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  • Phimosis - treatment without surgery at home. Paraphimosis in children and men: treatment of infringement of the foreskin head What does paraphimosis look like

    Phimosis - treatment without surgery at home. Paraphimosis in children and men: treatment of infringement of the foreskin head What does paraphimosis look like
  • 13. Fundamentals of resuscitation.
  • 14 Concept. Classification.
  • 16. Blood components (erythrocyte, leukocyte, platelet mass, plasma), blood products, their characteristics.
  • 18. Mechanism of action of transfused blood and its components. Indications and contraindications for transfusion of blood and its components.
  • 19. The concept of blood reinfusion. Transfusion of canned autologous blood. Exchange transfusion.
  • 1. Hemodynamic or anti-shock: polyglucin (macrodex, rheopolyglucin (rheomacrodex), gelatinol.)
  • 2. Detoxification: hemodesis, neohemodesis, polydesis (compensated, "I ocompensated).
  • 3. Preparations for parenteral nutrition:
  • 4. Regulators of water-salt and acid-base state:
  • 5. Solutions of osmodiuritic action: mannitol, sorbitol.
  • 21. Methods and technique of transfusion. Post-transfusion reactions and complications. Methods of prevention and treatment.
  • 24. Case history as a medical and legal document. Requirements for its design.
  • 25. Preoperative period. Examination of the patient. Preparation of organs and systems of the patient for surgery. Prevention of endogenous infection. Features of preparation for emergency operations.
  • 27. Postoperative period. Uncomplicated postoperative period. Characteristics of the uncomplicated postoperative period. Patient care and observation. Complications of the postoperative period.
  • 6. The clinical picture.
  • 31. Classification of wounds. Morphological and biochemical changes in the wound.
  • 34. Electrical injury. The mechanism of action of electric current on the body. Local and general manifestations. First aid and treatment.
  • 35. Frostbite. Classification. Modern views on the pathogenesis of frostbite. The degree of frostbite. Symptoms in the pre-reactive and reactive periods. First aid. Treatment.
  • 1. Serous-infiltrative.
  • 2. Purulent-necrotic.
  • 1. Local treatment.
  • 2. General treatment.
  • 37. Acute purulent diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (furuncle, carbuncle, abscess, phlegmon), glandular organs (hydradenitis, parotitis, mastitis). Etiology, clinic, diagnostics, treatment.
  • 39. Acute purulent diseases of the fingers and hands (panaritium, tendovaginitis, abscess and phlegmon of the hand). Etiology, clinic, diagnostics, treatment.
  • 40. Acute purulent diseases of synovial (bursitis), serous (pleurisy, peritonitis) membranes and joints (arthritis). Etiology, clinic, diagnostics, treatment.
  • 41. Anaerobic non-clostridial soft tissue infection. Pathogens. Clinic, diagnostics, treatment, prevention.
  • 43 .. Osteomyelitis (hematogenous and non-hematogenous). Etiopathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment principles.
  • 43. General purulent infection (sepsis). Classification, etiopathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment (local, general). Bacterial-septic (endotoxic) shock.
  • I. Local treatment.
  • II. General treatment.
  • 44. Acute specific surgical infection. Anaerobic clostridial infection (gas gangrene). Pathogens, pathoanatomical picture, clinic, treatment, prevention.
  • 1. Microbial associations
  • 2. Local factors contributing to the development of gangrene
  • 3. Reducing the body's resistance:
  • Prevention of anaerobic gangrene
  • 45 tetanus Etiology and pathogenesis, symptomatology, course, treatment, prevention.
  • 1.N e s p e ts i f and c and i
  • 2.Specif ic and i p r o ph i l a l c t and a
  • 46. \u200b\u200bAnthrax: symptomatology, treatment, prevention.
  • 47. Diphtheria wounds. Features of the flow. Treatment, prevention.
  • 48. Tuberculosis of peripheral lymph nodes. Clinic, treatment.
  • 49. Clinical course of the disease (local and general symptoms). Features of the course in the pre-arthritic, arthritic and post-arthritic stages. Complications.
  • 50.Syphilis of bones and joints. Clinic. Differential diagnosis of bone syphilis with chronic hematogenous osteomyelitis and bone tuberculosis. Treatment.
  • 51. Actinomycosis. Pathogenesis. Major localizations. Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment.
  • 52. Lepra. Pathogens. Clinical manifestations, surgical guide.
  • 53. Necrosis. Gangrene: dry gangrene, wet gangrene. Bed sores. Ulcers. Fistulas. Classification, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment.
  • Treatment
  • Complications of surgical treatment
  • 55. History, anatomy, etiology, pathogenesis, classification, syndromes, clinic, diagnostics.
  • Process structure
  • Clinic.
  • 56. Differential diagnosis, features of appendicitis in children, old people, pregnant women.
  • 56. Chronic appendicitis, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment principles, outcomes.
  • 2. According to clinical forms.
  • 3. Flow options:
  • 62. Classification.
  • Physiology of bilirubin metabolism
  • 65. Clinic, diagnosis, principles of differential diagnosis in patients with cholestasis syndrome. Special methods of examination.
  • Differential diagnosis of jaundice.
  • Stage I: did this patient have and did he have bleeding?
  • Stage II: whether there was bleeding from the gastroduodenal zone or from other anatomical areas, followed by swallowing of blood.
  • 1. Urgent thoracotomy: performed immediately upon admission of the victim.
  • 2. Early thoracotomies: performed during the first days after injury
  • I. Etiologically, peritonitis is divided into:
  • II. By prevalence:
  • III. By the nature of the exudate:
  • IV. Flow phases:
  • 1. Depending on the direction of exit of the viscera:
  • 2. Depending on the presence of all components of the hernia are:
  • Stage II. The era of videoscopic endosurgery
  • 83. Etiology, clinic (stages), classification. Survey methods. The principles of conservative and surgical treatment.
  • 84. Anatomical and physiological information about the lymphatic system. Lymphedema of the lower extremities: classification, diagnosis, treatment. Lymphangitis, lymphadenitis: causes, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment.
  • Portal hypertension syndrome
  • 85. Definition of the concept.
  • 87. Etiology, mechanisms of pathogenesis, clinical features of gastrointestinal bleeding of various etiology.
  • 1. Stenosis of the iliac arteries - transiluminal angioplasty.
  • 2. Stenosis - shunting operations - aorto-femoral (absh), femoral-popliteal (bpsh), femoral-tibial (btsh).
  • 3. Distal form of lesion - arterialization of venous blood flow.
  • Sick
  • 1. Congenital
  • 1. Open and closed trauma to the esophagus.
  • 2. Foreign bodies of the esophagus.
  • 3. Chemical burns of the esophagus:
  • 1. Open and closed injuries of the esophagus
  • 2. Foreign bodies of the esophagus
  • 3. Chemical burns of the esophagus
  • 99. Acute renal failure: causes, clinical picture, treatment.
  • 100. Chronic renal failure: etiopathogenesis, stages, methods of treatment.
  • Terminal stage chpn according to n. A. Lopatkin, and. N. Kuchinsky
  • 101. Acute urinary retention: first aid. Types of catheters, rules of bladder catheterization in men and women.
  • 102. Hematuria: types of hematuria, causes, diagnostic and therapeutic tactics of the doctor.
  • 105. Acute pyelonephritis - primary and secondary. Clinic. Diagnostics. Treatment depending on the type of pyelonephritis. Complications of acute pyelonephritis.
  • 105. Chronic pyelonephritis: etiopathogenesis, diagnosis, stages, treatment. Criteria for the effectiveness of dispensary observation.
  • 106. Paranephritis. Etiology. Clinical manifestations. Treatment principles.
  • 107. Acute and chronic cystitis. Etiology and pathogenesis. Flow stages. Differential diagnostics. Treatment. Prevention.
  • 108. Disorders of urination, their causes and remedies.
  • 109. Acute orchiepididymitis: diagnosis, methods of treatment.
  • 110. Acute and chronic prostatitis: classification, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment.
  • 111. Tuberculosis of the kidney and bladder - symptoms, diagnosis, treatment.
  • 112. Urolithiasis: etiopathogenesis. Kidney stones, ureter, bladder: clinical picture, diagnosis, modern methods of treatment.
  • 113. Stress urinary incontinence in women (stress incontinence) clinical manifestations. Treatment principles.
  • 114. Tumors of the kidney, bladder: clinical picture, diagnosis, principles of combined and complex treatment.
  • 116. Testicular neoplasms. Clinic. Diagnostics.
  • 116. Benign prostatic hyperplasia. Etiology, clinic, diagnostics. Modern methods of medical and surgical treatment.
  • 117. Varicocele. Classification. Clinical manifestations, principles of treatment.
  • 118.Daddy of testicle and spermatic cord. Clinical manifestations. Treatment principles.
  • 119. Cryptorchidism. Clinical manifestations. Treatment principles.
  • 120. Prostate cancer. Etiology, clinic, diagnostics. Modern methods of medical and surgical treatment.
  • 121. Kidney anomalies: classification, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment.
  • Kidney anomalies
  • Kidney relationship abnormalities
  • Asymmetric seams
  • Kidney aplasia - Severe underdevelopment of the parenchyma, often combined with the absence of the ureter. The defect is formed in the early embryonic period before the formation of nephrons.
  • Cystic kidney anomalies Polycystic kidney disease
  • 122. Hydronephrosis, ureterohydronephrosis. Etiology. Clinic. Diagnostics. Treatment.
  • 123. Nephrogenic hypertension: types, principles of treatment.
  • 125. Phimosis, paraphimosis: symptoms, treatment.
  • 126. Injuries to the organs of the genitourinary system: classification, clinical picture, diagnosis, methods of treatment.
  • 127. Clinical andrology. Urological aspects of symptoms and treatment of erectile dysfunction and male infertility.
  • 1. Revision of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract.
  • 125. Phimosis, paraphimosis: symptoms, treatment.

    Phimosis - This is a narrowing of the foreskin, in which the head of the penis does not open at all or opens with difficulty and pain. The foreskin is the fold of skin that covers the glans of the penis.

    Phimosis manifestations

    Four degrees of phimosis can be distinguished.

    1 degree. In a calm state, the head of the penis is exposed without problems; with an erection, this requires little effort.

    2nd degree. With an erection, the head of the penis does not open at all, in a calm state - with difficulty or without effort.

    3 degree. The head of the penis does not open in any way, or only in a calm state of the penis and with considerable effort, but phimosis does not cause problems with urination.

    4 degree. Phimosis leads to difficulty urinating. When urinating, the preputial sac first swells, then urine is released in a thin stream or drop by drop. It is impossible to open the glans of the penis even slightly.

    Phimosis reasons

    The reasons for the narrowing of the foreskin are not really clear. The disease is associated with a lack of connective tissue in the body, which has a genetic predisposition. At the same time, malformations of heart valves, flat feet, varicose veins, including varicocele, and a number of other diseases or signs can be noted at the same time.

    Phimosis in children

    As a rule, phimosis occurs in most children up to 2-3 years old. Some researchers call this condition physiological phimosis. But until now there is no consensus of opinion until what age should phimosis be considered physiological, when to plan an operation for phimosis in children, etc. It should also be borne in mind that physiological phimosis has all the same complications as normal phimosis.

    Each time, it is necessary to decide on the expediency of the operation and its timing for phimosis in children. It should be noted that most often phimosis in children goes away on its own, the head opens and no problems with the foreskin arise. However, until the head opens, special attention should be paid to its hygiene; it is best to rinse the head with antiseptics (miramistin, chlorhexidine, etc.) once a day.

    In general, most experts believe that by the age of 6-7 years, the head of the penis should open freely, and if this does not happen, then surgery is required.

    Phimosis in adults

    In adult males, phimosis may persist from childhood or develop during puberty. During this period, there is a rapid growth and development of the genitals. In this case, there may be a discrepancy between the development of the penis and the foreskin. Moreover, the foreskin is smaller than the head, its opening is narrower, and it is difficult or impossible to open the head. Most often it is phimosis of 1-2 degrees, while phimosis preserved from childhood is at least 3 degrees.

    Disease development

    In adolescents, young men and adult men, phimosis does not stand still, the disease is steadily progressing. It is associated with the appearance of erections, masturbation and sex life.

    With an erection, the glans penis enlarges and the foreskin stretches tightly. In this case, cracks and microcracks appear on the foreskin. As a rule, they are small in size, do not bleed and do not cause any concern. But when heals, a scar or microscar is formed in their place. Scar tissue is significantly less elastic than normal foreskin tissue. Therefore, with the appearance of each new scar, the foreskin narrows more and more, the disease progresses.

    This process is especially pronounced during masturbation and during intercourse. In this case, the ruptures of the foreskin can be significant and be accompanied by profuse bleeding.

    Complications of phimosis

    Increase of the foreskin to the head

    3 and 4 degrees of phimosis, when the glans penis does not open at all, can eventually lead to an increment of areas of the foreskin to the mucous membrane of the glans. First, a small area grows, after a while it expands and as a result the foreskin grows to the glans penis along its entire length.

    This condition does not cause any particular discomfort, only attempts to open the head are accompanied by sharp pain and bleeding. Treatment of the accretion of the foreskin is only surgical, and with a large fusion area, the operation can be very difficult.

    Paraphimosis - this is an infringement of the glans penis by the narrowed foreskin. Most often, attempts to open the foreskin with phimosis of 2-3 degrees lead to paraphimosis. Infringement can occur during intercourse or masturbation.

    With paraphimosis, swelling of the glans penis rapidly develops, it increases significantly in size, which makes it impossible after a while to reduce the paraphimosis. All this is accompanied by sharp pain, blue head.

    With paraphimosis, you need to try to straighten the glans penis. Sometimes this is easy, sometimes it is extremely difficult to reduce, sometimes it is not possible at all. With unsuccessful attempts to straighten the foreskin, an emergency operation is necessary - circumcision or longitudinal dissection of the foreskin.

    Balanoposthitis - inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin. With phimosis 2 and high degrees of hygiene of the glans penis is difficult. This often leads to stagnation of smegma in the preputial sac, its infection and the development of inflammation.

    With pronounced balanoposthitis in combination with phimosis, an emergency operation is required - a longitudinal dissection of the foreskin. After elimination of inflammation, circumcision can be performed as planned.

    Phimosis treatment

    Corticosteroid therapy

    The essence of the method is the regular and continuous use of corticosteroid ointments on the glans penis and foreskin. Corticosteroid ointments slightly increase the elasticity of the foreskin tissue, as a result of which it can stretch, and the degree of the disease is reduced. In addition, the use of glucocorticoids reduces edema, inflammation, and accelerates the healing of microcracks.

    However, if phimosis is prone to progression, then even against the background of such treatment, the disease continues to develop, although to a lesser extent.

    Stretching the foreskin

    A man should systematically stretch the stenosing ring of the foreskin with his fingers or instruments so that after some time it becomes wider. This method has really helped some people get rid of phimosis. It is sometimes used in combination with corticosteroid therapy.

    To get the real effect of stretching the foreskin, these exercises should be given 1-2 hours a day every day for months or even years. Few people have the patience to do all these manipulations until a real effect is obtained. In addition, with grade 3-4 phimosis, it is not possible to stretch the foreskin strongly enough for this to have any significant effect.

    Circumcision (circumcision)

    The fastest and most effective way to treat phimosis is circumcision, or circumcision. In this operation, the foreskin is removed in whole or in part, as a result of which there are no more problems with exposing the glans of the penis. Circumcision is indicated for any degree of phimosis. A contraindication for circumcision is a pronounced inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin - balanoposthitis.

    Longitudinal dissection of the foreskin

    This operation is performed with phimosis only in two cases - if phimosis of 3-4 degrees was complicated by acute balanoposthitis, or if paraphimosis has developed. In the first case, it is necessary to achieve the opening of the head, but there is no way to make a full circumcision due to the risk of inconsistency of the seams. With paraphimosis, it is necessary to dissect the ring compressing the head of the penis, but the violation of blood circulation does not immediately allow circumcision.

    Prevention of phimosis

    The development of phimosis is largely due to a genetic predisposition to this disease, so there is practically no serious prevention of phimosis. Boys need to pay attention to the head of the penis daily, open it when washing. If phimosis has already developed, you need to immediately consult a urologist and schedule the operation. This will avoid a lot of problems.


    "Stranglehold", "muzzle", "Spanish collar" - as the people call this. This pathology consists in pinching the head of the penis with a ring of prepuce (foreskin). It is impossible to hide the head back - there is a cutting pain. If the problem is not resolved in a timely manner, an acute condition can cause necrotic processes and gangrene of the penis, which is extremely dangerous.

    What is paraphimosis

    Many representatives of the stronger sex, when they first hear the term "", do not know what it is,and why pathology develops. it complication of phimosis, in which it becomes impossible to self-retraction of the head of the penis into the preputial sac. Paraphimosis in boysoccurs much more often, but sometimes it can also be observed in mature men. If there are no problems with exposing the head, then this disorder does not threaten the person. But the lack of elasticity of the skin fold, more than covering the head, is a reason to seek advice from a urologist.

    With paraphimosis, the foreskin tightens the head, which becomes cramped. She begins to swell, which provokes even more squeezing. If this condition is not immediately eliminated, then the head tissues begin to suffer from a lack of blood supply and die. As a result, a man may lose the "most precious" thing, and if dead cells get into the blood, it is fraught with blood poisoning.

    Important! Paraphimosis is an acute, dangerous condition that cannot be joked with. At the first alarming symptoms, an urgent need to consult a specialist.

    Features of the disease

    Phimosis - the forerunner of paraphimosis, can be either congenital or acquired. With the normal development of the genitals, congenital (physiological) phimosis gradually eliminates itself. By the age of 13, the head of the penis should open freely in a young man. If this does not happen, physiological phimosis flows into pathological.

    Paraphimosis and phimosis- diseases that occur simultaneously, since phimosis in advanced stages almost always ends with paraphimosis. And in fact, and in another case, a man has problems with the foreskin:

    • with phimosis, he cannot bare the head of the penis;
    • with paraphimosis, cover it.

    If we talk about a pathological or acquired form of phimosis, then an ailment arises due to:

    • penile injuries that cause scarring;
    • short bridle;
    • hereditary predisposition and insufficient elasticity of the prepuce;
    • inflammation of the foreskin (balanoposthitis).

    Phimosis and paraphimosis in childrenoften develops due to forced, and most importantly, inept attempts by parents to independently open the head of the child's penis. They steam the baby in the bathroom, forcibly exposing the head in water. As a result, cracks, wounds, inflammations appear, and then scars.

    Important! Talking about excess foreskin, phimosis and paraphimosis begins when discomfort and characteristic signs of the disease appear. If the child has no complaints, then the parents should take a wait-and-see tactic and not "go there" ahead of time. In any case, only an experienced specialist can cope with the problem and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

    Why arises

    What is paraphimosis in men,explains the surgeon or urologist. The main cause of its occurrence is phimosis. When the prepuce ring squeezes the penis more than possible, the vessels of the penis, which penetrate it, are compressed. Blood ceases to flow to the tissues, the urethra narrows, and pain occurs. Paraphimosis, causeswhich are in:

    • too active sexual intercourse;
    • uncomfortable position during sex;
    • hard masturbation;
    • the presence of diabetes mellitus;
    • existing scars on the bridle;
    • insufficient elasticity of leathery folds;
    • dermatological diseases of the penis (genital allergy);
    • rarely, cases of paraphimosis occurred in young people with a piercing of the penis, due to which the skin folds of the foreskin are in a non-physiological state;
    • primary syphilis;
    • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
    • bladder catheterization, cystoscopy.

    interferes with full sex and normal urination.

    Paraphimosis in boys, photowhich can be considered, often develops as a result of masturbation. Due to their inexperience, adolescents treat their "dignity" roughly, making sharp movements that injure the foreskin. If such a boy has phimosis, then the development of paraphimosis is unlikely to be avoided.

    Clinical manifestations

    Paraphimosis in men, photowhich is shown below, proceeds in an acute form and is manifested by sudden local symptoms. The prepuce takes on the appearance of a swollen roll under the head of the penis. When pinched, the head swells, and the trunk of the penis does not change. There is a blue discoloration or redness of the head, acute soreness, aggravated by the slightest touch.

    A patient with paraphimosis can be distinguished by a specific posture: the legs are spread wide, and the body is slightly tilted forward - only this position of the body protects him as much as possible from discomfort and pain. In addition, the victim is experiencing severe difficulty urinating. Young children experience acute urinary retention, as urination becomes an extremely painful procedure for them.

    When the pain syndrome suddenly disappears, then this condition indicates that the cells of the genital organ begin to die off, and paraphimosis from the initial stagepassed into a complicated form. It is dangerous to think that the disappearance of pain means that everything is normal and the disease has passed. If you ignore such changes, then you can lose a penis due to the resulting gangrene.

    Important! Paraphimosis, the symptoms of which are difficult to confuse with another disease, manifests itself: the bluish color of the head, which is squeezed by the foreskin. In this case, swelling occurs, and the head cannot be hidden in the prepuce. It is impossible to hesitate, hesitate, ignore the disease, thinking that it will pass by itself. In this case, time passes by seconds. The sooner the victim seeks medical help, the faster the relief will come, and the chances of a full recovery will increase significantly.

    Diagnostics and treatment

    Paraphimosis in childrenpediatric surgeon treats. If the pathological condition has developed in an adult, he needs to consult a surgeon, urologist or andrologist (if there is such a doctor in the clinic). The diagnosis is made after a visual examination of the penis. Even a novice doctor can do this.

    If the patient does not know the cause of paraphimosis, the doctor will take a smear for analysis. The examination results will not affect the further treatment regimen.

    Paraphimosis ICD code 10No. 47 (this is how the disease is registered in the medical reference book) requires immediate intervention of specialists. Having identified dangerous symptoms in yourself, you need to call an ambulance. The arrived medical team will be able to provide emergency assistance to the patient, which consists in:

    • applying a cold compress to the place of infringement;
    • the imposition of a hypertonic solution;
    • the imposition of a compressive elastic bandage;
    • applying antiseptic applications;
    • local application of pain relieving and decongestant injections.

    Further paraphimosis treatmentcan be medication and operational. If the pathology was detected in the initial stages, then use reduction of paraphimosis.This procedure provides for the elimination of infringement of the head of the penis and the prevention of necrotic process: under local anesthesia (children are administered general anesthesia), the doctor presses the thumbs of both hands on the head with simultaneous fixation with other fingers pinching ring of the foreskin.

    If a large amount of fluid accumulates, a puncture is possible. With a sterile needle, the doctor will make multiple punctures of the edematous tissues. Thanks to this manipulation, the edema will subside, and the reduction will be more successful. After the skin folds are in place, patients are prescribed potassium permanganate baths, the application of camphor oil and Prednisolone in the form of an ointment.

    Interesting! Reduction of paraphimosis, the price of which depends on the prices of the clinic, is called a bloodless method of treatment. Since this is an emergency procedure, it is available to any victim. But most often, after examination, patients are assigned an operation.

    When attempts to set the head are unsuccessful - the puffiness returns, a dorsal dissection of the restraining ring is used. The surgeon, after anesthesia with a scalpel, cuts longitudinally the squeezing tissue after a special probe is inserted. The dissection site relaxes, the head of the penis is set into the foreskin. The wound is treated with antiseptic and antimicrobial agents.

    Important! Treatment should be carried out on a stationary basis by experienced specialists. It is unacceptable to solve the problem on your own (trying to straighten the head, stretch the prepuce, take any medications). So you can worsen the condition and provoke the development of irreversible consequences.


    Since it is characterized by a deformation of the prepuce, in order to avoid relapse, it is recommended to perform a circular excision of the foreskin, after the disappearance of inflammatory processes in the tissues.

    Circumcision can be performed with a surgical scalpel, radio waves or laser - it all depends on the doctor's indications and the general condition of the patient. Regular surgery for paraphimosis lasts no more than half an hour. After that, self-absorbable sutures and an antiseptic dressing are applied to the incision site. To avoid postoperative complications, a course of antibiotics and restorative therapy is prescribed.

    The patient should not have sex during the entire recovery period, which lasts about a month. He must carefully monitor hygiene, strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations and periodically see the doctor. The only drawback of cutting is the partial loss of head sensitivity. But a relapse of phimosis, and even more so paraphimosis in a man, will no longer occur.

    How to treat paraphimosisif a man categorically does not want to circumcise and tries to find other ways of therapy? In addition to reduction and excision of the foreskin, there are no other options. It should be noted that many of the stronger sex go through the circumcision procedure, and not only for medical purposes. The reasons may be:

    1. Religious. Muslims and Jews go through circumcision as children. They never develop phimosis and paraphimosis, photo which can be considered in detail in any medical reference book.
    2. Hygienic. People living in arid climates, when there is not enough water for daily washing, circumcise to prevent inflammatory and infectious diseases.
    3. Sexy. Accelerated ejaculation often becomes an indication for excision of the foreskin. The head becomes less sensitive, which means that the act of intimacy lasts a little longer.
    4. Aesthetic. If the surplus of the foreskin grows too much, some men remove it to give the reproductive organ aesthetic appeal.

    What you can do yourself

    Paraphimosis and home treatment- incompatible concepts. You cannot brew the herb, lubricate the sore spot with cream, drink a healing tincture: all these methods are powerless in relation to paraphimosis . But if sudden pain found a person at home, then how can the condition be alleviated while waiting for the doctors to arrive? Recommended:

    • Use a cold compress with ice wrapped in a towel. If there is no ice at hand, cold water is fine - this will help to relieve swelling for a short time and eliminate pain. It is impossible to keep the compress on the penis for a long time, otherwise there will be back pain.
    • Salt application helps a lot. It is not difficult to make it: a liter of boiled water is enough for 3 large tablespoons of salt. It should be borne in mind that if there are small cracks and ulcers on the leathery folds, then this method of treatment will not work. The salt will cause unbearable pain and worsen the victim's condition.
    • Use a corticosteroid ointment (such as Lorinden). It is especially effective when infectious or fungal infections are the cause of the disease.

    Forecasts and prevention

    If the victim seeks medical help on time (within the first few hours), then the prognosis of the disease is favorable. Neglect the patient to his health - this is the main complication of the disease. When advanced stages develop, it is possible that:

    • erosions and ulcers on the head of the penis;
    • infection of wounds formed on the injured part of the prepuce. They become the open door for infections. Pathogenic bacteria easily enter the victim's body, and provoke inflammation, which can be difficult to eliminate;
    • head tissue necrosis. The bluish color of the skin turns into a rich purple, and then black;
    • gangrene. To save the life of the victim, the penis must be amputated;
    • sepsis (rotting), or blood poisoning. This is a serious condition characterized by an inflammatory process not in one organ, but throughout the body.

    For a full-fledged man or young man, such an outcome of the disease is unacceptable. Therefore, the prevention of paraphimosis is the best option. Preventive measures consist in obtaining information that gives a precise definition, what is paraphimosis, and how it manifests itself, timely treatment of phimosis, avoidance of forced opening of the head of the penis in children, adherence to hygiene rules, careful handling of one's "dignity".

    Medical consultation is necessary for children with diabetes, endocrine diseases, obesity. It is advisable to regularly see a pediatric surgeon, starting from the age of three. The doctor will control phimosis, and at the first suspicious manifestations, he will prescribe competent treatment.

    For the prevention of paraphimosis, experts recommend for adult men:

    • use antibacterial agents during hygiene procedures. This should be done without fanaticism, since soap solutions dry out the skin, injure it and cause infection. It is enough to use soap when washing once a day;
    • use barrier contraceptives. Frequent change of partners and ignoring all the rules of safe sex leads to sexually transmitted diseases. The easiest consequence of such ailments is paraphimosis;
    • hypodynamia, smoking, alcoholism, unhealthy diet - all this weakens the immune system, which means that the body will no longer be able to cope with infections without assistance.

    Better to avoid complications than to treat paraphimosis.According to statistics, few people face dangerous consequences, since they mostly seek medical help on time.

    Unlike ordinary phimosis, paraphimosis is considered a more insidious and dangerous disease, which sometimes leads to infertility, impotence and organ amputation. Paraphimosis in men is less common than in boys. When the first symptoms are found, the patient should immediately consult a doctor. Although complete recovery does not occur against the background of treatment with folk remedies, they will help to significantly alleviate the course of the disease. In extreme cases, surgery is indicated. We will tell you how phimosis and paraphimosis differ, and also describe how to treat paraphimosis.

    What is paraphimosis in men and its difference from phimosis?

    Although phimosis and paraphimosis in children are much more common, men are also not immune from this disease. Paraphimosis in men and children is an infringement of the head of the organ by the tissues of the foreskin. Because of this, blood circulation in the penis is disrupted, leading to edema of the penis and the subsequent development of necrosis. As a result, inflammation and ulcers form in the affected areas.

    Unlike phimosis, when difficulties arise with exposing the head, paraphimosis is characterized by pathological compression of the tissues of the foreskin. As a result, it does not cover the head of the organ. At first, the pinching is easy to correct on your own, but if the disease recurs and progresses, it is better to visit a urologist-andrologist.

    Self-treatment of paraphimosis in men usually does not give long-term positive results. It will not work to cure the disease only with medications or folk remedies, since it is important to resort to complex measures.

    Before considering the distinctive features of this pathology, we note that it is phimosis that causes the appearance of paraphimosis. Among the provoking factors for the appearance of paraphimosis in boys and mature men, the following should be attributed:

    • balanoposthitis;
    • diabetes;
    • injuries, burns of the foreskin and scars after them;
    • systemic pathologies of the skin.

    Important! Paraphimosis in boys and men usually forms in the second or third stage of phimosis, provided that adequate treatment is not carried out. That is why paraphimosis is often called the last stage of phimosis.

    Sometimes paraphimosis can occur as an independent disease. Most often this occurs due to the fact that a child or teenage boy masturbates. In adult men, this pathology as an independent disease appears for the following reasons:

    • anatomical feature, for example, with an excess of tissues of the foreskin;
    • sexually transmitted diseases (against the background of an infectious lesion, the elasticity of the tissues decreases or the organ swells and the foreskin is fixed in a certain position);
    • chronic kidney disease (this leads to edema due to fluid retention);
    • if you do an organ piercing, then the ailment often appears against the background of an infectious lesion;
    • unprotected intercourse.

    Symptoms and Possible Complications

    Usually the symptoms of pathology are pronounced, so it is impossible to miss them. The patient is worried about the following:

    • it hurts to touch the penis;
    • the head of the organ and tissues of the foreskin swells;

    If, when the first signs appear, the disease is not treated, the pathology progresses and the following symptoms join:

    1. The process of tissue necrosis begins, as evidenced by the characteristic spots on the organ.
    2. In necrotic areas, sensitivity decreases or disappears.
    3. The man is no longer worried about pain. This indicates the death of the nerve endings.
    4. A crust forms on the head of the organ.
    5. The skin turns black or darkens.
    6. A fetid odor emanates from the penis.
    7. With the progression of the disease, gangrene is formed.
    8. As a result, individual parts of the organ are amputated by themselves.

    Patient referrals at the last stage are very rare.

    Complications of paraphimosis are much more dangerous and more severe than with phimosis. In addition to necrosis, gangrene and organ amputation, the disease is also dangerous because it leads to a complete blockage of the urethra. At first, going to the toilet is just painful, but then it’s not possible to pee for a little. This is dangerous by rupture of urea.

    First aid for paraphimosis

    Any man at home is able to provide himself with first aid for paraphimosis. To do this, the head and tissues of the foreskin are lubricated with any moisturizing and emollient cream that can be found at home. After that, they try to return the foreskin to its place so that it completely covers the head.

    If you cannot correct the situation, immediately consult a doctor. It is worth visiting an andrologist even if the problem was solved on your own. The help and consultation of an urologist-andrologist will help to avoid recurrence of the disease in the future.

    In case of contacting a doctor, the following first aid will be provided:

    • cold compress;
    • elastic bandage;
    • pain relievers (pills and injections).

    The purpose of first aid is to reduce the swelling of the organ and eliminate pain. The doctor will then adjust the head of the penis.


    Treatment of paraphimosis at home using traditional medicine will not completely eliminate the disease, but will reduce the severity of symptoms, reduce pain and discomfort.

    1. A cold compress is applied to eliminate swelling. To do this, moisten a clean cloth in cold water with ice cubes.
    2. To reduce pain, a bandage of gauze soaked in saline is applied. To prepare a solution, 45 grams of salt are dissolved in a liter of water. The duration of the procedure is no more than 5-10 minutes.

    Important! Salt dressings are prohibited for ulcerative organ lesions.

    1. As an auxiliary treatment, decoctions of medicinal herbs with anti-inflammatory, emollient and bactericidal action are used. Such decoctions are prepared from chamomile, string and calendula. Medicinal plants are mixed in equal parts. 30 grams of raw materials are poured with a liter of water and boiled for a quarter of an hour. Then let it brew for an hour and filter. Lotions are made from the broth for the organ.

    Traditional medicine

    After the provision of immediate assistance, the traditional treatment of paraphimosis is carried out, which consists in the use of conservative and surgical methods of therapy. As for conservative treatment, it is as follows:

    1. Head reduction in adults is carried out under local anesthesia. In children, this procedure requires general anesthesia.
    2. Sometimes, before adjusting the head, the doctor performs a puncture of the tissues of the foreskin to reduce swelling and fluid outflow.
    3. After that, medicinal baths, solutions and ointments are prescribed, which will accelerate the restoration of the organ and foreskin.

    If the disease has relapsed several times, surgical treatment of paraphimosis is indicated. This procedure is used for tissue necrosis, as well as in the absence of the possibility of manual reduction of the head. During the operation, an incision is made on the tissues of the flesh, which allows the head of the organ to be released. Then antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, as well as washing the penis with antiseptics. After attenuation of the acute process, circular circumcision is performed to prevent recurrence of the disease.

    With the development of gangrene or necrosis during the operation, dead tissue is removed and part or all of the organ is amputated. After that, antibiotics are prescribed to quickly recover the patient.

    The condition in which the head of the penis is compressed by its own foreskin is called paraphimosis. This disease is extremely painful, because the resulting infringement leads to severe edema and disrupts the blood flow to the penis.

    Paraphimosis in men is dangerous because, in the absence of medical assistance, the tissues of the penis die off without proper nutrition, and in order to save the patient's life, it is necessary to remove the penis almost completely.

    Features of pathology

    Phimosis and paraphimosis are diseases that occur almost simultaneously. First, in a representative of the stronger sex, the foreskin of the penis becomes inflamed, its narrowing occurs, as a result of which edema and compression of the head appear, as a result, paraphimosis develops. This ailment can be acquired or congenital, therefore, the diagnosis of paraphimosis is quite common in children.

    The acquired pathology has several main causes. Usually this:

    • minor injuries to the penis during sex or self-pleasure;
    • genital allergy;
    • syphilis of a primary nature.

    The most striking manifestations of the pathology are: severe swelling of the head of the penis, a change in its color to red-blue, pain during urination. The doctor will be able to establish a diagnosis simply: usually a visual examination of the patient is enough for him.

    With paraphimosis, treatment can occur in several ways, it is an ailment that requires urgent medical attention. The more time elapses from the moment of its occurrence until treatment, the more likely it is that the tissue will begin to die off, and the penis will have to be removed completely.

    In medicine, the following methods of dealing with pathology are used:

    • reduction of paraphimosis;
    • dissection of the foreskin;
    • puncture of tissues in which edema has occurred.

    IMPORTANT!!! Any of these actions should occur when the first signs of pathology appear: soreness in the penis, an increase in its size, a change in the color of the head, etc. Delay threatens with a worsening of the condition and the appearance of severe complications.

    First aid must be carried out by a qualified specialist with the skills of such therapy, in sterile conditions. Independent attempts to solve the problem that have arisen can worsen the condition of a man or a child, and lead to irreversible consequences.

    What leads to the appearance of pathology

    The main reason for the formation of this process is the existing phimosis in a man or a child. In the presence of a condition when the foreskin ring is narrowed more than is required for the healthy functioning of the body, the vessels of the penis are compressed, the urethra narrows, and pain occurs. Also, the pathology does not allow to fully open the glans penis, which prevents full sexual intercourse in men.

    Also, the reasons for the formation of paraphimosis include forced exposure of the head of the penis and damage to the frenum during intimacy. The latter happens when:

    • too active sexual intercourse;
    • uncomfortable sexual position;
    • active masturbation;
    • the presence of diabetes mellitus;
    • existing scars on the bridle;
    • low elasticity of the foreskin;
    • dermatological diseases affecting the genitals.

    Often, paraphimosis in boys occurs as a result of the first engagement in masturbation: still not knowing how to properly handle a delicate organ, adolescents make sharp and active movements that injure the foreskin. If the child has congenital phimosis, the appearance of its complications is almost inevitable.

    Particular care should be taken by parents of young boys. Many mothers or fathers try to forcibly open the head: they open the foreskin when washing, steam the skin in a bath or hot bath, etc. All this injures the frenum, forming wounds and inflammation.

    A closed head is a natural state for a baby, its opening occurs independently, as the boy grows up and develops.

    This condition is called physiological phimosis, it is not a pathology and does not require treatment in childhood. The opening of the head occurs without assistance at the age of 3 to 7 years. And only if the disclosure did not occur, the child is shown to the doctor and the problem is solved surgically.

    Doctors can also damage a delicate part of the body if certain medical procedures (catheter placement, cystoscopy) are performed inadvertently or without maintaining sterility, especially if these actions are performed by the baby, which requires premature opening of the head of the penis.

    Less often, paraphimosis can be the result of allergic reactions and the installation of piercings on intimate parts of the body.

    Disease manifestations

    The disease is characterized by a sudden manifestation: an ailment arises sharply, characterized by bright and intense manifestations. First, the penis swells, and the swelling is localized on its trunk.

    At the same time, the head remains in the same state, only its color changes: it turns red, then acquires a bluish tint. All this is accompanied by severe pain that occurs when the enlarged penis is squeezed by a narrow foreskin.

    Painful sensations with paraphimosis are significantly increased when trying to touch the penis or urinate. If the soreness disappears, this is a sign of dying off of the tissues of the penis.

    If this pathology occurs in babies, then the pain during urination makes them restrain their natural urges, which leads to acute urinary retention. Another sign of pathology is the pose of a representative of the stronger sex at the time of going to the toilet: a man tries to spread his lower limbs as wide as possible, while the body instinctively leans forward.

    With tissue necrosis, the blue color of the head changes to a darker one, shades such as lilac and black begin to appear. Dying off is very dangerous, since the only way of treatment is the amputation of the male organ.

    Complications and diagnosis of the disease

    The consequences of the disease rarely occur, leading to this neglect of their own health. If a man ignores the symptoms that have arisen or tries to eliminate the problem on his own, time is running out, and it becomes impossible to help him cope with the pathology.

    If tissue dying off has begun, then such a way of treatment as reduction of paraphimosis becomes impossible. Ulcers and erosion can also form at the site of the injury to the skin of the penis. Through them, pathogenic microflora enters the patient's body, inflammation begins, which can be very difficult to eliminate. The result of such a complication is often the removal of the part of the penis where the wound has formed.

    It is very easy to make the correct diagnosis for this pathology; even a novice surgeon or urologist can do it. Its external manifestations are very characteristic and do not raise doubts about the correctness of the diagnosis. In addition to visual examination and palpation, the doctor will definitely ask the patient about the reasons that could provoke the development of pathology, about his other complaints about well-being, the presence of chronic diseases, etc.

    Very important information is the exact time of the appearance of the first symptoms of pathology, their brightness and strength. This will allow you to determine how long the tissues of the head remained without power, and choose the type of solution to the problem - reduction of paraphimosis or amputation of the penis.

    Treatment of the disease

    Having found the symptoms of paraphimosis, it is necessary to urgently go to the hospital or call an ambulance. Until the arrival of doctors, the victim should be given first aid. An ice compress (ice or frozen product wrapped in cotton cloth) is applied to the penis and wrapped tightly with a tight bandage or elastic bandage.

    It is advisable to disinfect the tissue in contact with the skin or apply an ointment with an antiseptic effect on it. Such actions will help to reduce painful sensations and the resulting swelling.

    The type of treatment for the disease will be determined by the doctor. Depending on the patient's condition, these can be conservative treatments or surgery. If time is not lost and tissue necrosis has not begun, doctors will perform a reduction. This procedure requires the use of anesthesia: for babies - general anesthesia, for adult patients - local anesthesia (spinal anesthesia).

    If a lot of fluid has accumulated under the skin of the penis, then doctors will also make a puncture to remove it and relieve swelling. After the operation, rehabilitation treatment is carried out: the patient is shown taking special baths, applying compresses using camphor.

    If such events do not lead to the desired result and the edema occurs again and again, doctors resort to another method of treatment - they dissect the foreskin. Such therapy is very effective, but in order to prevent the recurrence of the disease, after a few weeks, a complete circumcision of the frenum is required (circular excision of the foreskin).

    After the laser came to the service of the doctors, such a procedure became completely safe and practically painless. Sometimes radio waves are used instead of a laser, which also cut quickly and safely.

    IMPORTANT!!! From the moment the first signs of pathology appear and until the onset of necrosis, it usually takes about 30 minutes. If time is lost, then restorative methods of treatment are no longer used, only amputation is needed.

    Prevention of paraphimosis

    It is very simple to prevent the development of pathology: it is enough to handle the genitals carefully and carefully. It is important to take care of your health and treat all diseases of the genitourinary system: treat infectious diseases, eliminate phimosis, and relieve inflammation.

    It is also important to observe the rules of personal hygiene and instill a love of cleanliness in children, to monitor the condition of the small penis.

    It is necessary to avoid injuries not only to the penis, but also to other areas of the pelvis, to avoid too active sexual intercourse, especially after the use of alcoholic beverages or drugs: they dull not only the feeling of safety, but also pain, which makes it difficult to detect manifestations of the disease in a timely manner.

    With the existing pathologies of the endocrine system, it is important to regularly undergo a medical examination, but if the patient is healthy, then in order to prevent it, visit a urologist once a year.

    Children from three years of age should also be regularly examined by a pediatric surgeon or urologist, who will monitor physiological phimosis, and, if necessary, will open the child's head.

    Urologist-andrologist with 11 years of experience. Specializes in conservative and surgical treatment of the entire spectrum of urological and andrological diseases.

    A narrowing of the foreskin that prevents the glans from opening naturally is most commonly diagnosed in children under one year of age. However, adult men are also susceptible to this disease. If phimosis is not treated, the problem will not disappear on its own, and over time it will only get worse.

    What is paraphimosis?

    Paraphimosis is a complication of phimosis, in which the foreskin covers the head of the penis in a tight ring, impairing it. Natural closure of the head by the preputial sac does not occur. A man faced with such a problem should immediately seek qualified medical help. After a detailed examination and determination of the stage of the disease, the doctor will be able to prescribe treatment - conservative or surgical.

    In order not to miss the onset of the disease, all men should know what paraphimosis looks like. The main signs are swelling of the head, itching, the appearance of a blue tint.

    Reasons for the appearance of paraphimosis

    The main reason for the appearance of phimosis in men is the narrowing of the foreskin, which can be triggered by mechanical damage or congenital abnormalities. In this case, the head is not completely exposed, which causes discomfort and erectile dysfunction.

    Other causes of paraphimosis can be:

    • Traumatic prolapse of the foreskin;
    • Injury during sex;
    • Too active masturbation;
    • Pathology of the short frenum;
    • Venereal and dermatological diseases;
    • Burns or damage to the penis;
    • Failure to comply with the rules of personal hygiene;
    • Piercing - if the procedure is performed with violations.

    Symptoms of paraphimosis

    men usually immediately notice phimosis, since the disease has a pronounced initial form. This feature allows you to start treatment in a timely manner, before complications appear.

    The main signs of paraphimosis:

    • Swelling of the penis;
    • Feeling of discomfort;
    • Visible compression of the head by the foreskin;
    • Pain in the head region, which increases with urination. Some men suffer from urinary retention;
    • It is difficult for a man with acute phimosis to keep his legs together, because of this, a duck gait appears.

    Pain with paraphimosis is a natural symptom. It is much worse if the painful sensations disappear and the head acquires a blue-black color - this is a sign of necrosis. At this stage, conservative treatment is no longer used and in most cases, amputation of the penis is prescribed.

    How to treat phimosis in men at home?

    At the first symptoms of paraphimosis, you should immediately consult a doctor - if treatment is started on time, the disease will disappear without a trace. If the cause of the onset of the disease was an injury, before the arrival of the doctor, a tight bandage should be applied to the damaged area and ice should be applied to the groin area.

    After examining the man and setting the stage of the disease, conservative therapy or surgical intervention is prescribed. If the patient drew attention to the symptoms in a timely manner and immediately turned to the doctor, then the reduction of paraphimosis is indicated for him - the procedure is carried out in a medical institution under local anesthesia.

    To avoid injury to the penis, the head is liberally lubricated with petroleum jelly or baby oil. This is followed by conservative treatment of phimosis, which includes compresses, baths and lotions.

    If the disease has reached the stage when it is impossible to perform reduction, more radical treatment is already required. The man's foreskin is dissected, which allows the head of the penis to be returned to the preputial sac. A few months after the operation, it is recommended to do a circular circumcision of the flesh - this will avoid relapses of the disease.

    New treatment methods and the use of laser radiation or radiosurgical laser make circumcision completely painless for a man.
    Why is it important to immediately go to the doctor at the first symptoms of paraphimosis? Tissue death begins already half an hour after reaching the acute phase of the disease and may lead to amputation.

    Consequences of paraphimosis

    If paraphimosis is not treated or if you try to get rid of it using traditional medicine recipes, there will be consequences that will affect the general health of a man. The most common complications are:

    • Head tissue necrosis;
    • The appearance of ulcers and fistulas, which quite often cause infection to enter the body;
    • Penile infection, often resulting in amputation.

    Regular examination by an andrologist, attentive attitude to one's health and timely seeking medical help will guarantee the health of a man and save him from the unpleasant consequences of phimosis.