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  • Alternantera is lovely. Alternantera Carpet Plants

    Alternantera is lovely.  Alternantera Carpet Plants

    Family: amaranth (Amaranthaceae).

    Homeland: tropics and subtropics of America, Africa, Asia, Australia.

    Form: perennial herbaceous or semi-shrub plant.


    Alternantera is a perennial herbaceous or semi-shrub plant. Plant height up to 25 cm. Alternantera stems are fragile, strongly branched, forming a sprawling bush. Leaves opposite, small, lanceolate. The color of the leaves is very diverse and is the main decorative value of the plant. In the light, the color of the leaves becomes brighter and more intense. The flowers are small, inconspicuous, located in the axils of the leaves, collected in capitate or spicate inflorescences.

    About 200 species of alternantera are known, and there is still a lot of confusion among the species names. Some species grow exclusively in water and are of interest only to aquarists. The main types of alternantera used in have numerous varieties and forms.

    Alternantera Bettzika (A. betzickiana). Homeland - Brazil. Height up to 15 cm (sometimes up to 20 cm). Stems grow vertically, pubescent at the base. The leaves are spatulate, pointed at the ends. The color of the leaves is bilateral: olive-green above, yellow-red spotted below.

    Alternantera serrated (A. denticulata). Homeland - South America. Height up to 35 cm. Stems straight branched. The leaves are linear narrow, 3 cm long. The color of the leaves depends on the variety.

    Alternantera lovely, or alternantera dear (A. amoena). Motherland - Brazil. Height 10-20 cm. Stems strongly branched from the base, pubescent below, furrowed. The leaves are oblong lanceolate, pubescent below, with bright red petioles. The color is green-red-orange.

    (A. versicolor). Homeland - Brazil. According to some opinions, it is a kind of Bettzik's alternantera. Height up to 15 cm. Strongly branched stems form sprawling bushes. Young shoots are pubescent. The leaves are broad, oblong, spatulate, tapering towards the petiole, wrinkled, obtuse, shiny. The color is variegated green-red-pink.

    Alternantera sessile (A. sessilis) is of tropical origin, growing along the banks of water bodies. The length of the stems is 20-50 cm. It spreads by rhizomes, takes root by stems. Thus, a decorative rug is formed along the shore and the surface of the reservoir. The leaves are opposite narrow, coloring from bright green to beet, depending on the lighting conditions.

    Growing conditions

    In order for the leaves of the alternantera to be colored as intensely as possible, the plant must be planted in the sunniest part of the garden. Alternantera needs warmth, it does not tolerate frost. Soil prefers calcareous, nutritious, but can also grow on neutral soil. Moderate humidity is required.


    To decorate the site, the alternantera is most often used as an annual ornamental leafy plant, without bothering to transplant it into a greenhouse for the winter.

    Alternantera is the star of carpet floriculture. Its short stature, excellent tolerance for haircuts, and most importantly, a huge variety of colors make it possible to use this plant for carpet, flower patterns, figure compositions. With the help of a competent haircut, you can give the alternanter an ovoid, spherical, comb-shaped shape.

    Sedentary Alternantera is used to decorate small ones. In summer, it is planted to the bottom in shallow places or along marshy shores.


    Alternantera is very thermophilic, therefore, in winter, mother plants are transferred from the street to bright greenhouses with a temperature of +12 - +16. Plants wintering outdoors in relatively warm climates still need shelter. Alternantera is transplanted back into the ground only after spring frosts. If night frosts are possible in summer, the plant also needs to be covered.

    Alternantera year-round needs moderate regular watering. It is not allowed to water with cold water. It is not necessary to spray the plant.

    The main care event that the alternant requires is a regular, literally weekly haircut. Thanks to this procedure, the plant bushes strongly, develops many additional leaves and fully acquires decorative effect.

    Alternantera sessile is placed in containers at the bottom of the reservoir to a depth of 50 cm. It is necessary to limit its spread and carry it away for the winter in time. Winters in a cool room.


    Alternantera is propagated by division of old plants and cuttings. When propagated by division, long roots can be cut off without harming the plant. Planted plants should be in a bright and warm place for the first time. When propagated by cuttings, the planted alternantera is first kept under a transparent bag in a very warm place. When young leaves appear on the plant, the package can be removed.

    Diseases and pests

    Alternantera is resistant to diseases and pests. Potentially affected by gray mold, aphids, spider mites and whiteflies.

    Popular varieties

    Varieties and forms of Bettzik's alternantera

    • ‘Aurea’ (‘Golden’)- a plant with yellowish large leaves.
    • ‘Juvel’ (‘Juvel’)- large-leaved tall alternantera with carmine-red leaves.
    • ‘Kuntzii’ (‘Kuntzi’)- a plant with densely arranged yellow leaves, dull green at the base.
    • ‘Paronychioides’ (‘Garbnailed’)- undersized alternantera with curly pinkish-red leaves.

    Varieties and forms of alternantera toothed

    • ‘Purple Knight’ (‘Purple Knight’)- high (up to 50 cm) alternantera with dark purple leaves.
    • ‘Royal Tapestry’ (‘Royal Tapestry’)- Alternantera with leaves of red, copper-red, purple and burgundy.

    Varieties and forms of alternantera charming

    • ‘Amabilis’ (‘Excellent’)- a plant with olive-green leaves with red spots.
    • ‘Rosea’ (‘Pink’)- undersized alternantera with pinkish-red leaves with an orange tint.
    • ‘Ficoidea’ (‘Fig’)- a plant with leaves of pink-violet-green color.
    • ‘Metallica (‘Metallica’)- tall large-leaved alternantera with dark brown leaves with a purple tint.

    Varieties and forms of multi-colored alternantera

    • ‘Aurea’ (‘Golden’)- Alternantera with golden yellow leaves.
    • ‘Tricolor’ (‘Tricolor’)- a plant with green-pinkish-red leaves.

    Varieties and forms of sedentary alternantera

    • ‘Rubra’ (‘Purple’)- Alternantera purpurea has pink-red leaves.

    Alternantera is an incredibly beautiful plant that can attract the attention of the most sophisticated person. Being under water, it creates the effect of a bright blazing flame, which instantly captivates with its impressive appearance.

    Alternantera is able to decorate any underwater landscape. It is usually used as the main eye-catching element of an aquarium installation. There are species used in decorating not only aquariums, but also reservoirs, these include such species as: Alternanthera sessilis, Alternanthera reineckii.

    Initially, Alternantera varieties appeared in Europe towards the end of the 1970s, they were brought to us by immigrants from South America, after which they immediately began to gain great popularity and gained wide popularity among aquarists of all degrees, from amateurs to professionals.

    The genus Alternanter has up to 200 species of these. They are of great variety. Among them there are annual and perennial species, plants in the form of bushes and trees. But all of them are united by the obligatory presence of oncoming or opposite leaves. In nature, they are found mainly among tropical and subtropical climatic zones of all continents.

    Alternantera aquarium plant

    The inflorescences of the Alternantera are usually not particularly remarkable. But this is not required, because all the charm, charm and beauty of these plants lies in their magnificent, conspicuous, charming foliage. She won the hearts of people so much that some are still widely used and cultivated by flower growers. They are good at cutting, so different varieties of Alternanter are successfully used to decorate parks or gardens, they decorate a variety of flower beds and flower beds.

    For example, species such as Alternanthera amoena (Lem) Voss and Alternanthera bettzickiana boast pronounced scarlet spots, diluted with bright veins, creating a spectacular contrast with other plants of their usual green color. Many species are bred specifically for aquariums, as they grow well, breeding efficiently in water.

    The most common and popular of these species among aquarists are: Alternanthera Reineckii (Alternanthera reineckii) and Alternanthera sessile (Alternanthera sesilis).

    Alternanthera reineckii (Alternanthera reineckii) maintenance and care rules

    This species of Alternantera is native to tropical countries such as Paraguay and Brazil. There it is known mainly as a marsh plant, which is able to grow safely and long under surface conditions, but it is also highly adaptable to underwater life. This species has long established itself among flower growers as a welcome decoration for any decorative aquarium. In its natural environment, it grows in areas that have been in a flooded state for a long time.

    Informative video about the contents of the alternantera:

    It has creeping stems, which, when growing, creates the effect of a covered meadow. The leaves open in cross-shaped patterns, perpendicular to each other, creating a voluminous pomp of the foliage, despite the relatively small size of the leaves themselves (about 3 centimeters long and 1 wide). They are colored a red-green, sometimes with a pink tinge.

    The tops of the stems go out and rise above the surface of the water - this is an adaptive mechanism of Alternantera, allowing it to persist when environmental conditions change. You can verify this with your own hands, let's lower the protruding processes under the water again. The leaves will fall off.

    When making aquarium decorations, Reinecke's Alternantera should not be planted too densely, as it is rather fragile. In small aquariums, the stems quickly reach the surface of the water, starting to open leaves in the air. In this case, the strength of the leaves remaining under water is lost, which the plant can get rid of by discarding them. Therefore, then make sure to pinch the shoots protruding above the water in time, since in one month they can grow up to 15 centimeters. Timely pinching will also help increase the branching of the stems, which will give even more to your plant.

    Favorable conditions for growing such an Alternantera in an aquarium will be water with a hardness of up to 12 ° and a temperature in the range of 24-28 degrees Celsius, but, having slowed down its growth, it will be able to survive in colder water, up to 20 degrees. The pH values ​​should not deviate from the values ​​of 6.2-6.8. An important condition is good water filtration - it is necessary to update up to 25% of its volume contained in the aquarium per week.

    Alternantera Reinecka mini

    Alternantera Reinecka is extremely photophilous, so it would be nice to have bright aquarium lighting. The development and color of the leaves of the plant fundamentally depends on this. Fluorescent lamps that create artificial light with a power of up to 0.5 W / l are well suited. Along with artificial, exposure to direct sunlight will be useful. The length of the day should be approximately 12 hours, no less.

    The composition of the soil, on the contrary, is not of particular importance. Alternantera Reinecka gets all the essential nutrients it needs directly from the water. Sand is perfect as a substrate, since such an environment is extremely beneficial for the development of the plant's root system. It will not be superfluous to feed with mineral mixtures. A couple of times a month, you will need to add ferrous salts in a ratio of 0.2 mg per liter of water.

    Reproduction of Alternantera Reineck occurs vegetatively. Cuttings are separated from sufficiently large, rooted stems, after which they are placed on the surface of the water. After some time, they sprout roots, and then they are planted back into the ground again.

    Alternantera Reineck is also suitable for greenhouse conditions. To do this, she needs to provide bright, long-term lighting and moist soil rich in nutrients to compensate for the lack of water in the environment of the plant. The most optimal air temperature for such conditions is 26-30 degrees Celsius. With proper care Alternanter Reineck grows in the greenhouse in lush bushes with bright purple leaves.

    Sedentary Alternantera (Alternanthera sesilis) maintenance and care

    Alternanthera sesilis Alternanthera sesilis

    This species of Alternanter is characterized by maintaining adaptability to underwater conditions after the death of the lower leaves. After that, in such an Alternantera, new bushes are formed that have a decorative effect. The color of the plant depends on the degree of illumination. So, with sufficient light, the lower part of the leaf is painted bright red or pink, the upper one usually has a green color.

    • In shady conditions and subdued light, their colors shift to purple and brown hues, which does not detract from the decorative effect of the seated Alternantera, despite the less intense coloring.
    • In order for the plant to successfully take root in a new aquarium, more or less mature, mature individuals with strong stems and at least four pairs of leaves must be planted in the ground.
    • This species of Alternantera breeds very quickly under water, growing in powerful bushy clusters.

    In small aquariums, the walls of the tank are usually decorated with a sessile Alternantera, completing up to 15 plants together. In large aquariums, it is planted with free places in the middle, which allows the formation of bushy islands up to 30 square centimeters in area.

    The sessile Alternantera species includes two subspecies:

    The first is Alternanthera sessilis var. lilacina. This plant can be found all over the world, it lives mainly in places with a warm climate. It has excellent adaptability to various habitat conditions, both surface and underwater. Foliage color varies under different growing conditions. Most often there are plants with a green-lilac coloring. But in some individuals, the leaves glow bright red on all sides.

    Cultivation of such an Alternantera in aquarium conditions will not be difficult. Young sprouts, when planted, take root easily and rarely die. The plant is unpretentious to the composition of water and light intensity, well tolerated by any conditions. The only root factor in the cultivation of Alternanthera sessilis var. lilacina will ensure the stability of the aquarium environment. Ideal conditions will be clean water without algae and a pH value of about "7".

    Sessile alternathera flower Alternanthera sessilis var. rubra

    The second subspecies is Alternanthera sessilis var. rubra. This Alternantera is predominantly surface. It grows at a high speed, in a week it can increase immediately by 20 centimeters and release a lot of leaves. When cultivated under water, the plant branches and only a small part of the stems makes its way to the surface, where it begins to branch again. In total, they can grow up to 60 centimeters in size.

    The leaves, as well as the stem, have a bright ruby ​​color on all sides. Peduncles are sessile and also colored with reddish hues. They usually appear in the middle of pairs of leaves. However, for flowering to occur, the plant needs to provide a long daylight hours - up to 12 hours or more. This is due to the homeland of this Alternantera.

    Under natural conditions, it grows in the tropics with a day length of 12 hours a day. The most optimal place in an aquarium or pond for her will be the center, in the middle of larger green plants. Under water, it is capable of rapid rooting, but then it is forced to slow down its own, maintaining a decorative appearance for up to 6 months.

    • As soon as the leaves begin to fall off the plant, this is a sign that it is time to start replacing it with new seedlings.
    • For these purposes, it is recommended to grow them in advance using a separate small greenhouse with very high humidity and non-directional light.
    • In an aquarium where it is planned to plant pre-grown individuals, the water should be slightly acidic.

    Alternantera is a plant of amazing beauty that can miraculously decorate any decorative aquarium or pond. And their adaptability and variety of species gives you the opportunity to cultivate Alternantera in a wide variety of conditions, decorating home aquariums and open water, creating displays both with underwater forms and with species that have taken root in coastal soil.

    Alternentera lilac Alternanthera lilacina

    Under natural conditions, plants are found in reservoirs with low-current waters, mainly in South America. She only needs clean water and no direct light. Tolerates full immersion, but still prefers to rise slightly above the water.

    Beautiful flowering can be observed only above the surface; in the aquarium, the sprouts reach no more than half a meter in height. A bright shade acquires only with a sufficient content of carbon dioxide in the water. To do this, make special periodic top dressing. The plant has another name: the anther is large and is very in demand in aquarium design.

    Alternantera is a perennial herbaceous strongly branching plant, the amaranth family with fragile cranked branches and with various colors of leaves 5-10 cm high and more.

    Growing Alternantera

    Alternanters freeze only at temperatures below zero. Easily propagated by cuttings. Cuttings cut from mother plants take root in a breeding greenhouse on the fourth or sixth day at a temperature of + 15-20 °. Seedlings are ready for planting in open ground on the twelfth day.

    The main care of the uterine alternanthers in winter is to maintain a uniform temperature and moisture in the seed flower pots and boxes.

    Cuttings are carried out gradually, until April. Plant cuttings in seed boxes. When the soil temperature is above 20 °, the cuttings take root on the fifth or sixth day. In March, the cuttings taken from the mother liquors are planted in the light sandy soil of a warm greenhouse and shaded until rooting. After rooting, the plants are given full light. 5-10 days before planting, the plants are hardened by removing frames from the greenhouse for this. Seedlings are planted in open ground as flower beds are prepared. The soil should be moist with abundant lime mixed with black soil.

    In a sunny location, alternanthers planted in a sunny place in calcareous soils acquire the best color and leaf color.

    Alternate Care

    Caring for carpet beds and flower beds planted with alternanthers consists of daily watering, weeding, and constant cutting and shaping of plants.

    During the period of planting carpet plants in flower beds and flower beds, if the temperature is expected to drop to zero or below, the plants must be covered at night with matting, light reed mats, and burlap.

    Alternanters are the main carpet-mosaic plants. As border plants, they not only give flower beds a clean, tidy look, but also enhance the effect of flower arrangements.

    Varieties of alternantera

    The most common types are:

    • Alternantera aurea paronychioidee - the leaves are small, oblong, green-golden-yellow, retain their color all season. With a constant low haircut, the golden yellow hue of the leaves is lost, the green background is preserved;
    • alternantera nana compacta - leaves are medium-large, oval, dark green with pink hues;
    • Alternantera verzikoler - leaves of medium size, oval-elongated, burgundy in color with a bronze tint. This type of alternantera is tall and indispensable for dark dots and borders when arranging portraits and complex artistic flower beds and vases;
    • alternantera amena rosea - oval leaves, shiny, with carmine, red-orange and bronze-green tint;
    • alternantera paronychioides - with pinkish-red tops and olive-green lower leaves.

    Along with alternanthers, in the design of flower beds and flower beds with carpet-mosaic plants, mesembryantemum folis variegatis is used - a crystal (family of Crassulaceae). Its stems are creeping, juicy, fleshy, the leaves are heart-shaped, yellowish-white. Plant height 4-10 cm. Used for light spots and dots in flowerbeds and portraits.

    Mesembryanthemum is propagated by cuttings and seeds. Cuttings are produced from February to April. Cuttings are planted in sandy soil. Water them a few days after planting, when the fleshy leaves have time to tie a little. With watering, one must be careful, since excess moisture adversely affects the development and contributes to the decay of plants. Seeds are sown in sandy soil in February. Young shoots are kept in a sunny place and dive. Mother plants overwinter in a cool dry greenhouse, with rare watering. Seedlings are planted in carpet flower beds as soon as frost has passed. Almost does not need a haircut. Combines very effectively with alternanthers and iresine.

    The Alternantera genus belongs to the Amaranth family and includes about 200 species of perennial herbaceous or semi-shrub plants. The stems of the plant are fragile, strongly branching. The leaves are opposite, lanceolate, small in size. The color of the leaves differs in different species, it can be yellow, red, variegated. If the plant grows in bright light, the color of the leaves becomes more intense.

    Alternantera flowers are small and inconspicuous, located in the axils of the leaves in the form of capitate or spike-shaped inflorescences. At home, the plant rarely blooms.

    Many species of Alternantera are grown in the home or garden, and some semi-aquatic varieties are suitable as aquarium plants. Garden species are used as annual ornamental plants; when wintering indoors, they can grow for several years.


    Alternantera is a thermophilic plant. Species growing outdoors need to be moved to a greenhouse with a temperature of at least +12°C in winter.

    The plant requires weekly pruning of shoots, then it does not spread on the ground, but forms a large number of additional shoots and leaves, becomes more decorative.

    When growing Alternantera indoors, it can be kept outdoors during the summer.

    Most aquarium species of Alternantera do not develop well when completely immersed in water, as in nature they are semi-aquatic and marsh plants. Therefore, it is recommended to grow them in an aquarium on special side shelves or in containers placed on the bottom. The water in the aquarium needs to be changed.

    Diseases and pests

    Gray mold, aphids, spider mites, whiteflies.


    Seeds and vegetatively, cuttings.

    First steps after purchase

    Alternantera rarely suffer from diseases and pests, however, the acquired plant must be quarantined for two weeks to detect diseases or pests.

    Aquarium species before landing in the aquarium are carefully inspected, damaged parts are removed.

    Success Secrets

    Alternanters grow well in bright sunlight - the brighter the light, the richer the color of the leaves and the more decorative the plant. Alternantera tolerates even direct sunlight well. The temperature of keeping in summer should be about +25°C, in winter - not lower than +10°C. The plant is thermophilic, does not tolerate drafts and hypothermia.

    Watering is recommended moderate, more plentiful in summer than in winter. It is not advisable to allow the earthen coma to dry out. Plants are watered only with warm water. Plants do not need spraying, but the leaves must be periodically wiped from dust.

    Transplant Alternantera as the plant grows, preferably in spring or autumn.

    Possible difficulties

    Pale leaves, elongated stem

    Reasons: 1) lack of lighting.

    Leaves lose their decorative effect, become plain

    Reason: 1) lack of light, 2) excess nitrogen in the soil.

    The appearance of gray mold

    Reasons: 1) Excess moisture, 2) plant overflow.

    Alternantera is a genus of the family Amaranthaceae, also called the anther. Representatives of this genus came to us from the tropical belt of different continents. They live on the banks of rivers, where floods or floods often occur.

    The height of individuals in natural conditions is not very large - up to 25 cm, but they branch well and form wide bushes that grow and develop quite quickly.

    At home, it can be grown as an annual and as a perennial. Most often cultivated as an aquarium plant, but can also be used in pot culture. Please note that some species are poisonous, so be sure to check this before buying.

    Species and varieties

    A species that came to us from South America. Forms a bush with rather long - up to 25 cm - shoots, sessile (maybe on small petioles) whose foliage is painted in red tones. It has a delicate root system. It grows well on the wall of the aquarium when the stems spread along the water, but when completely immersed, the growth rate slows down.

    There is a dwarf variety mini , the size of the stems of which is much smaller. Another form Reinecke Alternantera pink has more saturated red shades of leaves.

    The bushes of this species grow up to 30 cm. It is relatively undemanding and has a high popularity due to its pink-green foliage. Excellent for high humidity growing in greenhouses or aquariums. When immersed in water, growth does not slow down as critically as in the case of Reineck.

    A species with shorter shoots, the length of which reaches a maximum of 20 cm. It differs from relatives in the more branching lower part of the shoot, which, while the plant is young, is covered with fluff. The leaves are green-red, and sometimes orange.

    Its foliage is also multicolored. It differs from other species primarily in that it is low and has leaves covered with wrinkles.

    It attracts attention with its foliage, the color of which differs on the front and back sides - it is red or green in front, and maroon below. It has a straight shoot on which oblong foliage is placed. When grown in an aquarium, it can reach half a meter in length. If sufficient humidity is observed during cultivation, then flowering is possible.

    Also a species with a long shoot, on which short-petiolate leaves are placed oppositely. The average length of the bush is 20 cm. It grows slowly, under the conditions of detention it can bloom, but the flowers do not have decorative value.

    This is a low plant with lanceolate oblong foliage, the top of which is painted in rich green, and the bottom is red. Usually part of the stem is placed above the water, but it grows quite tolerably when completely immersed in water.

    Low - up to 15 cm view. It grows vertically, has pubescence near the root. The leaves are lanceolate, lobed, olive in color with an ornament of light or red spots. There are a large number of varieties of this species with different foliage colors.

    Nice view with a long stem - up to 50 cm. The foliage is oblong, round, red tones, changing from light to dark, depending on the amount of light received by the leaf. It is worth paying attention to the fact that this species grows better than others when completely immersed in water.

    The height of the bush is 20-25 cm. It has long leaves, slightly bent in the middle. There are two forms: Red and Green with matching foliage coloration. Branches strongly at the base of the bush, forming sprawling thickets.

    Alternantera home care

    Alternantera is a specific plant that can be grown both in a pot and in an aquarium. Caring for him is not particularly complicated, but has its own nuances.

    Lighting should be bright, cultivation in direct sunlight is allowed. The brighter the light, the richer the leaves will be. If the lighting is insufficient, then the color of the foliage will become just green, and in the end result also pale.

    Since this is a tropical plant, the air temperature should be appropriate: in summer - 24-28 ° C, and in winter - not lower than 15-17 ° C.

    It grows best in high humidity, but generally grows well in dry air. Nevertheless, it can begin to bloom only at high humidity, usually this happens only when grown in an aquarium, but the flowers of this culture do not have a high decorative effect and it is valued primarily for its colorful leaves.

    Fittonia is an ornamental plant with an unusual coloring of foliage, grown at home care without hassle, if all the nuances of the content are observed. You can find recommendations for growing and caring in this article.

    Ground for the alternant

    When growing in an aquarium, the soil does not play a special role - in this case, they buy special mixtures intended for aquarium plants, but the presence of coarse sand has a positive effect on the development of the plant. In aquariums, most often, the alternantera is placed on the side shelves, so that the shoots rise above the water.

    When grown in a pot, coarse sand, perlite, as well as leafy and soddy soil are mixed - all in the same proportions. Also in this case, drainage and the presence of holes in the pot are required.

    Watering the alternanther

    If you have chosen an aquarium plant for yourself, then watering, of course, is not needed, but, from time to time, a water change is required, since the bush slows down development in stagnant water.

    When growing in a pot, watering should be moderate - as the top ball of soil dries out, because in this case, stagnation of moisture in the soil can lead to rot.

    Alternantera fertilizer

    When growing an alternantera in an aquarium, divalent iron salts are added to the water every 15 days.

    Potted plants are fertilized every two to three weeks from the beginning of spring to the end of summer with complex mineral dressing with a reduced nitrogen content, since a large amount of it is harmful to amaranth.

    Alternantera transplant

    Transplants are carried out when the roots completely fill the pot, it is better not to resort to this procedure once again, because the roots near the shoot of this culture are rather weak. If a transplant is needed, then it is carried out in the spring.

    Subject to all the rules, and especially high humidity, flowering may occur, but even so, this rarely happens at room conditions.

    Pruning the alternanther

    Trimming and pinching is desirable to carry out constantly. This is done to increase branching and, as a result, the formation of sprawling bushes, as well as to rarefy overgrown bushes.

    Alternantera breeding

    Alternantera can be propagated generatively - by seeds, and vegetatively - by cuttings. The first method is very time consuming and difficult for beginners.

    Cuttings, on the other hand, are much more widespread and do not require much effort. For cuttings, shoots are cut and the lower foliage is removed from them. Rooting is carried out in ordinary soil for growing adult plants, covering the stalk with a film.

    When the material begins to grow, the film is removed. Also, if the bush has grown too much, then it can be divided into parts during transplantation.

    Diseases and pests

    Among diseases, the most problematic is gray rot , which appears in potted plants due to excess moisture. All affected parts of the plant must be removed and treated with a fungicidal preparation, for example, copper sulfate.

    Common among pests whitefly , aphid And spider mite .

    whitefly lives under the leaves and lays larvae there. The pest is easy to detect by simply shaking the stem slightly - the insects will immediately take off. The larvae leave behind sticky marks, and the leaves on which they live begin to wither. The whitefly appears at high humidity, so the plant needs to be ventilated from time to time.

    Aphid forms black colonies on the stems, which feed on its juices and leave sticky remnants of their vital activity. To combat the pest, the bushes are washed with soapy water, sprayed with an infusion of garlic, alder, onion, and tobacco. Or they use insecticides - aktara, fitoverm, karate.

    spider mite leaves behind a white coating in the form of a powder. Later, cobwebs appear between the leaves, and the leaf itself dries out. To get rid of the insect, the plants are washed with soapy water or sprayed with infusions of garlic or onion peel. Among insecticides, actellik, fitoverm and neoron are distinguished. But note that some of the drugs are very toxic, so they should be used very carefully in the room.