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  • Roadside car service station project. Thesis: Design of a service station for trucks Design of a car service station drawings

    Roadside car service station project. Thesis: Design of a service station for trucks Design of a car service station drawings

    The layout of the service station is understood as the layout or mutual arrangement of production, warehouse and administrative premises in terms of a building or detached buildings (structures) intended for servicing and repairing vehicles. The main condition that determines the planning decisions is the technological connections of the individual production sections of the service station, as well as building codes and regulations of automobile service enterprises.

    Despite the variety of factors that have a different impact on the layout, there are a number of general provisions and requirements for the design of the workshop, which must be taken into account when designing and reconstruction of the workshop. These include:

    compliance of the layout with the production process diagram and technological calculation;

    the location of the main subsystems (zones) and production areas (elements) of the subsystem of the production preparation complex of the enterprise, if possible, in one building under a common roof, avoiding the division of the enterprise into small premises;

    unification of constructive and space-planning solutions of buildings;

    stage-by-stage development of the enterprise and the possibility of its reconstruction without significant restructuring and disruption of functioning;

    flexibility of production processes, ease of modeling and the possibility of changing production technology;

    production safety and ease of work, as well as the creation of the best conditions for lighting, ventilation and isolation of noisy production processes;

    ease of maneuvering vehicles in buildings;

    organization of one-way looped traffic of cars and the presence of internal communication between production divisions, rational use of areas due to technologically justified mutual arrangement of premises, the use of economical ways of arranging cars, the use of structural schemes of buildings, which do not require the device of intermediate supports or limiting their number;

    obligatory excess of the land plot area for the enterprise of the building area at least 3-4 times.

    Convenient horizontal sections are considered to have a short length along a public road.

    In addition to the listed requirements, there should be a division into two communicating main parts: 1) customer service and car service; 2) providing customers with maximum comfort by the appropriate location of the premises they use.

    The implementation of the listed provisions and requirements is facilitated by the widespread use of standard projects.

    General plan

    The general plan of an enterprise is a plan of a land plot allocated for development, oriented towards public passages and neighboring estates, indicating buildings and structures on it in terms of their overall outline, a garage-free storage area, rolling stock, main and auxiliary driveways and paths of movement of rolling stock. composition on the territory.

    The advantages of the second method (that is, with a fragmented development) include a reduction in fire hazard and a simplified planning solution. The use of disconnected buildings is advisable in the presence of especially large-sized rolling stock, with a difficult terrain of the site, a shutter of an enterprise fork or during its reconstruction, as well as in a warm and hot climate.

    Washing of rolling stock of all categories is allowed to be placed in separate buildings. In our case, the cleaning and washing area is located outside the production building.

    When an enterprise is located in several buildings, the gaps between them should be taken as the minimum necessary for the device of passage, sidewalks, laying of utilities, but not less than the distances that determine the fire safety and sanitary requirements (SNiP 11-88-80).

    The relative position of production and auxiliary administrative buildings is essential. The latter, as a rule, should be located near the main entrance to the service station, i.e. from the main approach of the workers.

    A parking area for vehicles belonging to employees of the enterprise should be provided near the auxiliary building.

    Auxiliary premises, as a rule, are located in annexes to industrial buildings. They can also be placed in detached buildings to reduce harmful production. However, they must be connected to the production building.

    Buildings and structures should be located taking into account the provision of the most favorable natural lighting conditions, ventilation of the site and prevention of snow drifts.

    When developing master plans, buildings and structures by production processes accompanied by the release of gas and dust into the atmosphere, as well as explosive processes, must be located in relation to other buildings and structures from the windward side.

    Warehouses of flammable and combustible materials in relation to production buildings should be located on the leeward side. Buildings equipped with aeration lanterns should preferably be oriented in such a way that the axes of the lanterns are perpendicular or at an angle of 45 degrees to the prevailing winds in the summer. When placing on the territory of the service station areas for open storage of rolling stock, the distances from them to buildings and structures are taken according to SNiP 11-93-74, depending on the degree of fire resistance of buildings and structures.

    When placing buildings, it is necessary to take into account the terrain and hydrogeological conditions. The rational arrangement of buildings should ensure the implementation of a minimum amount of earthwork when planning the site.

    It is recommended to envisage one-way circular movement of the car on the territory of the enterprise, ensuring the absence of oncoming flows and intersections.

    The width of the carriageway of external driveways must be at least three meters for one-way traffic and six meters for two-way traffic. Based on fire safety requirements, all buildings of the enterprise must have access to fire trucks:

    • - on the one hand - with a building width over 18-100 meters;
    • - from all sides - with a building width of more than 100 meters.

    Master plan indicators (see figure 2.1):

    • - total building area - 7500 m 2;
    • - the area of \u200b\u200bthe main premises - 2200m 2;
    • - area of \u200b\u200bauxiliary premises - 750 m 2;
    • - landscaping area - 1000 m 2;
    • - car parking area - 600 m 2.

    Space-planning solutions of the production building

    The space-planning solution of the production building is subordinated to its functional purpose and was developed taking into account climatic conditions, modern construction requirements, the need for maximum blocking of buildings, the need to ensure the possibility of changing technological processes and expanding production without significant changes in the reconstruction of the building, environmental protection, fire and sanitary requirements. - hygienic requirements, as well as a number of other requirements related to heating, ventilation, etc.

    The installation of the production building was carried out from prefabricated unified, mainly reinforced concrete, structural elements (foundation blocks, columns, beams, trusses, etc.) manufactured in an industrial way.

    The grid of columns is measured by the distances between the axes of the rows in the longitudinal and transverse directions, a smaller distance is called a column pitch, and a larger span.

    The dimensions of the spans and the spacing of the columns, as a rule, must be divisible by 6 meters. We accept a grid of columns 18x12 with a step of 6m.

    There are 11 zones and sections on the territory of the production building:

    • - body section;
    • - painting area;
    • - wallpaper area;
    • - aggregate section;
    • - metalwork and mechanical department;
    • - tire fitting area;
    • - electrical department;
    • - repair area for power system devices;
    • - battery section;
    • - zone of maintenance and repair;
    • - diagnostic area.

    Figure 2.1. Workshop master plan

    1 - production building; 2 - carport for repaired cars; 3 - open parking lot; 4 - transformer; 5 - compressor room; 6 - treatment facilities; 7 - administrative building; 8 - autonomous heat supply; 9 - well; 10 - autonomous power supply; 11 - warehouses; 12 - warehouses

    Figure 2.2. Industrial building

    1 - Posts TO and TR; 2 - car reception area; 3 - client; 4 - spare parts store; 5 - diagnostic post; 6 - tire fitting area; 7 - electrical section; 8 - battery section; 9 - aggregate section; 10 - section for the repair of fuel equipment and carburetors; 11 - painting chamber; 12 - wallpaper area; 13 - welding and body section; 14 - metalwork and mechanical section

    MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION State educational institution of higher professional education "Orenburg State University" L.K. AYUKASOVA BASES FOR DESIGNING TECHNICAL SERVICE STATIONS OF PASSENGER CARS Recommended by the Academic Council of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Orenburg State University" as a textbook for students enrolled in the program of higher professional education in the specialty "Architecture 2003 - 08 - 08 i 73 A 98 UDC 656.071.8 (075) Reviewer Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor A.F. Kolinichenko, member of the Union of Architects of Russia V.L. Abramov Ayukasova L.K. A 98 Fundamentals of designing service stations for passenger cars: Textbook. - Orenburg: GOU OSU, 2003 .-- 106 p. ISBN ……… The manual covers general issues of the system of maintenance of cars, the basic principles of design, the relationship of the functional and technological structure of service stations with the layout of the enterprise, its architectural solution. The manual is intended for students enrolled in vocational education programs in the specialty 290100, while studying the discipline "Architectural design" A 1604110000 BBK 39.33 - 08 I 73 6L9-01 © Ayukasova L.K., 2003 ISBN ……… © GOU OSU, 2003 Contents Introduction 4 1 Vehicle maintenance system 4 2 Classification of vehicle service stations 6 3 Placement of service stations 7 4 Basic requirements and design principles 8 5 General plans of the workshop 9 6 Functional and technological structure of the workshop and content 13 of its production activities 7 Organization of the technological process 23 8 Calculation of production areas 23 8.1 Calculation of the areas of the main production 23 8.2 Calculation of the areas of the administrative and utility zone 24 8.3 Production areas of a car sales store 28 9 Space-planning solution of the workshop 28 10 Construction solution of the workshop, selection of building materials 32 10.1 Reinforced concrete frame 34 10.2 Steel frame 35 10.3 Walls 37 10.4 Coverings 37 10.4.1 Plane coverings 39 10.4.2 Spatial coverings 42 10.5 Window openings and skylights 54 11 Unified buildings made of light metal structures 56 List of sources used 66 Appendix A 67 Appendix B 87 Appendix C 91 Appendix D 97 Introduction Automobile transport in our country is developing at a rapid pace, qualitatively and quantitatively. The domestic automotive market is saturated with products from the automotive industry not only from Russian manufacturing plants, but also offers a huge range of selection of cars from other countries. The annual growth rate of the world car fleet is 10-12 million units. Every four out of five vehicles in the world's total fleet are passenger cars, accounting for more than 60% of passengers carried by all modes of transport. The average saturation of passenger cars in different countries ranges from 50 to 200 or more cars per 1,000 people. It is difficult to predict the maximum level of motorization for any country, but the degree of motorization of the population is growing. The saturation of cars is determined by a number of factors, among which it should be noted such as the level of well-being of the population, climatic features of a region or country, the development of public transport, features of planning solutions for the city's street-road network, availability of garages and parking lots. The high growth rates of the park of cars owned by citizens, the complication of their design, the intensification of traffic on the roads, and other factors led to the creation of a new branch of the auto maintenance industry. / 9 / 1. Car maintenance system A car is a source of increased danger, and according to current legislation, the owner is fully responsible for the technical condition and operation of the vehicle belonging to him. The maintenance of vehicles in a technically sound condition is ensured through timely maintenance and repair, for the quality of which the enterprises of the "Auto Maintenance" system are responsible, ensuring the performance of the corresponding work. Works on MOT (maintenance) and TR (current repair) of passenger cars, i.e. car service, perform service stations (car service stations) in CAC (special auto center) and workshops. STOA are the basis of the production and technical base of the "Auto Maintenance" system. From production to decommissioning, a car is periodically exposed to three sets of technical influences: during pre-sale preparation, during the warranty and post-warranty periods of operation. The listed technical actions can be carried out not only at the service station, but also at the corresponding sites of large car dealerships (work on pre-sale preparation). / 9 / Pre-sale preparation of cars. The quality of the car at the time of sale must meet the requirements of the manufacturer's specifications. Pre-sale preparation is a prerequisite for ensuring the manufacturer's guarantees. In order to preserve the paintwork, the car arriving from the factory to the store is protected with an anti-corrosion compound, which is removed before sale. During transportation of the vehicle, the surface of the body and the interior of the passenger compartment become dirty, and therefore require washing and cleaning. Before the sale, the car is carefully inspected, the necessary adjustments and control works are performed. All identified failures and malfunctions are eliminated. / 9 / Car warranty service. Manufacturers' warranties define their responsibility for the quality of their products and include obligations to eliminate defects free of charge that are not caused by any violations of the rules for the sale and operation of cars, and to replace prematurely worn out or out-of-order units, assemblies and parts due to the presence of hidden defects. The warranty period is set by the manufacturer in terms of mileage and time from the start of operation. During the warranty period, maintenance is carried out in a planned preventive manner at special auto centers, warranty service stations and general service stations (on a contractual basis) and includes washing and cleaning, control and diagnostic, fixing adjusting and filling and lubrication works. At the enterprises of maintenance for car owners, free consultations are carried out in order to clarify the rules of operation, maintenance and storage of cars. / 9 / Car maintenance during the post-warranty period of operation. THAT includes the following set of operations: cleaning, washing, filling, lubricating, control and diagnostic, fastening, adjusting, electric carburetor, tire repair. MOT in the post-warranty period is divided into daily maintenance (EO), first (TO-1) and second (TO-2) vehicle maintenance, seasonal maintenance (CO). With EO, control and inspection work is performed on units, systems, mechanisms that ensure traffic safety (condition of tires, operation of brake systems, steering, lighting, signaling, etc.), as well as work to ensure the proper appearance of the car (washing, cleaning, polishing) and refueling the car with fuel, oil, coolant. TO-1 is recommended to be carried out after 5,000 km of run and includes washing and cleaning, control and diagnostic, inspection, fastening, adjustment work. TO-2 is recommended to be carried out after 20,000 km. Before performing TO-2 or in the process of it, it is advisable to carry out in-depth diagnostics of all the main units, assemblies and systems of the vehicle to establish their technical condition, determine the nature of malfunctions, their causes, as well as the possibility of further operation of the unit, assembly, system. With TO-2, in addition to the scope of work on TO-1, a number of additional operations are performed: fastening, tightening, adjusting units and parts. Modern service stations carry out: sale of cars and pre-sale service of new and used cars, sale of spare parts and related products, maintenance (TO-1, TO-2) and technical repair (TR), overhaul (KR) of units and refurbishment of cars, incl. and elimination of damage to the car body caused by a traffic accident. / 9 / 2. Classification of the workshop The system that underlies the classification of workshop is different in many countries. In the majority, as in Russia, the stations are classified by the number of work stations, because this gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe size and capacity of the station, the location, purpose and specialization of the workshop. In our country, service stations are subdivided by purpose into: urban - for servicing a fleet of individual cars, and road - for providing technical assistance to all vehicles on the way. City stations can be universal, specialized in types of work and car brands, car repair shops. According to the production capacity, size and type of work performed, service stations are divided into 3 types: small, medium and large. Small service stations with up to ten work stations are designed to perform the following works: washing and cleaning, general diagnostics, maintenance, lubrication, recharging of batteries, body batteries (in a small volume), body painting, welding, maintenance, as well as the sale of spare parts and automotive supplies. Medium service stations with up to 34 work stations perform the same work as small ones. In addition, they carry out in-depth diagnostics of cars and their assemblies, repair and restoration of bodies, painting the entire car, upholstery, repair of assemblies and batteries, as well as the sale of cars. Large service stations with more than 34 work stations perform all types of maintenance and repair of medium stations in full. They have specialized areas for overhaul of units and assemblies. Production lines can be used to perform diagnostics. Car sales are in progress. Depending on the location of medium and large service stations, it is possible to organize technical assistance on call, refuel cars with fuel and lubricants. / 8 / Figure 1 - Classification of service stations 3. Location of service stations In large cities, it is advisable to locate service stations as follows: - large service stations and Autoservice centers - on the outskirts of the city, adjacent to existing industrial zones or within them, to departure highways with large auto flows, to major transport hubs, including bus stations, railway stations, etc .; - medium-sized service stations should be located on the outskirts of residential areas; - small service stations, which are almost not transmitted in the sanitary gap from the residential area, are distributed evenly within each residential area. For large cities, it is a good idea to locate service stations on ring or bypass roads. There must be a good connection between the service station and the public transport network. many customers, especially in the case of lengthy repairs, do not wait until the end of the work. The choice of the site for the location of the service station determines in the future its town-planning role, the zoning of the territory, the location of the entrance and exit, the scheme of car traffic on the site. / 14 / 4. Basic requirements and principles of the workshop design The basic requirements currently imposed on the design of stations include the following: 1) maximum satisfaction of the needs for the maintenance and repair of passenger cars; 2) the maximum approximation of the workshop to the consumers of their services; 3) ensuring sufficient technological flexibility of the planning solutions of the workshop, allowing for the transition from one organizational form of the workshop to another with minimal costs. To meet the listed requirements, not only new planning solutions of the workshop are needed, but also new organizational forms of their development. The existing features of the existing network of service stations, an increase in the fleet of passenger cars and other factors determine the difference in the organizational forms of the development of service stations in each region. Consequently, the planning decisions of the stations should also be different, while individual typical elements may be the same. The task of determining a rational layout in these conditions is reduced to the rational division of the complex of works on maintenance and repair of passenger cars into independent production processes with the subsequent determination of options for planning solutions for premises for their production in various combinations. Rational technology and organization of production are the basis for design. The quality of the selected planning solutions significantly affects the efficiency of the production activities of any enterprise, including the workshop. Rational planning should proceed from the optimal structure of the workshop, its capacity, which determines the composition and scope of the required types of work, as well as the trend in their change. This is what determines the internal content of the STOA. Every car service company must be designed in such a way that there is the possibility of its transformation and further expansion. All of the above requirements in the complex can be reduced to the general design principles that underlie the creation of a space-planning solution for any car maintenance enterprise: - taking into account local conditions - regional, climatic, landscape; - conformity of planning solutions to the functional and technological scheme of the organization of the production process; - placement of the main and auxiliary service areas in one building; - unification of space-planning and design solutions; - ensuring maximum convenience for customers by dividing the enterprise into two communicating zones: customer service and car service; - ease of maneuvering a car in a building; - flexibility of production processes, ease of their modernization, the possibility of changing production technology. / 8, 14 / 5. Master plans of the workshop When planning the binding of the station to the road network, it is necessary to take into account the interaction that the creation of the station may have on road traffic. The urban planning situation affects the configuration of the site, the nature of the organization of entrances and exits. There are several schemes for linking the service station section to the highways, shown in Figure 2. Figure 2 - Layout schemes for station sections relative to highways The required area for a service station is determined taking into account the area of \u200b\u200ball structures, internal transport routes and parking lots. The size of the land plot for a service station for 25 work stations must be at least 2 hectares. The distance from residential buildings should be maintained at least 25 m. From the point of view of technology, the most suitable is a square or rectangular area with an aspect ratio of 2 hours 3. When planning, you should take into account the connection to the road network, the technological sequence of the location of the main workshop building and other structures (gas stations , warehouse), the need for internal transport routes, parking lots, green spaces, as well as the possibility of further development of the enterprise. Car service enterprises, where it is planned to store cars on sites (open or with a canopy), must have a 1.6 m high fencing. Service stations, where more than 10 car service stations are provided, must have at least two entrances (exits). Depending on the location of the site relative to the motorway, there are several methods of interposition of entry and exit (Figure 3). Figure 3 - Location of entry and exit The gates for entering or exiting an enterprise should be located with an indent from the red line equal to at least the length of the main model of the serviced vehicles. If the distance between the gates is less than 30 m, the entrance to the enterprise must precede the exit, counting in the direction of movement on the carriageway from the side of the enterprise. When placing enterprises on an area bounded by two public roads, the gate should be located on the side of the road with the least traffic. When deciding the master plan, it is required to organize the zoning of the territory of the site, compliance with sanitary and hygienic, fire safety and other requirements. It is necessary to avoid crossing the main traffic flows in the workshop area. The diagram below (Figure 4) shows the methods of interposition of entry and exit relative to the main street with different locations of the workshop site and rational schemes of car movement on the site. The building of the workshop should be located at some distance from the highway (it is possible to place it in the center of the site) in order to better view and provide passage for maneuver. Ancillary buildings and structures should be located in the depth of the site at the distance required by the standards. The carriageway must be at least 3.5 m for one-way vehicles and 6 m for two-way traffic. The radius of curvature of the carriageway is allowed to be 6-8 m. Width

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    In connection with the increase in the number of cars in our country, the need for qualified specialists and service stations for the repair of high-quality modern cars is increasing. Today there are many service stations competing with each other for each car owner. But the equipment of existing stations is gradually losing its novelty and is not always technologically compatible with new cars, because it was put into circulation for the previous generation of cars, as a result of which the workshop incurs losses and cannot compete for the client.

    The most important direction for improving maintenance and repair are: the use of progressive technological processes, the improvement of the organization and management of production activities, the use of new, more advanced in the technological and construction part of the projects and the reconstruction of existing service stations, taking into account the actual need for types of work, as well as the possibility of their further phased development, improving the quality of services.

    The development of projects for new enterprises of the workshop is necessary because

    the number of cars is increasing dramatically every year. Due to this, it is necessary to open a service station, since in most cases the owner of a motor vehicle is not able to maintain and repair it with high quality.

    Initial data for design

    Table 1

    Initial data for design

    City specialized

    Type of vehicles served

    Cars: GAZ 3110 "Volga"

    Average annual mileage of cars, km

    Climatic region according to GOST 163350-80


    Developed area (zone)

    Painting area

    Calculation of the annual scope of work

    The annual scope of work of city service stations includes maintenance and repair work, cleaning and washing works and works on acceptance and delivery of cars.

    According to the reference data, the engines of Volga 3110 cars have a working volume of 2.3 liters. In accordance with this car belongs to the middle class cars.

    Specific labor intensity of maintenance and repair works:

    where is the standard specific labor intensity of TO and TR per 1000 km of run, man-h / 1000 km;

    Coefficient taking into account the climatic region;

    Coefficient taking into account the size of the workshop (number of work stations).

    According to middle class cars man-h / 1000km. When operating a car in a cold climatic area.

    The number of work stations of the workshop is unknown. We believe that the number of work stations is in the range of over 10 to 15, taking into account the accepted size of the workshop.

    Then t \u003d t H ∙ K 3 ∙ K 5 \u003d 2.7 ∙ 1.2 ∙ 0.95 \u003d 3.078 person-hours / 1000 km. (2)

    For city service stations specialized in car brands, the annual scope of maintenance and repair work is:

    , (3)

    where Nsto is the number of cars serviced by the projected workshop per year;

    Lr - average annual vehicle mileage, km.

    In accordance with the initial data for the design, Nsto \u003d 2750 vehicles / year, Lr \u003d 18500 km.

    Taking into account the formula (2)

    Person - hour (4)

    Annual volume of cleaning and washing works

    , (5)

    where is the number of car runs for cleaning and washing operations during the year per one comprehensively serviced car;

    Average labor intensity of cleaning and washing operations, man-hours

    According to, and for cars of the middle class man-h. Then

    Person - hour (6)

    The annual scope of work for the acceptance and delivery of cars is determined in the same way:

    where is the number of vehicle arrivals for maintenance and repair during the year per one comprehensively serviced vehicle;

    A car service center is a place for the provision of repair and maintenance services for vehicles. Like any construction project, it requires a professional approach at the stage of preparing design documentation. This is why a car service project must be developed by qualified engineers.

    Types of auto repair shops

    First of all, there are car repair shops:

    1. Dealer

    They operate under the control of large car manufacturing companies. They are characterized by a high level of services provided in accordance with established standards, highly qualified personnel, and the availability of professional equipment.

    1. Independent

    This type includes any service station with its own vehicle fleet that does not work as part of dealer networks, is not a structural subdivision of any enterprise.

    1. Specialized

    Designed to service machines of a specific brand.

    Also, in terms of capacity, car services can be: for one post, two or more posts.

    What is a finished project?

    A typical car service project allows you to reduce the cost of design work, since many design issues have already been resolved in it. At the same time, the customer saves time on passing the state examination, since all the documentation has already been prepared, checked by construction and other customers.

    Composition of a typical project

    1. Explanatory note
    2. General plan
    3. Engineering communications scheme
    4. Architectural and construction, volumetric planning, constructive solutions.

    More detailed content can be studiedlink.

    Maintenance and revision

    Any typical solution on our website can be modified by engineers at the request of the customer. At the same time, specialists will help pass the state examination of the amended documentation, and will also accompany the project at all stages of its implementation.

    Norms and rules for the design of car services

    1. SNiP 21-01-97 "Fire safety of buildings and structures";
    2. SP 2.13130.2012 "Fire protection systems"
    3. SP 118.13330.2012 "Public buildings and structures"
    4. VSN 01-89 "Car service enterprises"
    5. SP 113.13330.2016 "Parking lots"