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  • How to choose an electric wall convector with a thermostat. How to choose a convector heater - device, selection criteria and operating rules

    How to choose an electric wall convector with a thermostat.  How to choose a convector heater - device, selection criteria and operating rules

    Cold days give way to cold nights, winter is in full swing and you want your home to be comfortable and warm. If there is not enough central heating, the best option is to install an additional heating system, which can include from one to several electric convectors, combined into a single circuit for heating isolated rooms. The question arises: how to choose a heater and save on electricity?

    How to choose an electric convector? Where to begin?

    To select a convector, you need to understand what area needs to be serviced, since, for example, one heater with a power of 2 kW is designed for installation in a room from 12 to 19 sq.m. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the thermal conductivity of the walls, the number of windows in the room and other parameters. The choice of heating power is carried out at the rate of 70 W per 1 m² for rooms with normal thermal insulation and 100 W per 1 m² for rooms where there is no additional heat source.

    The choice of the recommended total heating power of the room is made using the selection in our catalog, on the main page with the choice of the slider, or independently in the proposed selection of convectors for different rooms. The spread of values ​​is due to the unequal thermal conductivity of the walls for different types of buildings.

    How to choose a heater and where to install?

    If you want to install the selected electric heater in a damp room, then you need to pay attention to the protection class - IP 24. This means that the device is moisture resistant and can be installed in domestic areas with a high level of humidity, such as bathrooms.

    It is equally important that the appearance of the convector does not spoil the design of the room - that is why Nobo designers created a stylish panel design, which is presented in neutral white color, and the Safir II model has a glass or mirror surface and, in addition to heating, performs one more function - it serves as an excellent interior item.

    For the installation of the convector, it is not necessary to invite specialists, it is enough to choose a place and connect the device to the mains. Nobo heaters can be installed both on the floor, on special legs, which are purchased separately, and on special brackets on the wall. Brackets allow you to move the convector away from the wall and perform wet cleaning. Brackets for all Nobo heaters are included.

    Nobo convectors are easy to install and operate, allow you to maintain the set temperature within +-0.4 C, which significantly reduces energy costs, and when using intelligent control systems

    Analyzing the trends in the European market for heating equipment, we can note the steadily increasing popularity of electric heating. And this is not at all surprising - the inhabitants of our country often make a similar choice. Since gas is, unfortunately, far from being carried everywhere, liquid boilers have not managed to become a “hit of sales”, and solar panels and other similar installations still cannot get out of the status of an “exotic experiment”. This is for private houses. In apartments, things are not rosier: central heating often does not cope with the mission assigned to it, and the law does not always allow to refuse such a “pleasure” and install an autonomous system. Therefore, the purchase of electric heaters for many families often becomes the only acceptable way to stay warm in winter. But even here difficulties may arise, since it is not always easy to understand which type of device is better to give preference to. We authoritatively declare: electric heating convectors are definitely a reasonable and right choice - practical, efficient, safe and unpretentious devices.

    What is the process of convection?

    Surely each of you remembers from a school physics course that heated air tends to rise up. Along with the expansion, its density decreases - and cold air layers manage to squeeze it out. This is precisely the principle of the formation of cyclones and winds in the atmosphere of our planet: heated air masses rush upwards over certain areas of the surface, and air flows from colder areas take their place.

    A similar process, but on a much more modest scale, can occur in enclosed spaces. Its name is convection. Convectors are designed to effectively manage it in order to heat houses, offices and apartments.

    An electric convector is a heating device that works on the principle of convection: a type of heat transfer in which energy is transferred by flows and jets

    The device and principle of operation of such a heater

    All electric convectors have an extremely simple design. In fact, they consist of two main parts - the body and the heating element. Holes for “drawing in” cold air are located at the bottom of the case, for the release of heated air - at the top. Inside the case, as a rule, in its lower part, there is a heating element.

    The heating element "processes" the air currently between the walls of the housing, after which the air rushes up. The outlets are usually located at a slight angle relative to the vertical. The heated air mass moves up along a parabolic trajectory, and gradually cools down to the floor. The cycle is repeated.

    The electric convector distributes air throughout the room evenly and silently. Some models of devices are equipped with fans - to speed up the heating process. The truth about noiselessness with such equipment is out of the question.

    A certain role in the popularity of convectors is also played by the temperature of the walls of the heater body, which, as a rule, does not exceed 60 degrees. It is worth noting that this fact distinguishes them favorably from oil installations, which are considered traumatic in terms of the risk of burns (especially) by children and animals.

    The electric heating convector is arranged quite simply: under the flat-rectangular body lies the heating element and the controls for the operation of the unit

    Attention to the heating element (heater)

    Three types of heating elements are used in electric convectors:

    • needle;
    • tubular with aluminum fins;
    • monolithic.

    Needle-shaped ones are a thin dielectric plate, on which a chromium-nickel heating thread (coated with an insulating varnish) is installed, forming loops on both sides of it. They heat up and cool down almost instantly. Convection in devices created "on the basis" of a needle heater is carried out mainly due to the design of the housing.

    Due to the fact that the varnished thread is practically not protected from moisture, the use of equipment with such a heating element in damp rooms is strongly discouraged. The main advantage of such devices can undoubtedly be called their price, but the durability of the equipment is questionable. In general, in practice, needle heating elements in modern electric convectors are rarely used; but if you come across a unit with such a “stuffing” during the selection process, you can safely pass by.

    A tubular heating element (TEH) is a steel tube with a nichrome thread installed in it and filled with a special heat-conducting insulating backfill. Aluminum fins are fixed on this tube - it provides efficient heat transfer and enhances convection. The tubular heating element heats up much less than the needle one, it is more durable. Many models of units with heating elements are splash-proof and can be successfully used in bathrooms. But, unfortunately, such equipment is not without drawbacks: due to the difference in thermal expansion of the tube and fins, the operation of the device may be accompanied by sounds resembling crackling.

    Convectors with monolithic heating elements are absolutely silent, since the heater body is solid; ribs are an integral part of it. Such devices operate with minimal heat loss, are very high efficiency.

    Where is the best place to install a convector?

    Before choosing an electric heating convector, it is necessary to determine its location. Devices can be installed on walls (with the help of special fasteners included in the kit) or operated mobile, freely moving around the room or from room to room. If you are only interested in the second option, pay attention to whether there are wheels in the delivery set, so that later you do not rush around the city in search of suitable “accessories”.

    The electric convector can be installed on the wall or on the floor - depending on the personal wishes of the owners, the nuances associated with the organization of heating (permanent or auxiliary heating is necessary), interior features

    It is worth paying attention to the overall dimensions of the convector when buying. Devices can have different heights and widths and look completely different in the interior - keep this in mind. The most “elegant” mini-plinth models are only 15 centimeters high!

    What power to buy the device?

    The average selection of the power of an electric heating convector can be made according to the following formula - 1 kW for every 10 square meters of area, provided that the height of the walls is no more than 2.7 meters. If this figure is higher, for each additional 10 centimeters of height, an additional 10% of power will be required.

    You should also take into account the following points (if heating with convectors is the main one):

    1. For high-quality heating of convectors, it takes as much as there are windows in the room.
    2. Corner rooms, rooms above a cold basement or with a large glass area definitely require equipment with a sufficient power reserve.

    These calculations should be enough for a preliminary estimate. For more details, you can check with the consultants in the store.

    Types and features of thermostats

    The thermostat, which can be mechanically or electronically controlled, is responsible for maintaining the desired temperature in the convector design. A mechanical thermostat reduces the cost of construction, but at the same time introduces some inconveniences into the process of using the device, in particular:

    • poorly withstands temperature conditions;
    • consumes more electricity;
    • accompanies its work with characteristic clicks when turned on and off, which can be very annoying.

    The electronic thermostat significantly wins against the background of the mechanical one, it:

    • completely silent;
    • withstands the specified temperature value with a minimum error of one tenth of a degree;
    • reduces electricity consumption within its capabilities;
    • makes it possible to carry out "climate control" remotely;
    • supports several operating modes - "comfort", "economy", "automatic", "antifreeze".

    Convectors with an electronic thermostat are more expensive than models with a mechanical one - but they are definitely worth it.

    The presence of an electronic thermostat slightly increases the price of the device, but this is an advantage that you should definitely not refuse: a convector with such a “stuffing” works silently and as economically as possible

    Frequently asked questions about electric convectors

    Which convectors are more efficient - high or low?

    The efficiency of the device does not depend on its size, but on its power. All sorts of “form factors” of equipment are created, first of all, for the convenience of fitting it into various interiors.

    Is it dangerous to leave the convector unattended?

    Definitely not. If the electrical wiring in your home can handle the combined power of the appliances running at the same time, you have nothing to worry about.

    Can a convector be used as the main source of heating?

    As a rule, yes. It all depends on the specific model of equipment and manufacturer's recommendations.

    Is an electric convector the right choice for a child's room?

    Quite. Among the products of most popular manufacturers there are units designed specifically for children's rooms - with a durable body, with streamlined shapes, without sharp corners. The holes in them are as small as it is, in principle, possible - all so that the child cannot put anything inside.

    Many modern manufacturers of electric heating convectors offer models of heating equipment adapted specifically for children's rooms - well-designed and as safe as possible.

    Conclusions - what to buy anyway?

    So, what is the best electric convector? Ideally, the device should have:

    • monolithic or tubular heating element;
    • electronic thermostat;
    • protection against overheating, freezing;
    • the sensor of "deactivation" at capsizing;
    • accessories for different installation options - both floor and wall.

    Optional, but very useful options can be a timer, remote control and display.

    In conclusion, it should be said that electric convectors are a good choice for many reasons. Among their main advantages:

    1. No need for preparatory work. No projects, permits, special conditions. Bought, brought, installed, connected.
    2. Affordable cost. For 100-150 dollars you can buy a mega-unit.
    3. Excellent efficiency. Almost all the electricity consumed by the convector is converted into thermal energy.

    Approaching the process of choosing an electric heating convector wisely, you are guaranteed to get a reliable unit that will heat you with high quality on long winter evenings. We wish you an extremely pleasant and useful shopping!

    Electric convectors for space heating have always been popular and it looks like this trend is sure to continue for many years to come. This is due to the simplicity and reliability of the design, ease of installation, versatility and safety.

    Which electric convector is best suited for heating an apartment or a private house? For a successful purchase, you will have to carefully analyze several important parameters; this will enable you to make the right decision.

    What do we pay attention to

    So, the factors to pay attention to are:

    • power of the electric convector for heating;
    • methods of installation or installation;
    • type of heating elements;
    • design features of a household appliance;
    • type temperature controller;
    • how safe is the electric convector to use;
    • Are there any additional features and what.
    Electric convectors are becoming more and more popular due to their convenience and ease of use.


    The speed of heating the room depends on the value of this parameter. For household electric convectors, on average, 0.5–2.5 kW is sufficient.

    How to correctly calculate what power device to choose for a particular house or apartment? As a starting point, it is assumed that for every 10 square meters of space, about 1 kW will be required if electric heating is the main source of heat. If it performs the functions of an additional one, then it is two times less: 0.5 kW.

    It would be nice to leave a reserve of 10-20% of power at the stage of purchase - for harsh winters and various force majeure. In addition, having the opportunity to choose the intensity of the electric convector, you will save on energy costs and provide yourself with comfort in the coldest winter.

    Installation or Mounting Methods

    In domestic premises, only three installation options are used:

    • fixing the electric convector with brackets to the wall;
    • wheels on legs - for easy placement and movement around the building;
    • only a decorative grille remains in a conspicuous place, and the entire body is hidden under the floor;
    • combined mounting method - there are brackets for hanging on the wall and removable legs.

    Most often, the first type of installation is used in apartments. Here, the space is already limited, which means that the wires will not be tangled underfoot. Moving the appliance around the building adds mobility to such a solution, and the discreet placement of the housing in the floor is a very unusual but effective approach to installing a heating system.

    But, of course, universal electric convectors are called that because they combine the characteristics most demanded by consumers. Although outdoor appliances are well-deserved popularity.

    There are several ways to install a convector

    Type of heating elements

    You will have to choose from three types of structures:

    • needle;
    • in the form of a tube;
    • monolithic.

    The first option is the cheapest and easiest, but it most often breaks down. The second type of design is reliable, it costs a little more, and its feature is a quiet noise in the first few minutes after switching on. The last option is the most advanced in technical terms and the most effective, but the price for such devices is quite high.

    Design features

    Before choosing an electric convector for heating, you need to consider 3 more parameters:

    • device shape;
    • height;
    • body width.

    Heaters are available in round, rectangular or square shapes. But this parameter does not affect the performance in any way. Only the interior of the room matters - it is under it that they usually adjust.

    The optimal height of the convector for the heating system is 45–55 cm. And the thicker the body of the device, the more productive it will work by increasing heat transfer.

    The convector allows you to adjust the temperature

    Choosing a temperature controller

    Any convection equipment for domestic heating systems provides for temperature control. Thus, the consumer has the opportunity to choose the optimal temperature regime, for example, 20 degrees. When this value is reached, the regulator will turn off, and when the temperature drops by 1–2 degrees, it will turn on by itself.

    Thermostats are mechanical and electronic. The first ones are a little lower in cost, they are not afraid of voltage drops, but they are not able to maintain a precisely set temperature - there is an error of 1–3 degrees.

    The second ones work with high accuracy and have extended functionality - up to the planned work program (switching on and off by time). This will save energy, but get ready that their cost will be slightly higher compared to simpler counterparts.


    The main problems that owners of electric convectors may face are spontaneous combustion and breakage due to water ingress. Therefore, pay attention to how well the device is protected from overheating and from moisture / dust.

    In addition, it will not be superfluous to check the degree of protection from electric shock to others. Ideally, if the instructions indicate that the case does not need additional grounding.

    Additional functionality

    Even if we are talking about some little things, you should not ignore its presence. For example, an automatic shutdown sensor in case of a sudden change of position - tipping over will help protect yourself from a fire in an emergency.

    Some more models of electric convectors can memorize operation parameters - such as on, off time, temperature, etc. This seems like a trifle, but only at first glance and until you understand how convenient it is.

    An indispensable function for a garage, balcony or summer cottage is the so-called "anti-freeze" system. In this mode, the device will turn on only when the room temperature drops below a certain level, for example, +5 degrees.

    It is useful for a potential buyer to know that there are models with the possibility of air ionization, regardless of whether the device is turned on or off. This effect has a beneficial effect on health and even acts as a prophylactic for certain diseases.

    Whichever convector you choose, carefully read the user manual. After all, the more precisely you follow the rules of operation, the longer the device will last, while maintaining its full functionality.

    Traditional for our country, water heating is complex and expensive at the installation stage. Therefore, many are looking for other options for heating rooms, crowbars, cottages and apartments. The first thing that comes to mind is electric heating convectors. Installation is super simple: put it on or hang it, plug it into a power outlet. All. You can warm up. The only limitation is whether the wiring can withstand such a load. The second is decent electricity bills, but they can be reduced by installing.

    What is convection and convector

    Convection is the process of heat transfer due to the movement of heated air. A convector is a device that heats the air and promotes its movement. There are convectors in which heating occurs due to the circulation of the coolant, then they are part of the water heating. But we will talk about electric convectors, which convert electricity into heat, and air flows carry this heat around the room.

    According to the installation method, convector electric heaters are wall-mounted, floor-mounted, floor-mounted (embedded below the floor level), plinth and universal (installed on the legs that come with the kit or hung on the wall).

    It is impossible to say which form of electric heating convectors is better. All forms are developed taking into account thermodynamics (in any case, normal companies do this), so you base your choice only on your own preferences and on which design fits best into the design of the room. No one forbids putting electric convectors of various types in the same apartment, house or even in a room. The main thing is that the wiring can withstand.

    The device of electric heating convectors

    The device of the electric convector is simple:

    • a housing in which there are openings for air intake and exhaust;
    • a heating element;
    • sensors and control and monitoring device.

    The case is heat-resistant plastic. The shape can be flat or convex, rectangular or square. There are holes in the bottom of the case - cold air is sucked into them. There are also holes in the top of the case. Hot air comes out of them. The movement of air occurs without stopping, and the room warms up.

    The heating element of an electric convector is what you need to pay attention to when choosing. The service life of the equipment and the air condition depend on the type of heater.

    Types of heating elements for electric convectors

    Heating elements in electric heating convectors are of three types:

    Electric heating convectors with monolithic heaters are considered the best, but they are also the most expensive. With the use of heating elements - a little cheaper.

    Types of thermostats and controls

    Electric heating convectors can be controlled by a mechanical thermostat or electronics. The cheapest convector electric heaters have a thermostat, which, when the set temperature is reached, breaks the power supply circuit of the heating element. When cooling down, the contact appears again, the heater turns on. Devices of this type cannot maintain a constant temperature in the room - the thermostat is triggered by heating the contact plate, and not by air temperature. But they are simple and quite reliable.

    Electronic control uses several sensors that monitor the state of the air in the room, the degree of heating of the device itself. The data is processed by a microprocessor, which corrects the operation of the heater. The desired mode is set from the control panel located on the body, and there are also models with a control panel. You can find programmable models that allow you to set the heating mode for a whole week - while no one is at home, set it to maintain about + 10 ° C or lower and save on bills, warm up the room to a comfortable temperature by the time people arrive. There are generally “smart” models that can be integrated into the “smart home” system and controlled from a computer.

    Selecting an installation site

    Rather, the question is not like this: which of the convectors is suitable for fulfilling your wishes. If you want to bring the appearance of the room closer to the standard, you can hang rectangular wall convectors under the windows. A little more attention is drawn to models that can be installed under the ceiling, but they are inaccessible to children and pets - they will not be able to burn themselves or "adjust" in their own way. The mounting method is the same here - on brackets fixed on the wall. Only the shape of the brackets differs.

    If you want the heaters not to be visible, you will have to choose between skirting models and floor models. There is a big difference in installation: the skirting boards were simply installed and plugged into the network, and under the floor ones you will have to make special recesses in the floor - their top panel should be on the same level with the finished floor. In general, you can’t install them without a major overhaul.

    Power calculation

    If the convector is needed only as an additional source of heat - for a period of severe cold - it makes sense to take a couple of low-power devices - 1-1.5 kW each. They can be rearranged in those rooms where it is required to raise the temperature. If convector heating is the only source of heat, everything is much more serious.

    If everything is done “wisely”, it is required to calculate the heat loss of a house or apartment and, based on the results of the calculation, select equipment. In fact, this is very rarely done. Much more often they consider the required heating power by area: for heating 10 sq. m. area requires 12 kW of heat. But these are the norms for the average ceiling height - 2.50-2.70 m and average insulation. If the ceilings are higher (you need to heat the volume of air) or there is absolutely “no” insulation, the power is increased by 20-30%.

    Manufacturers, characteristics and prices

    Electric convector heaters are produced by several companies that produce other household appliances - Electrolux, AEG, Hyundai, Stiebel Eltron, Zanussi. In addition, there are many companies that specialize in just such a technique or produce two or three more groups of goods. Among them there are Russian manufacturers - Ballu, Termica, Ural-Mikma-Term, Alvin. There is also a whole group of European brands:

    • Airele, Noirot and Atlantic (France),
    • Extra, Royal Thermo, Scoole, Timberk, WWQ (PRC),
    • Frico (Sweden),
    • NeoClima (Greece),
    • Nobo (Norway)

    and many more others. Electric heating in Europe is the norm, they rarely have water heating. Hence the number of companies involved in the production of such household appliances. But, as usual in recent years, most firms have moved production to China, so the assembly is mainly Chinese, although quality control should be at the level.

    Electric heating convectors can be from 0.5 kW to 2.5-3 kW. They work mainly from a 220 V network, if necessary, you can find three-phase ones - from 380 V. With an increase in power, dimensions (mainly depth) and price increase. If we talk about prices on average, then for imported electric convectors the price is about $ 80-250, for Russian - $ 30-85.

    NamePowerAdditional functionsMounting typeControl typeHeating element typeDimensions (D*W*H)Price
    AEG WKL0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5/3 kWoverheat protectionWallThermostatheating element78*370*450 105 - 195 $
    Airelec Paris digital 05DG0.5 kWoverheat protectionWallElectronicMonolithic80*440*400 60-95 $
    Termica CE 1000 MR1 kWOverheat protection + ionizerFloorThermostat (mechanical)heating element78*400*460 50 $
    Nobo C4F 15XSC1.5 kWwall/floorElectronicheating element55*400*975 170 $
    Stiebel Eltron CS 20L2 kWOverheat protection + fanFloorThermostat (mechanical)spiral heater100*437*600 200-220 $
    Stiebel Eltron CON 20 S2 kWoverheat protectionFloorThermostat (mechanical)Stainless steel heater123*460*740 450 $
    Noirot Melodie Evolution15001.5 kWOverheat and rollover shutdownWall mounted (small height)ElectronicMonolithic80*220*1300 300-350 $
    Ballu BEC/EVE - 15001.5 kWOverheat and rollover shutdownwall/floorElectronicTEN Double G Force111*640*413 70 $
    Timberk TEC.PF1 M 1000 IN1 kWOverheat and rollover shutdown + ionizerwall/floorThermostat (mechanical)100*410*460 65 $
    Dantex SD4-101 kWOverheat and rollover shutdownwall/floorElectronicNeedle + quiet + economical78*640*400 45 $

    Useful additional features

    When choosing electric heating convectors, pay attention not only to technical parameters. There are additional features that increase comfort and safety:

    Overheating protection and drop-off shutdown are very useful features that increase the safety of the equipment. What else you can pay attention to is how quiet or loud the unit works. It's not just about the heating element (it usually clicks). When activated, the mechanical thermostat also clicks. If you are choosing convection heaters for your bedroom, silent operation is very important.