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  • All the details of making an underwater gun with your own hands. Do-it-yourself harpoons and spearguns

    All the details of making an underwater gun with your own hands.  Do-it-yourself harpoons and spearguns

    There is an opinion that the harpoon is something like a spear (harpoon) for spearfishing. Often it is equated with a prison. And this is understandable, because practically no one uses classic harpoons when hunting or fishing “for fun”. However, the northern indigenous peoples, living off traditional crafts to this day, use this tool.

    More civilized Europeans and Americans these days have harpoon guns in their "authority". However, they have practically nothing to do with ancient tools. They are rather complex instruments that have undergone significant modifications over many centuries of their lives. Naturally, the whaling harpoon, which has a detailed description from Herman Melville, was especially famous. Nevertheless, it is known about others that are different in their designs and purposes.

    What does the word "harpoon" mean?

    In explanatory dictionaries, one can find that the very concept of “harpoen” owes its appearance to the Dutch whalers, who had no equal in the 17th century. The word itself is of late Latin origin from the word harpo ("hook"). However, there is information that this word was used by the Basques in one of the Spanish regions even earlier. From the Basque language, the word "harpoon" can be translated as "stone point". The old Russian name for a harpoon is a reveler or a knitting needle.

    Design features of the harpoon and spear

    The simplest device has a harpoon for fishing. This harpoon has the appearance of a serrated spear. Some harpoons have rings for attaching to boats. Harpoons can sometimes be called spears or vice versa. However, in reality, spears are somewhat different tools. They have several long teeth and are not throwing weapons. Hunters beat fish with them without releasing the shafts from their hands.

    Hunting with a harpoon looks a little different. Harpoons for hunting marine animals are throwing weapons. They consist of shafts (usually wooden), tips (bone, stone or metal) and ropes connecting them. In an environment of lack of raw materials, as well as tools, it is not easy for hunters to make such harpoons.

    The tips are usually flat and serrated and are inserted into the shafts, but they are not closely connected to them. Following the throw, the shafts are separated from the tips that have entered the bodies of the victims. At the same time, it was not so often possible to kill animals with a single throw. Wounded animals, trying to hide, pulled the rope, and the shafts floating on the water surface indicated to the hunters the direction of their movement. The victims could not get rid of the points stuck in the bodies because of the obstacle from the side teeth.

    Harpoons in the service of different peoples of the world

    Harpoons are international weapons. Even primitive people knew how to make a harpoon. They learned how to make and use them even during the Paleolithic. Initially, they were made from bones (the northerners - from walrus or mammoth) and horns, usually deer. The points in the ancient harpoons of the Eskimos, Aleuts, Chukchi and Koryaks were flint, bronze, copper and iron. Although, for example, solid wooden harpoons were also found in Alaska.

    In some African tribes, iron-tipped harpoons are used to hunt hippos, and in the Andamans, wild boars. The caves of the European continent (far from the sea) are full of bone tips from not so simple as it might seem, harpoons. They could be used, apparently, for hunting large or forest animals.

    It is also known about the bone arrowheads of the Neolithic period on the territory of our country. Hunting with harpoons was carried out all year round. They hunted with the help of boats on the rivers or at the gullies. The ancient Indonesians used harpoons to hunt whales, dolphins and sharks. Structurally, they did not provide for the separation of the tips, they were only tied to the boats with long lines. The Indonesians have a special style of hunting. They do not throw harpoons at whales, but, without letting go of the shafts, jump on their backs and deliver stabbing blows.

    Harpoons - ancient whaling tools

    The configuration of the harpoons was the most diverse. Classical European or American whaling tools have iron shafts and wide, short blades. More often, such harpoons have wooden handles, for which very long ropes were tied to the boats.

    From a distance of six meters, the harpooners threw their weapons at the whales. At the time of the throws, the points did not separate from the shafts. The ropes tied to the harpoons quickly unwound, and the whales swiftly pulled the boats through the waves until they got tired. At that moment, the whales were finished off, but not with harpoons, but with the help of a spear, and this was done not by a harpooner, but by the whaleboat captain. Although, good harpooners were highly respected. In the North, hunters still find the remains of twisted tools of the 19th century in the bodies of whales.

    Formation of harpoons

    From the second half of the 19th century, whaling harpoons were replaced by harpoon cannons, which were invented by the Norwegian engineer Foyn. This invention made whaling less dangerous. Ordinary harpoons have evolved into spearguns. There was even a harpoon for a crossbow. However, these devices retained the main features of their "ancestors", namely, sharp tips with teeth, directed in the opposite direction, and cables that do not allow hunters to miss the catch.

    The northern indigenous peoples still have the same tools as their forefathers. In general, harpoons are universal fishing tools. Despite the fact that the Aleuts or Chukchi have long possessed firearms, they still do not abandon the traditional methods and tools tested for centuries.

    How to make a harpoon at home

    At home, it will not be difficult to learn how to make a homemade harpoon, for example, for spearfishing. Typically, such devices consist of handles and tips. Before how to make a harpoon, it is advisable to prepare and purchase all the necessary materials.

    To make a homemade harpoon at home, as an option, you will need the following items:

    • wooden stick;
    • A piece of polypropylene tube;
    • Clay;
    • Martens bandages;
    • Nails of medium size;
    • Threads;
    • Large nuts;
    • Vise;
    • Sandpaper;
    • File;
    • Hacksaws;
    • Electrical tape.

    Initially, they begin to manufacture the harpoon itself. For this purpose, the nut is placed in a vise. At the same time, a wooden block is attached to the drill. Using medium speed, the bar must be inserted into the nut and rotated through it to achieve a round configuration.

    Further, in the same way, using a scrollable drill, it is necessary to grind the wooden bar with sandpaper. Then nails are taken up to three units, hats are sawn off with a hacksaw, and two ends on each nail are sharpened with a file in order to achieve their maximum sharpness.

    At one end of the bar, you need to wind the electrical tape, attach nails to it alternately with the help of a strong thread of fishermen. Then smaller bars are inserted between them and the stick so that the nails become at an angle. Fill the space between the nail and the bar for reliability with glue. Next, the junction of the nails is wrapped with electrical tape. Everything, the harpoon is ready.

    Next, the main part is made to launch the harpoon. For this, a piece of martens bandage is cut off and glued to the polypropylene pipe from both edges. From above, this part, together with the contact point of the harpoon with the bandage, should be wrapped with several layers of electrical tape. Then the harpoon is attached with the help of fishing line or fishing thread to the launcher to hold the prey.

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    The sporting interest inherent in many fishermen makes us constantly look for new ways of fishing to increase the amount of prey and the diversity of the fishing process. The most ancient ancestor of the harpoon is the spear, but if the legality of hunting fish with the spear is in question today, then this type of tool is gaining popularity among fishing enthusiasts. A harpoon is a tool designed to be thrown at prey under water or in shallow water, having a serrated tip. It can be both an independent weapon and a projectile of a throwing weapon. It differs from the prison in that the shaft of the harpoon is connected to the tip with the help of a strong rope, fishing line. At the same time, the shaft remains in the hands of the fisherman, and the tip digs into the prey with the help of lateral teeth. The fish, as a rule, are not killed immediately, so the rope connecting the shaft to the tip allows the fish hunter to follow the movement of prey. Without any materials and tools at hand, it is problematic to make a harpoon gun on your own. You can find out how to make a harpoon with your own hands at home below.

    The most common type is the harpoon with a release mechanism without a latch, i.e. without moving parts, grooves and grooves. The second type has special holes and a groove. This type of spear is used in guns with a front release mechanism. The third type has a special groove, which is designed to be attached to the back of the trigger.

    Grapun for fishing - types

    The tip of the harpoons is of two types: removable or solid. The first type is universal, it is easy to change depending on the type of prey and its weight, dimensions, as well as in case of deformation during fishing. The second type is a single piece with the base of the harpoon, it is considered more reliable than a removable one.

    Depending on how the harpoon binding is made, the following types can be distinguished:

    • Front binding
    • Front binding to slip sleeve
    • Tie at the back with slip sleeve

    The front tie is easy to make, holds the fish well, shooting through it easily. But with this method of binding, it is more difficult to hit the fish from a long distance, the arrow can get stuck in the barrel or break at the point of attachment. The second type has the advantage of a longer line required for long distance hunting, as well as the independence of the line from the harpoon. But, this type is difficult to manufacture on your own, its design is more complex. In addition, prey is difficult to hit on the fly and keep it. A harpoon tied behind a sleeve with a slip is easy to manufacture, while the line does not affect it. The disadvantages of this type are: difficulties with replacing the line, weakening the arrow with a hole, the impossibility of hitting the prey right through.

    At home, it is easy to make a harpoon for spearfishing, which will consist of a handle and a tip. Before you start making a harpoon, you need to prepare the following materials:

    • wooden stick
    • A piece of polypropylene pipe
    • Martens bandage
    • Medium sized nails
    • large nut
    • Vise
    • Sandpaper, file
    • Hacksaw
    • Insulating tape


    First, the harpoon itself is made. To do this, the nut is placed in a vise. At the same time, a wooden block is put on a drill. Using medium speed, the bar is inserted into the nut and scrolled through it, achieving a round shape. Then, also, scrolling with a drill, the bar is polished with sandpaper. Then you need to take nails (3 pieces), saw off their hats with a hacksaw, and sharpen both ends of each nail with a file so that they are sharp. Electrical tape is wound around the end of the bar, nails are attached to it in turn with the help of a strong fishing thread. After they are tied with a thread, small wooden blocks must be inserted between them and the stick so that the nails take an angled position. The gap between the nail and the bar is filled with glue for strength. It remains to wrap the place where the nails are attached with electrical tape, and the spearfishing tool is ready.

    Next, you need to make the main part to launch the harpoon. To do this, you need to cut off a small piece from the martens bandage (or rubber band) and attach it to the cut of the polypropylene pipe on both sides. You can do this with glue. From above, this part, as well as the place of contact of the harpoon with the bandage, is wrapped with several layers of electrical tape. The device is almost ready, it remains to attach the harpoon with fishing line or fishing line to the launcher to hold the prey.

    Methods for making a harpoon as a projectile for a gun

    If we consider the harpoon not as an independent tool, but as a projectile for an underwater crossbow, then its design will not differ from the above (shaft, tip, rope for attaching to a crossbow). The difference from a hand gun is that the rope is wound on a spool, and after the shot is easily unwound. To keep the harpoon on the trajectory of movement, plumage is often made on it.

    Similar to a hand harpoon, in this case the shaft is made of a light, durable material. A thin branch, hardened by fire, will do. If the tip is non-removable, solid steel must be used. It is machined on a lathe from a steel bar. If this is not possible, they are made to order. When designing a harpoon with a detachable head, the main part is made of wood, as mentioned above, or of metal. The tip is formed from a thick wire (4-5mm), bent at a right angle. At the same time, it consists of several parts, one of which is flattened with a press and attached to the axis with a rope or by cutting. In the manufacture of a removable type of tip, it is advisable to make several pieces at once for their future replacement. They must have threads of a certain diameter and pitch that are present on the axis.

    You can provide a significant catch by hitting the “fish spot”, but no matter how many fish there are, a hunter cannot do without good equipment and special devices.

    Spearfishing equipment includes several elements, but one of the main ones is considered to be an underwater harpoon. Only if there is a gun and a harpoon in hand can a person be considered an underwater hunter.


    This is the main element that provides a direct hit on the fish. Having hit the fish, he helps to keep it.

    The material used to make a harpoon - stainless steel, which has special strength, which is often subjected to hardening. Only with a harpoon that has sufficient rigidity is quality hunting guaranteed.

    If this piece of equipment does not have reliability in this regard - it bends when fired, then it is very difficult to hit the target, since the accuracy of the hit is not guaranteed.

    Moreover, this device becomes dangerous when used.


    Speargun harpoons can be classified into the following types:

    A) the most popular view - harpoons that do not have a lock in the trigger. They are solid, there are no grooves or grooves. The guns in which this type of harpoon is applicable are pneumatic, having a trigger mechanism located at the back;

    b) shotguns with a trigger located in front. The harpoon for such a gun differs from others in having a hole and a groove.

    c) a group of guns, in which the harpoons are machined so that they can be fixed at the back in the trigger mechanism.

    Depending on what kind of harpoon tip, they can be divided into groups:

    a) A harpoon having a tip on its base. The advantage of this design is that the fish is securely held on it and its deformation is excluded. It also eliminates the loosening of the attachment of the tip to the harpoon and its loss. The downside is that the fish is removed from it with some difficulty.

    b) Harpoon, the tip to which is screwed. Universal type of harpoon. Having a variety of tips, you can replace them, focusing on the conditions of hunting. Good because it allows you to easily take off the fish. Its disadvantage is that at the place of the thread there is a low strength of the metal, which leads to breakage or bending of the harpoon, which negatively affects the accuracy of the shot.

    Harpoon head shape and sharpening directly affects on the quality of use of this tool and its productivity. In accordance with the type of fish inhabiting and the place of the planned hunting, the type of sharpening of the harpoon is selected.

    Video about speargun harpoons. Very useful for beginners and not only. Enjoy watching.

    Choosing a Speargun Harpoon

    You need to choose a harpoon for the upcoming underwater hunting, focusing on the type and size of the fish you are expected to catch.

    The most popular is the harpoon, which has a diameter of 6.5 mm. If you have to catch fish of medium size, then a harpoon with a diameter of 6 mm is suitable. They are faster.

    If you are catching not very small fish, then you need a harpoon with a diameter of 7 mm, and even better 8 mm, the material for which titanium served. Such harpoons are distinguished from others by their reliability and special durability.

    If hunting is carried out in blue water, then the most convenient will be a gun 1.5 - 2 meters long, and a harpoon size of 8 to 10 mm.

    Some spearfishers prefer not production devices, but those that allow the possibility of manufacturing oneself. Harpoon is no exception.

    How to make a harpoon for spearfishing with your own hands

    Homemade harpoon for spearfishing has a number of advantages. The master will bring his weapon to perfection, making it as convenient as possible in all respects. In addition, it does not take much time to assemble. If the hunter does not have a shortage of improvised means, then making it will not be difficult.

    Making a harpoon will require two items: a thick stick that will replace the metal rod, and tips.

    The tips are made of durable steel wire, the diameter of which is 4-5 mm. It is cut into pieces of 25-30 cm, depending on the desired number of tips - either 5 pieces or 3.

    The edge of the wire must be bent so that a right angle is obtained, the length of the bent edge is 5-7 mm. The other edge needs to be made flat by flattening it, and then make it look like a thorn with a hook.

    Make holes in the stick, insert curved sharp ends into them, and fix all this with a rope in several turns. The harpoon is ready.

    This video shows how to make your own speargun and harpoon for spearfishing. Enjoy watching.

    Tying a harpoon to a speargun

    The most popular are three types of binding: front binding; binding in front, the sleeve has a slip; binding in the back, i.e. for the sleeve with sliding.

    Each of the listed types of binding has its positive and negative points. Let's list them.

    Front binding


    • has no difficulties in manufacturing, as well as changing
      frayed line;
    • easily shoots through the fish and holds it.


    • less effective hit from a distance;
    • the presence of a hole for binding weakens the arrow;
    • the arrow can get stuck in difficult places;
    • tench fish bone can be cut.

    Video on how to practically tie a harpoon to a speargun. Enjoy watching.

    Front binding to slip sleeve


    • line length is normal.


    • has difficulty in manufacturing;
    • in the place of the muzzle, it is necessary to have fixation;
    • the harpoon has a complicated model;
    • resistance is higher;
    • through the defeat of the fish is complicated by the sleeve;
    • the arrow is not fixed in the fish at the moment of its hit.

    Tie at the back with slip sleeve


    • there is no special influence of the line on the harpoon;
    • there are no special difficulties in manufacturing;
    • the muzzle ensures the correct direction of the harpoon.


    • it is problematic to replace an outdated or damaged line;
    • the reliability of the arrow is reduced by the presence of a hole for binding;
    • tench fish bone can be cut;
    • through the defeat of the fish is complicated by the sleeve.

    Choosing for yourself optimal the design of the harpoon, the hunter-fisherman will not experience difficulties due to the inconvenience of the equipment, he will get a lot of pleasure and impressions in the underwater world, providing himself with the expected catch.

    Photos of harpoons for spearfishing can be seen below. Enjoy watching.

    Spearfishing is not only an effective way to get an impressive catch, but also an excellent recreational solution, which is gaining more and more popularity every year. However, under water it is impossible to use classic gear, so there is a need to use special guns equipped with harpoons.

    Such fishing can be carried out in virtually any reservoir where there is suitable prey for this, and the development of modern technologies has not greatly affected the characteristics of harpoons. Today, the most high-quality and reliable materials are used for their manufacture, but the design and mechanism of operation have remained the same.

    The proposed article contains all the necessary information that every person should be familiar with before spearfishing.


    The classification of harpoons implies their division into two main groups depending on the design features:

    1. Attachments equipped with removable type tips that can be installed or removed by screwing. Such models are most recommended for beginners, as they are distinguished by their versatility and ease of use. You can take with you a whole arsenal of tips of various shapes, which allows you to select the most suitable options directly on the spot, depending on the conditions in which spearfishing will be carried out. The main disadvantage is the fragility of the thread, which is erased with too much use. Even a slight depreciation can adversely affect the accuracy of shooting, as well as increase the risk of failure of the harpoon.
    2. Cast fixtures in which the tip is securely integrated into the harpoon. A distinctive feature is the simplicity of design, high reliability and strength, long service life. At their core, they are modernized versions of classic guns that have been used by hunters since ancient times. Even with significant pressure or maximum loads, the risk of deformation or unauthorized detachment of the tip is eliminated; in addition, it securely holds the caught prey, minimizing the likelihood of its descent. However, it will also be quite difficult to remove it, and besides, there is no possibility of using a rod with other types of tips, if such a need arises.

    An alternative classification involves division depending on the method of interaction; in accordance with it, the following varieties are distinguished:

    1. Devices with escapement mechanisms without clamps. Such models are very close to the classic tools of ancient hunters, they are distinguished by their simplicity of design, and they are still the most common and popular option. Such harpoons can be equipped with spring and pneumatic guns, as well as spearfishing crossbows, if the trigger mechanism is located on the back side.
    2. Devices in the design of which a hole and a groove are added. This is a more modern variety, its use becomes relevant in the presence of guns or crossbows, in which the trigger mechanism is located in front.
    3. Devices in the design of which a retainer is added. They are used only for spearguns with a rear trigger, if their design has grooves and grooves.

    How to choose

    When choosing a harpoon, it is necessary to take into account not only the design features of the tool used, but factors such as the rate of fire and the diameter of the main rod. These indicators are directly dependent on each other, and are determined by the estimated weight and size of the potential prey that will be hunted.

    1. Rods with a diameter of 6 mm to 6.5 mm have a high rate of fire, such models are used when hunting small fish. Most often they are made of aluminum or other metals with an average strength index.
    2. Rods with a diameter of about 7 mm used for hunting medium sized prey.
    3. Rods with a diameter of 8 mm or more designed to hunt the largest inhabitants of the underwater depths. They are usually made from various titanium alloys.


    The cost of harpoons depends on various factors, including design specifics, diameter, length, brand recognition, material.

    For an understanding of the prices that are relevant today, below are the prices for some options for fixtures:

    1. Aluminum harpoon with a diameter of 8 mm for pneumatic spearguns, in the design of which there is a thread for changing the tip, costs from 400 rubles.
    2. Crossbow harpoon without the ability to change the tip, made of high quality stainless steel, costs from 3200 rubles.
    3. Crossbow harpoon with a thread for changing tips and with a diameter of 6 mm costs from 2000 rubles.
    4. Harpoon for spearguns made of hardened steel and with a diameter of 6 mm, costs from 1200 rubles.
    5. Speargun harpoon made of stainless steel and with a diameter of 7 mm, costs from 800 rubles.

    DIY harpoon

    Many people prefer not to purchase harpoons or tips for them in specialized stores, but to make their own. This allows you to get a tool that meets the individual requirements and preferences of the hunter, so it has undeniable advantages over factory products.

    The manufacturing technology is quite simple, any person can handle this process, since it does not require any specific skills or knowledge.

    First, you only need to make sure that you have a set of tools for working with metal and the following materials:

    1. Sufficiently thick stick, distinguished by reliability and made of suitable material. It will act as a pivot.
    2. Steel wire, the main requirement for it is the same - reliability and strength.
    3. Synthetic cord or rope.

    The action algorithm is described below:

    1. Initially, steel wire for tips is cut: the length of the segments should be within 20-30 cm, and the diameter should not exceed 4-5 mm.
    2. On each segment, it is required to measure about 0.5-0.7 cm from any one edge and make a 90° bend.
    3. Opposite end of a segment without a bend, flattened by hammer blows.
    4. The flattened edges of the wire are filed and hand-finished to give them a hook-like shape.
    5. Holes are made in a pre-prepared metal stick through which the wire is inserted into it. The flattened and turned side should remain outside.
    6. The joints are additionally soldered.
    7. The design is securely rewound with synthetic cord and rope, you will need to make at least 10-20 turns.


    There are also various capable bindings, the most popular options are discussed below:

    1. Front binding is most often practiced by beginners., since the execution is quite simple, which facilitates the replacement process in case of damage or other unforeseen circumstances. The main disadvantage is the loss of shooting accuracy if it is fired from a considerable distance.
    2. Tying the front to the hub reduces the pressure of the rope on the boom so accuracy is not reduced. However, the resistance will be quite high, besides, the probability of through lesions of the production is reduced, and the implementation of the binding is quite difficult.
    3. Binding on the site behind the sleeve. It combines the advantages of the first and second options, but the presence of a hole negatively affects the strength of the harpoon itself, moreover, the likelihood of through damage to the prey remains minimal.

    1. When hunting for the largest and strongest prey, it is recommended to choose devices made of the most durable and reliable material - titanium.
    2. The fixture needs regular lubrication, since even stainless steel is exposed to the negative effects of corrosion with frequent and prolonged contact with water.
    3. Before each hunt, the harpoon must be carefully examined for damage; the blade can be further sharpened if necessary.

    Spearfishing gives a person an inexpressible feeling from the process itself. This activity, in addition to positive emotions, also gives noticeable results. They are great catches.


    The harpoon is the key element that holds the fish back after being hit. It is made exclusively from stainless steel. It is often hardened to give high strength. High-quality hunting is not possible with a harpoon that does not have high rigidity.
    With insufficient rigidity, the harpoon can bend when fired. Such a weapon will not hit the target with sufficient accuracy. For the same reason, it carries a danger to the shooter.


    Harpoons used in underwater hunting are divided into the following types:

    1. The most popular are harpoons, the release mechanism of which is without a lock. They have no grooves, grooves or moving parts. They are used mainly in air guns, which have a trigger located at the rear.
    2. The second type of harpoon has special holes and a groove. Shotguns for them have a front trigger mechanism.
    3. The third type of harpoons with a special groove designed to be fixed in the back of the release mechanism.

    According to the type of tip, harpoons are divided into groups:

    1. The tip is an integral whole with the harpoon.
    2. Detachable tip gives the spear versatility.

    The high-quality use of the tool and the effectiveness of hunting are directly dependent on the tip. Before starting the hunt, you need to correctly select the type of sharpening, based on the hunting conditions.

    Harpoon selection

    For small fish, a tool with a diameter of 6 mm is suitable. They have a higher rate of fire. For large fish it is better to go with a titanium harpoon with a diameter of 7-8 mm. The most common is a harpoon with a diameter of 6.5 mm. You need to hunt in the sea with a gun 1.5-2 meters long and with an arrow diameter of up to 1 cm.

    Homemade harpoon

    Many professional hunters use their own tools for a reason. Making a harpoon is not difficult if you follow simple recommendations:

    1. The steel rod will be replaced by a wooden stick. The tips are made of steel wire with a diameter of 4-5 mm and a length of 25-30 cm.
    2. One end of the wire is bent at an angle of 90 degrees by 5-7 mm. The second end is flattened and a hook is made.
    3. Holes are drilled in the stick into which the bent ends are inserted. The design is fixed with a rope.

    Harpoon binding

    Binding can be done in several ways. Consider the positive and negative aspects of each of them.

    Front binding. Pros:

    It is easy to manufacture and replace the line.
    Easily shoots through fish and holds it.

    Difficulty hitting from a distance.
    The arrow gets a weak spot at the anchor point.
    There is a possibility of an arrow getting stuck.
    The tench can be damaged by a fish bone.

    Front binding to sleeve with slip. Pros:

    Line does not affect the harpoon.
    The line is of normal length.

    Difficult to manufacture.
    The need for fixation at the muzzle.
    The complexity of the design of the harpoon is increasing.
    Higher resistance.
    The fish are hard to hit right through.
    In fish, the arrow is not fixed when hit.

    Binding at the back of the sleeve with slip. Pros:

    Line does not affect the harpoon.
    Ease of manufacture.
    The direction of the harpoon is provided by the muzzle.

    Difficult to change line.
    The hole weakens the arrow.
    Risk of injury from fishbone.
    It is impossible to hit the target right through.

    A competent choice of a harpoon will allow a hunter-fisherman to get a lot of positive emotions from the underwater world, an excellent catch and avoid problems with equipment. In the next article, we will discuss how to do