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  • Raspberries frozen with sugar in a blender. Raspberry grated with sugar: tasty and healthy

    Raspberries frozen with sugar in a blender. Raspberry grated with sugar: tasty and healthy

    A delicious dessert saturated with summer aromas, an excellent filling for pies and pastries, as well as an irreplaceable remedy in the fight against colds -

    Tea with it, fruit drinks from raw berries help with sore throats and have a good warming and diaphoretic effect. If raspberries with sugar are prepared for the winter, you will not be afraid of any frosts and blizzards. The sweet component must be taken twice as much as the berries so that the jars can be stored in the cellar. If you take a little sugar, then the ground mass can be put in containers, plastic bottles, or even just in double food plastic bags and frozen. If the berries and loose ingredient are taken one to one, then the mixture can be stored in the refrigerator. The main thing is to do well and follow all the cooking recommendations.

    Raspberries, grated with sugar for the winter: the first recipe

    One kilogram of raspberries will require two kilograms of sugar.

    It is better to pick the berries after fine warm days, then they will be really sweet. In no case should you wash raspberries. You need to pour the berries on the table and sort them out, separating the garbage. Then put the clean raspberries in an enamel pot or bowl and cover with sugar. Keep in the refrigerator for several hours so that the berries start juicing. Now you need to grind them. You can use a blender, but many housewives prefer a wooden pusher or spoon, because the oxidation process begins from contact with metal. You need to grind thoroughly, in a homogeneous puree, so that not a single whole berry remains.

    Making cans

    Banks need to be washed with laundry soap, rinsed as best as possible and sterilized with either boiling water or steam. You can in the oven. Arrange the raspberries in containers and pour a layer of sugar on top. This will keep the puree better. You need to close the cans with sterilized plastic lids or rolled in several layers and fixed with an elastic band. Such raspberries, ground with sugar, can be stored even in the cellar, even in the refrigerator. Opened on a cold winter day, the jar will bring a fragrant summer back to your apartment!

    Raspberries with sugar for the winter: the second recipe

    Such a preparation can be done not only with raspberries, but also with other berries. Especially good and useful is strawberry and currant puree. And there is no need to talk about raspberries. This berry is so aromatic, beautiful and tasty when ground. And most often raspberries with sugar are prepared raw for the winter. Then it does not lose its useful properties, because it contains a lot of organic acids and a lot of vitamins: C, B1, B2, PP, which are not lost during storage. The only condition is refrigeration.

    Preparation of berries

    Sugar and berries should be taken on a one-to-one basis. First, sort out the raspberries. Don't wash it! Sorting by type of cereal: pour on the table, put a bowl for good-quality berries on your knees and roll them, separating all leaves, bugs and other debris. Then pour sugar into a container with raspberries and grind thoroughly: the longer, the more homogeneous the mass will turn out.


    You need to use only non-oxidizing dishes: glass, plastic or enamel. It is best to choose a wooden pestle used for rubbing raspberries. You do not need to take large cans - preferably half a liter and less to eat it quickly. Raspberries, ground with sugar for the winter, are not stored in open containers. Of course, the container must be perfectly clean and scalded with boiling water.

    Packing and design

    Expand the finished mass, leaving two centimeters of the neck of the jar free, cover the top with one centimeter of sugar and close. The sand layer is saturated with juice and hardens with a crust, due to which the air will not pass to the raspberries and the fermentation process will not start. There is no need for a tight seal. Only plastic lids or parchment. Can be closed with plastic wrap on an elastic band or on a string. Such jars, covered with beautiful paper and tied with a ribbon or colored cord, look very beautiful, as a gift option. Raspberries, grated with sugar for the winter, are ready!

    The summer season allows you to saturate the body with useful trace elements and vitamins. At this time, there are many fresh berries that are beneficial. Unfortunately, in winter it is either difficult to find fresh berries, or they are not affordable. You can solve the problem by preparing them in the form of compotes and jam, however, this option is not very attractive either. Raspberry jam, when cooked, loses two-thirds of its benefits. Experts recommend freezing the product fresh. The main thing is to know how to properly freeze raspberries.

    When preparing raspberries for freezing, be sure to consider the storage location of the product. If you have a large refrigerator or separate freezer, this is not a problem. It is enough to put the berries in a separate container and put it away from meat and fish products that have a strong smell. If the refrigerator is small, you need to choose the container more carefully. It should have a tight-fitting lid. These containers can be found at any hardware store.

    It is also better to defrost and wash the freezer beforehand to remove foreign odors.

    You can also use plastic bags for storage, which have a special fastener. This will allow you to pack the berries in small portions, which can be used immediately after harvesting. This will make it possible to exclude secondary freezing, after which a significant part of the vitamins is lost. In addition, large amounts of raspberries can lose their shape under their own weight before they freeze.

    Product selection and preparation

    In order to get dry raspberries after defrosting, and not a sticky mass covered with a layer of ice, you need to know the rules of this process:

    1. You need to choose for freezing only freshly picked, whole berries, without defects or damage. This is an important circumstance that must be observed without fail.
    2. The collected raw materials should be carefully sorted out, putting aside crumpled and rotten berries, as well as removing leaves and other debris that have got there. If the raspberries aren't too clean, it's best to wash them gently.
    3. To remove insects, raspberries need to be soaked for 15 minutes in salted water at room temperature. After the time has elapsed, remove the debris with a slotted spoon, and rinse the raspberries several times to remove the salt.
    4. Processed raspberries should be dried on a cotton towel to absorb excess moisture. Only dry berries are used for freezing. The container must also be clean and dry.

    It is best to initially freeze the raspberries in one layer, carefully laying them out on a special board so that the berries do not touch each other. Cover the top with cling film and send to the freezer for several hours. When they freeze, they are transferred to prepared containers.

    Many people advise to refuse packages, although it is convenient, and use small containers, since raspberries are quite fragile. If the choice is made in favor of this storage method, then they need to be put in a separate place in the upper layer.

    It is important that freezing occurs at a temperature not higher than minus 18 ° C. This so-called deep freeze allows you to preserve all the useful properties of the product throughout the year.

    How to freeze raspberries at home

    The main thing when freezing is to avoid mistakes. To do this, you need to carefully study the entire procurement process:

    1. It is not recommended to use overripe raspberries for freezing. She will let the juice out and spread.
    2. The berries, prepared for freezing, must first be cooled in the refrigerator or in a draft for several minutes. Otherwise, condensation will form, and in the freezer they will be covered with a layer of ice.
    3. When dry-frozen, do not wash raspberries. Better to use it for mashed potatoes or desserts.
    4. At temperatures below 18 ° C, all harmful bacilli and bacteria die, so do not be afraid that unwashed berries will be dangerous after defrosting.
    5. For convenience, it is best to use small flat containers with a lid. They will fit a little product. It is worth remembering that you cannot fill the container to the very lid. It is best to leave a small gap between the lid and the food.

    The ideal option would be to choose a plastic container. Glassware can break, and ironware can oxidize. The minimum freezing temperature is -18-22 ° С, the maximum temperature is up to -40 ° С.
    Let's take a closer look at the different types of freezing.

    Whole berry

    To freeze raspberries without boiling, the berries are sorted and prepared as described above. If necessary, rinse and dry. After spreading fresh raspberries on a board or flat surface, put them in the freezer. After a few hours, they are laid out in a prepared container and sent for storage.

    Whole raspberries with sugar

    Usually this method is used if the berry is very ripe and juicy. The basic steps are the same as for normal freezing. The difference is that each layer is sprinkled with sugar.

    Raspberry puree

    To get mashed potatoes, grind raspberries with a blender or mortar.
    Usually, the bones are not removed, since they are small and practically not felt. The ratio of berries and sugar is 1: 3. The composition is poured into containers and sent to the freezer. If stored in the refrigerator, the period is six months.

    Pitted raspberry puree

    To get seedless puree, it is prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe, but additionally rubbed through a colander. The finished product is stored in the freezer.


    Sugar-free frozen raspberries are an excellent nutritional supplement for health conscious people. The berry pre-prepared in the classical way is packed in bags or containers and sent for storage. It is even better to freeze raspberries with other berries, as a result, useful vitamin mixes are obtained, which are pleasant to eat in winter.

    In container

    Harvesting in containers is an ideal option to preserve all vitamins and beneficial properties in berries. The main thing is to prepare the berry correctly. You can put whole raspberries and puree in containers.

    With sugar

    The harvested berries must be prepared properly, add sugar in the proportion: a glass per kilogram of raspberries and mix gently without disturbing their integrity. The resulting product is packed in containers or bags and sent to the refrigerator or freezer.

    To get the most out of the prepared product, you need to know how much it is stored in the freezer without losing its qualities:

    1. If the storage temperature is within -18 ° C, the shelf life is one year.
    2. A higher temperature, down to -15 ° C, reduces the shelf life to six months.
    3. A storage temperature of -12 ° C means that you need to eat the product within three months.

    It should also be borne in mind that whole berries are stored for a little longer than pureed ones.

    Rules for defrosting berries

    1. It is better to freeze freshly picked berries, they contain much more nutrients.
    2. Chill the raspberries to keep them in shape. It will not turn sour after defrosting.
    3. Mashed potatoes should be done with a wooden spoon or spatula. This will avoid oxidation from the metal.
    4. The container should be shallow in order to use its volume immediately after defrosting.
    5. You need to defrost the product in the refrigerator. This will preserve the integrity and flavor of the fruit.
    6. Re-freezing is excluded. With her, the berries lose two-thirds of their beneficial qualities.

    In order to feast on raspberries in winter, you just need to study some of the rules for freezing this berry and strictly follow them.

    Any housewife who cares about the health of the family needs to know how to freeze raspberries for the winter in the refrigerator or in the freezer without sugar, especially for adherents of pp. Raspberries are very tasty and healthy, have a low calorie content (41 kcal per 100 g) and high taste. Recipes for many pp-pies, mousses, cocktails, casseroles, desserts involve the use of not only fresh, but also frozen berries.

    Raspberry jam blanks are very popular, but it has a significant drawback: it is prepared with sugar and undergoes a long heat treatment. Therefore, adherents of proper nutrition are better off freezing raspberries for the winter, and not making jam from them. Also freezing without cooking allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties of the berries.

    Why freeze raspberries at all?

    I like to freeze raspberries in the fall.

    There are such varieties - remontant ones - they give two or even more harvests, and this, the last, I send to the freezer.

    In autumn I try to freeze both strawberries and greens.

    So the workpieces are less in the freezer, which means that nutrients are stored better.

    In winter, frozen berries will help diversify your diet. With them, a lot of pp-shnyh and not only dishes are prepared. These berries are very beneficial in many ways:

    • rich in natural sugars - fructose, glucose, pentose;
    • contain organic acids necessary for humans - tartaric, malic, salicylic, citric;
    • saturated with vitamins of various groups - C, A, B.

    It also contains many other substances that have a positive effect on the body. Thanks to salicylic acid, berries have antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects.

    But what should especially appeal to those who follow the figure or are at the stage of PP-weight loss - raspberries are irreplaceable in the diet of those who are losing weight! Thanks to its low glycemic index, mild laxative and cleansing effect, the ability to stimulate bile production and lower cholesterol levels, this berry promotes weight loss!

    Japanese scientists have shown that the ketones in raspberries act as a fat burner synephrine, speeding up the metabolism and allowing you to burn more calories, moreover, using fat stores. The only condition is that the entire diet at the time of eating raspberries as a fat burner should be with the minimum allowable amount of fats and carbohydrates.

    The best pp-ways to freeze raspberries

    You can freeze fresh raspberries in various ways: whole and in the form of mashed potatoes, independently and as part of fruit and berry mixtures.

    This is done in a freezer with a shock freeze function, and in an ordinary freezer of any refrigerator (at home this method of freezing is common).

    Whichever option is chosen, frozen raspberries have a higher benefit in any case than boiled and canned ones.

    Are raspberries washed before freezing

    Often housewives are interested in whether it is necessary to wash raspberries before freezing.

    It is believed that freezing raspberries for the winter does not require washing, since bacteria on the surface of the berries die as a result of exposure to negative temperatures during freezing and storing them in the freezer.

    Also raspberries are a very delicate product and are easily damaged even when exposed to a jet of water.

    But in addition to bacteria, berries can contain dust, harmful substances and other unwanted particles.

    Therefore, it is still worth washing them.

    The most convenient way is to use a double colander - silicone or plastic. The berries are placed in the lower colander, the upper colander is installed on top, only then a stream of water is directed into the dishes. The jet scatters into small drops and washes the berries without crushing or damaging them. You can also dip the colander with berries into the water, let the water drain and put the dishes on a towel to completely get rid of the water. It is absolutely unacceptable to wash fresh raspberries with shaking.

    Freeze whole vitamin berries

    Here's how to freeze whole raspberries for the winter without sugar:

    prepared dry berries are poured onto a plastic tray covered with paper and placed in the freezer for a couple of hours;

    after they are poured into a bowl or container;

    release air, for example, as in the photo - using an ordinary straw. З is sealed and sent for final freezing and long-term storage;

    Freezing raspberries in bags, bypassing pre-freezing on a baking sheet, is a faster way, but the berries can stick together and lose their shape. In addition, sticky berries are difficult to dispense afterwards during use.

    If the berries are mixed with other types of fruits, then they do the same with them: they dry, freeze, pack. It is good to combine raspberries with cherries, plums, blackberries, apricots, currants and even oranges.

    Whole raspberries can be used to decorate desserts, to cool cocktails and herbal teas instead of ice cubes.

    Raspberry puree for the winter

    Berry puree is also a good option.

    The prepared berries are whipped in a blender, kneaded with a rolling pin or pusher, poured into molds, covered with foil or film and placed in the freezer. It is very tasty to put raspberry puree in a casserole, mousse, smoothie or compote in winter. Raspberry puree can be mixed with other fruit purees. It is interesting to fill the orange peel halves with puree and freeze.

    Sometimes it is advised to remove the seeds by rubbing through a sieve. Do not do this - it is in the bones that magic "weight-loss" ketones are hidden, as well as substances that help fight viruses and colds.

    Here's a simple video on how to freeze raspberry puree.

    Hello dear readers. Raspberries differ from other berries for their beneficial properties. Since early childhood, our mothers have been preparing warming tea with these aromatic berries. He always helped with colds and flu, rescued after long winter walks. During the raspberry season, it can be prepared for future use. The option of freezing berries is perfect for this. It retains not only its shape, but also benefits, subject to the preparation technology and the freezing process.

    How to properly prepare raspberries for freezing

    For freezing, it is worth picking up dense, not overripe berries that have been harvested recently. If raspberries have been lying for a while, then juice is formed, it can wrinkle under its weight.

    Such a crop cannot remain in a crumbly state when frozen, as the saying goes "berry to berry". Another nuance when collecting, it is better to choose cool weather or late afternoon, raspberries removed from the bush in the heat will quickly darken and let the juice out.

    Correct freezing stages

    1. For picking berries in your garden, it is better to use shallow containers, and small boxes, or trays.
    2. Before freezing, raspberries must be sorted out, if they were bought on the market, then rinsed. Do this only in a bowl of water, not under the tap. Running water can damage the berries.
    3. After washing, transfer the berries to a paper towel, wait until they are completely dry. If this is not done, then while in the freezer, an ice layer will form on it.
    4. Depending on the size of the shelves in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator, place the raspberries on a tray in one layer or in a tray. For convenience, you can cover it with a baking mat, then it will be easier to pour the frozen berries.

    How to freeze raspberries mashed with sugar

    Raspberries are very helpful in winter, ground with sugar before freezing. It is not necessary to use only selected berries for this.

    You will need the same ratio: 1 kilogram of raspberries, 1 kilogram of sugar.


    1. Berries with sugar are transferred into a container of a suitable volume.
    2. Grind in any convenient way: using an immersion blender is most convenient.
    3. A mixture of raspberries with sugar is left at room temperature until the crystals are completely dissolved.
    4. It is better to choose small, portioned containers. This way the raspberries do not have to be re-frozen.
    5. The containers and lids, if necessary, are washed and dried until the moisture completely evaporates.
    6. The grated berries are mixed and poured into prepared containers. Close tightly with lids and transfer to the freezer.

    You can freeze the raspberry juice, for this, transfer the sweet-berry mixture to a colander covered with two layers of gauze or into a fine sieve. Squeeze out the juice, pour it into small plastic bottles or containers and put it in the freezer. This recipe is suitable for those who do not want to drink tea with raspberry pits in winter.

    How to freeze fresh raspberries to keep the berries whole

    It's nice to surprise children with fresh raspberries on the table during the winter season. To do this, it is enough to freeze it with whole berries. This is very easy to do if you follow the following guidelines.

    Sort out the crop in advance, remove all stalks, leaves or insects that have come across. If necessary, rinse the berries by carefully pouring them into a colander and dipping them several times into a container of water. Or gently pour water over the raspberries.

    If there are a lot of bugs on the raspberries, you can get rid of them by adding a spoonful of table salt to the washing water. After that, rinse the raspberries in plain water without removing them from the colander.

    If the berries were washed, then completely dry them on a clean cloth or paper towels. It is preferable to choose a raspberry that does not require washing. It will freeze better.

    You will need to arrange the berries in one layer on a pallet that fits on a freezer shelf.

    Once again, check the integrity of the berries, if they are crumpled, immediately remove them. Freeze for a few hours.

    After that, take out the pallet, pour the ice raspberries into a tight bag, tie it well.

    If this sequence is followed, the berries will remain intact, after freezing they will remain in a crumbly state.

    How to freeze raspberries without sugar

    If there is not enough time to harvest the jam or no one eats it in the family, and the raspberry harvest is already ripe, you can save it. Freezing berries without sugar is suitable for this. This method will allow you to cook jelly or compote in winter, bake fragrant pies.

    Three ways to freeze without sugar

    1. In a container

    For this method, prepare raspberries in advance: sort out twigs and bad berries, rinse if necessary by immersing them in a container with water (to remove bugs, add a little salt to the water), then dry well on a paper towel.

    Arrange the sorted berries on the shelf of the freezer, having previously covered it with a baking mat. Once frozen, it will be easier to separate it from the surface.

    Leave to freeze for a couple of hours. When the berries are frozen, pour them into plastic containers.

    For convenience, you can sign them. Put back in the freezer.

    2. In the package

    This method is similar to the previous one. Its difference is that after pre-freezing, the berries are poured into tight bags and tied well.

    Each package can be signed. This method is suitable for those who have a small freezer or want to save space in it.

    3. Chopped raspberries

    Raspberry puree can be frozen without added sugar. To do this, sort out the berries, removing the debris. You can grind in any convenient way: through a meat grinder, a submersible blender, or knead with a fork.

    Distribute the resulting mass into plastic containers or small bottles, the most optimal volume is 0.33 liters. Sign the containers and place them in the freezer.

    Frozen raspberries - what can you make from them

    Raspberries can be perfectly frozen, retain their shape after defrosting. This preparation will allow you to prepare fragrant desserts with your favorite berry all year round. It will be an excellent filling for pies, rolls, smoothies or milkshakes. Of course, you can cook compotes from it, the taste will be like fresh berries.

    Frozen raspberry recipes.

    1. Mannik

    You will need:

    • kefir - 2 glasses;
    • frozen raspberries with whole berries - 250 grams;
    • sugar - 1 glass;
    • semolina - 2 glasses;
    • chicken egg - 1 piece;
    • soda - 1 teaspoon;
    • soft butter - 3 tablespoons.


    1. Pour kefir into a bowl, add semolina. Stir, leave to swell for 1 hour.
    2. Remove raspberries from the freezer, leave on the table to defrost.
    3. Beat sugar and egg with a whisk or blender, add to the kefir-semolina mixture.
    4. Add oil and baking soda, mix well.
    5. Pour the contents of the bowl into a mold that has been oiled in advance; if silicone is used, it is not necessary to lubricate it.
    6. Drain the liquid from the raspberries, spread the berries on top of the dough, deepening a little.
    7. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 40 minutes.

    2. Lazy oatmeal with frozen raspberries

    This option will be an excellent breakfast that will not take away precious morning time. All cooking takes place in the evening, then it is put into the refrigerator until morning.


    Long-boiled oat flakes - 25 gr.;

    Frozen raspberries (puree or berries without sugar) - 40 gr.;

    Ryazhenka - 150 ml.;

    Sugar - 1 teaspoon.


    1. Prepare a small jar or glass;
    2. Pour oatmeal into it, add fermented baked milk and sugar, frozen raspberries.
    3. Stir, cover or cling film.
    4. Refrigerate until morning.

    If you properly prepare and freeze raspberries, they will not lose their shape and vitamins. How to choose it correctly:

    1. For freezing, use only firm berries. Refuse overripe, darkened. They will definitely let the juice turn into ice.
    2. Only chilled raspberries should be sent to the freezer. We'll have to wait a while for it to cool off from the hot summer sun. In your garden, it is advisable to pick berries in the evening, and having bought them on the market, put them on the table to get them at room temperature.
    3. Any kind of raspberry is suitable for freezing, the preparation technology for them is the same. First freeze it, then put it in a container for long-term storage.
    4. It is preferable not to wash the berries before freezing. Under this condition, it will not freeze into one lump, but will be crumbly.
    5. It is more convenient to freeze raspberries in portions, in small containers or bags. If you take it out and then freeze it again, a layer of frost will surely appear on the berries.
    6. Raspberries from the freezer, with proper defrosting, will be no worse than fresh berries.

      Slow defrosting

      Remove the berries from the freezer and place them on the lower shelf in the refrigerator. 30 minutes will suffice, but you can leave it on for 1 hour. After this time, remove the berries and defrost to the end at room temperature.

      Raspberries, which are used for pies, can be thawed if desired, but this is not at all necessary. To prevent it from letting in juice during heating, you will need to sprinkle it with potato or corn starch, for every 250 grams of berries, two teaspoons will be enough. If you put frozen raspberries in water for faster defrosting, then they will surely lose their shape and release juice.

    Delicate and fragrant raspberries can give a piece of summer happiness even in winter. There are many recipes with which you can pamper your household - harvesting raspberries for the winter without boiling: with sugar, five-minute jam, confiture, raspberries in currant juice, shyly blushing jelly, sweet aromatic syrup, gentle baby puree. The imagination of real cooks knows no boundaries, some of them have a lot to learn.

    How to collect and prepare raspberries correctly

    Healthy and incredibly tasty, raspberries generously give housewives the opportunity to make preparations for the winter throughout the summer. However, in order for the jam, jelly or compote to come out bright, beautiful and tasty, the berries must be properly picked from the bush and prepared.

    The most suitable time for harvesting is dry, sunny weather, because the rain makes the delicate beauty watery and unattractive. For the same reason, it is rarely washed, especially if collected in your garden. Only if there is a suspicion of bugs, the berries are poured with salted water for a short time (1 liter of water + 20 g of salt) so that uninvited guests float to the surface. It is better to start processing berries right away, in this the berry is similar to the felt cherry, which also begins to spoil pretty soon, even in the refrigerator. In order not to be mistaken in the proportions, it will be useful to remember - about 600 grams of raspberries are placed in one liter jar.

    So that the beneficial components of raspberries do not disappear with prolonged processing, its duration can be minimized. An excellent example is a five-minute, unusually tasty and not boiled, raspberry jam, which is extremely simple to prepare. Minimal processing allows the delicate berries to be kept intact and attractive.

    Discrepancies in recipes from different housewives consist in a different amount of sugar that is required for jam - some prefer a 1: 1 ratio, others put only half a kilogram of sugar on 1 kg of raspberries and provide storage of the finished product in the cold, and still others do not regret 1.5 kg sugar, but are confident in the reliable preservation of the delicacy. However, the principle of making a five-minute jam is about the same for both raspberries and currants and other berries:

    1. Clean and sorted raspberries are carefully laid out in an enameled or copper container (spacious and with a wide bottom).
    2. Raspberries are covered with sugar, based on the chosen proportion, and left for 2-4 hours. During this time, the released juice should cover the berries.
    3. Putting a bowl of future jam on the fire, you need to bring it, stirring slightly, to a boil and then cook for 5-7 minutes until the sugar is completely dissolved. During cooking, you can enjoy sweet foams, which must be removed from the surface.
    4. Thoroughly washed cans should also be sterilized additionally, especially if the amount of sugar is minimal. Do not forget about the processing of the lids.
    5. Carefully arrange the hot treat in the jars so that the contents reach the very top, and roll up immediately. The five-minute jam is ready, now you can place it in a convenient storage place and enjoy an exquisite delicacy in winter.

    Raspberry with sugar

    Many housewives prefer to do without heat treatment, and raspberries are simply mixed with sugar - such a preparation for the winter preserves all the uniquely useful properties of berries as much as possible. This method takes even less time than making a five-minute jam, and is available to absolutely inexperienced housewives. However, in order to reliably preserve the raspberries prepared according to this recipe, the jars with the blanks will have to be sterilized or the refrigerator should be chosen as their storage place.

    There are many recipes for preparing raspberries with sugar for the winter. The following recipes are most often used.

    Method one:

    • strong and dry berries are stacked in rows in prepared jars. Each new layer is sprinkled with sugar, and the dishes are slightly shaken to get it between individual berries;
    • jars with raspberries are immersed in a large container of water and sterilized - 25 minutes will be needed for liter containers, 20 minutes for half-liter containers.

    Method two:

    • raspberry berries are covered with sugar in a 1: 1 ratio and left for a couple of hours, this is necessary for the release of juice;
    • then the berries are crushed and thoroughly, but carefully, mixed with sugar;
    • all that remains is to put the raspberries in sterilized jars, covered with a centimeter layer of sugar, and store them securely in the family cellar or refrigerator.

    The resulting amazing jam from fragrant and tender raspberries, the preparation of which did not require boiling, will give an unforgettable pleasure during a family tea party and will help you do without an unpleasant cold in winter.

    Exclusive! Place whole and dry raspberries in a container, add honey and put in the freezer. The taste is unique!

    Confiture - the first recipe

    Colorful confiture, successfully prepared for the winter from raspberries with sugar, unusually quickly and without the usual cooking, will pleasantly diversify your breakfast and bring a lot of pleasure. This is not to say that cooking according to the proposed recipe is too simple, although only one stage causes some complexity. But the result obtained more than pays for all the efforts expended, and the colorful confiture pleases with an impeccably delicate taste.

    The hardest part is getting rid of the small raspberry seeds, which can be done with a sieve and pestle. Then the resulting mass must be mixed well with sugar. It will need 1.5 kg for every kilogram of sweet berries. It remains to arrange in jars, cover with lids and, for the time being, put in a cold place - fragrant and healthy confiture is ready.

    Confiture - second recipe

    You can prepare a fragrant delicacy in another way, using cooking. The recipe assumes the following ingredients:

    • fresh raspberries - 2 kg;
    • sugar - 3 kg;
    • water - 1 l.

    Mash the raspberries in a suitable wide-bottomed bowl, carefully pour over the hot water and cook for about 20 minutes from the boil. Then, carefully, in several steps, add sugar and continue to cook for another 15 minutes. Pour hot jam into clean and warm prepared jars and cover with lids. Throughout the winter, its pleasant aroma and delicate taste will remind you of a sunny summer.

    Raspberry syrup

    It's impossible to do without raspberry syrup in winter! It is needed everywhere - for ruddy pancakes, a birthday cake, an exquisite drink, as a decoration for ice cream. Its preparation is not difficult and does not take too long.

    Method one

    • raspberries - 2 kg;
    • sugar - 4 cups;
    • water - 8 glasses.

    Put the clean and sorted raspberries in a saucepan, pour in the required amount of water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring and skimming. Remove the berries with a slotted spoon, add sugar and continue cooking for another 5 minutes. The prepared syrup is bottled or jars and stored in a cool place.

    Method two

    • raspberries - 1 kg;
    • sugar - 1.5 kg;
    • water - 0.5 liters;
    • lemon - 10 gr.

    Grind the berries with a mortar or blender, add half a liter of water and leave until morning. Stir the resulting mixture and strain, add sugar and lemon and again deprive her of her attention for a day. The next day, boil the syrup for one to two minutes, then pour it into clean, warm bottles. It is advisable to store it in the refrigerator.

    Dried raspberries

    If time is sorely lacking, and the harvest is successful, you can simply dry it and provide households with vitamins for the entire slushy and frosty season. An indispensable condition - the berries must be chosen as dense as possible and even slightly unripe. You can qualitatively and quickly dry raspberries in the oven - two hours at a temperature of 50 degrees, and then fifteen minutes at sixty degrees. When cooled down, it is laid out in boxes or jars and placed in a cool and always dry place. Tea with dried raspberries is fragrant and increases the protective functions of the body.

    The variety of recipes for preparing raspberries for the winter allows you not to part with a fragrant berry all year round. Compotes, preserves, jams are an excellent aid in the preparation of delicious dishes and are good in themselves. Raspberries are not only a sweet and pleasant delicacy, but also a guarantor of good health. When choosing a method of conservation, you need to remember this and negate the slightest loss of vitamins and other useful components. And when the season is right, don't forget to stock up on a couple of jars of vitamin cherry jam for your family.

    Secrets of storing raspberries without cooking: video

    Collecting and storing raspberries all winter: photo