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  • How to pump up your ass and abs at home. Pump Up Your Butt Together - The Best Butt Pumping Exercises

    How to pump up your ass and abs at home. Pump Up Your Butt Together - The Best Butt Pumping Exercises

    Perhaps every girl dreams of a juicy, firm and tight ass. Girls, flipping through glossy magazines, watching TV and the Internet, constantly see the reference buttocks of Beoinse, Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian and other celebrities, and dream of getting the same ones. How to get a beautiful fit ass will be discussed in this article.

    Surely, every girl puzzled by the question of pumping up priests asks this question. After all, not every representative of the fair sex wants to go to the simulator, pay money for it, spend time on the road.

    The answer to the question of whether it is realistic to pump the ass at home is unambiguous - you can! To do this, three conditions must be met:

    • High quality balanced nutrition.
    • Competent effective training program.
    • Rest and recovery.

    Expert opinion

    Igor Bondarev

    Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports

    Ask an expert

    Approaching the issue with all responsibility and desire, you can achieve an excellent result.

    Proper nutrition

    More than 50% of success in pumping the muscles of the buttocks depends on proper nutrition. If the muscles are not properly nourished, there will be no muscle growth. Particular attention should be paid to the calorie content and "protein content" of food on the day of training: in addition to the main meals, before and after training it will not hurt to make additional small meals with a high protein content: cottage cheese, milk, porridge, chicken breast.

    It is also necessary to give up sweets and reduce the consumption of fruits to a minimum.

    What do you need to pump up your ass at home?

    In order to succeed in this business and achieve a good result at home, you need to exercise properly and make an effort. To pump up the ass, you do not need expensive simulators, all exercises are performed with your own weight. The maximum that may be required is a gymnastic mat, sneakers, tracksuit.

    Many people think that the chic curvy shapes of the buttocks go to their lucky owners from nature, and this is partly true. However, through diligent and painstaking training, it is also possible to achieve good results in a short time.

    What muscles are in the buttock?

    The buttocks are composed of three muscles: the small, middle and large gluteus. The gluteus maximus muscle is the largest muscle in the human body. All three muscles are very actively involved in human activities. They are involved in the main types of human activity: walking, running, sitting, maintaining posture.

    A person who doesn't pay attention to their buttocks has a weak butt. Due to weak muscles of the buttocks, the rest of the muscles can suffer, up to injury. If you deal with your buttocks, then in addition to strong muscles that will help maintain posture, they will not get so tired when walking and running, you will get beautiful and toned shapes that will delight the owners and those around them.

    The best exercises for the buttocks

    If you regularly perform the set of exercises described below, then you can achieve good results in a fairly short period of time.


    An excellent exercise for pumping your back, buttocks and hamstrings and abs.

    1. Starting position: you need to lie on the floor or rug face down. Legs together, toes extended, arms straight and extended forward.
    2. We tighten the abdominal muscles and perform the simultaneous lifting of the arms and legs up, as far as possible.
    3. At the point of greatest tension, it is necessary to fix the position for 2-5 seconds and tighten the muscles of the buttocks.

    If this exercise after a while becomes too easy to perform, you can complicate it a little: take small weights (dumbbells or pancakes), and fix them on the ankles. Weights will add stress to the muscles and accelerate progress. Exercise "Superman" with weights is performed in the same way as usual.

    Glute bridge

    Another great exercise for training your glutes. One might even say - one of the best. The range of motion allows for impressive progress on this exercise. When performing the exercise, the muscles of the buttocks, back of the thigh and calves are actively involved and work.

    1. Initial exercise: you need to lie on the floor or mat with your back down, arms along the body. The knees must be bent at an acute angle, the feet must be moved as much as possible to the buttocks.
    2. We tighten the muscles of the buttocks and thighs and lift the buttock up. Feet rest on the floor, hands on the upper back on the floor. The body forms a straight line from the shoulders to the knees at the end point of the exercise.
    3. At the top point, you need to fix the body for a few seconds.
    4. We return to the starting position.

    It is necessary to perform 2-3 sets of 10-15 repetitions. After each repetition, you can rest for a few seconds, rest between sets - 30-60 seconds.

    These simple workouts will quickly tighten your butt!

    To pump up the ass and make it beautiful and elastic is quite possible at home. To do this, you only need the desire to regularly repeat fairly simple exercises. And then, in a month, your rear view will radically change and make you smile at the reflection in the mirror.

    To pump up your ass, that is, build muscles and give them the desired shape, choose workouts using weight (barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells or bodybar). In this case, 2-3 workouts per week will be enough, and each exercise needs to be performed 4-5 sets of 5-8 repetitions.

    And if your goal is to visually shrink the buttocks, skip the extra weight. In this case, all the exercises will have to be done more often: 5-6 times a week and in larger quantities: 5-6 sets of 18-20 repetitions.

    The Most Effective Butt Exercises You Can Do At Home

    • Squats

    Of course, you can pump up your ass without squats, but not so quickly and efficiently. If you want to see results in a few weeks, you still have to turn to this exercise.

    Squatting is a basic exercise that allows you to work not only the butt, but also the legs, back and even the abs.

    To perform squats correctly, stand up straight with your legs slightly wider than your shoulders. Squat, pulling your buttocks back and as if sitting on an invisible chair. Having reached an angle of 90 degrees, lift yourself up, also transferring your weight back. Do every fourth squat, lingering for 10-30 seconds at the lowest point.

    At an advanced level, grab a dumbbell, barbell, or bodybar. Weights seriously increase the load.

    Squats are done deeply, the ass must be brought back as much as possible, the back should be kept straight. Squat to the lowest possible position: the lower you go, the more your glutes will be involved in the squat.

    By the way, squats effectively eliminate cellulite. Remember a simple rule - the more you squat, the faster your butt becomes seductive.

    • Bridge (pelvic lifts)

    Lie on the floor with your arms extended along your torso, bend your legs and bring them as close to your buttocks as possible. Now lift the pelvis, making a bridge and contracting the muscles of the buttocks. When performing this exercise, lean on your hands, then the load is evenly distributed, and the spinal section is not overstrained. You can stay in this position longer if you feel an effect, such as shaking. Do this exercise "ladder": 3 sets of 15, 12, 10 reps.

    • Raising the pelvis with the leg extended upward

    This exercise is very similar to the previous one, but even more effective. Lie on the floor, bend one leg at the knee, and extend the other up. In this position, lift the pelvis by contracting the muscles. Do 15 repetitions per set, 6-8 sets. To pump up the ass more efficiently, the leg can be loaded with a weighting agent.

    • Swing back and to the sides

    The simplest exercise for a firm butt. Stand, grab the back of the chair with your hands and swing back and to the side. Do not accelerate, work your muscles slowly. Do not rest at the bottom of the swing, but immediately throw your leg up.

    • Lunges

    The most important exercise for a beautiful butt. For weight loss, they are not so effective, since they help to build muscle mass. When they are performed, the gluteus maximus muscle and the front surface of the thigh and lower leg work. Take dumbbells in your hands, stretch them along your torso and start lunges. You can do them both on the spot and moving forward around the room. The wider the stride, the more the gluteal muscles are involved. When doing this, be sure to keep your back straight, and the knee of your back leg should touch the floor.

    • Swing back on all fours

    This is a very useful exercise. Just get on all fours and swing back, say 50 with one and 50 with the other foot per day. Performing the exercise "ladder" will also be effective: 3 sets of 15, 12, 10 repetitions. If this is too easy for you, increase the number of repetitions or place a dumbbell under your knee and lift your leg with it. Do not relax the muscles of the buttocks during the exercise.

    • High chair

    Press your back against the wall and sit down as if you were sitting on an invisible chair. Hold on for 30 seconds, then rest and do 2 more approaches. Try increasing the time by 10 seconds every day.

    • Raising the hips

    Another very effective butt exercise. Lie on your stomach, bend your knees. As you exhale, lift your legs up, linger in this position. Do 2 sets of 15 seconds each.

    • Jumping up the hill

    Find a stable, stable plinth about 30-40 cm high and jump onto it. Do 4 sets of 10 reps. If this exercise starts to come easy for you, pick up dumbbells or put weights on your legs. You can do this exercise on the stairs.

    • Deadlift

    Stand in the position of "legs slightly wider than shoulder width", take a dumbbell or barbell and begin to bend down, pushing the body forward, and putting the ass back. Do 4 sets of 10 reps.

    You can pump up your ass without squats and weight exercises using cardio workouts.

    Cardio for an elastic butt:

    • Running or walking on a treadmill "uphill"

    Running on a flat surface tends to shrink your glutes.

    • Interval training

    Give preference to interval training at a measured pace. This will allow the fat to “oxidize” faster, and the effort to shape your butt to a perfect shape will sooner be successful.


    Gorgeous buttocks invariably attract attention, add points to the overall attractiveness, especially for women. Even if you have a saggy butt, you can successfully work on its shape. A set of exercises will help to improve or radically change the appearance of the rear - "places lower back".

    How long can you pump up your buttocks

    The actual timing of changes depends on enthusiasm, physical fitness, and the amount of fat. A pumped-up ass is hardly possible in an overweight person. To shape the body, it is necessary to properly alternate training and rest. With a complete devotion to your studies, you can see the first results in 4-5 weeks. People with active lifestyles will reach their goal in an average of 3 months.

    Those who are far from sports should be patient for six months.

    Exercises to pump up your ass

    With an experienced trainer, the path to luxurious volumes will be easier and shorter. Homework will require more ability to motivate yourself, to understand the structure of muscles, the action of exercises. With proper organization, independent work will give excellent results.

    A beautiful butt is a trained gluteus maximus, minor, and middle. It is necessary to pump up the hips, which serve as a support for the buttocks. The complex should include at least 10 exercises. Alternating them, you will work out different groups of muscles, tighten your stomach and sides after childbirth.

    70% of the success of the "butt as a nut" mission depends on proper nutrition. Without it, the result will be much smaller.


    The exercise involves all of the gluteal muscles and some of the thigh muscles:

    1. Four-headed (quadriceps)- the front and side surfaces of the upper leg.
    2. Short and long adductor muscles.Located on the inner thigh
    3. Rear - large adductor, semitendinosus.

    Before exercising, you need to warm up the muscles for about 3-5 minutes. You can jump rope, perform small inclinations, rotations of the feet, knees. Start with 10 squats, gradually increasing the number.

    You need to do 5-6 approaches daily.

    Rules for doing classic squats:

    • Going down, take your ass back as much as possible.
    • Bend your knees at right angles to protect your joints from excessive stress.
    • Bend your elbows, palms locked into the lock, lift up to chin level.
    • Inhale as you go down, exhale as you go up.

    Deep with weights

    This exercise is for people with good physical fitness. At the beginning of your workouts, do 5 sets of 5 times. Gradually increase the number of squats.


    1. Starting position: straight back, feet shoulder-width apart, heels pressed to the floor.
    2. Hands with weights (dumbbells can be replaced with water bottles, sand) bent at the elbows, pressed to the sides.
    3. Lower down smoothly, hips should be below the knees, just as slowly return to the starting position.
    4. Breathe correctly.

    If you have light dumbbells, squat 15-20 times in one set, with heavy weights 8-10. The exercise pumps the quadriceps, the gluteus maximus muscle, tightens the inner, back of the thighs.

    Sumo squat

    This workout pumps the large muscles of the priests, on which their size and shape depend. Perform 3-4 approaches 10-15 times. Rest between them is 1 minute.

    Watch your breathing.


    1. Place your feet wider than your shoulders, turn your feet outward (the stand should not cause discomfort in the joints).
    2. Inhale, sit down slowly with your back straight. Keep your hips parallel to the floor, pull your pelvis back, do not bring your knees.
    3. Exhale slowly rise

    The exercise can be performed with weights. Take one dumbbell with both hands, lower it between your legs.

    The wide stance of the limbs allows you to load the inner and back of the thigh, remove fat from this part of the body.

    Start doing the exercise against the wall, later you can do it in front of the mirror. Keep your back straight, avoiding lower back arch. Pump up your ass in plie 10-15 times - 3 sets with a break of 5 minutes. Exercise strengthens and builds up the quadriceps femoris muscle.


    1. Starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, feet as wide as possible to the sides, arms at the waist.
    2. Exhale and slowly squat with your back against the wall until your butt is parallel to the floor. Do not bring your knees together, they should look to the sides.
    3. Fix the pose for 3 breathing cycles, slowly rise.

    Abducting the leg from a standing position

    Exercise pumps the inner and outer thighs, gluteal muscles. Perform 15 swings with each leg. For greater effect, weights can be put on the ankles. Start with a weight of 150-200 g, gradually increasing the number of reps and weight.


    1. Stand up straight with your hands on your hips.
    2. Shift your weight onto your supporting leg.
    3. As you exhale, take the second to the side, while inhaling, return to the starting position.

    Swing your leg to the side and up on all fours

    A simple, effective exercise for the glutes and abs. Helps build muscle to get rid of flat butt. The first changes will be visible after 30 days.

    Start with 10 times on each side, 3 sets, gradually increasing the amount.


    1. Get on all fours (knees bent, arms straight).
    2. Do a slow swing until your legs are fully extended, then return to the starting position.

    Variable lunges

    The exercise engages all the muscles in the hips and buttocks. This speeds up the formation of a beautiful butt. For execution, use an emphasis and weights. Alternate between different types of attacks to build a tight butt in 3 weeks. Try to squat low, keeping the right angle at the bent knee. Keep your clasped palms in front of your chest.

    Types of attacks:

    • forward;
    • to the sides;
    • crosswise - alternate lunges with the right leg to the left and vice versa;
    • back;
    • in a jump - the front and hind legs alternate.

    Forward with bodybar

    The gymnastic apparatus in the form of a stick is designed for the convenience of working with weights. Its weight (indicated by the color of the knobs) can be from 1.5-2 kg to 10 kg. If you are new to this kind of workout, move slowly and keep your balance. The exercise works out the relief of the quadriceps, gluteal and hind thigh muscles. The workout includes three sets of 8-10 reps for each leg.

    Gradually increase the number of repetitions and the load.

    Exercise for the buttocks:

    1. While standing, place the stick on your shoulders, hold the ends with your hands.
    2. Take a wide step forward with your back straight.
    3. Lean against the floor with the toe of your back leg, lower your knee to light touch with the support, but do not lean on it.
    4. As you exhale, rise.

    Sideways with dumbbells

    Lateral lunges provide an opportunity to pump up your arms, quads, and glutes. Exercise corrects the outer surface of the thigh, the breeches zone. Intense exercise requires a lot of energy to help you lose weight. Hands with dumbbells can be held along the body, in front of you, or bent at the elbows.

    Do 3-4 sets of 8-15 reps for each leg.


    • Starting position - standing, with a straight back.
    • While inhaling, step to the side, calmly transfer the weight to the supporting leg, sit down until a right angle forms (the second straight limb is extended to the side).
    • Stand up with an exhalation.

    Buttocks bridge

    The exercise is performed in 4-5 approaches, each has 10 repetitions. It deeply works out the buttocks, improves their shape, prepares for more serious loads. As you rise, tighten your priests and abs.

    Choose a non-slip surface for your activity to securely rest your feet.


    1. Lie on the floor, bend your knees, extend your arms back.
    2. As you inhale, lift your body to a straight line with your shoulders, fix this position for 10 seconds. With an exhalation, lower yourself without touching the floor with your buttocks, and rise again.

    Deadlift on straight legs

    Start with a low weight to avoid damaging your spine. Grab the weights with a grip from above, with your palms facing down. Maintain tonicity in the lower back, bend over with straight legs. Exercise pumps out the gluteal and hamstring muscles. Start with 8-10 repetitions of 3-4 sets.

    1. Stand straight with your feet together.
    2. Take a barbell or dumbbells, while inhaling, make the incline as low as you can without bending your knees.
    3. With an exhalation, return to the starting position.

    Walking on the buttocks

    There are variations of this exercise, here is the classic way of doing it. Start with a warm up session. When walking on the priest, strain the gluteal muscles as much as possible, this improves pumping. Weights can be used. Exercise for 5-15 minutes daily.

    Exercise description:

    1. Sit on a rug with your back straight, bend your elbows, press them firmly against your sides.
    2. Place your feet at shoulder level.
    3. Straining your buttocks, move back and forth, alternately shifting body weight.

    Steps on the step with raising the knee

    Gyms and outdoor areas are equipped with platforms for this exercise. At home, any stable surface is suitable: a step or a small stool. Do 15 reps for each leg.

    The training works out all problem areas of the hips.


    1. Step with one foot on the step, pull the knee with the other to your chest.
    2. First, lower the bent limb, then the supporting one.

    Leg press in the simulator

    By changing the position of the feet and the amplitude of movements, you can load different muscle groups, pump the inner and back surfaces of the thighs, quadriceps, gluteal, adductors. Every gym is equipped with at least several seated and prone leg press machines. Allocate 3-4 times a week to practice.

    A set of exercises for the Brazilian priests

    The round outlines of the buttocks, for which South American girls are famous, can be achieved only by pumping all the muscles in this zone. A sample program to achieve the desired result might look like this.

    Exercise name

    Number of repetitions

    Number of approaches


    Leg press

    Gluteal bridge


    Mahi on all fours

    Extension of the legs on the machine

    Fire hydrant

    Train at least twice a week. Alternate between different options for squats, swings on all fours. Walk on your bottom daily, perform alternating lunges.

    Try to eat right, do not eat high-calorie foods.

    Which ass workout is more effective

    Many types of physical activity pump up the buttocks, although they are not designed to work them out. Cardio exercises (running, brisk walking, swimming, outdoor sports) burn calories, increase muscle tone, develop endurance, and improve the respiratory system. This gives strength to perform specialized butt swinging exercises. With regular exercise, you will notice that the shape of the buttocks has changed, and your well-being and quality of life have improved.


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    The problem of the "fifth point" is known to me firsthand, since nature has not rewarded me with appetizing convex curves in this part of the body, and after childbirth, in addition to everything, fatty deposits appeared on the thighs, cellulite was outlined over the years.

    Once, having carefully studied all this beauty in the mirror, I realized that I urgently needed to solve something and went to the computer to look for instructions on how to pump up my ass at home quickly and correctly. It turned out that it is quite possible to give the sirloin part of the body elasticity and beauty even at home, but you need to be patient and train constantly.

    If you dream of turning your ass into the envy of all your girlfriends, then you need to know how to do it at home.

    Of course, you won't be able to pump up in a week or even a month, but it will help you develop a habit of exercising, which is already good. And for girls watching their figure - this is especially important.

    After consulting with my friend's trainer, I found that there is practically no difference where to train - at home or in the gym. The main thing here is perseverance and precision in the execution of movements. And you can't buy into the slogans that a super-duper modern trainer will help make a butt like a nut in a week. The muscles of the buttocks build up for a long time, and you should not hope for a quick effect, so we need to be patient.

    The regularity of classes is no less important, it is recommended to train 3 times a week for at least 15 minutes, without holidays and indulgences. In addition, you need to connect aerobic exercise - skating and skiing, jogging, swimming, cycling. Remember how you loved to jump on a rope as a child - this is also suitable. The main thing is regularity and perseverance. After all, one has only to give slack once and you can give up work on your body for a month!

    Another unexpected news for me turned out that in order to form a beautiful priests, you first need to achieve optimal weight, since if you have extra pounds, all the calories that enter the body will be deposited in adipose tissue, and not go to muscle formation.

    Therefore, you must first go on a balanced low-calorie diet, combining it with running, walking, swimming, aerobics and other cardio loads, get in shape, and then think about how to tighten the muscles of the buttocks and make the shapes more attractive.

    Proper nutrition for sports

    When exercising, it is important to stick to a healthy diet. As it turned out, you should not starve during training, since building material is required to build muscle. Therefore, you need to eat well, but not just a lot, but also right. So, in order for your workouts to be effective, you need to create a balanced nutrition program.

    What should be included in the diet?

    • drink a lot of juices, mineral water, but not coffee and alcohol;
    • give up sweets, soda, flour - these are "bad carbohydrates";
    • remove "bad" animal fats, that is, smoked meats, sausages, fatty fish, do not lean on butter, margarine;
    • reduce the amount of salt;
    • give preference to steamed, stewed and boiled dishes;
    • do not forget about fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains, fish, eggs, lean meat;
    • after each workout, consume "healthy" carbohydrates to restore muscle and form new tissues.

    You will not be beautiful with one booty if the abs are sluggish and the tummy sticks out. We decided to take care of ourselves - put in order and press.

    A set of exercises - swing the buttocks

    In order for the priest to be elastic and fit, you need to perform complex gymnastics for the buttocks. It is quite simple and consists of several basic exercises (these are squats, swings, lunges, lifting the pelvis, deadlift with weights), which can be done with equal success at home.

    But what about without beautiful exercise equipment and a dumbbell? The required tension can be achieved by clearly performing the exercises, and improvised means - bottles of water, books, or even a child - are quite suitable as a weight! So, let's study in more detail the features of the basic movements.

    • Deep squat

    With its help, you can achieve maximum tension of the gluteal muscles. To do this, put your legs wider than your shoulders, bend your body forward and squat as low as possible, keeping your back straight. It is important to make sure that the knees are pointing forward, and not at each other or beyond the feet. At first, you can put a low bench behind and try to reach it with your booty, checking the quality of the execution.

    As we rise, we will immediately feel the strong tension of the very muscles that need to be pumped up. First, we perform 10-15 in three approaches, gradually increase the amount and use weighting.

    • Lunges

    Lunges for the buttocks are just as effective as squats. How to do lunges correctly? You can perform them on a flat floor or a step stand. When doing it, it is important to ensure that the knee does not protrude in front of the toe. So, we stand straight, take a step forward, straightening the sock and straightening the chest, and squat. Freezing for a couple of seconds, we rise and return to the starting position, change the leg.

    You can do the exercise by moving around the room. At the same time, the muscles of the buttocks are more strongly involved.Make sure that during a lunge, the knee of the leg, which at this moment is behind, touches the floor.

    You need to perform 15 times in several approaches, over time increasing the number of movements and using dumbbells.

    • Swing your legs

    It would seem that we were doing all the kicks back since kindergarten. But how to pump up the ass with it? But such exercises really allow you to pump up the right parts of the body, especially if you choose the right complex.

    It is best to do the swing while standing on all fours. To do this, we stand in a pose, which in medicine is called the knee-elbow, that is, we lean on our knees and elbows, after which we take the leg bent at the knee back. The main trick is the need to strain all the muscles of the legs, especially the gluteal and hip muscles. You can also train while standing with your hands on a chair. We carry out 25 times in three approaches.

    Leg swings to the side are also performed on the knees, but the leg is retracted to the side to the maximum and then returns to its original position.

    • Lying Pelvis Raise

    It helps to build muscle quite quickly, while simultaneously strengthening the legs and back. To do this, we lie on the floor with our backs, bend our knees a little and raise the pelvis up, leaning our hands on the sides of the body, freeze at the top point for a couple of seconds and lower ourselves. In this case, the secret is to press the shoulders as tightly as possible and work with the buttocks.

    • Deadlift

    Remember how the pitching motion lifts a heavy barbell, pulling the pelvis back? This is exactly how we will pump up the buttocks, giving it beautiful contours, as to increase the gluteal muscles with really different exercises. But only this allows you to form a beautiful smooth transition between the booty itself and the leg. We don't want the "fifth point" to look square, do we?

    • Exercise with a bench

    For this exercise, you need to pick up a stable pedestal with a height of 30-40 centimeters. We used a stable bench in the hall. We alternately step on the bench, first with one foot (30 times), then with the other (30 times). And so three approaches. If the exercise becomes easy, put weights on your legs and arms. This exercise will also allow you to tighten and strengthen your leg muscles.

    So, instead of a barbell, you can take several bottles of water, the main thing is that the weight is acceptable, not too small, but lifting. We raise the load so as to avoid strong bending of the knees and to lower by protruding the buttocks. We carry out 10-12 times in three approaches.

    Unusual home exercises

    In addition to the traditional movements that are used in sports halls, there are more original, sometimes a little funny, but no less effective methods.

    1. Sit on the floor, stretch your legs in front of you and move forward using only the gluteal muscles. You need to complete at least 20 "steps" forward, and then back.
    2. Get on your knees and alternately squat on the ass to the right and left of the legs.
    3. I liked the exercise "Lazy" (well, right for me), in which you need to lie on your back against the wall so as to rest against it with your legs bent at the knees. And now we just "step" up the wall and then down, this allows you to build up muscles and make your buttocks more round.

    How to pump up the ass at home - video

    I have selected a video of exercises for you that you can easily do at home. And with the right approach and consistency, you can do it in record time.

    Now you and I know how to quickly deal with a problem, what to look for and how often to do it. I note that these exercises really work - I can confirm this from my own experience of three-month classes, the effect is really visible not only to me!

    If you did not have time to look at our selection, and did not start, then our material For you! What exercises need to be done to pump up the ass and make it elastic and sooo appetizingread in our material.


    Despite the fact that summer is already in full swing, this is not a reason to give up and stop practicing altogether. If you still dream of getting a great booty, but don't know how to pump it up, start doing these 5 simple exercises, and after 3 weeks of daily workouts, you will have a stunning booty pumped up.

    Most Effective Butt Exercise: Squats

    Let's start with them, because squats are one of the most effective exercises that makes the ass round and toned. The main secret is to learn

    Take a starting position: put your feet shoulder-width apart, look forward. As you inhale, begin to squat, taking your pelvis back (imagine that you are sitting on a chair). We do not bring our knees together, we do not lift the heels off the floor. As you exhale, return to the starting position.

    In addition to the standard one, you can do other types of squats. For example, a plie squat with legs apart or a squat with a side bend.

    Best Butt Exercise: Lunges

    Lunges are one of the most effective exercises for tightening and enlarging your glutes. It works on the quadriceps, gluteus maximus, and rectus femoris. There are several: they can be done not only forward, but also backward, as well as to the side.

    The correct technique for performing a backward lunge is as follows: put your feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, look forward. As you inhale, step back with your foot on your toes. The supporting leg should be at 90 degrees. As you exhale, return to the starting position, trying to raise your body using the muscles of your buttocks, not your legs. It is important to perform lunges with a straight back.

    Effectiveexercises for the buttocks at home: swing

    Don't feel like it’s about swinging your legs while standing. It's too easy. A super steep exercise for pulling up the hips is back swing with a bent and straight leg. If done correctly, after 20 repetitions you will feel how the gluteus maximus muscle "burns". At this moment, you cannot stop doing the exercise: when the muscles are incredibly baking, their strongest "pumping" occurs.

    Get on your knees, lean on your hands or elbows (as you like), your back is straight. Begin to take your straight leg back. Do 20 repetitions, then bend your leg 90 degrees and do another rep.

    Most Effective Butt Exercise: Supine Pelvis Lift

    Like all of the above, this glute exercise can be done at home. It fits perfectly into the whole range of exercises for the muscles of the buttocks. It is especially cool to perform it after lunges, squats and swings, when there is no strength for anything.

    To, lie on your back and stretch your arms along your torso. Bend your legs at the knees, place your feet completely on the floor. As you exhale, start lifting your buttocks, focusing on your feet. For greater efficiency, you can raise your socks using only your heels. At the highest point of lifting the buttocks, linger for 3-5 seconds. It is important to tighten the buttocks as much as possible in this position. Lower yourself to the starting position without touching the floor.

    When lifting the pelvis while lying on your back, only the buttocks and abs should be involved. Do not strain your neck muscles, shoulders, and legs.

    A set of exercises for the buttocks at home: deadlift on straight legs

    To get beautiful muscles, you need to not only train them, but also stretch them well. This exercise will help relax your muscles, and will be the final piece in our range of effective buttock augmentation exercises at home.

    To correctly perform and stretch the muscles, do the following: take two dumbbells (preferably 3 kg each) or a body bar (5-6 kg). Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart. As you inhale, start slowly lowering the weight to the middle of your lower leg, while your back should be as flat as possible. When doing this exercise, it is important to feel how the muscles of the buttocks and back of the thigh are stretched. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Do not fully extend your legs in the starting position - leave them slightly bent.

    We have told you about the most effective exercises for the buttocks that you can do yourself at home. Do this set of exercises every day (2 sets of 25 times each exercise will be enough), and you will not only tighten your butt, but also make it more rounded and more prominent, increasing it visually.

    What exercises for beautiful priests do you know?