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  • What to cook for breakfast for a child 3 years old. What to cook for a child for breakfast (a menu of delicious recipes for healthy dishes for children with photos)? Buckwheat casserole with cottage cheese

    What to cook for breakfast for a child 3 years old. What to cook for a child for breakfast (a menu of delicious recipes for healthy dishes for children with photos)? Buckwheat casserole with cottage cheese

    Li.Ru culinary community -

    Breakfast recipes for kids

    The near-perfect breakfast is scrambled eggs, a recipe for which I borrowed from a professional chef. In restaurants, scrambled eggs are prepared this way for breakfast. I share my tips!

    I tell you how to quickly cook pancakes. Step-by-step photos will help even a beginner to figure out how to prepare this great breakfast. Read and cook!

    Pancakes with milk are very easy to make. Add soda to the dough so that the pancakes are fluffy and soft. Simple, fast, delicious! Even a novice housewife can make pancakes according to this recipe.

    The recipe for cottage cheese pancakes is an excellent dish for children and adults. The recipe for cottage cheese pancakes is very simple; it will take very little time to prepare this dish.

    If you want to cook something unusual, then sweet pilaf with fruit will come in handy. Cooking sweet pilaf takes very little time.

    Many people love breakfast pancakes! With jam, honey, sour cream, condensed milk, cheese or meat. Or with caviar! Pancakes, pancakes are a primordially Russian dish. They are prepared from flour, eggs and milk (or water).

    Milk soups are one of the most common foods for children. I suggest you try making milk soup with rice - it is not only tasty, but, without a doubt, healthy. Excellent breakfast!

    No breakfast is healthier and tastier for children than milk soup with pasta. Every mom should definitely take note of this simple recipe. Preparing milk soup with pasta is quick and easy.

    Cheesecakes cooked in the microwave, with sour cream and a cup of tea or coffee - this is the perfect breakfast for both children and adults. Hearty, nutritious and very healthy. Cooking cheese cakes in the microwave!

    The recipe for making cottage cheese casserole with raisins is a classic of home cooking. It is hard to imagine a breakfast that is more delicious, nutritious and easier to prepare than a curd casserole. Cooking!

    Oat milk is very beneficial for our body. With colds, such milk relieves cough in just 2 days. It is used as a choleretic and diuretic.

    Cheesecakes "Fruit snake"

    Your attention is a man-made work of culinary art. Perfectly cooked cheesecakes, a beautiful and original fruit snake - the dish looks too appetizing to resist.

    Fruit salad with yogurt is an ideal breakfast dish, a real boost of vivacity and positiveness for the whole day. A simple yogurt fruit salad recipe will make a salad in just a couple of minutes!

    If you are tired of the usual scrambled eggs for breakfast, try making eggs in a tomato sauce. Eggs in tomato sauce can be served as a stand-alone dish or as a filling for a sandwich.

    Recipe for making curd with strawberries. The curd according to this recipe is tender, light and tasty.

    German recipe for making our favorite poppy seed rolls.

    A simple recipe for making cottage cheese pancakes. Cheesecakes are very quick to prepare, but very tasty and everyone's favorite cottage cheese dish, perfect for a hearty breakfast.

    Lithuanian cold borscht "Shaltibarshchi"

    The recipe for a traditional Lithuanian dish. Cold borscht is served in the summer. This soup should be tried by everyone, without exception, just delicious!

    For breakfast, you can pamper your children and husband with fried sweet bread. You don't need to bake bread. Takes a minimum of time. And breakfast with such bread will turn out to be very tasty and beautiful.

    Many housewives with vast experience in cooking different dishes do not see the difference between cheese cakes and curds. However, it is there - curds contain a minimum of flour, etc. Only cottage cheese rules the ball here!

    Ordinary and unusually beautiful fried eggs from quail eggs. It differs from ordinary scrambled eggs in a richer yolk taste and usefulness.

    Recipe for making corn tortillas with black beans, spinach, corn, and green onions.

    A very tasty recipe for pancakes cooked in sour milk.

    There is no better breakfast for me than pancakes with sour cream. Prepared in no time from ingredients always available, they turn out to be very tasty and quite satisfying - just what you need in the morning.

    Wonderful plump pancakes have been a traditional Sunday morning dish in my family for years. Fast and tasty, ruddy and aromatic - what could be tastier.

    I love pancakes on ryazhenka even more than on kefir or milk. Fritters on fermented baked milk turn out to be especially lush and soft, and also may not deteriorate for a long time.

    In the morning, especially on weekends, you want to pamper yourself with something sweet, delicate, aromatic. Such a delicacy for me is pancakes with milk and apples. With powdered sugar, honey, jam ... Delicious!

    Excellent omelet with cheese and herbs for breakfast. A classic English recipe.

    Breakfast sandwiches are what everyone needs at all times. Not every time you want to eat the right porridge, and so that the day starts off well - treat yourself to delicious sandwiches for breakfast. Here are the options!

    Prepare a delicious and healthy breakfast cereal for yourself and your family. Homemade cereals are much tastier than store-bought ones.

    The recipe for a delicious summer breakfast. Crispy flakes with apricot pieces.

    These cheesecakes are perfect for a quick breakfast or for capricious kids who don't like to eat cottage cheese. Everyone eats hot and fragrant cheese cakes in a hurry!

    Cheesecakes in a slow cooker take much longer to cook than traditional ones, but they also turn out to be many times more tender, soft and healthy. The most delicious cheese cakes of all that I have ever tasted!

    An excellent recipe for healthy cheesecakes, in which instead of flour we will use semolina and rolled oats. Quite unusual, but the taste is incredible and the texture is very soft and airy.

    Cheesecakes in a double boiler are especially tender and as healthy as possible, because, unlike ordinary cheesecakes, they do not need to be fried in oil. They look so-so, but they taste amazing cheese cakes!

    Delicious cheesecakes are a well-known dish that is ideal for a hearty and healthy breakfast. The dish is simple, but you need to know a few secrets to make really delicious cheese cakes.

    The right breakfast is the key to a good day. Cheesecakes with raisins are the right breakfast.

    Cottage cheese with carrots is an incredibly healthy and tasty dish. In principle, you may not need to heat it, but this will make it even more appetizing.

    If you are looking for a quick, easy to prepare and very tasty snack, then I suggest you make cottage cheese with dill and garlic. With all the necessary ingredients, it is prepared with lightning speed.

    Cottage cheese with herbs and garlic is an excellent starter that will whet the appetite even in the well-fed! This blank can be the filling of anything and will also look wonderful in a bowl or jar on the table.

    An omelet with sour cream and cheese is a quick, tasty, nutritious and hearty breakfast for all occasions. I share a recipe for cooking.

    A quick, simple and tasty breakfast is synonymous with omelette with tomatoes. In fact, an omelet with tomatoes turns out to be very satisfying, nutritious, juicy and tasty - just what you need at the beginning of the day.

    The Spanish omelet is made from eggs, potatoes and onions. This is a very satisfying dish that will make a great start to your day. You can also serve it in case guests suddenly appear. So take a note.

    Denver omelet is a popular dish in the western regions of the United States. There it is one of the most widespread men's breakfasts. Quick to prepare and filling.

    Scrambled eggs in "Heart" bread

    Dedicated to all beloved, loving, heartfelt people! A simple recipe for scrambled eggs in "Heart" bread. Delight your loved one on Valentine's Day and make him such a wonderful breakfast.

    Fried eggs can be fried not only in a pan, but also in the oven. As for me, scrambled eggs in the oven are even tastier, and what is more useful and nutritious - that's for sure.

    Scrambled eggs with cheese - a cheerful and satisfying start to the day. Make a cup of aromatic coffee, toast a couple of toasts and make lush scrambled eggs with cheese and herbs. Delicious, fast, nutritious! Good day!

    The recipe for cooking cheesecakes in the oven. Quick to prepare and very tasty cheesecakes.

    Quite often, mothers are faced with the question of what to cook for breakfast for children. Both preschoolers and schoolchildren are often picky about food. They disdainfully turn away from the plate of oatmeal and turn up their nose at the curd. What to do in this case? Of course, come up with new dishes, fantasize and experiment.

    Many mothers, due to lack of time, follow the lead of their children and give them the right of independent choice. Those, without thinking twice, often eat cereals drenched in milk or prefer not to have breakfast at all. It is important to choose and prepare the right products for breakfast for children that are well absorbed, do not cause a feeling of heaviness and fill the child's body with the vitamins and microelements it needs.

    Dishes made from cereals, eggs, cottage cheese, milk are just what you need, and the vegetables, fruits and herbs added to them during the cooking process not only fill the prepared dishes with new tastes, but also make familiar dishes almost unrecognizable. There are a lot of options for healthy and tasty combinations. You have a great opportunity to convince yourself of this by preparing a breakfast for children from the recipes we have proposed.

    Oatmeal with fruits and nuts

    1 stack. oatmeal,
    1 stack. water,
    1 stack. milk,
    1 stack. finely chopped fruits,
    2 tbsp chopped walnuts,
    1 tbsp butter,
    salt, sugar - to taste.

    Pour the oatmeal into boiling water, add salt and sugar to taste and cook for 5-7 minutes. Then pour in the hot milk and cook the porridge until tender. Put butter, finely chopped fruits and nuts in hot oatmeal, stir.

    Meat croutons "For breakfast"

    ½ sliced \u200b\u200bloaf,
    350 g minced meat,
    1 onion,
    150 g cheese
    100 g butter
    50 g milk
    dill, salt and black pepper to taste.

    Chop the onion and dill, add the minced meat and mix well. Add milk, salt, spices to the mass and mix again. Cut the loaf into slices. Grease each slice with a thin layer of butter, put the minced meat on top (it should extend slightly beyond the edges, since its volume will decrease slightly during the baking process). Cover the baking sheet with baking paper, put croutons on it, sprinkle with grated cheese and send to the preheated oven for 15 minutes.

    Cottage cheese sandwiches with kiwi

    10 slices of white bread
    250 g of cottage cheese,
    1 egg,
    50 g of hard cheese
    2 tbsp Sahara,
    2 kiwi.

    Mash the cottage cheese with sugar and egg. Place the curd mixture on the white bread slices and spread it evenly over the entire surface. Finely grate the cheese and sprinkle on the sandwiches. Place them on a baking sheet and in an oven preheated to 200 ° C for 20 minutes. While the sandwiches are baking, peel the kiwi and cut into slices. Put 1-2 slices of kiwi on ready-made sandwiches and serve.

    Semolina porridge with apples

    250 g semolina,
    1 liter of milk
    200 g apples
    25 g butter
    1 tsp Sahara,
    cinnamon - on the tip of a knife.

    Pour semolina into boiling milk and cook, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes. Grate the apples on a fine grater, add to the porridge, season with butter and cook for 7 minutes. Put the prepared porridge on plates, sprinkle with cinnamon and sugar.

    Pizza sandwiches

    1 loaf,
    5 sausages,
    2 tomatoes,
    100-150 g of hard cheese
    1 clove of garlic
    greens, mayonnaise.

    Cut the sausages and tomatoes into small cubes, chop the greens, grate the cheese on a coarse grater, pass the garlic through a press, add mayonnaise. Cut the loaf into thin slices, spread the mixture on each slice and place on a baking sheet. Bake the sandwiches in the oven at 180-200 ° C for 15 minutes.

    Rice porridge with pumpkin and raisins

    100 g of rice
    30 g ghee,
    70 g pumpkin,
    20 g raisins
    salt to taste.

    Soak the washed rice in salted warm water for 1 hour. Cut the pumpkin, remove the peel and seeds and cut into thin slices. In a wide saucepan, dissolve some of the ghee, add the pumpkin slices, raisins, cover with rice and salt. Pour all this with boiling water so that it covers the top layer of rice, then cover the pan with a lid, and bring the porridge to readiness in the oven. Serve the porridge to the table on a plate, overlaying it with pumpkin slices.

    Millet porridge with prunes and walnuts

    1 stack. millet,
    2 stacks water,
    ½ stack. finely chopped prunes,
    2-3 tbsp chopped walnuts,
    20 g butter
    ¼ tsp salt,
    1.5 tbsp Sahara.

    Wash the prunes, remove the seeds, finely chop the pulp. Put it in a saucepan, cover with cold water and cook for 5-7 minutes over low heat. Then add washed millet, add sugar, salt and cook the porridge over low heat for 45 minutes until tender. 5-7 minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped walnut kernels to the porridge. Season the hot porridge with butter, stir.

    Milk porridge with carrots "Druzhnaya Kompaniya"

    ½ stack. rice,
    ½ stack. buckwheat,
    ½ stack. pearl barley,
    2 tbsp raisins,
    4 carrots,
    1 stack. milk,
    2 tbsp butter,
    2 stacks water,
    sugar, salt - to taste.

    Sort, rinse and soak the cereals in cold water for 1-2 hours or overnight. Sort out the raisins and rinse them. Peel the carrots, chop into strips. Put soaked cereals (together with water), carrots in boiling salty water, bring to a boil and cook for 5-6 minutes. Then add sugar, raisins, milk, bring to a boil again and simmer over low heat for 20-25 minutes. Serve the prepared porridge to the table by adding a piece of butter to it.

    Thin cheese pancakes with herbs

    500 ml of milk
    2 eggs,
    1.5 stack. flour,
    100-150 g of cheese
    2 tbsp Sahara,
    vegetable oil,
    greens and salt to taste.

    Add eggs, sugar, salt to the milk and stir. Then add flour and mix everything well again so that there are no lumps. Add finely chopped herbs and grated cheese, stir, then pour in 1-2 tbsp. vegetable oil. Fry the cheese pancakes with herbs in a preheated skillet with vegetable oil on both sides.

    Pancakes "Zebra"

    1 stack. flour,
    2 stacks milk,
    1 egg,
    2 tbsp cocoa,
    2 tbsp Sahara,
    1 tsp vanilla sugar
    1 pinch of salt.

    In a deep bowl, combine eggs, flour, sugar, vanillin and whisk everything well. Divide the finished dough in half. Add cocoa powder to one part and stir until it is completely dissolved. With a ladle, pour the white dough into the pan and distribute it over the surface, do not put the pan on the fire until. Pour the chocolate dough into a bowl with a spout. Pour some chocolate dough onto a white pancake in a circular motion and put the pan on the fire and fry as usual, about 2 minutes on each side. On the one hand, the pancakes are white, and on the other, they are striped. Roll the pancakes with a white tube inside and serve with sour cream, jam or honey.

    Semolina pancakes with honey

    250 g semolina,
    125 g honey
    2 eggs,
    40 g butter
    150 g jam,
    1 stack. water.

    Boil water with honey and add 5 g of oil. Then pour in the semolina in a thin stream, stirring continuously, cover the pan with a lid and set aside on the edge of the stove for 5 minutes. Then add the eggs, beat well and put the resulting mass with a tablespoon in a preheated pan with melted butter. Fry the pancakes on both sides until crisp, and pour over the jam when serving.

    Banana pancakes

    3 bananas
    1 stack. kefir,
    1 stack. flour,
    1 egg,
    ½ tsp soda,
    salt, sugar - to taste.

    Mash the bananas, add salt and sugar to them and mix well. Add soda to kefir and mix too. Add kefir to the banana mixture, add flour and beat with a blender. Fry the banana pancakes over low heat in a preheated skillet with vegetable oil on both sides.

    Egg noodle casserole with apples

    500 g egg noodles
    3 carrots,
    3 large sweet apples,
    5 eggs,
    1 tsp lemon juice
    100 ml of vegetable oil
    3 tbsp Sahara,
    5 g ground ginger
    5 g ground cinnamon
    salt to taste.

    Boil water, salt, add noodles and cook until tender. Then fold in a colander, let the water drain, put in a saucepan and add butter. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Peel and core the apples and also grate on a coarse grater. Then sprinkle them with lemon juice. Combine noodles, carrots, apples and eggs, add 3 tbsp. vegetable oil, salt, sugar and spices. Grease a baking dish with butter and add the apple and carrot noodles. Bake the dish in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 25 minutes.

    Curd sticks with herbs

    500 g of cottage cheese,
    1 bunch of green onions
    1 tbsp celery,
    1 stack. flour,
    ½ tsp salt,
    2 tbsp Sahara,
    2 eggs.

    Mix flour, salt, sugar and yolks with cottage cheese, onions and herbs until smooth. Put the finished dough in the refrigerator for 15-20 minutes, then take it out, roll it out, cut into sticks 1.5x5 cm in size and fry in oil. Serve with sour cream.

    Curds with cheese and sour cream

    500 g of cottage cheese,
    ½ stack. wheat flour,
    120 g cheese
    4 eggs,
    100 g butter
    ⅔ stack. sour cream,
    sugar and salt to taste.

    Mash the cottage cheese, grate the cheese. Combine the prepared cottage cheese and cheese, add the yolks, half the flour, sugar, salt and mix thoroughly. Divide the resulting mass into curds, bread them in the remaining flour and fry on both sides in butter. Serve with sour cream.

    Egg soufflé

    2 eggs,
    200 g of milk
    5 g butter
    25 g vanilla crackers
    10 g sugar
    1 g of salt.

    Crush the crackers. Mash the yolks with sugar and crushed breadcrumbs. Whisk the whites into a strong foam and mix gently with the crushed yolks. Grease a deep frying pan with oil, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and pour the egg mass into it. Bake the soufflé in the oven at low temperature. Cover it with foil to prevent it from burning. Serve the finished soufflé to the table immediately after baking with a glass of milk.

    Egg roll with rice

    3 eggs,
    100 g of milk
    30 g flour
    30 g butter
    2 g of salt.
    For minced meat:
    50 g rice
    20 g green onions
    ½ a boiled egg.

    Mash the egg yolks with flour, add milk and whisk. Add whites separately whipped into fluffy foam. Grease a pan with oil and pour the prepared mixture into it and bake in the oven. To prepare minced meat, boil rice, chop green onions and lightly fry in oil. Chop the egg finely. Mix everything until smooth. Put the minced rice on the finished baked egg layer and wrap in the form of a roll. Egg roll can also be prepared with minced cabbage or carrot with eggs.

    Omelet with apple and vegetables

    4 eggs,
    1 onion,
    ½ stack. finely chopped white cabbage,
    1 stack. milk,
    1-2 tbsp butter,
    chopped herbs and salt to taste.

    Cut the onion into small cubes, peel the apple, and grate. In a well-heated frying pan, fry the onion and cabbage until golden brown, add the apple, pour in 2-3 tbsp. hot water and simmer for 3-4 minutes under the lid. In a separate bowl, beat the eggs with milk and pour the omelet mass into the pan over the fried mixture, cover the pan with a lid and fry the omelet until tender. Serve with chopped herbs.

    Omelette rolls "Pink clouds"

    5-6 tomatoes,
    1 stack. milk,
    3 eggs,
    ½ stack. flour,
    parsley, salt - to taste.

    Peel and sieve the tomatoes, add milk, eggs, salt and enough flour to make the dough a little thicker than for pancakes. Fry the omelettes in a small skillet, sprinkle with finely chopped parsley and roll into rolls.

    Carrot cheese pancakes "Zaykina joy"

    500 g soft cottage cheese,
    1 egg,
    1 carrot,
    2 tbsp decoys,
    1.5 tbsp Sahara,
    salt to taste.

    Put cottage cheese in a deep bowl, add eggs, semolina, salt, sugar to it and stir. Add carrots grated on a fine grater to the prepared curd mass, mold the cakes, roll them in flour and fry over low heat. You can serve with sour cream or honey.

    Rice charlotte

    boiled rice,
    1 egg,
    2 tbsp Sahara.

    Add sugar, butter, egg to the rice and mix well. Peel the fruit and cut into wedges. You can add them directly to the rice and mix, or you can put the rice on a baking sheet, and on it - a layer of apples and again a layer of rice. Place a baking sheet with charlotte in an oven preheated to 180 ° C and bake until tender.

    Prepare bright, tasty and healthy dishes for breakfast for children, let their every day start with joy and be unforgettable!

    Larisa Shuftaykina

    The guys seem so grown up at their three years old! They can do so much, know so much. Many parents are mistaken in thinking that once a child has reached the age of three, then it is quite possible for him to eat adult food. Pediatricians argue that even for these "grown-up" children, a certain diet is still required.

    How to feed a baby at 3 years old and how to make a menu for a child of these years for a week, we will now find out!

    What can a child eat at 3 years old

    The baby's body is already strong enough by the age of 3, which makes it possible to significantly expand the crumb menu. In addition, at the age of 3, all the children are "zubaty", which also opens up new horizons for mothers in the preparation of various dishes.

    At this age, the baby can and should eat

    • all kinds of cereals and pasta;
    • fresh and boiled vegetables;
    • lean meat;
    • dairy products and milk itself;
    • eggs;
    • fish;
    • fruits and berries;
    • flour products;
    • sugar and salt.

    In a limited amount, the child can be given

    • sweets such as simple candies and cookies, dark chocolate;
    • pickles;
    • citrus;
    • pork;
    • nuts;
    • dried fruits;
    • spice.

    Of drinks allowed

    • water;
    • fresh or specialty juices;
    • weak tea;
    • chicory drink (coffee substitute);
    • cocoa in milk;
    • compotes and jelly from fresh, dried or frozen fruits and berries.

    Important! The diet for children 3 years old should still be dominated by boiled, stewed, baked and steamed dishes. Occasionally, you can pamper fried crumbs, but no more than twice a week.

    What not to feed a three-year-old child

    There are a number of products that are categorically contraindicated for a 3-year-old child. These include everything that is replete with synthetic additives, dyes and preservatives:

    • sausages;
    • canned food;
    • chocolate candies;
    • colored sweets;
    • cakes with lots of creams;
    • sweet soda;
    • smoked meats;
    • mushrooms.

    Diet (menu) of a child at 3 years old

    The diet for a 3-year-old baby should include carbohydrates, proteins, vegetable and animal fats, vitamins and minerals. All this is necessary for the normal growth and development of the baby.

    Nutritional standards

    All children are different and eat differently. A three-year-old child should eat food per day, the total volume of which ranges from 1.3 to 1.5 liters. 4 meals a day and proportions of the amount of food should be observed:

    • breakfast - 25%;
    • lunch - 40%;
    • afternoon tea - 10%;
    • dinner - 25%.

    It is also important to consider not only the volume but also the quality of the food. Three-year-old children are mobile, they urgently need to replenish energy from food. The average amount of energy a baby needs to get from food per day is up to 1600 calories.

    Sample menu for a child for a week

    We give a table of the indicative menu of the crumbs for the week. You can and should change it if there are prescriptions for it. It is also important to consider your child's taste preferences.

    Day of weekBreakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
    MondayBoiled egg
    Butter and cheese sandwich
    Chicory drink
    Buckwheat soup
    Boiled potatoes
    Chicken schnitzel
    Vegetable salad
    —Apple compote—
    Cocoa in milk
    Fish pie
    A glass of kefir
    TuesdayOatmeal with berries
    Sandwich with butter
    Tea with milk
    Rice soup
    Cannelloni with minced meat
    Vegetable salad
    Fruit juice
    - Semolina casserole -
    A glass of kefir
    Cauliflower casserole
    Glass of milk with honey
    WednesdayWheat porridge with milk
    Sandwich with butter
    Chicory drink
    Red borsch
    Chicken cutlet
    Vegetable salad
    Dried fruits compote
    Oat cookies
    A glass of milk
    Vegetable stew
    A glass of kefir
    ThursdaySemolina porridge with butter and fruit
    Tea with milk
    Meatball Soup
    Stewed potatoes
    Fish cutlet
    Vegetable salad
    Kissel from berries
    - Pancakes with cottage cheese -
    Fruit juice
    Vegetable casserole
    Glass of milk with honey
    FridayMilk rice porridge
    Butter and cheese sandwich
    Chicory drink
    Green borsch
    Vegetable salad
    Berry compote
    Boiled egg
    A glass of kefir
    Cheesecakes with sour cream
    Apple jelly
    SaturdayPumpkin casserole
    Tea with milk
    Chicken stew with vegetables
    Fruit juice
    -Pasta with cheese-
    Apple compote
    Fish casserole
    Glass of milk with honey
    SundayCottage cheese casserole
    Chicory drink
    Noodles soup
    Vegetable stew
    Oven baked meat
    Vegetable salad
    Kissel from berries
    Pie with berry filling
    A glass of milk
    Buckwheat porridge with butter and sugar
    A glass of kefir

    Vegetable salads can be prepared from both fresh vegetables and boiled vegetables, depending on the season. A great example of a winter version of a vegetable salad is, the recipe for which includes pickles, but it will not hurt the baby.

    An example of a fresh vegetable salad is carrots and apples. It is all-season, and by using various dressings, you can give it a new flavor every day.

    Recipes (menu) for a three-year-old child for every day

    Here are 4 recipes for different meals.


    If you don't know what to cook for breakfast for a 3-year-old child, write down a simple recipe for yourself:

    Cottage cheese casserole


    • 100 g low-fat cottage cheese;
    • 25 g semolina;
    • 25 g sour cream;
    • 1 egg;
    • 5 g vanilla sugar;
    • 20 g sugar;
    • 1 g salt;
    • baking paper.


    1. In a deep bowl, mix cottage cheese, semolina, vanilla sugar, sour cream and salt.
    2. Beat the eggs, adding sugar in the process, until a stable foam.
    3. Pour the eggs into the curd mass, mix well.
    4. Cover the baking dish with paper, spread the resulting mass.
    5. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C, put the casserole there for 30-35 minutes.

    Have a nice breakfast!


    You won't surprise us with soups, but here's an original, delicious dish:

    Cannelloni with minced meat


    • 3 cannelloni tubes;
    • 100 g ground beef;
    • 100 g finely chopped tomatoes;
    • 30 g finely chopped onion;
    • 30 g of cheese;
    • salt and pepper to taste.


    1. Lightly fry the onion in a pan (1-2 minutes), add the tomatoes, simmer for 2-3 minutes, add the minced meat and simmer under the lid for another 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
    2. Salt, pepper the filling, remove from heat.
    3. Fill with the cooled cannelloni filling, put in a baking dish, fill with water so that the pasta is completely covered with it.
    4. We put the dish in the oven at 180 ° C for 30 minutes. In 5 min. until the end of cooking, take out, sprinkle with grated cheese, return to the oven until tender.

    A hearty lunch!

    Afternoon snack

    Not all mothers trust the manufacturers of sweets. Let's prepare them ourselves for the child:

    Oat cookies


    • 50 g butter;
    • 30 g sugar;
    • 1 quail egg;
    • 5 g lemon zest;
    • 1 g baking powder;
    • 25 g flour;
    • 70 g oatmeal;
    • baking paper.


    1. Grind sugar and butter, add zest, egg, baking powder, flour, oatmeal and knead the dough well.
    2. Leave the dough in the refrigerator for half an hour.
    3. We form a cookie, put it on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, leaving a gap of 2 cm between them.
    4. We put in the oven at 180 ° С for 12-15 minutes.

    Bon Appetit!


    What can a 3-year-old child cook for dinner using simple recipes that have been proven over the years?

    Vegetable casserole


    Have a nice dinner!

    Proper nutrition for a child - video from Dr. Komarovsky

    In this video, a famous pediatrician talks about healthy and unhealthy food, and what the concept of "proper nutrition" means.

    The key to a child's health is a thoughtful, varied, healthy, and most importantly, delicious diet. If your baby can get the carbohydrates, proteins and fats he needs from his diet, you will save him from many health problems. The main thing is to learn how to cook healthy food deliciously, and the child will always show you only a clean plate, grow and enjoy every new day!

    Is your baby already 3 years old? What dishes does the baby love the most? If you have interesting examples of weekly rations for a three-year-old child or original recipes for delicious and healthy dishes - share with us in the comments!

    Surely the main problem in the question of what to cook for a child for breakfast, equally tasty and healthy, is the lack of appetite in children after waking up. Often it comes to tears, hysterics, whims. Young and inexperienced parents can leave this venture with breakfast and let things go by themselves. They argue their position with such statements: "He eats when he builds up an appetite", "Why force a child with food", "If my daughter / son does not want, I will not force, I am a kind parent."

    But this position is extremely erroneous, because a full breakfast for a child is an inexhaustible source of vivacity and energy for the whole day.

    Awakening and its effect on subsequent meals

    The awakening of every living creature is accompanied by a number of actions - pulling up, yawning, water procedures. And the awakening of the child is complemented by massages and increased attention from the mother. At this stage, it is important to set a good mood, excluding crying and whims in the future. Come up with your morning ritual - sing a song, declare a rhyme, entertain the kid with a riddle. Accompany your story with gentle intonations, a smile - let the child feel love and care. Such actions are great for children of all ages, starting from early childhood (1 year and older). So, gradually move on to the breakfast itself.

    Parents' mistakes

    Many parents make a lot of mistakes. Usually you can observe the following situation: people crowded around the baby who are in a hurry and panic. At the same time, they constantly repeat: "Eat!" Remember that food taken in a hurry or under duress will only harm the body. It is not properly digested, is poorly absorbed and even lays the foundation for psychosomatic illness.

    In addition, if the mother previously allowed the porridge to be malnourished to the end or encouraged with sweets, this also affects the appearance of whims. How can this situation be corrected?

    Good breakfast rules

    • Have breakfast with the whole family. Regardless of how old the child is - 2 years or 10 years old - the authority of the parents is always important and invaluable. Therefore, the way you eat in the morning is a model and standard of behavior for the baby.
    • Children's breakfasts should not be held in a rush or scandalous atmosphere. Nervousness is transmitted to children, so they may refuse to eat. A child already at 2 years old understands everything and can react in his own way to the aggression of others.
    • Breakfast for the child should look attractive. Even if it is oatmeal and you are not a qualified cook, try to give the food an intriguing appearance. Cut out beautiful patterns from fruits or vegetables, draw a smiley with jam. Give the children colorful cutlery.
    • Do not give your baby too much attention while eating. Such overprotection can negatively affect the personality. Thus, you can spoil a child who will eat only after long persuasion and parental promises to buy a new toy.

    The best ideas for a delicious and healthy breakfast

    Chefs and experienced moms from all over the world have compiled their own recipe rating that represents a complete and healthy breakfast for children. It is important that all ingredients are of high quality and tested, rich in useful trace elements.

    What you can cook for your child for breakfast, the most popular and healthy dishes:

    • A casserole made from oatmeal, rice or cottage cheese. Casseroles are among the most popular morning snacks. You can prepare such a dish from traditional oatmeal or cottage cheese, additionally saturating with vitamins - fruit slices, honey, jam. Such a hearty breakfast will set the child in a good mood for the whole day.
    • Pancakes or pancakes with fruit. Also available and quick snacks include pancakes or pancakes with various fillings. The main thing is not to use semi-finished products, but to bake pancakes yourself. It is advisable to use unscented butter or olive oil for such purposes. To arouse interest in the baby - cook intricate pancakes. These can be the faces of animals, suns or emoticons. Fruits will serve as filling and decoration: strawberries, apples, bananas, peaches, apricots and much more.
      Pay close attention to the quality of the ingredients: it is better to buy the fruits used from manufacturers who guarantee their safety. You can fill pancakes with melted chocolate, condensed milk, sour cream. But try to keep their use to a minimum, as the child's body needs a light breakfast. Alternatively, pour honey or syrup over the pancakes. Also, sour cream, yogurt, or wrap cottage cheese in them are great alternatives to lower your sugar intake and enrich your breakfast with calcium.
    • Boiled meat with vegetables. Boiled meat can also be attributed to healthy breakfasts. Chicken fillet, rabbit meat, lean varieties of veal are perfect for children. And vegetables - cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers will serve as a side dish for such a dish. Eliminate the traditional addition to meat in the form of potatoes - breakfast will be oversaturated with unnecessary calories.
    • Omelet with vegetables and herbs. A traditional omelet can be enhanced with broccoli or herbs. The child's interest and appetite will be aroused by a boiled omelet. To prepare it, you need baking bags. Egg mass should be poured into them. Cook in medium water for up to 30 minutes. Do not cover with a lid.
    • A sandwich with baked meat and vegetables. Children's breakfasts in the form of sandwiches will become a real salvation for busy mothers. To prepare them, you need to take whole grain bread, cheese, lettuce, vegetables. But instead of sausage, it is better to use your own baked lean meat. You need to bake in the oven wrapped in foil a small piece of beef or poultry breast flavored with seasonings. Salt, pepper, cloves, garlic, dill. And for the bird there will be enough salt and curry. Use seasonings to your liking.
    • Porridge. Cooking porridge does not take long. You can regularly please your baby with oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, cereals. Semolina should be excluded from the diet, as it is saturated with starch.

    You can cook and add any dish with various spices. As seasonings, you can use vanilla, citrus peels in powder form, cinnamon.

    Remember that children may be allergic to certain herbs or vegetables. Therefore, toddlers of early childhood (2-3 years old) completely exclude flavored additives, and add fruits in a minimum amount. Strictly monitor your child's reaction to food, the slightest skin redness or rash. Always check with your pediatrician about approved food additives and their appropriateness. For older children (4 years and older), add their favorite ingredients to breakfast to motivate your child to do good things throughout the day.

    What kind of breakfasts can be harmful?

    • Fast food and minimum hassle.These include rings, stars, vermicelli, muesli and dried fruits, dried beyond recognition. In fact, you can make muesli yourself from natural ingredients: oatmeal, quality dried fruits and nuts, which will be more useful. Western films impose a stereotype on us, showing children chewing their cereal happily. This food contains many additives poisoning the body and a complete lack of vitamins. A dangerous prospect for health is hidden behind the efficiency of cooking.
    • High-calorie fatty foods, hot sandwiches.From the very morning, instead of cheerfulness and energy, the baby gets a heaviness in the stomach and a desire to plunge into the arms of Morpheus again. Having not received what he wants, the child will be “not himself” all day.

    A healthy recipe for every day

    Casserole Recipe: Oatmeal, Cottage Cheese and Apple Pudding

    Keeping in mind the popularity of casseroles, we've provided a detailed recipe for oatmeal, cottage cheese and apple pudding. This combination of products is almost ideal: an apple gives originality and piquancy to the taste, oatmeal and cottage cheese - form the benefits and richness of vitamins.

    The main ingredients of the recipe are fresh milk, chicken eggs, cottage cheese, oatmeal, green apples. The recipe is suitable for all children (1 year old and older).

    To prepare a medium portion we need:

    • 100 grams of oatmeal;
    • 2 medium sized apples;
    • 150 ml of milk;
    • 50 grams of pumpkin seeds;
    • 2 eggs;
    • 1 pack of vanillin;
    • sugar (on average 250 g);
    • 200 grams of cottage cheese.

    For decoration in the form of caramel, you need to take 100 grams of sugar, 20 grams of water, apples. Season to taste (mainly cinnamon).

    Algorithm of actions for cooking:

    1. Soak the oatmeal in hot milk, let the mixture cool.
    2. Grind cottage cheese, yolks, sugar and vanillin in a blender or with a whisk.
    3. Beat the remaining proteins with sugar until foam forms, then mix with the curd mass. Add chopped pumpkin seeds.
    4. We prepare the apples - peel them, cut them into thin slices.
    5. Pour sugar into a hot frying pan, melt it, add cinnamon and, if desired, butter. Dip apples into the mixture.
    6. Grease the finished molds thoroughly with oil. Spread out the oatmeal mixture, garnish with the apple pattern.
    7. We place the molds in the oven, preheated to a high temperature (about 175 degrees), for 15 minutes.

    What to give your child to school with?

    Breakfast cereal recipe in a jar

    This recipe consists of the most popular and familiar products for a child's breakfast, however, their mix and presentation will greatly appeal to the demanding child's taste.

    If your child is already attending school and does not have time to eat at home, or if he doesn’t like lunch at school, offer him a bright, tasty and healthy breakfast in a jar with you. A pre-cooked breakfast like this will free up the morning time you spend cooking.

    The main components of such a children's breakfast: oatmeal, milk, yogurt, fruits, seeds. And these are just some of the products that can be added to such a jar. If you want, you can safely replace some products with those that you like best - you don't have to adhere to the recipe exactly.

    Each mother can independently prepare children's semi-finished products:

    1. To do this, you need to take special portioned glass jars, for example, from under mashed potatoes. Sign them based on the days of the week, cooking time, or the number of family members.
    2. Take healthy and irreplaceable oatmeal.
    3. Add banana or other fruits, berries.
    4. Add seeds (flaxseed or pumpkin).
    5. Spices to taste: cinnamon, vanilla.
    6. You can add a whisper of sugar or chocolate mass.
    7. Pour in the milk to soak in the mixture or yogurt. You can add both milk and yogurt.
    8. Cover and shake the mixture.
    9. Leave to brew.

    Ideas for filling such portioned jars are varied - let your imagination run wild.

    What else can you fill such jars with?

    • In addition to oatmeal, you can add other pre-cooked cereals. Buckwheat can be thoroughly washed, steamed for a short time with boiling water until it becomes soft, then add it to a jar, it will finally soften in milk.
    • You can pour not only milk and sour milk (kefir and yogurt), but also fruit juices.
    • You can add cottage cheese, curd cheese, jam, jam, honey.
    • Don't forget that nuts and seeds are very nutritious and will greatly enrich your child's breakfast.
    • Fresh fruits and berries will decorate and give a bright taste to the children's breakfast, will give a bright charge of vitamins.
    • Dried fruits are easier to store and also diversify breakfast, but you should be very careful about quality.
    • Add sweetness within reasonable limits, a spoonful of chocolate mass or chocolate chips will be enough.
    • Don't forget about spices. They not only give a bright taste, but are also useful, for example, cinnamon, natural vanilla.

    Feel free to experiment, but think over all the recipes to the smallest detail. Eliminate the mismatch and rejection by the child's body of any products.

    Having made such convenient preparations on Sunday afternoon or evening, you will be provided with a ready-made breakfast until Wednesday. This will significantly save time for personal needs. Having opened such a jar in the morning or in the evening, you can add honey, fruits, raisins or nuts to it.

    The list of recipes for preparing a hearty breakfast for children is far from complete. And it is possible and necessary to supplement such dishes with other components, because the child will soon get tired of the same snack. Mom, like no one else, understands and knows the preferences of her son or daughter. Before preparing a meal, pay attention to how your child goes about his day and how he tastes. Consider the smallest details, and then you will prepare a healthy breakfast quickly and efficiently. Watch the health of your children, because they are an invaluable treasure for each of us.

    Breakfast for children - this is not just a list of banal dishes, for example, such as semolina porridge, but a rather varied menu of all kinds of dishes, because food for a baby should be tasty, healthy, and moreover originally designed. Every parent knows how hard it can be to force a child to eat a sutra at least something, so that the child does not go to kindergarten or school hungry! Therefore, a natural question arises, how to feed the child. Let's try to answer it!

    There is no need to talk about the immutable truths that food for a baby should be healthy and balanced, containing vitamins and minerals necessary for growth and development. This is understandable for every mom who prepares breakfast for her child every day. For many, feeding a child with healthy foods is simply an impossible task. But here imagination should just come to your rescue! The kid, first of all, needs to be interested. Create a real story from a fairy tale on a plate of morning food, or, for example, make a sandwich with "goodies" in the form of your favorite fairy-tale character. Before you can blink an eye, your child will gobble up such a “cool culinary masterpiece”. As for its preparation, believe that the process is completely simple, as you can see by examining the photo recipes given in this category of our site.

    Interesting and original breakfasts for children are by no means hours spent in the kitchen. You can cook them up pretty quickly, in about 15 minutes. The effect will be amazing! The options for unusual breakfasts are not limited, let your imagination run wild, and every day you can delight your kid with something new! At first, you can get ideas on our website, and in the future, for sure, you yourself will be able to come up with interesting variations of breakfast for a child, including all sorts of healthy foods that will definitely be eaten by the baby.

    So, the best solution for your morning meal is to show a little imagination at the time of preparation of this or that dish!