can periodically put medium-sized tree branches in the levada, which horses will gnaw more readily than your fence, which will help prolong its life.

    Levada fence. metal fencing

    Metal fences, although more expensive, are more durable than wooden fences, however, they require regular painting. Rusted metal becomes very tiny, and I think there is no need to explain the danger of a pointed pipe fragment to a horse.
    Thin pipes are not suitable. Usually metal pipes with a diameter of at least 7 cm are used in three rows. Under no circumstances should wire be used.

    plastic fencing

    Plastic fences are becoming more and more popular. Considered by many to be the safest, they also look great and are less impacted by the environment than other types of fencing. Plastic fences are quite easy to install and dismantle, the racks are based on metal pipes that are pre-driven into the ground.

    stone fence

    Stone fences are quite expensive, but very reliable and durable. Behind the wall, horses can hide from the wind; it is almost impossible to get injured on such a wall. However, such fences also require repair from time to time, their height should be at least 1.2 m so that the horses are not tempted to jump over the wall. The downside is the difficulty of dismantling such a fence.

    Electric fencing

    An electric fence or electric shepherd is a conductor without insulation, which is mounted on racks with insulators. The conductor (usually a tape with woven wire in 2-3 rows) is periodically supplied with pulses from a special high-voltage pulse generator.

    Levada fencing

    When touching the tape, the horse receives a small and harmless to health and life electric shock. As a rule, animals quickly get used to such a fence and do not approach the tape.
    The convenience of using the electric shepherd lies in its mobility (it is easy to rearrange even for one person) and ease of use, this type of fencing is ideal for grazing (you can move the electric shepherd as the grass is eaten in the paddock), for fencing temporary levadas and corridors. Also, the electric shepherd is convenient for temporarily blocking a damaged section of a stationary fence from horses, a section in a levada where construction work is taking place, etc. Of the minuses: some horses, obviously having a low pain threshold, can tear the tape; in cold weather, plastic racks become very tiny, and ice can freeze on the tape, causing it to sag.

    It is undesirable to use thin wire as an electric fence: it is less visible, a horse that is frightened of something may not notice it, and it is also easier to get confused in it than in a tape. A wire wrapped around the leg can lead to terrible injuries. To make the tape more visible, you can attach pieces of bright fabric or plastic to it in the intervals between the racks.
    Sometimes the tape of the electric shepherd is pulled along the upper crossbar of a stationary fence on insulators so that the horses do not gnaw or destroy the crossbars.


    For fences, it is not recommended to use a cellular wire mesh chain-link. There have been cases when a horse hit a cell with its hoof and seriously injured its leg. If it is not possible to do without a grid, use one in which the cells are small.
    It is better to use a sectional metal mesh fence. It has rigid narrow and long cells, which are much safer than the soft wire of the chain-link mesh.
    In any case, an additional fence of bars can be placed around the inner perimeter of the net fence, which will not allow horses to come close to the net.


    In levadas of all types, it is best to install gates that open inwards. The bolt is inconvenient to use: alone, leading a horse, it is very difficult to open or close it without releasing other horses from the levada. If the bolt rests on the brackets open at the top, the horse may accidentally lift it with his head and get out of the levada.
    The gate should be made thoroughly, on strong hinges and good poles. It is very inconvenient if, after sifting over time, the gate touches the ground or swings open, it is worth opening the valve. The latch must be secure so that especially smart horses cannot open it with their teeth, at the same time, the latch must be opened without much effort by a person: in case of an emergency, you will have no time to untie complex knots or unlock locks.


    On the territory of the levada there should be no foreign and dangerous objects for the horse. Feeders should be safe and located conveniently for horses and for wheelbarrow access. Be sure to have constant access to clean water.
    The levada should be positioned so that the horses remain in the field of view of the person at all times. Cases of horse stealing are not uncommon, and it is also necessary to notice in time the injury or malaise of the horse, for example, colic, when you need to help the animal as quickly as possible. If you have a closed area, you can get several trained guard dogs. If it is not possible to let the dogs out on the territory, you can install a booth near the levada and attach a chain to a stretched cable so that the dog can move along the levada.
    If the horses remain in the paddock at night, it is advisable to provide lighting to the feeders (pack the wiring in a metal hose, covers for closed-type lamps made of impact-resistant plastic or glass, or with reinforcing protection). Horses should not reach the wiring and lamps.

    Levada fencing

    Along the perimeter of the levada, you can install outdoor lighting triggered by a motion detector (ideally, in order not to frighten the horses, the lighting should be connected through a photocell and turn on automatically at dusk). Surveillance cameras will also be useful.

    Another important point: be sure to plan ways for emergency evacuation of horses, it should be easy even for one person to get horses out of the levada. It is good if a sufficiently wide entrance to the exit from the levada is provided, so that in an emergency you can drive into the levada with a batman.

    Levada... This melodic word has long misled the minds of Russian writers. After all, as soon as they got used to one of its lexical forms, it immediately, as if at the behest of a magic wand, turned into a completely different concept. Time after time, the meaning of the word "levada" eluded their inquisitive mind, teasing with its inconstancy.

    Years passed, it would seem that now Russian dictionaries should have put everything in its place. But it is worth looking into them, and at the same time a thousand questions arise in the head. And therefore, let's finally correct this misunderstanding and put in their place all the interpretations of this word.

    Through the lens of history

    Many scientists are inclined to believe that initially this word meant a certain type of terrain. So, according to one ancient manuscript, a levada is a part of a backyard plot left for haymaking. In the old days, almost every inhabitant of the village had such plots of land, since otherwise it would be very difficult to feed the household.

    Over the years, this word has spread throughout the southern European part of Russia. True, now not only haymaking is called levada, but also any piece of land that was next to the house. And it does not matter at all whether grass, bushes or even forest trees grow there.

    Word transformation near the border with Ukraine

    For Ukrainians, a levada is a part of a deciduous forest, which is located next to a certain reservoir. At the same time, its boundaries are determined by the spill, and to be more precise, its end points.

    It is curious that in some border regions of Russia this interpretation of the word is used in oral speech even today. For example, such a sentence: “Yesterday, the earth finally completely dried out after the spill. Therefore, today our team of lumberjacks began cleaning the levada. For the most part, poplars underwent sanitary felling, but the alder had to be completely removed.

    Modern levada is a paradise for horses

    Now, more and more often, special paddocks designed for walking horses are called levada. In practice, these are large plots of land surrounded by a wooden or metal fence. Grass is often sown on their territory so that the horse can not only frolic enough, but also eat fresh vitamins.

    At the same time, one should understand the fact that horses are let out on the levada only so that they can rest from life in the paddock. And then many horse breeders prefer to do without it, since not every one of them can acquire such a huge area of ​​\u200b\u200bland. Not to mention the fact that it needs to be fenced off from the rest of the plot with a hedge, and also to sow grass there.

    Sometimes there are moments when the horse needs to throw out his energy somewhere, but there is no time for a walk. Fortunately, it is for such cases that levada was invented. In this article I will tell you what the word "levada" is, why it is bad and good for horses, and how it should be equipped so that your pet is comfortable in it. Enjoy reading!
    The word "levada" means "fenced paddock with grass for walking horses." And first of all I want to note one important thing. Distinguish between stall and levada! In the levada, the horse rests, eats fresh food, runs and frolic. But no matter how good and comfortable this building is, the horse should sleep in the stall! And also the best way to release energy is still a walk than levada.

    Many horse owners often ask the question: "what should be levada?" Of course, there are as many opinions as there are people, but still there are already levada standards for horses developed over the years.
    1) What size should the levada be for one horse? The more, the better, so build as much as the area allows. The larger the paddock, the safer it is. A sufficient minimum is comfortable movement and safe turns. Walking, trotting and rarely galloping are considered normal. The horse must always be in sight, so it is considered acceptable to purchase video surveillance.
    The shape of the levada is just as important as its size. Don't make the pen long and narrow - the horse may not have enough time to turn around at a trot or canter, so it's better to equip round levadas. Rounded edges are also possible. An example of a good system is Jackson's stables, in which the space is divided into zones with fences, and food, water and other things are in different places so that the horse moves more.

    2) How long should the horse be in levada? Watching how. Some horses need an hour, and others 3-4 hours, but still, as I said before, levada is not the best way to release energy.
    3) How should the levada be covered? The illuminated corral is relevant especially in autumn and winter, when it gets dark early on the street. Make sure that the wiring is out of reach for the animal.
    Lamps choose waterproof, which are specially designed for street lighting. For levadas, DRL lamps are traditionally used, but they give an unpleasant light and are uneconomical. Spotlights of the PKN type shine brightly and pleasantly, but their direct light into the horse's eyes is not safe. Therefore, spotlights must be placed only from above.

    I hope these little tips have helped you. Now you know how to equip a levada.

    Having decided to start a horse on your site, you need to provide her with a comfortable home and walking. A place to walk is necessary for daily exercise, as horses need sufficient exercise. The construction of such a place requires certain knowledge and skills, an understanding of the physiology of the animal.

    Choose the right place

    When choosing a place for walking, it is necessary to clearly define the purpose of the levada - this is the name of the walking area for horses. Levada should be located on a hill. This is necessary to prevent the likelihood of flooding during the off-season.

    If the site is flooded with rain and the water does not leave for a long time, a drainage system will be required. By draining excess water, it will allow the animal to enjoy a walk without the risk of falling into the mud, and the owner will less often need to thoroughly clean the pet.

    Creating a drainage system requires a competent approach. This ensures its long-term operation and maintenance of dryness in levada. You can read about the features of the drainage device.

    The purpose of creating levada

    When deciding on the construction of a levada, its purpose should be determined. Walking for a horse may mean a place for her to move freely, an opportunity to warm up. There will be no excessive requirements for the soil, the size of the site. If the levada is intended for the regular work of the horse, then the dimensions should be large enough, and the ground surface should be as convenient as possible for the movement of the animal.

    Since the walk for the horse must allow him to perform in freedom all the gaits, which include walk, trot and canter, the dimensions of the site are calculated based on the length of the step and the size of the horse.

    For smaller animals, a levada of smaller parameters is suitable; for larger animals, you will have to make the platform larger. The same rule applies to the purpose: if the animal needs to work, it will be necessary to make the dimensions such that the horse can freely change gaits. This will avoid possible injury.

    Soil selection

    In nature, walking a horse implies a variety of types of soil: sand, gravel, earth. For levada, sand is considered the best choice, which will be placed on a solid base that does not allow the sand to “leave” under the influence of precipitation, wind and load. To do this, levada device experts recommend performing the following sequence of actions:

    • after choosing the location of the paddock, mark it with pegs;
    • remove fertile land from the entire area;
    • put a uniform layer of geotextile on the opened clay;
    • then pour sand to the ground level.

    According to horse owners, seeded sand will be the best choice. It does not contain a large number of stones, provides a quick exit of water even during a downpour.

    Geotextile is a versatile material that has a wide range of applications. You can read about the possibilities of using geotextiles.

    Fence: types of material

    Since an important purpose of the levada is to prevent the horse from escaping, it will be necessary to install a reliable fence. Walking with a fence will allow you not to worry about the likelihood of risky situations. A sufficient height of the fence and its strength will guarantee the safety of the pet.

    Today, a variety of materials are used to create a fence in a levada. All of them must meet such requirements as strength, safety, environmental friendliness and aesthetics. However, the most commonly used are wooden fences and welded structures.

    wooden fencing

    A fence made of wood is considered the easiest to manufacture, affordable. However, regular repair of such a fence will be required, since the wood is susceptible to weathering and time.

    A variety of forms of wooden fencing, which will protect the horse's walk, allow you to choose exactly the type that best fits into the overall design of the site.

    metal fence

    Any welded structure is the most durable. Metal fencing is resistant to temperature changes, humidity, sunlight. However, such a fence will need to be painted regularly, make sure that there are no sharp and raw edges on the surface of the crossbars.

    Having correctly organized a levada for your pet, you can be sure of maintaining its excellent physical shape. By ensuring his regular walking and living, the owner of the horse will create optimal conditions for life, development and good mood.

    Sometimes there are moments when the horse needs to throw out his energy somewhere, but there is no time for a walk. Fortunately, it is for such cases that levada was invented. In this article I will tell you what the word "levada" is, why it is bad and good for horses, and how it should be equipped so that your pet is comfortable in it. Enjoy reading!

    The word "levada" means "fenced paddock with grass for walking horses." And first of all I want to note one important thing.

    Distinguish between stall and levada! In the levada, the horse rests, eats fresh food, runs and frolic. But no matter how good and comfortable this building is, the horse should sleep in the stall! And also the best way to release energy is still a walk than levada.

    Many horse owners often ask the question: "What should be the levada?" Of course, there are as many opinions as there are people, but still there are already levada standards for horses developed over the years.

    1) What size levada should be for one horse? The more, the better, so build as much as the area allows. The larger the paddock, the safer it is. A sufficient minimum is comfortable movement and safe turns. Walking, trotting and rarely galloping are considered normal. The horse must always be in sight, so it is considered acceptable to purchase video surveillance.

    The shape of the levada is just as important as its size. Don't make the pen long and narrow - the horse may not have enough time to turn around at a trot or canter, so it's better to equip round levadas. Rounded edges are also possible. An example of a good system is Jackson's stables, in which the space is divided into zones with fences, and food, water and other things are in different places so that the horse moves more.

    2) How long should a horse be in levada? Watching how. Some horses need an hour, and some need 3-4 hours, but still, as I said before, levada is not the best way to release energy.

    3) How should the levada be illuminated? The illuminated corral is relevant especially in autumn and winter, when it gets dark early on the street. Make sure that the wiring is out of reach for the animal.

    Lamps choose waterproof, which are specially designed for street lighting. For levadas, DRL lamps are traditionally used, but they give an unpleasant light and are uneconomical. Spotlights of the PKN type shine brightly and pleasantly, but their direct light into the horse's eyes is not safe. Therefore, spotlights must be placed only from above.