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  • What is the difference between a natural fur coat and an artificial one. What to choose: natural or artificial fur coat? A question of fashion or necessity

    What is the difference between a natural fur coat and an artificial one. What to choose: natural or artificial fur coat? A question of fashion or necessity
    ATTENTION! The correct barcode does not yet give a 100% guarantee of the originality of the product. However, an incorrect barcode is a clear sign of a forgery.
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    As you know, in severe Russian frosts, a fur coat warms best. It reliably protects from the wind and allows you to stay in the cold for a long time. And of course, it pleases the eye of its owner! Especially if it is made of real fur. Such products are very popular with Russian women, and dishonest sellers often take advantage of this, trying to sell a fur coat made of fake fur or of less valuable fur for a large sum, passing it off as expensive.

    Where to buy

    You can buy a fur product in a specialized store or company salon. Here all samples will be accompanied by quality certificates and a guarantee. So you don't have to doubt the authenticity of the fur. However, in a place like this, you will overpay for the brand.

    You can make a purchase cheaper at the clothing market or small shops. In this case, it is better to contact those who have been in this business for several years and have established themselves as a reliable seller.

    Features of real fur

    No matter how much the seller praises his product, it is still better to make sure of its quality for yourself.

    1. To date, they have learned how to produce synthetic fur of excellent quality, which is hardly different from the real one. Run your hand over the fur. It should be smooth and delicate to the touch, but at the same time dense. As if you are ironing silk fabric.
    2. Crumple the edge of the product. The area that has easily restored its shape will testify to the authenticity of the fur.
    3. Smell the product. It should smell like dressed leather, not paint or synthetics.
    4. Under the lining there should be a stamp of the manufacturer of the product with information about the origin of the fur.

    It has been said more than once that recently fur products are returning to fashion, dynamically and confidently, and especially this season, providing fur lovers not only with a comfortable feeling of warmth, but also with a wonderful non-standard design, as well as a wide range of colors. ...

    We can say that the world fur market is experiencing the heyday of the past today, offering the consumer audience a wide range of products made of “soft gold”, as fur is often called.

    This season, the Fashion Weeks held in Paris, Milan and New York were called the "kingdom of fur", since 2/3 of the world's leading designers widely used different types of fur when creating their collections.

    One of the most important trends this season is the extraordinary popularity of fur products made from both artificial and natural fur. Moreover, in recent years, fur has been intensively used for the manufacture of various accessories, as well as for decoration, decorating clothes, shoes, bags and gloves, being not just a warm material, but also surprisingly aesthetic.

    And this, of course, because the fur is the hairline of animals from the family of weasels, lagomorphs, as well as canines (fox), felines (lynx, leopard) and rodents (beaver). It can be smooth (marten, muskrat, etc.) and fluffy (fox, arctic fox, etc.).

    Natural fur from time immemorial has been used for the manufacture of fur products and, first of all, clothing, the main function of which is to protect a person from the cold. In addition, he has always served as an indicator of social status, respectability and aristocracy.

    The advantages of natural fur are obvious: it not only gives warmth, protecting against frost, but also does not allow moisture to pass through. At the same time, thanks to advanced technology, as well as innovative design and high professionalism of the craftsmen employed in the fur industry, modern fur products have become delicate, soft and surprisingly light (due to the skillful processing of fur and dressing of the flesh - the inner side of the skin of the skin).

    Modern fur products are also distinguished by their unique design, keeping up with the times - according to the latest fashion trends. In addition, thanks to a large selection of furs and models, nowadays, natural fur products are surprisingly economical and available to a wide range of consumers.

    In turn, artificial fur, unlike natural fur, is a textile material that imitates natural fur. It consists of a primer on a knitted basis or on an artificial leather basis, to which a pile obtained from chemical or natural textile fibers is attached.

    Nowadays, a distinction is made between woven artificial fur, made on weaving machines, as well as knitted (knitted on knitted machines), fabric-stitched, or as it is also called tufted artificial fur, produced on tufting (buttonhole) machines, with the formation of a pile loop, and an invoice ( glutinous) artificial fur.

    Naturally, high-quality and creative faux fur products can be found both in designer collections and in collections of the second lines of well-known brands and brands of the mass market.

    I must say that if earlier artificial fur was considered lighter, more affordable and less pretentious than natural fur - in terms of everyday wear (throughout the day), then these differences have already disappeared: modern fur coats, short coats, capes, jackets , boas and waistcoats made from natural fur, including authentic fur products combined with fabric and leather, have become objects of everyday luxury, bringing elegance to our everyday life, successfully combined with ankle boots and jeans.

    As for the question of the humanity of wearing artificial fur, in comparison with products made from natural fur, the furriers in Greece call the environmental movement that arose in this regard, which originated in Europe in the 70s, the anti-fur movement, that is, directed against the fur industry. Moreover, they achieved the adoption of a law (Ch. 3, 14/89 A.D., Art. 65 / c) prohibiting to call synthetic fur coats ecological, arguing that it is impossible to consider the by-products of the oil industry ecological.

    Based on this, only products made from natural fur are now considered ecological fur products, due to its "natural origin", which, unlike synthetic (artificial) fur, does not pollute the environment, in compliance with all requirements for its protection ...

    It is noteworthy that recently the movement of "return to nature" has been increasing, and in many areas of our life, giving preference to natural raw materials and products rather than chemically produced ones.

    It is no coincidence that nowadays artificial fur coats begin to be created not only from polyester and acrylic, but also from natural fiber produced from wood (modal), as a result of which the resulting pile is much thinner and more shiny, which greatly facilitates all operations for coloring, cutting, applying a variety of prints, etc., and, in general, contributes to the similarity of the appearance of faux fur with natural, so that sometimes it is even difficult to distinguish them from each other externally, while from the inside, the difference is always obvious.

    All this, in total, led to the fact that one of the fashion trends was the combination of faux fur with natural, with the manufacture of practical, beautiful and wearable products.

    And, if artificial fur, unlike natural fur, does not deteriorate from moths, then the latter - with proper storage - can serve for a long time without losing its original appearance, while artificial fur loses its "Gloss" and attractiveness.

    Lovers of natural fur should also remember that products made from natural skins are much warmer, more glamorous and respectable, while they generously give a feeling of authenticity, sophistication and real luxury.

    Warm winter to you, with a feeling of comfort and luxury!

    It's in your hands!

    All manufacturers tend to want to make the process of manufacturing their products as cheap as possible in order to maximize profits. This desire has not been spared by the global fur industry. Increasingly, fur factories seek to pass off artificial material as its natural counterpart, and with the development of technology, substitution becomes more and more difficult to define. Natural fur retains heat much better than all other materials, and the substitution will make itself felt already at the first good frost. However, how to recognize it at the stage of product selection? Only a few fur hat stores are guaranteed to use only natural fur, which has excellent heat-preserving properties. For all other outlets, you should take on board a few simple tips from fur specialists that will allow you to accurately recognize an artificial fur substitute.

    First sign

    First of all, you should pay attention to the product tag, because most often natural fur is bought in the form of clothing, headwear or accessories, and all of them must have a label with comprehensive information about the composition of the material, its origin and the manufacturer. In addition, manufacturers often post information about the care of the product and advice on cleaning. However, the sewn-on label is not always true, so what if there is a question? - it is better to immediately turn to professionals, such as the "Yarmarka Shapok" factory. On its official website you can easily find the most fashionable and pleasant new thing, both for yourself and for your loved ones.

    Second sign

    Another sign of natural fur is the weight of the product; it will always be slightly more than that of a similar model made of artificial material. Real skins of fur animals cannot be cheap, so pay attention to the price, if it is not too high, relative to products of this class - you should take a closer look at it. Tactile sensations will help well in determining a fake: natural material is soft, smooth to the touch, lies beautifully and plays in the sun, it feels like you are stroking a soft, fluffy animal. At the same time, as the synthetic substitute is a little rougher, tougher, it feels like a soft synthetic children's toy.

    Main tests

    Experienced experts in the field of fur products recommend three simple tests that will accurately determine what material is in front of you:

    1. Fire test... It is enough for him to pull out a small piece of wool from the fur base and set it on fire with a lighter. The natural base will quickly burn with the release of the corresponding smell of burning wool, quite unpleasant. Synthetics, on the other hand, will practically not burn - it will only melt a little, turning into a dense droplet. In this case, the smell will be different: burnt rubber.
    2. Pin test... The natural base of the skin is usually very dense. Therefore, it will be rather difficult to pierce it with a pin or needle, while they will enter the synthetic fabric easily and without hindrance.
    3. Basis test... For him, it is enough to look under the lining or forcefully push the dense pile with your hands. In an artificial substitute, a dense synthetic, stretching base will be visible, in a natural analogue - leather.

    It should be remembered that in recent years, products made from natural materials have become increasingly rare, because they are expensive and require more careful maintenance. But artificial fur is becoming more and more perfect, and it becomes more and more difficult to distinguish it from natural skins of fur-bearing animals. Therefore, when buying natural fur, you should be as careful as possible and use the above recommendations.

    Inna Amitan

    Authentication Specialist

    We are already accustomed to artificial fur, which manufacturers are increasingly replacing with natural fur. Many brands are in favor of sustainable consumption and animal protection, which is why more and more fashion houses are abandoning the production of things from natural fur. So today, the opposite situation is not uncommon: they are trying to pass off artificial fur as natural, but fakes made of cheap natural fur are passed off as products of famous brands.

    We will not convince you of the advantages of natural or artificial fur - here you have the right to choose yourself. But fakes definitely don't belong in your wardrobe, right?

    How to tell faux from natural fur

    There are some simple ways to help you distinguish real from faux fur:

    • stroke the product with your hand. Natural fur of most animals is soft, while artificial fur is more pliable. Some faux fur can feel sticky in high humidity. Do not forget, however, that manufacturers of artificial fur strive to repeat all the characteristics of natural materials, so often you will not be able to distinguish them by touch;
    • part the hairs to see the base. The base of natural fur is smoother. It can be compared to the human skin under the hair. Faux fur usually has a fabric base;
    • look at the "hair ends". Real animal hair is sharp at the ends, unless it has been clipped or cut. Faux fur, on the other hand, usually has blunt ends;
    • burn a hair. Although Luxxy does not recommend this verification method (so as not to spoil the item that may have to be returned to the seller), it remains one of the most used. The result of burning will instantly show the origin of the fur. If you smell burnt wool and it looks like burnt, then you have a product made of natural fur in front of you. If a hair “melts” like plastic, smells like plastic and curls into balls, you are dealing with faux fur.

    Features of natural fur of different animals

    Replacing one natural fur with another, cheaper one, is more difficult to recognize, because there are so many features of each type of fur! Let's consider just a few examples, since it is impossible to cover the entire fur world in one article.

    Silver fox can be confused with other animals. Lysopes (a hybrid of a polar fox and a fox) and a korsak (a dyed steppe fox) themselves deserve attention, but products made from them are not as highly valued as from silver fox. What is the difference between a real silver fox?

    • Special fur color. At the very bottom it is pearl gray, in the middle it is milky white, and at the tips it is pearl black. If you see only two colors, or if the color is not uniform, then this is not a silver fox.
    • Run your hand over the fur, if you feel sticky or hear rustling, you can safely refuse the purchase. Natural silver fox fur is silky, smooth, shiny and elastic.

    Louis Vuitton Fall 2017 Pre-Collection

    Minkoften confused with marmot and kangaroo. Considering that the price of the fur of these animals is very different, you need to carefully check the thing when buying.

    • The fur of the mink has the same length, while in the marmot, some hairs are longer than others. The kangaroo has a longer fur than the mink - from 1.5 to 2 cm.
    • To the touch, the mink fur is much softer and softer than that of a marmot. In kangaroos, the backs are much more rigid than in minks. Put your hand in the fur: if you feel with your palm that the hair is coarse, as if treated with hairspray, then you are feeling the kangaroo fur.
    • Iron the fur against the grain. The fur of the mink will immediately take on its original appearance, and the fur of the marmot, on the contrary, will bulge in different directions.

    Fendi Pre-Collection Fall 2017

    Per chinchilla a rabbit can be adopted, but their fur is not difficult to distinguish. In China and France, special breeds of rabbits have been bred: rex and orilag, the fur of which imitates the fur of a chinchilla. However, the unique structure of the pile cannot be imitated.

    • In a chinchilla, dozens of hairs, thin, like a cobweb, grow from one hair follicle.
    • The color of the chinchilla fur along the entire length of the hairs is heterogeneous. Therefore, her fur seems to shimmer. The natural color of a chinchilla is dark gray with a white or bluish-white belly. In captivity, animals are bred with fur in brown-beige tones. Chinchilla fur is rarely dyed, it is too expensive for that.
    • The size of the skin of a chinchilla at its widest point cannot be more than the width of a man's palm. If this is not the case, in front of you, most likely, a rabbit.
    • Rabbit fur quickly takes on the temperature of the room in which it is located, and chinchilla fur always seems a little cool to the touch.
    • Chinchilla fur has different pile lengths in different parts of the animal's body. However, all the pieces go into production, so the sewn fur fabric appears wavy. A rabbit fur coat looks flatter, while the dark part is much wider than that of a chinchilla.

    Fur Free or Tasteless Fake?

    Faux fur can be different too. And here we run into not so much the difference between one material and another, but rather the quality of workmanship and brand authentication.

    To date, many brands have abandoned natural fur, so when buying products, for example, from Stella McCartney, Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Diesel, you can be sure that the fur is fake. But only if it is the original and not a fake. And this is not the whole list of elite designers using only faux fur. Gucci will join them in 2018 and so on ...

    Modern technologies make it possible to create artificial fur that is very similar to natural fur. Therefore, it becomes more difficult to distinguish a fake than before. However, there are signs by which the natural origin of the fur can be easily determined.

    How to buy fur products correctly

    • In order not to doubt the quality of products, buy them in brand stores with a good reputation.
    • Be sure to ask to show product certificates. If they are provided to you, then the chance of acquiring a fake will be minimal.
    • Please read the information on the product label carefully before purchasing.
    • Ask for a warranty card. Its presence will give you the right to change the purchased product and return your funds within a year.

    8 ways to spot a fake

    Check the base of the product

    A thing made of natural fur has a tough and wrinkled base, which can be quite unpleasant to touch. The base of the faux fur garment is made of a simple dense material. You can check this criterion with a sewing needle. If you stick it into the base, and it goes in without any effort, then you have a fabric base. If the needle enters with difficulty or bumps into an obstacle, then in front of you is a product made of natural fur.

    Remember the fur with your hands

    A fake is easily crushed, and creases and folds appear on the basis of the product, it is difficult to return to its original state. This criterion testifies to the artificial origin of fur.

    Natural pile does not break and instantly restores its original position if you run your hand over it. If the hairs are twitched, then they should not come out.

    Spread the pile at the base

    The knitted weave indicates that the fur is fake. In this case, you should see threads from the material.

    Set fire to the fur

    Pull out a couple of hairs and set them on fire with a lighter. Natural hairs burn quickly, leaving an unpleasant scent of singed hair. Faux fur leaves a melted plastic smell and does not burn, but melts.

    Natural hairs have a narrow tip, while artificial hairs have a square end. That is why natural pile is smooth and soft to the touch, it seems to slide between your fingers. And the artificial pile is rougher, and if you touch it, then there is a feeling of synthetics. In rain or snow conditions, such fur can stick together.

    Pay attention to weight

    Synthetic fur is usually heavier, so natural fur will be lighter than fake.

    Examine the label

    The product must have a label with information from the manufacturer. Its absence is a disturbing sign. It indicates information about the composition of the fur, its origin, information about the rules for caring for the product and the features of its operation.

    Estimate the cost

    Undoubtedly, the high price of a thing is not a sign of its quality. But the low cost should still be at least alarming and questionable. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to this criterion. But keep in mind that a one-piece product will have a higher price than a piece made from fur pieces.

    How to distinguish popular types of furs

    An unscrupulous seller can pass off a cheaper analogue for an expensive material. For example, a dyed beaver is very similar to nutria, and a chinchilla can be replaced with a chinchilla rabbit fur. To prevent this from happening, it is useful to know the following facts.


    The most popular fur, so it is very easy to run into a fake. Usually, rabbit, marmot or artificial fur is used to fake it, because the sheared version is very difficult to distinguish.

    Therefore, when buying, you should consider the following features:

    • Unlike analogs, the mink surface is perfectly flat. Its pile is always the same length.
    • The mink is a little prickly and has a medium hardness of the villi. Rabbit fur is soft to the touch, while marmot fur is quite tough.

    Arctic fox

    It's easy to distinguish it:

    • Natural arctic fox fur is lighter than fake.
    • Natural arctic fox can change its tone depending on the light. For example, bright lighting makes it shine, while the artificial analogue will remain matte under the same conditions.
    • Arctic fox hairs burn quickly when set on fire, and also leave a burnt smell.

    Silver fox

    The fur of the silver fox has a color of three shades. The gray tint gradually fades to white, and the ends of the hairs are usually dark or black. For a silver fox, they can give out a fox, whose fur is two-colored. Therefore, pay attention to the color of the product.

    Faux fur is difficult to distinguish from real fur, but the tips in the article will help you identify a fake. Use these recommendations and make only pleasant purchases!