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  • Why you need to eat soup. Is soup good for you

    Why you need to eat soup. Is soup good for you

    Is there any benefit to soup? The richness of its ingredients provides an optimal balance of nutrients, minerals and vitamins needed to replenish energy losses and keep the body in good shape. How often should you eat first courses? What should be a healthy soup?

    What are the benefits of soup?

    The benefits of soups for the body

    The benefits of first courses are difficult to overestimate.

    Soup improves health. It is believed that eating first courses is the easiest way to enrich your diet with vegetables. To meet the average daily intake of vegetables, it is enough to eat a couple of bowls of soup a day. All practitioners of a variety of healthy eating systems recommend eating vegetable, vegetarian soups.

    Help in losing weight. You should not expect an effect from one bowl of soup, combining the consumption of soups with regular training, you will quickly achieve the desired result. A bowl of soup with a minimum calorie content is quite nutritious.

    Fast satisfying hunger. The liquid in the soup fills the stomach quickly enough, forcing the feeling of hunger to recede. It is recommended to eat a bowl of soup before each meal.

    Improving health and general tone. Why is soup always recommended to patients? It is easily absorbed, benefits and quickly saturates a weakened body, improves tone.

    Nutritionists value vegetable puree soups very much, their benefit is that they are very quickly absorbed by the body. They are also valuable due to their pleasant consistency, excellent taste and usefulness.

    The benefits of pea soup, despite the fact that many fear it due to the possible violent intestinal reaction, is also undeniable. It contains practically no fat and helps to lose weight quite quickly, improve metabolism and get rid of depression.

    As you can see, soup deserves a special place in the diet.

    Is there any harm from soups?

    Soups violate the principles of separate meals, which prohibit drinking and eating at the same time. With a long boiling period, the beneficial substances that make up the ingredients of the soup, as a rule, are destroyed.

    During the cooking process, harmful substances, growth accelerators and hormones that unscrupulous manufacturers stuff meat with, get into the broth, and with it into our body. But this problem is solved quite easily: after boiling, the first broth is drained, and the meat is poured with new water, on which the soup continues to cook.

    There is no definite answer to the question of whether it is worth adding soup to your daily diet. The use of first courses is everyone's personal business. However, studies have shown that when cooking with organic foods, consuming soup can help improve digestion and lose weight.

    There are many myths about broths and soups. We collected all of them and asked the doctors to explain whether this was true or not.

    Myth 1

    Gastroenterologists and pediatricians say that first courses dilute gastric juice and reduce the concentration of digestive enzymes, that is, impair the absorption of food.


    The work of the stomach is arranged in such a way that the liquid leaves it immediately, and solid food sometimes remains for several hours, "grinding" into a liquid gruel (chyme) with particles of 1-1.2 mm in size - the larger ones do not go further into the duodenum. And all this time, gastric juice is secreted with acid and with only one type of enzymes - proteases, which break down only proteins and only partially. Neither fats nor carbohydrates are digested in the stomach.

    The main digestion takes place after the stomach - in the duodenum, where pancreatic enzymes enter, and then in the small intestine. And the concentration of enzymes does not decrease here due to the soup. Digestion occurs only in a liquid medium, and if there is not enough water, the small intestine "sucks" it in, and if there is a lot of it, it pumps it out. So a liquid first course only makes digestion easier.

    Myth 2

    The meat broth is quickly absorbed by the intestines, and the liver does not have time to master such an amount of "liquid" - as a result, meat extracts in the form of unsplit poisons bypass the liver and begin a "journey" throughout the body, causing harm to the internal organs.


    In a full serving of the former, about 300 ml of water is not a burden on the liver. Extracts too. First, they are naturally present in meat, poultry, fish, mushrooms, and other foods that you base your first on. And, therefore, if you make a second dish out of them, you will use them in the same way.

    Secondly, extracts are natural biological compounds that do not pose a great burden to the liver. There are many useful substances among them, some are even available in the form of dietary supplements. There are not very useful substances that are formed in the body and excreted by the kidneys. And, if the kidneys are severely damaged, toxins can build up.

    Myth 3

    Heat treatment, numerous boiling, which the ingredients of the soup are subjected to, reduce the amount of nutrients.


    The cooking process is one of the healthiest and most gentle cooking methods. The temperature with it is much lower than when baking, and even more so when cooking on a grill or charcoal.

    When boiling, many minerals are released into the broth. And in the case of the first courses, they are not lost, but consumed. But when cooking potatoes, pasta or vegetables, a lot of useful things are poured out with water. For example, in relation to boiled potatoes, we can talk about the loss of a large amount of the most useful potassium.

    Broth for colds

    You can remember the recipe for chicken broth, which the writers Peter Weil and Alexander Genis call "Jewish penicillin." In their famous book "Russian Cuisine in Exile" they write: "The broth is not devoid of some sobriety and even Jewish commercialism: by boiling it, you get the first and the second at once." Indeed, a great idea: on the first - broth, on the second - chicken. But few people know that the Russian peasants did the same with cabbage soup or borscht. First, they ate a liquid base with vegetables, and then, for the second, meat. This is a good technique for proper and balanced nutrition, which will suit a lot of diets.

    Endocrinologist-nutritionist, creator of the author's nutrition program Vadim Krylov:

    I am often asked: should the liquid contained in the first courses be referred to as drinks? Equate it to tea, coffee, plain water and include it in those 2-3 liters of water that are recommended for most healthy people to drink? The answer is unequivocal - to include. These are liquid dishes, they are based on water. These volumes do not include only the so-called latent water, which is found in almost all products. Somewhere there is a lot of it, as, for example, in vegetables and fruits, somewhere less - as in meat or poultry. But it is almost everywhere.

    Doctor-gastroenterologist, specialist in liver diseases, doctor of medical sciences, professor of the First Moscow State Medical University. I.M.Sechenova Alexey Bueverov:

    First courses have the so-called sokogonny effect. This means that they contribute to the production of digestive juices - gastric and pancreatic, duodenal juice, and bile. Firstly, it is a good preparation for the digestion of proteins and fats that will come from food later. I cannot say that first courses are harmful in general and for the liver in particular. Of course, if, for example, cabbage soup is very fatty or salted, or a lot of sour cream has been added to them, this is not useful. But as such, the first courses are not harmful, but in many respects are useful. For example, it is often said that the vegetables that are added to them are low in nutrients. Naturally, some vitamins are destroyed during cooking, but not all, besides them, there are other useful substances that remain - these are fiber, antioxidants. And therefore, vegetables, herbs, spices and herbs used in cooking are healthy.

    Secondly, complete proteins of meat, poultry and fish are useful - depending on what you add to the first dish.

    Third, the first is the source of the liquid. This is good for healthy people. Excess fluid is contraindicated only in hypertension, heart or kidney failure, in liver failure with ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity) and edema.

    Slimming soup

    Are soups and diet compatible? It is often said no. In fact, soups are great for diet food. And that's why:

    1. You can put lean meat in them.

    2. There is a secret how to make the soup fat-free: put the dish in the refrigerator and then just remove the frozen fat from the surface.

    3. You can make vegetable cabbage soup or soup without meat or poultry, without adding cereals, flour, noodles or vermicelli. You get a low-calorie hearty dish. The famous diet of Madame Jestan is based on a similar soup.

    Madame Jestan's soup

    Take 6 medium onions, some tomatoes, a head of cabbage, 2 bell peppers, a bunch of celery, and a cube of vegetable broth (you can use any low-fat broth you make yourself). Cut everything into small and medium pieces, cover with water, season with a little salt and pepper (you can curry), boil for 10 minutes over high heat and then cook on low until the vegetables are soft. You can eat such a soup whenever you want and as much as you want: if you feel hunger - eat soup and lose weight.

    Many rumors and myths about the benefits and harms of soups create misconceptions about the need for first (liquid) dishes in the human diet. Let's start with the benefits of soups for losing weight and maintaining weight.

    Research by scientists proves that those who eat first courses every day lose weight more easily and effectively than people who do not have soups in their diet. However, the results of these studies can be questioned if it turns out that the people who took part in them drank little water, and the soups simply replenished the body's needs for fluid. In any case, the soup is a very good food for making you feel full. First courses allow you not to increase the calorie intake. In this case, the food density (saturation) can be reduced: the amount of nutrients will not be very large, and the amount of food will be sufficient. With the help of soup, you can arrange fasting days, unless, of course, it is a meat soup, and it does not contain a large amount of fat.

    For the sake of fairness, we can say that increasing the amount of incoming food and reducing its calorie content can be done with salads, fiber and bran (cabbage, carrots, apples, persimmons, bananas, bran bread, adding fiber to food).

    The health benefits of soups are questionable.
    You can often hear that people with stomach diseases (gastritis, ulcers) simply need to eat liquid. In fact, they need frequent, small and fractional meals. In addition, at some stages of such diseases, you cannot eat raw vegetables and fruits, because their juice is irritating. Therefore, for some diseases of the stomach and intestines, soups are recommended, although, for example, you can bake an apple, carrot and stew cabbage.

    Harm of soups (borscht, cabbage soup)

    1. Fluid during meals dilutes gastric juice, which significantly impairs digestion.

    2. Heat treatment drastically reduces the amount of nutrients in food. All vitamins and biologically active substances die at a temperature of 57 degrees.

    3. Warm meat or chicken broth, getting into the body, is very quickly absorbed by the intestines, and the liver, in terms of throughput, does not have time to process the meat extracts that have been received in large quantities contained in the broth. As a result, extracts in the form of unbroken poisons bypass the liver and begin their "journey" throughout the body, causing harm to many internal organs.

    4. When boiling meat, various harmful chemicals pass into broth, the main ones being creatine and creatinine. In addition, in our time, when raising animals for slaughter, to increase their weight, impious farmers use various chemicals that accumulate in meat and also harm the consumer. For the sake of an example, we can cite the results of one curious experiment: a chicken carcass, which was grown using the antibiotic tetracycline, was cooked for 30 minutes, as a result, traces of this chemical appeared on the muscles of the broiler, and after the next 30 minutes of cooking, the substance completely passed into bouillon.

    For reference:

    Probably, now no one will say the meaning of the word "restaurant" except as a place where they eat. But even before the Middle Ages, bones were cooked in a French tavern during the night. The masters and masters ate the meat, and the bones were given to the servants. And from these bones they made a very rich broth, which, on the advice of doctors of that time, was given to wounded soldiers, people who were exhausted after illness.
    In French, the verb restore is restoren. A restorative broth is a restaurant. After that, the taverns that cooked bones and fed the poor, the sick were called restaurants. Thus, originally a restaurant is not a place where they eat gourmet food, but a place where they feed the poor.

    From this historical background, the following conclusions follow:

    1. Bone broth was given to poor people, and it actually restores strength, but if you drink it every day for a long time, then the harm will be much more than good.

    2. Bones were boiled and got broth in those days when there were no feed and antibiotics.
    So, the dry residue: it is undesirable to eat soups, but if you really want to and not often, and even from vegetables, then you can.

    1. You can cook soups (cabbage soup, borscht) in the second broth. The meat is cut into pieces of 100 grams and placed in cold water. Then it is brought to a boil and cooked for about five minutes. Then this primary broth is drained and new cold water is poured, which is brought to a boil, and in which you already cook the meat and prepare the soup.

    2. Meat or chicken broth is cooked. Then it cools down, visible fat is removed from it and diluted with water in a ratio of two to one. The so-called weak broth. The content of fat and extractives will be significantly lower.

    3. You can cook vegetable soup and add separately cooked meat to it.

    A couple of recipes:

    1. Three radishes on a coarse grater. Put rye croutons or diced and dried bread into a plate. Add greens: parsley, dill, celery, green onions. Mix everything and fill it with kvass. Kvass can be used classic or beetroot. You can also pour beet broth or water. Grate horseradish. Add salt to taste.

    2. From rare, you can cook such a first course as okroshka. It is necessary to grate the radish, add boiled peeled potatoes, cut into cubes. Salt and leave for an hour. After an hour, pour in kvass or beet broth. Add greens.

    Soup, known in modern cuisine as a first course, has a very long history. The first attempts to cook something similar to soup were made back in the Stone Age, but as an independent dish with all its characteristic features, it appeared about a hundred years before the beginning of our era. The first real soups were brewed in Ancient China and surrounding regions. In Europe, soup history began about 400-500 years ago. By the way, the name “soup” came to us through French from Latin: the word “suppa” literally translates as “a piece of bread soaked in broth.

    Probably, most of us in childhood had to hear from mothers and grandmothers that the former should be eaten every day, and those who do not eat the former get gastritis. How much truth is there in the "horror stories" of mothers: is soup so irreplaceable and what will happen if you do not eat the first courses?

    Benefits of first courses

    It seems that the majority are on the side of mothers who defend a good reputation for first courses.

    Moreover, doctors complain that lately, the number of people who eat soups daily (homemade, not quick-brewed) has been decreasing every year. Meanwhile, if you regularly use the former, you can bring a lot of benefits to your body.

    Rich chemical composition

    Any soup is, first of all, many valuable ingredients. The specificity of the preparation of the first courses allows you to preserve almost all the nutrients contained in vegetables. With different types of heat treatment, vitamins and minerals contained in raw products are irretrievably lost. But not in the case of soups. If some components are boiled from vegetables or meat, then they still remain in the dish (turn into a decoction) and we will still use them.

    The chemical composition of each soup is unique, as it is determined by the range of products used in cooking. Meanwhile, in most cases, the first courses contain a lot, and, if at the end of cooking you do not forget to put herbs in the dish, then the list of nutrients is also added.

    Vegetable soup is a great source, essential for the smooth functioning of the digestive system. Legumes fill the dish and are complex. Meat broths are proteins and, egg soups are B vitamins and a set of irreplaceable ones. , cereals, make the first courses very satisfying, as they contain a lot of carbohydrates. If you fill the first or, it will become a source, if you add cereals, you can increase the amount of vitamin B in the dish several times. Ear is, of course, phosphorus, and soup made from is a whole plate of beta-carotene - a substance indispensable for eye health ... The first dish of tomatoes is a source of lycopene - one of the most powerful, which slows down the aging of the body, prevents most diseases, including cancer. And most interestingly, heat-treated lycopene contains more lycopene than raw vegetables. Tomato soups are especially useful for men as they prevent prostate cancer.

    By the way, it is also more useful for our organisms in a boiled form, for example, as a component of soup. Researchers have found that cooked cabbage has about 30% more carotenoids than raw vegetables. Broccoli soup contains a specific substance called sulforaphane, which is known scientifically to prevent breast and intestinal cancer. Remarkably, sulforaphane does not degrade when exposed to high temperatures.

    As for, this bright vegetable is also better to eat after heat treatment with a small addition of fat (so that the body can absorb fat-soluble vitamin A). For example, it can be stewed with a little oil and added to the broth as a dressing. So the theory that all vegetables are healthier raw is not entirely true: some are more valuable as ingredients in hot soup.

    High nutritional value with low calorie content

    Vegetable soups are rich in nutrients, but at the same time contain very few calories. For example, a 300-gram serving of the former is about 80 to 125 calories. Light vegetable soups are a great choice for weight loss. But you just have to add meat, cereals, cream or flour to them to get a more satisfying and rich dish. But this does not mean that people who follow their figure should only eat vegetable stews. There are many ways to reduce the first person. For example, a creamy sauce (made from flour and cream) can be replaced with regular milk. After cooking, the meat broth can be refrigerated, and then the frozen fat can be collected. For poultry soup, it is better to take meat without skin. These little tricks will allow you to reduce the calorie content of the dish to a minimum, while retaining all the nutrients.

    First courses create a feeling of fullness in the stomach, perfectly satisfy hunger, but do not contain extra calories. Soups are also considered an ideal solution for those looking to reduce or limit their fat intake. It has been proven that people who regularly eat the former appear slimmer than those whose meals consist entirely of the latter.

    Source of vegetables

    Nutritionists recommend eating 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily (1 serving is about 100 g). However, not everyone succeeds in adhering to this recommendation. For example, most children do not like salads, and older people often have digestive problems, so they try to avoid raw vegetables. For these categories of people, there is nothing better than soup, including a creamy consistency. To preserve the nutritional properties as much as possible, vegetables for the first should be cooked for no more than 15 minutes, preferably under a lid. By the way, the most healthy soup is freshly prepared: it contains the maximum amount of nutrients.

    Liquid source

    Drinking enough water is critical to overall health. Probably many people know that it is useful to drink about 2 liters of liquid a day. If you can't fulfill the norm only with water, light soups can come to the rescue, because the first courses are 50-80% liquid.

    Warms in the cold

    This advantage of first courses is especially appreciated in autumn and winter. What could be better after a walk in the cold than a plate of aromatic, rich and, most importantly, hot soup! And once again we remind you: the first course is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals, which are simply irreplaceable in cold seasons.

    Refreshes in summer

    If in cool weather a bowl of soup is a perfectly acceptable option for lunch, then in summer heat most people refuse first courses. But soup is not necessarily hot. There are so-called summer options, which are still useful for the body, but do not warm, but on the contrary, create a refreshing effect. Remember at least okroshka, gazpacho, chills and cold beetroot - easy, tasty, nutritious and not hot.

    Supports Immunity

    Cold weakens the immune system, so people who don't eat anything warm in autumn and winter are more likely to get sick. And in 2000, researchers from Nebraska (USA) found evidence that chicken broths and poultry soups are a natural cure for colds. In chicken broth, scientists have found several substances that have a beneficial effect on the immune system and have anti-inflammatory properties. Warm chicken soup can even soothe sore throat caused by the flu or colds. Interestingly, vegetable broths do not have such properties. The ideal recipe for an immunomodulatory soup, according to scientists, looks like this: onions, carrots, potatoes, parsley.

    Hundreds of recipes

    There is a joke: if you don't know what to cook from a vegetable, cook soup from it. And this is truly so. You can make soup based on almost any product. Pumpkin, beetroot, or, and dozens of other options can all be turned into a nutritious and delicious first course. In addition, do not forget about broths from different types of meat, fish, seafood. One has only to change the proportions of ingredients and based on the same set of products, you can prepare several options for the first.

    Cooking is easy and fast

    When experts talk about the benefits of soups, they always mean a dish made from natural ingredients, not a chowder from bags. Making a classic soup requires little skill. The dish is prepared quickly and very easily. The recipe, as a rule, does not provide for accuracy in measuring the amount of ingredients, and even the composition of the components can be changed every time to suit your taste and mood. So soup is a dish that even a teenager can cook.

    Could the first be harmful

    In fairness, it should be said that not all researchers agree that soup is unconditionally useful to everyone and always. Some experts are sure that the first courses can be abandoned forever - there are in the world of culture, where it is not customary to eat soups.

    One of the arguments against is the fact that when cooking meat in broth, substances harmful to humans are formed. And some say that liquid soups wash out gastric juice, and this impairs the process of digesting food. For a long time, it was believed that eating soups could protect against gastritis. Today, doctors are debunking this myth. According to the new theory, liquid first courses activate the production of stomach acid, which can be dangerous for people with gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer, with inflammation on the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, and also with high acidity. But for people with reduced gastric secretion, soups, on the contrary, are useful.

    In addition, gastroenterologists remind: it is important for a person to eat a balanced diet. That is, the diet should contain vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, cereals, eggs, dairy and fermented milk products, but in the form of which dish these products will enter our bodies - it does not matter.

    The healthiest soups

    If you cannot imagine your life without first courses, then gastroenterologists recommend following several rules in order for the soup to be useful for the body. First, eat warm foods, not hot or very cold foods. Secondly, doctors do not recommend eating very spicy soups or those cooked in fatty broth. For meat dishes, it is better to take chicken rather than bones or. Also, doctors are categorically against bouillon cubes, instant soups and seasonings containing chemical additives - such dishes are only harmful to the digestive system. Experts also do not advise adding to the first roast, as harmful trans fats are formed in them.

    Soup is a versatile dish that can be prepared at any time of the year. The first can look different: vegetable soups, meat, fish, creamy, fruit, hot and cold. Everyone can choose an option to their liking. By and large, it doesn't matter which soup you prefer, the main thing is that the first one is prepared from fresh and high-quality products.

    Soup can be called the head of our dining table, since childhood we are accustomed to the fact that in the daytime the meal should begin with it - a rich aromatic liquid dish. Today, many of us also cannot imagine a day without a hot soup, because from a very early age we were taught that the "first thing" must be eaten, otherwise we will not see any strength or health. However, the soup has opponents who believe that it is a harmful dish that can ruin our stomach. So is it good to eat soup every day, or is such a habit harmful to our health? Let's figure it out together.

    Soup is rightfully the "first" course

    Soups are called a whole group of liquid dishes, the main feature of which is that it consists of more than half of liquid. There are probably millions of recipes for different soups. Many countries have their own soup, which has become a symbol of national cuisine. We have cabbage soup and borscht, the French have onion soup, and the Japanese have miso soup that is especially popular today, the list goes on.

    Each type of liquid hot dish has many variations; one borscht can be counted several hundred recipes. Moreover, for example, Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian borscht can be very different from each other, stirring up disputes in interethnic families. After all, each spouse has “his own”, national, understanding of what this first dish should be. For example, in the Russian version of borscht, there should be no lard, while in the Belarusian and Ukrainian version this component is not the last in the recipe. A Belarusian can ask a Russian why you put cabbage in borscht.

    Another fact is interesting - soup does not have to be a hot dish, there are many recipes for preparing a cold dish. Each of these soups has its own health benefits and harms, more vitamins will be stored in a cold dish, but the hot version is considered to be more beneficial for the stomach. However, it already depends on the specific recipe.

    The benefits of the first course

    Soup is a great opportunity to enrich our diet with vegetables. It is worth roughly counting the number of variegated vegetables indicated in the recipe, as we are convinced that this is truly a magic elixir.

    It is believed that in order to fulfill the daily norm for eating vegetables, you can "wrap" just a couple of bowls of aromatic soup. Therefore, it is light vegetable soups that are considered especially useful.

    We can quickly satisfy our hunger with soup, because in order to eat a liquid dish, it does not need to be chewed well. Moreover, the nutritious liquid of the soup, especially the hot one, fills the stomach, dulling the feeling of hunger. If you want to eat something tasty, but not very healthy, eat a bowl of soup first. So in the stomach there will be less "space" for that very "tasty, but not the most healthy" dish.

    This also implies the benefits of soup for weight loss - we gorge ourselves in smaller portions, given the low calorie content of a liquid dish with a high nutritional value. Of course, if we are not talking about the notorious borscht on bacon with donuts. There are even many diets based on various light, mostly vegetable, soups. Such dishes not only saturate us, but also rid the body of toxins and toxins. Also, along with soups, fiber is supplied to our body, which is necessary for weight loss and overall health.

    The benefit of the soup lies in its easy digestibility by the body. The soup contains many useful substances, is well absorbed and does not require great efforts to eat it. Therefore, it is actively used in the period of colds, it helps the body exhausted by viruses to recover and get the necessary vitamins. However, the soup should be low-fat and light so that the body does not have to spend a lot of energy and energy to digest it, which is needed to resist infections. The dish warms the body well, which is especially valuable in the colder months.

    Many soups are good for your metabolism and help you lose weight. Especially in this sense, pea soups are useful, despite the relatively high calorie content.

    Is there a benefit in soups for children

    The benefits of soups for children are sometimes questioned. This is partly surprising, because it is from childhood that we are taught that the first must necessarily be included in the diet. However, some modern scientists question the usefulness of the dish, arguing that, along with useful substances, dangerous components can also penetrate into the children's body. To get as little harmful substances as possible into the dish, the first water of the meat broth should be drained. After the meat has boiled for several minutes, the water must be drained and a new one must be poured. And only then cook the soup itself.

    But kids still need to eat soups, in this opinion the majority agree. You just need to carefully monitor the quality of the added products, prepare mainly vegetable first courses. If you use meat, then chicken or veal. Do not add bouillon cubes, a lot of seasonings, garlic to soups for children.

    Soup has the same effect on a child's body as on an adult: it improves digestion, is easily digested, and helps to gain strength. And mashed soups are recommended to be given to young children as the first complementary food. By the way, the first dish with vegetables chopped in mashed potatoes, and an older child will eat with greater pleasure than a regular soup, in which, at times, unappetizing pieces of vegetables float.

    Is soup good for the stomach

    A person with a number of stomach diseases should not eat raw vegetables, they can harm the body. But you also need to get the necessary vitamins and minerals. Soups help out, boiled and stewed vegetables are not harmful to the stomach.

    The benefits of the soup for the stomach cannot be overstated - it stimulates our digestion. First courses promote the production of gastric juice, thereby preparing the gastrointestinal tract for digestion. However, for the soup to benefit a sore stomach, it must be cooked properly. How exactly, we will describe below.

    Soups made from low-fat meat broth are especially useful for digestion. Soups-puree are useful for stomach diseases, but it is necessary to select a recipe for cooking in accordance with your disease. Due to their consistency, they envelop the gastric mucosa, thus preventing the contact of hydrochloric acid with its walls. But you need to use only those vegetables that can be consumed by a person with a sick stomach.

    For example, those who have inflammation of the gastric mucosa should not eat beet soup. Pumpkin is a good ingredient, it is rich in nutrients and does not harm the stomach.

    What is the healthiest soup for the stomach? There is no unequivocal answer to this question, since much here depends on the state of the stomach itself, the existing gastrointestinal tract diseases and other diseases. For example, a soup that is useful for a healthy stomach can adversely affect a diseased organ, up to exacerbation of diseases.

    Healthy soups for the stomach:

    • Puree soups
    • Slimy soups, cooked with the addition of cereals with a viscous consistency - oatmeal, rice, etc. Soups are prepared with vegetables and lean meat broth
    • Dairy with cereals, with the exception of barley and millet. It is necessary to dilute milk with water in a 1 to 1 ratio


    Harmful properties of soups

    Yes, there are claims that soups can harm our health, or that they are not useful in the way we think. Some argue that 70% of vitamins and minerals are destroyed during cooking, and do not go into broth. But harmful substances get there.

    The statement is partially true, but not absolutely all vitamins are destroyed during the cooking process. Vitamin C is destroyed almost completely under the influence of high temperatures. But many vitamins of group B, vitamins A, E, D, PP are resistant to high temperatures. They are destroyed, but partially, and about 70% of the original amount remains in the soup. Fiber is also slightly destroyed during cooking.

    More true is another statement about the dangers of soup: various antibiotics, hormonal drugs, which "fed" the animal, are practically in their entirety in the broth. But this can also be avoided: the first water must be brought to a boil and drained by adding new water.

    The first hot dishes are harmful to our body due to their high fat content, of course, when it comes to meat soup. In order not to harm your health and figure, cook non-rich meals.

    How to make healthy soups

    In order to include soup in your diet without fear of harming your health, you need to follow a number of rules when cooking:

    • Prepare meat soups with young animals
    • Choose fresh, undamaged food
    • Use lean meats and fish
    • Vegetables need to be washed well before cooking, but do not soak in water
    • Do not forget to drain the first broth, as we have already mentioned
    • It is better to first cook the broth on vegetables, and then add meat there, and not do the opposite.
    • When preparing, it is important to consider what foods can be eaten by people with certain diseases.

    Should you eat soup every day?

    No matter how many battles are fought over the harm and benefits of soup, it is recommended to eat it regularly. Naturally, it will be beneficial if you prepare the first dish correctly, following the above recommendations. But it is impossible to replace solid food with soup, especially for a long time. This can lead to a number of illnesses and problems, including lazy bowel syndrome and or dental problems. If the diet is replete with soft food, which almost does not require chewing, the gums weaken, not receiving the necessary daily chewing "charge". In the long term, this can even lead to tooth loss. However, this applies not only to soups.

    So is it bad not to eat soup at all? It is believed that soup, at least not every day, should be present in our diet. For example, soups are very useful for gastritis. While the "gastritics" generally have a relatively poor diet, properly cooked soup is a real helper.