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  • Raw bread: tomato and onion (RAW - raw food recipe). Crispbread for raw foodists and supporters of healthy food Rawbread without a dehydrator

    Raw bread: tomato and onion (RAW - raw food recipe).  Crispbread for raw foodists and supporters of healthy food Rawbread without a dehydrator

    I want to introduce you to the simplest and most common bread recipe. In fact, this is the most common raw food pastry. It is prepared from germinated wheat, flax seeds, almonds and salt. If desired, you can add a little onion, garlic, as well as spiced vegetables to the composition. That is, you can safely change the ingredients to your taste.

    The resulting dough can be used to prepare all sorts of goodies. For example, pizzas, toasts with fruit or vegetable filling, etc.

    I would like to pay a little more attention to the two main components from this basic recipe. This is wheat germ and flax seeds.

    wheat germ

    It is best to use sprouted wheat when making bread. Why? Because wheat germ is a super-nutritious and very useful component. They have so many valuable substances:

    • vitamins of groups B, C and E;
    • vegetable proteins (7.5 g);
    • fats 1.3 g;
    • carbohydrates 41.1 g;
    • minerals (especially a lot of phosphorus, magnesium and potassium);
    • fiber, etc.

    In general, sprouted wheat is a strong biological stimulant. It perfectly cleanses the blood and normalizes metabolic processes in the body. In addition, its regular consumption improves immunity. This is such an amazing and useful product!

    Growing wheat is easy. If you have a home sprouter, then there will be no problems at all.

    But in principle, you can do without it by soaking the grains. True, such germination will take a little more time.

    It is better to perform this procedure in the evening. Place the grains in a bowl or jar, fill with water. There must be enough water in the container to absorb the beans. Top the wheat with three layers of gauze. Leave the container in a warm place until morning.

    In the morning, be sure to rinse the grains several times. Then put gauze in a sieve and spread the wheat in a thin layer over the entire covered surface of the dish. Cover the top of the grains with a cloth. Place the bowl of grains in a warm place and leave for a couple of hours. Remember that wheat germ must be constantly moistened.

    After a couple of hours, small white tails will begin to appear (they will be only 1-2 mm long). Select the wheat with sprouts, and leave the unsprouted until it sprouts.

    Usually in the heat, wheat germinates within 1 day. And when it's cold outside, this procedure can drag on for 3 or more days.

    Flax seeds

    There is a reason in this recipe. They are very helpful. Flax seeds are rich in the following substances:

    • "vitamins of youth" A and E, as well as vitamins of groups B and F;
    • amino acids;
    • antioxidants;
    • omega-3 fatty acids;
    • etc.

    It has an excellent effect on the functioning of the intestines. Fiber helps stabilize sugar levels.

    In addition, it is perhaps our best source of lignans - natural hormones called phytoestrogens. These substances block the action of "bad" estrogens that cause hormone-dependent cancers. By the way, lignans are found only in flax seeds, they are not in oil.

    Please note that breads made according to the basic recipe from flax and wheat germ turn out to be salty.

    They can be used for quick snacks or for making delicious raw pizza. The easiest option: you will need a banana and dates. Mash a banana with a fork, add chopped dates and put this vitamin mass on the finished bread. And how to cook pizza, I wrote in the article "".

    Raw bread is best cooked in a dehydrator. This will make it easier for you to keep track of their readiness. Yes, and there is a high probability that you will not overdry the bread. But if you do not have this miracle device, you can cook bread without a dehydrator. For example, in the oven. In this case, you will need a special grid. Set the oven to a low temperature (preferably with fan convection) and open the door slightly.

    Remember that the finished bread should be dry and crispy on the outside, and slightly viscous on the inside. Store cooled treats in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

    Have you ever made bread? If yes, what is the recipe? Share your recipes in the comments. And after you prepare these raw food breads, write your review about them.

    And here is the recipe for raw bread made from flax and sprouted wheat:


    2-3 servings 90 min. Weight of the finished dish: 380 gr.

    300 gr

    There are a great many different recipes for electric dryers, also known as. It would be simply impossible to list them all, especially within the framework of one article. They can cook a wide variety of herbs, fruits and vegetables: tomatoes, raspberries, apples, bananas... There are so many different possibilities in the electric dryer that for now we will limit ourselves to only a few special recipes.

    One of the top products in the ranking for dehydrators are mushrooms- according to recent observations, mainly chanterelles. For some time, there was an opinion that in Finland they completely shy away from other mushrooms, except for chanterelles (this, of course, turned out to be untrue, but, as usual, there is no smoke without fire). Roughly the same thing is now being said about Scandinavia. The fact is that this mushroom practically does not lose its taste and smell during the drying process, it is rarely wormy (due to its main “residence” - coniferous forests), and also does not require soaking in salt water, unlike many other mushrooms. . It will be enough to clean the earth and leaves from the mushrooms; it is not recommended to wash them before the drying process, as this will greatly slow down the dehydration process.

    Fairly common and extremely good practice: we collect chanterelles, dry them in a way convenient for us (in the sun or using an electric dehydrator) ... And then you don’t have to worry that the product will deteriorate - you can eat them at any time convenient for you.

    The second position after mushrooms in the ranking for dehydrators is occupied by vegetables and fruits- potatoes and beets, raspberries and apples ... You can give quite a few simple recipes for drying them in an electric dryer, and also talk about how marshmallow is prepared in a dehydrator - there are a great many recipes, but more on that later. We also note that the recipes in question are more suitable for horizontal dehydrators(with horizontal airflow). Such models of dryers, unlike round ones, are more functional and provide more opportunities for culinary creativity. In addition, they are more convenient and practical. For example, the model shown in the photo is.

    Dehydrator Recipe #1 - Beetroot Chips in the Dryer

    Without peeling off the skin and without cutting off the tails, wrap the beets in foil and place in the oven, set the temperature to about 180 ° C.
    After 120 minutes, remove from the oven, unfold, cool, peel.

    Cut into thin slices (about 50 mm each).

    Pour wine vinegar (you can also use lemon juice, for example. The main thing is to achieve the marinating effect).

    Add thyme (aka thyme), mix and leave for about 120 minutes.

    Now, finally, we will use the dehydrator for its intended purpose: we lay out the beetroot slices in the trays and turn on the desired temperature. Let's say if we chose 35 ° C, then the entire drying process will take about 20-22 hours.

    By taste, they turn out to be quite peculiar, but at the same time recognizable: all the same beets, only in a new role - sweet and sour, spicy. The consistency is somewhat reminiscent of marmalade, only slightly with a large bias towards ductility. Thyme can be safely replaced with other herbs or no herbs at all - it's purely a matter of taste. This is more difficult than cooking, for example, bananas in an electric dryer (which are easy enough to cut and lay out), but it's definitely worth it.

    Dehydrator Recipe #2 - Oatmeal Cookies

    First we need sprouted oats. It must be left, according to the recipe, in an electric dryer for a couple of hours, then grind into. The degree of grinding depends on your personal preferences, but the result will be more effective the more attention you pay to drying. After that, add sunflower seeds - whole or chopped, dried apricots in the desired amount, 50 grams of chopped flax and two tablespoons of poppy seeds. Finally, we give the entire resulting mass a shape and leave for 8 hours at a temperature of 35-40 ° C.

    Dehydrator Recipe #3 - Plum Apple Marshmallow

    You always have the opportunity to cook a wonderful marshmallow in a dehydrator (according to the recipe - from a variety of fruits). The ideal (but not the only possible) combination of products for marshmallows would be a mixture of:

    ♦ three apples (preferably sweet and sour)
    ♦ five plums
    ♦ pinch of cinnamon
    ♦ fructose in the amount of one tablespoon.

    The cooking sequence for the recipe for the electric dryer will be as follows:

    We place all the fruits in the blender, start it and turn it off after about a minute (after about three minutes the product will become more viscous and more difficult to dry).

    We evenly distribute the resulting plum-apple marshmallow in an electric dryer - the recipe requires setting the temperature to 35-40 ° C and waiting 12-16 hours.

    We enjoy delicious marshmallow prepared according to all the rules of the recipe for an electric dryer.

    By the way, the dehydrator comes with 9 solid trays with sides for marshmallow, which is very convenient, since there is no need to buy trays separately.

    Dehydrator Recipe #4 - Flax Bread

    There is an excellent raw food recipe for crispbread in a dehydrator! To do this, stock up:

    ♦ 500 g tomatoes
    ♦ two red peppers
    ♦ 300 g brown flax seeds
    ♦ a couple of garlic cloves
    ♦ herbs to your taste - dill, basil or parsley

    ♦ spicy seasoning with salt.

    First of all, you should send in tomatoes and peppers, run it, achieve a mushy state of the contents and pour it into a bowl. In order for the tomato peel to be crushed as efficiently as possible and not to get into pieces, we recommend using a blender with a power of at least 3-4 horsepower (2200-2900 W), for example, or. Next, grind the flax. Such hard seeds can be crushed to a mushy state using the same blender with sufficient power of 3-4 horsepower. Add chopped flax to the rest of the mass. If you wish, you can also sprinkle with sunflower seeds or some other. Now we put the resulting mass in, set the temperature to 40-45 ° C and wait for about 6-8 hours. We turn the bread over, and after another 6-8 hours, the device can be turned off, and the dish is ready to eat.

    Recipe for dehydrator No. 5 - sun-dried tomatoes in an electric dryer

    We wash the tomatoes under cold water, remove the stalks, wipe with a towel until they are as dry as possible.

    In the temperature settings for sun-dried tomatoes in an electric dryer, we set no more than 40 ° C, if we want to cook according to raw food standards. Drying time - about 12 hours.

    If you want sun-dried tomatoes to be saturated with herbs (rosemary, basil) and garlic, then pour two or three tablespoons into the bottom of a glass jar vegetable oil, after which we spread the actual tomatoes on top. Add a pinch of greens on top, garlic in the right amount, pour a layer of oil. Salt, then put the next layer of tomatoes, acting on the same principle, until the jar is full. Ideally, we try to keep as little oil as possible in the space between the slices. To do this, spread the tomatoes as close to each other as possible.

    To see how cooking sun-dried tomatoes in an electric dryer looks like, you can open the video - How to dry and dry tomatoes in a dehydrator:

    Recipe for dehydrator No. 6 - prunes in an electric dryer

    There are many excellent ways to prepare dried plums. Let's write one of them step by step.

    We remove the stalks and leaves from the plums, rinse them thoroughly.

    We perform blanching of plums: we lower them for about 30 seconds in water with dissolved baking soda, after which we must rinse in cold water. If we did everything right, barely noticeable cracks should appear on the surface of the plums. Now we can be sure that excess moisture will evaporate through them during the drying process (if you followed the recipe) in an electric dryer.

    We cut each plum into three or four parts, remove the seeds from them.

    We can put our future prunes in an electric dryer. Set the temperature to 40 ° C, dry for 4 hours. We take a break to cool the plum - turn off the dehydrator for 4-5 hours. This is necessary in order to avoid the release of juice from the plum. Then we resume the drying process, wait 6 hours at a temperature of 60 ° C and take a break again. After that, we repeat the procedure for the last time: temperature 70 ° C, drying time - 6 hours.

    We take out the finished prunes from the electric dryer, make sure that it is soft to the touch, elastic, and does not release juice when pressed. Ready!

    Dehydrator Recipe #7 - Apple Marshmallow

    Here is how apple marshmallow is prepared in an electric dryer (a recipe for real Belyov marshmallow according to all the rules):

    We take the right amount of apples (according to the recipe for an electric dryer, ideally, Antonovka should be chosen). We cut each apple into 4 sectors, completely remove the seeds from them and place the rest on a baking sheet in the oven. Set the temperature to 180°C and bake for 40 minutes. It is necessary to achieve a soft state of apples - we will place them in an electric dryer later.

    We put baked apples in a colander and leave for a long time (best for 12 hours) to ensure that excess juice drains (it will be easier with Antonovka, since it has the highest solids content).

    Let's weigh the apples to determine the right amount of sugar that will need to be added to them (from 140 to 200 grams per 500 grams of puree). Armed with a blender, bring them to a state of puree, then beat with a mixer.

    Now beat the protein separately, gradually adding sugar to it (by analogy with cooking homemade meringue). You can guess whether the whipped protein is ready by turning the bowl upside down: if it stays on the bottom, it means that it has reached the desired condition.

    Add whipped protein to applesauce, mix thoroughly. We put ¾ of the puree in the refrigerator, and the rest of the apples in an electric dryer on a special baking sheet. The thickness can vary from 0.5 to 1 cm. A thin layer risks tearing, but a thicker one will take longer to dry.

    At a temperature of 40°C, the drying process will take about 7 hours. We recommend that you periodically check the degree of readiness by opening the dryer and slightly prying off the top layer. By the presence of a damp mass, one can guess that this is not yet quite ready apple marshmallow (it can be in an electric dryer for more than 7 hours according to the recipe). If it is ready, then we take out the previously deferred mashed potatoes from the refrigerator. We cut the dried leaf into two parts, coat it with mashed potatoes. We cover with a second sheet, after which we lightly coat the puree on all sides and send it back to the dryer for an hour and a half.

    We take out the apple marshmallow from the electric dryer (dehydrator) - according to the recipe, it must be allowed to cool, then sprinkle with powder. It remains only to cut it into strips to give the desired shape, and that's it! The pasta is ready.

    Recipe number 8 - carrot cakes in a dehydrator

    Below we will try to determine the ingredients and their quantity as accurately as possible.

    Let's prepare carrots and Jerusalem artichokes - with a total weight of about 500 grams, 200 grams of flax seeds, 2-3 tablespoons of dry herbs, a bunch of green onions, a glass of clean, cold water and salt in the desired amount.

    We squeeze the juice from the vegetables - we don’t need it ourselves (you can drink it), and put the pomace in a bowl. If the cake turned out to be completely dry, then it is better to add a little juice to it.

    Add to the same bowl where the cake, a glass of water, a small amount of salt and dry herbs. We mix it all with a blender. It is important that no large vegetable fragments remain. For this, for example, the Dream Vitamin model is suitable.

    We put here the pickled onion and flax seed, ground in a coffee grinder. After mixing, leave the resulting mass for about 15 minutes.

    According to this recipe, the bread in the dehydrator should be dried at a temperature of 40 ° C. Periodically, you need to check the condition of the loaves: when they are easily separated from the sheets, they can be considered ready.

    Dehydrator Recipe #9 - Carrot and Beetroot Chips

    We will show you how to cook high-quality beetroot and carrot chips in an electric dryer - the recipe is quite simple. In order to prepare two or three servings of these chips, we need:

    ♦ 2 small beets
    ♦ 2 carrots slightly larger than average
    ♦ 1 tablespoon olive oil
    ♦ 1 tablespoon dried herbs
    ♦ 2 teaspoons of ground salt.

    We wash the root crops with special care, dry them with a dry, clean cloth or towel.

    We do not peel off the skin from vegetables, but immediately cut them into as thin slices as possible (it would be better to choose a sharper knife).

    We set the temperature to 40 ° C and dry for about 12-14 hours, depending on the thickness of the chips.

    Now you can sprinkle our beetroot chips with some good seasoning and enjoy their unique taste!

    Dehydrator Recipe #10 - Meringues

    The list of recipes for the electric dryer will be incomplete if you do not mention the preparation of meringues (meringues). We will tell you about the method of preparing citrus meringue.

    We take 3 egg whites, 180 grams of sugar.

    Beat egg whites together with 1 tablespoon of sugar, gradually adding one more spoon at a time as you go.

    Approximately in the middle, add a pinch of citric acid and bring the whipping process to the end.

    We spread the meringues on the sheets of the dryer in a way convenient for you and dry for 7 hours at a temperature of 40 ° C. Ready.

    Dehydrator Recipe #11 - Dehydrator Yogurt

    Quite an interesting recipe for drying in an electric dryer for homemade yogurt. We will need the following ingredients:

    ♦ milk with a fat content of 3.5 - 6%, 1000 ml;

    ♦ yogurt without additives for sourdough - 200 ml;

    ♦ fresh or frozen blueberries - 400 grams;

    ♦ any amount of sugar or honey - to taste.

    Cooking process:

    Defrost blueberries if they are frozen.

    Pour milk and put yogurt in a blender. It should grind the contents for about 10 seconds.

    Pour milk into glass jars (fill each one three-quarters and close with a lid), put them in a dehydrator, select a temperature of 40 ° C and leave to work for 6 hours. Please note that only a horizontal dehydrator will be suitable for this task, as it allows you to remove excess pallets and place cans freely. The ideal option would be due to the large number of pallets.

    As a topping, you can prepare blueberries and granulated sugar - mix them in a blender until smooth.

    Remove yogurt from dehydrator and let cool. Add topping.

    Yogurt is ready - it can be stored for up to two days in the refrigerator.

    Dehydrator Recipe #12 - Raw Nachos Chips


    ♦ fresh corn in the amount of 4 pieces;

    ♦ one bunch of parsley;

    ♦ two teaspoons of curry;

    ♦ one teaspoon of turmeric;

    ♦ desired amount of salt (if needed).

    Cooking process:

    Cut corn kernels off the cob.

    We mix corn with spices in a blender, as a result of which a homogeneous mass should be obtained. Blender 3 green onions; Pour in sugar, shake lightly to evenly distribute the sugar. ♦ We will need: breadcrumbs, grated parmesan, almond milk without sugar (all ingredients are a quarter cup in volume), 2 zucchini squash, cheese, salt, garlic powder, granulated black pepper, olive oil.

    Zucchini is cut into slices 0.5 cm thick - this is one of the basic rules this recipe for electric dryer.

    Cheese, salt, breadcrumbs, garlic powder and pepper are mixed in one bowl.

    After that, dip the zucchini in milk and bread it in the resulting mixture.

    It remains only to put them on pallets and dry at a temperature of 40 ° C for 10 hours.

    Recipe for dehydrator No. 15 - dried Ivan tea

    Pastila, meringues, sun-dried tomatoes, chips - recipes for an electric dryer are not limited to this, you can cook a lot of healthy goodies. In conclusion of this list of recipes for an electric dryer, remember that you can dry not only fruits and vegetables, but also all kinds of herbs. The dehydrator is an ideal device for harvesting dried Ivan tea, thanks to its precise settings temperature regime. In addition, the grass in it dries quickly enough, with minimal losses. useful qualities. This is another reason why dehydrators are at the top of the raw food kitchen rankings. We recommend paying attention to the model - it can be installed additionally up to 9 mesh sheets for bulk products. These sheets are included (all 9 pieces).

    At the same time, Ivan-tea is dried quite simply:

    Infused in a bucket under a very tightly closed lid for 15-20 hours. Periodically, you should check how the smell of grass changes. When it starts to smell like fruit, it means that Ivan-tea has already been infused.

    Now you can put it in a dehydrator and dry it at 40°C for about 9-10 hours if you follow the raw food recipe for an electric dryer.

    Perhaps these are the most popular recipes for an electric dryer. Such a device allows not only to effectively cook according to ready-made recipes, but also to combine them and invent your own. We especially recommend - this is a universal model that allows you to remove and insert trays at your discretion. This is very convenient in cases where we need to dry products in whole jars: we remove extra trays and freely place products. Please note that this will not affect the drying quality in any way. The possibilities here are simply endless, so a dehydrator can be a great addition to your home's kitchen structure.

    Raw bread - a very interesting thing! They may well replace toasts, and there are a lot of options for their preparation, so you can find a recipe for every taste. The only thing is that you need a dehydrator to make bread (a special dryer where you can dry food at different temperatures, starting from 35 degrees). Of course, you can dry the bread in the oven at 115 degrees, but I have never done this, so I can’t tell you what nuances will arise during the cooking process.

    Tomato raw bread

    We will need:
    tomatoes - 500 gr,
    red peppers - 2 pcs.,
    brown flax seeds - 300 gr,
    garlic - 1-2 cloves (optional)
    dried or fresh herbs - basil, dill,
    salt and pepper to taste.

    I know that now you can’t find natural tomatoes and peppers during the day with fire - it’s not the season. We bought a lot of late tomatoes in mid-October, and they still lie quietly on the balcony. Those that spoil, we clean and use for cooking, the rest we eat raw. But these are, of course, the last tomatoes this year. However, I still want to share the recipe, let it stay with you for the future. Or maybe someone wants to make bread from imported tomatoes, which are sold now.


    Tomatoes, peppers and garlic squeezed through the garlic (you can do it without garlic) are sent to a blender and beat into porridge. Put everything in a bowl. Flax needs to be ground in a coffee grinder into flour and added to the tomato mass. Mix everything well, salt, pepper and spread on a silicone sheet for a dehydrator. You can sprinkle with different seeds, I sprinkled with sunflower seeds. Evenly level the "dough" and dry at 40-45 degrees. After about 6-8 hours, it is better to turn the loaves over.

    As a rule, by this time the top of the mass has already dried up and it will be possible to carefully turn it over onto a regular tray with the dried side down, while carefully peeling off the wet side with a spatula. It is better at this stage to cut the bread into pieces (by pressing a simple knife or the same spatula). When they are already dried, they are a little inconvenient to break, as the finished loaves break unevenly and crumble. And you will be very pleased with the smell in the apartment during drying!

    onion bread

    Onion bread tastes like something like chips or crackers. In our case, soy sauce gives them such a taste. Soy sauce must be of high quality! The cheaper it is, the more likely it is that you have a miserable semblance of soy sauce with various additives. Be sure to look at the bottom of the bottle: there should not be a white precipitate - only a clear, almost black liquid.

    I cannot say that I have detailed information about the usefulness of soy sauce, I have not studied this topic thoroughly, but so far I have not found anything bad about this product, on the contrary, I read that soy sauce is even useful in moderation. I would be grateful if someone could share their knowledge on this matter.

    We will need:
    onion - 250 gr (one large onion approximately),
    soy sauce - ¼ cup
    extra virgin olive oil - ¼ cup
    brown linen - 200 gr.

    We send the chopped onion, soy sauce, olive oil to a blender and beat. Grind flax in a coffee grinder into flour. We mix everything together. Don't add salt as the soy sauce is already salty. We spread the mass on a silicone sheet for a dehydrator, sprinkle with parsley and sesame seeds. We dry at 40-45 degrees and do the same manipulations as with tomato bread. The bread is dried for a total of about a day - a day of crazy smell in the apartment, which is difficult to resist ... Therefore, dry the bread on the balcony, if there is one.

    As you can see, making raw bread is easy! The hardest part of this process is waiting to eat them!

    Bon Appetit!

    Raw bread: tomato and onion (RAW - raw food recipe) was last modified: May 18th, 2016 by admin

    The recipe for this dish may include a variety of ingredients. Raw breads are made from flax seeds, chickpeas, green buckwheat, sesame seeds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, nuts, and various vegetables. The recipe allows the use of germinated seeds, both raw and dried.

    Products for linen bread:

    1. flaxseed - 200 g (1 cup);
    2. sunflower seed - 100 g (1/2 cup);
    3. 2 stalks of fresh celery;
    4. 2 small fresh carrots;
    5. 1 medium tomato;
    6. 1 small onion;
    7. salt, suneli hops, dried herbs to taste.

    Dough preparation time: 10-15 minutes.

    Baking time: 5-10 hours.

    Total cooking time: 5-10 hours.

    Number of loaves: 12 pieces.

    This recipe can be considered as a basic one. Instead of flaxseed flour, you can add buckwheat, chickpeas to raw bread, from vegetables - Jerusalem artichoke, bell pepper, pumpkin, zucchini.

    Cooking bread without flour

    Baking Recipe:

    • Grind the seeds in a coffee grinder or combine to a state of flour.

    Advice. Sift flour through a sieve before using.

    • Wash the selected vegetables, peel and also grind into a puree state.

    Advice. For baking raw bread, you can use the cake left after squeezing juice from vegetables.

    • Mix flour and vegetable puree in a bowl. Add salt, seasonings, herbs.

    Advice. The dough should be of medium thickness. If it turns out very thick, then you can add vegetable juice or water.

    • Leave the mixture for 5-10 minutes insist.
    • Spread the dough evenly over the silicone sheet of the dehydrator. The thickness of the layer depends on your preference. It is better to immediately cut the layer into portioned parts so that after drying it does not break or crumble. You can easily do this with a pizza cutter.

    Advice. From a thin layer of dough you get crispy bread, from a thick one - more fluffy, with a viscous middle.

    • Depending on the thickness of the layer and personal preferences, dry the dough from 5 to 24 hours at a temperature of 38-40 degrees.

    Advice. If you do not have a dehydrator, you can also cook bread in the oven at the lowest temperature and with the door slightly open.

    • We serve linen bread with the first course, with tea, with fruit filling or as a base for pizza.

    Live chickpea bread

    Raw chickpea breads are no less tasty and healthy. This product helps to lower blood cholesterol levels, stabilizes blood pressure, normalizes sugar levels, strengthens the walls of veins and arteries.

    Ingredients for Chickpea Bread:

    • chickpeas (flour) - 200 g (1 cup);
    • water - 250 ml (1 cup);
    • sesame seeds - 70 g (1/3 cup);
    • lemon juice - 3 tablespoons;
    • olive oil - 2 tablespoons;
    • 1 small clove of garlic;
    • salt, seasonings to taste.

    Dough preparation time: 15-20 minutes.

    Baking time: 10-12 hours.

    Total cooking time: 10-12 hours.

    Number of loaves: 12 pieces.

    Cooking method:

    • Mix chickpea flour with sesame seeds, salt, seasonings.

    Advice. Sesame can be pre-ground in a coffee grinder.

    • Add water, lemon juice and oil, mix.
    • Leave in a warm place for 5-10 minutes.
    • Crush the garlic clove and add to the dough.
    • Stir the mixture again and spread on sheets to dry in a dehydrator or oven.
    • Dry for 10-12 hours at a minimum temperature of 40 degrees.
    • Serve bread with any meal.

    Cook bread according to the video:

    Good day, dear reader! This article will be useful for both raw foodists and people who want to eat right so as not to gain weight.

    I have long understood that bread greatly interferes with getting a good shape. What to do when sometimes you really want something like this bread with the same tomatoes or tea, or just crunch?

    How can bread be raw? How to make it stick together? - you ask. Incredibly, it's very easy!

    First of all, about the composition of the bread:

    • Carrot;
    • Onion;
    • Flax-seed;
    • dried herbs;
    • Salt;
    • Garlic.

    When you fill your hand, you will definitely want to experiment. You can, for example, add sesame flour or sunflower seeds to add flavor variety, because it soothes the psyche.

    The cooking process is quite simple, watch this video, and you will surely be captured by the cooking process

    This is one of the easiest recipes for making raw flax bread. In the video for making bread, a vegetable dryer is used - very convenient. You can also cook this bread in a dehydrator or on a vegan stovetop.

    But if you don’t have anything like this in the kitchen yet, then it’s quite possible to dry the bread by placing them on a battery or in the sun. You can also use the oven. If you are not a raw foodist, then dry for 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 160-180 degrees. And for raw foodists, it is best to set the minimum that allows the oven and dry for several hours.

    These are chickpea flour based breads. Bean flour is known to be an excellent substitute for eggs in lean dough.

    We grind chickpeas. You will have small flakes left in the flour, this is a shell from peas, so it must be filtered through a sieve.

    To make bread, you will need the following products:

    • 200 g chickpea flour;
    • 70 g sesame seeds (leave whole or grind in a coffee grinder);
    • 250 - 300 ml. water;
    • 1 clove of garlic (grind in a mortar or squeeze in a garlic press, or grate);
    • 1.5 teaspoons of zira (grind);
    • 2-3 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice;
    • 1 - 2 tbsp. tablespoons of cold-pressed olive or sesame oil;
    • Salt;
    • Seasonings to your taste - paprika, black pepper, herbs;

    Cooking. Mix flour with sesame seeds, salt, spices, water, oil and leave for 5 minutes. After the dough has settled, add the grated garlic. We mix everything thoroughly.

    The dough is ready and we can spread it on silicone dehydrator sheets.

    live bread recipe

    This recipe is already more complicated, but it is good for its variety. For example, it can be made from pumpkin by grinding it, or make them buckwheat using not fried, but green buckwheat.

    The composition of flour for miracle bread is as follows:

    • Linen - 300 g;
    • Sesame - 50 g;
    • Raw sunflower seeds - 50 g;
    • a pinch of coriander;
    • A pinch of cilantro;

    We put it all in a food processor and grind. When all the ingredients are mixed and we have flour, we must free the combine by pouring the mixture into another container.

    Now chop the vegetables, for this we need:

    • 4 sticks of celery;
    • 4 carrots;
    • One small onion;
    • 2 cloves of garlic;
    • 2 tomatoes;
    • Raisin;
    • Salt;
    • Lemon juice.

    We also grind all this in a combine. It should be vegetable puree. Then add the already prepared flour and a little water.

    Now, spread this mixture on the dehydrator sheets. Dry for about twelve hours.

    Bread with tomatoes

    Another fancy recipe. It also uses a large number of ingredients. It can inspire some people and scare others. Do not be afraid to change or simplify something - bread rolls are good because they are difficult to spoil.

    So, for cooking we need:

    • Carrot - 500 g
    • Celery - small bunch
    • Dill - small bunch
    • Bulgarian pepper of medium size - 2 pcs
    • Chili pepper - 1pc
    • Bulb large - 1 pc.
    • Small tomatoes - 4 pieces
    • Lemon - 1pc
    • Garlic - 3-4 cloves
    • Raisins - 100 g
    • Flax seed - 300g
    • Sunflower and pumpkin seeds - 100g
    • Sesame - 100g
    • Milk thistle seeds - 100g
    • Cumin, coriander (seed) - to taste

    Sprouted buckwheat bread

    For cooking, we need the following products:

    • 400 gr - sprouted buckwheat (scroll through a meat grinder)
    • 400 gr - carrots (grate on a fine grater)
    • 1 onion
    • 2 tomatoes
    • 200 gr - walnuts (grind in a blender)
    • a bunch of fresh herbs, Provence herbs to taste
    • 6 garlic cloves
    • 50 gr - flax seed (grind in a coffee grinder)
    • 50 gr - sesame

    And how to cook - watch the video. By the way - pay attention - sesame here comes whole, not ground. It is believed that whole sesame is not absorbed by the body, but if it is ground, then the bread will be bitter. Personally, I also like the way a whole sesame crunches on the teeth, and I like its bitterness when it is ground.

    The simplest raw bread

    In the end, we left the simplest breads made from germinated wheat. They differ in that they do not include seasonings and additives in the form of vegetables.

    Consider step by step how to cook them:

    1. We are harvesting wheat. To do this, we need to fill the wheat with water. After 6-8 hours, rinse and cover with gauze. After 10 hours, it will begin to germinate. We are waiting for the sprouts to be about 2 - 3 mm.
    2. We twist through a meat grinder.
    3. Dry for 2-3 hours.

    Our bread rolls are ready. They are ideal as a base for a sandwich, such as sun-dried tomatoes.


    Of course, these are not all the world's recipes for making raw bread, but you can experiment yourself, achieving the taste you need. For example, making onion or tomato bread.

    Raw foodists believe that a person's diet can consist entirely of raw foods. Ayurveda talks about 50 percent or more of raw foods in the daily diet. However, there are subtleties of the use of live foods.

    I hope the information was interesting and useful for you. If so, then share these recipes with your friends on social networks. And in order not to miss anything, subscribe to our blog updates.

    Be healthy! Experiment and be more creative, my friends! It's so inspiring!