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  • Preserving the foundation before winter Screw pile foundation
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  • Is it possible to leave the strip foundation without load for the winter? We conserve the foundation before winter The foundation is made of screw piles.

    Is it possible to leave the strip foundation without load for the winter?  We conserve the foundation before winter The foundation is made of screw piles.

    In our climate, a favorable warm time for building a house is not always enough. And it seems that the construction of the house was completed by the fall, but the insulation of the walls, and less often the roof, has to be done already with the onset of cold weather.

    To insulate or leave until spring is, of course, up to the owner, but if you plan to use heating or even live in a house, then the unequivocal answer is to insulate! When heating an uninsulated house, heating costs increase sharply, structures may freeze, increase humidity, low indoor temperatures and an unhealthy microclimate. Therefore, despite the difficulties of winter insulation, it is still highly desirable to complete these works as soon as possible.

    The greatest difficulty in winter insulation is created by low air temperature, at which it is difficult to work on the street, especially with numerous small or fragile parts, which are very numerous when attaching wall cladding. In winter, the wall surfaces will also be cold, which is critical when carrying out “wet” work with cement mortars, such as when performing a plaster facade. In addition to cold, negative factors are precipitation in the form of snow or rain, which will prevent the drying of mortar mixtures, and can also get inside the structure.

    ECOVER basalt slabs are made from stone wool with a small amount of polymer binder. At low temperatures, the properties of the insulation practically do not change: the plates do not become brittle, do not change their elasticity, unlike plastic insulation - polystyrene or polyurethane. Due to the properties of stone fiber and water-repellent impregnations, the material is practically not affected by atmospheric moisture, and in the event of wetting or freezing, stone wool slabs are easily dried due to the highly porous structure and completely restore their thermal insulation properties.

    Often the developer is faced with the question of whether it is possible to leave the insulation uncovered until spring. It should be remembered that mineral wool insulation is intended for insulation in structures provided that it is protected from moisture and ultraviolet radiation. The stone base of the material is not afraid of such influences, however, the binding and modifying components, like any organic substances, will be destroyed under the influence of the sun and moisture. Of course, in winter, the intensity of solar radiation and the ingress of liquid moisture are limited, but still, the faster the insulation is covered, the higher its performance and durability will be.

    Mechanical fastening of insulation and frame structures

    With the “dry” method of fastening, that is, using dowels or when installing plates by surprise, there are no special requirements for winter installation, except for an adjustment for frozen hands and increased fragility of the plastic parts of the dowels. It is necessary to avoid getting snow under the insulation and into the joints between the plates, and also try to close the heat-insulating layer with a cladding or windproof membrane as soon as possible. By the way, with external insulation of the main walls, no films are laid between the wall and the insulation, and vapor barrier is not applied from the inside. Outside, a hydro-windproof membrane can be used (in the assortment of many domestic film manufacturers it is marked with index A), although due to the low compressibility and low air permeability of ECOVER boards, it is allowed not to install any combustible films. When insulating frame walls, as well as in the case of wall insulation from the inside and in any ceilings and floors from the side of a warm room, it is necessary to use vapor barrier barrier films (usually marked with indexes B, C or D).

    Stucco facades

    The so-called "wet" processes are associated with the insulation of these facades. The gluing of the insulation boards is carried out on a cement adhesive containing water, and a reinforced preparatory and then textured decorative layer is applied on top. The plastering technology of facades implies significant financial expenses for mixtures, more durable insulation, fasteners, work, so it is better to postpone the installation for the warm season. If, nevertheless, winter work cannot be avoided, then you can act in two ways: apply antifreeze additives or make a warm contour around the building.

    Antifreeze additives in cement mixtures can reduce the freezing point of water and accelerate the setting of the mixture in the cold. Such additives can be purchased separately and independently introduced when mixing mixtures. In this case, there is a risk of not keeping the proportion or getting the incompatibility of the additive with polymer modifiers of plaster mixes. Antifreeze additives can be introduced into the compositions during their production - these are special "winter" mixtures. Nevertheless, this method with antifreeze additives has the possibility of white efflorescence, cracking and obtaining less strength as a result of hardening of the mixtures. In addition, the "painless" temperature range for the use of additives is usually limited to -10°C.

    A more reliable, but also costly method is the creation of a "green house", that is, the installation of scaffolding with a protective film stretched around the perimeter. Under the veil, atmospheric precipitation is not terrible, and due to heat guns, it is possible to maintain the temperature above +5 ° C around the clock.

    Preservation of the plaster facade for the winter (up to 6 months) is possible according to the technical regulations at the stage of completion of the preparatory reinforcing layer, which will protect the insulation from the effects of precipitation and the sun, and after priming it will remain a reliable basis for applying decorative plaster in warm weather.

    Winter insulation, of course, requires higher costs from the developer compared to summer, but these costs will still be covered by increased payments for heating the house. The most economical is to insulate the house in traditional ways with the creation of ventilated gaps. Plastering technology will require significant investments and skills, therefore, if possible, it must be transferred to the warm season.

    Usually, foundation conservation for the winter is used when the budget is insufficient, when it is not possible to pour the foundation, put walls and roof in one season. At the same time, it is necessary to protect the unloaded underground reinforced concrete structures from wetting and heaving forces. This requires waterproofing of concrete surfaces, insulation of the soil adjacent to the foundation, drainage at the level of the sole of the tape or slab in accordance with VSN 29-85.

    Piles of hanging grillages can not be insulated, it is strictly forbidden to leave columnar foundations without vertical loading for the cold period.

    The decision to pour the foundation in the winter is quite reasonable, since it allows you to start building walls in early spring in order to guarantee that the dwelling will be occupied in the same season. The main problems of "freezing" construction at the stage of the zero cycle are:

    • lack of loads from the weight of load-bearing structures to compensate for frost heaving of soils;
    • opening of cracks from frozen water inside the structure of wet concrete;
    • deformations, breaks, roll of reinforced concrete structures caused by swelling of clay soils.

    The emergence of heaving forces is possible only in the presence of three factors: a high content of clay in the soil, the presence of moisture for its swelling, freezing to increase the soil volume by 9 - 12%. By removing any component, you can reduce or eliminate swelling completely.

    Thus, in order to preserve an object with a monolithic foundation, it is necessary to insulate the building perimeter, protect concrete and soil from moisture, and replace heaving soils with non-metallic material.

    The need to freeze construction

    The suspension of work is not always caused by a lack of budget. Many individual developers prefer not to risk leaving the masonry until the next season. For wooden cottages, there is no particular point in freezing the object - the technologies of panel, log, frame, half-timbered and panel construction are all-weather.

    To leave the concrete underground structure for the winter, it is necessary to complete all foundation work:

    • drainage - wells at the corners of the building, corrugated pipes perforated with slots between them in a double geotextile winding;
    • underlying layer under the sole - drainage + leveling of the site + elimination of swelling;
    • waterproofing - carpet under the sole (2 - 3 layers of Bikrost, polyethylene film, for slab foundation) + fusing of rolled bituminous materials on the side and upper faces, coating with mastics, processing with penetrating compounds or plastering with moisture-resistant mixtures;
    • insulation - horizontally laid extruded polystyrene foam EPPS under the blind area at a depth of 30 - 40 cm + gluing the outer surface of the foundation with the same material;
    • backfilling - non-metallic material must cover the foundation surfaces with a layer of at least 20 cm, compacted with a vibrating plate.

    The underground reservoir of the drainage system must have a minimum distance of 4 m from concrete structures, be below the base of the MZLF. Collected effluent can be reused.

    Important: Each wintering of the foundation without a waterproofing coating reduces its strength, resource by 20%, that is, after 5 years, you can destroy the MZLF or floating slab, build them again. In no case should you buy plots with such foundations.

    After that, it remains to protect concrete structures that remain without load from lateral freezing and swelling of adjacent soils. To reduce costs, you can use natural insulation - snow, by organizing detention with shields.

    Foundation protection measures

    The best option for conserving the foundation in winter is to pour a floating slab, waterproof the surfaces of concrete structures and insulate the blind area. Even with uneven swelling after thawing the soil at the beginning of the next season, nothing can happen to the plate. It is much more difficult to maintain a strip foundation:

    • water is drawn into the lattice of the structure;
    • uneven swelling exerts twisting, pulling and bending forces on the belt without load.

    Therefore, before leaving the foundation of the tape type in the winter, it is necessary to perform the following operations:

    • strip the tape - wooden shields will not be able to protect the structure, swell from precipitation, serve as a wet compress, contribute to waterlogging of concrete, which is very dangerous when freezing;
    • waterproof surfaces - by gluing, coating, plastering or penetrating compounds;
    • make drainage - if this was not done at the stage of the underlying layer;
    • to insulate the blind area is the final part of the standard MZLF technology.

    Despite the complex of works carried out, it is difficult to keep the foundation intact, since there is no building itself and heating of the interior. Thermal insulation of the blind area in "unfinished buildings" is not very effective, there are options for additional protection against moisture and freezing:

    • perimeter cultivation - you can plow the soil around the foundation, harrow it to break up large lumps;
    • snow insulation - installation of snow retention shields (Given the nature of recent winters in the central part of Russia, with large temperature drops from plus to minus, such insulation can only do harm. Therefore, it all depends on the construction area. Snow should lie all winter.);
    • "hut" - the elements of the foundation are covered with natural insulation and plastic wrap;

    Aeration of the soil allows you to reduce the density, after which, water saturation automatically increases, when freezing, swelling is practically absent. Natural heaters are: bark, straw, shavings, slag, sawdust. Insulation prepared for roofing (expanded polystyrene, basalt wool), partitions and walls, which can be reused, can be used.

    After pouring the strip foundation, numerous pools are obtained in which precipitation accumulates. Covering the entire perimeter with films will not work in principle - this material will be located horizontally, will not withstand the snow cover. Therefore, shields covered with a film are leaned against the tapes in an inclination on both sides. Winter conservation measures are described in departmental regulations VSN 29-85.

    In fact, the MZLF of the cottage remaining in the winter is as similar as possible to the foundation of any unheated (seasonal) building. To compensate for the heaving forces of underground reinforced concrete structures of unheated houses, the following scheme is used:

    • a horizontal 5cm layer of high-density extruded polystyrene XPS under the entire footing of the building;
    • insulation of the blind area with a width of 0.6 - 1.2 m with sheets of 5 cm thick;
    • an increase in the thickness of the heat insulator under the blind area in the corners up to 10 cm.

    Another method is less commonly used, when the heat insulator is laid under the floors on the ground, continues vertically along the inner edges of the MZLF tape, the blind area insulation is not connected to the internal heat-insulating circuit.

    However, if the foundation of a cottage intended for permanent residence is conserved, it is irrational to spend such an amount of insulation by burying it in the ground. Therefore, the top layer of soil is covered, measures are taken to drain rain and melt water. The blind area is usually poured and decorated at the stage of finishing the facades; during conservation in the ground, impromptu trenches can be made with a slope to remove surface moisture.

    If the construction site is frozen for several seasons, the object of the zero cycle must be reactivated with the onset of spring. This will allow the moisture to evaporate in a natural way, to dry the structural elements. For the next wintering, the foundation is prepared according to the above technology. The blind area is concreted in winter only with the full range of work performed:

    • drainage sewerage must be laid;
    • engineering systems were introduced into the building;
    • extended ground loop;
    • waterproofing of all concrete surfaces;
    • performed vertical + horizontal insulation;
    • backfilling is done with non-metallic material.

    Otherwise, in the next season, trenches will have to be developed again for the performance of these works. Decorating the blind area with paving stones, rubber, PVC tiles is carried out after finishing work is completed so as not to damage the coating.

    Thus, the foundation of the dwelling can be left unloaded in the winter, providing the indicated protection measures. The main tasks are to keep the geothermal heat of the subsoil with heat insulators, to prevent the concrete and adjacent soils from getting wet. With the observance of modern technologies for the construction of foundations, 90% of the work is performed by default.

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    It is no secret that construction in our area is progressing at a relentless pace, and if someone needs to build a foundation in late autumn or winter, there are reasons for that. In the matter of choosing a "winter" base, the opinions of experts differ, and at the same time, the majority chooses the tape type, as the simplest and most versatile in low-rise construction.

    Preparation for the construction of a strip foundation in winter

    Is it possible to build on frozen ground in winter so that its quality and durability do not differ from summer conditions? To do this, it is necessary to prepare the site in the fall, that is, to conduct engineering and geological surveys, a soil sample in order to predict the level of freezing, the behavior of groundwater, soil heaving, etc. Since the level of laying the strip foundation must be below the freezing limit, samples cannot be taken when the waters melt, the groundwater comes to the surface or the first frosts.

    If the site allotted for the construction of the foundation is uneven, then leveling work should also be carried out, if possible, before frost. But you can install markings from pegs and get to work directly in the winter.

    What difficulties may arise?

    The specifics of "winter" work on the construction of a strip foundation, especially at low temperatures (-5 and below), implies increased hydration of concrete, that is, heat loss. This will entail additional costs for heating and electricity: the use of heat guns will help maintain the properties of poured concrete at the desired level. A heat generator with a capacity of 30 to 40 kilowatts is suitable, depending on the amount of work. You will also have to take care of the installation of the heating cable around the perimeter of the reinforcement.

    Needless to say, the ability to handle guns and lay a strip foundation at low temperatures requires work experience. If you hire a team of specialists who have the above equipment available, it will cost more. But you will definitely be sure of the quality of urgent work.

    Technology Choice

    The strip foundation laying system in autumn or winter is observed depending on several factors. Of course, the first of these is weather conditions, including temperature, the presence of cover on the ground, humidity and freezing of the soil. The price of a strip foundation depends on the cost of concrete, and therefore on these factors. To save on the cost of concrete or the effort to heat it, technologies such as heating the soil under the influence of thermoelectric platforms are used. Compared to wire or electrode heating, it provides a better performance guarantee. Also, concrete of increased frost resistance of the M400 or M500 class is chosen, or additives are added to the existing dry mix.

    Can the strip foundation be left for the winter?

    If you have weighed all the pros and cons and decided to suspend construction for the cold period, you must understand that you cannot just leave everything as it is. What can happen:

    • If you leave the strip foundation for the winter, then the cement will freeze, and cracks will appear in the structure. This will be revealed at the most inopportune moment during the operation of the house - the building may simply collapse in a year or two.
    • Outside, the structure can be covered with a fine network of cracks of various widths. In this case, there is only one way out - to sort out the structure;
    • The ground and surface waters that have come up during the melting will wash away the base.

    First of all, it is necessary to organize waterproofing (before the onset of frost): roofing material or polyethylene can be used for wrapping. You can “cover” the strip foundation for the winter in the fall with the help of EPP or other heaters, add straw, sawdust, ready-made communications and pipes to clog chipboard from above. Finally, from above, the structure is also covered with a film and weighted with bricks or expanded clay.

    Can I leave the frame pool for the winter? Do I need to disassemble and clean the frame pool for the winter? Details here.

    After the end of the swimming season, many people have a question whether it is worth dismantling the frame pool or still leaving everything as it is. I really don’t want to deal with the annual assembly and disassembly of the structure, drain it, and especially since the film becomes unusable with constant folding, and it is so inconvenient to fold it.

    Do I need to dismantle the frame pool for the winter? No, it's not necessary. Preservation is allowed for all-season prefabricated models with rigid sides, the metal bowl of which is made of frost-resistant materials. Frame pools of summer type. In order for him to safely pass the winter, you need to properly care for the bowl. In no case do not leave the container without water, frost will definitely deform the frame, and the film will become brittle and covered with microcracks. In addition, it is easier for rodents to climb into an empty pool and gnaw on the material. Moreover, a strong wind can also blow away the structure.

    ADVICE!Pool conservation work should begin when the air temperature drops to 15 C.

    We are not afraid to freeze correctly until spring

    We leave the frame pool for the winter with water, just below the nozzles, and filter it for 2 hours so that the water does not bloom. But before pouring fresh water, the walls and bottom of the pool must be washed from mold and plaque. Hard alkaline properties and coarse metal brushes should not be used for cleaning. We connect plastic bottles with a load with each other so that they are evenly distributed over the pool and placed in the water. They will not allow the expanded ice to break the awning, but will shrink, taking the load on themselves.

    Removing all equipment

    • filter,
    • pipes,
    • skimmer.

    We wash and dry everything, remove all filter materials from the filter. We put all accessories in a dry room in boxes. We put plugs on all inlet and outlet openings. We cover the pool with a durable awning from precipitation and debris. All. Now you can leave the frame pool outside in winter.

    In order to prepare the pool, you need to work hard physically and spend a single hour on it. But such a thing is not cheap and you can’t let everything go by itself. Any thing needs proper care. Having carried out all the above procedures, even a frame pool with a metal bowl will last a long time.

    No spring mounting

    Leaving the frame pool for the winter turned out to be not so scary and now you can safely leave for a city apartment until the next warm weather arrives. And upon arrival, in the warm season, such a pool will be easier. You just need to put in the equipment, connect the hoses, remove the plugs, add specialized preparations again and wait for the water to heat up. And no painful editing.

    Preservation of the frame pool for the winter

    The construction of construction projects is often delayed for several years for various reasons. In the first year, before the onset of winter, they usually manage to complete the preparation and planning of the site, the laying of engineering networks and the installation of the foundation. With the onset of cold weather, work on the construction site stops until spring. Very often the question arises: “Is it necessary to preserve the foundation for the winter?”.

    Conservation of a building object

    For whatever reasons the construction of the facility was suspended in the winter period, it is necessary to carry out a set of necessary works to prepare for the conservation of the facility itself and the materials brought to the construction site.

    Snow and frost can severely damage the foundation

    There are several reasons that can cause damage to prepared building materials and erected structures:

    • Atmospheric precipitation - water from rainfall is absorbed into materials and accumulates in the cavities of building structures. With the onset of the first frosts, the water freezes and expands significantly, which can cause the destruction of building structures and damage to materials.
    • Low temperatures can cause deterioration in the properties of some building materials, which lose their properties and become very brittle. To prevent damage to material resources, it is very important to properly cover them.
    • Water and frost cause such a phenomenon as heaving of the soil - frozen wet soil begins to push the foundation structures to the surface of the earth. Shallow foundations suffer greatly from this phenomenon.
    • Excessive snow load in winter can provoke the collapse of building structures that are not designed to withstand such a load.
    • The last reason for conservation is not related to natural phenomena or structural features of the building. At an object unprepared for wintering, there is a danger of plundering materials that are not protected by anyone during the winter period.

    Stages of object conservation for the winter

    The optimal solution for the conservation of the object for the winter is the implementation of measures at a certain stage of construction. The following building structures can be closed for the winter:

    • Foundations with a basement or basement completed by construction.
    • The walls of a one-story house with an attic floor.
    • The walls of the second floor with an attic floor.
    • Finished building box with roof.
    • Finished box building without finishing work.

    Sometimes it is necessary to leave a building with unfinished stages of construction for the winter, such objects can be closed until spring in the state in which they really are.

    Shelter of foundations

    Actions for the conservation of foundations for the winter in most cases are aimed at carefully covering the foundations, especially if the supporting base is being built on heaving soils of deep freezing. If soil was not replaced under the foundation, technically the issue was resolved only with the implementation of a sand cushion, there is a danger of destruction of the unloaded foundation belt in winter due to frozen soil. Such a structure cannot be left unloaded in the winter.

    foundation cover

    It is possible to prevent the destruction of foundations, for this it is necessary to erect a temporary shelter for the support. Hay, straw, expanded clay, sawdust, slag wool and other materials can serve as materials for warming foundation supports.

    To protect structures from rainwater leakage, snow accumulation, it is possible to insulate the foundation using film materials.

    Each type of foundation is conserved for the winter with the implementation of certain measures. You can get acquainted with the technology of insulation of various foundation structures closer, find out which foundations can be left unloaded.

    Strip foundations: conservation for the winter

    Before performing work on preparing the strip foundation for the winter, it is necessary to dismantle the formwork panels, but for this it is worth making sure that 28 days have already passed from the day the structure was poured with concrete. The foundation must gain full strength.

    It is dangerous to leave formwork on the foundation structure in winter, because unprotected wood quickly absorbs moisture, transferring it to concrete. When the temperature drops, water-saturated concrete will freeze, expanding when frozen, water can cause irreversible damage to the supporting structure.

    Insulation of the strip foundation for the winter

    The stages of conservation of tape-type foundation supports include the following works:

    • Performing reliable waterproofing - for this you can use roofing material, waterproofing, reinforced durable film. Pieces of waterproofing material are overlapped on the strip foundation structure with sufficient overlap. The laid film or roofing material is pressed down by heavy materials or structures.
    • Providing insulation - polystyrene or polystyrene plates can be laid on top of the foundation structures, covering them with a reinforced film on top. In the absence of foam plastic plates, building expanded clay can be used, a layer of which is poured over the erected foundation.
    • Water drainage - to remove moisture from precipitation, soil water that has risen as a result of autumn rains, you can arrange an impromptu drainage system. To do this, at a distance from the foundation of the house, you should dig a deep pit (at least 2 meters). To dig several trenches to the pit, which during the rains will serve as drainage ditches.

    It is very important to remember that only those foundation structures that have gained full strength after pouring the concrete mixture into the formwork can be insulated for the winter.

    The conservation of the foundation for the winter, especially the tape one, is a very important and responsible event, which must be taken seriously. Watch the video on how to cover the strip foundation for the winter.

    Insulation of a monolithic slab

    When preparing for the conservation of the foundation slab for the winter, it is worth remembering that the sole of this structure is already insulated. Protection from frost and groundwater is carried out by a sand and gravel cushion laid on the bottom of the structure before pouring with a concrete mixture. A layer of waterproofing and insulation is laid on a sandy layer, only after that work continues on reinforcing and concreting the slab. Based on this, the lower part of the slab foundation can not be insulated.

    Protection against low temperatures and excessive moisture must be carried out only on the sides of the slab base. To do this, you can lay a layer of expanded polystyrene, polystyrene or fill the side edges of the plate with expanded clay.

    The slab foundation cannot be left unloaded for the winter, therefore, after isolating the outer surface of the slab base from precipitation and insulation, the monolithic slab should be loaded, distributing the load as evenly as possible over the entire surface.

    Preservation of the screw pile foundation

    When constructing a foundation on screw piles, especially in swampy areas and peat bogs, all construction work is planned for cold weather.

    In winter, it is possible to screw piles into water-filled and moving soils to a sufficient depth, which eliminates the risk of deformation of the foundation belt during further operation. Screw foundations, screwed in in the summer, do not need special protection from frost and atmospheric moisture, it is only necessary to tie the piles with rolled metal (perform a grillage), and also check that the interior of all piles is filled with concrete mix, head restraints are installed on every pile.

    How to prepare columnar foundations for winter

    Columnar foundations do not require serious warming measures in the winter. These structures have little contact with the ground and open air. The foundation is practically not subject to winter buckling, with the exception of shallow columnar foundation structures, there is a threat of uneven buckling of individual supports.

    To prevent damage, it is imperative to erect a grillage, it is advisable to complete the work before the onset of the winter period.

    Conservation of the foundation for the winter: how to cover the foundation for the winter

    Can the base be left unloaded for the winter? Conservation of the foundation for the winter: building technologies how to cover the foundation for the winter.


    Preparing the foundation for wintering

    It is rare when it is possible to complete all construction work in one or even two seasons. And there is concern about sheltering an unfinished construction site for the winter. Often in the first year it is only possible to lay the foundation of the house. Conservation of the foundation for the winter is not a complicated procedure, but it has many nuances.

    A set of measures to prepare a building support for wintering may include various works and depends on several factors:

    • Construction type.
    • climatic conditions.
    • Soil features (heaving, groundwater level, etc.).
    • The degree of completion of the foundation of the house.

    Based on these conditions, a system of measures for shelter is selected. But in fact, all actions are aimed at preserving the structure from two destructive factors:

    As well as additional influences, which are a combination of these two destructive forces.

    Influence of design type

    Each type of building base has its own design features, which determine how much the base will suffer from unprepared wintering.

    • The pile-screw foundation is the least susceptible to destruction. It is even allowed to be installed in winter. This type does not need any conservation work during the cold weather, it can be left as is.

    Do not require serious protection measures and a concrete pile or pillar foundation. The area of ​​contact with soil and air is small, and exposure to heaving forces is low.

    However, if this is a shallow type, then due to frost, uneven movements of individual supports may occur. Therefore, it is desirable that a grillage be mounted before the onset of frost.

    The slab structure is most exposed to moisture and cold in winter in an unfinished construction project. It requires special treatment and mandatory protective measures.

    If you leave it without conservation, you can expect the most deplorable consequences, up to the destruction of the foundation.

    The last two types of construction require special consideration.

    Influence of degree of readiness

    The ability of concrete to endure frost and mechanical stress depends on how long ago it was poured and what additional work was required at the time the frost was established.

    It is possible to leave the foundation without any protection for the winter if all of the following conditions are met:

    • After pouring, the concrete was kept at a positive temperature for at least a month and gained the required minimum strength.
    • Its upper plane and sides are covered with a reliable waterproofing material.
    • The correct backfilling of the sinuses and the internal space of the foundation was performed with tamping and the formation of a hydraulic lock in the upper part of the backfill.

    In this case, we can say that the foundation of the house is ready for use and does not need additional measures to protect against factors that the foundation will constantly face throughout the entire existence of the building.

    The first point is the most important. Concrete that has not gained its design strength cannot be left to winter. This is a violation of all existing rules and regulations.

    If it is planned to pour concrete in frosty weather, then it is necessary to add special anti-frost additives or heat the foundation until it gains strength. You can read about the techniques for pouring the foundation of a house in late autumn in the article on pouring the foundation in October.

    Waterproofing is important for lightweight concretes that tend to absorb moisture, as well as for FBS structures. Moisture can penetrate into cracks, seams, microcracks and in the cold will break concrete.

    If the soil is dry enough and the groundwater level is low, then it is permissible to do without waterproofing for one season, simply by covering the concrete with roofing material, polyethylene or other water-impermeable material.

    Proper backfilling is needed so that the water of autumn rains and spring meltwater does not fall under the sole of the base of the house. If left unfilled, the water will soften the soil and reduce its bearing capacity.

    Autumn waters, which freeze in winter and lift concrete, are especially harmful. Since the foundation is not loaded, it is highly likely that it will move and rise a lot.

    Features of wintering plate

    The most problematic may be the slab type of the base of the house. It has a large area of ​​contact with the ground and with air, all located in the zone of soil freezing. Her behavior in an unheated building is seriously different from the behavior in a residential building.

    It is best if the plate is not loaded. In this case, the risk of destruction is minimal even without conservation, but one must be prepared that by spring it will noticeably shift or tilt.

    It is much more dangerous if the stove enters the wintering already loaded. The soil under the slab does not cool evenly, first the soil freezes from the edges, then in the center. Spring thaw occurs similarly unevenly.

    As a result, the plate experiences large bending loads. If the walls have not yet been erected, then these loads simply move the foundation. And if the box of the house has already been built, but there is no heating yet, then the heaving loads begin to tear the slab, destroy it. The risk of cracking is very high.

    There is only one way out: to thoroughly insulate the base of the house and heat it up. The small depth of the support does not allow it to receive heat from low layers of soil. Therefore, without additional heating, it is impossible to save the structure. If you do not heat the stove, the ground under it will definitely freeze, which can lead to devastating consequences.

    When do you need to hide and how to do it?

    Given all of the above, you can understand when conservation is still necessary and what it should be:

    • If the poured concrete has not gained strength. In this case, it must be closed and heated, maintaining the optimum temperature for cement hydration. It is not necessary to do this all winter, usually concrete gains the necessary strength in a month.
    • If it is a prefabricated structure. It should be protected from moisture, for which it is enough to cover it with materials that do not allow water to pass through. Or make a major waterproofing.
    • If it is a slab structure under load. Just covering it is not enough, you will have to warm the entire period of frost. An alternative is to backfill the entire foundation with a heat-insulating material at least a meter thick (the exact figure depends on climatic conditions).
    • If there is a high level of groundwater, then preparation for wintering should include the construction of a drainage system - drainage.

    To prepare the support of the house for the winter, you can use the following techniques:

    • To protect against precipitation and surface water, a covering with waterproofing materials (roofing felt, film, etc.) and high-quality backfilling are used.
    • A drainage system is needed to protect against groundwater.
    • Backfilling with a thick layer of material with low thermal conductivity saves from frost - dry sawdust, expanded clay, dry sand. In special cases, additional heating may be necessary.

    The need to apply certain methods must be decided in each case individually.

    Preservation of the foundation for the winter: how and with what to cover it and should it be done at all?

    Preparing for winter: foundation design for the winter period, properties of the slab base, is it necessary to cover the bases and how to do it right with your own hands?


    Foundation conservation methods for the winter

    The technology of building a private house involves the implementation of a large number of different types of construction work. At the same time, the lack of a sufficient number of workers or financial resources leads to the fact that the entire construction complex is stretched for more than one year. In this case, it becomes necessary to save what has already been produced until next year. An example of a common problem of this kind is the conservation of a finished foundation until next spring in order to keep it in the best possible condition for continuing work. Today we will talk about how to properly prepare.

    A good foundation is the key to a strong home.

    The basis of many types of buildings, as well as a country house, is the foundation. Depending on its operation, weather conditions, especially in winter, on the level of groundwater, the choice of one or another type of building foundation ultimately depends. As a rule, the construction of a strip concrete reinforced foundation, slab or block, takes place in several stages: preparing the trench, manufacturing and installing the formwork, reinforcing frame, and directly pouring the solution. But, if the work is carried out without the involvement of the necessary construction equipment (concrete mixers), then the construction can stretch for the entire warm period of the year, even if you start work on time. To resume construction and preserve the results of your work, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare the foundation for wintering. Before proceeding directly to the list of main actions, let's define the main negative influences of the autumn-spring period.

    The first negative aspect to which buried foundations are exposed is an excess of moisture in the foundation pit. If you did not have time to install floor slabs between the basement and first floors, water will certainly accumulate in the resulting lowland.

    As a result, excessive waterlogging of the concrete may occur. And winter freeze-thaw cycles will lead to the formation and growth of cracks and the destruction of the foundation material.

    The second aspect related to winter is long periods with low negative temperatures. Despite the fact that it will not be possible to completely protect the foundation of the house from frost, it is necessary to minimize their influence as much as possible. It is to address these two issues that the following steps will be directed.

    How to protect the foundation from moisture

    The solution to the problem of waterlogging can be achieved in several ways. Carefully study the location of the future home, determine the direction of the natural slope, the availability of opportunities for the removal of autumn and spring (melt) water. It is best to allow moisture to flow out of the pit on its own. To do this, dig a narrow trench, the bottom level of which should be at the level of the cellar or basement floor. The direction of the moat should ensure the natural flow of fluid and be directed to the existing natural slopes of the terrain. A good option is the location of the bypass channel around the perimeter of the entire house with access in the most convenient direction.

    Often inexperienced builders are faced with the problem of water accumulation directly inside the foundation bowl.

    Ventilation holes can be used to avoid this. They will provide a partial outflow of water from the foundation area and will not allow it to accumulate.

    In the absence of the possibility of natural removal of liquid from the pit or directly from the internal space of the foundation, it remains to resort to the help of a sewage machine. By agreement, several times during the fall, as well as in the spring, pump out the accumulated moisture.

    A good method of preserving the foundation without overlapping and protecting it from excessive water ingress is to erect a temporary pitched roof. Various wooden materials are suitable for its manufacture, and the roof can be made with cheap roofing material. In addition, it is possible to cover the construction site with a strong plastic film, carefully fixing its edges. The best choice for these purposes is a film reinforced with polypropylene threads.

    A temporary roof will prevent moisture from penetrating inside and preserve the foundation material as much as possible.

    Another way to reduce the effect of moisture on the concrete of the base of the house is to apply both liquid and solid tape waterproofing materials to the surface. The modern construction industry has significantly expanded the list of manufactured substances for waterproofing. Along with the traditional roofing felt, the markets are replete with various impregnated roll films that adhere tightly to any surface due to thermal action. Non-adhesive materials are also widely used.

    Frost protection

    In addition to moisture, negative temperatures also have a negative effect on the strength of foundation concrete. For protection, it is recommended to perform another set of works, consisting in the insulation of concrete surfaces. For this purpose, specialized materials are used, made on the basis of foam plastic in the form of easily connected separate blocks.

    Insulation of the underground part of the foundation can also be performed before filling it with soil. This will securely fix the insulation and maintain structural strength.

    The internal space of the foundation can be insulated by filling it with such inexpensive material as expanded clay, made from baked clay.

    Only by spending the necessary amount of effort, time and money, you can be sure that the foundation for construction next year will be preserved to the maximum and acquire high strength.

    Ways to preserve the foundation for the winter

    The technology of building a private house involves the implementation of a large number of different types of construction work. However, the lack of sufficient


    Conservation of the foundation for the winter

    The inability to complete construction before the onset of cold weather leads to the need to protect the concrete base from the negative effects of the external environment.

    If this is not done, it may receive obvious or hidden damage. In the first case, we are talking about visible breaks, cracks, deformations and other similar defects. Even if you try to eliminate them, it will be impossible to achieve the former integrity of the structure.

    More dangerous is the situation when the concrete base receives hidden damage. They can occur for the same reasons as visible defects (swelling of frozen soils, temperature changes, high humidity, etc.) - but they do not appear immediately, but after a certain time. Sometimes problems with the foundation become known only at the final stages of construction and even after its completion, which leads to the impossibility of operating the facility.

    Is it possible to leave the foundation for the winter?

    Preservation of the foundation for the winter is required regardless of the degree of its readiness. Otherwise, there is a high risk of losing the already created foundation structures.

    Low temperatures and high humidity have a destructive effect on the concrete base. The degree of negative impact depends on the following factors:

    • climatic features of a particular region;
    • type of base (pile, tape, columnar, etc.);
    • stage of work, after which it is necessary to leave the foundation for the winter;
    • structure and other features of the soil (heaving, freezing depth, the presence of groundwater in the immediate vicinity, etc.).

    The most resistant to adverse weather manifestations are pile (screw) foundations. Belt structures and concrete monolithic slabs are at the greatest risk of destruction.

    No less dangerous is swelling of the soil due to its freezing. This phenomenon can seriously destroy the concrete base up to the impossibility of its subsequent operation. There are gaps, deformations, distortions, other defects. Most of all, strip foundations, as well as monolithic slabs, suffer from swelling of soils.

    Do I need to close the foundation for the winter?

    The need to cover the base depends on the degree of its current readiness. It is sometimes possible not to close the foundation for the winter under the following conditions:

    • concrete gained strength at positive air temperature for at least a month (this rule is the most important);
    • high-quality vertical and horizontal waterproofing;
    • tamping was carried out, the internal space and sinuses were filled up;
    • a hydraulic lock is made in the upper part of the backfill.

    If it is required to pour the base at a negative air temperature, it is necessary to use special anti-frost modifiers. A more difficult option is to heat the entire structure up to the required strength.

    Waterproofing is especially relevant for lightweight concrete. In other cases, its absence is allowed - if the soil is dry, and the soil waters lie deep enough. But in this situation, when conserving the foundation for the winter, you can leave the foundation for the winter only under cover.

    As for the backfill, it protects the created base from flooding with melt or rainwater.

    Do I need to load the foundation for the winter?

    Leaving the foundation unloaded for the winter can be dangerous. One of the main threats to an unloaded base in the cold season is the risk of its destruction under the influence of such a phenomenon as swelling of the soil due to its freezing. First of all, shallow, monolithic and tape structures are subject to it.

    Frozen wet soil pushes foundation elements out of the ground. This leads to their ruptures, deformations and distortions, violating the integrity and structure of the prepared base.

    Thus, the absence of loads from the erected load-bearing structures of the building leads to the impossibility of compensating for buoyancy forces arising from swelling of frozen soils.

    Therefore, if it is not planned to load the foundation for the winter, it is necessary to take a set of measures to protect it from the negative effects of climatic and geological nature. Otherwise, it may undergo complete or partial destruction, up to the impossibility of subsequent operation.

    Foundation conservation work

    The process of preparing the poured base for the upcoming winter period depends on its type and design. It is important to follow the sequence of steps and procedures, since even small deviations from the required technologies can lead to devastating consequences.

    Strip foundation

    This type of base is one of the most susceptible to destructive effects from intumescent soils, as well as high humidity and low temperatures. Therefore, conservation of the strip foundation for the winter is necessary, and in order to protect the foundation for the winter, several types of work should be performed, the main of which are:

    • mandatory removal of formwork, since wood attracts moisture, and then transfers it to concrete;
    • waterproofing of the entire structure, for which different materials can be used: plaster, coating, primer, roofing material, etc .;
    • the construction of a drainage system, and it is recommended to do it even in the process of working with the foundation (but it is possible - and immediately before conservation);
    • insulation with polystyrene foam, polystyrene or other suitable materials, followed by covering with a reinforced film.

    In any case, it is necessary that before the start of conservation of the strip foundation for the winter, it gains strength for at least a month at positive air temperatures.

    Monolithic slab

    This type of base, left without load, is most susceptible to deformation, erosion and displacement in the winter. Its vulnerability is due to the fact that, due to the relatively small thickness, the entire structure is actually located in the zone of soil freezing.

    The presence of a sand and gravel cushion and a waterproofing layer protect against soil water and swelling, but in any case, it is impossible to leave the slab foundation without preservation for the winter. It is necessary that before the onset of cold weather, concrete gain strength for at least 30 days at a positive air temperature.

    Before leaving the base for the winter period, it is necessary to close not only its surface, but also the surrounding area from moisture. You can use a film, waste slag, expanded clay, etc. First, you need to provide insulation - foam plastic, polystyrene, dry sawdust or sand are suitable for this.

    Screw pile foundation

    This type of base is least affected by moisture, low temperatures and swelling frozen soils. Pile structures can be erected both in summer and in winter. They are used on weak, crumbling, swampy, etc. soils, as well as in areas with a high level of groundwater.

    Special preservation of the pile foundation for the winter is not required, the preparation technology may only include the implementation of piping from rolled metal. Also, you should first check that the internal space of the installed piles is filled with concrete, and it is desirable to have a cap on top.

    Column Foundation

    Structures of this type are used mainly for the construction of relatively light buildings, for example, frame, wooden, panel houses. A feature of such bases is that they have little contact with open air and soil.

    They are practically not subject to destruction due to lifting forces from frozen soils. An exception may be only some types of shallow structures: in this case, uneven lifting of individual pillars is not ruled out.

    When and how to prepare the foundation for winter?

    Thus, the preparation of a concrete base left without load for the cold season depends on its design and engineering features.

    The process of conservation of the foundation for the winter must be observed in compliance with the technology and using suitable materials. In the absence of proper experience and skills, it is recommended to invite specialists, since even seemingly minor errors can lead to complete or partial destruction of the structure.

    It is best if, by the winter period, the main structures of the building (walls, partitions, roof, etc.) will stand on the foundation. This will eliminate the need for additional protection from moisture, low temperatures, swelling of frozen soils and other destructive influences from the external environment.

    However, this is not always possible: most often, delays in building a house are due to lack of time or money. In such situations, the correct preparation of the concrete base for the winter season allows you to postpone the construction of walls and other structures until spring without the risk of damage or destruction.

    Conservation of the foundation for the winter - Do I need to close the foundation for the winter?

    GC "Territory" uses modern technologies for the conservation of various types of foundations for the winter. The choice of solution is carried out taking into account the features and scale of the structure. A guarantee is provided.


    Conservation of the foundation for the winter - the necessary protection of underground structures

    The construction of a house or a country cottage is a rather lengthy and laborious process, which is not always possible to complete on time. The protracted development of the site, the supply of necessary communications to it, the lack of labor or financial resources, as well as the onset of cold weather, often force the construction to be stopped at the initial stage. Conservation of the foundation allows you to keep it in the best condition for a while. A complex of simple works, of course, involves some financial costs, but they are not comparable with the funds already spent.

    Is there a need to preserve the foundation?

    Moreover, some experts recommend leaving the finished foundation unloaded for the winter (until next spring) for its natural shrinkage and acquiring the necessary design strength. Of course, modern technologies allow construction work to be carried out even at negative external air temperatures, but this requires the use of expensive concrete grades or special additives, which leads to additional costs.

    In any case, if you leave the foundation unprotected for the whole winter, then in the future there is a risk of facing certain negative consequences.

    1. In the autumn-spring period, the underground structure can be washed away by groundwater accumulating in the pit.
    2. Atmospheric precipitation will surely fill an open pit with water, from which it will be quite difficult to pump it out.
    3. Under the influence of negative temperatures, the bare foundation may crack, after which its restoration will become impossible.
    4. In addition, the frozen foundation loses its strength characteristics and gradually begins to collapse over time.

    Thus, the issue of the need to conserve the foundation is obvious and, as a rule, boils down to its thermal and waterproofing, as well as the creation of a drainage system to drain groundwater. It is worth mentioning here that pile foundations, in principle, do not need insulation or waterproofing. For the winter, slab and strip foundations are being preserved.

    Conservation of strip foundations

    Since the main threat to unfinished construction is moisture, the entire range of conservation works is directed mainly against its destructive effect. With excessive waterlogging of concrete poured under the foundation, winter drops from positive temperatures to their low negative values ​​lead to its cyclic freezing and thawing, which contributes to cracking and destruction of the laid monolith.

    To protect against the penetration of moisture from the ground, the waterproofing of the foundation is carried out by various rolled materials, namely:

    • ruberoid;
    • dense polyethylene film;
    • waterproofing film with microperforation.

    Based on the foregoing, it can be noted that the market, in addition to the traditionally used roofing material, is replete with films that adhere tightly to the surface during thermal action on them. However, with this method, there is always a risk of penetration of wet atmospheric precipitation between the foundation wall and waterproofing due to poor quality of the upper covering of the structure. The trapped moisture, freezing and expanding, may well tear the protective waterproofing material, as a result of which all the work will have to be done again in the spring.

    The best and more modern option for waterproofing will be the use of microperforated polyethylene. Its main advantage is that the flooded foundation gets the opportunity to "breathe" under such a film, without letting in moisture from the outside. In addition, the material is plastic and quite simple in laying, which cannot be said about roofing material.

    The threat of rain penetration if the foundation is not properly covered can be avoided by using bituminous or other liquid mastic as waterproofing. However, it is important to remember that any coating insulation will need to be protected from damage when backfilling the foundation with soil. For such protection, you can use fabric materials, such as burlap, or use insulation, if the project involves their use.

    Coating waterproofing of a strip foundation made of monolithic reinforced concrete should be carried out no earlier than a month after it has been poured!

    It is possible to protect a strip foundation with prepared waterproofing from falling rain and snow on top of it for the winter with roofing material or a dense plastic film, laying it over reinforced concrete around the entire perimeter of the structure and pressing something heavy on top and sides.

    Preservation of the slab foundation

    Waterproofing of a shallow foundation slab is carried out before it is poured, which ensures the protection of the structure from groundwater, especially in the autumn-spring period. Waterproofing materials and mandatory insulation are laid on a sand cushion or concrete screed, followed by the installation of reinforcing mesh and pouring the slab with concrete. It should immediately be noted that such a foundation is not allowed to be left unloaded for the winter. Due to the freezing of the soil, it swells, which can lead to elevation of sections of the slab and cracking of the monolith.

    If construction work still has to be stopped for the winter before even partial construction of the walls of the building begins, then it will be necessary to provide the maximum possible temporary shelter and insulation of the foundation itself, as well as some area around it. Expanded clay, waste slag, slag wool and even straw or sawdust are quite suitable for this.

    From the ingress of precipitation, the most optimal option for protecting the slab will be the installation of a temporary roof. It is made from the cheapest building materials in the form of a crate covered with roofing material. This, however, will require at least a partial erection of the walls of the building.

    Why insulate the foundation

    If the building being erected is being built on heterogeneous loamy or peat soils, then a shallow slab foundation will need mandatory insulation for the winter. The fact is that such soils are subject to heaving and deformation during the process of freeze-thaw cycles. Regardless of the weight of the foundation, frozen soils are able to push it up, because of which the geometry and horizontality of the structure may well change, and cracks will appear in the body of the monolith.

    The soil from freezing of the slab foundation is protected by the insulation laid during its pouring. The thermal insulation of the strip foundation is carried out after its waterproofing at the depth of soil freezing. As a reliable insulating material, 10-15 cm thick plates made of extruded polystyrene foam or foam are used.

    How to drain groundwater

    In rainy autumn and especially in spring, groundwater rises, and the soil is saturated with moisture as much as possible. During frosts, wet soil freezes, expands and creates a certain pressure on the foundation. Frosty heaving of the soil is quite dangerous for the foundation laid for the winter, therefore, to prevent its negative impact, a number of drainage measures are taken to ensure the removal of excess moisture. The easiest way is to plan the surface on the construction site. To ensure the natural flow of water, a slope is made in the direction from the foundation with the maximum possible backfilling of soil around and along the structure.

    If construction is carried out in a lowland, then the only possible option would be to install a bypass trench and drain system.

    A shallow bypass channel 30-40 cm deep is broken along the perimeter of the foundation laid in the direction of the existing natural slope so that the accumulated water can move by gravity. If there is no such slope, it will need to be provided for when laying a drainage trench leading to a dug reservoir for diverted water. For the normal functioning of the drainage, the bottom of the receiving pit should be located half a meter below the level of the bypass drain.

    A responsible approach to the conservation of a concrete foundation for the winter allows you to save it as much as possible for further construction, acquiring high strength and saving the funds already invested in the construction.

    A floating foundation is erected on heaving and weakly bearing soils. A reinforced concrete monolithic slab is integral with the ground structure of the structure, and in the case of shifts in the soil layers, it rises or falls along with the structure. As a result, the building is not subjected to deformations and does not receive destructive defects.

    Have you ever noticed a rickety house, an unsightly foundation, or terrible cracks along the walls? All these defects, as clearly as possible, show that building a house is a very serious and responsible task and there are no secondary issues regarding the foundation, enclosing structures, roofing, and there cannot be.

    With the advent of modern technologies in the woodworking industry, disputes about which house is better than wood or stone do not subside. Some argue that there is nothing better than the natural energy of wood, while others prefer the reliability and durability of stone.

    Conservation of the foundation for the winter - the necessary protection of underground structures

    Conservation of the foundation for the winter - the necessary protection of underground structures Building a house or a country cottage is a rather lengthy and laborious process, which is not always possible