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  • Various types of lip gymnastics in the work of a speech therapist. Treatment of maxillofacial deformities

    Various types of lip gymnastics in the work of a speech therapist. Treatment of maxillofacial deformities

    A basic set of exercises for the prevention or correction of dentoalveolar anomalies:

    Basic rules for conducting therapeutic myogymnastics:
    - muscle contractions should be performed with maximum amplitude, 3-4 times a day for 5-10 minutes.

    Respiration normalization - performed in the morning exercises, physical education lessons, during walks.

    1. Starting position - posture must be correct:
      1. Keep head and torso straight.
      2. The shoulders are slightly laid back together with the hands down.
      3. The chest should be unfolded.
      4. Elbow joints are pressed to the back
      5. Belly tucked up
      6. Legs in a straight position (knee joints are straight).
    2. Sequence: full inhalation through the nose due to the movement of the abdominal muscles, and exhalation with the help of the chest, again through the nose. Repeat up to 12 times.

    Exercises to normalize lip-closing function :

    Starting position: sitting in front of a mirror, keep your head straight, shoulders slightly laid back and slightly lowered, chest deployed, knee joints bent, legs together, heels together, stomach tightened:

    Exercise No. 1. Pull your lips forward, close, depict a tube, stretch widely;

    Exercise No. 2. Pull your lips forward, close, depict a mouthpiece, proboscis (you can say something, hold for a few seconds and return it back.)

    Exercise No. 3. Close your lips, puff out your cheeks, slowly squeeze out the air through your compressed lips with your fists;

    Exercise No. 4. Close lips, then move them alternately to the right and left;

    Exercise No. 5. Close your lips, inflate air under the upper lip, then under the lower lip;

    Exercise No. 6. Place the bent little fingers in the corners of the mouth, do not close the lips, slightly spread the fingers to the sides, close the lips;

    Exercise No. 7. With an effort to blow out the air stream ("the breeze is blowing", "extinguish the candle", "make a storm", etc.).

    Exercises to train the muscles of the tongue and normalize the type of swallowing:

    Starting position: sitting in front of a mirror, the head is kept straight, the shoulders are slightly laid back and slightly lowered, the chest is turned, the stomach is tucked up, the knees are bent, the legs are together, the heels are together;

    Exercise No. 1. "Clock". The mouth is open, the tongue makes slow circular movements along the upper lip, then along the lower lip;

    Exercise No. 2. "Let's punish the naughty tongue." Put your tongue on your lower lip, slap it with your upper lip "na-na";

    Exercise No. 3. "We will paint the ceiling". It's time to paint the rooms, they invited a painter, he comes to the old house with a new brush and bucket. Your tongues are a brush, a hard palate is a ceiling ...;

    Exercise No. 4. To depict the work of a jackhammer. DDDD ...;

    Exercise No. 5. "Riders". Sit astride a chair and, opening your mouth wide, click your tongue;

    Exercise No. 6. Lift the tongue up, press it against the anterior part of the hard palate in the area of \u200b\u200bthe palatine folds. To clench your teeth, swallow saliva, fixing the position of the tongue;

    Exercise No. 7. Lift the tip of the tongue up, place it at the front of the hard palate. Move the tongue over the arch of the hard palate as far back as possible to the soft palate;

    Exercise No. 8. Lift the tip of the tongue up, place it at the front of the hard palate. Move the tongue along the palatal surface of the teeth to the right and left, touching each tooth.

    In this exercise, we learn to swallow correctly. Use a mirror to make sure your lips and chin don't move during this exercise.
    1. Find the tip of your tongue "Rest point".
    2. Close your lips, close your back teeth slightly.
    3. Press your tongue to the palate without touching the tip of your front teeth.
    4. Feel the back of your tongue moving up.
    5. Now swallow calmly and feel how saliva moves smoothly and in waves from the tip of the tongue to its base.
    6. The lips and chin should be motionless - check this by looking in the mirror. If you notice movement, repeat the exercise again in front of the mirror.
    Remember, when swallowing, your lips and chin should not move or strain. Do this exercise for at least 2 minutes.

    Exercises to train the muscles that lift the lower jaw:

    Exercise No. 1. Lips are closed, teeth clenched. Increase the pressure on the teeth by contracting the chewing muscles;

    Exercise No. 2. Open your mouth, place your index and middle fingers on the teeth and lateral areas of the lower jaw. Close your mouth, resisting hand pressure. For this exercise, you can use a wooden stick with a rubber tube on it.

    Exercises for distal and deep bite:

    1.Exercises are performed while standing with the head slightly thrown back, arms extended along the body and laid back. The lower jaw is pushed forward until the cutting edges of the lower incisors are closed with the upper ones, and then moved posteriorly.

    2. A month later, the same exercises are carried out with the only difference that the lower jaw is pushed so that the lower front teeth are set in front of the upper ones.

    Exercises for mesial occlusion:

    1. With the tip of the tongue, the child should press on the palatine surfaces of the upper front teeth until the muscles are tired (for about 3-5 minutes).

    2. With the head slightly thrown back, open and close the mouth alternately, while closing the mouth with the tip of the thrown back tongue, try to reach the posterior edge of the hard palate.

    3. Tighten the lower lip, especially if it is pendulous, under the upper front teeth, and then release it.

    Exercises for mesial occlusion. 1. With the tip of the tongue, the child should press on the palatine surfaces of the upper front teeth until the muscles are tired (for about 3-5 minutes). 2. With the head thrown back slightly, open and close the mouth alternately, while closing the mouth with the tip of the thrown back tongue, try to reach the rear edge of the hard palate. 3. Tighten the lower lip, especially if it is pendulous, under the upper front teeth, and then release it.

    Hello dear readers and blog subscribers!
    Today I will tell you what lip exercises are for children and what role they play in improving diction. You've probably noticed how difficult it is sometimes to understand a person. When he speaks, almost without opening his mouth, or the line of his lips (D) is slightly slanted, one corner of the mouth is higher than the other. This can be either a symptom of any neurological pathology or malocclusion.

    With this, you need to contact the appropriate specialists, a neurologist or an orthodontist. We will talk about how to make sure that it does not prevent us from speaking clearly and understandably. To begin with, articulation exercises for G are closely related to gymnastics for the cheeks, with various breathing exercises. And also with massage of the muscles of the mouth and adjacent areas. If the muscles of the upper and lower G have a disturbed tone and they do not close well, then it is difficult for a child even to blow off a piece of cotton wool from the palm of his hand.

    That is, the air stream does not participate in the formation of sounds, speech is very poor and often spontaneous. Tension G leads to tension in the remaining muscles: tongue and cheeks. Therefore, when examining a child, a speech therapist attaches great importance to the baby's skills in controlling the air stream. The kid is asked to blow in at least 3 ways:

    • blow through pursed lips, "pfff" sound
    • fold your lips with a tube “fff”, blow like a dandelion
    • with open mouth, as if we want to warm our hands "xxxxx"

    In this case, we observe whether the Gs close, whether they fold into a tube, whether the cheeks are inflated. Very often, children cannot blow at all, this happens with an incorrect bite, when the D do not close, with dysarthria, the air spreads into the cheeks and they puff up, very weak exhalation with adenoids. If there are no back-lingual sounds, G-K-X, then the sound will not be “xxx”, but something like “tss”.

    It happens that the child can somehow blow. But at the same time, the air stream is not so targeted that it is impossible to blow out a soap bubble or make a "whoa". And besides, it turns out not a “tube” with the tongue, but something that looks like a piglet's piglet. When the baby tries to smile, there is a curvature of the mouth line, one corner above, the other below. If you take a closer look at the nasolabial folds, you will notice their smoothing and asymmetry.

    Types of articulatory gymnastics

    All these are signs of neurological abnormalities. Neurology can be very easy, the baby is not registered in the clinic, but it interferes with the formation of a full-fledged speech. Articulatory gymnastics will help to correct this, it must be done regularly, combining with respiratory, voice and speech therapy massage. Gymnastics is active and passive, static and dynamic. Consider all these types, combined with breathing and massaging.

    With passive gymnastics, the child himself cannot complete the task, the adult helps him. He takes his G with his fingers, stretches them or, conversely, collects them in a tube, closes them and performs other necessary actions, gradually teaching the child to do it himself. At the same time, there should be support on the visual analyzer in order to control the process, it is advisable to do everything next to the mirror.

    The combination and sequence of different types

    The sequence is as follows: an adult and a baby sit in front of a mirror, an adult points to himself, asks to repeat, if the child does not succeed, an adult does it with his fingers, then the child tries to do it himself, and then tries to do it without using his hands. This is already active gymnastics, maybe not immediately, periodically helping with your fingers. The main thing is not to rush, the accuracy and correctness of the execution must be done, so that later you do not have to retrain.

    Passive gymnastics is closely related to massage, or rather, massage smoothly flows into passive gymnastics. One must clearly know that all exercises must be performed having previously relaxed G. It is impossible to do on tightly closed, tense ones. And there will be little sense and the child will experience discomfort and negativity, may even refuse to study.

    For a start, it is advisable to teach the baby to feel the difference between tense and relaxed lips, to tell him: "You feel how pleasant and good you feel when the lips are soft, how beautiful they are." To fix his attention that when Gs are tense, they are thin, pale, and relaxed - bright, "bow". When setting sounds, it is very important that neither the jaw nor the lips are tense. The mouth was wide open, otherwise it would be very difficult to work on the phonetic correction.

    In static gymnastics, the G stays in one position for a while, for example, up to 10. The "tube" exercise is performed, the children hold, and you count. And so several times, then "fence" and again keep in this position. In dynamic gymnastics, on the contrary, there is an active work G, "fence - tube", you need to work G, then stretching them and showing the teeth, then pulling forward into the tube, also at the expense of several steps.

    To switch to dynamic gymnastics, when each exercise has already been worked out, automated and the child does it flawlessly. Help with hands is allowed, if suddenly there is a failure, it can be combined with vocal gymnastics, pronounced with a pipe Y, and with a fence AND at a different pace, then quickly, slowly, then quieter, then louder, then in a thin voice, then “thick”.

    Static exercises of articulatory gymnastics

    • lips, also called "trunk" or "elephant", lips are extended forward, as when pronouncing the sound U
    • , open smile, show teeth, as when pronouncing the sound AND
    • smile, closed, lips alone
    • open, also called "window", open your mouth wide - "open the window in the house"
    • the house is closed - lips together, pressed tightly
    • lock, cover the lower lip with your upper lip, which you tighten slightly into your mouth
    • key, on the contrary, lower upper
    • whoa, close your lips, pull slightly forward and make a vibrating sound
    • show the upper teeth, lift the upper lip and show the upper teeth
    • show the lower teeth, lower the upper lip, pull the lower lip
    • patch, pull the lips forward, slightly expand them
    • mouthpiece, also called "window" or "donut", lips as when pronouncing O

    Dynamic gymnastics for children

      • fence - pipe (frog - elephant)
      • open and close your mouth, spank your lips, making a low sound
      • "Air kiss", we stretch our lips forward (as for a kiss) - then we draw in our cheeks so that the corners of the mouth touch, like a fish

    • bite the upper lip, then the lower, "combing the lips"
    • smile - tube
    • the house is open - closed, close your lips, straining them, open your mouth wide, relaxing
      show either the upper lips, then the lower ones, then all at once, the fence
    • make faces - move the jaw to the right and to the left
    • piglet - tube
    • window - the house is open - a tube - a fence - O - A - U - I
    • charging for the trunk, twist the tube clockwise and counterclockwise, up and down, right and left. See what an elephant is, how he moves his trunk.

    Gymnastics in a playful way

    Breathing games go well with these exercises. The kid does not want to study, let's play. He doesn’t want to close G, so we blow off the cotton wool from the palm, show him how fun it is to do “pfff”, as if the butterfly fluttered out of the palm. It is necessary to raise the lower G up - put the cotton wool on the nose and blow from the lower lip. A horse gallops, we click our tongue and now it stops, “woo,” it doesn't work, we play our lips like a balalaika.

    The game with soap bubbles is going well. It is very fun to watch them fly, shimmer with iridescent stains. "Now blow it yourself!" - tell the kid. It may not work right away, that's okay, cheer up the child. Blow with him in turn, he then catches them with his hands, then blows. You can also move your hand by the ring and the bubbles also fly to the sides.

    Toys such as a harmonica, a pipe, a whistle, various pipes and whistles are also helpful. as well as balloon inflation. Of course, more complex skills are already required here, well-developed G muscles, the ability to hold a toy with your lips and at the same time take in air and exhale without releasing an object from your mouth. Therefore, it's okay if at first the pipe falls out with the exhalation, and the air is drawn in from the ball, this will work out over time.

    Sweet gymnastics

    You can also use "simulators", various sweet sticks, worms and sucking candies. Children can hold them between G, inside the "tube". And also to press the “proboscis” to the nose, holding the sticks like a mustache. Spit out pieces of cookies and chocolate between your lips or take them from a saucer with your lips, “feed like chicks”.

    30-03-2008, 03:00

    Neurologist, pediatrician, ophthalmologist ...: 112:
    Were examined by an ENT, everything is fine with us, the nasal passages are not narrowed, the adenoids are not,
    the nose is clean, the mucous membrane is not edematous - everything is perfect ...: 005:
    The dentist watched us - the bite is normal, but when you close your mouth, closed teeth,
    lips don't close ...: 016:

    What is the problem is not clear ...: 008:
    It goes sideways to us - on the street forever in an open mouth - frequent colds therefore,
    while eating, it is inconvenient for the child to close his mouth, chews like a hamster, and his lips like a tube,
    if he doesn't close his lips, part of the food jumps out back ... I used to think that he was just eating so sloppily.
    Somehow I recently began to pay attention to this, before that there were a lot of health problems my son had no lips ... :))
    When I tell him 100 times (especially on the street in the cold) I make a remark - "close your mouth", he closes his mouth, but it is clear that he has this unnatural state, his expression is tense and stupid, and he cannot stand it for a long time.
    He is already tired of my remarks, he himself simply closes his mouth with a scarf or a helmet from below.

    TO LOGOPEDO maybe?: 008:

    Alena Zhukova

    30-03-2008, 03:06

    See an orthodontist, perhaps cutting the frenum under the upper and lower lips will improve the situation. We go to Dentideal from MAPO,

    30-03-2008, 03:47

    I had a case on this topic - I go out with my boys on the street (they were then about two years old, it was a terribly cold winter). At the entrance there are two neighbors (one of them is an ENT doctor). And suddenly I hear behind her back "She has adenoid children, modern mothers do not look after children at all: wife:".
    I pretended not to hear anything. But the second person (the one who is not an ENT) meets us a few days later and reports - an ENT doctor saw you on the street and said that you have terrible adenoids, well, then like where the mother looks, etc. It really hurt me, because my boys are hardened, their noses are always clean. Well, I carried about open mouths to doctors. So, twins very often have weakness of the facial muscle (a neurologist told me this, and a normal ENT naturally confirmed). And our open mouth was just that. Now we are 3, in my opinion it became better. We have now been assigned a light matrix on the face (this is for speech), with the help of its muscles either relax or tone. So my advice is to a speech therapist and a neurologist. And there is nothing wrong with that, you can still do a face massage.

    30-03-2008, 10:59

    The dentist looked at us - the bite is normal, but when the mouth is closed, the teeth are closed, the lips do not close ...: 016:
    Our lips are not thin, our mouth is not small.

    In theory, the dentist should have seen if the case is in the bridles.
    But I would still start with an orthodontist.
    In general, maybe such a structure of the face? Did I understand correctly that the lips do not physically close with closed teeth without additional tension?
    In any case, a competent orthodontist can recommend who to turn to next.

    30-03-2008, 11:28

    The dentist looked at us more than a year ago, then this problem did not bother us (we did not notice it), they checked our teeth.
    The neurologist looked at us the other day, so she asked what was going on, advised the ENT to visit.
    ENT did not find any problems.
    Well, let's go to the orthodontist ...: 008:

    30-03-2008, 11:53

    I didn’t understand, if the child wants, then he can consciously close his lips?
    My son's mouth is also open all the time - and this is precisely the weakness of the facial muscles. We do gymnastics, and then I accidentally found out - we went with the eldest to the orthodontist, and the nurse looked at us there and said that the mouth was also open all the time (although this is not so pronounced for my daughter), she told us to buy wooden spatulas or a ruler and train her lips ... The teeth are closed, and with the lips (not with the teeth) it is necessary to hold the capper at the beginning across, and then along (that is, it is full length forward - this is already heavier). And she also said to periodically put glasses of water in front of the child - to take water in his mouth and keep it as long as possible, then spit it out.

    31-03-2008, 16:35

    My Plato's mouth is constantly open, you can see it in all the photos. :)
    Previously, somehow I did not pay attention, but lately all doctors are paying my attention to this ...: ded:
    In general, advise, who to go to \u003d then with a problem?: 091:
    TO LOGOPEDO maybe?: 008:

    Here is the problem we have ... :(

    And how are you doing with the facial muscles and in general with the tone of the facial muscles? If there is a problem, then craniosacral techniques and speech therapy massages could help.

    31-03-2008, 23:03

    And how are you doing with the facial muscles and in general with the tone of the facial muscles? If there is a problem, then craniosacral techniques and speech therapy massages could help.

    I don't even know, how are we doing with this ...: 005: And how to evaluate it?: 016:
    In the last couple of months, I began to notice that when my son is nervous, he somehow strangely does
    lips, like a spasm, some corners of his lips diverge and fall down, the jaw tenses, and his face unnaturally tilts ...: ((like on a smiley, only with an open mouth ...)
    What is it could be ...
    He does this when he is angry, surprised, or if I reprimand him in a loud voice ...: 005: I'm already afraid to raise my voice ...: 001:

    31-03-2008, 23:20

    I don't even know, how are we doing with this ...: 005: And how to evaluate it?
    She told the neurologist about this, but she did not see any visible problems with us, she even found noticeable improvements - she prescribed Phenibut to drink for 1.5 months.
    In general, I understood one thing - we must first go to the orthodontist, apparently, and then to the speech therapist ... Right?: 008:

    I am certainly not a doctor. But the orthodontist is not quite the right direction. You have obvious neurological problems. You don’t want to consult, maybe it’s paid, but with some good neurologist. You will find feedback on them on the forum. If you have hyperkinesis - this is one thing, if there are other violations, then the recommendations will be different. A speech therapist could help in case of spasm of facial muscles or myotonus. From my own experience, you can't trust the opinion of just one doctor. If in doubt, seek help.

    01-04-2008, 12:34

    It is very difficult to understand what your child looks like from the description. The fact that a competent specialist should look at it is for sure, but in what area? You, as a mother, see for yourself what prevents the lips from closing - the structure of the face, the length of the upper lip, tension / spasm of the facial muscles? Is the child's mouth closed at night in a dream? In a dream, you can connect his lips - are they long enough for free closing? Neurotic grimaces are one thing, lips that do not fit physically are another. You should probably start with a pediatrician competent and attentive. You are not observed in IRAV? It would be possible for Klochkova to appear (she is a neurologist) and a speech therapist in the same place.

    Rogers proposed a system of gymnastic exercises for treatment of maxillofacial deformities.
    Basic provisions this training method underdeveloped and poorly functioning muscles of the maxillofacial skeleton can be formulated as follows.

    1. Contractions of the exercised muscles should be performed with maximum amplitude (span).
    2. The intensity of contraction of such muscles should correspond to its physiological role, but not be excessive.
    3. The speed and duration of muscle contractions must be adapted to the characteristics of the movement being produced. In the beginning, they should be slow, non-choppy, and done regularly.
    4. Between two consecutive contractions, a rest pause is required, of duration at least equal to the duration of the contraction itself.
    5. The contractions of the muscles are repeated several times with each exercise until a feeling of slight local fatigue appears. This feeling of fatigue sets the limit for the duration of the exercise, beyond which you should not go.
    6. Myogymnastics is used in children from 4 years of age.

    V. S. Kurylenko put these rules as the basis of myogymnastics for dentoalveolar deformities and offers the following exercises.

    Exercises for distal and deep bite.

    1. The exercise is performed while standing with the head thrown back slightly, arms extended along the body and laid back. The lower jaw is pushed forward until the cutting edges of the lower teeth close with the upper ones, and then moved posteriorly.
    2. After one month, the same exercises are carried out with the only difference that the lower jaw is pushed so that the lower front teeth are set in front of the upper ones.
    3. In case of underdevelopment of the circular muscle of the mouth (lips are large, flaccid, twisted, do not close, the mouth is wide), the following exercises are useful: stretching the lips into a tube, as for a whistle, and then stretching the little fingers, as with a wide smile, alternating such positions of the lips.
    4. To exercise the circular muscles of the mouth, the index fingers are placed near the corners of the mouth, the lips are not closed, the child seeks to close his lips. At this time, without changing the position of the fingers, they create an obstacle to closing the lips.

    5. The following exercise is useful for the muscles of the cheeks: inflate the cheeks, close the lips and beat rhythmically on the cheeks with the tips of your fingers.
    6. With a deep bite, you can recommend exercises 1, 2, and with underdevelopment of facial muscles - exercises 3, 4, 5.

    Exercises for mesial occlusion.

    1. With the tip of the tongue, the child should press on the palatal surfaces of the upper front teeth until the muscles are tired (for about 3-5 minutes).
    2. With the head slightly thrown back, open and close the mouth alternately, while closing the mouth with the tip of the thrown back tongue, try to reach the posterior edge of the hard palate.
    3. Tighten the lower lip, especially if it is pendulous, under the upper front teeth, and then release it.

    Exercises for open bite.

    1. Press the extended fingers in the area of \u200b\u200bthe corners of the lower jaw, set the lower jaw at rest (lower by 1-2 mm), straining the muscles, clench the teeth, and then take the first position again. Repeat the exercise until the chewing muscles feel tired.
    2. Bite a wooden handle covered with a rubber tube or school rubber with your side teeth.

    Exercises for oblique bite.

    If the oblique bite is caused by the displacement of the lower jaw to the side, the following exercise can be used: open the mouth as much as possible and the lower jaw is moved towards the wrong closing of the teeth (the lower teeth overlap the upper ones), then in this position the lower jaw is lifted until the teeth are closed and held for 4-5 seconds in this position, after which it is lowered again.

    - Return to the section table of contents " "

    Jack Schafer, a former FBI special agent, professor of psychology, and a behavioral analyst consultant, in his book Turning On the Secret Service's Charm, says a lot can be said to an attentive observer by the lips of an interlocutor.

    Fake smile

    Both psychologists and simply observant people have long known that smiles can be genuine and fake. The characteristic signs of a sincere smile are the raised corners of the mouth and the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. A fake smile usually comes out crooked and not synchronous. If a person smiles sincerely, their cheeks are lifted, and wrinkles appear under the eyes and at the outer corners of the eyes. With a fake smile, the corners of the mouth do not rise and there are no folds around the eyes.

    Sincerely, people smile when their desire to communicate is genuine. If you spot a fake smile, it’s a signal that something is wrong. A fake smile, or lack thereof, means that the person is not interested in dating or continuing the conversation.

    Pursed lips

    A person automatically purses his lips or folds them in a bow if he is not satisfied with something. This facial signal can be interpreted as disagreement or protest. Even pursed lips indicate that the other person said something that contradicts his own thoughts. Knowing this gives you a huge advantage. Noticing that the person purses their lips while you have not finished expressing their thoughts, you have a chance to force them to change their mind before they have time to express their opinion out loud. Because if a person says something out loud, then further he prefers to be consistent and stick to what was said.

    For example, imagine that a husband says to his wife: "Honey, I will now prove to myself that we can afford a new car." And then you notice your wife pursing her lips. You understand that she doubts and is ready to vigorously object to you. You just need to immediately bring new arguments before she has time to express her thoughts aloud. Otherwise, it will be nearly impossible to convince her to agree to the purchase. This technique can be perfectly used in a conversation with husbands.

    Pursed lips

    If the upper and lower lips of the interlocutor are closely closed, it means that he wants to say something, but restrains himself. Suspects often purse their lips before confessing to a crime. They want to confess, but involuntarily purse their lips so as not to give themselves away.

    Lip biting

    Biting the upper or lower lip is another expressive facial movement. At this moment, the interlocutor wants to say something, but for some reason hesitates to do it. This is what the old adage “bite your lip” means - refrain from expressing your opinion.

    Try to notice this non-verbal cue as you talk. This is a good sign to get the person to speak up. Say something like, “Looks like you have your opinion on this. Can you share it? " Many will be surprised at your ability to read their thoughts and your attentiveness, and will be glad that you are genuinely interested.

    Touching lips

    Touching the lips means that the person is confused by the topic of the conversation. Touching the lips distracts attention from the subject under discussion and reduces anxiety. If the person touches their lips with their fingers or a pencil to feel the ground, you can refine your assumption: "I think you are embarrassed to talk about it." Thus, you enable the person to confirm or refute the statement and explain their reaction. And your interlocutor will be pleasantly surprised by your ability to notice such the smallest details.

    Lip touch can be used effectively in both business and personal communication. For example, if you are alone with a potential client discussing the merits of a proposed product, notice that he thoughtfully strokes his lips with his fingers. Noticing this gesture, say something like: "You are probably confused because you have never used such a thing before." Your words will encourage the client to express concern about the quality of the product or service. Once you understand what is bothering him, you can adjust the offer in order to successfully sell your product.

    Based on materials from the book "Turning on charm according to the method of special services"