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  • Drawing on the theme of health senior group. Synopsis of organized educational activities "Artistic creativity." Drawing in the senior group "Children do exercises

    Drawing on the theme of health senior group.  Synopsis of organized educational activities

    Olga Pilipenko
    Synopsis of OOD on valeology and drawing in the senior group "To the Land of Healthy Teeth"


    Consolidate children's knowledge about products that are useful for teeth and those that contribute to the development of their diseases;

    Give basic information about vitamins and their benefits for human health;

    Develop a desire to take care of yourself health

    Continue to introduce children to non-traditional techniques drawing(through stencil sticking: apply paint with a foam sponge) ;

    To develop in the child a sense of beauty, creative imagination, fantasy, observation, attention, aesthetic taste, a sense of color;

    Cultivate accuracy in work.

    Dictionary Key words: caries, gumboil, toothache, vitamins.


    Ribbed board, rope, cardboard traces; pictures of butterflies, flowers; models of vegetables, fruits, confectionery; toothbrush, baskets, teddy bear and bunny toys.

    1. Intellectual warm-up.

    Why does a person need food?

    What are vitamins?

    What juice do you like?

    - Give me one word: orange, apple, banana, pear.

    - Find extra: carrot, onion, tangerine, chips.

    2. Surprise moment:

    Guys, who is crying? This is a bear

    Ah ah ah. The bear has flux.

    Doesn't go to the doctor: he's a coward.

    The bear's cheek was smashed, everything was swollen, swollen.

    The whole day he walked and groaned, The bear became completely ill.

    He quickly runs to the doctor: "I want to fix my tooth".

    The doctor turned on the drill, the bear quickly healed.

    What happened to the bear?

    Why do you think his tooth hurt?

    What do we do to keep our teeth from hurting?

    3. - And now I invite you to « Land of healthy teeth» .

    To get there you need to go without turning off "magic" tracks".

    (walking on a ribbed board, on a tightrope, on footprints).

    And here is the gate that leads to « Land of healthy teeth» . Let's look at the map on the wall.

    Oculomotor gymnastics: follow the laser beam, butterflies, flowers.

    Here's someone's house. Let's knock,.,

    So this is the home of the Toothbrush Queen « Healthy Teeth Countries» . She was a little surprised by our visit, but she was very happy that we were taking care of ours. health. And he also asks us to work in her garden and garden, into which harmful teeth products, products - enemies.

    Didactic game "What's extra?".

    (the called children put the models of confectionery into baskets).

    Do you like to eat all these foods?

    Do your moms give you a lot of sweets at once?

    Do you know why they don't?

    Let's show Queen Toothbrush that we can always tell which foods are healthy and which are not.

    Didactic game "Useful and harmful products»

    (on named healthy foods- children clap, and on harmful - stomp).

    Harmful foods are your enemies teeth. Those who eat a lot of sweets have black spots on their teeth, this terrible enemy of teeth - caries. In the place where caries appeared, a hole will gradually appear and the tooth will begin to hurt badly. If you don't want your teeth to hurt, eat less sweets: sweets, cakes, pastries, jams and drink less sweet water.

    Look at the bunny any: brushes his teeth on a carrot.

    And all his teeth are intact - sharp-sharp, white-white.

    And remember the simple truth -

    Only the one who chews raw carrots sees better

    Or drink carrot juice.

    Well, in the garden of the Toothbrush, only food remained - friends.

    4. - And now the Queen Toothbrush invites us to "Magic Workshop" where you can grow for the inhabitants of a magical country fruits and vegetables. (children sit at tables)

    Finger gymnastics.

    As soon as we start to get up, we immediately open our fingers,

    We will spread them wider, we will strain them harder.

    (children stretch their arms forward, spread their fingers, strain them as much as possible, and then relax, lower their hands and shake them slightly)

    Drawing with paints"In the garden, in the garden"(each child has a stencil of a vegetable or fruit, they perform luring with a foam rubber sponge)

    Remember the Tooth Che Rule tki:

    Children need to eat more foods that contain vitamins. If there are few vitamins, the child cannot grow and develop well, he will often get sick.

    Well, it's time for us to say goodbye to the Queen Toothbrush and return home from « Healthy Teeth Countries» . Goodbye.

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    art in preschool age - one of the main ways of self-expression on the path of personal development. Pictures of nature and seasons in the best way form the aesthetic and emotional perception of children. The theme of summer evokes a special creative response. Drawing on the theme of summer, in the senior group, helps to learn about the world around us, while developing one's own attitude. The child will be happy to capture the vivid sensations and emotions of the warm season in his drawings.

    A variety of nature themes allow you to reveal the chosen theme not only in simple landscape motifs. Children enthusiastically depict the plant and animal world. Get acquainted with individual moments and plot pictures, such as harvesting and healthy eating. Improvisation is of particular interest - the creation of fantastic animals, flowers using non-standard drawing techniques.

    Hello summer!

    Memories of nature are the first thing that is associated with the word "summer". Ask the children about how they spend their summer days, and they will happily talk about green grass, bright sunshine, warm lakes. They will also enthusiastically share stories about their vacation with you and try to reflect this in their drawings.

    During the lesson, draw a parallel with previous lessons about spring. Ask what was remembered separately in March, April and May. Remember which holidays you celebrated together - Shrovetide, Easter, May 1, and which ones come with the new season. Compare the features of spring and summer nature.

    Have the children draw fields, forests, and meadows. Help them use horizontal smooth lines to depict the meadow horizon, sky and rivers. With the help of vertical lines, teach how to draw tall trees. Curves draw winding road lines and paths. Show how shading can represent grass and foliage. Help the children place details and signs in the picture, such as clouds, bushes, the sun and its rays.

    In the process of classes, children improve the skill of using a brush or pencils. The smoothness of the work of the hands is developed. The spatial perception of objects, their size and relation to each other is formed. This contributes to the development of both a general attitude to the seasons and the development of a person's worldview.

    Who is sitting in the grass?

    Drawing insects in the older group of kindergarten is an activity that connects physical and visual memory. At least once in a lifetime, a preschooler could observe an insect up close, hold it in their hands, and study it in detail. In a question-and-answer conversation, they will gladly list the beetles, dragonflies and butterflies that he managed to see. This allows children to reproduce the image in memory, analyze it and express their attitude towards it.

    Invite the children to imagine how insects crawl and fly. Perform plastic exercises to music.

    Offer to draw ladybug. Show how you can draw the body of a bug in stages:

    1. Start with a red oval, divide it in half with a line.
    2. Draw the head and eyes.
    3. Add paws, antennae and dots on the abdomen.
    4. Add greenery around it

    Drawing on the topic "bug in the grass" in the older group will help develop a more detailed perception. The sequence element will allow you to develop a mechanism for arranging - from large objects to small ones. This develops logic in the rendering process. Drawing the body of butterflies and beetles develops the skill of building symmetry.

    Works can be done together with children on one large drawing paper or create one large composition from finished works. Such drawing in the senior group on the theme of insects contributes to the development in children of a sense of collectivity and cooperation.

    ABC of health

    Drawing in the senior group on the topic of health includes proper nutrition. Preschoolers can already list what fruits and vegetables grow in summer, what berries and mushrooms can be found in the forest. Using pictures with images, play a quiz with the children. Draw a simple still life with them, or invite them to draw their favorite fruit or vegetable as a keepsake.

    In this lesson, a lesson is learned about the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, and knowledge in the field is consolidated. proper nutrition. By drawing fruits and vegetables in detail, memory is activated. Color perception develops, thanks to the rich colors of root crops.

    A similar set of tasks has drawing in the senior group on the topic "Bread is the head of everything." A detailed image of the ears also contribute to the development of detailed pictorial activity. The image of individual details helps the development of fine motor skills. The theme of the yield and benefits of bread forms the moral aspect and a deeper attitude towards food.

    magic flowers

    Based general idea about plants and flowers, children can start improvising. Drawing on the theme "fantastic flowers", in the older group, allows you to take full advantage of your imagination. This makes it possible to reveal all the creative potential without limiting it to individual details. A special point in this lesson is the use of non-standard drawing tools, such as your own hands, sponges and cotton swabs. Come up with an unusual story, for example, on behalf of an incoming "guest", as a result of which you will need to draw amazing flowers.

    As part of the activity, help the children think of the shape of the leaves. Try to keep the petals and buds large, bright and colorful. Show the children how, by using non-standard objects, you can “let the flower bloom”:

    • Small inflorescences will help to pinpoint a cotton swab.
    • Palms, fingers will serve as an imprint of leaves and petals on paper.
    • Using a sponge, you can draw fluffy buds.

    Drawing with non-standard objects, cotton buds, in the older group of the kindergarten will captivate children with unusualness, will allow you to form a versatile approach to creativity. Promotes the development of creative thinking and flight of fancy.

    Help the children come up with an unusual story for their creation. At the end of the lesson, give the children the opportunity to talk about their flower. Organize a small exhibition.

    Synopsis of the GCD in the senior group of the preschool educational institution on the topic "Health Flower"

    Description: I bring to your attention a summary of the lesson "Health Flower" for senior group DOW. This lesson helps the child to form ideas about health, about preventive measures and health protection.
    Goals and objectives of the upbringing and development of children:
    1. Enrich the sensory experience of children, improve analytical perception, develop the ability to highlight the properties of objects using different senses.
    2. To promote the development of different methods of examination by children, the establishment of links between the method of examination and the cognizable property of the object.
    3. To promote the development of the appropriate vocabulary by children, its active use.
    4. Develop monologic forms of speech, stimulate children's speech creativity.
    5. Develop good feelings, emotional responsiveness, the ability to distinguish the mood and emotional state of the people around you and take this into account in your behavior.
    6. Contribute to the formation of a sustainable interest in the rules and norms of a healthy lifestyle, health-saving and safe behavior.
    7. To form and activate in children the manifestation of an aesthetic attitude to the world around them in various situations.
    8. To form a conscious need for motor activity and physical improvement.
    The priority area is knowledge.
    Equipment: multi-colored flower, mnemonic table, “mood” lamp, pure water, juice, cups, bottles, plates, tubes, multi-colored balls, water containers, baskets with letters (vitamins) A B C, products in the store, fruit juices, fruits: bananas , apples, canned pineapple, pears, disposable knives, cutting boards, badges, a white coat for the teacher, aprons.
    Preliminary work: conversations about a healthy lifestyle, reading stories, poems. Memorizing proverbs and sayings about a healthy lifestyle, Conversations about harmful and useful foods, about the benefits of exercise, clean air and water.
    Guys, today guests have come to us, let's say hello to them (children say hello). We did not just say hello, but wished the guests good health.
    What is "hello"?
    The best of words
    Because "hello"
    So be healthy
    -Hello! - you tell the person
    -Hello! he smiles back
    -And probably won't go to the pharmacy.
    And will be healthy for many years.
    Now let's say hello to each other:
    Good afternoon - you were told
    Good afternoon - you answered
    Two strings tied you
    Warmth and kindness.
    Health is the most main value, given to a person. What does it mean to be healthy?
    When we are healthy, we want to read, draw, play, study, we are in a good and friendly mood.
    Our health can be compared to a flower that has many petals; these petals live in every cell of our body. (children open the first petal)
    1 Petal "Physical exercise"
    Exercise can replace many drugs, but no medicine in the world can replace exercise (Mosse)
    Let's think about the benefits of exercise?
    They strengthen muscles, harden the body, give us a cheerful, good mood, drive away fatigue.
    Every morning we do exercises, we finish the exercises with the words:
    "Health is in order, thanks to charging"
    “Every day, do exercises - you will be strong, you will be brave.
    And now we will do self-massage. ("Neboleika" - biologically active zones)
    So that the throat does not hurt,
    We will stroke him boldly.
    Not to cough, not to sneeze
    I need to rub my nose
    We will also break the forehead,
    We hold the palm with a visor
    Yes yes yes yes yes yes
    We are not afraid of a cold
    Let's remember proverbs and sayings about physical exercises:
    1. Move more - you will live longer
    2. Movement is life and the path to health
    3. If you want to be strong, run
    If you want to be beautiful - run
    If you want to be smart - run
    4. A healthy mind in a healthy body
    5. So that the sick do not lie - you need to respect the sport.
    2 Petal "Mood"
    Human health depends on mood.
    And let's play the game "I am happy when ..." (A game for the development of the emotional sphere. The purpose of the game: relieving emotional stress, developing the ability to talk about your feelings).
    That's how different the mood can be. Do you want all the people who surround us to have a joyful mood?
    There are some rules that will help us (the rules say the children)
    1. Be always cheerful, do not cry over trifles, do not be capricious.
    2. Do not quarrel, try to help your friends, give in.
    Guys, what proverbs about mood do you know?
    "The heart rejoices - and the face blooms"
    “Sadness will not kill, but it will harm health”

    3 Petal " Pure water»
    Guys, look at the globe. What do you think is depicted on the globe in blue?
    Seas, oceans, rivers, ponds, water.
    Water is essential for our health. And even such a familiar object as water is fraught with a lot of unknown. And now we will go to the laboratory and see what kind of water is.
    1. The water is clear. (In a glass of juice, the tube is not visible, but with water it is visible).
    2. Water has no taste. (Unlike juices, which have different flavors, water has no flavor.)
    3. Water has no smell. (Juice has an aroma, but water has no smell).
    4. Water has no shape. (Pouring water from a glass into a bowl, the children made sure that the water has no shape).
    Now let's summarize our research. Pure water has no: (smell, taste, color, shape).
    4 Petal "Clean Air"
    Children dip the bottles into a container of water and click on them.
    - What kind of invisible is sitting in a bottle?
    it's air
    Guys, I even know where you can find a lot of air at once - in balloons. That's what they're called - balloons. We seem to catch air and lock it in a balloon. Just don’t inflate too much, the balloon may burst. And why? (All the air will not fit). ---- children inflate balloons, as best they can.
    Guys, what is the difference between your balls? (color, shape, size)
    And why do they have different sizes? (one has little air, the other has a lot)
    Let's try to deflate our balloons. What comes out of them? (air)
    That's right, air is very necessary for our body and all living things on earth.
    There is no life without breath
    Light fades without breathing
    Breathing birds and flowers
    He breathes and I, and you.
    Where do you think the cleanest air is?
    - in the city or in the village (in the village - there is little transport)
    And where is the air rich in oxygen? (in the forest)
    Let's go to the forest. We will now close our eyes and listen to the sounds of the forest. What do you hear? (water murmur, birdsong, breeze)
    The sun shines brightly
    Light breeze blowing,
    We breathe in its clean, fresh air (deep breaths and exhalations)
    We feel good and happy
    Waves of grass and meadows (waving your hands below)
    Birds are proudly circling up to me (wave your hands up and down)
    We want to live in peace with nature
    And we will protect all living things with friends.
    And now let's go to our flower and open the next petal.
    5 Petal "Food"
    Guys, listen to the proverb: "If you want, you don't want, but you need to eat." Why does the proverb say so? Why does a person need food? (children's answers)
    You need to eat in moderation. It is bad when a person does not eat up or overeats. Not all food is beneficial. Now we will check what useful and harmful products you know. We will go to the store:
    D / I "Harmful and healthy food" + game "name the juice" (formation of relative adjectives)
    Well done! I will definitely tell your mothers that you know and know how to choose healthy products.
    And who knows what vitamin food is? (children's answers)
    Vitamins are found in vegetables and fruits.
    What vitamins do you know (A, B, C)
    I have three baskets (A B C)
    What vegetables and fruits will we put in the vitamin A basket? (carrot, garlic, red pepper, tomato)
    These vitamins help with poor eyesight, brittle hair, unhealthy skin.
    Vitamin B basket (beans, green peas, rice groats, buckwheat groats).
    Vitamin C Basket (Blackcurrant, Orange, Lemon)
    Vitamin C increases the protective properties of the body, helps the work of the heart and blood vessels, strengthens bones.
    Guys, we have come up with a lot of riddles about vegetables and fruits, and now we will guess these riddles for our guests. (Guessing riddles using the mnemonic table)
    From vegetables and fruits you can cook a lot of different healthy meals. I suggest you sit down at the tables and prepare a healthy fruit salad. (While preparing the salad, a free conversation about safety rules when using a knife and fork).
    Let's summarize our lesson. Look at our flower and tell me what is good for our health? (children's answers)

    Target: encourage children to take care of their health.


      teach children to distinguish vitamin-containing foods;

      explain to children how vitamins affect the human body, about their benefits and the importance of vitamins for human health;

      help children understand that health depends on proper nutrition - food should not only be tasty, but also healthy;

      develop attention, thinking, imagination, active and passive vocabulary;

      instill in children the desire to take care of their health.

    Preliminary work: talking with children about health; preparation of worksheets.

    Material: colored pencils, worksheets, sheets of paper for drawing, boxes, a jar, a Pilyulkin doll.

    Lesson progress:

    caregiver - Guys, we received a letter from Dunno, listen to what he writes to us.

    “Hello guys, my name is Dunno. I had a problem, I got sick. They say that in order not to get sick, you need to eat right. I tried, I ate everything only tasty: cakes, sweets, drank Pepsi Cola. But unfortunately, I'm getting worse and worse. Guys, help me, please, figure out what I need to eat so as not to get sick.

    - Guys, let's try to help Dunno with you.

    Tell me, what do you like to eat the most? (children's answers)

    What do you think is the difference between "tasty" and "healthy"? (children's answers)

    What useful and what harmful products do you see in the picture? (children's answers)

    Guys, do you know that foods contain substances that are very important for human health and are called vitamins? (children's answers)

    Guys, what do you know about vitamins?

    - Yes, vitamins have different effects on human health.

    .For instance:

    vitamin A very important for vision and growth.

    Vitamin B promotes good heart function

    vitamin D makes our legs and arms strong, it is found in fish oil.

    Vitamin C strengthens the whole body, makes a person more healthy, resistant to colds. If you still catch a cold, then with its help you can recover faster.

    What do you think will happen to a person if they eat only sweets? (children's answers)

    - You need to know that the human body needs different foods. Raw vegetables and fruits are especially useful: those who constantly use them, as a rule, have a good, cheerful mood, smooth skin, and a graceful figure.

    - But sweets, chocolate, ice cream, especially in large quantities, are very harmful to health.

    - Of course, you should not completely give up sweets. However, it is necessary to eat a variety of foods - to be strong, healthy and grow quickly.

    Physical education minute

    Pilyulkin with a jar of vitamins, scatters them on the floor. (Big jar and balls).

    Doctor Pilyulkin - Oh, I mixed up all the vitamins! Guys, I'm running to treat Dunno, help me sort out the vitamins in boxes.

    Children collect balls from the floor and sort them by color.

    Yellow Balls - Vitamin C

    Red Balls - Vitamin A

    Green Balls - Vitamin B

    Blue Balls - Vitamin D

    Listen to a poem about the benefits of vitamins.

    Vitamin A

    Remember the simple truth -

    The only one who sees better

    Who chews raw carrots

    Or drink carrot juice.

    Vitamin B

    Very important early

    Have oatmeal for breakfast.

    Black bread is good for us

    And not just in the morning.

    Vitamin D

    Fish oil is the healthiest

    Though nasty - you have to drink

    He saves from diseases

    Without diseases - it is better to live!

    Vitamin C

    For colds and sore throats

    Oranges help.

    Well, it's better to eat a lemon,

    Although it is very sour.

    You try to solve a tricky problem:

    What is more useful to chew - turnip or chewing gum?

    Doctor Pilyulkin - Thanks guys! Do you know what foods contain these vitamins?

    Vitamin A found in food: beets, melons, carrots, garlic, cabbage, parsley, peaches, spinach, pumpkin, turnips, celery.

    Vitamin B - rice, raisins, fish, eggs, cheese, yogurt, nuts, bananas, peas, liver, bread, mushrooms, cottage cheese, salad. In animal products - lamb, beef, crabs, shellfish.

    Vitamin C - blackcurrant, rose hips, oranges, lemons, onions, parsley.

    Vitamin D - fish oil, cod liver, beef liver, butter


    The game "Spread vegetables and fruits into boxes with vitamins"

    Doctor Pilyulkin offers the children the game "Spread vegetables and fruits into boxes with vitamins." Each child takes one product and puts it in the right box.

    Doctor Pilyulkin - Thank you guys! Now I can help Dunno!

    Educator: Guys, let's help Pilyulkin never confuse vitamins again. To do this, we need to go to the tables. Look, you have various products drawn on the leaves on the right side. List which ones? (Answers of children).

    And on the left side, vitamins A, B, C, D are written. Draw a path from each letter to the desired product. And you will find out what vitamins are contained in the products.

    From the letter C - in orange pencil,

    from the letter A - in red pencil,

    from the letter D - in blue pencil,

    from the letter B with a green pencil.

    Children are given time to do the work on their own, then checked.

    Guys, we now know which foods are healthy and which are harmful, which foods contain vitamins A, B, C, D.

    I suggest that you draw useful foods for Dunno so that he knows what to eat so as not to get sick, and Pilyulkin will take it all to Dunno.

    Children draw products.

    Outcome. Guys, what useful products have you learned? (Children's answers) Now Dunno will only eat what is healthy and will not get sick, we will transfer the drawings through Pilyulkin.

    Pilyulkin and I wish you that your health is always strong.

    Synopsis of organized educational activities in the senior group

    Synopsis of a game - cognitive lesson on the topic: Rays of health

    Synopsis of OOD "Rays of Health" in the senior preparatory group

    author: Frolova Natalia Alexandrovna, teacher of the MDOU kindergarten of the combined type "No. 42" Teremok ", Serpukhov.
    Job assignment: the summary of the lesson is intended for children aged 5-7 years, educators of preschool educational institutions, teachers of additional education, parents interested in a playful way to educate children in the habit of leading a healthy lifestyle.
    I bring to your attention a summary of a game-cognitive lesson on cognitive development. In a playful way, children receive and consolidate knowledge about the components of health: vitamins, cultural and hygienic skills, regimen, sports, healthy food. OOD is aimed at educating the need for a healthy lifestyle.
    Target: the development of the desire to take care of their own health.
    Tasks: To systematize children's ideas about health, ways to preserve it and a healthy lifestyle.
    Form children's ideas preschool age about health as one of the main values ​​of human life; develop the ability to isolate the components of human health and establish their relationship; to consolidate the basic concepts: "daily routine", "personal hygiene", "vitamins", "useful products", " healthy lifestyle life"; to educate children in the skills and needs of a healthy lifestyle.
    To instill in children the desire to take care of their health, the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle.
    Ways to organize children: standing, sitting on the carpet.
    Equipment: traces, TV, caps of vitamins "A", "B", "C", didactic game "Daily routine", Balloons, a ball, dumbbells, cups of water and cocktail tubes for each child, silhouettes of trees and shrubs, a wonderful bag with objects, autumn leaves with riddles, a tape recorder,
    preliminary work:
    Conversations with children on topics: "What is health?", "The value of the regime in a person's life?", "Health is more precious than gold", "On the consequences of non-observance of life safety". Rules of the road”, viewing posters - “The street is full of surprises”, “Home Alone”,
    Conversations - reflection "What is good and what is bad"; "What is health", "Cleanliness is the guarantee of health".
    Research activities: "The value of air for the body", "Properties of water", "Properties of snow", comparison of clean and dirty hands.
    Educational games: - "Cut pictures", "Guess what it is?"
    Didactic games: "Find the differences", "Mode moments", "Know the sport", "Helpful - harmful", "Clean hands".
    Role-playing games: "Hospital", "Pharmacy", "Cafe", "Family", "Shop"
    "Washing toys", "Washing doll linen".
    Examination of paintings I. Shishkin. "Morning in a Pine Forest", I. Levitan "Birch Grove", still lifes by I. Mashkov "Fruits".
    drawing e: "How I spent the summer", "We are tempered."
    Methodological techniques:
    Conversation, riddles, game moments, breathing exercises, search and research activities, artistic word, situational tasks, research actions, breathing exercises, use of visualization, dynamic pauses, appeal to the life experience of children.
    Activity progress
    Organizing time (Establishing an emotional connection)
    Children are scattered.
    Invented by someone simply and wisely
    Greet when meeting:
    - Good morning!
    - Good morning, sun and birds.
    - Good morning, smiling faces.
    Good morning, guys! Have you ever wondered why we greet each other like that in the morning?
    It is very important that the morning is good, because it starts the day and it is so nice to see your kind eyes and smiling faces in the morning and hear from you "Good morning!"
    Let's all say these magic words together again: "Good morning!"
    - I want to discuss with you one very important topic. It's called "Health". We often hear: "Be healthy", "Don't get sick", "I wish you health". How often do we think about our health? What do we do to be healthy?
    Let's try to answer these questions.
    -What do you think health is? ( Happiness, joy when you are not sick)
    Everyone needs health - children, adults and even animals.
    This morning the sun peeped into my window, and I brought it to you.

    What do you think - what's wrong with him? ( sad, not smiling, bored, sick)
    He needs your help, can we help him?
    We are with you today
    Let's go on a trip
    And the rays in the country "Health"
    We will surely find
    "Get ready for the road,
    Go to the rays of health!”
    Hiking is very healthy. March step.

    (Music. Children are walking)
    (Autumn leaves on the road.)

    (The teacher offers to collect leaflets)
    Riddles are hidden on the leaves, can we guess?
    I take the sheets and read. ( puzzles)

    1. It slips away like a living thing, but I won't let it out.
    It foams with white foam, it is not lazy to wash hands. ( soap)
    2. I wiped, I tried after the boy's bath.
    Everything is crumpled, everything is wet, there is no dry corner. ( towel)
    3. The tail is made of bone, and on the back there are bristles. ( Toothbrush)
    4. Who is our best friend, will wash away the dirt from the face and hands. ( water)
    5. Rubber band Akulinka went for a walk on the back
    She is going to wash her back red-hot. ( washcloth)
    6As many as twenty-five teeth for whirlwinds and tufts. ( hairbrush)
    Well done, children, guessed all the riddles correctly.
    What are all these mysteries about? ( children's answers)
    -Who can explain what the word hygiene means?
    But look, terrible germs have taken over it. And in order to defeat microbes, you need to solve difficult tasks.

    (germs are balloons with angry faces painted on them)
    Let's remember our speech, which helps us to follow the rules of Hygiene.
    My hands after the game
    And after the toilet
    From the street came - again
    Don't forget about it
    And another law
    My hands before eating. reading the speech by the children and as it is pronounced by the children - “microbial balls” - burst
    Also, when should you wash your hands?
    All microbes burst from anger, but one microbe did not burst, and everyone said it right.
    To defeat the microbe, you must complete the task
    Game "Wonderful bag"
    Children take turns taking out objects and telling what they are for.
    Guys, the microbe wants to know what items you wouldn't share, even with your closest friends and even your mom.
    The task is to remove unnecessary items, explain what the rest are intended for.
    (soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, clothes brush, hairbrush, washing powder, shampoo, towel, ball, bicycle, etc..)
    What subjects do they belong to? to personal hygiene items).- the last - "ball-microbe" bursts
    (I take out a ray).
    Who will tell me the secret
    Hidden here, what advice?

    This ray says that you need to observe Hygiene.
    Health is a priceless gift
    Which is given to you at birth.
    Always protect him
    And strengthen by all means.
    Continue the proverb: Purity -… guarantee of health"
    -How do you understand it? children's answers)
    Let's keep looking for rays.
    And so on the way.
    Jump - march! (Music)
    To find the next ray, you need to close your eyes and say the magic password:
    "Sun, air and water are ours best friends ! "
    Here is the first hint! ( box) see what is hidden there? ( dumbbells)

    What are they needed for? ( do exercises)
    What are the benefits of exercise?

    Where and when do you exercise?
    Let's say one more of our speeches
    If you want to be healthy
    Very upbeat and cheerful
    Start the day with a charge!
    Never be discouraged!
    Guys, let's train our muscles.
    (soundtrack "Charging" Alina Kukushkina)

    Dynamic pause
    Who is engaged in exercises, he is gaining health!
    -What do these words say?
    -What muscles do you have?
    -Do you have more strength after charging? caregiver:
    You can immediately see, "silushka in the veins, run with fire." ( checks the muscles in the children's arms)
    So the ray appeared ( put a ray on the sun)
    (Physical education and sports)
    “In order not to lie sick, one must respect sports.”
    Let's all repeat together repeat).
    Remember this guys.
    Let's play.
    Game "Name the sport"
    - In winter in Sochi, the Winter Olympics took place.
    -Name the winter sports.( children list winter sports and pass the ball)
    -How did our athletes perform?
    -What helped them become winners? (Children's judgments)
    How fun, how fun
    We look for rays
    How fun, how fun
    Help us the sun
    The music sounds, the children walk in a snake.
    To find out what the next ray is called, I will show you a trick.
    Take a look inside this bottle.
    What lies there?

    There is nothing.
    Now we will see who is hiding there. One, two, three, invisible, run from the bottle.
    (I lower the bottle into the water and press it, bubbles run from the bottle).
    What kind of invisible person was in the bottle?
    -It's air.
    educator b:
    That's right guys.
    There is no life without breath
    Light fades without breathing
    Breathing birds and flowers
    He breathes, and I, and you.
    Each of us has air.
    Let's check if this is the case.
    I'll take a glass of water and dip a straw into it. Now I will inhale through my nose and then exhale through the tube through my mouth. What did you see? ( I saw air bubbles).
    And now you take a glass of water, lower the tube into it, inhale through your nose, and then blow into the tube.

    -What do you see? ( I see air bubbles).
    Yes, real storms rise in cups! Where do you think the air comes from?
    (This is us blowing air into a tube)
    Why do bubbles form?
    Where is air found in the human body?
    - Why can't we be without air for a long time? ( Children's judgment).
    Let's do an experiment.
    (experiment with air.)
    Now take a deep, deep breath and cover your mouth and nose with your palms.
    Let's try not to breathe.
    What did you feel? ( not enough air).
    Why do we need air? ( For breath)
    That's right guys. This is every cell of your body saying: “Please send air, otherwise we are dying”
    Let's do breathing exercises with you.
    (doing breathing exercises)
    Climb on your toes - inhale through your nose without raising your shoulders - breathed in all the good, joy, health, good mood
    Go down - exhale through your mouth everything bad: anger, anger
    Guys, tell me, why did we do breathing exercises?
    (To enrich the body with oxygen. To temper your body, etc..)
    -When we breathe, our lungs, like a balloon, fill with air and expand.
    We take oxygen from the air, without which we cannot live.
    Oxygenated air is clean fresh air.
    - So what is the name of the ray of health? (Air)
    What kind of air do we need to breathe in order to be healthy? ( clean)
    -What can we do to keep the air clean? ( plant more flowers, trees)
    -Where do you think the air is cleaner - in the forest or in the city? ( children's answers).
    -So let's save the air and plant trees and bushes in the city.

    (Children decorate the "Save the Air" panel by attaching the silhouettes of trees).
    We now have a great mood and breathe easily in our city. Let's get good
    we will convey the mood each other:
    Touch a friend with a fist, elbow, palm.
    - Guys, what did this appear in our clean city? ( Show watch model)

    Children: clock.
    Why do you think we need watches? ( children's judgment)
    Yes, you are right, we need a clock in order to navigate in time, to know when to wake up, so as not to be late for kindergarten for morning exercises, in order to know when lunch comes, time for a walk and sleep.
    - Guys, what do you think, what is the mode? ( children's judgment)
    Mode- this is when all things are done during the day, according to time, but the clock shows the time of the daily routine. Daily routine helps to be disciplined, helps to improve health.
    And now I want to know how well you know and perform the regimen.
    Game "Mode of the day"- children are given cards with the image different types activities.
    (As the game progresses, I draw the attention of children to the fact that you need to go to bed and get up at the same time, do morning exercises every day, you need to eat at the same time.)
    Guys, what is the name of the ray of health?
    Daily regime.
    (I open a ray of health)
    The teacher and children approach the track.
    It has white and red marks on it.
    -What it is?
    Children: Footprints. White. Red.
    -What do you think, whose red, hot footprints are these?
    -Do not know? The cold left them. After all, a cold is a high temperature.
    When is the temperature high?
    When your head hurts. When a person is sick. Infected, cold. When not tempered.
    These white footprints are health footprints. What footprints will we follow?
    Of course, white!
    Children walk along the white footprints, approach the TV
    (electronic gymnastics for the eyes with Cheburashka)

    We close our eyes, that's what miracles are.
    Our eyes rest
    Exercises perform
    (Open eyes and perform corrective exercises for the eyes)
    After performing corrective gymnastics, they turn around and see the letter. On it is the address of our kindergarten, and the recipient is the group "Sun"
    It is addressed to us, which means we have the right to open it.
    “Hello guys, my name is Cheburashka. I had a problem, I got sick. It was my birthday, they gave me a lot of sweets, they say that in order not to get sick, you need to eat right.
    I tried, I ate everything only tasty: cakes, cake, sweets, drank Pepsi-Cola.
    But, unfortunately, I'm getting worse and worse. Guys, help me, please, figure out what I need to eat so as not to get sick.
    - Guys, let's try to help Cheburashka with you.
    -What do you think will happen to a person if they eat only sweets? ( children's answers)
    -You need to know that the human body needs different foods.
    Raw vegetables and fruits are especially useful: those who constantly use them, as a rule, have a good, cheerful mood.
    (Children - vitamins tell about themselves)
    And here are our guests.

    (Children in vitamin caps, with the image of the products of this vitamin on the cap a)
    Vitamin A"
    I'll tell you without hiding how useful I am, my friends!
    I am in a carrot and a tomato, in a pumpkin, in a peach, in a salad.
    Eat me - and grow up, you will be good in everything!
    Remember the simple truth:
    Only the one who chews raw carrots sees better
    Or drinking carrot juice!
    Vitamin "B"
    Fish, bread, egg and cheese.
    Banana, chicken, kefir,
    dried apricots, nuts
    Here is the secret to success for you!
    And in peas, too, I am a lot of good from me!
    Very important early
    Eat oatmeal for breakfast
    Black bread is good for us
    And not just in the morning!
    Vitamin C"
    You will pick a strawberry, you will find me in a berry.
    I'm in currants, cabbage.
    I live in an apple and in an onion,
    I'm in beans and potatoes, in tomatoes and peas!
    Oranges help with colds and sore throats.
    Well, it's better to eat a lemon, although it is very sour.
    What foods are rich in vitamin A, B, C? children's answers)
    -Something I didn’t see or hear anything about sweets?
    Sweets, chocolate, ice cream, especially in large quantities, are very unhealthy.
    -Of course, you should not completely give up sweets.
    You need to eat a variety of foods - to be strong, healthy and grow quickly.
    -What foods will you eat?
    (survey of children)
    That's right, vitamins strengthen our entire body, it is easier for the body to fight diseases. You need to eat more vegetables and fruits.
    What do we know the proverb about vitamins?
    We will always eat vitamins and we will never get sick!(together)
    I suggest that you draw healthy foods for Cheburashka, you will do this at home so that he knows what to eat so as not to get sick.
    So what ray is hidden here?
    Right- Healthy foods.
    That's why another ray appeared.
    -What happens to the sun? ( recovers)
    To stay healthy
    You need to eat right.
    Sweet chocolate food
    You don't get carried away.
    Very sour, salty
    You beware.
    Only vegetables and fruits
    Very tasty products.
    I want to know what you remember about healthy food. If the advice is useful, then you all together say: "That's right, that's right, that's right."
    If it's bad for your health, stomp your feet. ( I read)
    1. Eat more oranges...
    2. Drink carrot delicious juice. ..
    3. If you want to be slim, you need to love sweets ...
    4. Eat sweets, chew toffee, become slender like a cypress ...
    5. Drink milk for children, you will be healthy ...
    6. Porridge - delicious food - It's good for us ...
    7. Green onions sometimes, are children useful to us?
    8. Is there dirty water in a puddle, is it sometimes useful for us?
    9. Fruits - just beauty! Is it good for us?
    -Guys, and kindergarten Are we being given healthy food?
    -Who cooks it?
    - Would you like to turn into chefs and prepare a healthy three-course dinner?
    Game "Cook". (I expose pictures: potatoes, onions, beans, rose hips, beets)
    We have to prepare a three-course meal.
    (Children tell what they have cooked from given products)
    -Health is the most important wealth that needs to be protected.
    Our health can be compared to the sun, which has many rays, each ray is a rule that must be followed.
    If the rules are followed, the sun shines brightly and we are in good health. They are very important to know!
    The sun is shining and smiling. Thanks for your help.