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  • How to make a filling of prunes for pies. Ukrainian holiday pies with prunes

    How to make a filling of prunes for pies.  Ukrainian holiday pies with prunes

    We'll be making a prune pie in the oven. The recipe is quite simple, even young inexperienced chefs are able to perform simple actions without mistakes. Wash the prunes, trying to better remove the oily coating, fill with hot water so that it swells a little. Break all the eggs into a deep bowl, add all the sugar and vanilla sugar required by the recipe.

    Whisk all ingredients, using an electric mixer. The granulated sugar should dissolve completely, you will notice this, the sugar crystals will disappear.

    In a bowl with the resulting mass, pour flour and baking powder, sifted through a sieve.

    Mix everything thoroughly and beat again until the lumps disappear, the structure of the mixture should be smooth, the consistency of thick sour cream.

    Now it's time to make the filling for the pie. Throw the prunes soaked in boiling water in a colander, put on a napkin, dry slightly and cut into small pieces. Chop the nuts with a knife or pestle in a special mortar.

    Transfer the chopped food to a bowl of dough.

    Use a spoon or wooden spatula to mix the added filling into the batter.

    Grease a beautiful baking dish or an ordinary pan with high sides with butter, pour flour on the bottom and sides of the container, shake the pan so that it is powdered with flour, remove excess flour. Place the dough stuffed with prunes and walnuts in a skillet.

    Turn on the oven and preheat it to 180 degrees. Place the baking dish in the oven, bake for 30-35 minutes. Check the doneness by piercing the middle of the pie with a clean-bladed knife. If the blade stays dry, then the cake is ready. But, the remainder of the batter on the knife suggests that the baking time should be extended a little more.

    Carefully remove the baking dish from the oven without removing the pie, let it cool slightly, and only then remove the finished dessert. Sprinkle powdered sugar on the cake if desired, and to decorate the baked goods.

    Serve your wonderful self-made masterpiece with tea, let your loved ones enjoy and say thank you.


    • To make the cake even more lush, you can add 1 tsp to the dough. baking soda, quenched with 9% vinegar solution (tablespoon).
    • There is no need to grind nuts "down", in baking they must retain their unique taste, and crushed into dust, they will lose all their "zest".
    • If, in your stocks, there are not enough prunes, you can fill the gap with raisins or dried apricots.
    • Also be sure to try cooking.

    Delicious pies with yeast dough prunes

    I've loved prune pies since childhood! They were always eaten first. Among other pastries, were the most popular in our family. Mom always cooked them on - butter and tender. Anyone who loves prunes will love these delicious, delicate airy pies. Juicy and aromatic.

    This time I decided to cook them from a different dough.

    We put the dough for the pies on yeast, but unusual, but which always remains in large quantities after cooking. There is not much baking in it, there is no butter at all, so there is no feeling of heaviness after drinking tea with these delicious pies with prunes.

    The dough is simple and the filling is almost done - with a minimum of effort.


    • 1 egg
    • 150 ml milk whey
    • 2 tablespoons sugar
    • 0.5 teaspoon tablespoons of salt
    • 1 table. tablespoons of vegetable oil
    • 5-10 g raw pressed yeast (3 g dry - 0.5 teaspoon without top)
    • 300 g flour
    • a pinch of vanillin
    • For filling
    • 0.7 kg - 1 kg pitted prunes
    • Sugar to taste
    • 1 egg for greasing the dough

    Recipe for making pies with prunes with a photo:

    First, let's prepare the yeast dough. I prefer to make it with fresh pressed yeast, but dry yeast can also be used.

    Dry yeast can be immediately put into flour when kneading the dough, raw ones must be prepared.

    Pour 50 ml of whey or water into a mug, put raw yeast and 0.5 teaspoon. tablespoons of sugar

    Mix well. Fresh yeast will immediately begin to react - in just 10 minutes it will begin to increase in volume. This means that they can already be put into the dough.

    Pour warm whey into a saucepan,

    Add sugar, salt, chicken egg

    Add vanillin

    And vegetable (I have sunflower) oil.

    Stir, add flour

    Pour our whipped yeast onto the flour. Or add dry ones if the willows have chosen them for the test.

    Knead the dough with your hands or with a mixer. Knead the dough well.

    Form the dough, sprinkle with flour and leave to come up in a warm place, covering the pan with a lid or towel.

    The dough should "fit". Those. double in volume

    We knead it with our hand and leave it to come up again.

    As soon as the dough comes up a second time, you can shape our prune pies.

    While the dough was coming up, I made a filling for the pies - prunes.

    It's very simple, now prunes are sold pitted.

    Fill it with boiling water, wash it well. If your prunes are dried, not wet. Keep it in boiling water for 15 minutes to make it swell.

    We drain the water.

    Then it must be scrolled through a meat grinder.

    Add sugar to taste. Mix well.

    Form a sausage from the dough and cut into pieces.

    Roll each piece into a cake, put a teaspoon of prunes on it,

    Pinch the edges of the dough and shape into a patty

    Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and put the pies at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other, because they will continue to increase in volume.

    We put a baking sheet with pies in a warm place for proofing. At this time, you need to turn on the oven so that it warms up.

    After 15-20 minutes, when the pies increase in volume, grease them with a beaten egg. This is done simply - break the egg into a mug and beat with a fork until smooth. Lubricate the surface of the patties with a silicone brush.

    We send it to an oven heated to 170 degrees and bake until golden brown.

    In a gas oven, my temperature is not set. I always bake over high heat first, and then when the delicious aroma of fresh baked goods appears, I reduce the gas to a minimum and bake until tender. The baking time always depends on the dough.

    As soon as the pies are browned to the shade you need, listen to them from the oven.

    Cool a little and serve with aromatic tea! They are good both warm and cold.

    That's all! Delicious and fragrant prune pies are ready! Bon Appetit!

    How to make a sweet prune filling? - It's simple! You need to take dried fruits, orange juice, some zest and water. All this is not to be boiled for long. At the end of cooking, stir in the sugar that thickens and sweetens the plum. Just a few steps and you have a wonderful filling for sweet pies.

    This filling can be used not only for pies. It can be served as a simple jam for toast or crackers. Taste it on a fried slice of French bread with soft nut cheese for an unforgettable combination of flavors. I hope you will like it!

    Also on our website you can find recipes for your pastries.

    See also:

    Sweet prune filling recipe


    1. Two cups of prunes
    2. One glass of water
    3. A quarter glass of orange juice
    4. One teaspoon orange peel
    5. A quarter teaspoon of salt
    6. 1/3 cup granulated sugar

    You will also need:

    1. A small saucepan with a thick bottom.
    2. Potato pusher or mixer.

    Cooking method

    Mix the ingredients and start preparing the dried fruit filling

    • In a small saucepan with a thick bottom, pour a glass of water, a quarter glass of orange juice, a quarter teaspoon of salt, orange zest and prunes. Don't add sugar yet! Stir, put on fire and bring to a boil.

    Removing excess moisture

    • Reduce heat to medium and cover. Let the liquid boil slowly. Boil the mixture for about twenty minutes. Do not forget to stir periodically.
    • After twenty minutes, open the pan, slightly increase the heat and boil the prunes for another five minutes, evaporating the moisture. Make sure that the berry does not burn by stirring it frequently in a saucepan. When the liquid in the pan remains about three tablespoons, remove it from the heat.

    Stir in sugar

    • It's time to add sugar. Pour one third of a glass of granulated sugar into the dried fruit and stir allowing the sugar to completely dissolve.

    Mash the prunes

    • It remains to crush the prunes with a potato crush until smooth. Use a fork to knead the pieces that did not succumb to the crush. If you want a smoother puree, punch through it with a hand blender.

    The filling is ready, let it cool before using.

    • We got a wonderful, sweet filling of prunes. With which you can stuff pies, rolls or rolls. Allow the filling to cool to room temperature before using in your baked goods. You can store the filling in a closed jar in the refrigerator.

    Bon appetit!

    Dried fruit fillings for New Year's holiday baking are simply doomed to success. From their taste and aroma, it becomes warmer and more comfortable in the house. We offer you a wonderful recipe for Ukrainian holiday pies with prunes for a family home meal and a noble treat at a hospitable table.

    Ukrainian festive pies with prunes we offer to bake in the oven from butter yeast dough in milk, eggs and butter.

    For the test:
    - flour - 500 g + a little for adding
    - milk - 1 glass
    - sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
    - eggs - 3 pcs.
    - butter - 100 g
    - fresh yeast - 20 g
    - salt - 1 tsp

    For filling:
    - prunes - 400 g
    - crushed walnuts - about 1 cup
    - honey - 3 tbsp. spoons
    - ground cinnamon - to taste
    - lemon juice - from 1 lemon

    - butter for greasing a baking sheet - 20 g
    - egg for greasing pies - 1 pc.

    Ukrainian holiday pies with prunes

    1. Knead the dough first. To do this, heat the milk until warm (35-38 degrees), add yeast and leave for 15 minutes. During this time, the dough will ferment and foam.

    2. Melt the butter, cool until warm. In a large bowl, combine eggs with melted butter. Add a suitable dough, salt. Gradually adding the sifted flour, knead a soft dough.

    3. Stir the dough first with a spoon and finally with your hands on a floured table. The flour may go a little less or more. The resulting dough should not be too steep, but also not sticky.

    4. Return the dough ball to the bowl, cover with a towel and place in a warm place for 2 hours to rise and double in volume. During this time, pummel 1-2 times, followed by growth.

    5. While the dough is warming up, prepare the filling. Fry the walnuts in a dry frying pan and grind until coarse. Rinse pitted prunes, cover with hot water and leave until softened. Then strain the water and cut the prunes into pieces.

    6. In a separate bowl, combine chopped prunes with nuts, cinnamon, honey, and lemon juice. Mix the finished filling thoroughly.

    7. Finally, crush the last dough that came up, form a roller, cut into equal pieces, from which roll out the cakes. Place the plum filling in the middle of each tortilla.

    8. To make open patties, make vertical cuts on both sides of the filling, not all the way to the end of the cake, and wrap its edges over the filling, inserting one end of the cake into the notch of the second edge.

    9. Grease a baking sheet with butter, put the formed open pies on it and place in a warm place for 20-30 minutes to prove.

    10. Then smear the top of the pies with an egg, and send the baking sheet to the oven, preheated to 200 degrees, for 20-25 minutes, until the crust is golden brown.

    11. Transfer the ready-made Ukrainian holiday pies with prunes from the baking sheet to a dish, into a deep bowl or earthen makitra. Cover with a towel and leave for 20-30 minutes to soften the crust. It is better to serve the pies cold.

    Bon appetit and delicious pies!

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