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  • Is it possible to give dried fruit compote to babies. Dried fruit compote for babies

    Is it possible to give dried fruit compote to babies. Dried fruit compote for babies

    The benefits of compote for babies

    Compote is a very tasty and healthy drink. In hot weather, it quenches thirst and warms in cold weather. The drink provides us with vitamins, minerals and pectin substances.

    From the moment of birth, in addition to mother's milk, additional food for the baby is water. When your baby is three months old, you can gradually add new foods to his diet. Mother's milk contains up to eighty-seven percent water, so it is both food and drink. In order for the child not to consume extra food calories, you need to add water, juices and compotes to milk.

    Compote for a baby perfectly quenches thirst. It can be made from a variety of fruits and berries. The first time, dilute the prepared drink with half of the water.

    For the preparation of compote, it is necessary to use only filtered clean water, without unnecessary odors. When choosing fruits, pay attention to their taste and appearance. They must be free from defects and overripe.

    If you are preparing a drink from dried fruits, then pay attention to the color of the fruit. If they are bright in color, without stains and soft, they may have been treated with special substances to extend the shelf life. Before boiling, remove the stems and leaves and rinse very thoroughly. You can pre-soak them in water for a while, and then put them in boiling water. Do not forget that dried fruits increase in volume during cooking. Prepare a pound of product for two liters of water. Raisins are placed in the compote a few minutes before it is fully cooked.

    It is not recommended to use exotic fruits in cooking. Compote, like all new products, must be introduced into the baby's diet carefully and at intervals of several days. If there is no allergic reaction, then you can gradually increase the portion.

    How to cook compote for babies

    In order to preserve all the necessary vitamins during cooking, cut them into small and equal parts. The berries are cooked whole. The maximum cooking time is fifteen minutes. For pears and apples, this time increases to thirty-five minutes. Compote should always be freshly prepared. You can sweeten the drink with fructose.

    Compote recipes for babies

    Dried fruit compote for babies

    Rinse prunes, dried apricots and raisins thoroughly. Then soak them in water for a few minutes so that small grains of sand and particles move away. Place two liters of water on the stove. After the water boils, add the dried fruit and cook for fifteen minutes. Strain the boiled compote.

    Put pear, apple, prunes and dried apricots in three hundred milliliters of boiling water. After boiling, cook for ten minutes and add a teaspoon of fructose. Then insist for an hour and you can give it to the baby.

    Rinse dried fruits well and cover with water for thirty minutes. Then drain the water and cook in two liters for thirty minutes after boiling. Cool and leave for twelve hours. Before use, dilute part of compote and two parts of water in proportion.

    Prune compote for babies

    Such compote will be very useful for a baby prone to constipation, especially if he is bottle-fed. For cooking, take five berries, rinse and cut in half. After boiling a liter of water, toss the prunes and cook for ten minutes. Leave the brewed drink for thirty minutes and strain.

    Dried apricot compote for babies

    For cooking per liter of water, a quarter of the fruit is required. Soak them in water for five minutes. During this time, they will get rid of excess litter and swell. Then put them in boiling water for ten minutes.

    You can brew the compote overnight by pouring boiling water and covering it with a lid. This will save more nutrients.

    Raisin compote for babies

    Wash two tablespoons of raisins and dry slightly. Pour a liter of boiling water overnight. Offer it to your baby in the morning. Such compote, on the recommendation of pediatricians, will be a good substitute for dill water.

    Sort out three hundred grams of raisins and rinse well. Repeat a few times. If the raisins are light, soak them for a while. Put one and a half liters of water on the stove. After boiling, add the raisins, seven hundred grams of sugar and cook, stirring over low heat for an hour.

    Rosehip compote for babies

    Rosehip contains a large amount of substances useful for the child. It is especially rich in carotene and vitamin C. It also contains phosphorus, potassium, iron.

    To prepare compote, take a teaspoon of washed and chopped fruits. Pour boiling water over a glass and let it brew in a thermos for two hours. If you are using fresh rose hips, fill it with cold water in the evening, and in the morning put it on fire and bring to a boil. Then cool and treat the baby.

    Currant compote for babies

    It is black currant that is especially useful for the child's body, although red and white are also beneficial. Aromatic and ripe berries are rich in active biological components, as they are better absorbed. The drink contains large quantities of ascorbic acid, vitamins A, B, C, iodine, phosphorus, magnesium. It is especially useful for colds.

    Take three hundred grams of fresh berries. Rinse them and peel them off. Put in two liters of water and cook for twenty minutes. Then strain, cool and water the baby. Add honey or fructose for a sweet taste.

    Cherry and currant compote. For cooking, take one and a half kilograms of berries, seven hundred grams of sugar and a liter of water. Wash and peel the stalks of the berries. Pour the hot sugar syrup over them and let sit for fifteen minutes. Place in a jar and top with chilled syrup. Pasteurize at seventy degrees for twenty minutes.

    Dried fruit compote is not a completely correct concept, since fruits have already passed the necessary processing during drying and often only need steaming to prepare the compote. If you boil dried fruits, then the percentage of vitamins will drop significantly, especially this applies. Nutritionists say that dried fruit compote is healthier than compote cooked from. And yet, in the summer-autumn time, that is, in the season of fresh berries and fruits, it is better to prepare compotes and juices from fresh products, but dried fruits are more suitable for the winter-autumn period, when the body does not have enough fresh vitamins.

    A drink made from dried berries and fruits will be a great addition to. Dried fruits are the owners of valuable vitamins, minerals and, therefore, not only the compote itself, but also the fruits from which it is prepared will be useful. For expectant mothers it is better and tastier to cook compotes from a mixture of different fruits.

    How to cook, recipe number 1:

    • Sort dried fruits and rinse under running water.
    • Cover with cold water and leave overnight or at least 4 hours.
    • For 1 liter of water, you need to take 200 g of dried fruits, we do not add sugar, so as not to provoke the appearance of the unborn child.
    • Next, you need to boil water and put dried fruits in it, when everything boils again, turn off and close the lid.
    • Then cover the compote with a blanket or a warm towel and leave for at least 2 hours. Compote of prunes, dried apricots and raisins should be infused for about 6 hours.
    • Then, if necessary, filter the compote through a colander. If the acidity is not enough, you can add a couple of drops of lemon juice or put a slice of lemon. For aroma, you can put a leaf of mint or linden in the compote for 10-15 minutes.

    If you don't want to wait so much, because you want compote right now, you can use a faster recipe, but at the same time a little less useful. In this recipe, the cooking time is reduced due to the fact that the fruits give the water useful substances not during the infusion, but during the cooking.

    How to cook, recipe number 2:

    • We sort out the dried fruits and wash them under running water.
    • We put a pot of water on the fire and after boiling, we throw dried fruits into it in the same proportion - 200 g of dried fruits per 1 liter of water. If you nevertheless decide to sweeten the compote with sugar, or fructose, then you can reduce the proportions: for 1 liter of water - 120 g of dried fruit. Add sugar to taste, but if you put dates, bananas or figs in the compote, it will be superfluous.
    • Pears and apples are cooked longer than all other dried fruits - 20 minutes, so we throw them first. It will be nice to pre-soak them for the same amount of minutes.
    • Prunes and raisins can be cooked in just 5-6 minutes. Prunes can help relieve constipation.
    • Cook dried apricots for 10 minutes, leave for 20.

    Dried fruit compote when breastfeeding

    A nursing mother should not immediately drink dried fruit compote. First, she should try each of its components separately. This will help to identify the child's unwanted reaction to a particular product.

    • A nursing mother should not drink dried fruit compote c. This is due to the fact that in the first month a child may develop flatulence and bloating, many fruits only intensify this process.
    • Before you try compote, try to eat dried fruit in the morning in a scanty amount and see if your child has a reaction by the end of the day. If everything is calm, then the next day you can try the same fruit again and, if the baby is in good condition, drink compote on the third day. More often, colic and gas formation cause raisins and dried apricots, while only 1 thing is enough for a two-hour baby's cry.
    • You should not drink prune compote if your child has frequent loose stools or diarrhea.
    • You should not add berries and fruits to the compote that cause - citrus fruits, raspberries, strawberries, peaches, mangoes.
    • The best option would be a compote from dried apples, bananas, pears.
    • You cannot make compote from a mixture of dried fruits, only one type is allowed. This will allow you to understand what exactly is not suitable for the child. The restrictions apply to mothers of babies up to 4 months old, when digestive imperfections may appear, then we mainly pay attention only to an allergic reaction.
    • The first time the compote should be drunk in the morning (until 11:00) in a volume not exceeding 50 ml, then within 2 days the baby's reaction should be monitored - the absence of rash, colic, bloating, diarrhea. The maximum portion in the future is 200 ml.
    • Do not drink dried fruit compote every day. Do not drink more than 700 ml of compote per week.

    How to cook, recipe number 3

    • Rinse dried fruits and soak in hot water for 30 minutes.
    • Pour into boiling water at the rate of 200 g per 1 liter.
    • Cook for 30 minutes over low heat.
    • If you add sugar, then it is worth boiling for another 5 minutes.

    Compote is ready to eat as soon as it cools down to 50 degrees.

    Dried fruit compote for babies

    • children can be given from 4-6 months if they refuse juices, since juices are more valuable and healthy products for a child than compotes and fruit drinks until the age of 8 months.
    • To prepare compote, children need to choose dried fruits, not candied fruits. Candied fruits are fruits cooked in sugar syrup, they are less beneficial, and even harmful to a child at this age. Dyes, flavorings, stabilizers are added to candied fruits.
    • At the first sample, the concentration should be 2–4 times lower.
    • The first week of getting used to it is better to give only the liquid part of the compote, then you can add the pulp, chopped in a blender or wiped through a sieve, into it.
    • The familiar fruits from, are introduced first. This means that from 4-6 months you can offer pears and apples, from 7-8 - prunes, black currants, from 10 - dried apricots, raisins, raspberries. You should not prepare compote from a mixture of fruits until the child is accustomed to each separately.
    • The maximum daily amount is 180 ml.

    How to cook, recipe number 4:

    • We do not add sugar to the compote for babies.
    • Apples and pears are soaked until soft (45 minutes), then rinsed well under the tap to wash off adhering grains of sand, etc. Soak prunes, dried apricots and raisins for 30 minutes before cooking. Cut prunes and dried apricots into 2-4 slices.

    It is better to boil compote for small children so that indigestion does not occur and so as not to get infection. Therefore, first we boil water for 10 minutes, then add dried fruits. For 1 liter of water - 100-120 g of dried fruit. Cook apples and pears for 25 minutes, leave for 2 hours. Cook the rest for 10 minutes, insist the same amount. We don't add sugar, herbs.

    From 8 months you can use recipe number 5:

    • We sort out dried fruits, wash, grind and pour over with boiling water.
    • Boil water for 10 minutes.
    • Pour dried fruits into a thermos (120 g per liter of water) and pour boiling water, let it brew overnight.

    Such compote will retain the maximum useful value, 8 hours is enough for the water to take most of the vitamins and minerals from the pulp.

    It is good for children to cook compotes in a slow cooker. To do this, it is worth setting a special program for making compote. If there is none, then turn on the "Extinguishing" mode.

    About the correct and tasty dried fruit compote in the program of Yulia Vysotskaya:

    Mother's milk is the healthiest food for an infant, as it contains all the essential nutrients for health and development. It is often assumed that breast milk is sufficient, but this is not the case. Additionally, it is possible and necessary to water the baby: for example, in the heat, at elevated temperatures or digestive problems, with artificial or mixed feeding. In addition to water, natural juice and homemade compote for babies are a great solution.

    In 1989, the World Health Organization defined the principles of feeding, one of which is not to give a newborn drink, with the exception of breast milk. Milk contains 87.5% water, but at the same time it has a high energy value, and for a child it is not a drink to the fullest, but rather food, like mashed potatoes or porridge. As for the period of "newborn" - according to the WHO, this is the time from birth to 28 days. As soon as this period has passed, to replenish the baby's need for fluid, it is worth thinking about new drinks.

    In the first month of life, the child is the least protected, his body is not strong enough, so give him water only - pre-filtered and boiled or bottled. By the beginning of the second month, try chamomile or fennel tea. Juices for babies from 3 months - from pears or green apples, from peaches or apricots. From six months, you can already present your baby with homemade compote.

    At what age to start drinking juices and compotes

    When can you give juice to babies? The Russian Research Institute of Nutrition recommends starting at three months of age. But there are exceptions to any rule. Check with your pediatrician and with him observe the baby's reaction.

    Give juices made from one fruit (for example, only pure apple juice) for two weeks. If the child's condition is normal - that is, there is no allergy, stable stool - for the next two weeks, give him juice from some new fruit or vegetable, again, without changing to others.

    If you want to know more precisely from how many months you can give juice to a child, here are some general patterns depending on the age at which you plan to introduce your child to a new product. Whenever you start, everything should be done gradually.

    Table - adding juices to food by month

    1 month The juice is introduced gradually (a few drops from a pipette) or dissolves in a large volume of water. Every day the number of drops doubles
    3 months The baby can be given 5 drops of natural juice a day, half diluted with water. Decreasing the amount of water every few days, increase the volume of the pure drink to 2 teaspoons. Undiluted it is given twice - 1 spoon in the morning, 1 in the evening. By 4 months, you can drink up to 5-6 teaspoons per day
    4-5 months At this age, a bottle-fed baby can start drinking juices
    6-7 months Juice can be given to a breastfed baby. Nectars - only occasionally (they contain sugar, and the nutritional value is lower than that of natural juices)
    2nd year of life The food includes ordinary industrial juices. However, they are considered too concentrated for a fragile digestive system, the first few times they need to be diluted with water in equal proportions, then topped up with more juice

    If you are against early feeding, try this drink from 4-6 months. Moreover, "artificial" can be started to drink earlier than babies.

    When can you give compote to babies? Compote is also useful, it contains both vitamins and microelements - perhaps in smaller quantities than in natural juices. Until the child is one year old, it is quite possible to do without him. An exception is if the baby does not like juice or tea too much, and you would like to diversify his diet.

    • After 6 months. Fruit or berry compote.
    • 1-1.5 years old. Dried fruit compotes are most relevant in winter, when there is no fresh food. The natural sweetness will save you the hassle of adding sugar and your baby will not have tooth decay.

    At first, like juice, it is advisable to dilute the compote with clean water, and then bring the concentration of the drink to the usual one.

    The baby can drink both during feeding, and in between them - from a bottle with a nipple or from a spoon.

    Juices, their features and preparation methods

    You can prepare juice for a child with your own hand only when you are absolutely sure of the quality of the product. If you buy specially designed baby drinks, rest assured: they pass quality control and do not contain synthetic substances, stabilizers, flavors, etc. The main thing is to make sure that there is no sugar in the composition.

    Let's take a look at which juices are considered the most beneficial and how to make some of them at home.

    Useful for babies

    If you can cook at home, this is definitely a good alternative to store options, even specialized ones. Juices from various berries, fruits, vegetables in moderation will never harm health (unless an individual allergic reaction appears). Experts also provide clarification on when to start giving each of these drinks to your child.

    JuicesOf whatBeneficial featuresAt what age to start
    FruitGreen appleRegulates digestion and liver function, improves appetite, prevents constipation. Rich in vitamin C, iodine and iron (and is fully absorbed). Cleans tooth enamel while protecting teeth from caries4 months
    PearRegulates digestion, metabolism, quenches thirst well, strengthens teeth and bones
    BerryCurrantProtects the immune system (currants have more vitamin C than lemon), strengthens blood vessels, heart6-7 months
    CherryAnti-inflammatory action. Cleans the intestines and regulates its microflora, strengthens the heart, nervous system
    VegetableCarrotPromotes harmonious growth and development, strengthens vision, normalizes digestion. Contains vitamin C5-6 months

    It is better to choose local products from our latitudes, with the exception of grapes: it causes fermentation in the intestines. In the diet of babies under the age of one year, there should be no "exotic" (mango, passion fruit, pineapple, citrus fruits, etc.)

    Babies need juice clarified (without pulp) and not mixed (i.e. from one type of fruit / berries / vegetables).

    Homemade apple juice

    An apple does not cause allergies, its benefits are undeniable, which is why doctors recommend it. Often, it is with apple juice for babies that acquaintance with new drinks begins.
    What should be done:

    1. peel the carefully washed fruit;
    2. cut the apple into pieces, remove the seeds;
    3. grate;
    4. squeeze the gruel with a spoon into a clean dish, through cheesecloth folded in 4 piles (or you can pass the fruit through a juicer).

    Dilute the resulting juice with clean drinking water. Give your child a drink at room temperature.

    Homemade carrot juice

    Manual spin:

    1. wash the carrots thoroughly - preferably with a hard sponge or brush, peel it;
    2. rinse the carrots again, scald them with boiling water;
    3. grate the vegetable on the finest grater;
    4. fold the cheesecloth in half, place the carrots in the cheesecloth and squeeze the juice with a spoon.

    Through a juicer:

    1. soak the carrots in water for 20 minutes;
    2. wash the carrots well;
    3. peel, wash again and cut into slices - can be placed in a juicer.

    Compotes for babies: cooking methods

    If you are cooking compote for a baby for the first time, it is better to take any one type of fruit or dried fruit. Mix different types of ingredients or add new ones only when the baby is already used to those that he has already tried, and he does not develop allergies or digestive disorders.

    Simmer the compote over low heat for 10 minutes if the ingredients are fresh, and 20-30 minutes if dry. It is better not to add sugar. If the drink seems sour, you can add a little fructose (you should get a pediatrician's recommendation on this).

    From dried fruits

    Before cooking dried fruits, fill them with cold water and keep them until the specks swell and settle. The peculiarity of dried fruit compote for babies is a pleasant taste even without sweetening.

    • The classic way. Sort and rinse dried apples thoroughly 5-6 times in warm water. Bring water to a boil in a saucepan, add dried apples, cook for 20 minutes.
    • Compote "from a thermos". Place a few large slices of dried apples in a thermos, pour a glass of boiling water and leave overnight. In the morning, pour in another glass of water, boil, simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.

    Cool the drink to room temperature, dilute with boiled water (2 parts of water to 1 part of compote) - and you can treat your baby.

    It is better to buy pre-packaged dried fruits rather than by weight. They should be of a dull color (dye may be added!).

    Fresh apples

    When using fresh fruit, you can experiment with the amount and volume of water by increasing or decreasing the concentration. Much depends on the natural taste of the products, and on the time of cooking and infusion. Apple compote for babies can be prepared in different ways - this is the simplest and fastest.

    Peel a well-washed medium-sized green apple.

    1. Remove the middle, cut into slices.
    2. Boil one and a half glasses of water, put the apple slices.
    3. Cook the compote for 5 minutes.
    4. Let it brew, cool to room temperature.
    5. Strain the compote.

    From prunes

    You can give a drink based on prunes from five months. This useful berry activates digestion and effectively cleanses the intestines, therefore it is useful for babies suffering from constipation. Before you start preparing prune compote for babies, consult your doctor.

    For compote, you need 200 g of dried fruit for a quarter glass of sugar.

    1. Pour hot water over the berries for 5 minutes.
    2. Rinse 3-4 times in warm water.
    3. Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour a liter of hot water, stir.
    4. Add prunes, boil.
    5. Cook for 15-20 minutes until the berries soften.

    Cool the compote to room temperature, strain and water the baby.
    Now you know when to give juices to an infant, and when to compotes, how they are useful, and how they can be made at home. Introduce everything new into the diet in small quantities, and only when the child is feeling well, monitor his individual reactions and preferences. It is very simple to introduce variety into the baby's nutrition, introduce him to natural tasty drinks and with their help strengthen his health!


    The first thing a doctor prescribes for high fever, vomiting and intestinal disorders in children is a regitration solution to restore the water-salt balance in the body in order to avoid dehydration. But, even special children's electrolytic rehydration mixtures have a salty taste, and it is very difficult to give them to children under three years old, I would even say from the realm of fantasy.

    An alternative to tasteless rehydration solutions is a dried fruit compote, which must necessarily contain raisins or dried grapes, as well as dried apricots, or any other type of dried apricots.

    The fact is that it is in raisins and grapes that the mineral salts of magnesium, manganese, potassium, chlorine, boron and phosphorus are contained. Dried apricots - potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron - are not inferior in their mineral composition either - an ideal cocktail for restoring the water-salt balance of the child's body.

    And the most important thing is that the dried fruit compote tastes good, not salty, tasty, and is very popular with children, like babies, and older babies. Therefore, every mother should know how to properly cook dried fruit compote for children, so that, if necessary, quickly water the child.


    • 3 l. water
    • 500 gr dried fruits
    • honey or sugar to taste


    For compote, I use a ready-made mixture of dried fruits that I buy on the market. This mixture contains a lot of dried grapes and apricots - what you need for the right dried fruit compote!

    Be sure to fill the dried fruits with cold water, wash them thoroughly, then drain the dirty water. If necessary, repeat several times until the water is clear.

    Fill a saucepan with clean and washed dried fruits with cold water, and leave for at least 6 hours, infuse. It is most convenient to do this in the morning or afternoon.

    After the dried fruits are infused (in the evening), put the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Boil the compote for no more than 2 minutes, then turn it off.

    Now again we leave the compote to infuse until it cools completely, usually I do it overnight.

    In the morning, the prepared compote must be drained to make a beautiful and transparent drink. It is imperative to store dried fruit compote in the refrigerator. At room temperature, the compote will quickly turn sour, due to the presence of grapes in it, which contributes to the fermentation process.

    Boiled dried fruits can be thrown away, if you taste them, you will see for yourself that they are tasteless, because completely gave their taste to compote.

    That's all! A tasty and healthy dried fruit compote is ready! Pour the compote into a bottle with a nipple, or give the compote to the child from a spoon. I wish your children health!

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    Dried fruit compote is a nutritious and healthy drink that both children and adults adore. Differs in rich unique taste and pleasant smell. The drink is especially popular in the cold season, when there are no fresh fruits and berries.

    Dried fruit compote for children under one year old is an integral part of the diet, because the drink is quickly and easily absorbed by the digestive tract and has great benefits for the growing body.

    The nutritional value of dried fruit compote directly depends on its composition. To prepare a tasty and healthy drink, you can use the following dry fruits: apples, pears, cherries, prunes, raisins, apricots. In order to extract more valuable substances from dried apricots and prunes, it is recommended to cut dried fruits into several parts before preparing compote.

    Dried fruits contain many nutrients

    The benefits of dried fruit compote for children

    Dried fruit compote is very useful, since all vitamins and microelements necessary for health are preserved in the drink.

    The benefits of the ingredients that make up the compote:

      • Apple - contains pectin, which is important for healthy digestion. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys, cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems.
      • Pear - is a source of fructose, essential for the normal functioning of the pancreas.
      • Prunes - has an antibacterial effect, prevents vitamin deficiency and anemia.
      • Fig - normalizes metabolism, strengthens the immune system. If you have had any birth problems, dried fruit compote for 10 month old baby with figs will help your baby grow and develop normally.
      • Dried apricots - contains a whole storehouse of useful substances: phosphorus, vitamins A and B, iron. Prevents vision problems, normalizes the amount of iron in the blood.
      • Raisins are rich in potassium, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart system.

    Dried fruits have healing and tonic properties

    Dried fruit compote for diarrhea in a child must contain pears that will help regulate the chair. But prunes, apricots and raisins will be useful for those who suffer from constipation, since they have a laxative effect.

    Dried fruit compote for children after a year older is especially useful during high body temperature. An abundant fortified drink prevents the rise in acetone and promotes a speedy recovery.

    The benefits of dried fruit compote:

      • normalizes digestion;
      • good thirst quencher;
      • saturates the body with useful vitamins and minerals.

    Why is dried fruit compote harmful for children

    The only contraindication for the use of a fortified drink is individual intolerance to one of the components. If a child is allergic to dried fruit compote, the “dangerous” ingredient should be identified and no longer used in the preparation of the drink.

    When can you give your child dried fruit compote

    Many mothers who begin to give their babies not only water, but also other drinks, are worried about the question: is it possible for a 6 month old baby to have dried fruit compote? It is possible to introduce a tasty and nutritious drink into a children's diet from four months. According to nutritionists, a product made from dry fruits is much healthier for a child's body than fresh ones. Especially in winter and spring, when there is a risk of purchasing "nitrate-rich" ingredients.

    Often mothers are interested in: is it possible to make a compote from dried fruits for a month-old baby? Any competent pediatrician will tell you that you can enter any food other than breast milk or formula only after four months. If the baby was born in the summer and you notice that he is thirsty, you can quench it with plain clean water.

    Dried fruit compotes recipes

    It would seem that there is nothing difficult in preparing a drink, but it is important not only to know how much to cook dried fruit compote for a child, but also how to choose the right proportions. Otherwise, the drink will not be tasty enough or oversaturated.

    Classic dried fruit compote

    An ordinary dried fruit compote for a child of 7 months and older is prepared from a mixture of apples, pears and, if desired, cherries. You will need 500-600 gr. dried fruits, 3 l. water, sugar to taste. To enhance the properties of the drink while boiling, you can add a little citric acid to the liquid. Such dried fruit compote is useful not only for children, but also for nursing mothers.

    Dried fruit compote can be made from fruits we are used to at any time of the year

    Light compote from dried fruits - a recipe for a child under one year old

    If a compote of dried fruits for a child of 2 years old can contain a large amount of sugar, then babies up to six months are recommended to consume an exclusively natural drink. The proportions also differ, which must be calculated approximately 1 to 10. In order for the compote to be as useful as possible, it is recommended to infuse it for 5-6 hours before use.

    Raisin compote

    If you want to make dried fruit compote for a 4 month old baby, you should consider the simplest classic recipe. To prepare this drink, you will need only two types of dried fruits - apples and raisins. Ingredients should be taken at the rate of 100 gr. for 500 ml. water, given that dried fruits increase several times during cooking. Bring the liquid to a boil and leave to infuse for 20 minutes. Next, the compote must be drained and honey or sugar added to taste.

    Dried fruit compote in a slow cooker

    Dried fruit compote for an 8 month old baby can be cooked not only on the stove, but also in a multicooker. Preparation of ingredients is standard. Then the dried fruits are placed in a multicooker container filled with water and the "stewing" mode is set. The compote cooking time will take no more than half an hour. To make the drink more saturated, it is recommended to keep it on the “Warm up” mode for several hours.

    Dried fruit compote can be easily prepared in a multicooker

    How to choose the right dried fruit for compote

    If you are not engaged in self-procurement of dried fruits and prefer to buy ingredients for compote in stores, you should learn how to choose the right products. You should not pay attention to the appearance, because beautiful is not always tasty and healthy. Often, manufacturers use various additives (for example, sulfur dioxide) during drying to create a more attractive and presentable type of product, which negatively affect the nutritional value of the finished drink. The most useful dried fruits are slightly wrinkled, with a natural odor without impurities.

    Are you going to make dried fruit compote for a 1 year old baby and could not determine by eye the naturalness of the components? Then be sure to pay attention to the condition of the food when soaking. If the water has acquired a yellow or orange hue, there are preservatives in the dried fruit. Drinking such a drink is dangerous for the child's body.