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    Why you can't eat after surgery. Proper nutrition after childbirth, what you can and cannot eat How long you can not eat after

    From TV screens, pages of magazines and newspapers, Internet sites we are constantly told: you can't eat after 18 hours. Why can't you eat after 6 pm? Who came up with this, what evidence? Our journalist figured out the topic and concluded that it is possible to eat after 6 pm, but only under certain conditions. But first things first.

    Why you can't eat after 6 pm

    The assertion that you cannot eat after 18 hours is based on the opinion of biorhythmologists - they argue that a person is by nature active from sunrise to sunset, and that nutrition should be built on the same principle. But all people are different, and they have a different pace of life. And how, then, do they live in countries with hot climates that sleep a lot during the day? And, if a person is a “daytime creature,” how about the inhabitants of the North, whose sun does not rise above the horizon during the polar night for 23 days to six months? Do they sleep all the polar night or do they all get sick because of the inability to live "according to the day cycle"?

    And why is the last time when you can eat, exactly 18 hours? Usually they try to correlate this with the time of sunset, but what does the sun have to do with it? In summer, the sun sets later, in winter - earlier, so this figure is most likely just the arithmetic average for all seasons. What such "average numbers" are worth, we can everywhere observe, for example, in tables for calculating the ideal weight: for people of thin-boned asthenic body type, the ideal weight given in the tables will often be excessive, and for large-boned hypersthenics it will not be enough.

    All people are different

    The main proof that biorhythmologists are not entirely correct in this regard is that they completely ignore the division of people into types: "larks" (fully corresponding to the ideal described by biorhythmologists), "owls" (in which the period of greatest activity occurs in the evening- at night) and "pigeons" (easily adapting to any rhythm of life). Look - the vast majority of weight loss methods are ideal for "larks"! It is they who wake up at 6 in the morning cheerful and rested, work actively during the day, have supper at 6 pm and go to bed at ten. And on "owls" these systems and diets almost never work (or work with a minus sign).

    Consider a day in the life of an "owl" man:
    After waking up in the morning (or afternoon), regardless of whether he slept or not (although more often - the second), the "owl" does not experience any rise in mental and physical strength. His body is still asleep, therefore:
    a) Exercise in the morning is very difficult for them; often after such activities, a person feels overwhelmed and tired.
    b) Following the logic of most weight loss methods, the first meal should be dense. The “owl” almost always has no appetite in the morning, but he conscientiously “refills” (because “it is necessary”, and you don’t eat in the evening!).

    Result: an unawakened body will process food sluggishly (about the same as if a person ate shortly before bedtime), so some of the food eaten will be converted into fat and stored in fat depots.

    We go further: during the day, the "owl" often cannot eat normally (work), and not everyone manages to come home from work before 6 pm. Those. quite often a person is left practically without lunch and without dinner at all. Here no diets are needed, and so without food for a day. In the evening, in the body of the "owl", everything happens in the body of the "lark" in the morning: all systems of the body reach the limit of their capabilities, wolf hunger wakes up. The body requires food, the stomach secretes maximum juice ... but there is no food and will not be! Stomach acid begins to eat away at the walls of the stomach, and that's the beginning of the ulcer.

    I agree - the normal amount of time after the last meal before bed is about 4 hours; for an "owl" person who goes to bed at least at 0 o'clock, if he has not eaten after 18, this interval is from 6 hours. And if we add to this the almost complete absence of lunch and dinner, and the fact that the period of "hunger strike" fell on the most active time ... The body with even greater fury will begin to take revenge on the person with extra pounds.

    How is it right ...

    The simplest example: try to find at least one person who was able to lose weight using exclusively "non-nutrition after 18 hours." Usually this is a whole complex: "I don't eat after 18, I follow a diet, I go in for sports." Because, refusing to eat, we either eat more during the day, or, as I also met, we replace food with "not food" - we drink kefir, milkshakes, teas with sugar, and so on. Thus, the total calorie content of the daily diet practically does not change in our country, and it is impossible to lose weight only by refusing to eat in the evening.

    But what about? It is easy to separate food and sleep by a significant time interval, which we will designate as 4 hours. That is, if you go to bed at 12 at night, you can safely dine at 8 pm. Thus, you will not break your schedule and will be in shape, and no worries about what you eat after 6 pm.

    Anna Shakhmatova All rights reserved

    More on the topic of proper nutrition after 18 hours

    ... It is up to you to eat or not after 18 hours, but getting rid of those extra pounds quickly will hardly help. If the speed of losing weight is important to you, it is still better to pay attention to proven diets that have long been proven at home.

    How to lose weight without dieting at home ... We bring to your attention a set of measures that, together with slimming diets, will help you effectively lose weight at home by 5, 10, 15 kilograms. Our consultants will tell you more about this, plus you will be helped by the reviews of the readers of the magazine who have already been able to successfully lose weight and not gain it again.

    Do you have an opinion on this issue? Please leave your feedback or comment at the bottom of the page to help others understand this difficult dilemma.

    Reviews and comments (13)

    I think I agree with the author. You have to look at things realistically. I only finish work at 6, plus get home. Maybe these biorhythmologists are somewhat right, but this is if we consider a certain ideal option in the laboratory. 4 hours before bed is a good idea, the main thing is not to overeat just before bed.

    And I would argue. No, I also eat after 18, usually around seven in the evening, but at this time the body already does not digest food well and, they say, puts it off for later. Therefore, he does not lose weight. If there is, then very little. to have time to digest. And 4 hours before bedtime or 2, these are little things.

    Vlasova Irina

    In my opinion, the question is not when there is, but how much. Correctly said in the saying "give dinner to the enemy." It's just that in the evening we usually eat a lot, but move a little, so some of the calories are not burned, but deposited in fat. If there are few and low-calorie meals in the evening, there will be no problems, I believe.

    For three long years I struggled with being overweight. I sat on diets almost starving, the weight will go away, then it will come, I'm terribly tired. I heard that I shouldn't eat in the evening, but somehow I didn't pay attention. Six months ago, I changed my job, went as a commodity specialist to a department store next to my house, 5 minutes away, so I didn't spend time on work. I began to arrange a mini-dinner at 6 o'clock right at work, a salad there or chicken or something else, and later no, no. And the result went! For six months, minus 14 kilograms, and no special diets. This scheme really works, girls, do not eat in the evening, eat as early as possible and lose weight!

    Natalia, what a fine fellow you are!

    Many people remember the proverb: "Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend, and give dinner to the enemy." Does it have a foundation?
    It turns out there is a reason.

    Many do not eat after 7 pm due to weight loss reasons, but there is a more serious explanation for this fact.

    The digestive organs have the right to rest, as we do :)

    Our body lives according to biorhythms. It is adapted to geophysical cycles - daily.

    And here, for example, the pancreas should stop working at 21 o'clock local time and begin to rest. Food in the stomach is digested for about 2 hours, and then goes into the duodenum, where it needs to be treated with pancreatic enzymes, insulin, and gallbladder juice. This means that in order to have time to process hummus with digestive juices, you need to eat no later than 19.00, so that 2 hours after eating, food comes from the stomach to the pancreas, which gave up its enzymes and "went to bed."

    If you eat after 7 pm, then all organs wake up and "try" to digest the food. And they don't do it well.

    Suppose you ate, the stomach woke up, creaking, digested the food, then it goes to the duodenum, but the duodenum 12 sleeps in the same way, where you just shoved a hefty food lump. It does not produce the substances necessary for the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract. Most of the food remains in the duodenum until the morning and will even begin to rot. 12 - the duodenum is distended, and this is a signal for the gallbladder, which begins to produce bile to digest food. It "wakes up" the pancreas, and it begins to produce enzymes that break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And so this whole chemical factory is trying to digest in a sleepy state. As a result, bile stagnates in the gallbladder, thickens and gradually turns into stones.

    In the pancreas, the situation is even more tragic. Her enzymes are sent to the duodenum to digest everything you eat, and no one is waiting for them there, everything is barely working. Most of them return back to the pancreas, where they (enzymes) are immediately taken to "digest" its tissues. As a result, the gland becomes inflamed (pancreatitis).

    Moreover, the pancreas is an organ that produces the hormone insulin. And here comes the next chain of vicious circle. The pancreas has a connection with the pineal gland, which produces the hormone melatonin. So, when the pancreas falls asleep and stops producing insulin, the pituitary gland starts working and begins to produce melatonin.
    As we know, melatonin is a hormone that regulates all hormonal, enzymatic activities of the entire endocrine system. This is the pacemaker of the hormones. And a well-functioning hormonal system is essential for maintaining health!

    And so the pancreas wakes up in the night, and secretes insulin - the connection with the pineal gland is broken. And so on this night you can say goodbye to melatonin, it will not work out ...

    It turns out, in addition to the digestive system, the hormonal system is also disrupted if you load food into yourself after 7 pm.

    This is such a nightmare!

    Forewarned is forearmed!:)
    Be healthy!

    76 43 12

    ), told why in the evening it is impossible to eat cottage cheese and boiled red meat, it is better to give up fruits and not drink a lot of water.

    Product number 1: curd

    Cottage cheese is a protein and low-calorie product (5% cottage cheese - 121 kcal per 100 g). He has a low glycemic index - 30. It would seem, why not? Curd is a product with a high insulin index (120). After you eat it, insulin levels rise in your blood - this is a direct command for the brain to stop breaking down and start storing fat.

    Product # 2: whole milk

    Milk and fermented milk products are not the best option for an evening meal. They contain a lot of milk sugar - lactose (lactose intolerance, for example, is not such a rare occurrence). Bloating and other unpleasant gastrointestinal symptoms are not the best sleep companions. Just like cottage cheese, fermented milk products have a high insulin index. No kefir for the night!

    Product # 3: sweet fruits

    If you don't have stomach problems, you can afford grapefruit or any other unsweetened fruit at night. Peaches, grapes, mangoes and other "carriers" of large amounts of fructose are prohibited. By the way, it is also better not to eat apples after 18.00 - they increase the acidity of the stomach and provoke appetite.

    Product # 4: nuts

    Nuts are an excellent source of vegetable fats. They are great as a snack or to complement your morning porridge. In the evening it is better to refuse them - too "fat" pleasure.

    Product number 5: dried fruits

    Dried fruits are generally cunning comrades. Despite its small size, these are whole fruits, retaining the same amount of sugar as fresh ones. One apricot weighs about 30 g. Its calorie content is about 48 kcal. The weight of dried apricots is about 3 g. Can you imagine how much sugar you get by eating even 15 g of dried fruit? Their time is the first half of the day.

    Product # 6: red meat

    Red meat can not be eaten in the evening under any "sauce": neither boiled, nor baked, nor grilled. It is rich in tyrosine, an alpha amino acid that triggers the release of adrenaline into the bloodstream. This, in turn, leads to nervous excitement. You may not go overboard with calories, but you are unlikely to get enough sleep.

    Product number 7: smoked meats and sausages

    Even if we are talking about smoked fillets. These foods contain teramine, which stimulates the production of norepinephrine. The result is the same as after eating red meat: nervous excitement.

    Product # 8: dark chocolate

    Sweets are generally contraindicated in the evening for those who monitor weight. But especially chocolate. It contains caffeine, which has an exciting effect on the nervous system. But in the morning it is quite possible to allow yourself a few pieces to "wake up".

    Product # 9: black tea

    The same story as with chocolate. Black tea contains caffeine. And in such a concentration, which is enough to arrange you a sleepless night.

    Product number 10: porridge

    Even whole grains are a source of carbohydrates. Yes, they are slow, yes, they are required in the diet, but their time is morning and lunch. Everything that your body does not have time to spend (and by the evening and at night the metabolism slows down), it transforms into adipose tissue.

    Product number 11: pp-baked goods

    PP-baked goods - a box with a "surprise". And he's not as pleasant as he seems. Sugar and white flour are not used in baking. But it is not much inferior to the usual calorie content. For comparison: the energy value of a pp-cheesecake is about 200 kcal, the usual one is about 271 kcal. Sweeteners are added to baked goods, the dangers of which are discussed today by all nutritionists. And there is still flour there, even if it is whole grain.

    Product number 12: products marked "Fitness", "Light", fat-free foods

    In 90% of cases, the “Fitness” mark is a marketing ploy. If you read the composition of such a product, it will not please you: sugar, food colors, trans fats, stabilizers. Their caloric content, as a rule, is not inferior to the energy value of conventional products.

    Product # 13: pickles

    I understand that it is difficult to give up mother's barrel cucumbers and pickled tomatoes. But this must be done if you do not want to see the "beekeeper" in the mirror in the morning. Pickles retain liquid, provoking the appearance of edema.

    Product number 14: sauces

    Avoid sauces - all without exception. Even if they are not too high in calories, they can provoke appetite. Tkemali, for example, is not so harmless - there is a high probability that after this sauce you will want to eat.

    Product # 15: alcohol

    Even good dry wine is on the “black list”. Firstly, alcohol is a high-calorie pleasure, and secondly, it increases appetite. You can find out about the compatibility of alcohol and sports.

    Product number 16: onions, garlic, spices

    Do not use these foods for dinner. They whet the appetite - because of this, you can go over the daily calorie intake.

    Product # 17: whole grain pasta

    This is a great option for lunch or breakfast. Slow carbs do not spike blood insulin and provide long-term satiety. You don't need to eat them in the evening - as in the case of cereals, an excess of carbohydrates is transformed into fat.

    Product # 18: water

    Of course, if you feel thirsty, drink. But take a few sips. A large amount of fluid at night is the cause of swelling in the morning.

    Interview and text: Natalia Kapitsa

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    Is it possible to eat after 6, and if not, then why, not only those who are losing weight often ponder over this problem, but also people who simply monitor their health. And, like any theory, the assertion that late dinners are not very useful has both ardent supporters and those who fundamentally disagree with it. Let's see why it is harmful to eat after 6.

    According to fans of the theory of biorhythms, it slows down with sunset, so the food we eat after sunset is not digested qualitatively, it turns into slags that clog the body. And all the energy received is not spent by us, being transported directly to the fat depots, and settles there with the hated fat. This is a rather controversial theory, but there are still rational reasons why it is worth observing the rule not to eat after six:

    • at night, a full stomach can put pressure on the diaphragm and interfere with normal breathing, which affects the quality of a night's rest not for the better;
    • during sleep, the stomach and digestive organs work less intensively than during the day, and food eaten at night will linger in them for a longer period, and this provokes putrefactive processes in the intestines, and as a result, problems with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • again, if food is retained for a long time in the stomach, its mucous membrane is exposed to hydrochloric acid for too long, which increases the risk of developing gastritis and stomach ulcers.

    And yet, it is no secret that many of us in the morning, if we eat breakfast, do it purely symbolically, at lunch, which most often happens at work (if it happens at all), we also don’t eat much. But in the evening ... There is a super-dense dinner (we haven't eaten all day), and cookies, nuts, kirieshki in front of the TV. So it turns out that in the evening we gain not only a daily, but a three-day calorie intake.

    In this case, there is only one recipe - to tidy up your diet. You should have 3 main meals, and 3 snacks in between. Dinner is really better to arrange at 6 pm if you go to bed at 21: 00-22: 00. If this is not the case, then remember: the last meal should be 4 hours before bedtime.

    Well, for those who have firmly decided to adhere to the rule, there is not a piece of field 6, here are some tips on how to do it:

    1. If you want to eat, drink. Firstly, the water will fill the stomach, and secondly, the centers that are responsible for thirst and in our brain are located nearby, and we often confuse their signals.
    2. Do something fun, watch a movie, read a book, go for a walk.
    3. After dinner, brush your teeth immediately, this will help you psychologically tune in to prepare for bed.
    4. Go to bed early.

    Can you lose weight if you don't eat after 6? This question worries many girls who are trying to fight overweight. We will try to answer it in this article.

    Should you expect results in weight loss if you do not eat after 18.00? How much can you lose weight if you don't have dinner?
    It is believed that eating after 6 is harmful. This is due to the fact that usually after 18, physical activity decreases, and, accordingly, calories are not burned, but remain in the girl's body in the form of fat deposits.

    Also, this statement is justified by the fact that going to bed with a full stomach is not recommended, and you need to eat about three hours before bedtime. Food during sleep is not digested. Accordingly, calories also remain in the body as excess fat.

    There is also a third version of why you cannot eat after 6. According to this statement, the peak of the digestive system falls at noon, and by the evening it decreases. Accordingly, everything eaten during the evening is not digested. Because of this, toxins accumulate in the body, it does not absorb nutrients.

    So which version of the above is actually correct? Is it possible to lose weight without having dinner?
    In fact, the whole point is that with the active use of food in the evening, hormonal levels can be disrupted. Because of this, malfunctions of various organs occur, excess weight is added, diseases arise. It is especially harmful to eat sweets after 6: the negative effect from it will not keep you waiting.

    Of course, not all people rest after 6, some, on the contrary, at this time are just starting to work or go to the gym. In addition, there are people who are awake until the deepest night, which means that they do not stop spending energy at the time when everyone else goes to bed.
    Such people are not forbidden to eat after 6. For them, there is another rule: eat food no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime.

    Is it effective not to eat after 6

    If you do not eat after six, you can lose weight, but you should not expect a quick effect. The first results, which will be really noticeable, will appear in about 2-3 months. But here everything also depends on the characteristics of the female body. Some people lose weight quickly, while others take months to lose at least 10 kilograms. There are also people on whom this method of losing weight has no effect at all.

    People who have experienced this technique on themselves note that with its use, not only weight, but also heaviness in the abdomen goes away.

    How to train yourself not to have dinner after 6? If you decide to skip late dinner, drink plenty of fluids. A hearty breakfast is required so that the body does not malfunction. Also, in order not to suffer from the evening attacks of hunger, you should occupy yourself with something after 18.00. In addition, unsweetened green tea, as well as warm water, helps to defeat hunger. Gradually, the body gets used to the new regime and the person ceases to experience hunger in the evening.

    Thus, a late dinner is harmful to the body, and to refuse it means to benefit yourself and your health. Only the time frame for each person should be different. If you stay up late, eat dinner 2-3 hours before bed. Those who go to bed at 21-22 pm should have dinner at about 6 pm. Well, it is impossible to predict the result in weight loss that you will achieve from applying such a technique in each specific case.