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  • Limonium broadleaf, sea Lavander. Kermek: growing from seeds, planting and care Limonium Tatar white growing from seeds

    Limonium broadleaf, sea Lavander.  Kermek: growing from seeds, planting and care Limonium Tatar white growing from seeds

    statice (statice), or kermek (lat. Limonium)- a genus of the family Svinchatkovye, which was previously attributed to the Kermekov family. According to various sources, there are from 166 to 350 species in the genus, growing throughout Eurasia and on other continents, sometimes forming thickets up to half a meter high even in sand dunes. The scientific name of the plant means "steadfast, unyielding". In our country, statica is otherwise called by the Turkic word "kermek", Tatar white lemongrass, sea lavender or immortelle. It has been cultivated as a garden plant since 1600.

    Planting and caring for static

    • Bloom: from July to frost.
    • Landing: sowing seeds for seedlings - at the end of February or at the beginning of March, planting seedlings in open ground - at the end of May or at the beginning of June.
    • Lighting: bright sunlight.
    • The soil: drained, sandy or loamy, slightly alkaline or neutral reaction.
    • Watering: infrequent and moderate: a sign of the need for moisture is the loss of turgor by the leaves.
    • Top dressing: are optional, but when growing in poor soil, it is better to feed the plant with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer a week after planting the seedlings in the garden, and after another 2-4 weeks, you can make a second top dressing. Since September, the site has not been fertilized. If you grow statica in fertile soil, there is no need for additional fertilizers.
    • Reproduction: seed.
    • Pests: practically unaffected.
    • Diseases: botrytis, white mold.

    Read more about growing statics below.

    Flowers statice (kermek) - description

    Kermek Tatar is a perennial herb or shrub with large, often basal leaves forming a large rosette, and straight, leafless, but densely pubescent stems from 30 to 90 cm high. Small five-membered Kermek flowers with cups of white, yellow, blue, blue, purple, salmon, pink, raspberry or purple are collected in spikelets that form corymbs or panicles. The flowering of statice lasts from July until frost, and the seeds do not lose their viability for 4-5 years.

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    The genus Kermek has about 300 species distributed throughout the planet. Most of the species grow in the Asian and European regions of the Mediterranean. Under natural conditions, kermeks grow in arid places, due to this, plants usually have a powerful, long tap root.

    Perennial biennial herbaceous and rhizomatous plants with basal leaves, sometimes subshrubs with leafy, woody shoots. Kermek flowers are small, purple, pink, yellow, purple, in multi-flowered or single-flowered spikelets, collected in dense ears, forming complex corymbose or paniculate, sometimes spherical inflorescences located on angular, rounded winged peduncles.

    The corolla slightly exceeds the calyx, the petals are almost free, only fused at the very base, the calyx is wheel-shaped, dry, pubescent, brightly colored. Kermek blooms from July until frost.

    Until recently, 30 species of the Kermek genus were used in horticulture, and even then to a limited extent, but now interest in this plant has increased both among landscape designers and flower growers. Therefore, breeders have created many new beautiful varieties and introduced many new species.


    The most popular of Kermeks are the following types:

    broad-leaved kermek,

    Kermek Tatar,

    kermek gmelipa,

    the statice of Suvorov,

    notched kermek,

    kermek caspian.

    According to agricultural technology, plants of this genus are divided:

    - species grown as annuals: Kermek Bonduelli, Kermek notched, Kermek Chinese.

    - species grown as perennial plants: Kermek Gmelin, Kermek Caspian, Kermek ordinary, Kermek broad-leaved.

    Previously, Kermek Tatar belonged to the genus Limonium, but then the plant was isolated in a separate genus - goniolimons.

    Perennial species of the genus Kermek, widely used in horticulture:

    Kermek Gmelin

    It grows on salt marshes in southern Russia, in Central Asia. Siberia, Central Europe, Mongolia, Northern China. It is found on sea coasts, as well as in river valleys.

    Outwardly, Gmelin's kermek is similar to broad-leaved kermek, but it has less branched shoots. The foliage of Kermek Gmelin is obovate, light or gray-green. Peduncles in the uppermost part paniculate-branched. Flowers in dense, short racemes, collected in corymbose inflorescences, purple, there are species with snow-white flowers. Kermek Gmelin blooms at the end of summer.

    The plant is beautiful when dried, and alive, in addition, it is an excellent honey plant and is used for dyeing leather, fabrics, carpets in yellow, pink, green and black, and also for tanning leather. This type of kermek is similar to broad-leaved kermek not only in appearance, but also in agricultural technology and growing conditions.

    In the middle lane, it is winter-hardy, but a dry shelter for the winter period is desirable. Requires shading from bright spring rays. Kermek Gmelina has no varieties.

    Kermek Caspian

    Perennial plant, native to the same places as Kermek Gmelin. Under natural conditions, he loves wet salt marshes, shores of sea coasts and salt lakes.

    Outwardly, the plant resembles Gmelin's Kermek, but in the lower part the flowering shoots are not bare, but are densely covered with amazing thin branched shoots. Kermek Caspian has medium-sized inflorescences, lilac. Kermek Caspian is very beautiful and is grown abroad for cutting for bouquets. In our country, this plant is practically not cultivated, because the plant is too thermophilic to grow in a garden in Russia in the middle lane.

    Kermek ordinary

    Homeland is Western Europe and Africa.

    Perennial plant 50 cm tall. Foliage in a basal rosette, large. The flowers are blue-violet, small, in spikelets. Flowering lasts 50 days.

    Kermek broadleaf

    A plant growing wild in the forest-steppe zone of Europe, the Caucasus.

    This is a herbaceous rhizome plant, perennial, 80 cm high. The plant is densely pubescent. Foliage in a rosette, elliptical, large, green, collected in a rosette. In August, large, leafless shoots grow from this rosette, they are purple-blue flowers, which are collected in spikelet inflorescences.

    During the period of flowering and seed ripening, kermek looks like a huge openwork ball. Blooms in July for 50 days. In culture, broad-leaved kermek is very beautiful and looks unusual in mixborders; it can be used as a tapeworm. Kermek broadleaf attracts insects due to its unpleasant odor, which quickly disappears when dried.

    Kermek broad-leaved prefers sunny open places and well-permeable soils. Good for top dressing, especially humus or compost. The plant is drought tolerant. Propagated by seeds. Seedlings in a permanent place should be planted at the end of August. Kermek broadleaf does not tolerate transplantation well.

    This species reproduces both vegetatively and by dividing rhizomes in autumn or spring, but these divisions take root hard. There are no varieties of this type of kermek. In our country, it winters without shelter, but suffers from stagnant water.

    There is a genus Kermek in the Svinchatkovye family. Most of its species are very decorative and are actively used to decorate the garden landscape. One of the representatives is the hero of our article. But contrary to the name, it has nothing to do with lemon.

    In height, depending on the variety, it reaches from 25 to 100 cm. The perennial garden planting perfectly tolerates winter. Bell-shaped flowers of various shades: green, white, beige, blue, purple, yellow, orange. They please the owners with their appearance from the beginning of summer to mid-autumn. The representative of the flora has pinnate-lobed leaves, their appearance is wrinkled and deformed.

    Outdoor care

    Location and lighting

    Ultraviolet is very important for growth and full development.. Under natural conditions, the bush grows in the steppe. Dependence on the rays of the sun forces gardeners to select open areas. Otherwise, the green shoots stretch out and lose their decorative effect. Over time, they become thinner, and flowering stops.

    Even a small shadow can be harmful.

    Temperature, humidity and watering

    The root system of limonium is about 100 cm long. Thanks to this, it tolerates short drought well. But a long one negatively affects the garden planting. An alarm signal - drooping and withering leaves. So, kermek requires "drinking". Rainwater at room temperature will be suitable. The best time to "drink" is in the evening, after sunset. The liquid is poured under the root. Adult representatives need it less than young ones.

    Perfectly adapts to our climatic conditions. Why is it so appreciated by gardeners. The plant prefers dry and hot air. Frosts down to -5 do not pose a danger to him.

    Soil and top dressing

    There are no special requirements. But it is categorically worth excluding heavy clay.

    Loose, sandy soil with good drainage is ideal.

    If only sandy is available, then timely fertilization will make it favorable. Avoid wet and marshy places when planting. The optimal acidity is neutral or alkaline. Too acidic soil is neutralized with lime. If you want compact bushes, then poor soil will be suitable. Fertile leads to strong branching and growth. Sand can be used as drainage.

    For lush and long flowering, mineral complexes for flowering crops are added. Add them from March to November, if the land is not nutritious. The approximate schedule is once a month. But, if the composition of the soil includes the content of all the necessary elements and minerals, then top dressing is applied only when planting.

    Flowering and wintering

    Many owners complain about the lack of "bells". For their appearance, favorable conditions are necessary: ​​an open sunny landing site; neutral or alkaline loose soil; long and warm summer; the absence of nearby tall neighbors or buildings that shade the plant. Perennial species delight with their flowering 1-2 years after planting. This time is required for the formation of a long root system.

    If the variety does not tolerate low temperatures, then in the fall it is removed, and the flower bed is dug up. Representatives that can survive the cold winter need additional training. It consists in pruning the aerial part after dying off and covering it with foliage. A film is placed on top of the natural material; it will help protect the root system from melt water in the spring.

    Diseases and pests

    An adult and healthy specimen is resistant to ailments and uninvited guests. But, if you do not follow the rules for care, then the plant attacks. First aid when an insect is found is to wipe the leaves with alcohol or spray the green mass with soapy water. If folk remedies do not help, then you will have to use chemicals - insecticides. If necessary, the procedure is repeated after 2 weeks.

    Another common problem is root rot. The best remedy is prevention. With proper watering and the use of drainage, such an unpleasant phenomenon can be avoided.

    Planting limonium in open ground

    Seedlings can be planted in a permanent place after the threat of frost has passed at night. For central Russia, the right time is the beginning of June. In warm regions - mid-May. It should be a bright place without close groundwater. Drafts are not terrible.

    The seedling is transferred to the ground along with an earthen clod from a bowl. The depth of the hole is equal to this volume. The optimal distance between plants is 25-27 cm.

    Plant propagation

    Annuals, as well as perennial flowers, are best planted using seeds. The long and fragile rhizome does not tolerate division and transplantation. Therefore, the vegetative method is practically not used. Planting material is widely represented in specialized stores. But the first difficulty that gardeners have to face is germination. The ribbed skin that covers the seeds is dense and thick. But you can't clean it up. Experienced gardeners recommend one trick: rub the surface of the seeds with sandpaper.

    After the procedure, the planting material is sent to a pre-prepared wet substrate. After germination, each seed is planted in a separate cup. This will help with further "moving" to open ground, so as not to damage weak roots. A peat container is suitable as a container. Previously, the soil is sifted from debris, pebbles and other unnecessary elements. Disinfection is carried out in advance by calcination. This is an excellent prevention of diseases and insects that can destroy a young fragile seedling.

    Seeds should not be buried in the ground. It is enough to sprinkle them with earth.

    To create conditions close to greenhouse conditions, the glass is covered with a film. Periodically it is removed for airing and spraying. The temperature in the room should be at least 20 degrees Celsius. Rooting will take 3 weeks. After that, together with a glass, you can plant it in the chosen place in the garden. At first, the young "resident" requires little attention: tall weeds are carefully removed, fed and watered if necessary.

    Use in landscape design

    To decorate the garden plot, modern experts use more than 20 types of kermek. Every year more and more new varieties appear, which explains the increased interest in it. Decorators and arrangers actively use the plant's ability to keep its bright "bells" for a long time, even with the onset of cold weather. They make beautiful bouquets of dried flowers and leafy paintings.

    rudbeckia. A rarer composition is asters, gravel and sage. Despite the fact that the plant gets along well with all its "neighbors", many homeowners create mixborders exclusively from limonium varieties. Having picked up multi-colored representatives, you can create an amazing composition.

    The garden planting at the foot looks beautiful. It is planted among stone elements. The plant plays a similar role next to a dry stream. Among the variety of varieties it is easy to choose the right one for. Tall representatives are welcome guests in a flat flower bed. Medium and undersized take their rightful place on the borders and discounts.

    Species and varieties

    The most famous and often used varieties for transforming the landscape are:

    • Suvorov;
    • Gmelin;
    • broad-leaved;
    • sinuate;
    • Tatar.

    Kermek (lat. Limonium) is a multi-species genus of plants of the Plumbaginaceae family. At one time, this genus was considered to belong to the Kermekov family (Limoniaceae). Among the representatives of the genus there are perennials and annuals, herbaceous and shrubs. Kermek is a Turkic name, its other name - "limonium" comes from the ancient Greek word "meadow" and has nothing to do with lemon.


    The root system is pivotal, with minor lateral processes. The root reaches a meter in length, which allows the plant to receive nutrition in its natural habitat - arid steppe regions. Stems slightly pubescent, erect, branched at the top, wide-winged along the ribs.

    Leaves pinnately lobed, entire, wrinkled-deformed. In some species, they are collected in basal rosettes, in others, there are also small leaves along the stem growth.

    Kermek flowers are bell-shaped, five-membered, rather small, but numerous, form double inflorescences. First, they gather in spikes, which, in turn, form paniculate or corymbose inflorescences. The color of the flowers varies from white to purple, it can be pink, yellow, green, salmon. Kermek blooms from July until frost.

    The structure of limonium

    Species used in floriculture

    The genus includes about 200 species. In the wild, plants are found in the Mediterranean, North Africa and even Australia.

    Perennial types of kermek grown in our conditions as annuals:

    K. notched, or statice (L. sinuatum) - one of the most famous and highly decorative species with a whole range of colors - white, blue, light blue, lilac, purple. Numerous oblong leaves up to 10 cm high are collected in a lush basal rosette, from which 5 to 15 erect stems rise 60 cm. In the upper part, the stems branch and crown with corymbose inflorescences of dense spikelets, on which small (up to 1 cm) flowers are densely planted.

    C. Bonduelli(L. bonduellii) - a tall (up to 90 cm) perennial, outwardly similar to notched kermek, but has thinner stems without comb-like outgrowths and less dense inflorescences. Flower color is white or yellow.

    K. chinese(L. sinensis) is a recently cultivated, heat-loving species. In our conditions, it develops slowly, the seeds do not have time to ripen. Tall (up to 70 cm) perennial, with a classic appearance for plants of the genus - several stems released from a basal rosette of glossy leaves, and openwork inflorescences of very small flowers. The flowers are yellow in color and are surrounded by white or cream funnel-shaped perianths.

    Bouquet of statice with flowers of different colors

    K. perez(L. perezii) - a species popular with florists with lush large inflorescences, specially grown in greenhouses for making bouquets. High (up to 60 cm) shoots are in perfect harmony in cutting with other plants. It is also widely used as a horticultural crop.

    The most common perennial types of kermek in culture:

    K. broadleaf(L. platyphyllum = L. latifolium) is a densely pubescent perennial up to 80 cm high. The leaves in the rosette are elliptical, leathery. In August, leafless branched shoots grow from the rosette, crowned with inflorescences of purple-blue flowers. Plants of this species grow beautifully into an openwork ball with a diameter of 40-50 cm. It is widely used for harvesting dried flowers.

    K. Gmelina(L. gmelinii) - outwardly resembles broad-leaved kermek, but its shoots are less branched. The leaves have an obovate shape, high straight peduncles (up to 50 cm), paniculate inflorescences form in the upper part. Small white or purple flowers are collected in dense brushes.

    K. caspian(L. caspium) - a very beautiful, heat-loving species, but, unfortunately, practically unsuitable for growing in the middle lane. Promising for the southern regions of the country. Outwardly, it resembles Gmelin's kermek.

    K. vulgaris(L. vulgare) - perennial medium-high (up to 50 cm) species. The leaves are classically collected in a basal rosette, the flowers are very small, form double inflorescences and crown the peduncles.

    Kermek Tatar at one time belonged to the genus Limonium, but at the moment it is separated into a separate genus - Goniolimon.

    Known among gardeners, Plantain or, in another way, Statica Suvorov is also classified in a different genus - Psylliostachys.

    Photogallery of species

    Cultivation and care

    For growing and caring for Kermek, there are a number of basic rules that are valid for representatives of the main garden species.

    The main condition for the plant is good illumination of the landing site. Kermek is extremely dependent on sunlight, so only open places are suitable for him, otherwise the shoots of the plant are stretched, thinned, and flowering may not take place.

    Limonium is not too demanding on the composition of the soil, but it is advisable to avoid heavy clay soils for planting. Feels best in loose, well-drained soil with an admixture of sand. The kermek plant prefers dry, hot weather. Although it tolerates frosts down to minus 5 degrees.

    In care, moderate watering is recommended during dry periods, and then only if the leaves show signs of dehydration - they wither and droop. Top dressing with complex fertilizer is applied to the soil at the stage of preparation for planting, in the future no fertilizer is required.

    Inflorescence of Kermek notched


    Kermek does not tolerate transplantation, because it is almost impossible to dig a long and thin root without damage. For the same reason, propagation of limonium by division is not feasible.

    Kermek is grown from seeds, which should be sown in open ground in the spring, as soon as residual frosts have passed. However, this is a rather risky option, because under the slightest adverse conditions, small seeds run the risk of not germinating.

    It is best to sow seeds for seedlings in March, immediately in separate containers, in order to limit the number of transplants, keep in a bright room at a temperature of 20-22 degrees. Sprouts appear in 10-14 days. Seedlings can be planted in open ground starting from the second half of May. During planting, it is important to maintain a distance between plants of at least 25 cm, closer proximity leads to crushing of inflorescences. When planting a kermek, you should once again make sure that the root rosette (growth point) is not covered with earth and is available for good lighting.

    Kermek shoots

    Typical diseases and pests. Prevention methods

    Kermek is an unpretentious plant, diseases and pests mostly bypass it. Of the pests, only aphids are interested in kermek. You can get rid of it by spraying the plants with an alcohol solution of liquid soap.

    Root rot should also be remembered - the result of excessive waterlogging, which can be avoided by good drainage and moderate watering.

    Dried kermek can stand for several years

    Use in landscape design

    Interesting. Kermek is an excellent material for obtaining dried flowers. To get a winter bouquet, the plant is cut off immediately after the buds open and hung upside down in a well-ventilated area. Limonium flowers do not crumble, retain their color well, openwork twigs will decorate the interior for more than one season.

    Kermek looks good in group plantings near walls and fences, although do not forget that it must certainly be a sunny side. Low-growing varieties are suitable for edging flower beds and garden paths.

    Kermek peresa in landscape design

    In mixborders, purple-flowered kermeca varieties go well with yellow-orange calendula, rudbeckia or marigolds. Varieties with white or yellow flowers are in harmony in the flower garden with asters, sage, gravel. Traditionally, limonium looks elegant in the composition of white gypsophila.

    Due to the huge variety of colors and shapes, Kermek has become popular among gardeners, hobbyists and florists. With very little effort in care, you can get a long, for the entire second half of summer - the beginning of autumn, decorating the site with shining inflorescences of this plant.

    Kermek is a plant that can be both annual and perennial. Its name is associated with a Turkic origin, but there are other variants of the name of this flower, such as: limonium and statice. This plant belongs to the genus Svinatkovyh. Some time ago, this plant was considered part of the limonium genus, but later Kermek was isolated in the goniolimon genus. As for goniolimon, it is a type of herbaceous plants that are perennials. In nature, kermek lives in the steppe, can grow on slopes of stones, plains and foothills are also a favorite territory of this flower. You can meet Tatar goniolimon this color in almost any corner of the planet.

    Kermek itself is a plant with a height of thirty centimeters and up to one meter. Its stems are hard, lignified, the leaves are located at the roots. Limonium flowers are small and there are a lot of them. Outwardly, the bush during flowering looks like a bright cloud. Flowers come in a variety of colors such as yellow, blue, purple, white, pink, cream, and green. It begins to bloom in July, and continues until the very cold. Peduncles undergo a certain compression at the top, and the whole plant resembles an umbrella. When the Tatar goniolimon finishes flowering, its verks are leaned down, and the shape of the plant changes, it begins to resemble a ball. If limonium grows in the steppe, then its dried shoots break off very easily, and the inflorescence, which turns out to be spherical in shape, rolls along the ground, which is why people call this flower “tumbleweed field”. The root system of the Tatar Kermek is long, it can go deep into the soil up to one meter. Such roots are needed to extract moisture in an arid climate, with a lack of moisture. Due to such a branched root system, it is extremely difficult to transplant this plant, because it is very problematic to dig out the roots, and if the root is damaged, the plant may not survive, so kermek is most often grown using seeds.

    Variety of species

    The most common types of Tatar Kermek are:

    • Kermek notched - this plant is an annual. Its height can reach eighty centimeters. The flowers are titmouse in color and are in corymbose inflorescences.
    • Kermek Bonduelle - This plant is a perennial. Its height is up to ninety centimeters. This species is grown as an annual plant. Bonduelle stems are very thin, and the flowers can be white or yellow, they are quite large in size.
    • Kermek Bunge - This plant is a perennial. Its height is from thirty to sixty centimeters. The root system is very thin, the stems branch shortly, the flowers are purple and collected in spike-shaped inflorescences.
    • Kermek Caspian - this plant is also a perennial. Its height is fifty centimeters. The flowers have a soft purple color, they are collected in thyroid-shaped inflorescences.
    • Kermek Chinese - this plant is perennial, it grows up to seventy centimeters up. If Kermek grows in a temperate climate zone, then it is grown as an annual. The flowers of the plant are small, they are yellow and collected in openwork inflorescences.
    • Tree-like Kermek is a rather tall shrub, whose height exceeds one meter, its stems are woody, its leaves are leathery, and the flowers have a rich pink color.
    • Kermek Gmelin - this plant is also a perennial, its height is not large, about thirty - forty centimeters. The leaves are large in shape, and the ears of flowers are dense. They bloom in a soft purple color, the flowers gather in corymbose inflorescences. This type of kermek also carries medicinal properties.

    Growing a plant

    All types of kermek are considered unpretentious, they tolerate cold well, but there are some points that must be observed.

    Landing place. Kermek grows in open space, it is practically not cultivated in greenhouse conditions or indoors. Most of all, the plant needs sunlight, for Kermek even the length of daylight hours is important, and the amount of light that it receives per day. If a flower lacks the amount of light, then its shoots stretch out and the plant stops its flowering cycle. In order not to create shadows from one plant to another, they are planted at a distance of up to thirty centimeters.

    Air humidity. Dry air for Kermek is the most preferred conditions for existence. The leaves of the plant should not be soaked in water, even when watering you need to be careful so that the shoots do not come into contact with moisture, because this can give impetus to the development of microbes.

    Temperature. The most suitable temperature for growing kermek is twenty-thirty degrees of heat during the day, and somewhere around fifteen degrees of heat at night. The plant is resistant to cold and feels fine at temperatures as low as minus five.

    The soil. In relation to the soil, Tatar Kermek is not demanding. It can be grown anywhere, but it is better not to plant it in clay soil. Loose soil with a good drainage system and a large amount of sand is best suited for this plant.

    Water and irrigation activities. Kermek does not need frequent and plentiful watering. If the plant is grown in open space, then it does not need additional moisture at all. The flower receives moisture from dew and rain. Kermek needs additional watering only when the plant is grown in conditions where it is clear that it lacks moisture. Once a season, it is recommended to moisten the flower with water with a small amount of salt.

    Fertilizer. Often, fertilizer is used only once, when the plant sits down. Basically, these are complex fertilizers. If the soil in which kermek grows is poor in useful elements, then you need to fertilize the soil every fifteen days.

    plant propagation process

    Kermek is most commonly grown from seeds. As soon as the spring frosts end, you can plant the seeds in open soil. The plant can also be grown in the form of seedlings, which are germinated in separate containers, so that in the future it would not be necessary to replant the flower once again. Seeds for seedlings can be sown as early as March.

    Kermek will begin to germinate within a week, after sowing. In the form of seedlings, this plant is transplanted into the ground to its permanent place of cultivation, already after mid-May. When planting flowers, it should be remembered that the distance between them is no less important than the conditions for its growth. When planting a bush, special attention should be paid to the rosette, because it must receive the proper amount of sunlight.

    Diseases and pests

    Kermek Tatar is an unpretentious plant and diseases and all kinds of pests are not a frequent occurrence. One of the main pests that a plant can have is aphids. To drive it away, you need to spray the plant with a solution of soap and alcohol.

    One of the variants of limonium diseases can be rot. It affects the roots of plants and appears due to too much soil moisture. To prevent this from happening, you need to monitor watering, do not flood the plant, and in addition, the soil where Kermek grows must have a good drainage system so that the water does not stagnate.

    plant application

    Kermek Tatar is most often used to create rockeries, mixborders, alpine slides, in all these options the plant shows itself amazingly. A feature of this plant is that it becomes as beautiful as possible when dry. Kermek flowers are dried when the largest number of flowers is open. The drying process is carried out in a shady room. In order to properly dry the flower, it must be put in water, it is better not to pour a lot of it. The plant opens the maximum number of flowers, and at the same time slowly fades. Seeds during this period can be collected in order to plant new plants next year.