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  • Lion and fly. Lion and fly lion and fly

    Lion and fly. Lion and fly lion and fly

    "In the tropics, three flies with their offspring
    eat the corpse of a horse faster than a lion ... "
    K. Linnaeus

    Under the umbrella-shaped acacia, where a barely perceptible shadow hides during the day, the Lions rested. Nearby, on the bare, curved trunk of a spreading baobab, the Leopard dozed. A light breeze blew through their hot skins and pleasantly tickled their nostrils with the smells of delicious animals brought from the savannah. The animals had just eaten a young Wildebeest, beaten from the herd by lionesses. Meat was enough for the whole lion pride, the Leopard, and the Hyenas, who took a break nearby.
    Leo, lying in the center of his family, often flinched from the bites of horseflies, and was very angry with them. In addition to these troubles, Leo was offended by the fact that he, the King of Animals, like a despicable jackal, suffers from some lousy boogers. "From the point of view of the supreme power, this is a blatant lawlessness, with which it is time to end!" - Lev decided.
    Raising his maned head, he turned to his assistant for an explanation of the doubt that had arisen: “Well, my friend Leopard, is it true that I am the chosen king? Am I really the most powerful of the beasts in our African kingdom? "
    “Why are you asking this, my older brother? All of Africa knows this and is certified by law. Neither the bloodthirsty Crocodile, nor the insidious Cheetah and even the raging Rhino will be able to resist you. You are the most powerful, wisest, recognized by all the ruler of Africa. "
    “But then explain, my friend, why my subjects unceremoniously harass me, discredit my dignity? Just look at this flock of nasty flies hovering over me. Each tries to come down on me and do some dirty trick. So I thought if it’s time to add a special article “On Tsar's Dignity” in the Decree “On Tsarist Dignity” with the following words: “… so that no one should fly over the Vladyka, buzz, squeak, or sit on it without his permission. All violators of the "Decree" should be put to death by being eaten by my courtiers! " AND? In my opinion, this will be both an edifying punishment for criminals and the treasury. What do you think, my Leopard? "
    “I think how you command, dear Leo! Everything that you proclaim is wise and lawful. Thanks to this "Supplement" we will further strengthen the power of Leo, the entire clan of cats, and cleanse the air of the country from this vile tribe. "
    “I thought so. Thank you, my friend, for your sincerity and devotion to me! "
    Fly Tsetse flew by. Hearing this conversation, she, disregarding the prohibition, sat on the lion's nose: “Well, hello, Leo! I am your subject - Fly. I heard your Majesty declare genocide to us flies and mosquitoes! Yes, you are a strong and ferocious beast. You consider yourself almighty and righteous…. But you're wrong, Leo. You will defeat Crocodile, Rhino ..., but you will never cope with us - Flies, Mosquitoes, Mosquitoes ... because we are innumerable. We are like grains of sand in the Sahara Desert, which you cannot dispel! We do not recognize your power over yourself! So I will prick you now, and what will you do to me? ... "
    She actually pricked him in the nose with her proboscis three times in a row and began to circle over his face. From the itching pain, the Lion began to rub his nose with his paws. Full of rage that he could not punish the offender, he rushed about in a circle of frightened lionesses, and growled menacingly. And Fly Tsetse hovered over him with impunity and laughed maliciously: “Well, African ruler, did he learn a lesson from little Fly Tsetse? Why are you, Tsar, shaking the air with a roar, and not punishing me, not giving up to your subjects to be eaten? And I can infuriate your faithful sycophant Leopard and all your predatory, hypocritical citizenship! "
    Hearing his name, the Leopard jumped off the baobab and, expressing devotion and sympathy to the Lion, licked his swollen nose.
    “Fly, you insulted the Supreme Power! You will die for this! " snarled the Leopard and shouted to the guards. He ordered the rushing Hyenas to catch the criminal, trample and mix with mud. They rushed to obey the order.
    But to this day they have not succeeded in exterminating Mukhu Tsetse. She and her relatives - bloodsucking flies, flies, horseflies, mosquitoes, midges, biting midges, mosquitoes are invariably bloodsuckers. Always and everywhere, their bloodthirsty, burning proboscis are aimed at all who have hot blood. For them, there are no untouchables, including among the rulers of the world.

    Class: 6 "B". Literary reading. Date: 11/29/2016

    Lesson topic : S. Mikhalkov "The Fly and the Bee", "The Fly and the Lion"

    Objectives lesson:

    1. to give students the concept of a fable as a genre of fiction, the features of this genre on the example of the fable "The Fly and the Bee", "The Fly and the Lion"

    2. to develop analytical skills and independent activity of students, to develop oral and written speech, expressive reading, logical thinking;

    3. to cultivate independence and initiative, respect for work

    Lesson type: learning new material

    Didactic support of the lesson: tutorial,video recording fables, notebooks, portraits of Mikhalkov, illustrations for the fable

    During the classes:

    I. Organizational moment.

    II. Questioning homework.

    ІІІ . Learning new material

    Teacher's word:

    A fable is a short story in verse, in which there should be an allegory, allegory and morality

    An allegory is a disguised way of expressing thoughts.

    Allegory - when people are meant by animals.

    Morality is a lesson

    Sergey Mikhalkov

    Sergei Mikhalkov is a classic of Russian children's literature. He wrote many children's poems, songs, fables, fairy tales. He is also the author of the Russian anthem.

    Over the course of his long life, Sergei Mikhalkov wrote books on which entire generations of the Soviet Union grew up. Uncle Styopa is a policeman, a modest hero who saved people from a fire. His heroes are lazy and hardworking, heroes and ordinary people.

    Fly and bee

    Written in 1958

    Having flown from trash to flower,

    The lazy fly met the bee -

    That with its proboscis flower juice

    Collected in small slices ...

    “Fly with me! - so, turning to the Bee,

    Fly said, rolling her eyes. -

    I will treat you! There - in the house, on the table -

    Such sweets remained after tea!

    There is jam on the tablecloth, honey in saucers.

    And that's it! Everything fits in your mouth for nothing! "

    "No! This is not for me!" - answered the Bee.

    "Then go ahead and work!" - the lazy buzzed

    And flew into the house, where she had been more than once,

    But there I suddenly got on the sticky paper ...


    Isn't it daddy's daughters and sons,

    Spending careless days thoughtlessly

    Idleness is passed off as some kind of courage

    And in their laziness, far from life,

    They sit like flies on sticky paper!

    Lion and fly

    Written in 1958

    Once Mucha had a chance to have breakfast with Leo

    From one piece and at one table.

    Here the Fly ate his fill, got drunk,

    I was about to fly away, yes, it seems, I got sick

    (I warmed myself with the sun on Lion's ear)

    I stayed for lunch, and there and ... snuggled up.

    In a short time, word spread

    Rumors began to spread

    (They were carried by the same flies!)

    That Mucha-de lives as an adviser to Leo,

    What's in it

    Thunderstorm of beasts

    He doesn't like a soul.

    Happen on business to leave her,

    So he misses ahead of time -

    Doesn't eat, doesn't drink

    And he himself started this custom:

    When he leaves for prey

    Then he takes Fly with him,

    And since she sits on the Lion's ear,

    It can buzz, whatever it gets into your head! ..

    Well, how can you not be afraid of the Fly? ..

    And Leo never realized that the Fly is so strong

    That in front of her everybody crawls out of their skin

    And what is she

    In his hallway

    The affairs of the Lion are sometimes done alone!


    Our fable has a goal: to fight against evil.

    So it would be good if for the good of the cause

    My morality reached the lions

    And some flies were lightly touched -

    For the cause!

    * Reading the fable "The Fly and the Bee", "The Fly and the Lion"

    * Vocabulary work:

    Thoughtlessly - uayimsyz counselor - kenesshi, aқyl berushi

    Careless - beyқam sometimes - bir mezgilde

    For free - tagin make - basқaru

    Trunk - tұmsyқ

    IV. Securing new material

    * Expressive reading of the fable.

    * Analysis of the fable on questions:

    Find morality in the fable.

    What everyday situation does the author mean?

    Have you ever had such cases in your life?

    * Listen to several versions of stories invented by children.

    V. Homework: learn Mikhalkov's fable by heart, page 72, 75 + theoretical material from a notebook

    VІ. Assessment

    VІІ. Summing up the lessons

    Lion and fly

    Once, Mucha had a chance to have breakfast with Lev From one piece and at the same table. Here Fly ate his fill, got drunk, was going to fly away, yes, apparently, got sick (on Lion's ear warmed up with the sun), stayed for lunch, and there ... and took root. In a short time, rumors began to spread, Rumors began to spread (They were carried by the same flies!), That Mucha-de lives as an adviser to Leo, That the Thunderstorm of animals does not like the Soul in her. If on business to leave her, he misses ahead of time - He does not eat, does not drink, And he himself started this custom: When he leaves for prey, He takes the Fly with him, his head will climb! .. Well, how can you not be afraid of the Fly? .. And Leo has no idea that the Fly is so strong, That everyone crawls out of their skin in front of her And that she In his hallway Sometimes she does Lion affairs alone! Our fable has a goal: to fight against evil. So it would be good if for the good of the cause My morality reached the lions And lightly touched some flies - For the cause! 1945