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  • Healthy sweets made from dried fruits. Dried fruit sweets "Energy koloboks"

     Healthy sweets made from dried fruits. Dried fruit sweets

    But first, I’ll tell you something very important about dried fruits. You can watch and listen to my video or read the information below.

    Nowadays, most of the dried fruits sold in stores are treated with sulfur dioxide (sulfur dioxide).
    It is used as a preservative so that soft, under-dried dried fruits do not spoil. Sulfurous anhydride is toxic to our body. Therefore, you should never eat unwashed dried fruits!

    They must be washed before use. It turns out that many do not yet know this.

    It is very important to know that sulphurous anhydride dissolves only in cold water. If you wash dried fruits with hot water, sulfurous anhydride will remain on their surface - it will not dissolve. Therefore, you need to wash them in cold water.

    How to properly wash dried fruits

    I do it in the following way. First, I pour the dried fruit in a bowl with cold water and let it stand for ten minutes. I stir them occasionally so that the sulfurous anhydride dissolves better.
    Then I drain this water and rinse the dried fruits with running cold water. After such washing, sulfurous anhydride goes into the water, and the dried fruit can be eaten.

    In the markets, you can find dried fruits not treated with sulfur dioxide. These dried fruits are well dried, so they cannot be soft. They are very hard, dark and look unsightly, ugly. But without sulfur dioxide! But here lies another danger. As a rule, these dried fruits are produced in the CIS countries, such as Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, etc. And they are produced in violation of all sanitary standards. I am from Uzbekistan, and I saw how they handle dried fruits there.
    They lie on the ground on dirty mats, Uzbeks walk on them with their feet and shovel them into sacks. You yourself understand what unsanitary conditions ...

    Therefore, such dried fruits must be doused with boiling water. Just in case, I still rinse them in cold water, and then pour boiling water over them.

    Remember this information and always wash dried fruits before eating!
    Now let's get down to making sweets.


    • Dried apricots - 250 g
    • Raisins - 200 g.
    • Prunes - 250 g.
    • Walnuts - 200 g.
    • Coconut flakes - 80 g. By the way, you can.
    • Lemon is a small slice.

    How to make sugar-free homemade candy

    To make candies from nuts and dried fruits, you will need a powerful enough blender that can handle the viscous puree.
    First, pour the nuts into the blender. Grind them to a state of small crumbs.
    Pour the nuts into a bowl.

    Put raisins in a blender and grind until puree. Mix chopped raisins with nuts.

    Then, in the same way, grind the prunes and dried apricots separately. In mashed dried apricots, I decided to add a slice of lemon so that the sweets did not turn out too cloying. But this is optional.

    Pour half of the coconut to the nuts and dried fruits. Mix everything thoroughly. It turns out a sweet sticky nut-fruit dough.

    Pour the remaining coconut into a plate. We pinch off a piece of our sweet dough, form a ball out of it and roll it in coconut flakes.
    Healthy sweets without sugar are ready!

    They can be rolled not only in coconut but also in other products: sesame seeds and poppy seeds, cocoa powder, almond chips or anything else.

    These candies are good because they can be made from any dried fruits and nuts and change the proportions each time. You can put more raisins or more dried apricots, you can use dates or figs, dried berries. You can use sunflower seeds or peanuts instead of nuts. You can add green sprouted buckwheat to the sweets. Thanks to this, the taste of your sweets will always be different.
    All in all, experiment and enjoy!

    Keep in mind: the listed amount of ingredients makes a LOT of candy. These sweets are very satisfying and high-calorie, you won't eat a lot of them at once. Therefore, if you only cook for yourself, use fewer foods. Or freeze some of the candies to keep them from spoiling. Candy may ferment when stored in the refrigerator. This won't happen in the freezer.
    And also, if you have an extra candy dough left, you can make delicious ones with it.

    Today my little son and I made "sweets" from dried fruits twisted through a meat grinder | This mixture is very useful, at the end of winter we all lack vitamins, and there are plenty of them in dried fruits!

    So, the recipe is very simple and many people know it, and in order to draw the attention of children to this useful delicacy, I decided for my son to make the resulting mass in the form of sweets by rolling up small balls and wrapping them in food foil, making candy wrappers out of it


    • raisins,
    • prunes,
    • dried apricots,
    • walnuts
    • everything in the same proportions + a little lemon (to your taste).

    We pass all this through a meat grinder. That's all. Bon appetit to you and your children!

    More articles on a similar topic: Dried fruit sweets


    Dried fruit sweets

    This vegan dessert is easy enough to make, but the hardest part is finding the right combination of nuts, dried fruit, lemon and all the ingredients you find appropriate in these sweets.

    There are a great many options for such sweets:

    1) Sun-dried bananas, dates, dried apricots, prunes, raisins, figs will serve as a basis.

    2) Fried cashews, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, walnuts are perfect for nuts (I personally did not like peanuts and Brazil nuts, from them sweets acquire some strange taste). Nuts can be crushed together with dried fruits, or you can press a whole nut into a ready-made ball of sweet mass.

    3) For breading - white or toasted sesame seeds, ground seeds, any ground nuts, coconut, poppy seeds, toasted flaxseeds.

    4) Other additives are lemon or lime (zest or juice), orange, finely grated fresh carrots, dried berries, honey.

    5) Spices - cinnamon, cardamom, star anise, dry ginger, nutmeg, vanilla.

    You can combine endlessly. I offer you one of the options that I like the most.


    • dried apricots
    • dates
    • almond
    • lemon juice
    • sesame

    When I was going to make vegan sweets for the first time, I specially bought a hand blender, which burned out after exactly two minutes of trying to cope with dense dried fruits. So I bought a Soviet-style "analog" meat grinder. I am not going to chop the meat and evasively call the unit the word "chopper" (In addition to hand blenders, chopper blenders with large knives are widespread, which, in addition to chopping onions, carrots and other dense vegetables, do an excellent job with both dried fruits and nuts. Approx. OK!).

    Scroll dried fruits and almonds in equal parts (a couple of handfuls each) through a meat grinder. Squeeze half a lemon into this mixture, you can pour a little sesame oil. Roll balls from the mass, you can stick cubes, triangles, sausages, cones or truffle-shaped domes. Roll in sesame seeds.

    A day later, these sweets become especially tasty when they wither a little, dry out on the outside.


    Dried fruit sweets

    Continuing the topic of separate nutrition, I offer very appetizing dried fruit sweets. Delicious, sweet and healthy! There is only benefit and pleasure from such sweets. And besides that, we eat with you to lose weight))) So, the proportions and composition are indicated solely for example, because you can add here other sweets that are pleasant to you, such as prunes and even dried apples. This time I had:


    • 4 dates
    • a handful of dried apricots
    • 10 pieces. figs
    • a handful of raisins
    • Kernels of 10 walnuts (you can take almonds - it will also be good)
    • Coconut flakes
    • A pinch of cardamom and cinnamon


    First wash the dates, dried apricots, figs, raisins. Remove pits from dates (they leave unsoaked ones better), and then soak in water for 3 hours or overnight. If soaked for 3 hours, it is better to pour boiling water over it.

    Peel the walnuts.

    Drain the water, and chop the soaked dried fruits and nuts in a blender or twist through a meat grinder.

    Add cinnamon. Grind the cardamom seeds and add to the mixture too.

    Mix everything thoroughly. Roll balls from the resulting mixture - dried fruit sweets. Roll them in coconut flakes. Refrigerate for several hours.

    Our dried fruit sweets are ready. They are delicious, sweet, vitamin-rich and you won't eat a lot of them, which is also valuable. Can be served with tea. And for children - a substitute for shop candy.

    Bon Appetit!


    Dried fruit sweets

    Today I would like to offer you a simple recipe for healthy sweets. Yes, it is useful, because they include prunes, dried apricots, dates and nuts.

    Once upon a time, my grandfather, according to the first two points of the cooking stages, made himself a healthy mixture of prunes, dried apricots, raisins and walnuts, adding honey and lemons rolled along with the zest. He carefully twisted it all in a meat grinder, mixed and put it in jars. I kept it in the refrigerator, she and my grandmother ate a tablespoon of this mixture every morning. He said that it strengthens the heart, gives immunity, and energizes the whole day.

    So I have long thought to make such sweets on the basis of my grandfather's recipe, especially since they can be given to a child as well - there is nothing harmful in them. The only thing is that I did not add honey or lemons (he is allergic to these ingredients).

    By the way, we started a little game with the children's photographer Olya Gorchichko - I give her a recipe for her Mashenka, she prepares it with her own changes and posts the result on her blog.


    1. Pitted prunes 100 gr
    2. Dried apricots without pits 100 gr.
    3. Pitted dates 100 gr
    4. Any chopped nuts or biscuit crumbs 4 tablespoons


    1. Rinse dried fruits, cover with hot water for 10 minutes.
    2. Drain the water, and grind the dried fruit in a blender (chopper) or mince it.
    3. From the resulting mass, make small balls the size of a walnut.
    4. Dip the resulting candies in chopped almond flakes or chopped cookies.
    5. Refrigerate for 30 minutes and serve.


    Dried fruit sweets


    • large seedless raisins - 1 cup
    • coconut (shavings) - 4 tbsp. l.
    • pitted dates - 1 cup
    • walnuts - 1/2 cup
    • dried cherries - 20 berries
    • sugar - 1 glass


    Rinse dried fruits and dry thoroughly on a paper towel. Grind dates, raisins, nuts and coconut in a blender until smooth.

    Roll 20 small balls from the resulting minced meat. Press one cherry into the center of each.

    Dip the sweets first in sugar, then roll half of the sweets in powdered sugar, the other half in cocoa powder.

    Cooking time 15 min

    Servings 20 pieces

    Difficulty cooking easy


    Dried Fruit Oat Bars with Nuts

    I am sure that all blog readers have long noticed and are buying snack bars made from dried fruits and oatmeal to satisfy hunger or somewhere even to lose weight ...

    Personally, I have long cherished the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking these at home. And finally, I decided ...

    The dried fruit oat bars with nuts turned out to be very tasty and, I think, very healthy. True, unlike the store version, such bars have their own minus - they need to be stored in the freezer, because one of the main "gluing" ingredients is honey, which does not freeze at room temperature.

    The bars are sweet, so you won't eat a lot of them. But the morning breakfast with a cup of aromatic black coffee can not only cheer you up, but also give strength and energize for the whole day.

    Ingredients (on a 25x25 cm form):

    1. Instant oat flakes 100 grams
    2. Chopped almonds or almond flakes 2 tbsp
    3. Raisins 50 grams
    4. Dried figs 6 pcs.
    5. Sesame seeds 3 tbsp
    6. Dried cherries or cranberries 70 grams
    7. Dried apricots 70 grams
    8. Butter 100 grams
    9. Liquid honey 50 grams
    10. Sugar? glasses
    11. Vegetable oil for lubrication


    1. Rinse all dried fruits, dry and cut into small pieces.
    2. Combine dried fruits with oatmeal, sesame seeds and nuts, mix.
    3. Put the butter in a small saucepan, add sugar and honey. Put on a small fire and melt the butter, dissolve the sugar in it, but do not boil!
    4. Pour the resulting mass into a dry mixture of dried fruits, nuts and oatmeal, mix everything thoroughly.
    5. Cover the baking sheet with baking paper, grease with oil and lay out the resulting mass, gently level and lightly tamp with a spoon.
    6. Place in an oven heated to 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes, until golden brown.
    7. Cool and then place in the freezer.
    8. Carefully remove the paper, cut into pieces.
    9. Store in the refrigerator or freezer!


    Dried fruit sweets

    What is life without sweets? Even such a phrase is "the forbidden fruit is sweet." Therefore, we want sweets most of all exactly when we decided to go on a diet, although I am categorically against diets and lead a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, today I will tell you how you can combine business with pleasure by making healthy sweets at home on your own. Cook these candies with your children, and you will not only have a great time together and teach them how to make candies with their own hands, but gradually teach them how to eat right. There are a lot of ways and recipes for making such sweets. But what all these methods have in common is that the candies are made with your own hands at home from healthy natural products. It can be dried fruits, for example, dried apricots, prunes, raisins, apricots, figs, and so on, nuts, honey, fresh berries and fruits, if you are not going to store these sweets for a long time and cook only once to eat right away. Today I will tell and show one of these recipes.

    We need dried fruits, nuts, a mold for sweets, a meat grinder and a coffee grinder. First of all, we turn dried fruits in a meat grinder. We get a thick, sticky mass that forms very well. Of course, you can use a food processor or blender for this purpose.

    Some of the nuts are ground on a coffee grinder, or with the help of the same food processor, and we will need some whole.

    We take a form for sweets and fill it with a mass of dried fruits. Put a whole nut in the middle of each division.

    Close the nut on top with the same mass of ground dried fruits and put it in the refrigerator for about an hour. This time should be enough for the candy to harden and fix. We take out the hardened mass from the refrigerator and put it on a plate with ground nuts, in which we will roll our sweets. As I said, I used a tupperware candy mold, from which it is easy and simple to get the finished candy by lightly pressing on the mold. Roll sweets in ground nuts and ...

    Delicious healthy candies are ready!


    It is generally accepted that sweets are bad for health and shape. Banning such food has a disastrous effect on some. It's hard for me without sweets, but I really want to maintain harmony! You have to compromise, choose healthy sweets, for example, from cottage cheese, dried fruits, and other products that are not harmful to health.

    I met many recipes for healthy sweets (I love these very much), but they all somehow remind each other in composition. For example, dried fruit sweets can also be made from different ingredients, but some of the products in them are basic, found in almost every recipe (raisins, dried apricots, prunes).

    It is not difficult to prepare healthy energy candies from dried fruits. This is a rather hearty treat, you are unlikely to eat a lot of them with a cup of tea, but you will get enough benefits and pleasure, and at the same time strengthen the immune system.

    Dried fruit sweets "Energy koloboks"

    Dried fruit sweets in coconut flakes

    What we cook from:

    • raisins - 0.5 cups;
    • figs - 3 pcs.;
    • pistachios - 0.5 cups (we take peeled ones);
    • dates - 10 pcs. (use pitted);
    • cranberries - 0.5 cups (in the form of dried fruits);
    • honey - 2 teaspoons;
    • coconut shavings - 4 tablespoons (choose savory, unpainted);
    • sesame oil - 1 teaspoon;
    • orange juice - 1 tablespoon.

    How to make candies from dried fruits

    The cooking process is incredibly simple:

    • We place all the ingredients of the recipe (except for the coconut flakes) in a blender bowl, grind.
    • We sculpt koloboks from the resulting mass, roll the resulting candies in coconut chips.

    Dried fruit sweets with sesame seeds

    What we cook from:

    • dried apricots - 250 g;
    • dates - 200 g;
    • prunes - 100 g;
    • sesame seeds (seeds) - 200 g.

    How we cook:

    • Wash dried fruits, slightly dry, put in a blender, grind.
    • From a tight mass we form sweets (we moisten our hands in water so that they do not stick) in the form of balls, truffles, squares.
    • Roll the finished dried fruit sweets in sesame seeds (or sprinkle on top), put in the refrigerator (they can be stored for up to three weeks).

    Dried fruit sweets with hazelnuts and chocolate

    Even in chocolate, dried fruit candies are healthy sweets

    • persimmon - 150 g;
    • raisins -100 g;
    • dried apricots - 200 g;
    • dried melon - 150 g;
    • cranberries (optional, it will taste sweet and sour) - 150 g;
    • hazelnuts - 100 g (chopped for rolling);
    • honey - 3 teaspoons;
    • dark bitter chocolate - 1 bar.

    As usual, we make balls, dip in chocolate melted in a water bath and roll the candies in nut crumbs.

    Dried apricot candies with nut filling

    Nuts and dried fruits are the best combination for healthy sweets

    What we cook from:

    • raisins - 100 g;
    • dried apricots - 200 g;
    • almonds - 150 g;
    • chocolate - 100 g.

    How we cook:

    • My dried apricots, slightly soaked too dry in hot water (make sure that they do not sour at all, otherwise the candy will not work, the nut filling will not hold). If there is a bone in the dried apricots, carefully remove it through the hole in the dried fruit (we will also put the filling there).
    • My raisins, we put raisins and dried apricots in almonds.
    • Melt the chocolate, dip the dried apricots, put them in the refrigerator. When the candies with dried fruits have solidified, you can take a sample.

    Similarly, we prepare energy candies for all other recipes (well, or for most, therefore, I give only the composition below). All that I know are prepared in the same way: ingredients are crushed into a homogeneous mass, sweets are formed, rolled in crumbs of nuts, cocoa, chocolate chips or sesame. We store healthy sweets in the refrigerator. Here are some tried and tested recipes that I liked the most:

    Dried fruit sweets with nuts

    Dried fruit candies - healthy sweets

    • dried peaches - 100 g;
    • dried cherries - 100 g;
    • raisins - 150 g;
    • honey - 1 tablespoon;
    • walnuts, almonds and cashews - 35 g of each type;
    • chocolate (whichever you like best, any will do) - 1 bar;
    • lemon zest - from one citrus.

    Dried fruit sweets in cocoa

    Instead of chocolate, you can use cocoa in candies with dried fruits

    • sun-dried tangerine - 100 g;
    • dried lemon - 100 g;
    • prunes - 100 g;
    • dried apricots - 100 g;
    • prunes - 100 g;
    • dried cherries (fresh or frozen) - 100 g;
    • cocoa - about 2 tablespoons

    What else I love about these recipes is their simplicity. A few minutes - and useful sweets are on your table. In addition, you can easily change the composition, add something of your own, show your imagination. Delight your loved ones, surprise the guests, because on the festive table any such treat made of dried fruits will be more than appropriate.

    Which is better - regular candies or PP dried fruit candies? Even if you are not following the right diet and nutrition, the answer is obvious! Dried fruits contain a lot of nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants and a lot of fiber, which are vital for our body. In addition, dried fruits are an excellent source of glucose and fructose, and therefore easily replace sugar, which many tend to give up! Well, if you add nuts to dried fruits, which are a storehouse of healthy fats, then you can make real PP sweets that you can safely include in your diet!

    PP candy made of dried fruits and nuts - recipe

    PP candy from figs and almonds

    Dried fruit and nut diet candy can be made with almonds and figs. This recipe is perfect not only for nutritionists, but also for vegans and raw foodists! These candies are prepared from dried fruits quickly and does not require baking.

    • 200 grams of almonds. Soak the nuts in hot water for several hours. Ideally, it would be nice to soak them overnight. Then carefully drain the water and beat the nuts in a blender. You should have an almond cake.
    • 200 grams of figs. This dried fruit has a high sugar content, and therefore no honey or sweetener needs to be used.
    • 50 grams of coconut flakes. It is best to use oil-free shavings.

    Beat almond cake and figs in a blender until thick and smooth. Sculpt candies from dried fruits and nuts and roll in coconut.

    PP candies from prunes and hazelnuts

    Prune lovers can also treat themselves to healthy sweets! It will be a great replacement for chocolates and other fatty desserts.

    • 150 grams of prunes. You will need to grind it in a blender until smooth. If the mass is too thick, then you can add a little water or vegetable milk.
    • 150 grams of hazelnuts. Soak in hot water for a couple of hours and beat in a blender.
    • A handful of cashew nuts. You will need about 15 pieces for decoration.
    • 4 tablespoons of cocoa. It is good to use fat-free natural cocoa.

    To make these diet chocolates, simply mix chopped hazelnuts with prunes and add cocoa. Mix everything thoroughly. We make round candies and put cashew nuts in the center of each. You can chill these PP sweets a little before eating.

    Date candies - PP recipe

    PP date and walnut sweets

    • 200 grams of dates. Fill them with hot water and insist until they swell. Then beat in a blender until thick and smooth.
    • 200 grams of walnuts. You can grind in a blender, you can use a knife if you like larger crumbs.
    • Some natural cocoa for decoration.

    Mix the date mass with nuts and sculpt small balls. Dip each ball in cocoa. Put the finished date candies in the refrigerator.

    PP date & cashew candy

    • 1 cup cashews We use raw nuts in this recipe.
    • 250 grams of dates. Pre-soak in hot water and allow to swell. Then peel and beat in a blender.
    • A little vanilla or vanilla to your liking.
    • Low fat coconut flakes.

    We send nuts, vanillin to the whipped dates and beat again. From the resulting mass we sculpt pp candies and roll them in coconut chips.

    PP candy made from oatmeal and dried fruit

    PP Oatmeal and Date Candy

    • 100 grams of oatmeal. Beat in a blender until flour is obtained.
    • 100 grams of any nuts. Pre-fry them in a dry frying pan, then grind them in a blender.
    • 200 grams of dates. They will add sweetness to our diet sweets. Pre-soak them in water to swell.
    • 1 tablespoon coconut oil

    Combine dates, nuts, oatmeal and coconut oil in a blender. Beat until you get a homogeneous mass from which you can mold candy bars. Roll each candy in coconut and send it to the refrigerator for several hours.

    Oatmeal and dried fruit sweets

    • 1 cup oatmeal Pre-beat them a little in a blender (no more than 10 seconds). The oatmeal should only crush a little.
    • 0.5 cups of dried apricots. For convenience, cut into several pieces for easier whisking.
    • 100-125 grams of defatted coconut.
    • 1 banana. The fruit must be sweet.
    • 1 teaspoon honey. We use a natural sweetener.

    Put dried apricots, slices of banana, shavings and honey to the oatmeal. Beat until dried apricots and banana are smooth. Do not be confused by the pieces of oatmeal, in which case the pp sweets will have an unusual texture. We sculpt balls and put them in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

    Useful sweets from cottage cheese and dried fruits

    PP sweets from cottage cheese and dates

    • 200 grams of cottage cheese. The ideal fat content is 5%. You can also use low-fat cottage cheese, as long as it is not too sour.
    • 200 grams of dates. Pour hot water over them and let them swell.
    • 2 bananas. Choose ripe and sweet ones to add sweetness to diet candy.
    • A little orange peel.
    • Natural cocoa.

    In a blender, beat bananas, cottage cheese and dates until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained. Add the orange zest. If the mass is too tight, then you can add a little orange juice. We form pp sweets and roll them in cocoa.

    PP sweets from cottage cheese and prunes

    • 200 grams of cottage cheese.
    • 200 grams of prunes. If the prunes are dry, pour hot water over them and let them swell.
    • 1 tablespoon honey
    • Coconut flakes for decorating pp sweets.

    Mix cottage cheese, prunes and honey in a blender until a homogeneous and thick mass is obtained. We make healthy sweets and sprinkle them with coconut. We put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

    Do you like our recipes for healthy sweets? Be sure to cook and treat your family and friends! Proper nutrition is simple and delicious!

    The simplest dried fruit candy I know can be made with dates with walnuts and almonds. Below I tried to describe in as much detail as possible this recipe for making healthy homemade sweets with the addition of real dried fruits. Despite the fact that dates and nuts cannot be called cheap for a long time, the composition of the dessert still allows you to save money - I am convinced of this every time I look at the price tags in supermarkets.

    Date sweets


    • dates - 500 grams;
    • walnuts - 150 grams;
    • almonds - 100 grams;
    • cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons.


    We wash the dates, take out the seeds, I dried them a little in the oven, you can remove excess moisture with paper towels. In a blender bowl, grind the dates into a homogeneous mass, it turns out to be quite dense, then (if the power of the blender permits) add the nuts there and grind it again until puree or, better, a thick paste. If the power does not allow, we remove the mass from the dates, grind the nuts, then put everything together in a bowl and stir thoroughly. You can take absolutely any nuts, I took what was at hand. But still, the combination of walnuts with almonds is the most advantageous. "Candy mass" is ready, it remains only to add cocoa powder. The amount depends on how sweet you want to end up with sweets. The more cocoa, the less sugary they will turn out, because dates in most cases are very sweet in themselves. Add 3 tablespoons first and mix thoroughly, then add more if needed. When the mass is ready, you can make treats of any shape and size from it. The easiest way is to make balls and roll in cocoa, as you can see in the photo. In general, you give the sweets any shape and send the finished products to the refrigerator, preferably at night. During this time, the mass will harden well. That's all, homemade candies made from dried fruits (namely from dates) are ready. Call your husband and children for a tasting!

    Date sweets with cottage cheese

    If all efforts to feed the family with cottage cheese have failed, we have an option that will help you for sure - make healthy diet sweets from dried fruits and nuts, the recipe at home is also simple. Like the previous one. In addition to the base - cottage cheese, our homemade sweets contain dried fruits, nuts and sprinkles in the form of cocoa. You can hide an almond or hazelnut inside each candy. The candies are sweet, so no additional sweeteners are needed. Another great idea is to coat the finished candies with melted chocolate.


    • cottage cheese - 250 grams;
    • dates - 150 grams;
    • raisins - 100 grams;
    • smoked prunes - 30 grams;
    • dried apricots - 70 grams;
    • roasted peanuts - 80 grams;
    • sand crumbs - 60 grams;
    • cocoa powder - 3 tablespoons.


    We take the required number of dates, peel each of them, put the pulp of the dates in a container. The rest of the dried fruits are washed or soaked in hot water for a few minutes, then dried with kitchen towels. We take out a clean and dry meat grinder, skip raisins, dried apricots, peeled dates on the smallest grill. Put all the ingredients in a deep bowl. Add the required amount of fresh cottage cheese. In our version, the cottage cheese is fine-grained, if yours is not the same, wipe the product through a sieve or pass it along with dried fruits in a meat grinder. Pour the sand crumbs into the same bowl, which we make from ordinary shortbread cookies. You can also cut the cookies into small pieces and add them as they are. At the end, add the peeled roasted peanuts. We do not chop the peanuts, put them as a whole - it’s much tastier. Stir the ingredients to get as homogeneous as possible. We form medium-sized balls from the prepared mixture. Sprinkle all the balls with cocoa powder, it is important that the powder is of high quality, only in this case the dried fruit sweets with cottage cheese will have a good taste. Store finished products in a box with a lid or tightly sealed plastic container on one of the refrigerator shelves.

    Dried fruit sweets with honey and spices


    • raisins - 150 grams;
    • prunes - 150 grams;
    • dried apricots - 150 grams;
    • figs - 150 grams;
    • walnuts and almonds - 100 grams;
    • honey - 5 tablespoons.;
    • rum - 3 tablespoons;
    • oat bran for sprinkling;
    • spices to taste (I have nutmeg, cardamom, cinnamon, vanillin, cloves, ginger).


    Wash dried fruits and pour over with boiling water (this must be done so that unnecessary impurities do not get into our sweets). Chop well washed dried fruits with a blender or mince. You can also cut it with an ordinary knife, but the more uniform the mass of dried fruits, the better our dessert will turn out. Chop the nuts too. Add rum, honey and spices to chopped nuts and dried fruits, mix thoroughly. Form balls the size of a walnut from the mass and roll them in bran. Extremely tasty and healthy sweets are obtained. Taking into account the spices that are added to them, they are also unusual. Be sure to try cooking them.

    Tips from site site:

    → You can skip adding honey in this recipe, or add a little more honey. It may depend on what kind of dried fruits you use (sometimes, there are sour or completely unsweetened ones) and how much you like honey. I use dates, etc. they are very sweet, I added very little honey.

    → You can put a whole nut in the middle of such a candy, it diversifies the candy in an interesting way, and I think it will make it even tastier. Just warn the one who does not know about it so that there is no unpleasant surprise.

    → The consistency of such sweets is quite soft. Keep them in the refrigerator to harden them - it's best to put them in a box or container that can be easily closed.

    We continue our large-scale review of recipes for making homemade sweets from dried fruits ..

    Dried apricot candies with honey, nuts and chocolate


    • dried apricots - 5 pieces;
    • walnut - 5 pieces;
    • honey - 1/2 tablespoon;
    • milk - 1 tablespoon;
    • bitter chocolate - 70-90 grams;
    • cocoa, sesame seeds - for decoration.


    Finely break the bitter chocolate and melt it with milk in the microwave or in a water bath, finely chop the steamed dried apricots and nuts. Can be chopped in a blender. Mix melted chocolate, nuts, dried apricots and honey, cool. Roll small balls from the resulting mass, cool again, roll in cocoa and sesame seeds. The candies made according to this recipe do not last very long in the refrigerator. Better to eat them soon.

    How about a combination of dates and coconut flakes? We recommend trying it, even though the recipe may seem exotic to you. Their peculiarity is that honey or other sweeteners are added in a minimal amount or not at all.

    Date sweets with coconut flakes


    • 300 grams of dates;
    • 150 grams of coconut flakes;
    • honey or agave syrup to taste;
    • sesame or cocoa for sprinkling.


    Fill the dates with warm water for 10 minutes to soften them. Use a food processor to grind the coconut to a "semolina" condition. Peel the dates and add to the crushed coconut. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth. Add honey or agave syrup if desired. Roll the balls with wet hands and roll them in the sprinkling. Store candy in a cool place in a tightly closed container.

    Dried apricots, raisins and prunes sweets with honey and hazelnuts


    • dried apricots - 200 grams;
    • pitted prunes - 200 grams;
    • a large handful of raisins;
    • honey - 2 tablespoons;
    • hazelnuts - 2 large handfuls.


    In order to make these delicious sweets from dried fruits with hazelnuts and honey, scroll the nuts through a meat grinder and divide the resulting product into 2 parts. We will use one part to roll the balls, add the second to the candy mass. Steam dried apricots, raisins and prunes, squeeze out the water properly. We also pass through a meat grinder, add hazelnuts and honey. We mix our "thick dough", form balls the size of a quail's egg (we do it with wet hands, it's easier), then roll the candies in a nut sprinkle and put them in the refrigerator. In half an hour, the dessert will be completely ready to eat.

    Prune candies with nuts

    Dessert made from prunes and nuts - healthy and tasty. It can be made in the form of bars, lozenges, or small round candies. In any case, it will be a wonderful homemade sweet that will delight both children and adults.


    • 200 grams of prunes;
    • 70 grams of walnuts;
    • 1 tablespoon sugar-coated orange or lemon zest
    • 1 tablespoon of cocoa + some dusting powder.


    For such sweets, you will need orange or lemon zest with sugar, ground in a meat grinder. It will add the necessary sourness to your healthy homemade prune-based dessert. It is also necessary to dry the nuts in a dry frying pan and pass them through a meat grinder. Then steam the prunes, squeeze the water out of it, place in a blender bowl and grind along with the nuts and zest. Add cocoa powder to the candy mass, mix and form candy.