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  • Plums - how are they useful and who shouldn't? How to choose plums? The benefits and harms of plums for human health Why do you want to eat plums.

    Plums - how are they useful and who shouldn't? How to choose plums? The benefits and harms of plums for human health Why do you want to eat plums.

    This simple fruit contains over 45 different vitamins and is low in calories. That is why, when losing weight, plums and dishes made from it are often included in the diet. In the stage of technical maturity, it not only becomes tastier, but also acquires medicinal properties. Let's take a closer look at what plums contain, the benefits of which are equated to the healing Tibetan herbs.

    1. High concentration of ascorbic acid. It is responsible for human immunity, protects the body from the harmful effects of many bacteria and viruses. That is why replenishing its supply is not only desirable, but necessary. The concentration of vitamin C is high, up to 9 mg per 100 g of the product, that is, only 1-2 fruits completely restore the body's daily need for this element. Periodic consumption of plums forms an insurmountable barrier to many infections. It is recommended to eat the product 3-4 weeks before seasonal epidemic diseases.
    2. Low calorie content. A diet with such a product will not only be effective, but also very tasty. In terms of the number of calories, this fruit is equal to that of cabbage and tomatoes, despite the fact that the sugar content of plums is very high. It speeds up the metabolism, as it contains many catalysts, fiber, necessary for the proper functioning of the body acids.
    3. High percentage of stomach acids. The pulp stimulates the glands to secrete gastric juice and enzymes that are needed to properly digest food. If you have eaten "heavy" foods, then you can eat them with fruit (no more than 1-2 fruits) for better and faster digestion, the pain will subside, and the severity will disappear in just 15-20 minutes. Low acidity of the stomach is the first indication for the use of this product, but remember that for people suffering from heartburn, it can be harmful. It is recommended to give plums to children to increase their appetite.
    4. Contains up to 25 mg of iron per 100 g of product. It is necessary for patients suffering from low hemoglobin. In just a couple of months of use, it will increase by 25%, the exchange of oxygen in the body will improve, and iron deficiency anemia will disappear. The amount of antioxidants is one of the highest if we take into account fruits and vegetables that grow in the temperate climatic zone of Russia. They protect the cells of the body from artificial aging, which occurs when exposed to adverse factors. Skin and nail cells retain their structure much longer.
    5. An excellent cosmetic preparation for creating masks, making medicinal ointments. Popularly, plum was one of the most popular fruits used for skin rejuvenation. It is not necessary to use it, as the puree made from the pulp of the plum works great on the outside. The mask will relieve skin fatigue, restore elasticity to it and make you feel young always. The effect of the application is long-lasting, unlike many drugs that last only 1-2 days, after which everything returns to its normal course. The trace minerals in the plum are an excellent medicine against acne.
    6. Many people wonder if plum has a laxative effect? This is a controversial issue, or rather an individual one. The high acid content is not only harmful to the stomach, but also beneficial. They irritate the walls of the intestinal tract, working as a mild laxative, allow you to quickly, "painlessly" get rid of constipation. It works long enough, so do not overeat in anticipation of the effect, after a meal you need to drink it with cold water and wait a few hours. But the fruit can strengthen if consumed on an empty stomach. and without cold water, but it also depends on the human body. If you do not know how the plum acts on your body, weakens or strengthens, it is better not to experiment and use proven means first.

    Many traditional healers use the fruit as an anesthetic, but its effectiveness is very weak, it must be combined with herbs such as plantain, celandine, yarrow. Some people use plums to make tea, which relieves coughs, sore throats, but it is most effective when 1 teaspoon of honey is added to plum puree. The fruit itself is not a remedy that can quickly and effectively relieve you of a cold or sore throat, so self-medication with plums does not bring the desired result.

    Contraindications for use

    Despite the huge list of advantages, medicinal properties, it has contraindications, and many more. The first thing to note is diabetics, as well as people who are overweight - they, first of all, need to avoid contact with this fruit. A high sugar content will not do them good, it is better to refrain from eating plums, switch to other fruits or vegetables, for example, which will benefit more.

    The next group of people who need to be afraid of plums like fire are those suffering from high acidity of the stomach ... Overeating this fruit can be very painful for your well-being., since a high concentration of acids (especially in unripe plums) will aggravate the situation in the gastrointestinal tract. Jam will be especially painful, so if you want to enjoy this product, it will be better to eat it fresh.

    The product is very "heavy", it is not recommended to use it on an empty stomach or before bedtime - it can cause severe heaviness and pain. Overeating is also not worth it, it is best to use it in the afternoon, when the body receives the first dish, it is desirable that it be hot.

    The most useful recipes for preparing medicines

    Together with some fruits, vegetables, plum can become one of the best medicines that can be effective, quickly affect the cause of the disease or prevent it even before it begins. Consider some of the "grandmother's secrets", the dishes with which they were treated and continue to do so today.

    1. Cough medicine. We take 150 grams of plums, peel them, make mashed potatoes from the pulp, add 3 tablespoons of honey, 50 grams of black currant, mix. Consume 15 grams at least 3 times a day, preferably after meals. The cough will disappear in 1 day, especially if you eat the mixture hot.
    2. Rejuvenating mask. Beat the pulp puree (200-300 grams), as in the first recipe, add 30% celery juice, a few grated mint leaves (so that the smell is pleasant), 10 grams of celandine juice. Apply for 15 minutes no more than once every 12 days. The skin will become much softer, cleaner and more toned.
    3. Treatment of joints, rheumatism. When heated, the pulp of the plum releases many beneficial acids, which penetrate the pores of the skin and affect the tissues deep inside. For a long time, plum puree was wrapped in sacking, after which it was heated in water to a temperature of 60-70 degrees. This slurry should be applied to the knees and feet, after which pain is relieved, joint mobility improves, and acts similarly to therapeutic mineral mud. So they warm up with bronchitis, sore throat.

    As you can see, plum can replace a large number of medicines, while it has no significant contraindications, it is suitable for almost everyone. Treat yourself with affordable, useful and natural remedies!

    In autumn, plums appear on the shelves in our country. These fruits are juicy, of bright color and unusual taste, they are eaten fresh, canned and even harvested for future use, drying and turning the well-known prunes into everything. Depending on the variety, plums ripen from mid-August to late October.

    8 facts about plums

    1. A plum tree grows in many in the country or in the yard of their own house, it can be from 1-2 to 5 meters in size, and the crown of the tree, depending on the variety, is spreading or stretched upwards.
    2. This fruit belongs to the stone fruit family, its closest relatives are peaches, apricots, cherries. There is one stone inside - massive, with thick valves and a seed inside.
    3. Today there are about 100 varieties of plum, but they all originated from the wild thorn.
    4. The plum has simple-shaped leaves with jagged edges. Plum blooms in spring, in parallel with the growth of leaves, her flowers are fragrant, white or pink.
    5. Fruits can be as large as a quail's egg, or reach the size of a child's fist, depending on the variety.
    6. Today, plum varieties have been bred with yellow, purple, blue, red and green fruits.
    7. If the plum tastes sour, it means that it was removed from the tree a little earlier, before it is fully ripe. Then it can be left on the table at room temperature for several days, it will ripen.
    8. Plum extract is added to cosmetic products aimed at skin rejuvenation and elasticity.

    What is the use of plums

    Plum is a classic dietary product. Plum is low in calories, there are about 30 calories per 100 grams of the product, despite all the sweetness of the fruit. In addition, the fleshy flesh and skin are rich in pectins and fiber, due to which plums perfectly regulate digestion, stimulate peristalsis and fight constipation well, gently relaxing.

    There are many minerals in plums, especially useful for heart patients and hypertensive patients, since plums contain a lot of potassium and magnesium, which nourish the heart. In addition, it contains a lot of calcium and sodium, enough phosphorus, zinc, iodine and chromium, copper and fluorine. This fruit is also rich in vitamins: along with ascorbic acid and vitamin A, it contains many B vitamins, vitamin PP, which is useful for sight and strengthening of blood vessels.

    Due to such combinations of minerals and vitamins, plum is useful for people with high blood pressure, weak vascular walls, anemic and debilitated patients. In addition, most of the plum's vitamins are retained even after the fruit is processed.

    Plum fruits as medicine

    Plums are eaten fresh or dried, like prunes, juices are prepared from plums, clarified and with pulp, compotes and jelly are boiled. All these products, due to the content of special substances and fiber in them, have a slight laxative and peristalsis stimulating effect. They are recommended as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for intestinal atony (sluggish intestines) and with persistent constipation .

    Useful properties of plums

    The pulp of plums and prunes, with regular consumption, help to remove excess cholesterol from the vessels and cleanse the vessels of atherosclerotic plaques.

    Eating plums is recommended for people with kidney and urinary system diseases, as they are rich in a mineral that is useful for the kidneys and heart - potassium. Potassium in plums has a mild diuretic effect, which helps to remove excess salts and fluids from the body. The drain will be very useful for metabolic disorders, therapy obesity and rheumatism.

    Potassium, in addition to regulating pressure and removing excess water, also has the ability to transmit nerve impulses in the area of \u200b\u200bthe neuromuscular junction. Therefore, potassium is useful for contraction and muscle training, plums should be eaten by athletes and people actively involved in sports.

    Under the action of organic acids of plum, the secretion of bile is stimulated in the small intestine, which helps in the digestion of food and the activation of peristalsis. And plums, due to organic acids and slight sourness, stimulate appetite and are useful for children with appetite disorders.

    The fruits of plums contain special substances - phytocoumarins, they are able to prevent thrombus formation in small vessels, dilate blood vessels and improve blood flow. Plums and with anemia , they stimulate the synthesis of new red blood cells. Dried plums help in lowering body temperature in case of fever.

    Plum in folk medicine

    Traditional healers use not only plum fruits for medicinal purposes, but also other parts of the tree - the plum root, bark, leaves and flowers of the plum tree are useful. The healing properties of plums have been known since antiquity. The wild varieties of plums and thorns are most useful, but they are not common today.

    Useful properties of plums

    So, how else is plum used in traditional medicine?

    • a decoction of plum flowers has a laxative effect, normalizes the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates and is used in weight loss methods. Plus, it can help with heartburn.
    • plum leaves, crushed into a gruel and superimposed on small wounds, pustules and pimples, contribute to their disinfection and quickest healing.
    • a decoction of plum twigs and bark has anti-inflammatory, laxative, expectorant, diuretic, astringent and antimicrobial effects.
    • infusion of flowers with plum leaves has a relaxing effect on smooth muscles, is used for inflammation of the bladder and kidneys.
    • plum juice for colds helps to heal the throat and tonsils faster due to its pronounced antibacterial effect.

    Plums in cooking

    Plums are delicious, but their season, alas, is short-lived, so experienced housewives store them for future use. The fruits are dried, getting prunes, they can be frozen in the freezer in whole or in halves, compotes are rolled up from them, stuffing for pies, juices and mashed potatoes, jam, jelly is made.

    Plum is an excellent base for marshmallow and candied fruit, marmalade. Prepare with plum sauces and marinades, gravies, and condiments. Plums can be boiled, soaked, pickled and used to make liqueurs, liqueurs and plum vodka - plum brandy.

    What's your favorite plum dish?


    The old saying goes: "The plum does not praise itself, and the path to it is always trodden". This juicy beauty dates back to Ancient Egypt. Later it was bred in the Caucasus by crossing blackthorn and cherry plum. Nowadays, plum is not a gimmick, but its healing properties can hardly be overestimated. It is worth considering in more detail the effect of this fruit on the human body.

    All the benefits and harms of plums are hidden behind the peel of the color of a dark night and sinewy sugar pulp. But the first is more certain. What are the benefits of plums?

    Medicinal value is attributed to varieties with dark purple fruits with the general name Hungerka. Other varieties are also beneficial, they are simply less intensely saturated with vitamins and minerals than this variety.

    Plum fruits contain:

    • up to 17% sugars (fructose, glucose and sucrose);
    • malic and citric organic acids;
    • nitrogenous, pectin, tannins;
    • fiber and carotene;
    • vitamins A (in dark plums), B1, B2, C, P;
    • potassium and;
    • mineral salts and dyes.

    Traditional healers used plums for constipation and for treatment. Modern medicine relies on riboflavin and reactive substances in the pulp of the fruit. They help to rein in the shattered nervous system, improve protein metabolism.

    Proven Plum Applications

    1. Fresh and dried fruits, as well as drinks with pulp, have a gentle laxative effect, which is indicated for constipation and intestinal atony.
    2. They improve the well-being of people with atherosclerosis, as they accelerate the excretion of cholesterol.
    3. Recommended for kidney diseases and hypertension.
    4. They rid the body of excess water and salts due to their presence.
    5. Useful for rheumatic pains and metabolic disorders.

    Naturopaths advise to undergo whole courses of treatment with plums: for 2-3 days, eat up to 1 kg per day along with low-fat dairy products until 18.00. During this period, forget about fatty meat and sugar in any form. If you go on a similar diet in the fall, you can insure against constipation for six months in advance.

    Not only fruits are good, but plum leaves can also help in certain cases.

    Home plum leaves and blackthorn berries, which are a type of "prickly plum", contain coumarin, which prevents the development of blood clots in the bloodstream and treats thrombosis. Also, this compound is involved in the expansion of coronary vessels and has a calming effect. Decoctions and compresses from plum leaves are an excellent wound healing agent.

    Plum glue is also used in alternative medicine.

    This is exactly the "glue" that we peeled off from the bark as children and ate. It tasted strange, but it was very unusual and interesting :)

    In folk medicine, glue is used as a remedy for ulcers, eye inflammations and, in some cases, to strengthen vision.

    Contraindications and harm

    Despite all the benefits, they can be harmful. Thus, plums can cause indigestion in children under 3 years old, and in high doses in adults. It should not be used by women during lactation, so as not to provoke bloating and frequent bowel movements in the baby. Due to the high calorie content, it can harm obese people and.

    An important rule of thumb: Alternative medicine recipes are not for everyone. You need to monitor the reaction of the body and adjust the menu according to your needs, adhering to the basic rules. Even a single use of plums (3-4 pcs.) Will have a laxative effect and cleanse the intestinal microflora.

    How plums can be useful for women

    It should be clarified why plums are useful for women. They are used by:

    • as an alternative treatment for breast cancer. After a series of experiments, it was found that plums have a high level of antioxidants in their composition, as well as phenolic compounds. Taken together, this makes it possible to fight cancer on an equal basis with other methods. Scientists are trying to take this feature into account when creating new generation drugs in oncology;
    • as a prevention of constipation during pregnancy. Many women in position face a similar problem. Those who are especially suspicious of the baby's health avoid medications, so plums and prunes become their "saviors" in this delicate matter.

    How to use plums for expectant mothers so as not to harm either themselves or the baby? The answer is simple: no fanaticism.

    A couple of fresh fruits or 3-4 prunes are enough, which must first be washed and soaked in boiling water overnight.

    Also, this delicate and sweet fruit helps pregnant women cope with gestosis - with the help of potassium, excess fluid is removed from the body and the swelling of the limbs is reduced.

    How to keep the vitamin supply of plums for the whole year

    For use throughout the year, it is recommended to dry plums at home. The washed fresh fruits should be immersed in boiling water for 1-1.5 minutes, cooled in water and arranged in a row on a sieve or baking sheet. Place in the oven and dry at 50 ° for 3-4 hours, cool and repeat the procedure at 65-70 °. If everything is done correctly, when squeezing the dried plums, the juice will not stand out and the stone will be freely separated.

    Plum is a unique fruit. Ripe, juicy, tender - it will delight any gourmet and saturate the human body with useful substances to the maximum.

    Plum belongs to the pink family. This fruit plant began to grow in Asia Minor and the Caucasus. A little later, it appeared on the territory of many countries, including Russia. The plant has many varieties, each of which has its own size and color of the fruit. They eat plums in their natural form, prepare various jams, juices, compotes from them, add them to the filling for pies. Wine made from such fruits and alcoholic tinctures are very much appreciated.

    Plum leaves are also used to make teas. Why such drinks are useful has been known for a long time. They have a calming and tonic effect. Many people know how plums are useful for the body. Such fruits are recommended for use in case of cardiovascular diseases, they also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract.

    Varieties of plums

    The plant has many varieties. The taste of the plum is also varied. How are these fruits useful? It directly depends on the variety and the place of their growth. Plum includes the following types:

    Beneficial features

    Plum has a rich vitamin composition. The beneficial properties and contraindications of this plant depend on the variety. Soil also plays a significant role. The predominance of a certain type of minerals in the earth is directly reflected in the composition of the fruit.

    Why are plums useful for the body:

    Chemical composition of plums:

    • vitamins A, E, P;
    • iron;
    • potassium;
    • copper;
    • zinc;
    • acids: folic, nicotinic;
    • sucrose, glucose;
    • organic acids: citric, malic, oxalic.

    Who is contraindicated in plums?

    Although plums are a very useful food product, they still have contraindications:

    • They should not be consumed by children under 1 year old, as the product causes abdominal pain, upset stools and increased gas production.
    • For the same reason, they are not recommended for nursing mothers.
    • People with stomach ulcers and duodenal ulcers, as well as with high acidity, this product is also prohibited for use.

    Canning plums

    Many housewives Mankind has known for a long time why such fruits are useful. After all, such a product retains its beneficial properties even during heat treatment. Jam, compote, juice are prepared from plums. There are many different recipes for preserving these fruits. They are covered whole with or without pits and mixed with other fruits and berries. Most popular recipes:

    How plum leaves are used

    In addition to fruits, plum leaves also have a special value. Useful properties of this product:

    They use such leaves as medicinal teas and various lotions, compresses. Drinks have a general firming effect, while compresses are used for topical treatments. There are no contraindications for this product.

    The use of plums in childhood

    Many parents wonder if plums can be given to their children. How are these fruits useful? Plum is a very nutritious product, but its use in childhood should still be limited. It is generally not recommended to give it up to 1 year. A side effect in this case is increased gas production and intestinal colic. At an older age, it is also not recommended to abuse this product, otherwise diarrhea is provided. Why is plum useful for children?

    • It has a mild sedative effect and ensures sound sleep.
    • Stimulates bowel function, helps relieve constipation.
    • Provides the growing body with many useful substances.
    • It has a wound healing effect.

    Plum should not be used for babies with stool disorder, as well as diseases of the digestive tract associated with high acidity.

    The question of how many calories are in a plum often arises, because almost everyone loves these sweet tasty fruits: they perfectly satisfy hunger, are useful and have a beneficial effect on digestion, and they also make delicious compotes, jams and preserves.

    How many calories a plum contains depends on its variety and ripeness. On average, the calorie content of plums is 40-50 kcal per 100 g of fruit.

    100 g of plums contains 0.8 g of proteins, 0.3 g of fat and 9.6 carbohydrates (they are the main source of calories in plums). The calorie content of plums (1 piece - about 35 g), thus, is only 16 kcal. And 100 g of plums is about half a glass, in a glass about 180-200 g of this product.

    In addition to the low calorie content of plums, I would like to pay attention to their composition. Basically, plums are made up of water, sugar, and fiber. In addition, they contain organic acids that the body needs for all its processes, as well as a whole collection of vitamins and minerals: vitamins A, E, C, PP, B vitamins (B9 - folic acid, B6 - pyridoxine, B5 - pantothenic acid, B1 - thiamine, B2 - riboflavin), beta-carotene, iron, iodine, zinc, silicon, fluorine, molybdenum, sulfur, nickel, chromium, manganese, cobalt, chlorine, copper, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium. The low calorie content of plums and their rich composition make these berries a healthy dietary dish.

    Calorie content of plums and their benefits

    The low calorie content of plums and their satiety make them a great choice for a snack between meals or a light dinner. Besides, plums are very beneficial for the body.

    Plums strengthen blood vessels thanks to the PP vitamin, which is retained in the fruits even when they are heat-treated. Plum lowers blood pressure, so it can also be used as a preventive measure against hypertension. Thanks to fiber and fruit acids, plums and dishes made from it have a laxative effect, so eating plums for constipation will be beneficial. By the way, this property and the low calorie content of plums make it possible to include it in any low-fat diet to prevent constipation. Plum removes toxins and toxins from the intestines, it also promotes the breakdown and removal of cholesterol from the body. Plum also has a beneficial effect on the kidneys due to its mild diuretic effect. Plum normalizes water-salt metabolism in the body, helping to remove excess salts from it; plum also has a wound healing effect, so lotions from the infusion of fruits and leaves of plums can be used to heal injuries on the body.

    In addition to the low calorie content of plums, there is another reason for its use in the diet for weight loss diets - the ability of berries to regulate metabolism: we all know that with diets, the body can go into a saving mode and slow down metabolism in order to reduce energy consumption. Eating plums and prunes during your diet will keep your metabolism at its usual level, which will have a beneficial effect on your well-being and the process of losing weight, as well as its results. Beta-carotene, which is found in plums, improves the condition of your skin, hair, nails, and also contributes to a smoother and deeper tan (this will be appreciated by lovers of beaches and tanning salons). Face masks are made with plums - thanks to vitamins, fruit acids and beta-carotene, these masks cleanse the skin well, tone and nourish it, and the microelements contained in the plums improve the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

    Contraindications for the use of plums

    Such a high content of all kinds of nutrients and useful substances in plums gives every right to call them a drug, but, like all medicines, plums also have contraindications that must be remembered.

    The use of plums in diabetes mellitus is undesirable due to the high sugar content. Pregnancy and lactation are also a contraindication for the use of plums due to the high laxative properties of this product.

    For rheumatism and gout, if you eat plums, drink more water, as berries help remove fluid from the body.

    Plums should be given to children in a limited way, otherwise they risk getting an intestinal disorder.

    Despite the low calorie content of plums, it is also not recommended to consume excessive amounts of plums with obesity.

    Diet plum salad for weight loss

    To prepare this salad, you need to take plums, pears, apples, wash, peel, cut into small cubes and mix everything in a salad bowl. For the dressing, fat-free yoghurt is used without additives. Leave the salad in the refrigerator for 10-15 minutes before serving.

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