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  • Ways to purify water in everyday life. Research project "Methods of water purification with different filters

    Ways to purify water in everyday life.  Research project

    Water is the only compound on the planet that exists in nature in the form of three states of aggregation: liquid, solid, gaseous. It is a universal solvent, has a “memory”, is necessary for the life of all, without exception, unicellular and multicellular living beings on Earth. Statistics of recent years show that the amount of fresh water on the planet is decreasing. As a result of the regulation of rivers, the construction of reservoirs on them, periodically occurring emergencies, the release of industrial waste and untreated domestic sewage into the channel of fresh water bodies, they lead to pollution of not only surface, but also underground pools. The quality of fresh water is deteriorating due to an increase in color, the appearance of tastes and odors, the presence of an increased content of organic impurities, pesticides and other chemical compounds. The filters and disinfectants used in water treatment plants are not effective, and sometimes not even safe. As a result, drinking water consumed by the population contains almost the same contaminants as natural water. The problem of providing the population with drinking water that meets the requirements of the standard is one of the main ones and requires a comprehensive and effective solution. With the inefficiency of cleaning filters of local water stations, we are faced daily, therefore, research work is devoted to finding a filter capable of eliminating or improving the quality of drinking water. This became the main goal of the research. The main task in the creation of filters is the selection of components capable of eliminating odor, improving taste, retaining not only water-insoluble impurities, but also suspended impurities. To solve the problem, various research methods were used: analysis of literary and Internet sources, chemical analysis to determine hardness and acid-base environment, methods of water purification from impurities, analysis and selection of the safest for health, but effective disinfection method.

    1. Theoretical part

    1.1 Water purification methods by settling

    Settling is used to remove chlorine from water. To do this, tap water is poured into a container and left for several hours. Gaseous chlorine is removed from 1/3 of the depth from the surface of the water. After settling, the water must be boiled.

    1.2 Water purification methods by filtration

    This method purifies water only from insoluble impurities, while soluble salts, viruses, bacteria, microorganisms remain.

    1.3 Water purification methods by boiling

    Boiling is used to kill viruses. Bacteria, microorganisms, chlorine removal. Disadvantages: when boiling water changes its structure due to evaporation of oxygen, the concentration of salts in the remaining volume increases due to evaporation of water, many viruses die at higher temperatures, additional chloroform is formed causing cancer.

    1.4 Water purification methods by crystallization

    The method is based on the chemical law, according to which, when a liquid freezes, the main substance crystallizes first in the coldest place, and everything that was dissolved in the main substance solidifies in the least cold place. Disadvantages: the method requires slow freezing, not all soluble salts are deposited on the bottom of the vessel.

    1.5 Ways to purify water by distillation

    The method is based on the properties of water to change the state of aggregation depending on temperature. Thus, when water is boiled, it changes from a liquid state to a gaseous state. Leaving at the bottom of the container soluble salts, viruses, bacteria. Rising up and moving along the gas outlet of the distiller, it cools down and turns into a liquid state. Disadvantages: light organochlorine is distilled along with water vapor, important microelements are destroyed, distilled water, with prolonged use, washes out calcium, iron and many other salts from the body.

    1.6 Water disinfection methods with potassium alum

    At home, disinfection of water from bacteria is carried out by adding 1 g of salt to 4 liters of water. Potassium alum purifies water due to the formation of hydrolysis products from bacteria, suspended particles and impurities of organic substances, the released sulfuric acid neutralizes water that has an alkaline reaction. The precipitate formed is removed by filtration.

    1.7 Ozonation

    One of the most realistic and highly effective methods of water purification, which can significantly improve the quality of drinking and treated waste water, solve health and environmental problems. Advantages of the method: the possibility of obtaining ozone at the place of application; high activity of ozone in relation to water disinfection from bacteria and viruses; simultaneously with disinfection, water discoloration occurs, odors and tastes are eliminated; does not change the natural properties of water; replaces traditional methods of chlorination, ultrasound, filtration and others. Disadvantages: high energy costs.

    1.8 Chlorination

    Chlorine has long been used as the main disinfectant in almost all wastewater treatment plants in Russia. The mechanism of the bactericidal action of chlorine is in interaction with the constituent parts of the cell of the microorganism, which leads to a metabolic disorder in the cell and the death of microorganisms. Disadvantages: chlorine is a highly toxic substance; promotes the formation of toxic and organochlorine compounds in water; has an aftereffect; treatment plants using chlorine are objects of increased danger.

    1.9 Sodium hypochlorite

    Apply e are in liquid form, are obtained at the place of application by an electrochemical method. Effective against most pathogens, safe to use and store.

    Disadvantages: ineffective against cysts; loses activity during storage and releases chlorine gas; after use forms a large number of by-products; requires immediate use immediately upon receipt.

    2. Experimental part

    For the experiment, water samples were taken from three different sources: tap water, water from an underground pool, water from a natural reservoir in the city of Krasnodar, the village of Severny. each sample was analyzed and the most polluted source was selected for further research. All studies were carried out in stages, regardless of the purification method, in the same sequence.

    • get a filter that cleans water as much as possible from impurities;
    • reduce the indicator of the alkaline environment;
    • purify water from unpleasant odors;
    • improve the taste of water;
    • reduce the content of soluble salts;
    • reduce water hardness.
    • select filter components based on their characteristics that meet the goals;
    • determine the filter that most effectively purifies water from impurities and unpleasant odors;
    • to determine the safest, but effective disinfecting method of water purification;
    • based on the results of the research, develop a set of recommendations for local governments on the use of the most effective methods of water treatment in water treatment plants.

    Sequential research methodology:

    • upholding;
    • filtration;
    • determination of the acid-base environment of the solution or filtrate;
    • determination of the hardness of the solution or filtrate.

    Research method: chemical (experimental).

    Equipment: sample samples from three different sources, universal indicator paper, scale for determining the pH of the medium, a soapy solution of toilet soap, cotton pads, activated carbon, sand, sawdust, table salt, glass: flasks, funnels, sticks.

    Subject of study: Chemistry. Human health.

    Relevance of the study: Water is a vital compound and the health, longevity of a person, as well as all living organisms, depends on its quality.

    2.1 Analysis of water samples from different sources

    Samples of fresh water samples were taken for analysis from three different sources: sample No. 1 - tap water, sample No. 2 - water of an underground pool (well), sample No. 3 - water from a natural reservoir in Krasnodar, Severny village (Appendix 1).

    As a result of a series of successive experiments, the following results were obtained: upholding submitted samples (Appendix 2a) showed the presence of insoluble salts in each sample; filtration(Appendix 2b) - the presence of contaminants in all samples even after settling; determination of the acid-alkaline (pH) medium of the solution- all three samples (Appendix 3) have an alkaline environment, and the alkali content in tap water is much higher than in well water, but less than in a natural source. Conclusion: it is not recommended to drink raw tap water due to the high content of alkali, to bathe or take water for household needs from a natural source; determination of water hardness(Appendix 4) showed the content in all three samples of an increased content of calcium and magnesium salts.

    For further research, water from the most polluted source, a natural reservoir (sample No. 3), was selected.

    2.2 Water purification by crystallization

    The selected sample (Appendix 5) was subjected to crystallization, followed by the removal of the lower part containing insoluble impurities. Produced defrosting at room temperature and analyzed the resulting sample. The result revealed the inefficiency of this method for water purification from soluble salts (Appendix 5).

    2.3 Purification of water from a natural reservoir with complex filters and its analysis

    2.3.1 Filter disc - sawdust

    The analysis of the obtained filtrate (Appendix 6) showed the inefficiency of using this filter for water purification, since the indicator of the alkaline environment did not change, the hardness of the water remained unchanged, as evidenced by the mass of flakes on the surface of the filtrate.

    2.3.2 Filter disc - sand - sawdust

    The test sample was passed through a three-layer filter (Appendix 7). The resulting filtrate was analyzed (Appendix 7). Result: the alkaline environment of the filtrate decreased from the range of 10-11 to 9-10; the amount of flakes on the surface of the filtrate has significantly decreased, which is evidenced by a decrease in the content of calcium and magnesium salts, a decrease in water hardness.

    2.3.3 Filter disc - activated carbon

    Activated carbon acts as a sorbent during filtration, absorbing harmful impurities and unpleasant odors, so it was chosen as a filter component. Sample No. 3 was filtered through the filter, the filtrate was subjected to a step-by-step chemical analysis. Result: the properties of the filtrate did not change in comparison with the sample (Appendix 8). Conclusion: activated carbon does not help to reduce the content of salts and alkaline environment.

    2.3.4 Filter disc - activated carbon - sawdust

    The indicator of water hardness and pH of the medium in the resulting filtrate has changed, but slightly (Appendix 9). Conclusion: this filter improves water quality, but is not effective.

    2.3.5 Filter disc - activated carbon - table salt - activated carbon

    Analysis of the filtrate obtained from a complex four-layer filter (Appendix 10) showed the effectiveness of its use, since: 1 - the alkaline environment of the filtrate decreased compared to the original sample from the interval 10 - 11 to 8 - 9; 2 - water hardness has decreased, which proves the decrease in the content of soluble salts.

    3. Conclusion

    The conducted studies of water samples taken from three different sources showed:

    1 - inefficient use of cleaning filters in water treatment plants. Tap water contains salts soluble and insoluble in water, the content of which exceeds the established norms, the water is hard, with an increased alkaline environment;

    2 - the water of the underground pool contains various pollutants that also exceed the established standards;

    3 - a sample of water taken from a terrestrial natural reservoir causes the greatest concern due to the presence of color, odor, impurities many times higher than the norm and thus dangerous for the normal life of living organisms in the reservoir, the indicator of the alkaline environment is at a critical level.

    For further research, a sample of a water sample from a natural reservoir was selected, which showed the most negative result. In the course of experimental work and analysis of the obtained filtrates, difficulties arose in the selection of filter layers capable of eliminating the previously identified negative indicators as much as possible. However, despite the complexity of the experiment, good results were achieved. If you use a complex multi-layer filter, consisting of: a filter, activated carbon, sodium chloride and sand in combination with ozonation, the final result will be achieved that meets the goals. Based on the foregoing, a number of proposals of a recommendatory nature for local governments have been drawn up:

    1. Use in existing water treatment plants of an integrated approach in the purification of drinking water from impurities, consisting of: a complex four-layer filter with subsequent ozonation of the filtrate;

    2. Complete the construction of a water treatment plant in the city of Krasnodar, the village of Severny and connect residents to a centralized water supply.

    The problem of the quality of drinking water and methods of its purification has always been, is and will be relevant. Research in this direction should not be stopped, and the methodology of these studies should be included in one of the sections of the elective elective course "Practical Chemistry".

    List of used literature

    1. G.A. Skorobogatov, A.I. Kalinin “Tap water. Its chemical pollution and methods of post-treatment at home” - St. Petersburg / publishing house S.-Peterb., 2003
    2. Krauser B.; Friedmantle M. Chemistry. Laboratory workshop. - M: Chemistry, 1995
    3. Chebyshev N.; Kagan B. Higher School of the 21st Century: The Problem of Quality//Higher Education in Russia.- 2000
    4. Friedmantle M. “Chemistry in action”. M. "Mir" 1991
    5. I.I. Novoshinsky, N.S. Novoshinskaya Textbook for 9 cells. educational institutions / 4th ed. M.: LLC TID “Russian Word”, 2009
    6. I.I. Novoshinsky, N.S. Novoshinskaya Textbook for 8 cells. educational institutions / 4th ed. M.: LLC TID “Russian Word”, 2009

    The life of both man and all mankind. That is why modern science is constantly working on the creation of new methods of purification.

    The methods primarily depend on the quantity and quality of the liquid to be purified. For example, some methods are used in industry, but at home, running water can be purified in a completely different way.

    Industrial methods of water treatment

    Water taken from reservoirs or underground sources passes through before entering the water supply. These methods are also used in the treatment of wastewater, which are an integral part of the work of any industrial plant or factory.

    1. Mechanical methods of water purification. The very name of the method indicates what kind of goal is being pursued here. With the help of various filters, water is purified from unnecessary and harmful particles. To begin with, the liquid enters the surface of the filter, from where it passes through the entire boot in such a way that particles of a certain size are retained. But if using this method you can get rid of relatively large pollutants, then filters cannot save you from bacteria and small organic particles.
    2. Water chlorination. A fairly well-known purification method that allows you to disinfect water. But this technique also has its drawback, which everyone knows about. Drinking such water is simply impossible.
    3. Ozonation. A relatively new and fairly effective way to purify water, which allows you to get rid of organic residues. Ozone is also considered a very strong disinfectant. Unfortunately, this method is quite expensive and is just beginning to catch on.

    Unfortunately, the water that houses and apartments are provided with is not always of high quality. That is why you need to think about how to make it better at home.

    Methods at home

    As a rule, there are some problems with water flowing from the tap. Firstly, it contains magnesium and calcium salts, which make it tough. Another danger is the presence of unnecessary organic decay products, including nitrites and ammonia. Also, the water may contain impurities of iron and manganese - such a liquid acquires a yellowish color. Most often, rust deposits in water are the result of rust moving through old pipes. And, of course, one of the main problems is chlorine.

    But water can be purified and made usable on its own. There are several very effective and common ways.

    1. Settling. In order for the water to become clean, it must be placed in a container and allowed to stand for at least a day. During this time, approximately 90% of the chlorine will evaporate from the liquid. If a reddish precipitate has formed at the bottom, the water must be filtered. But this method will not work if the liquid is saturated with bacteria and microscopic algae.
    2. Boiling. This method allows you to significantly soften the water, since magnesium and calcium salts simply settle on the walls of the dishes. During boiling, all chlorine will disappear from the liquid. In addition, high temperatures will help destroy most of the living microorganisms. But if there is a high level of organic substances in the water, it cannot be boiled, since nitrogen compounds will quickly react with chlorine.
    3. Household filters for water purification. Today we offer a huge selection of a wide variety of filters. The work of passive filters is based on simple filtration, when some of the polluting particles simply settle in the pores. By the way, as a filling for such a filter, they often use

    There are also active filters containing a certain number of substances. These substances, when passing through water, react with pollutants, thus neutralizing them.

    It is worth noting that the water filter must be chosen very carefully. First of all, be guided by the problem of your water, whether it be hardness or the presence of organic matter.

    People use different methods to purify water at home. However, not everyone knows how to properly implement them and what side effects may occur.

    All methods of water purification can be conditionally divided into two groups: purification without the use of filters and purification using filters.

    Purification of water without the use of filters.

    This option is the most common and affordable, since water purification does not require the purchase of additional devices, except for ordinary kitchen utensils. The most common methods include:





    We all know from childhood that you can’t drink raw water, but only boiled water. Boiling is used to destroy organic matter (viruses, bacteria, microorganisms, etc.), remove chlorine and other low-temperature gases (radon, ammonia, etc.). Boiling does help to purify the water to some extent, but this process has a number of side effects. The first - when boiling, the structure of water changes, i.e. it becomes "dead" as oxygen evaporates. The more we boil water, the more pathogens die in it, but the more it becomes useless for the human body. Secondly, since water evaporates during boiling, the concentration of salts in it increases. They are deposited on the walls of the kettle in the form of scale and lime and enter the human body during the subsequent consumption of water from the kettle.

    As you know, salts tend to accumulate in the body, which leads to a variety of diseases, ranging from joint diseases, the formation of kidney stones and petrification (cirrhosis) of the liver, and ending with arteriosclerosis, heart attack, and more. etc. In addition, many viruses can easily endure boiling water, since much higher temperatures are required to kill them. Also note that only chlorine gas is removed when water is boiled. In laboratory studies, it has been confirmed that after boiling tap water, additional chloroform is formed (causes cancer), even if the water was freed from chloroform by purging with an inert gas before boiling.

    Conclusion. After boiling, we drink "dead" water, in which there is a fine suspension and mechanical particles, salts of heavy metals, chlorine and organochlorine (chloroform), viruses, etc.


    Settling is used to remove chlorine from water. As a rule, for this, tap water is poured into a large bucket and left in it for several hours. Without stirring the water in the bucket, the removal of gaseous chlorine occurs from about 1/3 of the depth from the surface of the water, therefore, in order to obtain any noticeable effect, it is necessary to follow the developed settling methods.

    Conclusion. The efficiency of this method of water purification leaves much to be desired. After settling, it is necessary to boil water.


    This method is used for effective water purification by means of its recrystallization. This method is much more efficient than boiling and even distillation, since phenol, chlorophenols and light organochlorine (a number of chlorine-containing compounds are the worst poison) are distilled together with water vapor (we will note the latter to fans of distilled water).

    Many people understand the following by this method: pour water into the dishes and put it in the refrigerator until ice appears, then remove the dishes from the refrigerator and defrost it for drinking. We note right away that the effect of water purification by the above method is zero, since freezing is a very complex and lengthy process, the effectiveness of which depends entirely on the exact following of the developed methods.

    This method is based on the chemical law, according to which, when a liquid freezes, the main substance crystallizes first in the coldest place, and lastly, everything that was dissolved in the main substance solidifies in the least cold place. This phenomenon can be observed on the example of a candle. In an extinguished candle, far from the wick, pure transparent paraffin is obtained, and in the middle, where the wick burned, soot collects and the wax turns dirty). All liquid substances obey this law. The main thing here is to ensure the slow freezing of water and to conduct it in such a way that there is more of it in one place of the vessel than in another. Since this method takes several pages, we will not present it here. (You can learn the details from the book: Caution! Tap water! Its chemical pollution and methods of post-treatment at home. / Skorobogatov G.A., Kalinin A.I. - St. Petersburg: Publishing House of St. Petersburg University , 2003.) We only note that the preparation of water by freezing can take several hours with constant monitoring of the process. Otherwise, the efficiency drops sharply.

    We had occasion to test the water, which the housewives tried to prepare by freezing for several hours. It was a little better than tap water. This once again confirms that freezing is not an easy process, which has its own subtleties and not all recommendations here lead to the expected effect.

    Water purification using filters

    Various filters are used to remove harmful impurities from water. In domestic conditions, various jugs and faucet nozzles are widely used.

    Water treatment methods and water purification methods

    There are already many methods of water treatment and water purification methods. There are many reasons for drinking water pollution. However, all of them, one way or another, are connected with water sources. Each type of source has its own characteristic causes that cause water pollution.

    The solution to the problems associated with water pollution is its purification. To date, there are a number of water treatment methods and water purification methods that make it possible to obtain high quality drinking water from almost any source.

    Various options for obtaining guaranteed high quality drinking water from a variety of sources:

    Deposition methods

    Water clarification

    Membrane methods

    Chemical reagents for oxidation


    Water iron removal

    Water softening

    Water desalination

    Water conditioning

    Water disinfection

    Removal of organic contaminants

    Water dechlorination

    Removal of nitrates

    Water is the source of life on Earth. It is necessary for the life of all living beings on the planet without exception. Humans are made up of 70-80% water. All chemical processes in the body take place in it. It takes part in the assimilation of nutrients by cells and in their transportation throughout the body, regulates body temperature, and allows you to remove toxins and other "garbage" from the body. In the morning, as soon as we wake up, we must "start" the body, drink 2 glasses of water. It helps us to look more well-groomed, healthy and beautiful. Sufficient water intake is the prevention of many diseases. The loss of a large amount of water by the body invariably entails the death of a person.

    A person needs from 1.5 to 5 liters of water per day. Without water, a person can live a maximum of 5 days. At present, the issues of drinking water quality have not lost their relevance.

    For the normal functioning of the body, water is needed that does not contain harmful impurities and mechanical additives, i.e. good quality. But how to determine the quality of water at home? , and to achieve good quality, we will talk about this in our work.

    aim This work is a study of water purification at home in different ways to achieve maximum results.

    In the course of this study, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    Examine the literature on the importance of drinking water for human health

    Experimentally identify the most effective method of water purification at home

    For the experiment, we took water from a well with a characteristic color and sediment.

    Object of study– water taken from the well is not suitable for drinking.

    Subject of study– determination of the most effective cleaning method

    During the research work, methods such as studying the literature on this topic, experiment, analysis, systematization, and generalization were used.

    The theory on this topic is based on the study of materials from the books of V.I. Arabadzhi "Mysteries of plain water", Gorsky V.V. “Water is a miracle of nature”, INTERNET sources.

    The educational and methodological manual Ershov M.E. helped to gain knowledge about drinking water, its significance for human health and how to clean it. "The most common ways to purify water." It presents a complete description of different types of drinking water and factors affecting its quality. In the book of Gorsky V.V. "Water - a miracle of nature" presents very interesting results of scientific research on the quality of drinking water.

    The sources used helped to better study the chosen topic, to understand what the quality of the water we drink depends on, and to learn how to determine it at home.

    slide 1

    slide 2

    Settling Procedure: Poured into one a certain amount of tap water. Covered with a cloth to prevent foreign matter from entering the water. After some time, which depends on the volume of water, sedimentation at the bottom: in glasses after 20 minutes, in large containers after 2-3 hours. Precipitation is different in color saturation and quantity. After settling, he carefully poured clean water into other containers, setting aside 1/3 of it as unusable. Conclusion: The settling procedure is long-term, in order to get rid of the sediment, it is necessary to drain it together with 1/3 of the water. This method can only get rid of mechanical impurities. After settling, the water must be boiled. (Part 2)

    slide 3

    Boiling Procedure: I pour water from the tap to look completely transparent. I boil water. When heated, the water changes color to yellow (precipitation of iron salts). As the temperature rises, the water acquires a reddish hue. After boiling water for at least 5 minutes, I spend settling. The settling process is much faster. I pour water excluding the precipitate that has fallen. Conclusion: Boiling only partially solves the problem of water purification. Evaporation of water takes place. The concentration of salts increases, they are deposited on the walls in the form of scale. This process requires additional financial costs (payment for the consumed electricity or gas), it is required to track the boiling time of water. (Part 3)

    slide 4

    Filtration Procedure: I take a funnel-shaped strainer and pass tap water through it. Observing small mechanical particles settled on the filter walls. Pure water passes through the filter. Conclusion: The advantage of this method is its low financial cost. The water is quite clean in appearance, without impurities of mechanical particles. The process is not laborious, but it takes time. (Part 4)

    slide 5

    Adsorption Procedure: Of the items available in everyday life, I chose a container for food purposes (a plastic bottle and cut off the bottom). I prepared fine gravel, sand, charcoal, two pieces of cloth for the layer. Let's fill a bottle with them. I poured water, after 20 minutes I got about 0.50 liters of water a little gray. I repeat the process. I'm doing a defense. A gray "dust" cloud settles to the bottom after 15 minutes. The water becomes transparent. I merge. Conclusion: The method is effective for any water pollution, including if there are dissolved gases in the water. Coal adsorbs these gases and retains small particles of impurities. This method is applicable even in the field (for cleaning swamp water) (Part 5)

    slide 6

    Distillation Procedure: We find all the necessary items for the experiment (a glass jar, a container for collecting condensate, a kettle, a stand for dishes). I am preparing a device for distillation. I fill the kettle with tap water, put foil under the lid to prevent steam from passing through the lid. I boil. The spout of the teapot is directed to the jar. Condensation flows from the walls of the jar in transparent drops. After 30 minutes we get 150 milliliters of distilled water. Conclusion: The process takes a long time, the water yield is small, and energy costs are high. But the water is perfectly clear! (Appendix VI) Conclusion: The process takes a long time, the water yield is small, the energy consumption is high. But the water is perfectly clear! (Part 6)

    Slide 7

    Freezing Procedure: I pour tap water into a dish resistant to low temperatures and put it in the freezer. After 1.5 hours, I take out part of the frozen ice from the dishes and remove it. I put the rest of the water back in the freezer. And I'll get it in 2-3 hours. Having turned the ice over, I observe the space filled with unfrozen water, we pour it out without regret (it contains harmful impurities). I melt the remaining ice, this is pure water. Conclusion: There are no additional costs (the refrigerator always works), the water is purified from harmful impurities, but mechanical particles may be present in small quantities. (Part 7)