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  • What is lipstick made of? Types and colors of lipstick

    What is lipstick made of? Types and colors of lipstick

    Almost all the fair sex at least once in their life painted their lips with lipstick. And many of men often use this product - a hygienic analogue, without coloring pigments. firmly entered the everyday life of modern man. But who invented it and when? And what was lipstick made of in ancient times? Probably, the composition of this cosmetic product was very different from the modern one. After all, now synthetic substances are introduced into the lipstick, which allow fixing the color pigment, creating a film on the lips that protects against moisture loss, giving shine and shine. In this article we will tell you how and from what lipstick is made in a factory way, and whether it is possible to repeat the technological process at home. We will also make a short historical excursion into the world of perfumery of antiquity and the Middle Ages.

    Cosmetic lipsticks of antiquity

    The word itself goes back to the Latin pomum, which means "apple". But long before the era of ancient Rome, women used this cosmetic product. After all, you so want to have sponges, like bulk apples. It is reliably known that the inhabitants of Ancient Assyria used lipstick about five thousand years ago. Archaeologists find traces of lip paint in the Egyptian pyramids. What was lipstick made from before? This product was based on animal fat, beeswax and a red mineral pigment - carmine. In ancient times, Egyptians and Babylonians, because they were dark-skinned brunettes, preferred dark lipstick shades. In the Hellenistic era, the remedy became known in Greece, and then in Rome. Brown-haired and blondes began to independently search for new shades of lipstick. The famous physician Claudius Galen passionately warned them against such experiments on themselves. After all, women of the ancient world also believed that “beauty requires sacrifice,” and therefore, as color pigments, such poisonous substances as cinnabar and red lead were added to lipstick.

    In the Middle Ages, the Church (both Roman Catholic and Orthodox) reacted extremely negatively to any unauthorized change in a woman's appearance, since, in her opinion, it contradicted divine creation. But despite the papal bulls and anathemas, women continued to paint their lips. Lipsticks were produced in jars until the end of the nineteenth century. Only in 1883, perfumers from France introduced the product in the form of a crayon wrapped in paper. And in 1915, inventive Americans thought of hiding this "pencil" in a metal case with a piston mechanism. The composition of the product was almost the same from which lipstick is made now. And in the thirties of the last century, there was another revolutionary breakthrough. Haza Bishop invented long-lasting lip color. Firm "Guerlain" has released the first lipstick in a tube. This made the product massive, as its price dropped and became available to any woman.


    When we choose a lipstick, the first thing we focus on is finding the right shade. And at the same time, we completely lose sight of what lipstick is made of. The composition of this tool is different for each company. But there are three main components of each lipstick. These are wax, fats and color pigments. The last component is absent in hygienic lipstick - after all, it is practically colorless. But, since this product is caring and even healthful, herbal extract, vitamins and other substances useful for the skin of the lips are added to it. Despite the fact that this cosmetic product looks solid, it is eighty percent liquid. But they have a low freezing point. Since the fats that make up the lipstick do not smell very good, the manufacturers use perfume. It interrupts the smell of raw materials and gives its own aroma. In the struggle for a buyer, manufacturers began to add various useful substances to cosmetic lipsticks - moisturizers, vitamins, collagen, sunscreens, etc. Some products even contain food grade polyethylene. This substance creates a film on the lips that does not allow the dye to clog into cracks or spread to the edges of the mouth. But this polyethylene is absolutely harmless.

    The first machines producing a cosmetic product in its present form - in a plastic or metal case - were constructed in the USA in 1949. Now, mother-of-pearl (for shine and optical augmentation of lips) and oils are added to the three classic components of lipstick. Wax, like all bee products, can irritate allergy sufferers. Therefore, it is not used in the factory production of lipstick. It is replaced by waxes of plant origin - carnauba or candelilla, less often roses. Of the fats, lanolin is most often used - a substance secreted by the wool of sheep. In order to turn a solid mineral color pigment into a creamy mass, it is dissolved in oils (usually castor). This mixture is ground in special "shakers". The size of the mineral pigment then does not exceed fifteen microns, providing an even color without grains. Mica is washed, finely crushed, sprayed with dye. This is how "mother of pearl" turns out. And then comes the turn of liquid fats (isopropyl palmitate, butyl stearate and isopropyl myristate), structure-forming substances (paraffin and ceresin), solvents and essential oils for perfume. The mass cools down, it is cut into pencils, which are hidden in a case with a retractable piston.

    Hygienic lipstick

    There is no coloring pigment in this product. If there is a weakly expressed color, then this is achieved exclusively through the use of oils (sea buckthorn, pink). This product does not belong to decorative, but to caring cosmetics. Therefore, her composition is more "sparing". What is hygienic lipstick made of? It is based on natural plant waxes, since the skin of our lips is devoid of sebaceous glands. For softening, various oils are used - first of all, useful castor, but also sea buckthorn, shea, avocado, jojoba, apricot. To give the remedy an anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effect, extracts of aloe vera, chamomile and other herbs are added to it. Vitamins A, B, C and E, sunscreens are widely used.

    Is it possible to make lipstick at home

    Sometimes, when you read the composition of a cosmetic product, you involuntarily ask yourself: are not all these polymers, isopropyl palmitates, ceresins and the like, harmful to the body? We have already learned how lipstick is made at the factory. And now the question arises: can we repeat the process at home, and without these dubious substances? Of course! After all, before the establishment of factory production of lipsticks, our great-grandmothers prepared lip paint themselves. Of course, we will not use poisonous cinnabar or red lead as color pigments. We Will Use As they are intended for use on sensitive eyelid skin, this product is tested for toxicity. And if we want to use exclusively natural dyes, we can restrict ourselves to cinnamon, beet root powder, cocoa, turmeric. By mixing them, you can choose the desired shade.

    Homemade lipstick composition

    We have already decided on the color pigment. It remains to supplement the composition of the product with fats, oils and, if desired, flavors. What is a custom lipstick made of? If you are not allergic to bee products, use one part of regular wax. It is easy to find in stores that sell honey. In order for the lipstick to evenly fall on the lips, we take the second part - shea butter. This component is more difficult to obtain. But it can be replaced with colorless cocoa butter, almond, avocado, or mango. And for the shine and the desired texture, take another component. This is coconut oil (it is allowed to replace it with olive or jojoba). If instead of dye we add all sorts of healing, moisturizing and nutritional mixtures, we will get a healing

    Lipstick Factory Process

    It can be compared to cooking in a multicooker. How is lipstick made in a cosmetic factory? First, the components are put into the bead mill. First, waxes with crushed color pigments, then oils, and last of all volatile components - essential oils of perfume. When the mass in this mixer becomes completely homogeneous, it is cooked at a temperature of eighty degrees for about six hours. Then the lipstick is allowed to cool slightly. But still semi-solid, it is sent to the packaging department, where a large briquette is distributed by special presses into tubes or cases. Then the lipstick is quickly cooled.

    We make lipstick at home. Stage one

    Making the color. We have already said that you can use exclusively natural dyes, such as dried beet powder, cocoa, turmeric. The disadvantage of these funds is the difficulty in choosing the right shade. Therefore, you can use eye shadow. Also, among this cosmetic product, you rarely find shades of red. Therefore, the best alternative is ... children's wax-based painting crayons. As a rule, they are tested for food suitability (babies often pull everything into their mouths), and therefore they will be absolutely harmless for lipstick. Grind the grated crayons into powder. By mixing different colors, we achieve the desired shade.

    Second phase. Preparing the base

    We already know what lipstick is made of at the factory. In a similar way, we will cook it at home. Let's prepare two containers for a water bath. In a smaller bowl, we need to warm up the wax and oils. This should be done with extreme caution. If even a drop of water gets into the bowl of oils, a mini-explosion will occur, since the boiling points of liquids and oils are different. You also need to constantly mix wax and fats. And in any case, do not bring them to a boil. We achieve only a liquid and homogeneous mass.

    The final stage

    Remove the bowl from the water bath. We quickly add crushed color pigment and other things from which lipstick is made to hot wax and fats: perfume fragrance, additional healing and caring substances. Vanilla is a safe flavoring agent. Without perfume, lipstick will glow like a candle. At this stage, it is important for us to mix the coloring pigment with the fats until the mass has hardened. We add the color component gradually, achieving the desired shade. Then we transfer the mass to the prepared jar and leave to cool. The lipstick is ready.

    The two-storey Oriflame production center is located in the Noginsk district of the Moscow region. It is completely new - it opened in February this year - but the factory has already become the largest lipstick manufacturer in Russia. The company's products are sold in Russia and exported to dozens of countries around the world. In addition to lipsticks and lip gloss, the factory produces shampoos, shower gels, deodorants, liquid soaps and other cosmetic products. There is also a distribution center, where individual orders are collected, which are then sent to customers. The Village took a trip to the factory to see how and from what lipstick and lip gloss are made.


    swedish manufacturer of cosmetics, household chemicals and perfumes

    LOCATION: Noginsk, Moscow region


    SQUARE: 26 ha

    Opening date: 2015 year


    Despite its dense texture, the lipstick is 80% liquid. There are five main components used in production: lanolin (fat from sheep's wool), oils (mostly castor), waxes (of natural origin - candelilla and carnauba), dyes and mother of pearl. Food grade polyethylene is often found in the composition. According to employees, this ingredient is not to be feared, it is harmless. An example is heart valves, parts for which are made of polyethylene. In lipstick, it performs the function of a film former - the cosmetics fit tightly, while not clogging up in cracks on the lips.

    The dye is produced here in the factory. It happens like this: powder dye is mixed with castor oil in a shaker. Then this mixture is crushed, bringing the particle size to 10-20 microns using a bead mill: all so that the texture of the lipstick is uniform, without "sand". For the manufacture of lipstick, the factory uses 12 colors, among them - shades of red, yellow, black, blue. By mixing these colors, you can get the desired shade.

    Nacre is stored in paper bags or boxes and looks like golden or silvery pollen. It is produced on the basis of mica: it is washed, crushed and sprayed with various dyes and titanium dioxide. Plus, fragrances are always added to lipstick, which consist of a mixture of essential oils. Vanillin can also be a fragrance. The factory explains that if the lipstick is left completely fragrance-free, it will smell like a wax candle.

    The composition of lip gloss is different from lipstick. Here, either liquid lanolin is taken as a basis (it moisturizes well), or polybutene (makes the mass viscous, not allowing it to spread). Then wax, dye, mother of pearl, moisturizers and additives are added to the substance. For example, vitamins A or F.

    Oriflame buys all ingredients from foreign suppliers, in Russia they order only packaging. The company does not test cosmetics on animals - only on volunteers and under the supervision of experts. Workers and visitors entering production put on gowns, hats and shoe covers, and disinfect their hands with a special gel.

    Manufacturing process

    Vladimir Migulin, head of the production of lipsticks Oriflame, compares the process of making them with cooking in a multicooker: the operator puts the necessary ingredients in the pot and cooks them until cooked. By and large, this is how it happens.

    According to a recipe from Sweden, the master weighs all the components of the lipstick and puts them in turn in the mixer. Waxes and oils are loaded first, and volatile components such as fragrances last.

    Everything is mixed until smooth and cooked for about six hours at a temperature of about 80 degrees. After the hot lipstick is ready, a sample is taken from the cauldron. It is compared with a reference sample: if the color is different, then it is corrected with a dye.

    All this takes place under a special lamp that simulates different lighting. The sample from the mixer is checked first on white paper and then on the skin. Then the hot mass is poured through a pipe into metal containers, the bottom of which is covered with food grade polyethylene. In this form, the lipstick cools down for about eight hours.

    Most often, operators have to cook lipstick in pink and clover shades - these are the most popular colors in Russia. They are produced by an order of magnitude more than, say, red or wine. Each brew is checked in the laboratory for compliance with physical and chemical indicators. If everything is in order with them, then a green tag is attached to the briquette with the batch number, date, composition and name of the product.

    Then such a briquette, which weighs about 20 kilograms, enters the packing area. It is first cut like a piece of butter with a large knife and then melted in a kettle. After that, the liquid mass enters the molding machine. With the help of a dispenser, it is poured into molds - silicone or copper - and then, to harden, it undergoes six minutes of cooling.

    Then a tube is automatically placed on the lipstick, the lipstick is screwed in and closed with a lid. All tubes are washed and sterilized, and the equipment is regularly disinfected with isopropyl alcohol. The finished lipstick is tested for quality - both automatically and, optionally, manually: the operator looks into a magnifying mirror.

    Lip glosses are filled and packaged by hand. Then the products are marked and labeled, lipsticks and glosses are placed in tight cardboard boxes: products from Noginsk are exported to dozens of countries around the world - both to Europe and the CIS, and to other continents.

    Eyeshadow, mascara, powder, foundation - all this is certainly good, but not a single woman's cosmetic bag will do without it, the queen of the entire cosmetic industry - lipstick.

    And if you "use" this item not only to leave it on the mirror, but for its intended purpose, then you probably want to know what lipstick is made of.

    Secrets of the lipstick mafia, or 9 main components of what lipstick is made of

      Waxes (from 2% to 14% of the total composition).

      Without these substances, other components cannot be combined into a single whole, and the lipstick will simply fall apart.

      Expensive brands have a high content of natural waxes - beeswax, palm, rose, cactus and other "natural" waxes.

      Synthetic "brothers" of natural waxes are sucked into budget lipsticks and this is not the same coat.

      What is lipstick made of, but what you don't want to know about? Lanolin!

      It is also made from sheep wool.

      This component also helps to collect other lipstick components in a heap, stick them together. And it is because of lanolin that the expired product smells of old rancid fat.

      Uh-uh, well, in principle, and a lamb that smells like a rose in May is difficult to meet even in the most picturesque alpine meadow.


      They are the ones who make lipstick a product.

      Wild red? Or innocent pink? The choice is yours.

      And if earlier natural ingredients were used in the production of women's things (beets, carrots, turmeric, etc.), now science does not stand still and suggests using special chemical dyes for cosmetics.

      The more there are, the more intense the color of the “gadget” for the lips. For example, 5% of dyes - and your lips beckon with pastels, 20-25% - and you have a real burgundy madness on your lips.

      Natural and synthetic oils - an important component of what lipstick is made of (about 30% of the composition).

      They dissolve the dyes and prevent them from precipitating. And also, thanks to them, the product turns out to be soft and can be applied with a “light movement of the hand”.

      In order for young ladies to enjoy not only the marvelous color of the lips, but also the pleasant aroma, aroma oils (lavender, peach, bergamot, chamomile, etc.) are often added to cosmetics.

      Pearlescent ingredients provide shine to your lips.

      Ordinary mica or quartz can act as mother of pearl on your lips.

      Yes, yes, the same ones that you were shown in chemistry and physics lessons in your glorious school years.

      Pine rosin (approximately 4% of the product) is what the lipstick is made of for your lips to give it firmness and a dense film-like coverage.

      And this has nothing to do with the fragrance in the pine forest.

      Mineral pigments with the terrible names "titanium dioxide" and "iron oxide" make it possible to get a pink color and evenly lie on the skin of the lips.

      Did you think a fairy conjured a delicate shade of your lipstick at a cosmetic factory?

    1. Boric acid is a component from which pearlescent lipsticks are made: it provides the same iridescence on the lips with which you seduce a barista in your favorite coffee shop and an elderly teacher at the university.
    2. Antioxidants (0.8%) prevent the natural components of the lipstick from deteriorating quickly.

      Most often, the chemical substance propyl gallate comes into the role of such a preservative.

      And all would be fine, but sometimes in order to make their products almost immortal, like Duncan Macleod, unscrupulous manufacturers overdo it with antioxidants, which is fraught with allergic reactions, headaches and other troubles.

    What lipstick is made of depends on its type: for example, more wax and fats are added to the nutrient, more dyes are added to the superfood resistant ones, and pearlescent components are added to those with a shimmering effect.

    The 3 most dangerous ingredients that make up lipstick: tube to the side!

    Irresponsible, like your ex-husband, manufacturers, do not really "care" about what they make lipstick from and add dangerous components to it:

      dyes based on coal tar.

      If you often tint lips with such lipstick, then you stuff your body with resin compounds that cause nausea and headache.

      The prospect is, frankly, bleak;

      synthetic fragrances that give lipstick that same delicate rose or cherry scent can cause dizziness, increased blood pressure and other health problems.

      Therefore, if the cosmetic product smells like in the production of the "Triple" cologne, put it back on the counter.

    Ask us what to do with all this disgrace?

    “And don't expect to buy high-quality lipstick for 100 rubles on the market. There are no miracles in such matters!
    If you don't want to guess with your mouth swollen from allergies, what lipstick is made of, buy tubes of well-known manufacturers in specialized cosmetic stores.
    Well, if you also ask the seller to show you the quality certificate, you are a super cool buyer. Keep it up! ”- says cosmetologist Nila from St. Petersburg.

    6 surprising facts: what lipstick is made of is not the most interesting!

    If you can easily lull your interlocutor to sleep at a social event with information about what lipstick is made of, then he will definitely not remain indifferent to these 5 interesting facts:

      in those distant times, when boiled sausage was delicious, and television was black and white, special filters were installed in the cells that “ate up” the red color.

      In order not to look like pale ghosts, actors and announcers were forced to paint their lips with green lipstick.

      Directly not TV shooting, but some kind of Halloween party!

      so that the lips of the ladies in ancient times flickered like a moonlit path, crushed fish scales were added to lipsticks.

      Now manufacturers delicately call this component "pearlescent extract". Marketing is our everything!

      at official receptions, according to international diplomatic etiquette, the wives of presidents are allowed one single shade of lipstick - soft pink.

      And God forbid them to make up bright red - a serious international scandal could break out!

      in the European royal courts, they "bother" with the question of what lipstick is made for lips exclusively by men, who thus distinguished their mouth against the background of a beard and mustache.

      So we imagine how one bearded courtier whispers to another: “Be a man! Paint your lips, now the king will come! ”;

      in order to be seriously poisoned with this cosmetic product, you need to eat at least three tubes.

      And only then, lying in the hospital under an IV, you can think about what it is made of and how to live with it further;

      the seductress of all times and peoples Marilyn Monroe painted with lipstick, applying it in five layers.

    When you don't need to steam, what is lipstick made of: 15 best beauty products in 2017-2018

    Site experts We carefully checked what lipsticks are made from by famous manufacturers and, to the delight of the young ladies, compiled a rating of the best lipsticks in 2017:
    CategoryA placeNameRatingPrice, Russian rubles

    The best lipstick with a caring effect

    1 Sisley phyto lip shine10 / 10 2 300
    2 Estee Lauder Pure Color Envy9.9 / 10 2 700

    The best lipstick with a moist and / or plumping effect

    1 Maybelline Hydra Extreme
    9.8 / 10 160
    2 Vivienne Sabo Gloire D "amour 9.0 / 10 210

    Best matte lipstick

    1 Yves saint laurent rouge volupte9.9 / 10 2 700
    2 Maybelline Сolor Sensational "Matte temptation"9.9 / 10 485
    3 Seventeen Matte Lasting Lipstick
    8.8 / 10 320

    Best all-round lipstick

    1 ArtDeco Lip Passion9.8 / 10 700
    2 Givenchy Rouge Interdit Shine
    9.5 / 10 1 800

    Best Liquid Lipstick

    1 Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet lipstick
    10 / 10 640

    Best Red Lipstick

    1 Christian Dior Rouge Dior 99910 / 10 2 000
    2 Relouis Sapphire (shade # 947 fiery)9.9 / 10 272
    3 Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick9.1 / 10 550

    Best nude lipstick

    1 Clarins Rouge Eclat (in shade # 01 Nude Rose)9.8 / 10 2 250

    Best Long Lasting Lipstick

    1 Clinique long last lipstick9.7 / 10 1 500

    Want to know exactly how lipstick is made?

    In this video, you will see the whole process with your own eyes!

    Now that you know for sure what lipstick is made of, you will be able not only to please your old chemistry teacher with knowledge, but also “with feeling, really, with arrangement”, choose the coveted tube in the store.

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    Lipstick, scientifically, is a fat-waxy substance that does not contain water.

    Consider the composition of a woman's lipstick, including its chemical composition, we will find out in our work what the lipstick consists of.

    Modern lipstick, unlike its predecessors, not only is not harmful, but on the contrary - it is good for the lips.

    However, in order to truly combine beauty and lip care, one should carefully approach the choice and use of this cosmetic product.

    What should be lipstick?

    • She should not tighten her lips and cause a feeling of heaviness;
    • The lipstick should be soft and easy to apply to the lips and lie flat;
    • Should produce a pleasant soft feeling on the lips;
    • Must have a pleasant scent;
    • The surface of the lipstick should be smooth, without drops and smudges;
    • The lipstick shaft must be strong;
    • When exposed to the sun, good lipstick shouldn't melt like ice cream.

    What does lipstick consist of?

    So what does women's lipstick consist of?

    A regular, non-hygienic lipstick usually has four ingredients: base, coloring mixture, additives and lipstick perfume.

    Lipstick base - waxes and wax-like substances - structure-forming elements, fats and oils - emollients, film-forming components.

    1. Wax determines the shape of the lipstick, ensure its durability and flexibility.
    Of the waxes and wax-like substances, the most commonly used are paraffin, beeswax or silicone wax, ceresin, microcrystalline waxes, carnauba and candelilla waxes - natural plant waxes from palm trees and grass leaves.

    2. Oils. The main oil for the production of lipstick is castor oil. Its main advantage is its resistance to oxidation.

    The main oil used in lipstick is castor oil. It is appreciated for its high viscosity and good lip softening. In addition to it, vaseline oil or liquid paraffin is used. A mixture of oils makes the lipstick soft and easy to apply, while the film-forming elements - polymers and silicone derivatives - create a shiny, stable smear.

    3. Fats give the lipstick firmness. Leaving a stable film on the lips, fats protect delicate skin from chapping and moisture loss.

    4. Dyes. Historically, carmine was the first color used in lipstick production. The color of this pigment can range from gray to purple-violet. The most interesting thing is that this dye is obtained from dried red-brown insects, false scale insects or cochineal. These bugs live in Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Armenia and Azerbaijan.

    Lipstick color depends on a mixture of pigments, dyes and oils. The list of dyes is very diverse, so there is no point in listing chemical terms that will not explain anything to a non-specialist.

    5. Supplements. Among the additives that make up lipstick, the most common are vitamins A and E. They have anti-inflammatory effects, contain plant extracts and sunscreens.

    Among the additives present in the composition of any lipstick, the most popular formulations that care for the lips are vitamins A ( Fig. 1) and E ( Fig. 2).

    Preparations that improve tissue regeneration with anti-inflammatory action, hyaluronic acid, oil-based plant extracts, sunscreens.

    Some of the additives are determined by fashion - nylons that add shine, pearlescent pigments that reflect light.

    Also, all lipsticks necessarily contain preservatives, which are designed to preserve the properties of lipstick as long as possible and antioxidants to prevent oxidation.

    6. Perfume hides the smell of lipstick raw materials. In addition, all lipsticks contain preservatives that preserve the properties of the lipstick, as well as antioxidants that prevent oxidation.

    Characteristics of the introduced components

    Lipstick wax base is formed by:
    • ceresin grade 75 and 100;
    • paraffin oil grade P-1, P-2;
    • beeswax;
    • lanolin.

    Introduction to composition ceresina 5-11%, paraffin 8-10%, beeswax 2-9%, lanolin 7-9% gives the lipstick pencil hardness, while providing a light, flexible smear.

    The introduction of these components below and above the claimed does not provide the desired structure of the lipstick pencil.

    Glycerin monostearate, introduced into the composition of lipstick as an emulsifier and structurant in an amount of 0.5-7%. It is a mixture of mono- and diesters of stearin acids. Provides good filling with color and a stable emulsion of the lipstick mass. The introduction of less than 0.5 and more than 7% does not provide the desired structure of the lipstick.

    Polyethylsiloxane liquid PES5, PESZ and / or polybutene in the amount of 2-7% creates a shiny, stable film on the lips, while softening the skin of the lips, contributes to the long retention of the dye on the lips. By adsorbing the dye on itself, it prevents its penetration into the skin, which protects the lips from discoloration. Introduction to the composition of less than 2% creates an unstable film, more than 7% violates the structure of the pencil.

    Fatty acid esters butyl stearate or isopropyl ethers of palmitic or myristic acid, in an amount of 4.5-10.5%, they distribute the wax base well, and in combination with cocoa butter they contribute to better spreadability, a decrease in the viscosity of the lipstick, in the presence of lanolin, they improve the dispersion of dyes, while the pencil does not lose hardness, ease of applying a smear. The introduction of less than 4.5% does not provide a normal dispersion of the dyes, more than 10.5% - gives the mass excessive softness, makes the smear heavier.

    Calamus rhizome oil extract, which has anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of essential oils, ascorbic acid and, in particular, proazulene. Introduction to the composition in an amount of 2-4% has a beneficial effect on the skin of the lips, softens, relieves irritation, protects against cracks and inflammation. Introduction to the composition of less than 2% does not create the desired effect, more than 4% - excessively softens the mass. Perhaps, instead of the oil extract of the calamus rhizome, the introduction of the oil extract of fresh carrots, caraway seeds, or rowan fruits, which have a similar effect on the lips.

    food ionol, in the amount of 0.05-0.25%.

    harmless dyes, which are fat-soluble organic and inorganic pigments and varnishes, as well as pearlescent pigment, in an amount of 6-10%.

    For example, to obtain a lipstick of bright cyclamen color (tone No. 7), a dye was used DCRedN 27 AllLake in an amount of 4% and pearlescent pigment TimironSupersheen MP1001 in the amount of 8%. To obtain a lipstick of blackberry color, 3% of red 5C pigment, 3% of pearlescent pigment are introduced as dyes TimironStarluster MP115 and 5% pearlescent pigment ColoranaDarkBlue.

    To give lipstick a pleasant scent, the composition contains perfume in the amount of 0.5-1% vanilla-floral direction.

    Pomade Is one of the most commonly used cosmetic products. But few people using it think about the fact that a lipstick contains a wide range of chemicals that are required for its manufacture and use. The “set” of these ingredients and their exact proportions determine the required color, gloss and durability. Each sample of finished products contains several hundred different chemical compounds, but there are several groups of substances that can be called the main ones that determine the composition of lipstick as a whole.

    The average lipstick composition is shown in the infographic below, but truth be told, this composition can vary widely from lipstick to lipstick. Overall, the infographic shows that waxes and oils make up the bulk of lipstick formulation.

    Wax is the basis of lipstick composition

    Waxes are critical to the structure and shape of a lipstick. Beeswax is usually the main part of the lipstick composition. It consists of about 300 different chemical compounds. Basically, these are esters, which make up about 70% of the composition. The remaining 30% of the compounds include organic acids and hydrocarbons.

    Another type of wax used in lipstick production is carnauba waxderived from Brazilian carnauba palms. Compared to other waxes, it has the highest melting point, which is approximately 87 ° C. The presence of this wax in the composition of lipstick can add a rather useful property - the lipstick will not melt in the sun, since the melting point is lower than some other waxes used.

    Other types of wax are also used, for example candelilla waxderived from the shrub of the Mexican Candelia and lanolin, wax secreted from the glands of woolen animals.

    Waxes primarily provide structure to the lipstick and can also provide other beneficial properties - they can act as emulsifiers to help bond other ingredients together, and can also add gloss when applied to the lipstick.

    Oils are an important component of lipstick composition

    Like wax, another important component of lipstick is oils... The most commonly used is castor oil, the percentage of which is quite high in lipstick. Also used olive oiland minerals. The oils impart emollient properties to the lipstick. They also make the application of the lipstick easier and contribute to the gloss. In addition, they act as solvents for soluble colorants used in lipstick or as dispersing agents for other insoluble pigments.

    Pigments and dyes that make up lipstick

    Pigments and dyes, although only a small percentage in the lipstick composition, are the most important, as they add color to the lipstick. Pigments - insoluble dyes, and under the name dyes - in the case of lipstick, we mean soluble dyes.

    Carmine red, also known as carminic acid, is a common red pigment that is obtained from the Ararat cochineal (various sized insects that live on cacti). Carmine is prepared by boiling insects in ammonia or sodium carbonate, then filtered, and then alum is added.

    Another common component due to which lipstick acquires the necessary color is called eosin. Eosin Is a colorant that actually changes color when applied. As part of lipstick eosin is red with a slightly blue tint. When eosin hits the skin of the lips, it reacts with the amino groups of skin proteins, and this reaction leads to the activation of color and a shift of the absorption maximum to the long-wavelength part of the spectrum. Another advantage of this reaction is that it makes this colorant bright and persistent.

    Lipstick excipients

    Of course, lipsticks are not only produced in red, so to achieve a wider range of colors, other pigments and dyes are needed today, and there are many of them. In addition, other substances can be added to change the intensity of red color pigments and dyes. Titanium dioxide, a white compound, is a common adjunct that can be added to red colorants in varying amounts to produce a pink lipstick spectrum.

    Certain other compounds can be added in small amounts to provide moisturizing properties, or to provide a pleasant scent that also masks the odors of other lipstick compounds. Interesting that capsaicin (an alkaloid found in various varieties of capsicum) that is largely responsible as a spice is also found in lipstick. Its presence can act as a minor skin irritant, which means it can lead to the effect of plump lips.

    On a final note, it must be added that in recent years there has been concern about very small amounts of lipsticks. heavy metalswhich can be found in some samples. After recent research, 32 popular lipsticks found small amounts of lead, cadmium, aluminum, chromium and manganese in many of them. However, this study has been criticized.

    The presence of heavy metals in lipsticks is still an unresolved and controversial issue. Meanwhile, many companies are now producing lead-free lipsticks to soothe consumer fears.