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  • The order of finishing work in the house. Interior decoration of the house: a few important nuances of rough repairs that everyone should know about

    The order of finishing work in the house.  Interior decoration of the house: a few important nuances of rough repairs that everyone should know about

    Finishing the house is the hallmark of the entire structure. How the house looks outside and inside determines the degree of its comfort and coziness. If the construction of the house is carried out according to the project, then it should have a section with a passport for finishing the facade. In this part, the architectural team develops color schemes for the facade and selects the most beautiful, durable and inexpensive materials.

    Do-it-yourself home decoration should be done carefully and scrupulously. Since the finishing work is quite complex and requires a special execution technique, before the finishing stage, you should try your hand in an inconspicuous place.

    Ideally, a small booth should be equipped with the same material as the main one in the building. At this stand, you can hone your skills, select the necessary compositions and their consistency. After that, when you start working on the facade or inside the room, the result will be really good.

    Depending on the material chosen as an interior or exterior finish, you need different tools for the job. Before starting work, you should study the technical recommendations that the manufacturer gives for their materials.

    For example, some interesting solutions for exterior and interior decoration in the photo.

    Useful video: do-it-yourself home decoration

    In the interior of wooden houses, you need to use the natural component of the material used. Wood always looks beautiful and impressive. To make the tree more attractive, it can be treated with special impregnations that give the tree a beautiful shade.

    Interior decoration should not be made entirely of wood. This makes the interior boring and monotonous. Beautiful furniture and well-chosen decor will make the house cozy. In wooden houses, it is recommended to use light colors in the design. This approach makes the space more voluminous.

    As a calming element, you can use pastel drapes or textiles in an unobtrusive color that you like. Beautiful furniture complements the interior well. Some theses about the interior decoration of the house can be gleaned from the video:

    Making a room original is not as easy as it seems at first glance. The installation of internal decorative elements should be carried out taking into account design requirements. Sometimes it happens that two absolutely great things or solutions just don't look right with each other.

    The easiest way to make the original design of the house is with a plasterboard partition. From drywall, you can build a non-standard design, for example, a round window to the living room or an attention-grabbing portal around the perimeter of the door.

    The artificial aging of wood looks quite interesting, along with laying imitation stone on the floor. Despite the austere appearance, such an interior adds a special atmosphere to the building. Such an interior is ideal for a summer house, especially if its owners are hunting. The general style indicates the period of the Middle Ages.

    Also, you can leave the rounded timber unchanged. It only needs to be processed a little to give it a neat look. With such an interior, natural stone and soft textile elements look appropriate.

    Do-it-yourself home repair and decoration

    Repair is best to start with the preparation of the interior. All interior elements that can get dirty are best taken out in advance to another room. These include armchairs, carpets, paintings, and so on. After that, it is necessary to free up the internal space as much as possible so that the scaffold can move freely.

    All existing decorative finishes should be checked for strength, if they are old and require replacement, all material must be dismantled without leaving residues. The dismantling of old finishes is usually associated with a lot of dust. To feel comfortable, you should stock up on a respirator and goggles.

    After you need to check the integrity of the supporting structures and frame elements. Wood can quickly deteriorate under poor climatic conditions. Damaged areas should be replaced and analyzed, resulting in breakage or decay of the wood. In the future, it is not the consequences that should be eliminated, but the initial cause, which leads to the negative work of the main structures of the building.

    After the room is completely cleaned of debris and remnants of the old finish, you can proceed to the implementation of a new interior finish. All surfaces must be prepared, cleaned or leveled and only then decorated. If the tree has an unpresentable appearance, it can be painted with a special impregnation that will make the wood beautiful and fresh.

    The arrangement of decorative elements is carried out at the final stage, when all wet processes are completed. Now you can return removed furniture and other elements of the room.

    Finishing the house inside should be done purely from environmentally friendly materials. This will ensure the safety of the health of all family members who live in the house. In this regard, beauty is much inferior to usefulness. It is better to perform interior decoration work on your own after a little training in the intended work.

    If you need to sheathe the interior with a clapboard made of wood, stock up on a tape measure and a hacksaw, because you will have to measure and cut a lot of material. Finishing lining is installed on a special crate, which is attached to the load-bearing walls with nails or crutches.

    Along the length of the plank, large distances between the horizontal elements of the crate should not be allowed to appear so that the lining does not push inward. When the installation approaches the corner of the building, it is necessary to accurately measure the distance to the corner and start installing the last three lining strips from the corner. The corner one is nailed as is, and the last two in the wall are mounted at the same time. Place the planks at an angle to each other and press on them, they will slam shut and create a solid structure.

    If the built house has a frame structure, it can be finished with almost any material, from drywall to PVC materials. When building a log house, it makes no sense to sheathe the walls with foreign material; in this option, it is better to preserve the woody structure of the walls and only emphasize the ecological orientation of the building.

    Some interesting ideas can be gleaned from the video, which describes the main materials used for the interior decoration of a wooden house.

    We often decorate the house as we like, and then we are offended why others do not appreciate the beauty and flight of creative thought. The fact is that the individual concept of beauty is greatly exaggerated when you realize that an idea invented by oneself is embodied with one's own hands.

    In the meantime, most of the simple design tricks can make the interior beautiful for almost everyone. If you want to make your home a unique place, order a wall panel made using the wood carving technique. If you have the skills, you can do something similar on your own. Such a masterpiece will look much more beautiful than a banal carpet on the wall.

    To make the room unique, you need to skillfully consider the decor on the walls with the furniture that is in the room. For a wooden house, carved wooden furniture is ideal. You can make a beautiful carving yourself, but this process is long and laborious. To begin with, you will have to learn the skill and only then proceed to the implementation of the plan.

    If you want to saturate the room with mystery and good mood, add a few small details that match the theme of the overall decoration. These can be self-made figurines of animals in nature or an impromptu collage from your favorite cartoon. All these details only emphasize the decoration of the walls and fill the wooden house with sophistication.

    Starting repairs in an old house, you need to remove all the old finishes and establish the condition of the supporting structures. In case of detection of obvious violations in previously completed construction, everything should be eliminated. Floor beams and load-bearing supports can be reinforced with new beams on both sides, tightly connecting the elements of the old and new frame.

    Previously, the roofs of houses were designed from more powerful beams with a large pitch of rafters. Over time, wood ages and is no longer able to carry the loads previously placed on it. Therefore, it is advisable not only to strengthen existing truss systems, but also to add new ones.

    In most cases, you will need to send the floor in the premises. If the support lags are also old, they will also have to be replaced. The same applies to wall structures and decorative finishes that are available in the room. If the house is very old, major repairs should be done and not limited to just impregnation and staining of wood.

    Take a closer look at window structures, if they can no longer be used or their functionality is in question, feel free to change window blocks. The doors will have to be changed in any case, the look of the new flooring will spoil the old doors.

    After replacing everything outdated, you can start creating a new interior in the house. By this time, the old house had already been transformed and filled with new smells. Try to keep it as long as possible. Do not use varnish coatings for wood, it is better to use a special ecological impregnation. It will improve the fire resistance of the building, and leave a pleasant aroma indoors.

    Even if the basic idea of ​​​​decoration is already thought out and you can't wait to bring it to life, give the new premises a few days to settle down. Usually, the replacement or strengthening of load-bearing structures entails an additional load on the foundation, which can lead to additional settlement of the building.

    In a few weeks, you will be able to fully finish the decoration of the premises and spend your first day in a beautiful and new home.

    So, the construction is completed, it's time to start finishing work. The better the action plan is drawn up, the less time and money we will spend.

    1. Internal walls (non-bearing). If you plan to remove internal partitions in your plans, then it is with them that you should start. Be sure to check before demolishing the interior walls how such changes will affect the laying of electrical wiring and other communications.

    2. Interior walls installed where they should. We carry out the laying of electrical wiring, as well as sewer pipes, cut grooves for heating radiators, lay electrical cables, television cables, etc. A little trick: we film the laying process on a photo or video, which will greatly facilitate the search for the necessary elements in the future.

    3. Next, we prepare the base of the floor. We carry out thermal and waterproofing on the ground, and sound insulation - on the ceilings. We install heating pipes. We carry out a cement screed, then we hide it in order to avoid contamination during further plastering work.

    4. We plaster walls and ceilings with traditional (wet) plaster. Often, one layer of gypsum is placed on lime-cement plaster. Gypsum plaster dries more slowly than lime-cement plaster, so you should wait for it to dry completely.

    5. Internal window sills can be installed both after plastering is completed and in front of it, but in the latter case, close them carefully so as not to stain or scratch them.

    6. We prepare the base for a specific floor covering using self-leveling screeds. You can walk on it in a day, but it will take at least three to four weeks before it dries completely. Only after this period it will be possible to start laying the flooring. The thickness of the screed and the thickness of the flooring must match.

    7. We put the working area in order, remove debris - this will facilitate further repair work.

    8. We carry out the finishing by the "dry" method. After the screed and plaster have dried, we install drywall boards. Previously, this should not be done, because drywall will deform under the influence of moisture. Next, putty and grind drywall boards.

    9. The next step is laying the tiles on the plaster. It can be carried out a few days after applying the plaster. It is recommended to lay tiles on a primed concrete wall after the concrete has completely dried, that is, after 90 days.

    10. We prime the walls before the first painting. It is important that the temperature in the room during priming is not lower than 5 gr. Celsius. Humidity should also not exceed the threshold of 80%. Painting begins with ceilings and ends with walls.

    11. When the "wet" work is completed, the screeds are completely dry, you can start laying the parquet. If the humidity is high in the room, it must be dried with special dryers. When the parquet is laid, further processing (varnishing) can be carried out after a few weeks.

    12. We mount doors and skirting boards. Installation is carried out before varnishing wooden floor coverings. It is important to ensure that door openings and doors are accurately measured after the flooring has been laid.

    13. Sanding and varnishing parquet. First, we prime the parquet, then, with an interval of two to three hours, varnish it (2 layers). The floor will be completely ready for operation in 10-15 days. Until this time, you should walk on it very carefully.

    14. We paint the walls a second time, having previously covered the skirting boards, doors and other items that may get dirty with a film. Easy to use masking tape.

    15. And finally, we install built-in furniture, appliances and equipment. We screw switches, sockets, lamps. During these works, cover the floors with cardboard so as not to damage them.

    about me and my team

    Stroganov Kirill

    I have been in the renovation business for over 15 years. The most pleasant thing for me is a solid list of satisfied customers.

    My main task is to organize the repair process in such a way that it would be easy and pleasant when interacting with me and my team. I am as open as possible to you.

    I will help you choose modern material, both expensive and not expensive.
    I'm optimizing the budget. Many years of experience allow me to offer you the best way to reduce the cost of repairs without loss of quality even in the premium class.

    I managed to put together a great team that works well together. This allows you to clearly meet the deadlines for work, not go beyond the agreed estimate and save your time and effort.

    We approach our work with pleasure, starting from the creation of a design project and ending with advice on arranging furniture and decorating a room.

    Finishing work, how to do it correctly and inexpensively.

    Finishing work (OP) is the process by which a protective layer is created for the structure. She receives protection from external negative influences. Also, the operational period of the surfaces is significantly developed, and a more attractive appearance is created. Thanks to competent finishing, such characteristics of the object as sound insulation and fire resistance are also improved.

    Types of finishing works

    Since they can be carried out from the outside and from the inside of the room, then their types are appropriate. A more detailed division is as follows:

    1. Plastering.
    2. Painting.
    3. Glass work.
    4. Facing.
    5. Wallpaper pasting.
    6. Stucco work.
    7. Work on clean floors.

    Before finishing work, the following stages must be completed:

    1. Preparation.
    2. Dismantling.
    3. Draft OR.
    4. Clean OR.
    5. Electrical work.
    6. plumbing operations.

    Preparation stage

    The main thing here is the preparation of the room. Furniture and other barriers to work are taken out of it. The creation of the necessary space is due to the plan of the planned work and the type of repair. If a major overhaul is planned, then all the furniture from all rooms is taken out.

    During cosmetic repairs, furniture from one room can be deployed to another. Very massive furniture can remain in the room, but it should be moved to the center of the room.

    It is also important to eliminate old wallpaper.

    If it is necessary to replace the flooring, the work is carried out in parts. Any change in the position of massive furniture after the final stage of repair is carried out very carefully.

    It is possible to replace doors without changing blocks after repair. If it is necessary to replace the door blocks, these actions are performed before working with the walls.


    Here, operations are carried out to eliminate old components: finishes, wiring, plumbing, etc.

    The goal is to improve the quality of the upcoming repair, replacement of structures or redevelopment.

    Dismantling can be done on your own. You can turn to professionals. One way or another, it can affect such objects:




    Detached commercial buildings.

    Old wallpaper, paintwork, tiles and other finishes must be eliminated from the walls and ceiling. More modern materials will follow in their place. And also such dismantling allows to reveal different effects and to carry out high-quality leveling of surfaces.

    Partitions may also fall under elimination. Cut out additional openings for windows and doors.

    When dismantling the floor, its sheathing material is removed. Logs and boards can also be removed if a concrete base is being considered.

    On the ceiling, plasterboard structures are removed.

    How to remove windows, doors and wiring?

    When windows and doors have solid thermal conductivity, they are replaced - they are completely dismantled.

    Remove electrical wiring very carefully to avoid electric shock. Before this process, all electricity in the apartment / house is turned off. Then all the wires coming from the distributor, sockets and other current-carrying places are cut with wire cutters.

    When the cable is located in the wall, it is better to extract it using a chisel, hammer, puncher, or drill. When removing it, it is important not to spoil the necessary electrical appliances.

    They include the following:

    1. Plaster. The goal is to close cracks and uneven areas larger than 5 mm. Work affects walls and ceilings. Cement compositions are used:

    With lime

    With sand

    With plaster.

    There are also stages of work here:

    A) Surfaces are prepared for the base.

    B) Beacon profiles are installed.

    C) The walls are finally leveled.

    1. Masonry stage. Systems are created from isolated building materials. Their assembly is obtained in a certain algorithm. They are reinforced with cement mortar.

    Partitions, walls, columns, fireplaces can be installed. Of the materials, it is worth using natural stone, foam blocks, bricks, etc.

    1. Drywall work. Walls, various partitions, arches, slopes, suspension mechanisms, etc. are installed.
    1. Painting stage. Surfaces are treated, primed, reinforced (if necessary), ground and polished. The final phase is puttying with leveling agents.
    1. Plumbing. Sewerage and water supply, communication systems are being arranged. Pipes are installed and bred. Their tightness is checked. Devices are installed that take into account the flow of water. On the floor, an area is being prepared for a bathtub, a shower cabin and other plumbing fixtures.
    2. Electrical installation. Chasing walls. Installed wires and cables. Areas for sockets and switches are being prepared. Openings are created in the walls for shields and meters, fuses, adjustable blocks.

    Ceilings are installed here. If necessary - and a variety of rack and other structures.

    Walls and ceiling surfaces are painted. Mixtures for painting in several layers are applied to the treated surfaces (after priming and puttying).

    Wallpaper is pasted. The walls are primed before this. Wallpapers are selected according to taste and for the tasks of the room, as well as for the type of wall surface. Glue is selected based on the type of wallpaper. For example, to glue non-woven wallpaper, you should not use glue for ordinary paper wallpaper.

    Tiles can be glued in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. The process can take place on:

    cement compound,

    adhesive solution,


    The surface for tiles is prepared: it is plastered, leveled, a screed is made (if necessary).

    The floors are being laid. It can be parquet, laminate, linoleum and other materials. Thresholds and skirting boards are installed.

    Doors and their components are mounted: platbands, limiters and other fittings.

    Lighting fixtures are being installed. They can be on ceilings, walls and floors.

    Plumbing is being installed.

    Replacing wiring is a necessary operation, even with cosmetic repairs. These activities can be done on your own. But you still need the help of professionals in this area. The prices for these services vary. Their calculation proceeds from the type, difficulty and scope of the planned work. The replacement of the outlet is usually calculated immediately. A specialist can make some calculations right away, having studied the scope of work and knowing the wishes of the customer.

    Within this stage:

    1. New wiring is being designed and laid. It can be isolated or open. It's a matter of the owner's wishes.
    1. Completely or partially change switches and sockets. Their work is adjusted. They can also be transferred from one area to another.
    2. Removed old lamps. New devices are installed and transferred.
    1. If necessary, the reason for the lack of current in a certain segment of the circuit is revealed.
    1. Various counters, automatic devices and RCDs are installed.
    1. The shield is assembled and assembled. Also, there can be several shields.
    1. Eliminate old communications.
    1. Lightning rods are installed, and a ground loop is mounted.
    1. Networks with low voltage are being installed: these are TV, Internet, telephone communications.

    Even with this installation, they can: ditch walls, lay wires into the created strobes, mount main cable trays, etc. The main characteristics of the quality of these works are:

    1. All components of the circuit work in harmony.
    2. Electricity is supplied without interruption.

    Plumbing work

    They include a fairly wide range of diverse works. Some of the work is simple, they can be implemented on their own. And some can only be performed by specialists. And they mean a hefty expense. Examples of such work:

    1. Installation and repair of plumbing fixtures, water supply networks.
    2. Connection and adjustment of household equipment.

    It is optimal to order a complex of works. In this case, there will be serious expenses, but your plumbing will be of high quality.

    Materials used and their pros and cons

    Types of materials depend on the place of their application.

    Wall finishing options:

    First. Wallpaper. They can have textures, photos, images, be glossy, matte, monotonous, etc.

    Their advantages:

    1. Solid variety.
    2. Different price range.
    3. Ease of wall preparation.
    4. High dynamics and ease of sticking.
    1. Susceptibility to mechanical stress.
    2. If some area is damaged after painting, if it is difficult to replace. The reason is the differences in the shades of circulation.

    Second. Decorative plaster. It can be used in various designs. Its advantages:

    1. Serious texture and color assortment.
    2. You can make your own image on it.
    3. Moisture resistant.
    4. Durability.

    Its cons:

    1. High application complexity.
    2. Too serious price tag.

    Third. Dye. It also has versatility. Strengths:

    1. An abundance of flowers.
    2. Can be used in different rooms. In the bathroom and in the kitchen, you can use moisture resistant and oil versions.
    1. Ease of application.
    1. Long service life.
    1. There are versions at any price.
    2. allowed to create patterns on the wall.
    1. Shows all uneven areas on the surface.
    2. The need for coverage in 2-3 layers.
    3. Nasty smell.
    4. Long drying process.

    Fourth. Tile. Usually it is glued in bathrooms and kitchens. Her strengths:

    1. Moisture resistant.
    2. Ease of laundering.
    3. Resistant to light mechanical stress and wear.
    4. Does not ignite.
    5. An abundance of color modifications, textures and sizes.


    1. Modest sound and heat insulation.
    2. Fragility.
    3. Complicated fitting process.
    4. High price tags.

    Fifth. MDF panels. Pros:

    1. Fast and easy installation.
    2. Environmental Safety.
    3. They do not need to prepare the walls.
    4. abundance of types and colors.
    5. Easy to clean while using.
    6. Modest prices.
    1. They show stains and traces of liquid.
    2. Pretty fragile.
    3. Susceptible to moisture.
    4. This is a combustible material.
    5. Unrepresentable look.

    Sixth. Tree. The usual option for country houses and baths. Pros:

    1. Creating a warm atmosphere.
    2. Hiding uneven areas.
    3. Ease of installation.
    4. An abundance of forms.
    5. Improves noise isolation.
    6. Nice smell.
    7. Environmental friendliness.
    8. It can be dyed in different colors and tones.
    9. With proper processing, resistance to decay and durability appears.
    1. Serious prices.
    2. The need to update the defense against insects and moisture.
    3. Doesn't handle temperature fluctuations well.

    In private homes, the interior becomes chic thanks to natural stone. Its advantages:

    1. Durability.
    2. Graceful look.
    3. Strength.
    4. Environmental friendliness.
    5. Resistant to moisture and temperature fluctuations.
    1. Solid prices.
    2. Massiveness.
    3. Clogged with dust. It's hard to extract it.

    For those who need modern materials, PVC panels are suitable.

    Their advantages:

    1. Fast installation.
    2. Lightweight sheathing.
    3. An abundance of colors and images.
    4. Modest prices.
    5. Ecology.
    6. Heat and sound insulation.
    7. Moisture resistance.
    8. Durability.
    1. Flammability.
    2. Brittleness.
    3. Burnout in the sun.

    Ceiling Options

    Stretch and drywall options usually appear here. Their comparison is set out in this table:




    Environmental friendliness




    The need for powerful surface preparation

    Abundance of designs

    High speed and ease of installation

    High prices

    Potential Sag

    The complexity of self-installation

    Difficulty cleaning dirt

    Potential web tears, collapses


    Weakness to cold temperatures

    Damaged area cannot be replaced

    easy to scratch

    When using powerful lamps, spots appear

    High prices

    Perfect evenness

    Can create a variety of designs

    On top of this material, any skin fits perfectly.

    Behind this material, insulation and cables can be placed

    Not the best strength

    Moisture and fungus resistance

    The need to plaster seams and screws

    You can decorate the ceilings from the inside with wallpaper, paints and whitewash.

    Whitewashing is a fairly old method of decorating. Its advantages:

    1. Ease of implementation.
    2. Cheapness.
    3. Does not lower ceiling height.
    4. The ability to "breathe".
    5. Ecology.
    6. Mold protection
    1. The need for surface preparation.
    2. One color option is white.
    3. cannot be washed.

    If you are a supporter of the classics, then the white ceiling is your option. You can apply bleach. Usually its color is selected in lighter colors by analogy with the color of the walls.

    Floor Options

    All of them must have the following qualities:

    1. Ease of use.
    2. High strength.
    3. Fire resistance.
    4. Non-slip surface.
    5. Possibility for additional insulation.

    If you need a universal option, then linoleum will fit. It is great for any space. Due to the abundance of colors and images, it is easily matched to any interior.

    If you need an option with a better look, then it is better to take a laminate or wood. They have some analogies.

    In rooms with high humidity and load on the floor, it is better to use ceramic tiles.

    Even today, carpet has won good fame. This is an elegant replacement for carpets.



    Ceram. tile


    Easy and fast installation

    Moisture resistance

    Heat and noise insulation


    Easy to wash

    Abundance of choice

    Tendency to deform

    Resistance to chemical elements

    Resistance to low temperatures

    Resistant to temperature fluctuations




    Noise due to poor installation

    Requires special preparation before installation

    fakes on sale

    There are permanent breaks.

    Ease of maintenance

    Unpleasant odors

    To finish the floor less often these options are used: natural stone, cork, rubber, bamboo and self-leveling floor.

    Common mistakes when performing finishing work

    Mistakes made during OR can negatively affect their quality and service life:

    1. A design project has not been created that reflects the visual result. It helps to understand in advance what the appearance of the interior will be when the work is completed. This will allow you to correctly calculate the required volumes of materials and resolve the issue with the types and volume and necessary work.
    2. Positions of plumbing, electrical equipment are not defined. Even at the beginning of the repair, you need to solve this dilemma in order to:

    A) Determine how and where the sockets and switches will be located.

    B) Develop a method for laying cables, pipes, ventilation, etc.

    C) Calculate the load of the mounting structure.

    For example, if you randomly plan the positions of lighting devices without dividing them into groups, in some areas of the premises you will get very weak or very strong lighting.

    1. There are no reinforced structures, reinforcement and insulation in the right places. Example: if the partitions are plasterboard, then a reinforced profile must be mounted in the installation areas of massive furniture and other similar elements.
    2. The conditions of all the main surfaces in the room have not been studied for defects. The same goes for communications. Example: if you do not change the wiring in an old house, it may not be able to cope with the load from powerful household appliances. As a result, circuit breakers will fly out.
    3. There is no study of heat loss sources. Example: without insulation of walls in apartments, where necessary, they can freeze, become damp. They grow mold and fungus.
    4. Repairs are being carried out partially. If it is not made uniformly in the whole apartment, but only in rooms, there may be level differences in the ceilings in the rooms. So it will be more difficult to build communications, the created coatings will be damaged.

    If the available funds are not enough for a complete repair, it is better to save up even more and arrange full-fledged work.

    1. The use of cheap materials and compositions. As a rule, such materials are not durable. They won't last long. And soon it will have to be redone again. An example - if you lay pipes made of metal-plastic with cheap fittings, there is a high risk of leaks.
    2. No control over repairs. Control is essential when hiring workers. For example, they may deviate from the design project, install a socket or pipes in the wrong areas, etc. Therefore, it is important to monitor the quality of work at all stages.
    3. Poor quality repair. This point follows from item 8. Some brigades charge small amounts for their services. Most often, the reason for this is the low professional level of employees. Such brigades can make repairs for a very long time and of poor quality. The end result is a waste of money.

    Factors affecting the cost of repairs

    Repair is a global event. It requires certain costs. But what are the factors that make up its cost? Their list is as follows:

    1. The professional level of employees. The higher it is, the higher the dynamics and speed of repair.
    2. The responsibility that experts can take on and the guarantees they provide.
    3. Hiring a team or an agreement with a company. In the second case, the payment is always higher, but there are more guarantees for the high quality of repairs, and all activities are reflected in the documentation.
    4. The amount of work carried out by a team or firm.
    5. The number of decorative components. For example, due to the use of 3d panels, ceiling lights, the payment for work also increases. These nuances must be foreseen in advance. The easier the repair is started, the easier it is to agree on an estimate.
    6. Dynamics of work implementation. Here workers can work in two shifts. Accordingly, the payment will be higher.
    7. Hire a foreman. It is needed if for some reason you cannot control the execution of work yourself. And if you can, and even get the materials yourself, then you get savings. But the time costs are enormous.

    Interior design is an issue that should be taken care of while building a house or even at the inception stage of its project. Interior design can be done independently, having decided on the layout of future premises and the arrangement of furniture, or entrust this work to a professional designer. According to the desired interior decoration of the house, we will draw up a plan for you to unfold the walls and ceilings of each of the rooms, agreeing on such important trifles as the location of all sockets, switches and lighting devices. Together with you, we will discuss and solve all the technical issues of the upcoming interior decoration of the rooms.

    2. The next step is the installation of all internal walls and partitions. Brick or aerated concrete can be used as a material for the walls of the first floor, and walls and partitions on the second and subsequent floors, in the case of floors on wooden beams, are usually constructed from double plasterboard sheets (GKL). At the same time, it is very important to control the height and width of the doorways, so that when installing door frames and doors, the platband must cover part of the wallpaper or decorative plaster. This and many other nuances, of course, are known to experienced builders and are taken into account at the very beginning of interior decoration. In parallel with the installation of walls, it is possible to carry out the insulation of floors between floors and the installation of floors (logs, plywood or OSB boards).
    3. At the third stage of finishing work, a rough floor screed is made. To do this, the main engineering communications are installed: an electric cable is pulled into the house, pipes for water supply and sewage pipes are drawn, and diesel fuel is supplied if there is no gas pipeline in the house. The source of water supply can be central water supply systems, wells or wells. When all the necessary communications are connected, the floor is covered with expanded clay (or half sand and then expanded clay), on top of which a rough concrete screed is poured.

    4. Next, lay and install all engineering communications. At this stage of the finishing work, the walls are ditched, the electrical cable is pulled, and the sockets for sockets and switches are prepared. On top of the rough screed, a special heat-retaining material isolon is spread, covered with a special mesh and underfloor heating pipes are laid. Lighthouses are set up and the floor is filled with plytonite or vetonite. Pipes are stretched to all heating radiators and pipes with a heating cable are brought into the house from a water supply source. They carry out gating and wiring of pipes for hot and cold water supply, lay pipes for internal sewerage and draw a conclusion to the septic tank. At the same time, it is necessary to know in advance the plan of the kitchen and bathrooms, with all the furniture and plumbing fixtures.

    6. Then the walls are prepared for wallpapering or applying decorative plaster (Venetian, etc.). It is important to strictly adhere to the established technology of finishing works: priming the walls, installing a galvanized mesh, plastering on lighthouses, puttying. At the same time, the finishing of window slopes, ennoblement and installation of plastic or stone window sills are carried out.

    7. The seventh step is the installation of ceilings. If reinforced concrete floors are installed in the house, then plastering is carried out on the lighthouses. Otherwise, the ceiling is usually sheathed with drywall (gypsum plasterboard), and in the attic or in the bathroom on the second floor, you can make a ceiling from a lining.

    9. The penultimate step is the finishing of the premises. The walls are pasted over with wallpaper, tiled, sheathed with clapboard or painted, an apron is arranged in the kitchen; tiles, parquet or laminate are laid on the floor; doors are being installed, skirting boards and thresholds are being installed. Light fixtures, sockets and switches are installed and connected. Plumbing is installed: bath, shower, sink, toilet, bidet, mirrors and other accessories. After pasting the walls with wallpaper, heating radiators are mounted, and the rooms take on a finished look. Furniture is delivered and installed.

    10. At the final stage, the boiler room is connected, the boiler is installed and the heating and water supply systems are launched. If it is planned to install a diesel burner, then outside the house (as an option: dug into the ground) a container for diesel fuel is built, insulated and covered with a canopy. A water purification system is mounted using conventional cartridges in flasks, such as Big Blue. But if the water contains hazardous impurities or heavy metals, then our trusted partners install a more complex water purification system, on the principles and features of which we are ready to give additional advice.

    All the listed works on each of the ten points are carried out responsibly and efficiently by the specialists of the ABC of Construction.

    The cosiness and comfort of a country house depend not only on reliable walls and roofs, but also on the quality of the finishing of the house as a whole. All work on the construction of a private house is divided into several stages, and the final is the finishing of the house inside and out. The decoration of a private house combines several different types of work at once, requiring wide knowledge and skills in the construction business from the master. When finishing a private house with your own hands and not having extensive experience in this matter, you need to know the following - the decoration of a private house is divided into internal and external. Each of them uses its own finishing materials and building technologies.

    The importance of the appearance of a private house cannot be overestimated. The first impression of the house itself and its owners depends on how well the materials are selected and how well all the work is done. The exterior decoration of the house includes work with the facade and plinth, and they are carried out after all work with the roof has been completed. Doing the exterior decoration of a private house with your own hands will not be difficult, the main thing is to know what and how to do.

    Finishing the facade of a private house

    Today, the market can please with a large selection of finishing materials for facades, ranging from various plasters to ventilated facades. The choice of this or that material depends purely on the personal preferences and financial capabilities of the owners of a private house.


    This method of finishing the facade of the house has been known for a long time and is still popular. The most widely used cement-based plasters with various additives. With the development of technology, acrylic, silicone, insulated and various decorative plasters appeared. When choosing one or another plaster as a material for finishing the facade, you must make sure that it is suitable for outdoor use. Plastering the walls of the house allows you to create a smooth and uniform surface, which in addition will strengthen and insulate the walls of the house.

    The plaster is applied to the prepared surface, which is cleaned of dust and impregnated with a deep penetration primer. To increase strength and durability, the plaster layer is reinforced with mesh.

    Plasters are very popular. "bark beetle" And "under the coat". The technology for applying the first is the same as for ordinary plaster. But “under a fur coat” is carried out by spraying plaster on the wall through a sieve with cells of a certain size.


    Finishing a private house with siding appeared relatively recently. This simple and affordable way of facade cladding is to install vinyl or metal strips that are mounted one on top of the other. Finishing the facades of private houses with siding allows you to make a ventilated facade with a vapor-permeable film, if necessary, you can insulate it. All work on the installation of siding is quite simple and does not require special knowledge. The main thing is to do everything carefully and gradually.

    Stone, tile and porcelain tile

    Facing with ceramic tiles, artificial or natural stone belongs to the category of very expensive facades. The cost of materials and the complexity of the work do not contribute to the growth in popularity of this type of facade decoration. More often you can see a combined stone-plaster or tile-plaster finish. Sometimes, instead of plaster, ordinary paint or whitewash is used.

    As already noted, finishing the facade with tiles or stone is a very complicated matter and requires certain skills and abilities that have been honed over the years. A mistake can cause the wall to collapse and have to be redone. Therefore, this option for finishing the facade is best left to professionals.

    decorative brick

    This finishing material has been used for quite a long time, but thanks to modern technologies in construction, facing bricks of various shapes and shades can be found on the market. The performance of laying facing bricks is not much different from laying ordinary bricks, but it is worth noting that facing bricks are more demanding on the accuracy and accuracy of the work performed. In addition to the impressive appearance, the advantages of facing bricks include the possibility of equipping thermal insulation between the wall and the finish. For those who want to finish the facade with facing bricks, a partner is required. Usually, the laying of facing bricks is carried out in parallel with the construction of walls. The connection between the facing brick and the wall is made using a masonry mesh. If you have to brick an already built house, then you need to slightly increase the base itself in order to create a reliable stop for masonry. And only after that proceed to the laying of facing bricks. If necessary, the space between the wall and the masonry can be additionally insulated, for example, with expanded clay.

    Ventilated facades

    This facade finishing option appeared relatively recently, but quickly gained popularity due to ease of installation, the possibility of creating thermal insulation, ease of repair, the presence of wall ventilation and a beautiful appearance. In addition, this finish option is suitable for all types of wall surfaces. The design of such facades is a metal or wooden frame, on which composite panels, porcelain tiles, natural stone and much more are hung.

    Finishing the facade of a private house: photo

    Located in the lower part of the facade, the plinth protects it from dirt and mechanical damage. For this reason, it is customary to finish the plinth with the most reliable and durable materials, which in addition serve as protection against moisture. The materials for finishing the basement are the same as for the rest of the facade, but the main selection criterion is strength and water resistance.

    Plinth cladding begins with high-quality surface preparation and consists of the following works:

    • elimination of various irregularities, chips and cracks by filling them with a repair compound;
    • the repaired surface must be impregnated with a special deep penetration primer to increase the adhesive and strengthening characteristics;
    • before laying facing materials with a porous structure, their working surface should be treated with a water repellent.

    To date, the most popular finishing materials for the plinth are:

    • clinker tiles;
    • stone tiles;
    • polymer tiles;
    • resin tiles;
    • fake diamond;
    • slate;
    • PVC panels;
    • various plasters.

    The main difference between the finishing work of the basement and the facade is the increased attention to the waterproof and water-repellent characteristics of the basement.

    Interior decoration of a private house

    The most time-consuming and lengthy stage of construction is a set of finishing works for the interior of a country house. In fact, the interior decoration of a private house is the embodiment of an interior design project to life. All interior finishing work begins after the subfloor has been created, electrical wiring has been installed, heating and plumbing have been installed. Finishing work: plaster, putty, painting, wallpaper pasting, laying tiles, laying flooring and so on are finished and are final in the construction of a country house.

    Finishing private houses: interior design photos

    Ceiling decoration in a private house

    It is most convenient to start finishing work from the ceiling. Since in any case, something somewhere will “blurt out” or fall, and then you will have to clean the surface or even redo it again. The performance of all work on finishing the ceiling, in comparison with walls and floors, is somewhat more difficult due to the inconvenience of applying finishing materials. But it all depends on the skill and ability to handle the tool. In all other respects, it is quite possible for a beginner to finish the ceiling on his own, the main thing is to know what and how to do.

    The construction market offers a wide range of materials for finishing the ceiling, and designers can always come up with something original. Today, the most popular options for finishing the ceiling are suspended ceiling, stretch ceiling, wallpapering, as well as time-tested methods such as whitewash And painting. What exactly the ceiling will be depends on the overall interior design and the possibility of its implementation. Finishing the ceiling should begin with leveling the surface with plaster, putty and, having soaked the surface with a primer, you can start applying the finish coat.

    These finishes have been known for a long time and are the easiest to implement. The work does not require special knowledge or skills, and you can cope with them yourself. The main advantages of this ceiling finish are simplicity, availability and very low cost of materials. From materials for whitewashing, quicklime is used, and a wide range of paints can be used for painting, ranging from ordinary alkyd to lime paint.


    Like painting or whitewashing, wallpapering the ceiling belongs to the category of budget finishing options, but in comparison with them, this finishing option is an order of magnitude more complicated. Wallpapering the ceiling with wallpaper will require some skill and skills, moreover, you can’t do without a partner. It should be noted that for this finishing option, special ceiling wallpaper or liquid wallpaper should be used. Of course, on the market you can find premium wallpapers, the price of which is very high, but here it all depends on the wishes and budget. It is highly recommended not to use vinyl wallpaper and silk-screen printing.

    A feature of this finish is the creation of a structure that is attached to the ceiling and hides it, while allowing you to equip a unique backlight using a variety of lighting fixtures, and also makes it possible to create a multi-level ceiling. The design itself is only a base that needs to be puttied and then painted or wallpapered. Unfortunately, the main disadvantages of this finishing option are a decrease in the overall height of the room and some complexity in creating the structure itself, which requires excellent engineering and construction skills.

    For a suspended ceiling, a metal profile of various shapes, drywall sheets, special fasteners, self-tapping screws and dowels are used. It is better to entrust the creation of a false ceiling project to a professional, as this requires specialized knowledge and experience.

    As with a suspended ceiling, the stretch ceiling design allows you to hide the ceiling and make a variety of lighting, but the structural elements of the stretch ceiling are already attached to the walls. A unique feature of stretch ceilings is the ability to use various materials with patterns and prints that allow you to create a unique ceiling surface. In addition, a stretch ceiling can be combined with a suspended one, thereby creating a multi-level structure.

    The design of the stretch ceiling is quite simple and is a profile with a snap-in mechanism to hold the stretched canvas, which is attached around the perimeter of the room. The installation of stretch ceilings requires certain skills to stretch a fabric or PVC web, but no special skills are needed to fix the profile.

    Wall decoration in a private house

    The next stage of work after finishing the ceiling is finishing the walls of a private house. As in the case of ceilings, the choice and use of materials depends on the style of the room and the design project developed earlier. Popular wall finishes are wallpapering, ceramic tiling, artificial or natural stone, decorative plaster, plasterboard sheathing or simply wall painting.

    Although some finishing materials require good tool skills and experience in the construction industry, the work is generally easier than when working with ceilings. Also, before proceeding with the finishing of the walls, their surface must be carefully leveled with plaster and putty. Today, ceramic tiles, wallpaper, decorative plaster, various paints, drywall sheets, lining, and many other materials on the market are used to decorate the walls of a private house.

    In fact, the same materials are used to finish the ceiling and walls. Unless for the ceiling, the exception is ceramic tiles, artificial and natural stone.

    Finishing floors in a private house

    The main work on the arrangement of the floor was done at the stage of creating the foundation, but the floor is finally created already during the interior decoration. It should be noted right away that the finishing floor covering is laid at the very end, after the completion of the entire finish, so as not to accidentally damage it throughout all the work.

    The choice of flooring depends on whether the floor is concrete or wood. So for concrete floors, any floor covering is suitable, ranging from ceramic floor tiles and ending parquet. But for wood there are certain restrictions on materials. For their finishing, you can use massive board, parquet, laminate, linoleum. Such restrictions are associated with the design of the wooden floor and the technology of laying flooring. Of course, even on a wooden floor, you can put ceramic tiles and equip the "warm floor" system, but the reliability and durability of such a design will be in question.

    Some features of interior decoration

    It is worth noting that the decoration of the kitchen in a private house, bath and bathroom requires the use of materials that are resistant to conditions of high humidity. Therefore, various alkyd paints are often used to finish the kitchen ceiling. The walls are finished with ceramic tiles, clapboard or simply painted. For the floor in such rooms, laying linoleum, tile or stone is most suitable.

    To decorate rooms such as the bedroom and living room, you can use any materials. The main thing is that they meet the requirements for environmental friendliness, since we spend more time in these rooms.

    Finishing the corridor in a private house is a special case. It's all right next to the street. Therefore, when choosing what to do with the finish, preference should be given to moisture-resistant materials that are resistant to temperature extremes. In addition, it will not be superfluous to take care of good thermal insulation.