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  • If your friend is in If your friend is in a verbal dispute

    If your friend is in  If your friend is in a verbal dispute

    I could offend you

    It's bitter, but it's not sorrow

    You forgive him later.

    And if your friendship is strong,

    Because of a stupid trifle

    You don't let her break in vain.

    If you are in a quarrel with your beloved,

    And longing for her is hot,

    This is also not grief,

    Don't rush, don't lash out.

    Let not you be the reason

    That quarrel and harsh words,

    Rise above the quarrel, be a man!

    It's still your love!

    Anything can happen in life.

    And if your love is strong,

    Because of a stupid trifle

    You must not let her break.

    And so as not to reproach after yourself

    For hurting someone

    Better to be kind in the world

    Evil in the world and so enough.

    But don't give up on just one thing.

    Go to break, to separation,

    Just do not forgive meanness

    And don't forgive betrayal

    No one: neither beloved, nor friend.

    Slide 9 (animation)

    Presenter 2: These lines belong to the great poet Eduard Asadov. Eduard Asadov was born in 1923 into an intelligent teacher's family, both of his parents were teachers. The year 1941 has come. Inspired by plans and hopes, the young man plans to enter a university after school, but cannot decide what to prefer: literary or theatrical? Life saved Asadov from this choice, making its own

    Corrections - a week after the school graduation, the Great Patriotic War began.

    Presenter 1: Asadov went through the whole war, participated in the liberation of Crimea. In the battles for the liberation of Sevastopol on the night of May 3-4, 1944, having shown rare courage, Asadov was seriously wounded and lost his sight.

    Life seems to have collapsed, extinguished, cut short. But after many sleepless nights, having weighed everything, he set himself an important goal for himself.

    Poetry became the meaning of his life. As the poet wrote in his lines, "I will see with my heart."

    Slide 10

    Presenter 2: Asadov wrote many poems - about peace and war, about animals and nature, about human meanness and nobility, faith and unbelief. But first of all, these were poems about love - Asadov, dictating his lines to other people, was sure that only love can keep a person on the very edge, save and give a new goal in life.

    No matter what topics Asadov touches, no matter what he writes about, it is always interesting and bright, it always excites the soul. The poet died at the age of 81.

    Presenter 1: Eduard Arkadyevich Asadov is the favorite poet of millions and millions of readers. He is a man of rare destiny, rare courage and exceptional willpower. His whole life is a struggle with all evil. During the war - the fight against fascism. In the post-war years - the fight against meanness, lies, cowardice. Struggle for love, purity of human relations. And his weapon was poetry.


    Moon ball under a star lampshade

    Illuminated the sleeping town.

    We walked, laughing, along the gloomy embankment

    A guy with a sports figure

    And the girl is a fragile stalk.

    It can be seen, inflamed from the conversation,

    The guy said, by the way,

    Like once in a storm for the sake of a dispute

    He crossed the bay

    How I struggled with the devil's current,

    Like a lightning storm.

    And she looked with admiration

    In bold, hot eyes ...

    And then, sighing, she said softly:

    - I would have died of fear there.

    You know I'm a terrible coward

    Wouldn't swim in a thunderstorm!

    The boy smiled condescendingly,

    Pulled the girl slowly

    And he said: - You are simply amazing,

    Oh, sparrow soul!

    Lifted her chin with a finger

    And kissed. The bridge swayed

    The wind sang... And for her today

    The world was full of music and stars!

    So at night along the gloomy embankment

    We walked together through the sleeping town

    A guy with a sports figure

    And the girl is a fragile stalk.

    And when, having passed a strip of light,

    They entered the shadow of the dormant acacias,

    Two broad-shouldered dark silhouettes

    Are you playing with feelings? Well, let's play!
    I always dreamed of being an actress.
    Do you want a rabbit? I'll be bunny!
    If you want a kitty, I'll play a kitty!
    And I will be soft, fluffy and affectionate,
    Caring, gentle and slavishly submissive,
    At night, like the last passionate whore,
    During the day, a meek nun, almost silent.
    And I won't even ask for anything in return.
    Well, maybe just a little:
    Once a day, put an envelope on my bedside table,
    So that I don't get in your way.
    And she was doomed to wander through the boutiques,
    With aching anguish, your spending bucks,
    And gently ask me to replenish the credit card,
    When a little bit is not enough for a ring.
    Well, are we still playing with feelings?
    Do not want? Does that happen?
    What a pity, I liked this role,
    Where I am and a nun, and a whore, and a hare.

    Between the heat and the realm of ice
    Crossed one Saturday
    He is an ostrich and she is a penguin -
    Two birds of different flight.
    The ostrich was slender and tall,
    Looked haughtily at ostriches
    And bury your head in the sand
    She was selflessly taught.
    She, joyfully shouting,
    He was led somewhere into the backwater,
    With the delight of children's laughter,
    To learn to dive and swim.
    And mothers on both sides
    They shout to their fathers: “You saw it.
    Where will she and he live?
    Perhaps in Afro-Antarctica?
    But there is no mainland yet,
    What would work for both...
    ... show all text ...

    In other people's hearts, you can't fit your head
    Their feelings, thoughts are often not acceptable and strange.
    Everyone is accustomed to judging others on their own,
    Putting your meaning into what is said and what is written,
    But there is hope for mutual understanding.

    Eduard Asadov's poems about love

    I could offend you
    It's bitter, but it's not sorrow
    You then forgive him.

    And if your friendship is strong,
    Because of a stupid trifle
    You don't let her break in vain.
    If you are in a quarrel with your beloved,
    And longing for her is hot,
    This is also not grief,
    Don't rush, don't rush.
    Let not you be the reason
    That quarrel and harsh words,

    It's still your love!
    Anything can happen in life
    And if your love is strong,
    Because of a stupid trifle

    And so as not to reproach after yourself

    Better to be kind in the world
    Evil in the world and so enough.
    But just don't back down
    Go to break, to separation,
    Just do not forgive meanness
    And don't forgive betrayal
    No one: neither beloved, nor friend!

    They were students

    They were students.
    They loved each other.
    A room of eight meters - why not a family home ?!
    Preparing sometimes for offsets,
    Above a book or notepad
    They often sat together until late at night.
    She got tired easily
    And if you suddenly fell asleep,
    He washed dishes under the tap and swept the room.
    Then, trying not to make noise
    And shy of oblique glances,
    Secretly, behind a closed door, he washed clothes at night.
    But who will deceive the neighbors -
    He will probably become a magician.
    Buzzed over pot steam
    their friendly wasp swarm.
    They called her lazy
    His sarcastically hostess,
    They sighed that the guy was a rag and his wife had
    Often like this for hours
    With crackling voices
    Neighbors could gossip, chopping onions and carrots.
    And even though they stood for love,
    But they hardly understood

    They became engineers.
    Years passed without quarrels and sadness.
    But happiness is a capricious thing, unstable
    sometimes like smoke.
    After the meeting, on Saturday,
    Returning home from work
    One day he caught his wife kissing another.
    There is no worse pain in the world.
    Would be better off dead!
    For a minute he stood at the door, weary
    look into space.
    Didn't listen to explanations
    Did not begin to sort out the relationship,
    He did not take a ruble or a shirt, but silently stepped
    For a week the kitchen was buzzing:
    “Tell me what Othello!
    Well, I kissed you, I was wrong. jumped a little
    But he did not forgive. - "Have you heard?" -
    Philistines! They didn't even know
    Maybe that's what true love is!

    I can wait for you

    I can wait for you
    Long, long and true, true
    And I can't sleep at night
    A year, and two, and all my life, probably!
    Let the leaves of the calendar
    They will fly around like the leaves of a garden,

    What do you really need!
    I can follow you
    Through the thickets and stiles,
    On the sands, almost without roads,
    Over the mountains, on any path,
    Where the devil has never been!
    I'll go through everything, without reproaching anyone,
    I will overcome any anxiety
    Just to know that everything is not in vain,
    What then do not betray on the road.
    I can give for you
    Everything I have and will have.
    I can accept for you
    The bitterness of the worst fates in the world.
    I will consider happiness, giving
    The whole world to you every hour.
    Just to know that everything is not in vain,
    That I love you not in vain!

    To love is first and foremost to give.
    To love means your feelings, like a river,
    Splash with spring generosity
    To the joy of a loved one.
    To love is only to open your eyes
    And immediately think again with the dawn:
    Well, what would please, bestow
    The one you love with all your heart?
    To love is to fight passionately
    For loyalty and word, and every look,
    To have their hearts to the end
    And in sorrow and in joy forever near.
    Is love waiting? Well, of course, waiting!
    And tenderness awaits and warmth, but only
    Does not conduct accounting calculations:
    So much given, so much taken.
    Love is not a piggy bank in the closet darkness.
    The song doesn't tend to close.
    To love is to respond with joy
    For all the good things on earth!
    To love is to see any object,
    Feeling a kindred spirit nearby:
    Here is the book - has he read it or not?
    Pear. And how does he like this pear?
    Trifle? From what? Why is it empty?!
    Sometimes they even save lives.
    Love is a cherry banner of happiness,
    And in happiness there is no trifle!
    Love is not a continuous firework of passions.
    Love is faithful hands in life,
    She is not afraid of black days,
    No seduction and no separation.
    To love means to defend the truth,
    Even rebelling against the entire universe.
    To love is to be able to forgive in grief
    Everything except meanness and betrayal.
    To love means as many times as you want
    With pride to endure all hardships,
    But never, even at the hour of death,
    Do not settle for humiliation!
    Love is not a cheerful thoughtless bow
    And do not reproach that they beat in the ribs.
    To love is to have talent
    Maybe the biggest and kindest.
    And to hell with pathetic reasoning,
    All feelings will go away, like water in the sand.
    Only hobbies are temporary.
    Love, like the sun, always lives!
    And I don't care about cynical laughter
    The one who cannot measure starry heights.
    After all, these poems are mine only for those
    Who is able to love and believe with his heart!

    Her words and smiles are like birds,
    Used to, chirping carelessly,
    At meetings, flirt and spin,
    Invisibly sit on the shoulders of the guys
    And how much, and where, and when you want!
    Smartly, but dressed up with a challenge.
    And give away caresses, not counting
    It's easier for her than, say, folding a newspaper,
    Take a cigarette out of your bag
    Or sip a cognac cocktail with Tokay.
    Morality only angers her: - Souls are scanty!
    Cave people! Say funny!
    Bring on the sexual revolution
    And hypocrisy - to the devil out the window! -
    Oh, you are a wonderful miracle, you are a wonderful miracle!
    Do you really never understand,
    That "sex revolution" is your rowdy
    Just after all, there is that “cave age”!
    When neither soul nor mind is touched,
    In the subcortex and impulses of those people
    Only zoology reigned
    At the level of cats or walruses.
    But humanity has grown
    After all, those who dream are always right.
    And for the majority, it's not enough
    That which is quite like you.
    And people learned, warmed by new,
    Whatever instinct may leap in the blood,
    About that one kiss with love
    More expensive than a thousand without love!
    And you hurried, in general, in vain
    Make noise about "supernova relationship"
    Always on earth and for all generations
    There were also puddles and seas.
    Were everywhere and anytime
    And stupid chickens and nightingales,
    Cat's passion out and now "free",
    But there is at least something of love in it ?!
    Who scolded you - I do not know.
    And yet I will touch one string:
    Do you like it dear
    So, fluttering like a penny,
    Be like an appetizer sometimes to wine?
    Why are you so stupid or cold?
    For the evening a toy, a live "surprise",
    After all, the demand for you is only while you are young,
    And then, believe me, downhill!
    Of course, it's ridiculous to blame only you.
    But who can force you to do what?
    After all, in what to allow or forbid,
    The last word is yours though.
    Love is not a momentary drunken frenzy.
    Oh, if only you could really fall in love!
    It's such a great gift
    Such beauty and fire fire,
    What a vulgar man can't even dream of!
    Rush with anger from all filth,
    Repeating to myself with faith again and again,
    That there is only one, but love
    More expensive than a thousand miserable connections!

    We are far apart. Now between us
    Constellation patterns and whistling winds
    Roads with trains running into the distance
    Yes, a boring chain of telegraph poles.
    As if feeling our separation,
    Spreading poplar, sighing hotly,
    Stretching to the window, a green hand
    He put it on my shoulder in a friendly way.
    The soul asks for some news,
    We wait, light up with every line.
    But they bring news not only in envelopes,
    They sometimes pass through the walls to us.
    Imagine that you hear the news about
    That I was deceived along the way by a scoundrel,
    That he extended his hand, as a friend, to an enemy,
    And he pushed me in the back from the slope.
    The whole body is bruised, the lip is broken.
    What to do? False fate!
    And let you be offended, anxious,
    But you can believe. Is that possible!
    And if suddenly the news, like a blizzard haze,
    Will break in and say, in deaf words,
    That death interrupted the unsung song
    And circled my name with a black border.
    Cheerful lips closed forever.
    Loss, it can not be understood, not measured!
    Ridiculous! And yet you can believe
    Only rocks are immortal, and I am a man!
    But if you hear that spring time
    For a new, for a ghostly happiness in pursuit
    I have my heart not for you, but for another
    Excitedly suddenly held out in the palm of your hand,
    Let tears not splash, eyelashes do not tremble,
    Trouble will not squeeze the prickly cold!
    Do not believe! This cannot happen!
    Do you hear? This will never be!


    Words by Eduard Asadov

    If your friend is in a verbal dispute
    Could hurt you
    It's bitter, but it's not sorrow
    You then forgive him.
    Anything can happen in life
    And if our friendship is strong,
    Because of a stupid trifle
    You must not let her break.

    But in one thing do not give in,
    Go to break, to separation,
    Just do not forgive meanness
    And don't forgive betrayal
    No one, not a loved one, not a friend.

    If you are in a quarrel with your beloved,
    And separation from her is hot,
    This is also not grief,
    Don't rush, don't rush.
    Let not you be the reason
    That quarrel and harsh words
    Rise above the quarrel, be a man
    It's still your love.

    Anything can happen in life
    And if our friendship is strong,
    Because of a stupid trifle
    You must not let her break.
    And so as not to reproach after yourself
    For hurting someone
    It is better for the good in the world to live,
    Evil in the world and so enough.

    Songbook "Merry Wind". Methodical instructions for fighters of student groups. Part 1. Tyumen, Tyumen State Oil and Gas University, 2004.

    "A peer" is the name of the last (adult, for high school students) shift in Tyumen children's summer camps recreation "Children's Republic" and "Scarlet Sails" of the 1990s. The text of the anthem is a poem by Eduard Asadov "Kindness", the last verse of which is used as a refrain.


    If your friend is in a verbal dispute
    I could offend you
    It's bitter, but it's not sorrow
    You then forgive him.

    If your friend is in a verbal dispute

    I could offend you

    It's bitter, but it's not sorrow

    You forgive him later.

    Anything can happen in life.

    And if your friendship is strong,

    You don't let her break in vain.

    If you are in a quarrel with your beloved,

    And longing for her is hot,

    This is also not grief,

    Don't rush, don't lash out.

    Let not you be the reason

    That quarrel and harsh words,

    Rise above the quarrel, be a man!

    It's still your love!

    And if your love is strong,

    Because of a stupid trifle

    You must not let her break.

    And so as not to reproach after yourself

    For hurting someone

    Better to be kind in the world

    Evil in the world and so enough.

    But don't give up on just one thing.

    Go to break, to separation,

    Just do not forgive meanness

    And don't forgive betrayal

    No one: neither beloved, nor friend.

    Slide 9 (animation)

    Presenter 2: These lines belong to the great poet Eduard Asadov. Eduard Asadov was born in 1923 into an intelligent teacher's family, both of his parents were teachers. The year 1941 has come. Inspired by plans and hopes, the young man plans to enter a university after school, but cannot decide what to prefer: literary or theatrical? Life saved Asadov from this choice, making its own

    Corrections - a week after the school graduation, the Great Patriotic War began.

    Presenter 1: Asadov went through the whole war, participated in the liberation of Crimea. In the battles for the liberation of Sevastopol on the night of May 3-4, 1944, having shown rare courage, Asadov was seriously wounded and lost his sight.

    Life seems to have collapsed, extinguished, cut short. But after many sleepless nights, having weighed everything, he set himself an important goal for himself.

    Poetry became the meaning of his life. As the poet wrote in his lines, "I will see with my heart."

    Slide 10

    Presenter 2: Asadov wrote many poems - about peace and war, about animals and nature, about human meanness and nobility, faith and unbelief. But first of all, these were poems about love - Asadov, dictating his lines to other people, was sure that only love can keep a person on the very edge, save and give a new goal in life.

    No matter what topics Asadov touches, no matter what he writes about, it is always interesting and bright, it always excites the soul. The poet died at the age of 81.

    Presenter 1: Eduard Arkadyevich Asadov is the favorite poet of millions and millions of readers. He is a man of rare destiny, rare courage and exceptional willpower. His whole life is a struggle with all evil. During the war - the fight against fascism. In the post-war years - the fight against meanness, lies, cowardice. Struggle for love, purity of human relations. And his weapon was poetry.


    Moon ball under a star lampshade

    Illuminated the sleeping town.

    We walked, laughing, along the gloomy embankment

    A guy with a sports figure

    And the girl is a fragile stalk.

    It can be seen, inflamed from the conversation,

    The guy said, by the way,

    Like once in a storm for the sake of a dispute

    He crossed the bay

    How I struggled with the devil's current,

    Like a lightning storm.

    And she looked with admiration

    In bold, hot eyes.

    And then, sighing, she said softly:

    “I would have died of fear there.

    You know I'm a terrible coward

    Wouldn't swim in a thunderstorm!

    The boy smiled condescendingly,

    Pulled the girl slowly

    And he said: - You are simply amazing,

    Oh, sparrow soul!

    Lifted her chin with a finger

    And kissed. The bridge swayed

    The wind sang. And for her today

    The world was full of music and stars!

    So at night along the gloomy embankment

    We walked together through the sleeping town

    And the girl is a fragile stalk.

    And when, having passed a strip of light,

    They entered the shadow of the dormant acacias,

    Two broad-shouldered dark silhouettes

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    If your friend is in a verbal dispute

    Anything can happen in life
    And if your friendship is strong,
    Because of a stupid trifle
    You don't let her break in vain.

    If you are in a quarrel with your beloved,
    And longing for her is hot,
    This is also not grief,
    Don't rush, don't rush.

    Let not you be the reason
    That quarrel and harsh words,
    Rise above the quarrel, be a man!
    It's still your love!

    Anything can happen in life
    And if your love is strong,
    Because of a stupid trifle
    You must not let her break.

    And so as not to reproach after yourself
    For hurting someone
    Better to be kind in the world
    Evil in the world and so enough.

    But just don't back down
    Go to break, to separation,
    Just do not forgive meanness
    And don't forgive betrayal
    No one: neither beloved, nor friend!

    If your friend is in a verbal dispute
    I could offend you
    It's bitter, but it's not sorrow
    You then forgive him.

    And if your friendship is strong,
    Because of a stupid trifle
    You don't let her break in vain.

    If you are in a quarrel with your beloved,
    And longing for her is hot,
    This is also not grief,
    Don't rush, don't rush.

    Let not you be the reason
    That quarrel and harsh words,
    Rise above the quarrel, be a man!
    It's still your love!

    Anything can happen in life
    And if your love is strong,
    Because of a stupid trifle
    You must not let her break.

    And so as not to reproach after yourself
    For hurting someone
    Better to be kind in the world
    Evil in the world and so enough.

    But just don't back down
    Go to break, to separation,
    Just do not forgive meanness
    And don't forgive betrayal
    No one: neither beloved, nor friend!

    Analysis of the poem "Kindness" by Asadov

    Eduard Asadov is a wonderful Russian poet. Gained popularity thanks to poems about the war, parodic and satirical works. His work is valued for unshakable patriotism, wisdom, love, respect. The main feature of poetry is a heightened sense of justice.

    A striking example of an appeal to the main values ​​is the poem "Kindness". Asadov wrote it in adulthood. When in the past there was a war, because of which he lost his sight, and an unsuccessful marriage with his first wife. Having gone through difficult trials, the poet managed to preserve in himself kindness and the ability to forgive loved ones, to meet them halfway.

    The poem is an instruction for the reader. Its theme is forgiveness. The poet is sure that it is necessary to be able to forgive people's mistakes, to be kind and to think well about their actions. After all, this will help maintain love and friendship. Throughout the work, the author considers different situations between people and gives wise life advice on how to act in each of them. According to his wise reasoning, it becomes clear that this is a person with great life experience.

    First, the hero talks about friendship. He says that you can’t stop it because of a stupid act. It is important to be able to take the first step towards reconciliation.

    The work is based on a simple truth - you need to be humane to others and appreciate the relationship of people to each other. In life, any situation can happen, as the author writes. Sometimes people cannot explain why they did it this way and not otherwise. At the same time, they sincerely repent and want to fix everything.

    At the same time, the lyrical hero warns that betrayal and meanness cannot be forgiven - neither to a friend, nor to a lover. The poet emphasizes their meaning by highlighting the last stanza. Its difference is that it contains five lines, and not four like the others. People who have done such things do not deserve forgiveness. You need to part with them. The author does not explain anything, but only states a fact. This approach allows the reader to think about the problem on their own. The last verse is written on the basis of an experienced betrayal. His first wife left for another man.

    The poem "Kindness" was written in 1970, but it will be relevant at all times, because it touches on important topics - relationships between people. Asadov speaks in simple words about what each of us has to face.