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  • Potato harvest growing potatoes in a box. New method of growing potatoes - in boxes

    Potato harvest growing potatoes in a box. New method of growing potatoes - in boxes

    The traditional vegetable crop for our strip - potatoes - is grown by most amateur gardeners. Not everyone is happy with the standard care, high labor costs and often disappointing results. Some people experiment with soil or planting to get better yields per square meter of soil. Not all research turns out to be successful, but some of them do bring very good results. One such innovation is the cultivation of potatoes in boxes.

    What is the novelty of this method? Planting material is not planted in the soil directly on the site. For a new method of growing, use any container. Anything durable made of plastic or wood is suitable for the experiment. It can be an old barrel, a canister, a roomy box, and more. The main condition is that we get rid of the bottom of the container, leaving only the side walls, this is done so that moisture does not accumulate in the container, otherwise the potatoes will start to rot. For the necessary air access, holes are arranged in the walls of the structure.

    Everyone knows that potato tubers form on roots that grow rapidly in the ground. To make the root system more branched, the potatoes are huddled several times during the cultivation process. It is known from practice that the more soil it is possible to screw up, the root system can emerge there, and, accordingly, more tubers will form. The bottom line is that you have an excellent harvest with other similar conditions.

    Growing potatoes in boxes is based precisely on this feature: to get the most developed root system possible. However, as with any method, it also has its own peculiarities - this is the choice of a place to place the structure and the formation of a fertile environment for planting a vegetable.

    Ordinary soil on your site will not be suitable for use, even if you regularly enrich and fertilize it, because we do not form a ridge, but an enclosed space. You will have to prepare the soil yourself. Gardeners who have successfully tested this method advise using peat as a basis because of its porous structure, excellent moisture absorption, good heating by the sun's rays, and the ability to retain moisture during a dry period. Plants in peat are less susceptible to various diseases, which is important when setting tubers. To enrich the mixture, we add sand to the peat for better heating of the layer, it will be about 1/4 of the total volume of soil obtained.

    Next, add chalk or lime flour: if the peat is wet, then 70 grams will be enough for every 10 kg, if it is dry, we increase the dose to 75-80 g. her ashes. Ash is recommended to roll potatoes with any method of planting in order to protect against diseases and pests. On the use of manure in a mixture, the opinions of gardeners are polar: some advise it to be sure to add, as when growing other vegetables, others categorically do not advise because of the possible presence of plant pests or their larvae in it. Interestingly, they both got excellent results, so we leave the addition of this component to your discretion.

    A place in the sun or in partial shade is better for placing the box. It is better not to use shaded areas, because potatoes there are successfully affected by late blight, which we do not strive for at all.

    Box device

    As we already mentioned, seedlings can be attached to any box without a bottom. But it will be much more effective to build a special box. Consider the stages of its construction.

    We need trimming of not too wide boards and timber. Such building materials are necessarily present in any summer cottage. Materials about a meter long are suitable. The beam is needed for the stability of the future structure. In principle, you can do without it if you think about how to keep the box with earth and potatoes from falling apart.

    The procedure for arranging the box for landing

    We knock the boards into a frame, where the height is the width of the board. We fill this aviary with prepared soil. We place previously sprouted potatoes in it, evenly placing it around the perimeter, for example, 4 rows of 4 tubers each. Sprinkle the seedlings with earth and a small layer of straw. Further, it is worth well watering our new "bed". For the potatoes to sprout faster, it is recommended to cover the box with plastic wrap. Now we are waiting for the shoots to appear. As soon as the height of the plants approaches the edge of the enclosure, it will be time to form a new floor of our structure. We finish off the side in height according to the old principle, carefully fill the shoots with prepared earth, put another layer of straw and water. If the outside is already warm enough, then you can no longer cover the box, if you want to get more intensive cultivation, you can cover the structure with agrofibre.

    A similar procedure for building the box will be repeated until you reach the desired height. Usually it is 4-5 tiers. In pursuit of height, try not to overdo it, so as not to end up with a huge length of a stem with a small number of tubers. The final height will be about 50-60 cm, some farmers drive out up to 1 meter. The last floor is installed about a month before the harvest, so if you dig potatoes in mid-late August, you should add the last boards in mid-July and no longer increase the number of storeys of the box.

    Try to let the tops develop normally, you do not need to bury them in the ground to the very top.

    We do not let the cultivation of potatoes in boxes take their course. Our structure needs to be watered and fertilized. We water no more than 2 times a week, we fertilize - as with normal cultivation. To do this, you can use a slurry solution or another top dressing that you usually use.

  • in a similar way, you can grow young potatoes in a fairly short time and use only your own vegetable to the table;
  • every meter of the summer cottage is used with great benefit, while the sown area decreases, and the yield becomes higher;
  • growing in a confined space saves you from weeding and hilling;
  • harvesting is very convenient: just disassemble the box and empty the contents. All potatoes are clean, not damaged by a shovel or pitchfork. It is easy to pick it up from the ground.
  • This method will be successful for older gardeners, because the labor costs for it are much less, and in old age health does not always allow achieving the desired result.

    Video "Growing potatoes in wooden boxes-boxes"

    The video tells and shows how to grow potatoes in boxes: soil preparation, planting material, planting technology.

    Potatoes are a vegetable crop grown in all regions of the country. The purpose of planting potatoes is to get a large and high-quality harvest. To do this, you need to choose the best variety for planting, choose a place, fertilize the soil, and carry out agrotechnical measures for caring for bushes. Growing potatoes in boxes is an experimental way of planting a vegetable for a good harvest.

    Growing principle in boxes

    Potato growing is of great importance in Russian agricultural production.

    The yield depends on several factors:

    • Potato variety;
    • Soil condition;
    • Agrotechnical measures for the care of the crop.

    The number of potatoes on a bush depends on the length of the underground part of the stem: the larger it is, the better the yield. Hilling potatoes increases the underground stem area.

    The effectiveness of growing potatoes in boxes lies in the fact that the stems of the bush grow in length. The boxes are gradually "built up" in height, stacking or nailing additional boards. It is necessary to add the soil as the potatoes grow - this stimulates the growth of new stolon shoots. The process is repeated until the bush is fully grown.

    The method of planting vegetables in boxes is productive. If you follow all the recommendations for planting potatoes and the rules for caring for the plant, you can get a big harvest. You can grow up to 5 kg of vegetables from one potato.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the method

    The method of planting potatoes in an unusual way has its pros and cons.

    Gardeners note the benefits of growing vegetables in boxes:

    • A large harvest from each bush, it is easy to grow a vegetable;
    • The method does not take time and effort for hilling, weeding. Straw serves as an excellent layer of mulch;
    • No planting bed required;
    • Allows you to more efficiently use the area of \u200b\u200bthe garden plot, which was previously occupied by a potato field, potatoes in boxes are placed in the beds;
    • You can start planting in early spring, the box is easily covered to protect against frost;
    • Thanks to the cultivation of potatoes in boxes, the soil is not depleted;
    • The method is suitable for arid regions;
    • The bushes are not attacked by the Colorado potato beetle;
    • Harvesting is easy and convenient. You don't have to dig up the site, for this you only need to disassemble the box on the day of collection and collect clean and large potatoes in a bucket.

    The disadvantages are:

    • Preparing boxes for planting. They are either made on their own or bought in stores. Wooden pallets can be used;
    • The soil for planting potatoes in boxes will have to be formed by mixing peat and sand. Plain ground won't do;
    • Slugs can lodge in boxes;
    • Constant control of soil moisture is necessary; it is important to water the potato tuber constantly during the dry period.

    The new cultivation of potatoes in boxes raises doubts among gardeners, but knowing the basic rules of the method, the method will be within the power of even beginners. The disadvantages of the new method of planting potatoes are few. If you know how to do everything correctly, then by autumn the gardener will harvest a decent harvest.

    Conditions for landing

    Choosing the right potato variety is the key to successful work.

    For planting in a box, varieties are suitable:

    • Nevsky;
    • Youth;
    • American;
    • Reliable;
    • Shante;
    • Belarossa.

    On a note. If you plant low-quality, small potatoes, then the harvest will be small. Strongly large tubers contribute to the active development of the aerial part. Green tops will take up the main food, and the yield will grow medium

    For cultivation of a vegetable, you can leave the variety you like, which was used earlier.

    What is required for disembarkation

    You must either buy or make wooden boxes yourself. It is important to install pallets or boxes without a bottom. Pegs are driven into the ground, boards are attached to them or pallets are placed on them. The box can be built with planks and pine blocks.

    The site for planting should be chosen sunny, on an elevated flat surface.

    In the place where the boards are attached, small holes are drilled for screws. Such boards can be used for several years.

    To grow potatoes in boxes, the gardener should prepare a special soil. The basis of the soil is a peat mixture. It has a loose structure, absorbs well and retains moisture. In the sun, peat is able to fully warm up. Plants growing in a peat mixture are less susceptible to attacks by pests and diseases.

    You can enrich the peat mixture by adding a layer of sand. It should make up ¼ of the soil. Limestone or chalk is mixed into peat, at the rate of taking 70-75 g per 10 kg of soil.

    On a note. If there is no peat mixture, then you can replace it with soil from the site, which must first be mixed with compost and ash.

    Ash is used in any method of planting potatoes to prevent diseases and protect tubers from pests. It is undesirable to use manure as fertilizer before planting potatoes in boxes. In it, insect larvae multiply, which can harm the plant.

    You cannot reuse the soil in which the potatoes grew. Tuber pathogens often remain in the ground. This soil can be used to grow other horticultural crops, and new soil is prepared for the potatoes.

    It is not recommended to expose boxes for growing potatoes on the shady side of the site - the bushes are affected by late blight.

    Step-by-step actions for growing crops in boxes

    Growing potatoes in boxes is an unusual way, so there are special care options.

    Technology how to grow potatoes in boxes:

    • The bottomless box should be on the bricks. This contributes to the normal aeration of the soil, since it will not be possible to loosen the soil;
    • Lay paper on the bricks under the bottom and sprinkle it with a layer of expanded clay screenings with humus, you can lay out a layer of straw;
    • Prepare sprouted tubers, lay on the bottom of the structure, sprinkle with peat mixture;
    • If disembarkation is carried out in early spring, then the box is covered with agrofibre or film;
    • After the appearance of the first shoots, the structure is increased, the second floor is completed. Sprinkle the sprouts on top with a prepared mixture of peat and sand. The procedure is repeated until the buds are formed, until about July;
    • To prevent early budding, the soil is watered with compost and protected from excessive exposure to direct sunlight;
    • Caring for bushes consists in regular watering, feeding, protection from possible pests;
    • The end of September is harvest time. 7-10 days before harvesting potatoes, you can cut off all the tops, this will allow the skin to become denser.

    You can plant potatoes in a wooden box if the area is small, or the usual method does not bring the expected harvest.

    Basic rules of care

    The cultivation of a vegetable crop is reduced to performing the following manipulations:

    • Watering;
    • Fertilize;
    • Carry out preventive measures.

    Watering growing potatoes in crates is inconvenient due to the confined space. Before completing the construction of the second floor, you need to dig in 4 metal pipes with through holes at different heights for water supply.

    Feed the potatoes in the same way as for a normal planting. Spraying the bushes from pests is carried out as needed. In boxes, bushes are less likely to be attacked by the Colorado potato beetle and other diseases.

    Planting potatoes in boxes will allow you to grow a good potato crop. By following the planting instructions and care rules, the gardener will appreciate the simplicity and effectiveness of this method.

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    Also, one of the methods of care is watering the plants. Usually 2 waterings are carried out: pre-sowing and at the beginning of flowering. If the year is dry, then you can re-irrigate with massive flowering of potatoes.

    Preparation of planting material

    Seed potatoes are planted in insulated ridges. It is best to land in a sunlit place protected from the winds. When planting under a shovel, first mark the field at a distance of 50-60 cm. The furrow should be made about 6 cm deep. The bottom of the grooves should be well loosened. Landing is carried out after 10-15 cm in a row. Thus, the roots grow in different directions, they have enough room, and therefore there is no competition and optimal nutrition is provided. The pieces are laid out with a cut down, and sprouts up, slightly pressing into the soil. Small slices should be placed more often, and large ones less often. Next, the seeds are sprinkled with earth, which forms a roller 8-10 cm high and with a base width of 35 cm. Usually, after 2.5-3 weeks, potato shoots will appear, then you need to make the roller higher - up to 25-27 cm, with a width of 65-70 see

    For 35-40 days before planting, the planting material must be removed from the storage location and warmed up. The optimum heating temperature is 18-2o degrees. In such conditions, the potatoes must stay for at least 4 days. When the first eyes appear, the seeds need to be laid out in boxes in 2-3 layers and exposed to light at a temperature of 8 degrees.

    It is important to create optimal microclimatic conditions in the place where the seed is stored. Do not pour them into the basement immediately after cutting. This can lead to rotting of the tubers. If you store the seeds in a dry room, they will simply dry out. It is best to keep the sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes at room temperature. The layer should be only one, maximum two rows. When stored in the basement, you can pour the parts in a layer of 5-7 cm for a period of 8-10 days. During this time, the slices should be tested, that is, they should be coarse.

    The second way is to plant potatoes in boxes-ridges. Such boxes are filled with artificial earth. The boxes-ridges can be of any length and width, but their depth is usually 20 cm. The sublayer of artificial soil mixture in boxes-ridges is natural soil. Ridge boxes can be built almost anywhere and are suitable for all sizes of a summer cottage.Vegetable and in particular planting potatoes according to the Meatlider can be done in two ways. The first way is to plant potatoes in narrow beds. This method is suitable for those who like to grow vegetables on natural soil. Narrow beds can be of any length.

    On Facebook: Alena Volkova

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    About Mulch

    In this video, I show how I planted potatoes in an ordinary box and got an amazing result - a notable harvest and two-meter tops. Even more than two meters. Why did such a giant potato grow? Perhaps due to the fact that the aeration of the soil was increased in the box, possibly because of the mulch (I mulched the potatoes with sphagnum moss). I talked about the benefits of such mulch in my video last year. Perhaps the microclimate influenced - the potatoes grew close to the southern side of the house. The potato got the maximum of the reflected solar heat from the facade of the house. Perhaps, the applied method of dividing the tuber is to blame ... In any case, there is something to think about ...

    Landing technique

    Growing potatoes with eyes has a large number of advantages, among which they note: saving seed, reducing the incidence of the plant, reducing competition between the stems and sufficient nutrition. Thus, using this planting method, you will get an excellent harvest and save money on the purchase of seed.

    It is advised to sow legumes next to potatoes: peas, beans, beans. Provide such a neighborhood with nitrogen, the plants will shade the soil, and also scare off pests.

    Some gardeners use a planting scheme of 15 by 30 cm.In this case, hilling is not provided, therefore, parts of the seed tubers are planted to a depth of more than 12 cm to prevent their greening. In this case, the potatoes must be mulched when the temperature rises to 20 degrees Celsius.

    Usually for this, the boxes are taken out into the street. The temperature can be controlled with plastic wrap. Under these conditions, the tubers continue to germinate. The sprouts grow 2-3 cm in 28-35 days and acquire a greenish-purple color. A day or two before planting, the potatoes should be divided into parts. The number of parts is equal to the number of eyes.

    From time to time it is necessary to revise the planting material and select rotten parts. It is also worth throwing away suspicious copies. If the indoor air is very dry, you can sometimes spray the tubers to prevent them from wilting.

    You can see how potatoes are planted in the Meatlider in the video:The length of the narrow bed can be changed to adapt it to the shape and topography of the site. In this method, the wide distance between the beds plays a decisive role.

    On Twitter: @AleninSad

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    I will definitely continue my experiments and talk about them in my next videos.

    Giant potatoes in a box - two-meter tops and big tubers!

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    If you leave wide aisles (up to 90 cm), then it is recommended to plant so-called compactors on them: cabbage, beets, onions, radishes and flowers: cosmea, calendula, yarrow, etc.
    Consider the type of soil when choosing planting conditions. On heavy clay soils, seeds are planted to a depth of 4-5 cm and it is best to form ridges, thus raising the plantings above ground level. And on sandy and sandy loam, it is recommended to land under a shovel in pits or furrows to a depth of 10-12 cm.
    Often questions arise about how to properly divide the seed tuber, at the top of which several eyes have formed. In this case, the top is divided vertically into 2-3 lobules. At the same time, it is advised not to plant such slices nearby.

    To increase yields and accelerate the emergence of seedlings, experienced gardeners advise vernalization of potatoes. For this purpose, parts of the tubers that should go for planting are laid out in diffused light at a temperature of 15-20 degrees (room temperature). This will allow the eyes to germinate faster.
    Potatoes in our country are rightfully considered the second bread. Each summer resident devotes most of the garden for planting crops. The subsequent harvest directly depends on the potato variety. Therefore, it becomes difficult to acquire a sufficient amount of planting material. There is a method that can significantly reduce seed consumption - planting potatoes with eyes. Using this method, you will need 2-3 times less material for planting, and with proper soil preparation and seedling care, a rich harvest will be provided. Among the main advantages of the method, a decrease in the incidence of potatoes is noted, since only part of the tuber is used. You will not need to drag several bags of planting material into the garden. It will be possible to effectively change varieties in the future.
    The soil for planting potatoes is also dug to a depth of 1 bayonet, or they use a small walk-behind tractor for a summer residence, remove weeds and roots, level the surface with a rake.
    On Instagramm: @alenin_sad
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    Giant potatoes in a box - two-meter tops and large tubers!
    To increase the yield, it is recommended to feed the plants. If necessary, apply mineral fertilizers, although organic fertilizers are usually recommended in the form of bird droppings. But remember that you should not overuse feeding either. It is necessary to take into account the quality of the soil, the amount of fertilizer applied before planting.
    When you saw that the weeds began to grow en masse, you need to fight them. Harrowing is carried out to clear the field and simultaneously loosen the earth. This method is optimal when the planting depth is 7-10 cm. If you have carried out a shallower planting, you should use manual weeding tools so as not to damage the plants. This treatment must be carried out 2-3 times.
    Specialized literature advises making parts weighing at least 5-10 grams, but summer residents know from their own experience that even parts of 2-3 grams are productive and give an excellent harvest.
    The sprouts obtained in this way are called light sprouts. They should be short, rough, green in color, with leaf buds. Sometimes roots even appear. Carrying out such manipulations with seed material will reduce the period between planting and emergence of seedlings by almost half.
    First of all, it is necessary to carry out the correct preparation of seed material. Not all tuber eyes are suitable for planting. Before preparation, it is necessary to discard sick, frozen potatoes. Usually tubers are selected in size 50-70 g, since the eyes from small potatoes are not so productive.
    They dig a groove with a shovel, place potato seeds in it and cover it with earth. The second ridge with potatoes should be at a wide distance from the first. This method is suitable if your suburban area is large in size.
    I will be glad to new friends !!!

    The traditional vegetable crop for our strip - potatoes - is grown by most amateur gardeners. Not everyone is happy with the standard care, high labor costs and often disappointing results. Some experiment with soil or planting to achieve greater yields per square meter of soil. Not all research turns out to be successful, but some of them do bring very good results. One such innovation is the cultivation of potatoes in boxes.

    Method technology

    What is the novelty of this method? Planting material is not planted in the soil directly on the site. For a new method of growing, use any container. Anything durable made of plastic or wood is suitable for the experiment. It can be an old barrel, a canister, a roomy box, and more. The main condition is that we get rid of the bottom of the container, leaving only the side walls, this is done so that moisture does not accumulate in the container, otherwise the potatoes will start to rot. For the necessary air access, holes are arranged in the walls of the structure.

    Everyone knows that potato tubers form on roots that grow rapidly in the ground. To make the root system more branched, the potatoes are huddled several times during the cultivation process. It is known from practice that the more soil it is possible to screw up, the root system can emerge there, and, accordingly, more tubers will form. The bottom line is that you have an excellent harvest with other similar conditions.

    Growing potatoes in boxes is based precisely on this feature: to get the most developed root system possible. However, as with any method, it also has its own peculiarities - this is the choice of a place to place the structure and the formation of a fertile environment for planting a vegetable.

    Ordinary soil on your site will not be suitable for use, even if you regularly enrich and fertilize it, because we do not form a ridge, but an enclosed space. You will have to prepare the soil yourself. Gardeners who have successfully tested this method advise using peat as a basis because of its porous structure, excellent moisture absorption, good heating by the sun's rays, and the ability to retain moisture during a dry period. Plants in peat are less susceptible to various diseases, which is important when setting tubers. To enrich the mixture, we add sand to the peat for better heating of the layer, it will be about 1/4 of the total volume of soil obtained.

    Next, add chalk or lime flour: if the peat is wet, then 70 grams will be enough for every 10 kg, if it is dry, we increase the dose to 75-80 g. her ashes. Ash is recommended to roll potatoes with any method of planting in order to protect against diseases and pests. On the use of manure in the mixture, the opinions of gardeners are clear: some advise to add it as when growing other vegetables, others categorically do not advise it because of the possible presence of plant pests or their larvae in it. Interestingly, both of them got excellent results, so we leave the addition of this component to your discretion.

    A place in the sun or in partial shade is better for placing the box. It is better not to use shaded areas, because potatoes there are successfully affected by late blight, which we do not strive for at all.

    Box device

    As we already mentioned, seedlings can be attached to any box without a bottom. But it will be much more effective to build a special box. Consider the stages of its construction.

    We need trimming of not too wide boards and timber. Such building materials are necessarily present in any summer cottage. Materials about a meter long are suitable. The beam is needed for the stability of the future structure. In principle, you can do without it if you think about how to keep the box with earth and potatoes from falling apart.

    The procedure for arranging the box for landing

    We knock the boards into a frame, where the height is the width of the board. We fill this aviary with prepared soil. We place previously sprouted potatoes in it, evenly placing it around the perimeter, for example, 4 rows of 4 tubers each. Sprinkle the seedlings with earth and a small layer of straw. Further, it is worth well watering our new "bed". For the potatoes to sprout faster, it is recommended to cover the box with plastic wrap. Now we are waiting for the shoots to appear. As soon as the height of the plants approaches the edge of the enclosure, it will be time to form a new floor of our structure. We finish off the side in height according to the old principle, carefully fill the shoots with prepared earth, put another layer of straw and water. If the outside is already warm enough, then you can no longer cover the box, if you want to get more intensive cultivation, you can cover the structure with agrofibre.

    A similar procedure for building the box will be repeated until you reach the desired height. Usually it is 4-5 tiers. In pursuit of height, try not to overdo it, so as not to end up with a huge length of a stem with a small number of tubers. The final height will be about 50-60 cm, some farmers drive out up to 1 meter. The last floor is installed about a month before the harvest, so if you dig potatoes in mid-late August, you should add the last boards in mid-July and no longer increase the number of storeys of the box.

    Try to let the tops develop normally, you do not need to bury them in the ground to the very top.

    We do not let the cultivation of potatoes in boxes take their course. Our structure needs to be watered and fertilized. We water no more than 2 times a week, we fertilize - as with normal cultivation. To do this, you can use a slurry solution or another top dressing that you usually use.

    Pluses of the way

    The cultivation of potatoes in boxes we have considered has a number of indisputable advantages:

    • we are raising the yield of potatoes to unprecedented heights: some managed to collect almost a bucket from one bush;
    • in a similar way, you can grow young potatoes in a fairly short time and use only your own vegetable to the table;
    • every meter of the summer cottage is used with great benefit, while the sown area decreases, and the yield becomes higher;
    • growing in a confined space saves you from weeding and hilling;
    • harvesting is very convenient: just disassemble the box and empty the contents. All potatoes are clean, not damaged by a shovel or pitchfork. It is easy to pick it up from the ground.

    This method will be successful for older gardeners, because the labor costs for it are much less, and in old age health does not always allow achieving the desired result.

    It would seem that there is nothing easier to plant and grow potatoes. From time immemorial, the favorite of our tables has been grown in gardens and it seems that all the wisdom of the agricultural technology of a favorite vegetable is known. This article will help fill in all the gaps and reveal new secrets and methods of growing potatoes.

    Growing potatoes with seeds is a method that gardeners do not often use. It's easier to germinate planting potatoes and plant them in your garden in your favorite way. However, obtaining potato tubers grown from seed in a package has several advantages:

    • purchased biological potato seeds in specialized stores guarantee the potato grade;
    • potato seeds have strong immunity to fungal and bacteriological diseases;
    • the seed producer, as a rule, provides high and long-term seed germination (5-6 years) and quick adaptation to growing conditions;
    • the cost of seeds in a package is several times cheaper than planting tubers of the same variety.

    The disadvantages of growing potatoes through seedlings are:

    • patient and painstaking work on sowing seeds and caring for seedlings;
    • a long two-year growing period: from potato seedlings in the first year to a full harvest in the second year.

    Growing potato seedlings from seeds is carried out using the following technology:

    Before planting, potato seeds are kept in biostimulants: root or epine to accelerate germination and enhance the immune resistance of the seeds. Then it is laid out in a damp cloth and placed in a warm place. As soon as the seeds hatch, they can be planted.

    For seedlings, peat pots and tablets, plastic containers and glasses, wooden boxes and other containers are used. The soil for seedlings should be loose, loose enough and fertile. Before sowing seeds, the soil should be spilled with a manganese solution for disinfection.

    The seeds are laid to a depth of 1 cm, sprinkled with earth and moistened with a spray bottle. The containers with the planted seeds are covered with foil and placed in a warm, bright place.

    Potato sprouts appear in about 7 days. When a pair of true leaves is formed, the seedlings dive and grow. Once a month, potato bushes are fertilized with fertilizers: agriculture, kemira lux, gumi.

    Before planting, potato seedlings are tempered by exposing them to fresh air for 2-6 hours. When warm days are established, the plants are transplanted into grooves 10 cm deep.A distance of 20-30 cm should be left between the bushes.

    To protect against the weather, potato seedlings are covered with spandbond or lutrasil. When the plants adapt, the film can be removed, and the bushes are mulched, watered and fed throughout the growing season.

    At the end of the season, the potato stalks dry out - it's time to collect the sets, from which full-fledged potatoes can be grown next year.

    Growing potatoes under straw

    Growing for the lazy - this is the name for planting potato tubers under the straw. Indeed, there is no need to dig up the soil, fill it up with earth and remove weeds. And Colorado beetles do not like growing potatoes in straw. So chemistry does not need to be applied. After 12 weeks, a harvest should be expected if the following recommendations are followed.

    In the fall, it is necessary to prepare a site for growing potatoes. It is not necessary to dig up the soil. You can process the upper soil layer with a Fokin flat cutter, followed by sowing green manure. These green fertilizers, after mowing and incorporation into the soil, heal and enrich the soil.

    In the spring, the site is moistened and the potatoes are laid out directly on the ground, keeping a distance of 30 cm between the tubers and 70 cm between the rows. Then it is covered with straw or hay with a layer of 25 cm. When the plants rise to a height of 25 cm, they are hilled with straw. Under the straw layer, the soil remains moist, but during dry times you need to make sure that the soil does not dry out. Hilling with straw should be done with the growth of potato bushes.

    Growing potatoes in boxes

    The method of growing potatoes in boxes can be used on small planting areas and in poor soils on the site. For planting, wooden box modules without a bottom are used. Sprouted potatoes are evenly spread on a layer of fertile soil in boxes and covered with soil.

    If the potatoes are planted in early spring, the box is covered with foil, creating a micro greenhouse. When sprouts appear, the film is removed. When the tops grow to the edge of the box, another is put on it and fertile soil is added.

    The video shows how easy it is to grow potatoes in wooden crates.

    Cultivation of potatoes in bags technology

    On a small piece of land, every planting square meter is counted. Savvy gardeners have come up with a way to grow potatoes in small pieces of summer cottage space. Planting potato tubers in bags is increasingly finding its followers.

    Sugar and flour sacks are ideal for growing potatoes. Fertile soil is prepared from turf or garden soil in equal proportion with rotted compost or humus. For flowability, you need to add a little sand.

    IMPORTANT: Bags should be dug in to ensure stability and place in a well-lit area.

    Then the bags are filled with 20 cm of moist soil and 3-4 medium potatoes with well-marked eyes are planted. Sprinkle the tubers with earth. Further, the soil is poured as the potato bushes grow and watered if necessary. The method is good in that weeding, hilling and control of weeds and various pests disappears by itself.

    Growing potatoes without weeding and hilling, technology

    It is possible to grow potatoes with little labor. There are potato planting methods that do not require weeding, hilling, weed control and even pest control. All of them are described in the article. Let's list the technologies for growing potatoes with minimal costs:

    • growing potatoes in barrels;
    • planting potatoes in bags;
    • planting potato tubers under straw.

    Growing potatoes in a barrel

    The barrel for planting potatoes must be without a bottom. For better aeration of the soil, holes of 1 cm are made in the sidewalls of the barrel. The barrel itself can be not only made of wood, but also of metal, plastic, even from tires placed on top of each other. The barrel is filled with loose earth made from matured compost, sand and garden soil, taken in equal proportions.

    The tubers are buried by 10-12 cm, leaving a distance of 30 cm. During the growth of potato bushes, the barrel should be filled with earth until it is full. Potatoes in a barrel are fed 2-3 times with a liquid weed liquid, an ash solution. Potato bushes grown in a barrel do not need weeding and hilling. Diseases and pests are also very rare with this planting technique.

    Growing potatoes using Dutch technology

    The Dutch invented a method for growing potatoes on soil ridges. The technique has long taken root in our latitudes and has proven its effectiveness. Growing potato tubers in the Dutch way is possible not only in large areas, but also in small farmsteads. With the proper use of Dutch technology, gardeners get up to two kilograms of potatoes from a bush.

    The essence of the method lies in the ridge planting of potatoes with good soil aeration. Let's dwell on the fundamental points of growing potatoes according to the Dutch method.

    Preliminary soil preparation... In autumn, matured compost or manure should be added to the soil in a proportion of 5 kg per 1 sq. m. From mineral dressings add potash and phosphorus. In the spring, the soil is loosened by 10-15 cm and urea is introduced using 0.5 kg per 1 hundred square meters.

    Boarding time... Potato tubers should be planted in a sufficiently warm ground. An indicator that the soil is ready for planting is the throwing of a clod of earth from a height of about 1m. The lump has disintegrated - the soil is ready for planting. Potatoes should not be planted in cold ground.

    Planting tubers and forming ridges... The planting furrows are placed from north to south. Tubers with distinctly formed eyes at the top are laid out to a depth of 8-10 cm. The distance between the potatoes should not exceed 30-35 cm. A distance of 70-90 cm should be maintained between the furrows. This distance between the bushes makes it possible to get maximum sun and nutrition.

    IMPORTANT: A handful of ash added to the hole during planting will provide the tubers with potash fertilizers and save the potato bush from many diseases. A little onion skins will keep the potatoes safe from slugs.

    The furrows with potatoes are covered with earth and wait for the first seedlings to appear. After two weeks, soil ridges can be formed. Young potato bushes are spud with soil 10 cm and 30 cm wide. Two weeks later, potato bushes are spud a second time. In this case, the earthen ridge is increased to 20 cm, and the width is formed at 50 cm. It is practical to combine hilling with weeding of ridges.

    Watering... Farmers from Holland water potatoes three times per season:

    • before flowering;
    • one and a half weeks after mass flowering;
    • after flowering.

    Using drip irrigation makes watering potatoes much easier.

    Chemical treatment... To get a healthy and large harvest, potato beds should be treated with pesticides 5-6 times during the growing season. For preventive purposes, the tubers are pickled with poisons before planting. This will protect the plants from the Colorado potato beetle and diseases.

    Chinese method of growing potatoes

    You never cease to be amazed at the hard work and ingenuity of Chinese farmers. Large harvests of vegetables are obtained thanks to unique technologies and the ability to work. Therefore, growing potatoes in Chinese should be studied and tested on their plots. Let's talk about a method that involves growing 24 kg of excellent potatoes from one tuber. True or not, you decide. But the Chinese method should be noted.

    Preparing planting potatoes... Tubers for planting are selected medium in size and cut out in the center of the potatoes, the so-called "waist" of 1 cm. This trimming of potatoes will stimulate the growth of eyes.

    Planting pit... A pit should be properly prepared for planting with a width of 75 cm and a depth of two shovel bayonets (45-50 cm).

    Filling the landing pit... Three buckets of mature compost or manure, 30 g of superphosphate and a handful of ash are placed in the pit. The contents are mixed and specially prepared sprouted potatoes are placed on top. It is covered with 5-7 cm of fertile soil. Such a layer will make it possible to quickly reach the surface for potato sprouts.

    Hilling... When the shoots grow up to 10-13 cm, they should be carefully laid out on the sides and spud to the top. This procedure should be carried out until the pit is completely filled with soil. In this case, the potato bush will also grow in all directions. At each hilling, compost, a little ash and superphosphate should be added to the soil in a lower dose - 5-10 g.

    Watering... In dry times, potato bushes should be watered with warm, settled water.

    Growing potatoes from sprouts

    Potato sprouts are a good seed for growing potatoes. If you want to grow your favorite potato variety, but there are not enough tubers, then this method is perfect.

    A month before the intended planting, potatoes are selected for sprouting eyes.

    On the day of planting, the sprouted tubers are cut into small pieces about the size of a teaspoon. Each fragment should have 2-3 well-ripened eyes.

    Pieces of potatoes are laid out in prepared grooves according to the 15x30 scheme with a seeding depth of 10-12 cm. It is good to plant peas, beans or beans between the planting material. These crops improve soil fertility by enriching them with nitrogen, providing shade and repelling pests.

    When the air temperature rises above 20 ° C, potato seedlings should be mulched with cut dry grass, sawdust, straw. Next, you need to adhere to the standard potato planting care.

    Video Growing potatoes under straw

    The videos presented show how to get rich crops of potatoes under straw.

    Growing potatoes in sawdust

    Many years of experience of gardeners suggested a method for rapid germination of potato tubers in wet sawdust. Under favorable conditions, one can observe not only good growth of potato shoots, but also rudimentary nodules.

    Wet sawdust is placed in boxes or other containers with a layer of 10 cm. Potatoes are placed on them for germination and covered with the remaining moistened sawdust. The boxes are covered with foil and placed in a cool place, such as a greenhouse.

    After the emergence of seedlings, large potatoes are cut into pieces with pronounced shoots and planted in the ground. Medium potatoes with sprouts are planted whole.

    Growing potatoes in boxes

    Increasingly, gardeners are using raised or warm beds in their plots. The earth in the boxes-modules does not need to be dug every year, but it is only necessary to fill it correctly once. In the future, such a bed will last 5-7 years. Potatoes can also be planted in these boxes and get a good harvest.

    First you have to put together wooden boxes without a bottom. Box dimensions: height 20-40 cm, width - 50-70 cm. The length is chosen depending on the size of the site and your preferences. Since the fall, the boxes are filled with vegetable and food waste, rotted manure and fertile soil.

    In the spring, sprouted potatoes are laid out in ridges-boxes at a distance of 30 cm from each other at a depth of 10-15 cm. When potato bushes appear, they are mulched with dry cut grass and watered if necessary. Further, the potato bushes are grown until ripe.

    Growing potatoes in the Urals

    The unpredictable weather of the Ural region does not allow growing all varieties of potatoes. Therefore, it is important to use seed that is suitable for growing in difficult weather conditions. For the Urals and Siberia, Siberian varieties are suitable, which are resistant to cold weather, drought and other weather conditions. Recommended varieties for the Urals, included in the State Register:

    • medium early variety Nevsky;
    • early ripening variety Luck;
    • mid-season variety Skarb;
    • mid-season variety Naiad;
    • early variety Spring white;
    • early ripe grade Kamensky.

    On the forums of summer residents of the Urals, varieties are very popular: Natasha, Gala, Santa, Red Scarlett, Rosara, Charodey.

    Mineral fertilizers for growing potatoes

    For a good harvest of potatoes, regular application of mineral fertilizers is necessary. The process of feeding young tubers is especially relevant if the soil is poor and is cultivated for beds for a long time. This soil does not contain the optimal nutrient complex for successful potato cultivation.

    What fertilizers to use

    • In the fall, it is required to apply a full range of mineral fertilizers to the soil. For these purposes, use ammophos, nitroammophos, nitrophos. Fertilizers are diluted according to the attached instructions.
    • During the planting of potatoes, fertilizers have proven themselves well: superphosphate, nitrophoska, kemira, ash.
    • Bone meal added before flowering will improve the root system, enhance flowering and even improve the flavor of the tubers.

    Top dressing potatoes according to the Mettlider method

    American farmer Jacob Mittlider not only developed the famous vegetable beds, but also proposed the use of a special composition of mineral feed for potato tubers.

    So, when preparing the beds for planting, you should dig small grooves 5 cm deep on their long sides and sprinkle with lime fertilizer from calcium and boron. The mixture is used in an amount of 100 g per 1 running meter. If the soil is loamy or acidic, then the amount of fertilizer applied should be increased to 130 g per linear meter.

    During the growing season, it is required to feed the potatoes at least three times:

    • the first feeding is done immediately after the emergence of potato shoots;
    • the second feeding is needed when the potato bushes grow up to 15-20 cm;
    • during flowering, potatoes need a third feeding.

    Fertilizers are applied in a 5 cm groove dug between the ridges. Now that potato bushes are growing above the ground, Mittlider offers a mineral blend of nitrogen, boron, potassium, magnesium, molybdenum, and phosphorus. Fertilizers are placed in the groove at the rate of 40-50 g per 1 running meter and sprinkled with earth. Top dressing is combined with watering potatoes.

    Foliar dressing

    Potatoes respond well to foliar feeding, especially after rain. To do this, potato bushes are sprayed directly over the leaves with a solution of dissolved 3 tablespoons of superphosphate in 10 liters of water.

    For cold regions with a long and rainy spring, foliar feeding with full mineral fertilizer is important. 200 g of superphosphate, 20 g of carbamide, 20 g of potassium chloride and 1 g of copper sulfate are stirred in 5 liters of water. The solution is kept for 4 hours, then potato bushes are treated at the beginning of budding and during flowering. This amount is calculated for 100 sq.m.

    Video methods of growing potatoes

    The proposed video materials will help you choose the best ways to grow potatoes.

    High-yielding potato cultivation, which determines the yield

    Full and high-quality potatoes can be obtained if the following conditions are met:

    • healthy planting material of good potato varieties should be planted;
    • until the soil warms up to 10-12 ° C, it is not recommended to plant potatoes;
    • sprouted tubers will quickly crawl to the soil surface;
    • a potato bush forms powerful and spreading if the air temperature does not exceed 23 ° C;
    • loose and fertile soil will ensure good potato growth;
    • watering and timely feeding with fertilizers give a full potato crop.

    Watering potatoes, how often to water

    Potatoes, like other vegetables, require regular watering. Irrigation is especially necessary when potatoes are in bloom and the summer is extremely dry. Without sufficient watering, the tubers do not gain weight, they become small and ugly. The quality of potatoes without watering is much worse.

    Watering rate

    For normal growth, a potato bush should receive 2-2.5 liters of water every week. During the appearance of the first buds and during the subsequent flowering, the watering rate is increased to 3 liters per week.

    When and how often to water

    IMPORTANT: A layer of mulch will help keep moisture under the potato bushes for a long time.

    When watering stops

    If the bushes are ripe, the leaves turn yellow and begin to die off - watering should be stopped.

    Secrets of growing potatoes

    We summarize and share the main rules of potato farming.

    The use of high-quality planting material... For planting, select proven potato varieties. After five years, it is recommended to change the planting variety in order to maintain the yield.

    Planting material size... The average tuber size is the optimal size of the planting material. You can use large root vegetables, cut into pieces. Each piece of tuber for planting should have several formed eyes. It is recommended to cut the tubers longitudinally to obtain better seedlings.

    Maintaining crop rotation... If potatoes are grown in the same garden for many years in a row, this leads to a gradual decrease in yield, shrinkage of tubers and diseases. Potatoes should be returned to the old beds no earlier than three years later.

    Soil selection... Tubers should be planted in loose, fertile soil with sand. This contributes to aeration of the soil and a sufficient supply of oxygen to the tubers.

    Optimal penetration... Small potatoes and dense tops grow in a deep planting hole. The optimum depth of potato tubers is 10 cm according to the 35x70 scheme. Often planted tubers will interfere with each other's development and suffer from a lack of oxygen. And this will lead to a disease - late blight.

    Correct boarding time... A popular observation has been working for a long time: potatoes should be planted when the leaves on a birch grow with a penny.

    Tops breaking... Experienced gardeners are advised to break off the tops a little 1-2 weeks after the potatoes bloom. The tubers will receive more nutrients. The bush will not only develop more tubers, but you will get larger potatoes.

    Getting rid of Colorado potato beetles and diseases... If you are not a receiver of chemistry, then plant black shaves, horseradish, tansy, garlic, calendula around the perimeter of the potato garden. Colorado beetles cannot stand the aroma of these plants, and potato bushes will not be subject to various diseases.

    Top dressing... Balanced feeding of potatoes will significantly increase the future harvest.

    The video demonstrates the tricks of growing potatoes for optimal yields.