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  • Individual work on a walk of the 1st junior group. Card file of walks "Winter" for children of the first junior group

    Individual work on a walk of the 1st junior group.  Card file of walks

    Regina Pulatova
    Card file of walks "Winter" for children of the first junior group

    Walk No. 1« Winter»

    1. Observation "behind the crow"

    Target: Note children on coloring crows. The body is covered with feathers, so they are not cold. Birds fly, flap their wings. The crow is bigger than the sparrow. Birds fly to the feeder if you fill them with grains.

    Kar-kar-kar! - shouts the cheat.

    Well, a clever thief!

    All the shiny things

    This bird loves it!

    And she is familiar to all of you,

    What is her name?.


    2. P / game number 1

    Target: learn to imitate the movements and voices of birds, learn to move without interfering each other, cultivate love and respect for wintering birds, cultivate a desire to play outdoor games.

    3. Independent games children with pull-out material

    Target: to learn how to use the spatula correctly, to bring the work begun to the end, to develop motor activity.

    4. Individual work: throwing.

    Target: exercise in throwing at a distance with the right and left hands. Develop an eye, cultivate a desire to perform exercises.

    Remote material: Shovels, panicles, buckets, sleds.

    Walk No. 2« Winter»

    1. Observation "behind the snow"

    Go out with the kids walk and take a good look around you. What did you notice? Everything is covered in white snow. The snow sparkles in the sun, even the eyes hurt. Invite the children to walk in the snow and listen to how it creaks.

    The snow is white, cold, light.

    Fluffy white snow

    Spinning in the air

    And the earth is quiet

    Falling down, falling down!

    Target: develop coherent speech skills, develop observation skills,

    cultivate an aesthetic perception of the environment.

    2. P / game number 2

    Target: continue to develop auditory attention, motor activity,

    educate the desire to play outdoor games.

    3. Independent games children with pull-out material

    Target: continue to teach how to use the spatula correctly, bring the work started to the end, develop motor activity.

    4. Individual work: jumping on two legs with advancement.

    Target: learn to jump on two legs moving forward, develop motor activity, cultivate a positive attitude towards physical exercises

    Remote material: buckets, sleds, shovels.

    Walk No. 3« Winter»

    1. Observation "How people are dressed"

    On the street winter, freezing. Are people wearing winter clothes? What? Fur coats, warm jackets, hats, felt boots, mittens, scarves.

    There is a big frost in the yard,

    Freeze the doll's nose.

    We'll give her a coat

    And a warm scarf

    Head in a warm hat

    We hide our hands in our sleeves,

    We will have a doll

    All wrapped up now

    Target: develop observation, aesthetic perception,

    cultivate curiosity.

    2. P / game number 3

    Target: to learn to establish the relationship between the weather and people's clothes,

    fix the names of winter clothing items, enrich the dictionary,

    learn to listen.

    3. Independent games children with pull-out material

    Target: to teach to work together, not to interfere with each other, to develop motor activity, to cultivate industriousness, to teach to walk freely in a column one at a time.

    4. Individual work: observation "behind the snow"

    Target: to form ideas that the snow is cold, the water in the tap is warm, develop coherent speech skills, memory, thinking, cultivate curiosity.

    Remote material: shovels, molds for snow, sledges, oilcloths for skiing.

    Walk No. 4« Winter»

    1. Observation « Cold winter»

    “Pay attention to your clothes. We all dress warmly, because it is very cold, frosty outside, winter. I will tie Sabrina's belt tighter so that the cold wind does not blow, the frost does not get under her fur coat. Is everyone dressed up? Amil, look, are Arisha wearing mittens? Today we will take dolls with us, they also have warm clothes.” The birds hid from the cold. No one is visible, everyone was dispersed Cold winter. Only one wind walks. Hear how he sings: "V-v-v! V-v-v!" Repeat how the angry winter wind sings and howls

    Burning frost crackling,

    It's dark outside;

    Silver frost

    Pushed the window

    Target: Continue shaping y children coherent ideas about this time of year, fix the names of clothes, shoes.

    2. P / game number 4

    Target: teach them to start moving and stop at the signal of the teacher. Develop at children the ability to perform movements on a sound signal, to consolidate the skill of building in a column.

    3. Independent games children with outgoing material.

    Target: continue to teach how to use the shoulder blades, develop motor activity, cultivate a desire to help adults.

    4. Individual work: getting to know the cat.

    Target: to form ideas about pets, what benefits they bring to people, exercise in the pronunciation of onomatopoeia, develop memory, speech, form ideas about the correct ways to interact with animals.

    Remote material: shovels, scoops, panicles, buckets, molds for snow, oilcloths for skiing downhill.

    Walk No. 5« Winter»

    1. Observation "behind the birch"

    let down children to the birch. Admire the birch with the children. Examine her trunk (White, with black stripes - looks like a sundress). Pay attention to how beautifully the snow lies on the birch branches.

    White birch under my window

    Covered with snow, like silver.

    Target: to form knowledge about the features of birch, by which it can be distinguished from other trees, develop aesthetic perception, cultivate a desire to protect and preserve nature.

    2. P / game number 5

    Target: to develop motor activity, to bring up the desire to engage in physical exercises.

    3. Independent games children with pull-out material

    Target: to teach how to work with a shovel, develop motor activity, cultivate a desire to participate in caring for trees, instill a respect for nature.

    4. Individual work: jumping on two legs.

    Target: exercise in jumping on two legs, develop motor skills, cultivate a positive attitude towards physical exercise

    Remote material

    Walk No. 6« Winter»

    1. Observation "behind the pine"

    let down children to pine. Draw their attention to characteristics.

    Instead of leaves, needles are always green, the branches are long at the bottom, short at the top. In winter, only the pine stands green. Offer to go through the entire territory of the orphanage and find a pine tree.

    You can always find her in the forest

    Go for a walk and meet.

    It is prickly, like a hedgehog,

    In winter in a summer dress

    Target: to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe features of a pine tree by which it can be distinguished from other trees, develop observation, cultivate a respect for nature.

    2. P / game number 6

    Target: to cultivate a desire to take care of trees, instill a respect for nature, learn to imitate the characteristic movements of animals, improve motor skills, develop attention, motor activity.

    3. Independent games children with outgoing material.

    Target: continue to work with a shovel, develop physical activity, cultivate a desire to participate in caring for trees, instill a respect for nature.

    4. Individual work: drawings in the snow.

    Target: imagination, develop interest in drawing, develop fine motor skills of hands.

    Remote material: buckets, molds, seals.

    Walk No. 7« Winter»

    1. Observation "behind the winter trees"

    Admire the snow-covered trees, pay attention children to the beauty of the landscape. Clarify what color is typical for winter trees. If the sun shines, the snow on the trees glistens.

    Explain to the children that on frosty days the branches of bushes and trees are very fragile, break easily, so they must be protected, not broken, not knocked on the trunk with a spatula, not run over by sleds.

    Maples are sleeping, birches are sleeping,

    They don't rustle in the wind.

    They dream in cold winter

    Summer noise of green foliage.

    Dreaming of a distant lightning,

    And the merry rain is dreaming

    Target: to expand the idea of ​​\u200b\u200btrees in the winter season, to learn to admire the beauty of native nature, to develop observation, aesthetic perception, to cultivate a desire to take care of natural objects, respect for them.

    2. P / game number 3

    Target: to teach to perform characteristic movements, to develop running, speed, to cultivate an attentive attitude towards peers.

    3. Independent games children with pull-out material

    Target: continue to teach how to work with a shovel, develop motor activity, cultivate a desire to participate in caring for trees, instill a respect for nature.

    4. Individual work: onomatopoeia exercise "How does the car honk?"

    Target: to learn to distinguish and name transport, to develop coherent speech skills, to cultivate activity in communication.

    Remote material: shovels, buckets, molds, seals.


    Walk 1

    Observation behind a butterfly - to form in children a caring attitude towards insects, to cultivate the ability to see the beauty of the world around them.

    game exercise"Come to me" - exercise children in running in a straight direction without stopping.

    Didactic task"Large and small pebbles" - to teach children to distinguish objects by size.

    Labor order“We will collect the toys at the end of the walk” - learn to perform the simplest tasks.

    Individual work.

    Walk 2

    Observation for birds - to enrich children's ideas about the world around them.

    mobile game "Bubble" - to consolidate in children the ability to become in a circle, gradually expand and narrow it.

    Didactic game

    Labor order"Let's collect the sand in the sandbox" - learn to perform the simplest assignments.

    Individual work.Game exercise "Walk along the path" - exercise children in walking in a limited area.

    Walk 3

    Observation for a dog - to involve children in observing pets, to form ideas about pets.

    mobile game "Sun and rain" - learn to act on a signal.

    Didactic game“Spread by color” - learn to distinguish between primary colors, group objects (sandbox molds) by color.

    Work. We will collect branches on the site - to involve in the implementation of the simplest assignments.

    Individual work.Jumping on two legs.

    Walk 4

    Observation for flowers in a flower bed - to cultivate the ability to see the beautiful around, admire the beauty of flowers, learn to take care of plants.

    mobile game "Cat and Mice" - learn to walk in a circle, holding hands, scatter in different directions with the end of the poetic text.

    Didactic game“Pick up a ribbon for dolls” - learn to distinguish ribbons by length: long and short.

    Work. We build a road out of sand - to teach to work next to each other.

    Individual work. Throwing at a target.

    Walk 5

    Observation behind the car that brings food to the kindergarten - to involve in the observation of transport, to learn to name the parts of the car: cabin, wheels, steering wheel, etc.

    mobile game "Train" - to exercise in walking one after another, to teach how to start and end the movement at the signal of the educator.

    Didactic game"Big - small" - to learn how to choose a house for a bear and a mouse. (Draw the houses in advance with a stick on the ground or with crayons on the pavement.)

    Work. " We will sweep the sand from the sides of the sandbox ”- to cultivate the desire to work with the educator.

    Individual work.Practice walking in a straight line.

    Walk 6

    Observation at the work of a janitor - to acquaint adults with the work, to support the desire to help.

    mobile game "Catch up with me" - learn to run in a certain direction.

    Didactic game“Recognize a friend by description” - teach to recognize your comrades by the description of the educator.

    Work. We collect leaves - help the janitor.

    Individual work.Jumping forward.

    Walk 7

    Observation behind the wind - to acquaint children with accessible natural phenomena, to diversify game activities with the help of actions with turntables.

    mobile game "Hit the target" - develop an eye, coordination of movements.

    Didactic game“Bring the same item” - teach among toys to find a similar one.

    Work. Let's collect the sand in the sandbox - to involve in the execution of labor assignments.

    Individual work.Repeat the Russian folk rhyme "A fox with a box ran through the forest."

    Walk 8

    Observation for birds - to cultivate interest in the world around us, to maintain interest in observing wildlife, to cultivate a desire to take care of birds.

    mobile game "Catch-up" - exercise in running.

    Didactic game"Learn by sound" - the development of auditory attention.

    Work. We collect toys after a walk - to bring up the desire to clean up toys after games.

    Individual work.Repeat the nursery rhyme "Big feet walked along the road ..."

    Walk 9

    Observation for clothes: one's own and passers-by - to activate the vocabulary on the topic "Clothes", to form knowledge about how to dress in the fall.

    mobile game "Run to me" - exercise in running in one direction without bumping into each other.

    Didactic game"Find the cub" - learn to find the cubs of pets in the pictures.

    Work. Let's collect the leaves - to cultivate the desire to fulfill orders.

    Individual work.Draw with a stick in the sand - develop an interest in drawing.

    Walk 10

    Excursion to the garden kindergarten- to form knowledge about vegetables, learn to name them.

    mobile game "Catch the ball" - learn to run in a certain direction.

    Didactic game"Assignments" - to learn to understand verbal instructions.

    Work. Help in harvesting potatoes - to cultivate a desire to help.

    Individual work.Finger gymnastics "We chop cabbage - chop."

    Walk 11

    Observation behind the clouds: white, the wind drives the clouds, they change shape - to attract to observations of natural phenomena.

    mobile game "Shaggy dog" - to learn to act on a signal, to run in different directions without bumping into each other.

    Didactic game"Wonderful bag" - learn to identify objects by touch.

    Work. Collect sticks in the area - involve children in completing assignments.

    Individual work.Climbing on the gymnastic wall.

    Walk 12

    Observation for seasonal and weather changes in nature - to form elementary ideas about autumn changes in nature.

    mobile game "Cars" - to exercise children in running in different directions, in the ability to start moving and stop on a signal.

    Didactic game"What colour?" - learn to distinguish the color of passing cars.

    Work. "We collect twigs" - to accustom to work.

    Individual work.Game exercise "Raise your legs higher" - learn to step over objects 5-10 cm high.

    Walk 13

    Observation for transport - to form ideas about transport, about the elementary rules of the road.

    mobile game "Cars" - learn to move around the site without bumping into each other.

    Didactic game"On our site" - to learn to navigate in space, to name familiar objects.

    Work. “Take the toys to the group” - learn to clean up your toys after a walk.

    Individual work."Catch - throw" - exercise in catching and throwing the ball.

    Walk 14

    Observation behind the trees: what trees? what kind of leaves do they have? How do trees shake their branches? - involve in observing the trees on the site, develop speech.

    mobile game "Sparrows and the car" - learn to act on a signal.

    Didactic game"Who and where?" - learn to navigate in space, improve understanding of adult speech.

    Work. Pour sand into the sandbox - learn to complete assignments.

    Individual work.Speech game "Loud - quiet."

    Walk 15

    Observation behind the grass: note what color the grass is, how it feels to the touch, etc. - to involve in observations of objects of wildlife.

    mobile game "On a narrow path" - develop a sense of balance.

    Didactic game"Fox, dance!" - to learn to distinguish the sound of instruments by ear.

    Work. We sweep the sides of the sandbox - to cultivate the desire to work together with adults.

    Individual work.Running on a straight track.


    Walk 1

    Observation behind the grass in the area. Conversation on the questions: “What color is the grass? What does she feel like? Who eats weed? Can kids eat weed? - develop thinking, speech, learn to distinguish colors, explain that you can not take inedible objects into your mouth.

    mobile game "At the bear in the forest" - to teach children to run in all directions.

    Didactic game"Guess what to do" - to teach children to correlate the nature of their actions with the sound of a tambourine. Education in children the ability to switch auditory attention.

    Work. “Let's help the janitor in cleaning the site” - to educate children in the desire to help adults.

    Individual work.Throwing the ball for a distance.

    Walk 2

    Observation for a cat - to expand the idea of ​​a pet - a cat. Raise the desire to care for animals.

    Conversation on the topic: "Which of the animals lives with a man at home?" - develop speech, consolidate knowledge about pets.

    mobile game "Running - catch-up" - learn to coordinate your actions with the actions of your comrades.

    Didactic game

    Work. Game exercise "Collect the leaves" - learn to carry out labor assignments.

    Individual work. Exercise children in distinguishing objects of contrasting size (big house and small house, big ball and small ball, etc.)

    Walk 3

    Observation for transport - to explain to the children that cars drive along the carriageway, the driver is driving the car, while driving in the car it is not necessary to distract the driver with conversations.

    mobile game "Cars" - teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other.

    Didactic game

    Work. Cleaning the kindergarten site - to cultivate a desire to help adults.

    Individual work.Game exercise "Step over the stick" - to develop the ability to step over objects and not lose balance.

    Walk 4

    Observation behind the falling leaves - to show children the variety of colors of golden autumn; to reveal the new concept of "leaf fall".

    mobile game "Who is quieter?" - exercise children in walking on toes in the indicated direction.

    Didactic game"Collect red and yellow leaves" - learn to distinguish between yellow and red.

    Work. Collect toys at the end of the walk - accustom to work.

    Individual work.Game exercise "Bring the ball" - to develop the ability to maintain a certain direction while walking.

    Walk 5

    Observation for the birds. Cultivate a good attitude towards birds.

    mobile game

    Didactic game"Where did you call?" - teach children to determine the direction of the sound.

    Work. We collect the leaves in a pile - to cultivate a desire to help adults.

    Individual work.Game exercise "Catch the ball."

    Walk 6

    Observation behind the birch Consider a birch: the leaves have turned yellow, the breeze is blowing, the birch is swaying, dropping leaves.

    Breathing exercise"Breeze".

    mobile game "Catch the ball" - develop the ability to maintain the necessary direction while walking and running.

    Didactic game"Loud-quiet" - to teach children to change the strength of the voice: speak softly, then loudly.

    Work. “Let's collect sand in the sandbox” - involve children in completing assignments.

    Individual work.Running between two lines - to develop coordination of movements.

    Walk 7

    Observation behind the sky, a conversation on the questions: “Show me where the sky is? What is in the sky? Who flies in the sky? - develop speech, cultivate interest in the environment.

    mobile game "Sun and rain" - learn to navigate in space, act on a signal.

    Didactic game"Guess by voice" - teach children to distinguish animals and birds by voice, form verbs from onomatopoeic words (crows, meows, chirps, etc.)

    Work . Collect branches on the site - involve in the execution of labor assignments together with the children of the older group.

    Individual work.Game exercise "Step over the stick" - to develop the ability to step over the stick, while not losing balance.

    Walk 8

    Observation for flowers in the flower bed. Draw the attention of children to wilting flowers. To form ideas about autumn changes in nature.

    mobile game "Shaggy dog" - teach children to listen to the text and quickly respond to the signal.

    Didactic game"One - many" - to learn to distinguish between the number of objects.

    Work. Offer to help the janitor collect the leaves on the site. Raise the desire to help adults.

    Individual work.Exercise in climbing the gymnastic ladder.

    Walk 9

    Observation behind the wind - the wind blows, plucks the leaves from the trees. Introduces children to accessible natural phenomena, to cultivate interest in the world around them.

    Breathing exercise"Breeze".

    mobile game "Cat and birds" - to develop speed, agility.

    Didactic game“Name the baby of a pet” - develop speech, consolidate knowledge about pets.

    Work. Collect leaves in a certain place - involve in the execution of simple tasks.

    Individual work.Game exercise "Catch the ball" - learn to run in a certain direction. Exercise children in onomatopoeia - the exercise "Who says what."

    Walk 10

    Observation behind the sky (gray, drizzling rain, no sun, the birds hid) - to cultivate interest in the world around us.

    Mobile game "Through the stream" - to learn to step over obstacles.

    Didactic game"Guess by voice" - teach children to distinguish animals and birds by voice, form verbs from onomatopoeic words (crows, meows, chirps, cuckoos, etc.)

    Work. "Collect the stones on the site" - involve children in completing simple tasks.

    Individual work.Repeat A. Barto's poem "Horse".

    Walk 11

    Observation for an earthworm, to consider how he moves, to tell where he lives - to cultivate interest in the environment.

    mobile game "Giant dwarfs" - to learn to act on a signal, to walk without bumping into each other.

    Didactic game"Large and small leaves" - to teach children to distinguish objects by size.

    Work. Helping the janitor clean up the area - encourage the desire to help adults.

    Individual work.Recall the poem "The Ball" by A. Barto.

    Walk 12

    Observation behind the trees: consider the trees, its main parts, offer to stroke the trunk - introduce wildlife objects.

    mobile game "Birds in the nest" - learn to walk and run in all directions.

    Didactic game"Learn by sound" - develop auditory attention.

    Work “We collect leaves in a bucket” - learn to perform simple tasks.

    Individual work.

    Walk 13

    Observation for the work of a janitor, the provision of all possible assistance - to cultivate interest in the work of adults, a desire to help.

    mobile game "Shaggy Dog" - develop the ability to run in different directions without bumping into each other.

    Didactic game"Find a place for the dog" - learn to navigate in space.

    Work. Help the janitor in cleaning the site - maintain the desire to help.

    Individual work.Finger game "Magpie-magpie", game exercise "Catch the ball".

    Walk 14

    Observation for the life of the street: observation of moving vehicles - to learn to distinguish between vehicles A: car, bus, tractor, truck, etc.

    mobile game "Sparrows and a car" - to acquaint children with the elementary rules of the road, exercise in running in different directions, learn to run without bumping into each other.

    Didactic game"Big - small" - develop attention, thinking, learn to classify objects by size.

    Work. Sweep in the gazebo - accustom to work.

    Individual work.Repeat the nursery rhyme "Bayu-bye - you, doggy, do not bark." Exercise children in jumping forward from a place.

    Walk 15

    Observation for clothes and shoes for children - vocabulary enrichment (overalls, jacket, boots, boots, etc.).

    mobile game "Legs" - create a good mood, continue to teach to listen to adults.

    Didactic game"Wonderful bag" - contribute to the formation of the ability to examine objects.

    Work. “Let's collect the branches in a heap” - to cultivate the desire to work.

    Individual work.Game exercise "Step over the stick" - exercise in stepping over obstacles.


    Walk 1

    Observation behind a tree. To acquaint children with the signs of autumn (trees shed their leaves), to form a careful attitude towards nature (tree branches cannot be broken).

    mobile game "Catch me" - learn to run in a certain direction without bumping into each other.

    Didactic game"Tall and low trees" - learn to distinguish trees by height.

    Work. Let's collect the pebbles on the site - they will teach the simplest assignments.

    Individual work.Remember the nursery rhyme "Our ducks in the morning." Exercise in climbing on the gymnastic wall.

    Walk 2

    Observation for the weather of the day - to form ideas about the autumn changes in nature.

    mobile game "Bubble" - to develop the desire to play outdoor games with the teacher.

    Didactic game "One - many ”- learn to distinguish between the number of objects.

    Work. We collect the leaves in a bucket - to cultivate the desire to work together with adults.

    Individual work.Finger gymnastics "Finger-boy, where have you been?"

    Walk 3

    Observation behind the wind - pay attention to the branches of trees, to the leaves, how the wind gently shakes them. Invite the children to depict a breeze - the breathing exercise "Breeze".

    mobile game "Cat and Mice" - to develop motor activity, learn to act on a signal, run without bumping into each other.

    Didactic game“Guess by the description” - learn to guess from the description which of the children the teacher guessed.

    Work. Sweep in the gazebo - learn to perform simple tasks.

    Individual work.Exercise children in catching the ball.

    Walk 4

    Observation behind the work of adults - to cultivate interest in the work of adults.

    mobile game "Who is quieter" - exercise children in walking on their toes.

    Didactic game

    Work . Providing all possible assistance in cleaning the site from the leaves - to cultivate a desire to help.

    Individual work.Throwing the ball for a distance with the right and left hand.

    Walk 5

    Observation behind the carriageway - to give an idea of ​​the rules of the road.

    mobile game "Where does it ring?" - learn to navigate in space.

    Didactic game"Curious doll" - teach children to answer the questions "who?", "What?", "What is he doing?"

    Work. We collect branches in one place - to accustom to the implementation of the simplest assignments.

    Individual work.Exercise children in jumping in place.

    Walk 6

    Observation for the birds - to talk about the fact that with the approach of cold weather, birds have less food, and people should take care of them. Cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

    mobile game "Legs" - exercise in alternating movements (running, walking, jumping, squats).

    Didactic game"Guess by the sound" - continue to isolate and recognize the sounds of individual musical instruments.

    Work. Sweep in the gazebo - involve in the execution of labor assignments.

    Individual work.Jumping on two legs moving forward.

    Walk 7

    Observation behind the rain - to consolidate ideas about autumn changes in nature: it often rains, it is damp and cloudy outside.

    mobile game "Cats and mice" - exercise in running on a signal.

    Didactic game"Name the color" - learn to distinguish between primary colors.

    Work. Collect toys at the end of the walk - to cultivate the desire to fulfill labor assignments.

    Individual work. Climbing on the gymnastic wall.

    Walk 8

    Observation behind the trees - draw the attention of children to branches without leaves, tell them that trees shed their leaves for the winter - introduce them to wildlife, cultivate respect for trees.

    mobile game "Catch up with me" - exercise children in running and walking in a certain direction.

    Didactic game"What is this?" - to enrich the vocabulary of children with nouns denoting the names of the objects around us.

    Work. Helping the janitor in cleaning the site is to cultivate a desire to help adults.

    Individual work.Conversation "What are the names of your relatives?"

    Walk 8

    Observation for the weather of the day - to form elementary ideas about autumn changes in nature.

    mobile game "Aim more accurately" - develop the ability to hit the target.

    Didactic game"Who is wearing red clothes?" - teach to distinguish red in the clothes of their comrades.

    Work. We collect branches, the game "How many branches did you bring?" - educate interest in work, teach to distinguish between the number of objects.

    Individual work.Repetition of the nursery rhyme "Our Masha is small ..."

    Walk 9

    Observation behind the ice in the puddles. Draw the attention of children to the changes that have occurred in nature.

    mobile game "Across the stream" - to develop the ability to move in a certain direction, jump on two legs moving forward.

    Didactic game"One-many" - to learn to distinguish between the number of objects.

    Work. We collect pebbles in a bucket - to teach how to perform simple tasks.

    Individual work.Game exercise "Find a toy" - to learn to navigate independently in space.

    Walk 10

    Observation behind the trees - to form ideas about the wildlife around us.

    mobile game “A gray bunny is sitting” - to teach to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the content: clap your hands, bounce in place.

    Didactic game"Sun or rain?" - to teach children to perform actions according to the different sound of a tambourine, to educate children in the ability to switch auditory attention.

    Work. " Let's sweep in the gazebo "- involve in the implementation of the simplest assignments.

    Individual work.Learn to walk in pairs.

    Walk 11

    Observation behind the snow - to form elementary ideas about changes in nature.

    mobile game "Find a toy" - learn to find a certain object, walk in the indicated direction.

    Didactic exercise“Tell Mishka how to behave on a walk” - fix the rules of behavior on a walk.

    Work. Let's sweep around the gazebo - to involve in the execution of assignments.

    Individual work.Recall A. Barto's poem "Bull".

    Walk 12

    Observation for the weather of the day - to draw the attention of the children to the fact that it is snowing, he covered the ground, grass. What colour is he? What does he feel like? - develop speech, thinking, expand the horizons of children.

    mobile game “Aim more precisely” - develop an eye, accuracy.

    Didactic game"What's rolling?" - introduce children to the properties of objects.

    Work. Let's sweep the path from the snow - to cultivate the desire to work together.

    Individual work.Running between two lines - learn to run in a straight line.

    Walk 13

    Observation weather - to form elementary ideas about changes in nature.

    mobile game "The little white hare is sitting" - to teach to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the content.

    Didactic game"What's gone" - to develop attention, memory.

    Labor order"Sweep the sides of the sandbox" - learn to perform the simplest tasks.

    Individual work.Exercise in climbing on the gymnastic wall.

    Walk 14

    Observation for birds - to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

    mobile game "Sparrows and a car" - to exercise children in running in different directions, without bumping into each other, in the ability to start a movement and change it at the signal of the teacher.

    Didactic game"Who is this? What is this?" - teach children to answer simple questions.

    Work. We collect the branches in a heap - to cultivate the desire to carry out the simplest assignments.

    Individual work.Game exercise "On a narrow path" - exercise in walking in a straight line.

    Walk 15

    Observation for children's clothes - to form an idea about clothes, their purpose.

    Didactic game"Who's wearing what?" - Enrich children's vocabulary, learn to answer questions.

    mobile game "Catch up with the bear" - learn to run on a signal.

    Work. Invite the children to sweep the path - to cultivate the desire to carry out assignments.

    Individual work.Finger gymnastics "Three bears were sitting."

    Card index of walks in winter in the 1st junior group

    Walk 1

    Watching the snowfall

    Goals: Introduce the properties of snow P Develop observation, aesthetic perception Cultivate curiosity

    Observation progress:

    To draw the attention of children to the falling snow: “Look, children, how it snows, how quietly it falls to the ground. Where else does he fall? Offer to hold out your hands, see how snow falls on them. Pay attention to the beauty of snowflakes, to the fact that they are not similar to one another. Offer to find the most beautiful snowflake - big and small. What happens to a snowflake when they get on your hands?

    In January, in January

    Lots of snow in the yard.

    An asterisk circled

    A little in the air

    Sat and melted on my palm.

    Purpose: To learn to rake snow with the help of shovels in a certain place To develop physical activity To cultivate industriousness

    Purpose: To learn to correlate one's own actions with the actions of the participants in the game To develop auditory attention, motor activity To cultivate a desire to play outdoor games

    Game progress:

    Educator: “Snow, snow is spinning, the whole street is white!” - the children are spinning.

    “We all gathered in a circle, spun like a snowball” - the children are approaching the teacher.

    “Snowflakes, white fluffs went to bed” - children squat

    “A cold wind blew, the snowflakes scattered.” - the children scatter around the playground.

    Purpose: To exercise in walking along a straight path with stepping over objects. Develop a sense of balance. Cultivate the desire to exercise while walking

    materials: spatulas, cubes 5 pcs.

    Walk 2

    Crow watching

    Goals: to expand the idea of ​​wintering birds,

    learn to notice how birds move. learn to solve riddles

    To develop observation, to cultivate love and respect for wintering birds.

    Observation progress:

    Draw the children's attention to the color of the crow. The body is covered with feathers, so they are not cold. Birds fly, flap their wings. The crow is bigger than the sparrow. Birds fly to the feeder if you fill them with grains.

    Kar-kar-kar! - shouts the cheat.

    Well, a clever thief!

    All the shiny things

    This bird loves it!

    And she is familiar to all of you,

    What is her name?...

    Purpose: to teach how to use the shoulder blades, to develop motor activity, to cultivate industriousness, the desire to bring the work begun to the end.

    educate the desire to play outdoor games

    Game progress.


    "Near the green Christmas tree

    Ravens jump, croak:

    Kar! Kar, Kar" - children jump, make onomatopoeia.

    "The dog came running

    And the raven dispersed everyone:

    Aw! Aw! Aw! - the children scatter in different directions.

    Purpose: to exercise in throwing at a distance with the right and left hands. develop an eye, cultivate a desire to perform exercises

    Materials: shovels, trash bag, dog mask, sandbag

    Walk 3

    Ice watching

    Target: continue to acquaint children with the properties of water , form the idea that the ice is slippery, you can fall. develop observation, memory, speech , cultivate curiosity

    Observation progress:

    Water freezes in the cold. Water can be frozen in a mold. If ice is brought into a room, it will melt and become water again. Ice is transparent.

    Winter, winter is white on the streets!

    And the puddles turned

    In transparent glass!

    Learn to work with a rake and a shovel

    Develop physical activity

    To cultivate a desire to participate in the care of plants, to instill a respect for nature.

    To teach to walk freely in a column one at a time

    Develop a sense of balance, orientation in space, coordination of movement of arms and legs

    Cultivate positive relationships

    On a flat path

    Stones, stones...

    Purpose: to exercise in jumping forward, to develop physical activity. instill a desire to exercise

    Materials: molds, water, rakes, spatulas

    Walk 4

    pigeon watching

    Goals: continue observing birds, their habits, compare a sparrow and a dove, develop observation, speech , cultivate curiosity

    Progress of observation

    Before the walk, the teacher tells the children that they need to take bread in order to feed the pigeons. Arriving at the place, first examine them, ask if there are many pigeons? See how the pigeons will peck. To draw the attention of children that pigeons have eyes - they see food when they are poured, there is a beak - they peck crumbs, there are legs - they walk, they have a tail and wings - they fly. Pigeons come in different colors and sizes. Pigeons are sometimes called "ceesars".

    Labor activity

    Teach children to feed the birds with the help of adults.

    Develop fine motor skills - cultivate a desire to participate in caring for birds;

    Objectives: to exercise children in jumping, to introduce the habits of birds

    develop attention, motor activity

    Birds, time! (push one leg forward)

    Two birds! (pull out other leg)

    Hop-hop-hop! (Jumps)

    Birds, time! (raises wing)

    Birds two! (picks up second)

    Clap! Clap! Clap!

    Birds, time! (close one eye)

    Birds two! (close the second one)

    Birds flew (run, flap their wings, chirp)

    Purpose: to exercise in catching the ball, to develop an eye, to cultivate the expressiveness of movements, the desire to play with children

    materials: bread, food box, ball

    Walk 5

    dog watching

    Target: reinforce the idea to the dog: appearance, movements, sounds made, habits, exercise in the pronunciation of onomatopoeia, cultivate caution in relation to unfamiliar dogs

    Progress of observation

    Watch how dogs bask in the sun near buildings, clarify the structure, remember what they eat.

    Today I left the house

    Fluffy snow lies all around.

    I look - towards my friend

    running barefoot in the snow.

    Stay with me a little more!

    But I didn't hold him back.

    "Woof! Woof! ”Said the acquaintance sternly,

    He waved his tail and ran away.

    Labor activity

    Objectives: to learn how to properly fill a bucket with snow to a certain mark; bring the job to the end. to teach to work together, not to interfere with each other, to develop motor activity, to cultivate industriousness

    Purpose: to teach to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement, develop auditory attention, speed, cultivate an attentive attitude towards peers

    Move: One child is chosen by the dog, he sits on the other side of the site. Children come up to him, and the teacher says the words:

    Here lies the shaggy dog,

    Burying your nose in your paws,

    Quietly, quietly he lies,

    Not dozing, not sleeping.

    Let's go to him, wake him up

    And let's see: "What will happen?"

    After last words the children run away, and the dog catches them.

    Individual work:

    form ideas about pets, what benefits they bring to people, exercise in the pronunciation of onomatopoeia, develop memory, speech, form ideas about the correct ways to interact with animals

    materials: buckets, shovels, dog mask

    Walk 6

    cat watching

    Target: to consolidate the idea in children of the characteristic features of a cat to develop observation, to cultivate a caring attitude towards animals

    Observation progress:

    soft paws,

    And in the paws - tsap-scratches.

    Draw the attention of children to the alert ears of a cat - it can catch any rustle. The cat has large eyes that can see well in the dark. She feels - cold or hot food. The cat has soft pads on its paws. She can quietly, not audibly sneak up. Show the children how a cat climbs a fence, releasing its claws on a tree.

    The door quietly opened

    And the mustachioed beast entered.

    Sat by the stove, squinting sweetly,

    And washed with a gray paw.

    Beware mouse kind

    The cat went hunting.

    Purpose: to teach how to use shoulder blades, to develop motor activity, to cultivate a desire to help adults

    Purpose: to learn to run without bumping. develop endurance, orientation in space., cultivate an attentive attitude towards peers

    Move: children sit on one side of the playground - these are mice in minks. On the opposite side, the teacher is a cat. The cat falls asleep, and the mice scatter all over the room. But then the cat wakes up, starts meowing and catching mice. The children run to their places.

    Purpose: to exercise in throwing at a distance with the right and left hands, to develop the ability to maintain a stable body position, to cultivate the desire to do physical exercises for a walk

    materials: paddles, cat mask, sandbags

    Walk 7

    Sky watching

    Goals: continue acquaintance with various natural phenomena; learn to distinguish the weather, linking it with the state of the sky, enrich the dictionary with nouns (clear, cloudy, overcast, clouds, clouds)

    Progress of observation

    Invite the children to look at the sky, note what it is. (Clean, blue.) So the weather is clear and sunny. In winter, the sky is blue, blue, gray. It is dark outside in the morning, it gets dark early in the evening.

    Purpose: to teach to shovel snow with the help of shovels to a certain place, to learn to work together, to achieve the goal by joint efforts, to develop physical activity, to cultivate industriousness

    Mobile game "Catch me"

    Objectives: to learn to quickly navigate in space;

    Develop dexterity

    Cultivate the desire to play with the teacher

    Individual work: development of movements

    Practice catching the ball

    Develop an eye

    To cultivate expressiveness of movements, the desire to play with children C

    Materials: paddles, ball

    Walk 8

    Watching the wind

    Goals: to form the idea that the wind is cold in winter, to learn to determine the presence of wind, to enrich the vocabulary (soft, prickly, cold, warm)

    Progress of observation

    Watch the tops of the trees. If the trees sway, then there is wind. Ask if the children's face is cold, if they feel the wind. When the wind is strong, it seems prickly, cheeks are very cold. It's usually cold outside then. Watch how the wind lifts the snow.

    Where does the breeze sleep?

    At the fork of three roads

    Up high on a pine tree

    Often falling in my sleep.

    And don't move around

    Not a blade of grass, not a leaf -

    They are afraid to wake up.

    Dormant wind.

    Mobile game: "Snow is spinning"

    Purpose: To learn to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game. Develop auditory attention, motor activity Cultivate the desire to play outdoor games


    To form ideas that the snow is cold, the water in the tap is warm P

    Activate dictionary K

    Develop communication skills, memory, thinking

    Cultivate curiosity

    Materials: garbage bag

    Walk 9

    Sun watching

    Goals: to continue acquaintance with natural phenomena; show that the sun shines in all seasons, form the idea that you can not look at the sun, develop cognitive interest. to cultivate a desire to communicate with the teacher

    Progress of observation

    The sun is shining, it means the day is sunny. The snow sparkles beautifully in the sun. The sun doesn't shine - it's cloudy. The sun is shining, but it's cold outside. In winter, the sun shines, but does not warm. The frost stings the nose and ears.

    Where are you, the sun, really?

    We are completely frozen.

    The water is frozen without you

    The earth is frozen without you.

    Come out soon, sunshine.

    Cuddle up and warm up!

    Labor activity

    mobile game

    Goal: exercise in throwing, develop hand strength. instill a desire to exercise

    Individual work:

    Objectives: to teach to jump on two legs moving forward, to develop motor activity, to cultivate a positive attitude towards physical exercises

    materials: buckets, shovels, sandbags

    Walk 10

    birch watching

    Goals: to form knowledge about the features of birch, by which it can be distinguished from other trees; develop aesthetic perception , instill a desire to protect and protect nature. B

    White birch under my window

    Covered with snow, like silver

    Progress of observation

    Bring the children to the birch.

    Admire the birch with the children. Examine her trunk. (White, with black stripes - looks like a sundress). Pay attention to how beautifully the snow lies on the branches of a birch

    Mobile game "Santa Claus"

    Objectives: to teach to perform characteristic movements, to develop running, speed,

    cultivate respect for peers

    I am Frost, Red Nose

    Overgrown with a beard.

    I'm looking for animals in the forest.

    Come out quickly!

    Come out bunnies!

    Children are jumping.

    Freeze! (run away)

    Then the teacher calls different animals, and the children imitate movements

    Individual work

    Objectives: to consolidate climbing skills, develop motor activity,

    instill a desire to exercise

    Walk 11

    Goals: give an idea about bullfinches and tits to form the ability to recognize birds by appearance to teach to notice how birds move; to develop observation; to cultivate a desire to take care of birds

    Flying with a yellow breast

    What is this bird

    How beautiful is her look

    call her titmouse

    Observation progress:

    Watch how birds peck berries on trees, how they fly, flap their wings during the flight. Compare a bullfinch and a tit: the bullfinch has a red breast, and the tit has a yellow one

    Labor activity: Preparing bird food with the caregiver.

    Objectives: to teach children with the help of adults to feed the birds. develop fine motor skills, cultivate a desire to participate in the care of birds

    Objectives: to teach to run without bumping, to develop memory, attention, speed of movement, orientation in space, to cultivate an attentive attitude towards peers

    The adult says:

    Jump-jump, jump-jump, we jump along the branches. - On a signal: "Fly home to the nests!" children return to nests

    Individual work: walking through objects.

    Purpose: Exercise in walking along a straight path with stepping over objects. Develop a sense of balance. Raise the desire to do physical exercises for a walk

    Walk 12

    sparrow watching

    Goals: give an idea of ​​​​a sparrow, teach to notice the behavior of birds in winter, develop observation. cultivate a desire to take care of birds.

    Observation progress:

    Watch how the sparrows, sitting on the branches, ruffled because it's cold. Birds are hungry in winter. You need to help the birds feed them bread crumbs. What do sparrows peck with their beak. How sparrows move - jump or fly. Sparrows look like bullfinches and titmouse, but they are completely gray.

    Sparrow gallops fast

    Little gray bird.

    Drifting around the yard

    Collects crumbs.

    Labor activity:

    Preparing bird food with the caregiver.

    Objectives: to teach children to feed birds with the help of adults, to develop fine motor skills, to cultivate a desire to participate in caring for birds

    Individual work: climbing over a snow bank

    Objectives: To consolidate climbing skills. to develop motor activity to cultivate a desire to engage in physical exercises

    Target. teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, start moving and change it at the signal of the teacher, find their place. to develop speed, attention to cultivate an attentive attitude towards peers

    Children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the playground or room. These are sparrows in nests. On the opposite side is the teacher. He represents a car. After the teacher’s words “Fly, sparrows, onto the path,” the children rise from their chairs, run around the playground, waving their winged arms.

    At the signal of the educator, “The car is driving, fly, sparrows, to your nests!” the car leaves the garage, the sparrows fly into the nests (sit on chairs). The car is returned to the garage.

    Walk 13

    Pine watching

    Progress of observation

    At the site, the teacher invites the children to find a tree by listening to a poem.

    You can always find her in the forest

    Go for a walk and meet.

    It is prickly, like a hedgehog,

    In winter in a summer dress.

    Bring the children to the pine. Draw their attention to the characteristic features. (Instead of leaves, needles are always green, the branches are long down, short at the top.) In winter, only the pine stands green. Offer to walk throughout the kindergarten and find a pine tree.

    Labor activity: rake up the snow to the pine trunk

    Objectives: to teach how to work with a rake and a shovel, to develop motor activity, to cultivate a desire to participate in caring for plants, to instill a respect for nature.

    Individual work: didactic game "Close-far"

    Purpose: to enrich the vocabulary, to form free communication skills, to develop orientation in space, to cultivate the desire to play with the teacher

    Mobile game "On the Christmas tree"

    Objectives: to teach to imitate the characteristic movements of animals, improve motor skills, develop attention, motor activity. nurture an emotional response to the game, the desire to play again

    Come on, Christmas tree, brighter, Shine with lights!

    We invited guests. Have fun with us.

    On the paths, on the snow, On the forest lawns

    The long-eared bunny rode to the holiday to us. (jump)

    And behind him, look everyone, the Red Fox.

    The fox also wanted

    Have fun with us (run quietly)

    Waddling is going

    clumsy bear,

    He carries honey as a gift And a big bump (they are waddling)


    Goals: to expand the idea of ​​\u200b\u200btrees in the winter season, to learn to admire the beauty of native nature, to develop observation, aesthetic perception, to cultivate a desire to take care of natural objects, respect for them.

    Progress of observation

    Maples are sleeping, birches are sleeping,
    They don't rustle in the wind.
    They dream in cold winter
    Summer noise of green foliage.
    Dreaming of a distant lightning,
    And the merry rain is dreaming

    Admire the snow-covered trees, draw the attention of children to the beauty of the landscape. Clarify what color is typical for winter trees. If the sun shines, the snow on the trees glistens.

    Explain to the children that on frosty days the branches of bushes and trees are very fragile, break easily, so they must be protected, not broken, not knocked on the trunk with a spatula, not run over by sleds.

    Labor activity: shovel snow to tree trunks

    Objectives: to teach how to work with a rake and a shovel, to develop motor activity, to cultivate a desire to participate in caring for plants, to instill a respect for nature.

    Individual work: jumping on two legs with advancement

    Objectives: to teach children to run easily without bumping into each other; act quickly on the signal of the educator, fix the names of the trees, develop orientation in space, attention, speed

    educate the need for physical activity

    Walk 15

    Cloud watching

    Goals: to acquaint with various natural phenomena; develop imagination, cultivate curiosity

    Progress of observation

    What color are the clouds? Watch how they swim. What do they look like?

    Artistic word:

    White-white, light-light

    Clouds float in the deep sky.

    Far ahead of their countries are waiting,

    The road will not be easy for them.

    Labor activity

    Objectives: to learn how to properly fill a bucket with snow to a certain mark; to bring the work begun to the end, to teach to work together, not to interfere with each other, to develop physical activity, to cultivate industriousness

    Purpose: to practice throwing. develop hand strength, cultivate the desire to do physical exercises

    Individual work: jumping on two legs with advancement

    Objectives: to teach to jump on two legs moving forward, to develop motor activity, to cultivate a positive attitude towards physical exercises

    Walk 16

    Goals: to form knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, develop attention and skills of orientation in space, cultivate caution

    Progress of observation

    Invite the children for a walk around the kindergarten. Explain to them that from now on they become pedestrians and must strictly observe the rules of the road: move only along the footpath (sidewalk), do not rush, be attentive, hold each other's hand tightly, do not shout, listen carefully to the teacher.

    Be careful out there, kids!

    Please remember these rules!

    Always remember these rules

    So that trouble doesn't happen to you.

    Labor activity Construction of buildings from snow.

    Purpose: to teach to rake snow with the help of shovels in a certain place, to develop physical activity, to cultivate industriousness

    Objectives: to improve the ability to act with different objects, to teach to throw objects in a certain direction with both hands, to develop an eye, coordination of movement, dexterity, to cultivate the need for physical activity

    Individual work: jumping

    Goal: exercise in jumping on two legs, develop motor skills, cultivate a positive attitude towards physical exercise

    Walk 17

    Target: to teach to distinguish transport in appearance, to acquaint with the work of the driver, to develop the ability to listen to the teacher's story, to cultivate the need for communication

    Progress of observation

    Observe the movement of the car with the children. Explain that the driver is driving the car, he is sitting in front, and everyone else is a passenger. It is impossible to talk to the driver while driving, so that the car does not collide with other cars.

    A car

    A car

    Rushing along the road.

    And behind him thick dust

    A cloud swirls

    Purpose: to form knowledge about the rules of the road, to teach to run without bumping, to learn to act on a signal, to develop orientation in space, speed, to cultivate an attentive attitude towards peers during the game

    Stroke: The children are sitting on a bench on one side of the playground - they are sparrows, the teacher is on the other side - he is a car. After the words “Sparrows flew”, the children run around the playground, after the words: “The car is driving!” Sparrows fly to the nests ”the children run to their places.

    Individual work: ball rolling

    Purpose: to exercise in rolling the ball between pins, to develop an eye, to cultivate a desire to play

    Labor activity

    Objectives: to learn how to properly fill a bucket with snow to a certain mark; to bring the work started to the end, to learn to work together, not to interfere with each other, to develop physical activity, to cultivate industriousness

    Walk 18

    Target: to teach to distinguish freight transport by appearance, to acquaint the driver with the work, to develop coherent speech skills, to cultivate curiosity

    Progress of observation

    To acquaint children with the machine on which the products are brought. Name its main parts. (Cabin, body, steering wheel, wheel, windows, crane.) Watch how food is unloaded from the car, explain that food is a load for her. Describe the important work this machine does.

    Does not fly, does not buzz -

    The beetle runs down the street.

    And burn in the eyes of the beetle

    Two brilliant lights.

    Labor activity: garbage collection on site.

    Objectives: to teach to keep cleanliness and order in the kindergarten area; to develop motor activity, to cultivate the desire to help adults.

    Mobile game "Airplanes".

    Objectives: to teach to run in one direction, to learn to act on a signal

    develop attention, motor activity, educate the desire to play outdoor games

    Stroke: The teacher says: “Prepare for the flight. Start the motors! Let's fly! Children run across the playground in one direction. After the signal "To land!" children land on their knees.

    Purpose: to teach to distinguish and name transport (truck, car, ambulance, fire truck), develop coherent speech skills, cultivate activity in communication

    Walk 19

    Goals: to form ideas about the work of a janitor, to develop the ability to listen to the teacher's story, to cultivate respect for the work of people; responsiveness

    Progress of observation

    On a walk, draw the attention of the children to the work of the janitor: “Look how he tries, removes the snow, clears the paths so that you have somewhere to play.” Clarify that the janitor does his job well, deftly uses a shovel and a broom. Go to the janitor and invite the children to tell what buildings they have on the site. The janitor explains that the buildings must be protected, not broken, and the site must always be kept in order. Teach children that thanks for work can be done not only with words, but also with deeds. Offer to help. The janitor shows how to work with shovels, praises the guys for their friendly good work.

    Labor activity Clearing the area from snow.

    Purpose: to teach how to use the shoulder blades and whisks correctly, to lead the work begun to the end, to develop motor activity, to cultivate the desire to help others

    Mobile game "Catch me"

    Objectives: to learn to quickly navigate in space; develop dexterity cultivate the desire to play with the teacher

    Objectives: to enrich the vocabulary, to form free communication skills, to develop orientation in space, to cultivate the desire to play with the teacher

    Walk 20

    snow watching

    Target: acquaint children with the properties of snow, enrich the vocabulary with adjectives, develop coherent speech skills, observation skills, cultivate an aesthetic perception of the environment

    Progress of observation

    Take the kids out for a walk and take a good look around. What did you notice? Everything is covered in white snow. The snow sparkles in the sun, even the eyes hurt. Invite the children to walk in the snow and listen to how it creaks. The snow is white, cold, light.

    It snowed, it snowed, and then I got tired ...

    What, snow, snow-snow, on earth have you become?

    For kids - their favorite game.

    Labor activity Clearing a path covered with snow.

    Objectives: to teach how to use a spatula correctly, to bring the work begun to the end, to develop motor activity, to instill a desire to help adults

    Individual work: development of movements.

    Objectives: to exercise in throwing the ball from behind the head, to develop the ability to maintain a stable body position, strength, to cultivate the desire to perform physical exercises

    Objectives: to teach to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text, to exercise in jumping, to develop motor skills, to cultivate the desire to play outdoor games

    Little white bunny sits

    And wiggles his ears.

    Like this, like this

    He moves his ears.

    It's cold for a bunny to sit

    You need to warm up your paws.

    Clap, clap, clap, clap,

    You need to warm up your paws.

    It's cold for a bunny to stand

    Bunny needs to jump

    Jump, jump, jump, jump,

    Bunny needs to jump.

    Someone scared the bunny, the bunny jumped ... and rode off.

    Walk 21

    How people are dressed

    Goals: to teach to establish the relationship between the weather and people's clothing, to consolidate the names of winter clothing items, to enrich the dictionary, to develop observation skills, coherent speech skills, to cultivate curiosity

    Progress of observation

    There is a big frost in the yard,

    Freeze the doll's nose.

    We'll give her a coat

    And a warm scarf

    Head in a warm hat

    We hide our hands in our sleeves,

    We will have a doll

    All wrapped up now.

    It's winter outside, it's cold. Are people wearing winter clothes? What? Fur coats, warm jackets, hats, felt boots, mittens, scarves.

    Labor activity

    Objectives: to learn how to properly fill a bucket with snow to a certain mark; to bring the work begun to the end, to teach to work together, not to interfere with each other, to develop physical activity, to cultivate industriousness

    Mobile game "On a flat path."

    Objectives: to teach to walk freely in a column one at a time; develop coordination of movement of arms and legs, a sense of balance, orientation in space, cultivate friendly relationships

    On a flat path, the children follow each other

    On a flat path

    Our legs walk one, two, one, two

    On pebbles, on pebbles jumping forward

    Stones, stones...

    Boom in the pit! They squat down.

    Objectives: to exercise in throwing bags at a horizontal target, to develop an eye, strength, to cultivate a desire to exercise



    Walk 1

    Watching the snowfall

    Goals: Introduce the properties of snow P Develop observation, aesthetic perception

    Observation progress:

    To draw the attention of children to the falling snow: “Look, children, how it snows, how quietly it falls to the ground. Where else does he fall? Offer to hold out your hands, see how snow falls on them. Pay attention to the beauty of snowflakes, to the fact that they are not similar to one another. Offer to find the most beautiful snowflake - big and small. What happens to a snowflake when they get on your hands?

    In January, in January

    Lots of snow in the yard.

    An asterisk circled

    A little in the air

    Sat and melted on my palm.

    Labor activity -Construction of buildings from snow.

    Purpose: To learn to rake snow with the help of shovels in a certain place To develop physical activity To cultivate industriousness

    Mobile game: "Snow is spinning"

    Purpose: To learn to correlate one's own actions with the actions of the participants in the game To develop auditory attention, motor activity To cultivate a desire to play outdoor games

    Game progress:

    Educator: “Snow, snow is spinning, the whole street is white!” - the children are spinning.

    “We all gathered in a circle, spun like a snowball” - the children are approaching the teacher.

    “Snowflakes, white fluffs went to bed” - children squat

    “A cold wind blew, the snowflakes scattered.” - the children scatter around the playground.

    Individual work: walking through objects.

    Purpose: To exercise in walking along a straight path with stepping over objects. Develop a sense of balance. Cultivate the desire to exercise while walking

    materials : spatulas, cubes 5 pcs.

    Walk 2

    Crow watching

    Goals: to expand the idea of ​​wintering birds,

    learn to notice how birds move. learn to solve riddles

    To develop observation, to cultivate love and respect for wintering birds.

    Observation progress:

    Draw the children's attention to the color of the crow. The body is covered with feathers, so they are not cold. Birds fly, flap their wings. The crow is bigger than the sparrow. Birds fly to the feeder if you fill them with grains.

    Kar-kar-kar! - shouts the cheat.

    Well, a clever thief!

    All the shiny things

    This bird loves it!

    And she is familiar to all of you,

    What is her name?...


    Labor activity Clearing paths from snow and debris.

    Purpose: to teach how to use the shoulder blades, to develop motor activity, to cultivate industriousness, the desire to bring the work begun to the end.

    Mobile game "Crow and dog"

    educate the desire to play outdoor games

    Game progress.


    "Near the green Christmas tree

    Ravens jump, croak:

    Kar! Kar, Kar" - children jump, make onomatopoeia.

    "The dog came running

    And the raven dispersed everyone:

    Aw! Aw! Aw! - the children scatter in different directions.

    Individual work: throwing.

    Purpose: to exercise in throwing at a distance with the right and left hands. develop an eye, cultivate a desire to perform exercises

    Materials: shovels, trash bag, dog mask, sandbag

    Walk 3

    Ice watching

    Target: continue to acquaint children with the properties of water, form the idea that the ice is slippery, you can fall. develop observation, memory, speech, cultivate curiosity

    Observation progress:

    Water freezes in the cold. Water can be frozen in a mold. If ice is brought into a room, it will melt and become water again. Ice is transparent.

    Winter, winter is white on the streets!

    And the puddles turned

    In transparent glass!

    Labor activity Rake snow to the roots of trees


    Learn to work with a rake and a shovel

    Develop physical activity

    To cultivate a desire to participate in the care of plants, to instill a respect for nature.

    Mobile game "On a flat path."


    To teach to walk freely in a column one at a time

    Develop a sense of balance, orientation in space, coordination of movement of arms and legs

    Cultivate positive relationships


    On a flat path

    Stones, stones...

    Individual Work: Promotion Jumps

    Purpose: to exercise in jumping forward, to develop physical activity. instill a desire to exercise

    Materials: molds, water, rakes, spatulas

    Walk 4

    pigeon watching

    Goals: continue observing birds, their habits, compare a sparrow and a dove, develop observation, speech, cultivate curiosity

    Progress of observation

    Before the walk, the teacher tells the children that they need to take bread in order to feed the pigeons. Arriving at the place, first examine them, ask if there are many pigeons? See how the pigeons will peck. To draw the attention of children that pigeons have eyes - they see food when they are poured, there is a beak - they peck crumbs, there are legs - they walk, they have a tail and wings - they fly. Pigeons come in different colors and sizes. Pigeons are sometimes called "ceesars".

    Labor activity


    Teach children to feed the birds with the help of adults.

    Develop fine motor skills - cultivate a desire to participate in caring for birds;

    Mobile game "Birds, time! Birds, two!

    Objectives: to exercise children in jumping, to introduce the habits of birds

    develop attention, motor activity


    Birds, time! (push one leg forward)

    Two birds! (pull out other leg)

    Hop-hop-hop! (Jumps)

    Birds, time! (raises wing)

    Birds two! (picks up second)

    Clap! Clap! Clap!

    Birds, time! (close one eye)

    Birds two! (close the second one)

    Birds flew (run, flap their wings, chirp)

    Individual work: development of movements

    Purpose: to exercise in catching the ball, to develop an eye, to cultivate the expressiveness of movements, the desire to play with children

    materials : bread, food box, ball

    Walk 5

    dog watching

    Target: reinforce the idea to the dog: appearance, movements, sounds made, habits, exercise in the pronunciation of onomatopoeia, cultivate caution in relation to unfamiliar dogs

    Progress of observation

    Watch how dogs bask in the sun near buildings, clarify the structure, remember what they eat.

    Today I left the house

    Fluffy snow lies all around.

    I look - towards my friend

    running barefoot in the snow.

    Stay with me a little more!

    But I didn't hold him back.

    "Woof! Woof! ”Said the acquaintance sternly,

    He waved his tail and ran away.

    Labor activity

    Objectives: to learn how to properly fill a bucket with snow to a certain mark; bring the job to the end. to teach to work together, not to interfere with each other, to develop motor activity, to cultivate industriousness

    Mobile game "Shaggy dog".

    Purpose: to teach to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement, develop auditory attention, speed, cultivate an attentive attitude towards peers

    Move: One child is chosen by the dog, he sits on the other side of the site. Children come up to him, and the teacher says the words:

    Here lies the shaggy dog,

    Burying your nose in your paws,

    Quietly, quietly he lies,

    Not dozing, not sleeping.

    Let's go to him, wake him up

    And let's see: "What will happen?"

    After the last words, the children scatter, and the dog catches them.

    Individual work:

    Didactic game "Pets"


    form ideas about pets, what benefits they bring to people, exercise in the pronunciation of onomatopoeia, develop memory, speech, form ideas about the correct ways to interact with animals

    materials : buckets, shovels, dog mask

    Walk 6

    cat watching

    Target: to consolidate the idea in children of the characteristic features of a cat to develop observation, to cultivate a caring attitude towards animals

    Observation progress:

    soft paws,

    And in the paws - tsap-scratches.

    Draw the attention of children to the alert ears of a cat - it can catch any rustle. The cat has large eyes that can see well in the dark. She feels - cold or hot food. The cat has soft pads on its paws. She can quietly, not audibly sneak up. Show the children how a cat climbs a fence, releasing its claws on a tree.

    The door quietly opened

    And the mustachioed beast entered.

    Sat by the stove, squinting sweetly,

    And washed with a gray paw.

    Beware mouse kind

    The cat went hunting.

    Labor activity: clearing the path

    Purpose: to teach how to use shoulder blades, to develop motor activity, to cultivate a desire to help adults

    Mobile game: "Cat and Mice"

    Purpose: to learn to run without bumping. develop endurance, orientation in space., cultivate an attentive attitude towards peers

    Move: children sit on one side of the playground - these are mice in minks. On the opposite side, the teacher is a cat. The cat falls asleep, and the mice scatter all over the room. But then the cat wakes up, starts meowing and catching mice. The children run to their places.

    Individual work: throwing pouches

    Purpose: to exercise in throwing at a distance with the right and left hands, to develop the ability to maintain a stable body position, to cultivate the desire to do physical exercises for a walk

    materials : paddles, cat mask, sandbags

    Walk 7

    Sky watching

    Goals: continue acquaintance with various natural phenomena; learn to distinguish the weather, linking it with the state of the sky, enrich the dictionary with nouns (clear, cloudy, overcast, clouds, clouds)

    Progress of observation

    Invite the children to look at the sky, note what it is. (Clean, blue.) So the weather is clear and sunny. In winter, the sky is blue, blue, gray. It is dark outside in the morning, it gets dark early in the evening.

    Labor activity Construction of buildings from snow.

    Purpose: to teach to shovel snow with the help of shovels to a certain place, to learn to work together, to achieve the goal by joint efforts, to develop physical activity, to cultivate industriousness

    Mobile game "Catch me"

    Objectives: to learn to quickly navigate in space;

    Develop dexterity

    Cultivate the desire to play with the teacher

    Individual work: development of movements


    Practice catching the ball

    Develop an eye

    To cultivate expressiveness of movements, the desire to play with children C

    Materials: shoulder blades, ball

    Walk 8

    Watching the wind

    Goals: to form the idea that the wind is cold in winter, to learn to determine the presence of wind, to enrich the vocabulary (soft, prickly, cold, warm)

    Progress of observation

    Watch the tops of the trees. If the trees sway, then there is wind. Ask if the children's face is cold, if they feel the wind. When the wind is strong, it seems prickly, cheeks are very cold. It's usually cold outside then. Watch how the wind lifts the snow.

    Where does the breeze sleep?

    At the fork of three roads

    Up high on a pine tree

    Often falling in my sleep.

    And don't move around

    Not a blade of grass, not a leaf -

    They are afraid to wake up.

    Dormant wind.

    Labor activity: collection of garbage on the site.

    Mobile game: "Snow is spinning"

    Purpose: To learn to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game. Develop auditory attention, motor activity Cultivate the desire to play outdoor games

    Individual work: didactic game



    To form ideas that the snow is cold, the water in the tap is warm P

    Activate dictionary K

    Develop communication skills, memory, thinking

    Cultivate curiosity

    Materials: trash bag

    Walk 9

    Sun watching

    Goals: to continue acquaintance with natural phenomena; show that the sun shines in all seasons, form the idea that you can not look at the sun, develop cognitive interest. to cultivate a desire to communicate with the teacher

    Progress of observation

    The sun is shining, it means the day is sunny. The snow sparkles beautifully in the sun. The sun doesn't shine - it's cloudy. The sun is shining, but it's cold outside. In winter, the sun shines, but does not warm. The frost stings the nose and ears.

    Where are you, the sun, really?

    We are completely frozen.

    The water is frozen without you

    The earth is frozen without you.

    Come out soon, sunshine.

    Cuddle up and warm up!

    Labor activity

    mobile game

    Goal: exercise in throwing, develop hand strength. instill a desire to exercise

    Individual work:

    Objectives: to teach to jump on two legs moving forward, to develop motor activity, to cultivate a positive attitude towards physical exercises

    materials : buckets, shovels, sandbags

    Walk 10

    birch watching

    Goals: to form knowledge about the features of birch, by which it can be distinguished from other trees; develop aesthetic perception, instill a desire to protect and protect nature. B

    White birch under my window

    Covered with snow, like silver

    Progress of observation

    Bring the children to the birch.

    Admire the birch with the children. Examine her trunk. (White, with black stripes - looks like a sundress). Pay attention to how beautifully the snow lies on the branches of a birch

    Labor activity: shovel snow to the trunk of a birch

    Mobile game "Santa Claus"

    Objectives: to teach to perform characteristic movements, to develop running, speed,

    cultivate respect for peers


    I am Frost, Red Nose

    Overgrown with a beard.

    I'm looking for animals in the forest.

    Come out quickly!

    Come out bunnies!

    Children are jumping.

    Freeze! (run away)

    Then the teacher calls different animals, and the children imitate movements

    Individual work

    Objectives: to consolidate climbing skills, develop motor activity,

    instill a desire to exercise

    Walk 11

    Observation of bullfinches and tits.

    Goals : to give an idea about bullfinches and tits to form the ability to recognize birds by their appearance, to learn to notice how birds move, to develop observation, to cultivate a desire to take care of birds

    Flying with a yellow breast

    What is this bird

    How beautiful is her look

    call her titmouse

    Observation progress:

    Watch how birds peck berries on trees, how they fly, flap their wings during the flight. Compare a bullfinch and a tit: the bullfinch has a red breast, and the tit has a yellow one

    Labor activity:Preparing bird food with the caregiver.

    Objectives: to teach children with the help of adults to feed the birds. develop fine motor skills, cultivate a desire to participate in the care of birds

    Mobile game "Birds in the nest"

    Objectives: to teach to run without bumping, to develop memory, attention, speed of movement, orientation in space, to cultivate an attentive attitude towards peers


    Draw a few circles on the ground - these are nests.
    The adult says:
    Birds were flying, little birds.
    Everyone flew, everyone flew - they waved their wings.
    They sat down on the path, ate grains.
    Klu-klu-klu-klu, how I love grains.
    We clean the feathers so that they are cleaner.
    Like this, like this, to be cleaner!
    We jump on the branches to be stronger for the children.
    Jump-jump, jump-jump, we jump along the branches. - On a signal: "Fly home to the nests!" children return to nests

    Individual work: walking through objects.

    Purpose: Exercise in walking along a straight path with stepping over objects. Develop a sense of balance. Raise the desire to do physical exercises for a walk

    Walk 12

    sparrow watching

    Goals: give an idea of ​​​​a sparrow, teach to notice the behavior of birds in winter, develop observation. cultivate a desire to take care of birds.

    Observation progress:

    Watch how the sparrows, sitting on the branches, ruffled because it's cold. Birds are hungry in winter. You need to help the birds feed them bread crumbs. What do sparrows peck with their beak. How sparrows move - jump or fly. Sparrows look like bullfinches and titmouse, but they are completely gray.

    Sparrow gallops fast

    Little gray bird.

    Drifting around the yard

    Collects crumbs.

    Labor activity:

    Preparing bird food with the caregiver.

    Objectives: to teach children to feed birds with the help of adults, to develop fine motor skills, to cultivate a desire to participate in caring for birds

    Individual work: climbing over a snow bank

    Objectives: To consolidate climbing skills. to develop motor activity to cultivate a desire to engage in physical exercises

    Mobile game "Sparrows and a car"

    Target. teach children to run in different directions without bumping into each other, start moving and change it at the signal of the teacher, find their place. to develop speed, attention to cultivate an attentive attitude towards peers


    Children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the playground or room. These are sparrows in nests. On the opposite side is the teacher. He represents a car. After the teacher’s words “Fly, sparrows, onto the path,” the children rise from their chairs, run around the playground, waving their winged arms.

    At the signal of the educator, “The car is driving, fly, sparrows, to your nests!” the car leaves the garage, the sparrows fly into the nests (sit on chairs). The car is returned to the garage.

    Walk 13

    Pine watching

    Goals: to form an idea of ​​​​the features of a pine by which it can be distinguished from other trees, to develop observation, to cultivate a respect for nature
    Progress of observation

    At the site, the teacher invites the children to find a tree by listening to a poem.

    You can always find her in the forest

    Go for a walk and meet.

    It is prickly, like a hedgehog,

    In winter in a summer dress.

    Bring the children to the pine. Draw their attention to the characteristic features. (Instead of leaves, needles are always green, the branches are long down, short at the top.) In winter, only the pine stands green. Offer to walk throughout the kindergarten and find a pine tree.

    Labor activity: rake up the snow to the pine trunk

    Objectives: to teach how to work with a rake and a shovel, to develop motor activity, to cultivate a desire to participate in caring for plants, to instill a respect for nature.

    Individual work:didactic game "Close-far"

    Purpose: to enrich the vocabulary, to form free communication skills, to develop orientation in space, to cultivate the desire to play with the teacher

    Mobile game "On the Christmas tree"

    Objectives: to teach to imitate the characteristic movements of animals, improve motor skills, develop attention, motor activity. nurture an emotional response to the game, the desire to play again


    Come on, Christmas tree, brighter, Shine with lights!

    We invited guests. Have fun with us.

    On the paths, on the snow, On the forest lawns

    The long-eared bunny rode to the holiday to us. (jump)

    And behind him, look everyone, the Red Fox.

    The fox also wanted

    Have fun with us (run quietly)

    Waddling is going

    clumsy bear,

    He carries honey as a gift And a big bump (they are waddling)


    Watching winter trees.

    Goals : to expand the idea of ​​\u200b\u200btrees in the winter season, to learn to admire the beauty of native nature, to develop observation, aesthetic perception, to cultivate a desire to take care of natural objects, respect for them.

    Progress of observation

    Maples are sleeping, birches are sleeping,
    They don't rustle in the wind.
    They dream in cold winter
    Summer noise of green foliage.
    Dreaming of a distant lightning,
    And the merry rain is dreaming

    Admire the snow-covered trees, draw the attention of children to the beauty of the landscape. Clarify what color is typical for winter trees. If the sun shines, the snow on the trees glistens.

    Explain to the children that on frosty days the branches of bushes and trees are very fragile, break easily, so they must be protected, not broken, not knocked on the trunk with a spatula, not run over by sleds.

    Labor activity: shovel snow to tree trunks

    Objectives: to teach how to work with a rake and a shovel, to develop motor activity, to cultivate a desire to participate in caring for plants, to instill a respect for nature.

    Individual work:jumping on two legs with advancement

    Mobile game "Find your tree".

    Objectives: to teach children to run easily without bumping into each other; act quickly on the signal of the educator, fix the names of the trees, develop orientation in space, attention, speed

    educate the need for physical activity

    Walk 15

    Cloud watching

    Goals: to acquaint with various natural phenomena; develop imagination, cultivate curiosity

    Progress of observation

    What color are the clouds? Watch how they swim. What do they look like?

    Artistic word:

    White-white, light-light

    Clouds float in the deep sky.

    Far ahead of their countries are waiting,

    The road will not be easy for them.

    Labor activity

    Objectives: to learn how to properly fill a bucket with snow to a certain mark; to bring the work begun to the end, to teach to work together, not to interfere with each other, to develop physical activity, to cultivate industriousness

    Purpose: to practice throwing. develop hand strength, cultivate the desire to do physical exercises

    Individual work:jumping on two legs with advancement

    Objectives: to teach to jump on two legs moving forward, to develop motor activity, to cultivate a positive attitude towards physical exercises

    Walk 16

    Acquaintance with the footpath - sidewalk

    Goals: to form knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street, develop attention and skills of orientation in space, cultivate caution

    Progress of observation

    Invite the children for a walk around the kindergarten. Explain to them that from now on they become pedestrians and must strictly observe the rules of the road: move only along the footpath (sidewalk), do not rush, be attentive, hold each other's hand tightly, do not shout, listen carefully to the teacher.

    Be careful out there, kids!

    Please remember these rules!

    Always remember these rules

    So that trouble doesn't happen to you.

    Labor activityConstruction of buildings from snow.

    Purpose: to teach to rake snow with the help of shovels in a certain place, to develop physical activity, to cultivate industriousness

    Mobile game: "Get in the circle."

    Objectives: to improve the ability to act with different objects, to teach to throw objects in a certain direction with both hands, to develop an eye, coordination of movement, dexterity, to cultivate the need for physical activity

    Individual work: jumping

    Goal: exercise in jumping on two legs, develop motor skills, cultivate a positive attitude towards physical exercise

    Walk 17

    car surveillance

    Target: to teach to distinguish transport in appearance, to acquaint with the work of the driver, to develop the ability to listen to the teacher's story, to cultivate the need for communication

    Progress of observation

    Observe the movement of the car with the children. Explain that the driver is driving the car, he is sitting in front, and everyone else is a passenger. It is impossible to talk to the driver while driving, so that the car does not collide with other cars.

    A car

    A car

    Rushing along the road.

    And behind him thick dust

    A cloud swirls

    Mobile game "Sparrows and car".

    Purpose: to form knowledge about the rules of the road, to teach to run without bumping, to learn to act on a signal, to develop orientation in space, speed, to cultivate an attentive attitude towards peers during the game

    Stroke: The children are sitting on a bench on one side of the playground - they are sparrows, the teacher is on the other side - he is a car. After the words “Sparrows flew”, the children run around the playground, after the words: “The car is driving!” Sparrows fly to the nests ”the children run to their places.

    Individual work: ball rolling

    Purpose: to exercise in rolling the ball between pins, to develop an eye, to cultivate a desire to play

    Labor activity

    Objectives: to learn how to properly fill a bucket with snow to a certain mark; to bring the work started to the end, to learn to work together, not to interfere with each other, to develop physical activity, to cultivate industriousness

    Walk 18

    Freight transport surveillance

    Target: to teach to distinguish freight transport by appearance, to acquaint the driver with the work, to develop coherent speech skills, to cultivate curiosity

    Progress of observation

    To acquaint children with the machine on which the products are brought. Name its main parts. (Cabin, body, steering wheel, wheel, windows, crane.) Watch how food is unloaded from the car, explain that food is a load for her. Describe the important work this machine does.

    Does not fly, does not buzz -

    The beetle runs down the street.

    And burn in the eyes of the beetle

    Two brilliant lights.

    Labor activity: garbage collection on site.

    Objectives: to teach to keep cleanliness and order in the kindergarten area; to develop motor activity, to cultivate the desire to help adults.

    Mobile game "Airplanes".

    Objectives: to teach to run in one direction, to learn to act on a signal

    develop attention, motor activity, educate the desire to play outdoor games

    Stroke: The teacher says: “Prepare for the flight. Start the motors! Let's fly! Children run across the playground in one direction. After the signal "To land!" children land on their knees.

    Individual work: didactic game "Transport"

    Purpose: to teach to distinguish and name transport (truck, car, ambulance, fire truck), develop coherent speech skills, cultivate activity in communication

    Walk 19

    Supervision of the work of the janitor

    Goals: to form ideas about the work of a janitor, to develop the ability to listen to the teacher's story, to cultivate respect for the work of people; responsiveness

    Progress of observation

    On a walk, draw the attention of the children to the work of the janitor: “Look how he tries, removes the snow, clears the paths so that you have somewhere to play.” Clarify that the janitor does his job well, deftly uses a shovel and a broom. Go to the janitor and invite the children to tell what buildings they have on the site. The janitor explains that the buildings must be protected, not broken, and the site must always be kept in order. Teach children that thanks for work can be done not only with words, but also with deeds. Offer to help. The janitor shows how to work with shovels, praises the guys for their friendly good work.

    Labor activityClearing the area from snow.

    Purpose: to teach how to use the shoulder blades and whisks correctly, to lead the work begun to the end, to develop motor activity, to cultivate the desire to help others

    Mobile game "Catch me"

    Objectives: to learn to quickly navigate in space; develop dexterity cultivate the desire to play with the teacher

    Individual work: didactic game "Near-Far"

    Objectives: to enrich the vocabulary, to form free communication skills, to develop orientation in space, to cultivate the desire to play with the teacher

    Walk 20

    snow watching

    Target: acquaint children with the properties of snow, enrich the vocabulary with adjectives, develop coherent speech skills, observation skills, cultivate an aesthetic perception of the environment

    Progress of observation

    Take the kids out for a walk and take a good look around. What did you notice? Everything is covered in white snow. The snow sparkles in the sun, even the eyes hurt. Invite the children to walk in the snow and listen to how it creaks. The snow is white, cold, light.

    It snowed, it snowed, and then I got tired ...

    What, snow, snow-snow, on earth have you become?

    For winter crops I became a warm feather bed,
    For pines - lace feather bed,
    For bunnies it became - a downy pillow,
    For kids - their favorite game.

    Labor activityClearing a path covered with snow.

    Objectives: to teach how to use a spatula correctly, to bring the work begun to the end, to develop motor activity, to instill a desire to help adults

    Individual work: development of movements.

    Objectives: to exercise in throwing the ball from behind the head, to develop the ability to maintain a stable body position, strength, to cultivate the desire to perform physical exercises

    Mobile game "White Bunny"

    Objectives: to teach to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text, to exercise in jumping, to develop motor skills, to cultivate the desire to play outdoor games


    Little white bunny sits

    And wiggles his ears.

    Like this, like this

    He moves his ears.

    It's cold for a bunny to sit

    You need to warm up your paws.

    Clap, clap, clap, clap,

    You need to warm up your paws.

    It's cold for a bunny to stand

    Bunny needs to jump

    Jump, jump, jump, jump,

    Bunny needs to jump.

    Someone scared the bunny, the bunny jumped ... and rode off.

    Walk 21

    How people are dressed

    Goals: to teach to establish the relationship between the weather and people's clothing, to consolidate the names of winter clothing items, to enrich the dictionary, to develop observation skills, coherent speech skills, to cultivate curiosity

    Progress of observation

    There is a big frost in the yard,

    Freeze the doll's nose.

    We'll give her a coat

    And a warm scarf

    Head in a warm hat

    We hide our hands in our sleeves,

    We will have a doll

    All wrapped up now.

    It's winter outside, it's cold. Are people wearing winter clothes? What? Fur coats, warm jackets, hats, felt boots, mittens, scarves.

    Labor activity

    Objectives: to learn how to properly fill a bucket with snow to a certain mark; to bring the work begun to the end, to teach to work together, not to interfere with each other, to develop physical activity, to cultivate industriousness

    Mobile game "On a flat path."

    Objectives: to teach to walk freely in a column one at a time; develop coordination of movement of arms and legs, a sense of balance, orientation in space, cultivate friendly relationships


    On a flat path, the children follow each other

    On a flat path

    Our legs walk one, two, one, two

    On pebbles, on pebbles jumping forward

    Stones, stones...

    Boom in the pit! They squat down.

    Individual work: Pouch throwing

    Objectives: to exercise in throwing bags at a horizontal target, to develop an eye, strength, to cultivate a desire to exercise


    Walk 1

    Observation behind the trees. Draw the attention of children to the fact that there is snow on the trees, it is white, soft fluffy. To form an idea about the season - winter.

    Didactic game"Who is attentive?" - develop hearing acuity, the ability to perceive verbal instructions, regardless of the strength of the voice with which it is pronounced.

    mobile game"Step over the stick" - exercise children in stepping over an object.

    Individual work. Running in a straight line.

    Work. We sweep the path from the snow - to cultivate the desire to work together.

    Walk 2

    Observation"What has changed on the street?" - to form elementary ideas about winter changes in nature, to develop speech, the ability to answer questions.

    mobile game"The little white hare is sitting" - to teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the content.

    Didactic game"Where did you call?" - develop the focus of auditory attention, the ability to determine the direction of sound, navigate in space.

    Work. “Shoveling snow with shovels” - completing assignments.

    Individual work. Game exercise "Find a toy" - learn to walk in a certain direction, start moving at the signal of the teacher.

    Walk 3

    Observation behind the snowfall - to form ideas about winter weather phenomena, expand the horizons of children, activate the vocabulary: “snow”, “snowflakes”, “winter”, “beautiful”, “cold”.

    mobile game"Run to me" - exercise the children in running in the indicated direction.

    Didactic game“Loud - quiet” - develop the ability to change the strength of the voice: speak either loudly or quietly.

    Work. We collect toys at the end of the walk - to teach everyone to work together.

    Individual work. Repeat M. Poznanskaya's poem "It's snowing."

    Walk 4

    Work. Hanging feeders - to cultivate the desire to work with the teacher.

    Observation for birds, feeding birds - to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

    mobile game"Who is quieter?" - exercise in walking on toes in the indicated direction.

    Didactic game"What's in the bag?" - to teach children to touch to determine which grains are in the bag.

    Individual work. Rhyme "Big feet walked along the road ..."

    Walk 5

    Observation for a cat - to involve pets in observations, to cultivate a desire to take care of them.

    mobile game"Running - catching up" - to learn to coordinate their actions with the actions of a friend.

    Didactic game“Find and bring” - continue to develop the ability to understand the speech of an adult, teach to perform simple tasks, learn to navigate in space.

    Work."Sweeping in the gazebo" - to involve children in the implementation of the simplest assignments.

    Individual work. Jumping on two legs across the line.

    Walk 6

    Observation for birds - to form in children a desire to take care of birds, to learn to recognize birds, to name parts of the body.

    mobile game"Mother Sparrow" - to learn to perform movements on a signal.

    Didactic game"What are the birds?" - exercise children in the ability to find the right bird in the picture.

    Work. Feeding the birds - educate the desire to take care of the birds.

    Individual work. Exercises for onomatopoeia of the voices of birds.

    Walk 7

    Observation behind weather changes - the formation of ideas about winter.

    mobile game"Snowflakes and wind" - learn to act on a signal.

    Didactic game“Song - song” - to consolidate the correct pronunciation, develop speech hearing, the ability to pronounce sounds and sound combinations by imitation.

    Work. We collect the branches in a heap - to cultivate the desire to work together.

    Individual work. Game exercise "Walk along the path" - learn to walk in a straight line.

    Walk 8

    Observation for the clothes of passers-by. Why are people dressed so warmly? - continue to form the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren that it is cold in winter.

    mobile game“The little white hare is sitting” - continue to teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the content: clap your hands, jump in place, etc.

    Didactic game

    Work. Sprinkling the paths with sand - explain to the children that when it is very slippery, the paths are sprinkled with sand. Raise the desire to help adults.

    Individual work. Recall the poem by N. Sakonskaya “Where is my finger?”

    Walk 9

    Observation for the birds. To cultivate interest in the world around us, to cultivate a desire to help birds in winter.

    mobile game"Crows and a dog" - learn to act on a signal.

    Didactic game"Olyna's helpers" - learn to form forms plural verbs, diminutive - affectionate forms of nouns.

    Work. We collect toys - to teach, without reminding an adult, to collect toys after a walk.

    Individual work. Repeat poems for the New Year holiday.

    Walk 10

    Observation for the games of older preschoolers - to fix the rules of behavior during a walk.

    mobile game"Catch the ball" - exercise children in catching the ball thrown by the teacher from a distance of 50-100 cm.

    Didactic game"Hide the ball" - to form in children the skills of understanding sentences.

    Work. Sweep the path - learn to work with older preschoolers.

    Individual work. Finger gymnastics "Three bears were sitting."

    Walk 11

    Observation behind the snow. To promote familiarization with the properties of snow by playing with it.

    mobile game"Catch the ball" - develop the ability to maintain the necessary direction while walking and running.

    Didactic game“Call it affectionately” - learn to form nouns with diminutive suffixes.

    Work.“Let's sweep in the gazebo” - involve in the implementation of the simplest assignments.

    Individual work. Walking in a straight path.

    Walk 12

    Observation on the topic: “Winter is cold” - to form coherent ideas about winter.

    mobile game"Santa Claus" - to instill in children the ability to perform characteristic movements (bunny, bear, fox, birds).

    Didactic game"Yes and no" - to fix the rules of behavior for a walk in the winter.

    Work. Shoveling snow into a pile - preparation for the manufacture of buildings from snow - to involve children in labor.

    Individual work. Repetition of poems for the New Year holiday.

    Walk 13

    Observation behind the snow. To form ideas about the properties of snow (white, fluffy, loose, cold).

    mobile game"The snow is spinning" - to teach children to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game.

    Didactic game"One - many" - to learn to distinguish between the number of objects.

    Work. Help the janitor clear the paths from snow - support the desire of children to help adults.

    Individual work. Recall the poem by O. Vysotskaya "It's cold."

    Walk 14

    Observation for the weather of the day. Develop speech, thinking, form ideas about winter.

    mobile game"A little white bunny is sitting" - to learn to coordinate movements with the text of the poem.

    Didactic game“Show me who I will name” - teach children to find, show and name the names of their peers, kindergarten employees. Cultivate friendliness, develop sociability and good relations with others.

    Work. Collect snow in a pile to build a slide - involve in the execution of assignments.

    Individual work. Throwing for a distance.

    Walk 15

    Observation for passers-by: someone is carrying a Christmas tree, packages with gifts - to draw the attention of children to how people are preparing for the holiday.

    mobile game"On the tree" - to teach children to perform imitative movements.

    Didactic game“Bring the same item” - teach among toys to find similar to the proposed one.

    Work. We will decorate the buildings with colored ice - to cultivate the desire to decorate the territory of the kindergarten.

    Individual work. Jumping on two legs.


    Walk 1

    Observation behind the trees in winter attire - to learn to notice the beautiful around, to consolidate ideas about winter.

    mobile game"The snow is spinning" - to teach children to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game.

    Didactic game"Wonderful bag" - learn to identify objects by touch.

    Work.“We are building a slide for Katya’s doll” - to teach how to carry out labor assignments.

    Individual work. Walking with high knees.

    Walk 2

    Observation How are passers-by dressed? - continue to form ideas about winter, fix the names of items of winter clothing in the dictionary.

    mobile game"Airplanes" - to exercise children in the ability to run in different directions, without bumping into each other, to perform movements on a signal.

    Didactic game"Big and small" - learn to build houses for a mouse and a bear of the appropriate size.

    Work. Shoveling snow with shovels - learning to work together.

    Individual work. Jumping on two legs "From circle to circle".

    Walk 3

    Observation at the work of a janitor in winter - to form knowledge about the work of adults; develop respect for their work.

    mobile game"Catch up with me" - exercise in running in a certain direction.

    Didactic game"Where is the kitten?" - to form the ability of children to navigate in space.

    Work. Helping the janitor in clearing the snow is to cultivate a desire to help.

    Individual work. Onomatopoeia exercise "How does a kitten meow?"

    Walk 4

    Observation for birds - to form in children a desire for wintering birds; learn to name the body parts of birds.

    mobile game“We hear - we do” - teach children to perform movements according to the text of the game.

    Didactic game"Polite doll" - to form moral qualities: politeness, attentiveness; learn to care.

    Work. We are building a hill - to cultivate a desire to participate in joint work.

    Individual work.

    Walk 5

    Observation behind the snow - continue to get acquainted with the properties of snow (cold, white, crumbly, crispy).

    mobile game"The snow is spinning" - to teach to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game.

    Didactic game"Assignments" - teaches to understand verbal instructions.

    Work. Clearing paths from snow - running errands.

    Individual work. Learning the couplet: "One step, two steps - under the foot of a snowball."

    Walk 6

    Observation"Frosty sunny day" - to develop interest in the environment, to form ideas about winter.

    mobile game"On the tree" - to teach children to imitate the characteristic movements of children.

    Didactic game“On our site” - to learn to navigate the kindergarten site, to name familiar objects.

    Work. We decorate the snow sandbox with multi-colored pieces of ice - to cultivate the desire to decorate the territory of the kindergarten.

    Individual work. Standing long jump.

    Walk 7

    Observation behind the snow. To learn to notice the beauty of natural phenomena, to form ideas about the properties of snow - the snow melts on the palm of your hand.

    mobile game“Run to what I call” - recall the names of objects, learn to run in a flock.

    Didactic game"How many items?" - to form the ability to distinguish between the number of objects (one - many).

    Work. Clearing the path to the gazebo from snow - to learn how to perform simple tasks.

    Individual work. Finger game "Magpie-magpie".

    Walk 8

    Observation at the work of a janitor - to cultivate respect for other people's work; develop the ability to answer the questions of the educator: “What does the janitor have in his hands? What does a janitor do? Why does he clean the paths?

    mobile game“On a narrow path” - teaches you to step from circle to circle, to act on a signal.

    Didactic game"Who called?" - learn to distinguish by ear onomatopoeic words, recognize peers by voice.

    Work. Help the janitor in clearing the area from snow - to cultivate a desire to help.

    Individual work. Recall the poem by N. Sakonskaya “Where is my finger?”

    Walk 9

    Observation“Icicles on the Roofs” - introduce children to natural phenomena, explain that it is dangerous to walk under the roofs if icicles hang from the roofs.

    mobile game"The snow is spinning" - to learn to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game.

    Didactic game“On our site” - to teach children to navigate the kindergarten site, name familiar objects, and follow instructions.

    Work. Pour food into bird feeders - cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

    Individual work. Game exercise "Step over the obstacle"

    Walk 10

    Observation behind the trees - to form ideas about trees, to cultivate a respect for nature.

    mobile game"Shaggy dog" - to learn to move around the site, following the instructions of the teacher; learn to respond quickly to the signal.

    Didactic game"Find yellow balls" - learn to distinguish between yellow.

    Work. Clearing paths from snow - to cultivate a desire to work.

    Individual work. Game exercise "Run to what I call."

    Walk 11

    Observation behind the snow - continue to get acquainted with the properties of snow: cold, white, fluffy, non-sticky, crumbly.

    mobile game“Run to what I will name” - to learn to navigate in space, to run without bumping into each other.

    Didactic game"One - many" - to learn to distinguish between the number of objects.

    Work. Feeding birds on the site - to cultivate a careful and caring attitude towards wintering birds.

    Individual work. Remember the nursery rhyme "Big feet walked along the road."

    Walk 12

    Observation behind the weather - to consolidate knowledge about winter, about the features of winter weather.

    mobile game"Step over the bumps" - exercise in stepping over objects 10 - 15 cm high.

    Didactic game"Who and where?" - learn to navigate in space.

    Work. Shoveling snow in one place is to teach children to work.

    Individual work. Finger gymnastics "This finger is a grandfather ..."

    Walk 13

    Observation beyond the sky - to develop the cognitive activity of children, speech, broaden their horizons.

    mobile game"Birds, time! Birds, two! - to exercise children in the performance of movements.

    Didactic game"Guess without looking" - to teach children to recognize objects by touch, to develop tactile sensations.

    Work. Sweep the snow in the gazebo - running errands.

    Individual work. Clean tongue "Uk-uk-uk - the cat cleans the onion"

    Walk 14

    Observation for birds - to cultivate a desire to take care of birds, to continue to study their features.

    mobile game"Sparrows and the car" - to learn to act on a signal, to run without bumping into each other.

    Didactic game"What's in the bag?" - learn to determine which cereal is in the bag: millet, peas, rice, etc.

    Work. Feeding the birds - educate the desire to help the birds in winter.

    Individual work. Recall the poem by E. Ilyina "Our tree is high ..."

    Walk 15

    Observation for weather changes - to continue to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwinter.

    mobile game"Crows and a dog" - to teach children to imitate the movements and voices of birds; move without interfering with each other.

    Didactic game"Recognize by voice" - develop auditory attention.

    Work. The construction of the highway is to cultivate the ability to work together.

    Individual work. Throwing snowballs for a distance.


    Walk 1

    Observation behind the trees - to cultivate a respect for nature.

    mobile game"Hares and the wolf" - to teach to listen carefully to the teacher, to exercise in jumping forward.

    Didactic game " Two roads ”- learn to choose the road for small cars and large cars (for large ones - wide, for small ones - narrow).

    Work."Let's sweep the path" - learn to perform the simplest tasks.

    Individual work. Repeating the nursery rhyme "Ay, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo."

    Walk 2

    Excursion on the site of the kindergarten: examining buildings made by older children - to promote the development of relations between toddlers and older preschoolers, to introduce elementary norms and rules of relationships; enrich children's vocabulary, develop the ability to answer questions.

    mobile game"On a narrow path" - to learn to perform actions according to the text of the poem.

    Didactic game“Help the bunny get home” - learn to choose a narrow path for the bunny (a bear walks along a wide path).

    Work. We will clean the path from snow - to accustom to work together with older children.

    Individual work. Finger gymnastics "Building a house"

    Walk 3

    Observation"Footprints in the snow" - to learn to identify traces: children, adults, animals and birds.

    mobile game“Mice lead a round dance” - introduce children to Russian folk outdoor games, exercise in performing movements according to the text of the nursery rhyme.

    Didactic game“The clock is ticking” - develop sound pronunciation, vocal apparatus, fix the correct pronunciation of the sounds “k”, “t”, “t”. Develop the ability to pronounce words quickly and slowly, loudly and quietly.

    Work."We build a house from snow" - to develop the desire of children to build from snow.

    Individual work. Breathing exercise "Wind".

    Walk 4

    Observation behind the ice - introduces children to a natural phenomenon - ice.

    mobile game"The white bunny washes" - to teach children to act according to the text of the poem.

    Didactic game"Repeat after me" - to form the skills of correct sound pronunciation.

    Work. Feeding the birds - to cultivate a caring attitude towards the birds.

    Individual work. Breathing exercise "Cheerful cockerel"

    Walk 5

    Observation behind the wind - to acquaint children with accessible natural phenomena, to develop the ability to answer questions: “Why do tree branches sway? How does the wind blow? How do trees sway?

    mobile game"Oh, what kind of people?" - continue to acquaint with folk games, teach to move in a flock, perform certain actions while running away, do not interfere with comrades, do not bump into each other.

    Didactic game"On our site" - to learn to navigate the kindergarten site.

    First junior group.



    Walk 1

    Observation behind the trees. Draw the attention of children to the fact that there is snow on the trees, it is white, soft fluffy. To form an idea about the season - winter.

    Didactic game"Who is attentive?" - develop hearing acuity, the ability to perceive verbal instructions, regardless of the strength of the voice with which it is pronounced.

    mobile game"Step over the stick" - exercise children in stepping over an object.

    Individual work. Running in a straight line.

    Work. We sweep the path from the snow - to cultivate the desire to work together.

    Walk 2

    Observation"What has changed on the street?" - to form elementary ideas about winter changes in nature, to develop speech, the ability to answer questions.

    mobile game"The little white hare is sitting" - to teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the content.

    Didactic game"Where did you call?" - develop the focus of auditory attention, the ability to determine the direction of sound, navigate in space.

    Work. “Shoveling snow with shovels” - completing assignments.

    Individual work. Game exercise "Find a toy" - learn to walk in a certain direction, start moving at the signal of the teacher.

    Walk 3

    Observation behind the snowfall - to form ideas about winter weather phenomena, expand the horizons of children, activate the vocabulary: “snow”, “snowflakes”, “winter”, “beautiful”, “cold”.

    mobile game"Run to me" - exercise the children in running in the indicated direction.

    Didactic game“Loud - quiet” - develop the ability to change the strength of the voice: speak either loudly or quietly.

    Work. We collect toys at the end of the walk - to teach everyone to work together.

    Individual work. Repeat M. Poznanskaya's poem "It's snowing."

    Walk 4

    Work. Hanging feeders - to cultivate the desire to work with the teacher.

    Observation for birds, feeding birds - to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

    mobile game"Who is quieter?" - exercise in walking on toes in the indicated direction.

    Didactic game"What's in the bag?" - to teach children to touch to determine which grains are in the bag.

    Individual work. Rhyme "Big feet walked along the road ..."

    Walk 5

    Observation for a cat - to involve pets in observations, to cultivate a desire to take care of them.

    mobile game"Running - catching up" - to learn to coordinate their actions with the actions of a friend.

    Didactic game“Find and bring” - continue to develop the ability to understand the speech of an adult, teach to perform simple tasks, learn to navigate in space.

    Work."Sweeping in the gazebo" - to involve children in the implementation of the simplest assignments.

    Individual work. Jumping on two legs across the line.

    Walk 6

    Observation for birds - to form in children a desire to take care of birds, to learn to recognize birds, to name parts of the body.

    mobile game"Mother Sparrow" - to learn to perform movements on a signal.

    Didactic game"What are the birds?" - exercise children in the ability to find the right bird in the picture.

    Work. Feeding the birds - nurture the desire to take care of the birds.

    Individual work. Exercises for onomatopoeia of the voices of birds.

    Walk 7

    Observation behind weather changes - the formation of ideas about winter.

    mobile game"Snowflakes and wind" - learn to act on a signal.

    Didactic game“Song - song” - to consolidate the correct pronunciation, develop speech hearing, the ability to pronounce sounds and sound combinations by imitation.

    Work. We collect the branches in a heap - to cultivate the desire to work together.

    Individual work. Game exercise "Walk along the path" - learn to walk in a straight line.

    Walk 8

    Observation for the clothes of passers-by. Why are people dressed so warmly? - continue to form the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bchildren that it is cold in winter.

    mobile game“The little white hare is sitting” - continue to teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the content: clap your hands, jump in place, etc.

    Didactic game

    Work. Sprinkling the paths with sand - explain to the children that when it is very slippery, the paths are sprinkled with sand. Raise the desire to help adults.

    Individual work. Recall the poem by N. Saxonskaya “Where is my finger?”

    Walk 9

    Observation for the birds. To cultivate interest in the world around us, to cultivate a desire to help birds in winter.

    mobile game"Crows and a dog" - learn to act on a signal.

    Didactic game Olya's helpers - learn to form plural forms of verbs, diminutive forms of nouns.

    Work. We collect toys - to teach, without reminding an adult, to collect toys after a walk.

    Individual work. Repeat poems for the New Year holiday.

    Walk 10

    Observation for the games of older preschoolers - to fix the rules of behavior during a walk.

    mobile game"Catch the ball" - exercise children in catching the ball thrown by the teacher from a distance of 50-100 cm.

    Didactic game"Hide the ball" - to form in children the skills of understanding sentences.

    Work. Sweep the path - learn to work with older preschoolers.

    Individual work. Finger gymnastics "Three bears were sitting."

    Walk 11

    Observation behind the snow. To promote familiarization with the properties of snow by playing with it.

    mobile game"Catch the ball" - develop the ability to maintain the necessary direction while walking and running.

    Didactic game“Call it affectionately” - learn to form nouns with diminutive suffixes.

    Work.“Let's sweep in the gazebo” - involve in the implementation of the simplest assignments.

    Individual work. Walking in a straight path.

    Walk 12

    Observation on the topic: “Winter is cold” - to form coherent ideas about winter.

    mobile game"Santa Claus" - to instill in children the ability to perform characteristic movements (bunny, bear, fox, birds).

    Didactic game"Yes and no" - to fix the rules of behavior for a walk in the winter.

    Work. Shoveling snow into a pile - preparation for the manufacture of buildings from snow - to involve children in labor.

    Individual work. Repetition of poems for the New Year holiday.

    Walk 13

    Observation behind the snow. To form ideas about the properties of snow (white, fluffy, loose, cold).

    mobile game"The snow is spinning" - to teach children to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game.

    Didactic game

    Work. Help the janitor clear the paths from snow - support the desire of children to help adults.

    Individual work. Recall the poem by O. Vysotskaya "It's cold."

    Walk 14

    Observation for the weather of the day. Develop speech, thinking, form ideas about winter.

    mobile game"A little white bunny is sitting" - to learn to coordinate movements with the text of the poem.

    Didactic game“Show me who I will name” - teach children to find, show and name the names of their peers, kindergarten employees. Cultivate friendliness, develop sociability and good relations with others.

    Work. Gather snow in a pile to build a slide - involve in the execution of assignments.

    Individual work. Throwing for a distance.

    Walk 15

    Observation for passers-by: someone is carrying a Christmas tree, packages with gifts - to draw the attention of children to how people are preparing for the holiday.

    mobile game"On the tree" - to teach children to perform imitative movements.

    Didactic game“Bring the same item” - teach among toys to find similar to the proposed one.

    Work. We will decorate the buildings with colored ice - to cultivate the desire to decorate the territory of the kindergarten.

    Individual work. Jumping on two legs.


    Walk 1

    Observation behind the trees in winter attire - to learn to notice the beautiful around, to consolidate ideas about winter.

    mobile game"The snow is spinning" - to teach children to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game.

    Didactic game"Wonderful bag" - learn to identify objects by touch.

    Work.“We are building a slide for Katya’s doll” - to teach how to carry out labor assignments.

    Individual work. Walking with high knees.

    Walk 2

    Observation How are passers-by dressed? - continue to form ideas about winter, fix the names of items of winter clothing in the dictionary.

    mobile game"Airplanes" - to exercise children in the ability to run in different directions, without bumping into each other, to perform movements on a signal.

    Didactic game"Big and small" - learn to build houses for a mouse and a bear of the appropriate size.

    Work. Shoveling snow with shovels - learning to work together.

    Individual work. Jumping on two legs "From circle to circle".

    Walk 3

    Observation at the work of a janitor in winter - to form knowledge about the work of adults; develop respect for their work.

    mobile game"Catch up with me" - exercise in running in a certain direction.

    Didactic game"Where is the kitten?" - to form the ability of children to navigate in space.

    Work. Helping the janitor in clearing the snow is to cultivate a desire to help.

    Individual work. Onomatopoeia exercise "How does a kitten meow?"

    Walk 4

    Observation for birds - to form in children a desire for wintering birds; learn to name the body parts of birds.

    mobile game“We hear - we do” - teach children to perform movements according to the text of the game.

    Didactic game"Polite doll" - to form moral qualities: politeness, attentiveness; learn to care.

    Work. We are building a hill - to cultivate a desire to participate in joint work.

    Individual work. Throwing snowballs for a distance.

    Walk 5

    Observation behind the snow - continue to get acquainted with the properties of snow (cold, white, crumbly, crispy).

    mobile game"The snow is spinning" - to teach to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game.

    Didactic game"Assignments" - teaches to understand verbal instructions.

    Work. Clearing paths from snow - running errands.

    Individual work. Learning the couplet: "One step, two steps - under the foot of the snow."

    Walk 6

    Observation"Frosty sunny day" - to develop interest in the environment, to form ideas about winter.

    mobile game"On the tree" - to teach children to imitate the characteristic movements of children.

    Didactic game“On our site” - to learn to navigate the kindergarten site, to name familiar objects.

    Work. We decorate the snow sandbox with multi-colored pieces of ice - to cultivate the desire to decorate the territory of the kindergarten.

    Individual work. Standing long jump.

    Walk 7

    Observation behind the snow. To learn to notice the beauty of natural phenomena, to form ideas about the properties of snow - the snow melts on the palm of your hand.

    mobile game“Run to what I call” - recall the names of objects, learn to run in a flock.

    Didactic game"How many items?" - to form the ability to distinguish between the number of objects (one - many).

    Work. Clearing the path to the gazebo from snow - to learn how to perform simple tasks.

    Individual work. Finger game "Magpie-magpie".

    Walk 8

    Observation at the work of a janitor - to cultivate respect for other people's work; develop the ability to answer the questions of the educator: “What does the janitor have in his hands? What does a janitor do? Why does he clean the paths?

    mobile game“On a narrow path” - teaches you to step from circle to circle, to act on a signal.

    Didactic game"Who called?" - learn to distinguish by ear onomatopoeic words, recognize peers by voice.

    Work. To help the janitor in clearing the area from snow - to cultivate a desire to help.

    Individual work. Recall the poem by N Saxony "Where is my finger?"

    Walk 9

    Observation“Icicles on the Roofs” - introduce children to natural phenomena, explain that it is dangerous to walk under the roofs if icicles hang from the roofs.

    mobile game"The snow is spinning" - to learn to correlate their own actions with the actions of the participants in the game.

    Didactic game“On our site” - to teach children to navigate the kindergarten site, name familiar objects, and follow instructions.

    Work. Pour food into bird feeders - cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

    Individual work. Game exercise "Step over the obstacle"

    Walk 10

    Observation behind the trees - to form ideas about trees, to cultivate a respect for nature.

    mobile game"Shaggy dog" - to learn to move around the site, following the instructions of the teacher; learn to respond quickly to the signal.

    Didactic game"Find yellow balls" - learn to distinguish between yellow.

    Work. Clearing paths from snow - to cultivate a desire to work.

    Individual work. Game exercise "Run to what I call."

    Walk 11

    Observation for snow - to continue acquaintance with the properties of snow: cold, white, fluffy, non-sticky, crumbly.

    mobile game“Run to what I will name” - to learn to navigate in space, to run without bumping into each other.

    Didactic game"One - many" - to learn to distinguish between the number of objects.

    Work. Feeding birds on the site - to cultivate a careful and caring attitude towards wintering birds.

    Individual work. Remember the nursery rhyme "Big feet walked along the road."

    Walk 12

    Observation behind the weather - to consolidate knowledge about winter, about the features of winter weather.

    mobile game"Step over the bumps" - exercise in stepping over objects 10 - 15 cm high.

    Didactic game"Who and where?" - learn to navigate in space.

    Work. Shoveling snow in one place - accustom children to work.

    Individual work. Finger gymnastics "This finger is a grandfather ..."

    Walk 13

    Observation beyond the sky - to develop the cognitive activity of children, speech, broaden their horizons.

    mobile game"Birds, time! Birds, two! - to exercise children in the performance of movements.

    Didactic game"Guess without looking" - to teach children to recognize objects by touch, to develop tactile sensations.

    Work. Sweep the snow in the gazebo - running errands.

    Individual work. Clean tongue "Uk-uk-uk - the cat cleans the onion"

    Walk 14

    Observation for birds - to cultivate a desire to take care of birds, to continue to study their features.

    mobile game"Sparrows and the car" - to learn to act on a signal, to run without bumping into each other.

    Didactic game"What's in the bag?" - learn to determine which cereal is in the bag: millet, peas, rice, etc.

    Work. Feeding the birds - educate the desire to help the birds in winter.

    Individual work. Recall the poem by E. Ilyina "Our tree is high ..."

    Walk 15

    Observation for weather changes - to continue to form an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwinter.

    mobile game"Crows and a dog" - to teach children to imitate the movements and voices of birds; move without interfering with each other.

    Work. Construction of the highway - to cultivate the ability to work together.

    Individual work. Throwing snowballs for a distance.


    Walk 1

    Observation behind the trees - to cultivate a respect for nature.

    mobile game"Hares and the wolf" - to teach to listen carefully to the teacher, to exercise in jumping forward.

    Didactic game " Two roads ”- learn to choose the road for small cars and large cars (for large ones - wide, for small ones - narrow).

    Work."Let's sweep the path" - learn to perform the simplest tasks.

    Individual work. Repeating the nursery rhyme "Ay, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo."

    Walk 2

    Excursion on the site of the kindergarten: examining buildings made by older children - to promote the development of relations between toddlers and older preschoolers, to introduce elementary norms and rules of relationships; enrich children's vocabulary, develop the ability to answer questions.

    mobile game"On a narrow path" - to learn to perform actions according to the text of the poem.

    Didactic game“Help the bunny get home” - learn to choose a narrow path for the bunny (a bear walks along a wide path).

    Work. We will clean the path from snow - to accustom to work together with older children.

    Individual work. Finger gymnastics "Building a house"

    Walk 3

    Observation"Footprints in the snow" - to learn to identify traces: children, adults, animals and birds.

    mobile game“Mice lead a round dance” - introduce children to Russian folk outdoor games, exercise in performing movements according to the text of the nursery rhyme.

    Didactic game“The clock is ticking” - develop sound pronunciation, vocal apparatus, fix the correct pronunciation of the sounds “k”, “t”, “t”. Develop the ability to pronounce words quickly and slowly, loudly and quietly.

    Work."We build a house from snow" - to develop the desire of children to build from snow.

    Individual work. Breathing exercise "Wind".

    Walk 4

    Observation behind the ice - introduces children to the natural phenomenon - ice.

    mobile game"The white bunny washes" - to teach children to act according to the text of the poem.

    Didactic game"Repeat after me" - to form the skills of correct sound pronunciation.

    Work. Feeding birds - to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

    Individual work. Breathing exercise "Cheerful cockerel"

    Walk 5

    Observation behind the wind - to acquaint children with accessible natural phenomena, to develop the ability to answer questions: “Why do tree branches sway? How does the wind blow? How do trees sway?

    mobile game"Oh, what kind of people?" - continue to acquaint with folk games, teach to move in a flock, perform certain actions while running away, do not interfere with comrades, do not bump into each other.

    Didactic game"On our site" - to learn to navigate the kindergarten site.

    Work. Building a house out of snow - to cultivate a desire to build buildings out of snow.

    Individual work. Throwing snowballs for a distance.

    Walk 6

    Observation at the games of older children - to continue to acquaint with the relationship between people.

    mobile game"Train" - to learn to coordinate their movements with the movements of their comrades.

    Didactic game"Who knows what?" - activate the use of verbs in speech (a dog can bark, run, bite; a sparrow can jump, fly, chirp, etc.)

    Work. Let's sweep in the gazebo - to cultivate the desire to work.

    Individual work. Finger gymnastics "Castle".

    Walk 7

    Observation behind a birch - admire the birch, tell that it rests in winter, because very cold, little sun - to expand children's ideas about wildlife.

    mobile game“Hares and the Wolf” - exercise in jumping forward, in the ability to run on a signal without bumping into each other.

    Didactic game"Which? Which?" - Activate the use of adjectives in speech.

    Work. Let's clear the paths from the snow - to cultivate the desire to work together.

    Individual work.

    Walk 8

    Observation the weather of the day, a conversation on the questions: “Is it warm or cold outside? Is it snowing? Does the wind blow? Does the sun shine? - develop the ability to answer questions.

    mobile game"Find a dog" - learn to navigate in space.

    Didactic game"One - many" - to learn to distinguish between the number of objects.

    Work. Let's sweep the path - to involve in the execution of assignments.

    Individual work. Onomatopoeia exercise "How does a dog bark?"

    Walk 9

    Observation"Birds in Winter" - to cultivate a desire to take care of birds, to develop the ability to answer questions.

    mobile game"Birds in nests" - to learn to act on a signal, to run without bumping into each other.

    Didactic game“Guess what kind of bird” - learn to guess a bird by description (large, black, with a long beak - a rook; small, nimble, jumps, chirps - a sparrow, etc.)

    Work. Feeding birds - to involve children in feeding birds, to cultivate a caring attitude towards birds.

    Individual work. Onomatopoeia exercise "How does the duck say?"

    Walk 10

    Observation for icicles: draw children's attention to icicles, reflect on why they appeared - involve children in observing natural phenomena.

    Mobile game " Aim more precisely ”- develop the ability to throw at a target.

    Didactic game"Short and long icicles" - teach children to distinguish between icicles by length.

    Work. Collect dry twigs - involve in the execution of labor assignments.

    Individual work. Throwing snowballs at a distance with the right and left hand.

    Walk 11

    Observation behind the buildings on the site of the kindergarten - draw the attention of the children to the fact that the snowy buildings have melted, think about why they are melting.

    mobile game"Legs, legs" - learn to perform movements in accordance with the text.

    Didactic game"Big - small" - to learn how to choose a house for a bear and a mouse. (Draw houses in advance on the snow.)

    Work. We carry snow in buckets to a flower bed - to bring up the desire of children to participate in joint work, to explain that in spring the snow in the flower bed will melt, moisten the ground, and this is useful for the growth of flowers.

    Individual work. Climbing on the gymnastic wall.

    Walk 12

    Observationat work as a janitor- involve adults in observing labor, enrich speech with verbs.

    mobile game"Traps" - exercise in running, develop speed, agility.

    Didactic game"Find buckets of red" - learn to distinguish between red.

    Work. Help in clearing the paths from snow - to support the desire of children to help adults.

    Individual work. Game exercise "On a narrow path."

    Walk 13

    Observation behind the snow. Experimentation: “The snow does not melt on the mitten, but it melts on the palm of your hand” - continue to consolidate ideas about the properties of snow.

    mobile game"Okay, okay" - learn to listen carefully to the text of the nursery rhyme, count the claps: "One-two."

    Didactic game"Name the color" - learn to distinguish between primary colors.

    Work. We will clear the tables of snow - running errands.

    Individual work. Game exercise "On a narrow path"

    Walk 14

    Observation for transport - continue to introduce children to the types of transport: a car, freight car, tractor, snowplow, etc.; to acquaint with the elementary rules of the road: cars drive along the roadway, pedestrians walk along the sidewalk. It is necessary to cross the road only together with adults, in a strictly designated place.

    mobile game"Cars" - fix the rules of the road (go to the green, stop to the red).

    Didactic game"Bring an object of the same color" - to consolidate the ability to distinguish colors.

    Work. Clear the snow around the gazebo - cultivate a desire to work together.

    Individual work. Game exercise "Quiet - loud."

    Walk 15

    Observation for the weather of the day - continue to acquaint children with the features of winter weather, activate the vocabulary on the topic.

    mobile game"Shaggy dog" - learn to listen carefully to the quatrain, run in different directions without bumping into each other.

    Didactic game"A lot - a little" - learn to determine the amount of snow in a bucket.

    Work. To clear buildings of snow - to cultivate a desire to work.

    Individual work. Climbing on the gymnastic wall.