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  • Typical series of houses. Construction of low-rise buildings Detailed typical projects of a low-rise apartment building

    Typical series of houses.  Construction of low-rise buildings Detailed typical projects of a low-rise apartment building

    Citizens rushed to life in nature - this is the trend of the 21st century, supported by low-rise construction. The direction is actively developing due to the growing demand of citizens for houses with a unique layout, built in record time. People do not mind overpaying for a residential building project that has its own style, architecture, and forms.

    Projects of low-rise and multi-apartment frame houses

    "Euro Stroy" develops interesting, but always rational from the point of view of low number of storeys, from steel thermal profiles. , built according to the LSTK technology, in terms of the main indicators, are similar or exceed the characteristics of structures made of alternative materials. One-two-story buildings make up a large share of individual construction, so ordinary people often become our clients. A frame house is a great opportunity for a family to acquire a country estate without spending years on saving money. We will also help you develop a project and build an apartment frame house or an industrial, commercial facility.

    We offer:

    • Buy and order materials for self-construction;
    • Refine the details of the project according to the requirements of the client or the features of the soil, relief, climate;
    • Order your unique project plus construction.

    We provide design and construction services in any volume. It can only be a project and (or) frame assembly, as well as a complete process, from the foundation to the finishing inside.

    In Moscow, it is important to use the land area for construction as efficiently as possible so that the new building becomes a profitable asset. To do this, we provide a full range of services for the design of multi-storey buildings. We will develop the design outside and inside, draw up estimates and calculations for each stage of construction, assemble the IRD and coordinate the project of a high-rise residential building with the administration. The contract with us prescribes a guaranteed examination and obtaining permission to erect a building.

    Advantages of an individual project

    Individual projects of apartment buildings allow not only to choose the concept of the building (Elite, Comfort or Economy), but also give greater freedom in the form of construction and the choice of the number of floors. The project price for an apartment building is not high compared to suboptimal construction costs; the cost of the future object depends on the calculations of the choice of materials for construction. Therefore, individual projects of multi-storey buildings help to subsequently save money by optimally distributing materials or using special design solutions.

    The design of multi-apartment buildings includes the development of an internal layout so that new apartments are popular and always in demand due to their comfort. We will draw up a project of an apartment building with studios, or the number of rooms from 1 to 7, with a separate or walk-through layout. With an individual project of multi-storey residential buildings, it is easier to choose different sizes of kitchens, bathrooms and technical rooms, which will affect convenience.

    Development of the local area

    In Moscow, in addition to the project of an apartment building, it is important to take into account the landscape and the surrounding infrastructure, which determines how popular and attractive this place will be for future property buyers. Therefore, the service includes the design of a residential microdistrict, taking into account the size and shape of the yard, children's and sports grounds, parking areas, benches and paths. The construction of a building according to such a project of a residential complex will be a profitable investment in Moscow.

    Elaboration of details in the construction project of an apartment building

    An important part of the project for the construction of a multi-storey building is the laying of water supply, electrics, sewerage, heating, ventilation, and gas communications on the drawings. The project of a multi-storey apartment building immediately takes into account the location of low-voltage networks for intercom and signaling. When the computer model of the future house is ready, we perform a free planting of the building, bringing its construction axes to the area. So you can see how the building will fit into the area. Detailed design documentation for an apartment building facilitates easy and fast construction.

    Designing an apartment building in Moscow, as in any other region, begins with the creation of a draft design. To do this, it is necessary to collect all the information about the object - the features of the area, wishes for the development of the site, the number of residents. An important part of the sketching phase is determining the size of the building, planning the placement of all objects and the location of residential and technical premises. During the preparation of a project for construction or in Moscow and the region, GENPRO specialists take into account the specifics of each room.

    Architectural solutions in the projects of Moscow apartment buildings economy class

    Any object, even if it is an economy-class apartment building project, goes through the stage of developing architectural solutions. Its peculiarity is that it is at this time that work is being done on the external and internal appearance of the house, the selection of materials and color schemes for each room. The premises are also divided into functional zones, which makes it possible to effectively use each square meter. The approximate cost of building an apartment building is calculated on the basis of an estimate of future costs for all stages of construction (the average market cost of materials is taken as a basis). Our specialists also offer assistance in obtaining approvals from municipal authorities and obtaining.

    Structural solutions for the project of an apartment building in Moscow

    One of the main reasons why it is worth entrusting the construction of apartment buildings in Moscow to professionals is the individual development of foundation and support structures, based on the characteristics of the soil, the influence of climatic conditions and the landscape of the area. Modern technology and equipment allows you to take into account all the features of the site. The cost of designing a residential apartment building includes a whole range of measures aimed at developing appropriate design solutions, which fully justifies itself and allows you to build a house that is safe for life.

    Project engineering for an apartment building in Moscow

    The construction of apartment buildings in the Moscow region requires a clear development of an engineering solution. It is important to take into account not only the location of urban communications, but also the features of connecting to them. Without this, the house cannot be provided with a convenient uninterrupted supply of water and electricity. For such buildings, an individual heating point and a supply and exhaust ventilation system are developed, which provide comfortable conditions at any time of the year and under any weather conditions. The right solutions for the project of an apartment building in Moscow create a sought-after object that brings significant benefits.

    Construction projects of apartment buildings in Moscow

    When designing a residential apartment building in Moscow, the specialists of our company prepare all the necessary documents and building permits, which greatly speeds up and simplifies the process of building a building. The estimated price of a turnkey apartment building is calculated in a separate estimate, which is an important point in the control of the contractor. It is also possible to assist in the selection of builders and the implementation of field supervision over the implementation of all work in accordance with the approved plan. Our customers know that GENPRO is a reliable partner who will help bring all their ideas to life.

    The development of a project for an apartment building is very important, since the future building must not only comply with building codes, but also meet the needs of residents, be safe and reliable. The Mosproekt company offers ready-made solutions for houses and complexes of different heights, as well as administrative, educational and other buildings. In addition, we carry out complex design according to the technical specifications of the customer. This can be found in the section "".

    Types of apartment buildings

    According to the type of frame, MKD is usually divided into the following groups:

    • Monolithic

    The building is created from a rigid metal frame, inside of which concrete is poured. Differ in the fast speed of construction, long term of operation. The walls of this type of premises are characterized by the absence of seams, which increases thermal insulation and strength. A variation of this type are brick-monolithic objects. They consist of a monolithic concrete frame, and the outer walls are finished with brick.

    • Block

    Built from solid reinforced concrete blocks. They are characterized by poor soundproofing performance, but large redevelopment options due to the absence of load-bearing walls.

    • Panel

    As a material for the frame of such multi-storey buildings, sandwich panels are used, which are a three-layer block of concrete layers with soundproofing material. They are delivered to the construction site, where they are assembled into a single structure.

    • brick

    As the name implies, they are made of bricks. They have high heat-saving properties, good sound insulation. The construction time is longer, and the cost is more than that of the above types. Most often, such a frame is used in the construction of five-story houses.

    In addition, the projects of multi-storey buildings differ in the space-planning structure:

    • sectional
    • tower
    • bellboys
    • gallery
    • corridor-sectional
    • blocked.

    Buildings that are built in the modern world with a small number of floors can rightfully be considered cottages. Projects of low-rise buildings are quite diverse, they can be of any size and any number of apartments. Basically, it all depends on the area of ​​​​the site on which the building is being built.

    They allow you to build a low-rise apartment building in a matter of months or even weeks.

    Construction of brick houses

    Over the years, brick has been used to build most high-rise buildings. This building material has sufficient strength and durability.

    It has a number of specific advantages:

    • practicality,
    • economy,
    • strength,
    • weather resistance,
    • resistance to temperature changes.

    Low-rise houses made of such building material are quite popular - from the construction of two-, three-story houses to entire cottage villages.

    As a rule, two-story buildings are built on four or more apartments, which can be single-level and two-level. There are various projects of such residential buildings. On the ground floor there is a living room, a kitchen area and a bathroom. On the second floor there are lounges and bedrooms.

    The project of a two-story apartment building with underground garages

    The area of ​​​​such an apartment is at least 150 square meters. m. Each apartment has a separate entrance and a garage under the building itself. One-level apartments are located on the first or second floor. This location of the apartment is considered not very convenient and can create the effect of living in.

    Advice. For the construction of a low-rise building, which has a large number of apartments, it would be more rational to use the technology of building two-level apartments.

    Advantages of a country brick low-rise apartment cottage

    If the house is made of brick, it is not necessary to reconstruct its facade every year or adjust its exterior finish. Brick can be used without special finishing, as there is a way to make a decorative seam in brickwork.

    With the help of bricks, original and complex structures are created, not only with a small number of floors. Brick is considered an environmentally friendly material, that is, it will not have harmful effects on human health.

    Brick is considered a rather cold building material, but despite this, it perfectly maintains a constant temperature regime. The brick does not burn and freely withstands any load, is not exposed to fungi and a variety of insects.

    Building a house from aerated concrete

    This building material began to be used in the construction of residential buildings relatively recently, and has already managed to win a large army of its adherents. are currently being built at an enviable rate. This material is a large blocks that have a porous structure.

    Advantages of aerated concrete:

    • environmental friendliness,
    • practicality,
    • durability,
    • ease of use.

    The only thing to consider is that the pores of the building material can very easily pass air and moisture. From this, the structure begins to deform, and over time, the building will begin to crack and gradually fall apart.

    Advice. Due to its porous structure, aerated concrete is not recommended to be left unprotected for a long period of time.

    Construction of aerated concrete building

    If a brick structure may not require facing work, then an aerated concrete structure must be sheathed with any finishing material.

    From aerated concrete, you can build two-story apartment buildings. A large number of storeys is no longer often practiced, since the building material is deformed under its own weight.