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  • We keep a calendar by the stars to treat diseases. Verification work on the IDM on the topic: "Civilizations of Asia" (grade 5)

    We keep a calendar by the stars to treat diseases. Verification work on IDM on the topic:

    the impact of the moon on the human psyche.

    Cognitive abilities and mood, emotions and behavior of a person depend on his mental state, which, in turn, is determined by many factors. From the point of view of astrology, the human psyche is strongly influenced by celestial bodies Solar system, depends on their relative position and position in relation to the signs of the zodiac. The Moon has the most noticeable influence on the psyche, since its movement along the Zodiac is more rapid. The greater or lesser degree of influence of the Moon is predetermined by the nature of the zodiac sign under which it is at the moment. Of course, this is just a general background. Sensitivity and susceptibility to the influence of the Moon and other celestial bodies for each person are individual and depend both on the location of the planets at the time of his birth, and on his free will, thanks to which he can always consciously correct his own emotions and behavior.

    MOON IN Aries makes people more active, tougher, faster. They become more aggressive than usual, get excited more easily, bet on luck. At this time, the desire to excel, to take the initiative into their own hands is more vividly manifested. Personal rather than public interests are at the forefront at this time. Thought is impulsive, the desire to impose one's own will on others often leads to fruitless arguments, tactlessness, and thoughtless actions. There is a growing desire to impose new contacts, visit previously unknown places, start a new business. Thought works actively, giving rise to many ideas, which, nevertheless, often turn out to be utopian, divorced from reality. This period of spontaneous activity, which is characterized by the desire to immediately implement all fresh ideas and designs. Moon in Aries adds courage and energy. During this period, it is useful to start new big business, but on the condition that they remain within the bounds of reality, otherwise it is like banging your head against a wall. Cash transactions require careful calculations, and even better - consultation with a specialist. This is an auspicious period for jobs that require excellent mastery of the instrument. It is good to exercise, but caution and haste can increase the likelihood of injury. On the street, you should be more careful and attentive, especially for children, so it is better to remind them once again about caution.

    MOON IN TAURUS enhances parental feelings. There is a growing interest in everything related to their own children. Children, on the contrary, are more obstinate, obey orders and prohibitions worse. These days, it is best to influence them with praise and affection. But matches and sharp objects are wiser to move away from them. Housewives should be careful with hot pots and pans. Moon in Taurus inclines thought to reality, makes a person more stubborn, more conservative and more careful. The fear of making the wrong decision forces you to carefully think through all the cases in advance. I would like to protect and strengthen what you have, and properly adapt everything new to what you already have. In this position, the Moon sharpens the instinct for everything earthly, real. A favorable time for detailed negotiations, for the conclusion of contracts, large transactions for the sale and purchase, especially in the field of art, needlework, agriculture. The position of the moon favors money transactions, although pettiness is not excluded here. More obvious is the tendency to doubt too much the expediency of certain expenses. These doubts are especially noticeable among wealthy people. There is also a stubborn desire not to deviate from their own ideas, a tendency to evaluate everything from a material point of view. On the other hand, the Moon in Taurus gives rise to the desire to enjoy the comfort, tidy up the house, do flowers, work in the garden or in the field. I would like to draw, listen to music. It's a good time for friendly meetings. These days I especially want something tasty, I just want something sweet. People who are prone to overeating and being overweight should remember this. Children at this time are calmer and more assiduous, but also more stubborn, demanding more affection. Learning subjects are learned more slowly, but firmly.

    MOON IN GEMINI makes people freer, more connected. Desire and need increase. There is a growing desire and need to receive and transmit information, to exchange ideas. I would like to know the news, to know what is happening around, what others are doing. This is the best time for contacts, announcements, advertising, business telephone calls, negotiations, sending business letters... As a rule, during this period, the volume of correspondence and the number of telephone calls increase, but errors in telephone connections also occur more often. Everything is conducive to literary pursuits. Mental activity is so active that it can lead to insomnia. Attention is scattered between many things at the same time, the desire to take on everything at once is more obvious, there is a feeling that you are not doing anything. Delays to the appointed time become frequent, a tendency to evade duties is clearly visible. Frequent traffic accidents, misunderstandings in office work, primarily related to letters and documents. Forgetfulness and absent-mindedness increase. Petty thefts are more common. The right time for smart entertainment. Children are restless and absent-minded, tend to be late. They need to be better monitored at this time. The same applies to beloved animals: at this time they need an eye and an eye, as they may well get lost.

    MOON IN CANCER sharpens emotional feelings, enhances romantic mood. The tendency to dreaminess, sadness is clearly manifested, memories of the past excite. At the same time, I want to look through albums with old photographs, visit places where I spent my childhood, and meet my mother. People like it when they are treated like a mother, encouraged, pampered, they tend to believe promises and promises. Mood swings, whims occur, and causeless resentment is aggravated. Draws to wander in nature, especially on moonlit evenings. Relationships with the opposite sex are soulful and emotional. The Moon in Cancer favors contacts with women. This is a time of fruitful work, especially in poetry and painting. The sense of ownership is noticeably enhanced, there may be difficulties in financial matters: you want to have almost everything for free. It is not recommended to lend money, as it may be difficult to return. You should be moderate in your promises. Favorable period for transactions related to food products, for all kinds of cooking, buying utensils, kitchen equipment and the like. At this time, people are prone to excessive eating and drinking, which can lead to disruption of the digestive system. Somewhere on a subconscious level invitations to food and drink are pleasant, and the inviter evokes unconscious sympathy. At this time, schoolchildren have difficulties with the exact sciences. On the other hand, poetry evenings, literary and historical quizzes, organized at this time, promise to be successful.

    MOON IN LION makes people active, hedonistic. I want holidays and entertainment. Feasts during this period are more fun and larger than at other times. People are more susceptible to promises and signs of attention, scatter compliments, tend to embellish reality, see everything in a rosy light. Everyone loves solemnity, even some pomp. The actors are admired. I would like to impress at least with catchy clothes - we all, to one degree or another, feel the need for recognition. Uncertainty disappears, people, on the one hand, are more objective in their judgments, but at the same time, this position of the Moon promotes the spread of gossip and rumors, gives rise to a desire to flirt, fall in love. The attitude towards money is easy, we waste it right and left, we spend on luxury goods and all sorts of little things. Cheerfulness increases. We feel better in motion than at rest. Things are going pretty well, as the Moon in Leo sharpens organizational skills. People easily assimilate new ideas, respond to suggestions to do or organize something. Relations with colleagues and superiors are good, everyone wants to please each other. The bosses do not refuse advice and help, both personally and in business, especially if you are respectful and kind to them. Good time for all kinds of shows and demonstrations. These days it is best to hold exhibitions, sales, auctions. Favorable time for classes in drama and pop circles. Children at school are proactive, but greedy for entertainment. Praise and encouragement will help stimulate the lesson. The influence of the Moon can sometimes be expressed in the desire to get married, to have a good rest.

    MOON IN VIRGO makes people more nervous, critical, even absurd, the willingness to indulge in pleasures gives way to efficiency. Daydreaming is replaced by concentration, the desire to put things in order, put everything in its place, get new information and find a place for it. The slightest carelessness, inaccuracy irritates. Well, this should be used by doing work that requires attention, accuracy, composure: processing statistical materials, analyzing facts, editing texts, calculating, detailed elaboration of plans, insurance, as well as general cleaning of a house, apartment, preparations, purchases. At this time, more than usual trade deals are concluded, but they are full of reservations and conditions. The ability to generalize is weakened, there is a danger of getting confused in details. Objective facts are more striking. Auditors and controllers are more picky and pedantic. This is not the best time for a romantic relationship, since the mistakes of the partner are more striking, which means that mutual reproaches are more frequent. Under the influence of Virgo, the desire to interfere in other people's affairs from the best intentions grows, the desire to help another, but to ask if this help is needed is often forgotten. Moon in Virgo heightens interest in food, clothing, diet, hygiene. Everything should be fresh, clean, healthy. Due to nervousness, disturbances in the activity of the digestive organs can occur. All of the above is reflected in school life. The teacher is more demanding of the students' answers. Students, on the other hand, tend to question the correctness and accuracy of the teacher's data.

    MOON IN LIBRA brings a good and joyful mood. People become more connected, they like entertainment and feasts. I would like to spend time in good company, meet friends, go to the theater, to an exhibition, and do creative work. People are hungry for power. I would like to hear only good and pleasant things. The sensitivity of beauty is sharper, it pleases. Interest in the opposite sex is stronger. The most harmonious relationships with family, loved ones, friends. The moon favors new contacts, but the connections established during this period are unreliable. Determination weakens, decisions made during this period are easily changed. People are prone to debate, but it never comes to rubbish. Libra promotes reconciliation and peacemaking. Favorable time for buying clothes, works of art, furniture and other furnishings, perfumes, cosmetics, gifts. There are successful deals related to clothing, jewelry, music, painting, drawing, design, dancing are successful. Friendly meetings, discussion evenings are a success. Flowers on the table, candles, soft music, light wine, sweets help to cheer up. Children are distracted and need calm guidance. The analysis and discussion of literary works are lively at school. Artistic circles work well.

    MOON IN SCORPIO puts the stamp of passion on everything that is planned and conceived. Detailed plans are useful for any business and activity, but for new beginnings this is not the best time. Will and determination are stronger than usual, which makes it easier to get out of crisis situations. Diseases are overcome faster by volitional manifestations. A favorable period for meeting with authoritative people and strengthening their own authority, but sharp straightforwardness can often lead to conflicts, especially with superiors. Sharp, sarcastic remarks up to insults are more often expressed. Scorpio adds bitterness, especially to women. Sexual attraction of the sexes is aggravated, but the expediency of business contacts with the opposite sex is questionable. The moon in Scorpio generally increases doubts and distrust, especially towards strangers. In the family, unity is growing, the desire to defend the interests of relatives and friends. Behavior sets the tone for habit. A tendency towards moralizing is revealed, while one's own behavior is often not taken into account. Interest in everything mysterious and mystical increases. A favorable time for lecturers and speakers: they more easily capture the attention of the public, more convincingly state and substantiate their views and arguments. Unfavorable period for working with equipment, machinery, tools. When the Moon is in Scorpio, it is not recommended to buy and put on new things for the first time. They get dirty faster, wear out, deteriorate, and jewelry breaks. Be careful with alcohol! Here diligence can lead to disastrous results. Children during this period are also prone to insolence and demonstrations of strength. We must make sure that they do not annoy the younger and the weak. Sports can be held.

    MOON IN SAGITTARIUS adds optimism, improves well-being, has a good effect on physical fitness. There is a need for movement, sports, physical work. Favorable time to participate in sports. Excessiveness should be avoided in everything, since optimism enhances the tendency to exaggerate one's capabilities and strengths. There is a desire for risk, a demonstration of one's own courage. The sense of justice is sharpened, it gives rise to a desire to stand up for friends, to protect them. It is only necessary in the excitement of the struggle not to forget in the name of which it is going. During this period, people are characterized by swiftness and thoughtlessness of actions and statements - they will do something on the fly, and only then they think. Nevertheless, all undertakings at this time are successful. Statements are sometimes too straightforward, but luck will not change in matters related to the court and the legal profession and with theological and publishing activities, higher education, travel and the establishment of external contacts. It is useful for children to be instructed and instructed so that they behave calmly on the street. The school can host sporting events.

    MOON IN CAPRICORN creates a feeling of loneliness, lowers emotional tone. People tend to withdraw into themselves. In relationships, business, any activity, efficiency and brevity are in the foreground. Of all activities, we tend to choose the most difficult during this period. It seems to us that we must strictly follow the letter of the law, follow all the rules and regulations, we are afraid of everything new and unusual. The last word in this period remains with the conservative. Attention is focused on the material side of affairs, and yet this is a bad time for banking operations. The moon favors everyday affairs, housework and household chores that require perseverance, patience and concentration. The sense of reality is heightened, plans for the future are being built very correctly and reliably. In business, various obstacles and opposition are possible, primarily in the form of restrictive rules and regulations. It seems that we are beginning to appreciate the good things of the past. It's time to renew old acquaintances and contacts, conclude agreements and major transactions. Moon in Capricorn sharpens the sense of honor, duty, responsibility, self-discipline. More than usual, people tend to follow the authorities, looking for contacts with older people, more experienced. It's nice to help parents and relatives. Children are also more conscientious. They have a desire to be among adults, to listen to their conversations. This should not be prohibited: for them, this is not a simple curiosity, but a subconscious need to replenish their own life experience. At school, there are no special problems with discipline. Learned things are fixed slowly but surely. Exact sciences and history are well absorbed.

    MOON IN AQUARIUS makes a person more sensitive and nervous. You want freedom from all restrictions, there is a desire to be the master of your own time. Routine work goes badly, solutions to everyday problems are difficult, new, interesting, unusual attracts more. Good time for scientific work, inventions. Everything is open to new and original. New ideas bring tangible results. Favorable time for working with electrical circuits, electrical equipment and electronic equipment. During this period, it is useful to focus on the future. It is possible that there will be a desire to change the usual state of affairs. In this position, the Moon favors state affairs, contacts with members of the government. The moon in Aquarius promises surprises and surprises, meeting interesting people, old friends. Premonitions and foresight come true. Own actions, the behavior of other people can be very unexpected and unusual. New items are of interest, purchases are conditioned by the novelty of the product. I would like to be among friends, talk about politics, welfare, transformations, problems of science, spend time in intellectual entertainment (chess, checkers, bridge). Children can surprise with unexpected tricks, they are more inquisitive than usual, they often turn to adults with questions.

    MOON IN FISH increases, rather even sharpens sensitivity, sentimentality. The feeling of reality weakens, during this period it is better not to take on important matters. Time favors clarification of facts, the hidden becomes apparent. People are kind-hearted and caring towards each other. I would like to feel care of myself, to find sympathy, advice. The goal is most easily achieved with praise and flattery. Good time for charity work, creative work, advertising, art. Success has accompanied the operation of hospitals, courts, monasteries and other closed institutions. Social relations are developing well. The Moon in Pisces can give rise to self-pity in a person, the desire for solitude, you want to escape into the world of illusions, sometimes with the help of alcoholic beverages. At this time, one cannot turn to the predictors, as the prediction may turn out to be false or be misinterpreted. Children are more sensitive than usual, tearful. It is difficult for them to concentrate on the lessons, they prefer to be in the clouds. It is useful to be in nature at this time, especially near water bodies - it increases the tone, adds mental strength.



    The state of various organs and life support systems is closely related to the passage of the 12 signs of the Solar Zodiac by the Moon. Each sign of this zodiac is "responsible" for a specific part of the body. Accordingly, when the moon passes through different signs of the zodiac, the sensitivity of different organs and systems changes. You need to know this so as not to accidentally harm your body: after all, if you save it at the right time, (for example, teeth or throat, you can avoid many other problems - do not shake with fear before visiting a dentist, do not spend money on medicines, etc. .). Those organs that astrologically correlate with the sign of the Zodiac, in which the Moon is located at the moment of time you are interested in, must be helped. They should not be overextended or subject to planned surgical interventions.

    When engaging in therapeutic or prophylactic procedures, choosing a day for an operation, one should be careful about the position of the transit moon, i.e. moving in a zodiac circle. The moon has a very great influence on a person, especially on women and children, as well as those who have a strong horoscope. Its action can be compared to a revision. Being in a certain sign, she kind of checks the performance of these organs and, if they function abnormally, they let know about their unreliability. Our intervention - whether surgery or procedures on an organ that the Moon is currently auditing - can give a negative result. Treatment of organs located in the opposite sign of the zodiacal circle will be more successful than usual.

    Ancient world of "Civilization of Asia". Option 1.

    1. Write down what civilizations that existed in the Ancient World, we studied (8 civilizations). Where are they located. Write your answer in a notebook.

    2.a) Select the correct statements from the table and write them down in your notebook.

    The truth was revealed to Gautama, and he became the "enlightened" Buddha.

    All the tribes of the Huanghe Valley merged into one people - the ancient Persians.

    The laws of Hammurabi were issued in the Persian kingdom.

    Confucius followed the teachings of Zarathushtra.

    The Persian tribes were united by the king Cyrus.

    3. Who among the representatives of Indian society could utter these words:

    "We keep a calendar by the stars, we treat diseases."

    "We teach our children to plow the land and graze the cattle." _____________________

    4. Make a correspondence between name and country. One element of the right column corresponds to one element of the left. Write your answer in your notebook.

    A) Moses

    B) Buddha

    C) Qin Shihuang

    1) Phenicia

    2) India

    3) China

    4) Palestine

    If you lead the people through virtue and maintain order through ritual, the people will know shame and correct themselves.

    1. Hammurabi 2. Buddha 3. Confucius 4. Moses.

    6. Nur-Sin was a good doctor. But one day he performed an operation, after which the man died. The judge, following the laws of Hammurabi, pronounced a sentence: "Cut off the hand." Since then, Nur-Sin has not performed a single operation. His family has gone bankrupt, he does not know how to pay off his debts, apparently, he will have to give his son into slavery.Write your answers in a notebook.

    A) What rules of relations between people were violated in Babylon? ____________________________________________________________________________

    B) They did it because


    C) Express your attitude to the laws of Hammurabi - do you agree with him in everything?

    I think that ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Ancient world of "Civilization of Asia". Option 2.

    1. Write down the definitions of the concepts of "civilization" (two meanings); "State", "power"; "Taxes"; "laws"; "Irrigated agriculture"; "king".

    2. a) Choose the correct statements from the table and write them down in your notebook.

    b) Correct the incorrect statements so that they become true. Write it down in your notebook.

    3 who from Indian society could have uttered these words

    "I am sculpting pots in preparation for the best rebirth." _______________

    "I, while casting a spell, throw the sacrificial meat into the flame." _________________

    4. Establish a correspondence between religion and country. One element of the right column corresponds to one element of the left. Write your answer in your notebook.

    A) Buddhism

    B) Judaism (belief in the god Yahweh)

    C) Confucianism

    1) Phenicia

    2) India

    3) China

    4) Palestine

    Be respectful to your parents and teachers. Whatever you wish for yourself, do not do it to others.

    1. Hammurabi 2. Buddha 3. Moses. 4. Confucius

    6. Emperor Qin Shihuang herded thousands of people to build the Great Wall of China. Many slaves, convicts, ordinary workers perished from hunger and overwork, tearing down mountains, filling up gorges, paving a straight road, erecting walls and towers.

    A) What rules of relations between people did the emperor violate? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    B) He did it because __________________________________________________________


    C) Express your attitude to the actions of the emperor - do you agree with him in everything?

    I think that_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    It has long been noticed that plans conceived after the new moon are carried out quickly, and those adopted closer to the full moon are not implemented so quickly, but are more effective. Business started on the waning moon risk being delayed. But it is better to start any treatment on the waning moon.

    The cycle of the lunar month is 29 or 30 lunar days. During this time, the moon goes through four phases. The countdown starts from the new moon.

    First phase. It starts with a new moon. The first two days, the moon is practically invisible. These are the so-called days of Hecate - the goddess of witchcraft and fear. The body is weakened, immunity is lowered. There is a great danger of getting sick, irritability and aggression increase.

    In the first phase of the moon, you can quickly gain weight, so you need to slightly limit yourself in food. It is good to cut hair on a young moon: it will grow faster. It is especially useful at this time to make up for the lack of minerals and vitamins. Preparations of magnesium, calcium and iron work much better.
    With an increase in the crescent of the Moon, the likelihood of a successful outcome of any operations decreases, wounds, injuries heal worse. Rough scars remain. Any poisoning (wasp bites, chemicals, poor-quality food, etc.) is very difficult.

    Second phase... The body's energy continues to grow. Things started at this time are going well, self-confidence appears. This is a time of great emotional sensitivity.

    Third phase.The full moon begins, which lasts four days. Great mental anxiety and physical discomfort occurs. During the full moon, the number of road accidents and crimes increases dramatically.
    The risk of problems with the gastrointestinal tract increases. Medicines taken on the full moon are stronger, but also more active in showing their side effects. Women are especially sensitive to the influence of the full moon. After the completion of the third phase, the strength of the organism begins to decrease.

    Fourth phase. This is the time of "old age" of the organism. It is recommended to work on chronic and karmic diseases.
    But it is on the waning moon that the excretion of toxins and the cleansing of the body are successful, there is an active regeneration of tissues, wounds and postoperative scars heal faster.
    In the last two days of the lunar month, the gloomy and ominous days of Hecate come again - a time of fears, depression and mental disorders.
    Knowing these features, you can correctly plan the stages of your treatment. This will help Moon calendar for 2011
    The new moon and the first quarter are the waxing moon, and the full moon and the last quarter are the waning, or damaged moon.

    January. Waning Moon, last quarter - 01.01-03.01. The waxing moon, new moon -04.01-11.01, first quarter - 12.01-18.01.

    February. The waning moon, full moon - 01.19-25.01, last quarter - 01.26-02.02. The waxing moon, new moon - 03.02-10.02, first quarter - 11.02-17.02.

    March. Waning Moon, full moon-18.02-24.02, last quarter
    - 25.02-03.03. The waxing moon, new moon-04.03-12.03, first quarter - 13.03-18.03.

    April. The waning moon, full moon - 03/18/25/03, the last quarter - 03/26/02/04. The waxing moon, new moon - 03.04-10.04, first quarter - 11.04-17.04.

    May. The waning moon, full moon - 18.04-24.04, last quarter - 25.04-02.05. The waxing moon, new moon - 03.05-09.05, first quarter - 10.05-16.05.

    June. Waning moon, full moon - 17.05-23.05, last quarter
    - 24.05-01.06. The waxing moon, new moon - 02.06-08.06, first quarter - 09.06-14.06.

    July. The waning moon, full moon - 06.15-22.06, last quarter - 06.23-30.06. The waxing moon, new moon - 01.07-07.07, first quarter - 08.07-14.07. Waning moon, full moon - 07.15-22.07, last quarter - 07.23-29.07.

    August. The waxing moon, new moon - 07/30/05/08, first quarter - 08/06/12/08. Waning Moon, full moon - 08.13-21.08, last quarter - 08.22-28.08.

    September. The waxing moon, new moon - 08/29/09/09, first quarter
    - 04.09-11.09. The waning moon, full moon - 09/12/19/09, last quarter - 09/20-26.

    October. The waxing moon, new moon - 09/27/03/10, first quarter - 10/04/11/10. Waning Moon, full moon -12.10-19.10, the last quarter - 20.10-25.10.


    Task 1. Fill in the table "States of the Ancient East"

    Task 2. Fill in the table "Social structure of Ancient Babylon"

    Task 4. Fill in the table "Social order of Ancient India"

    Task 5.Write in the table of representatives of the public pyramid of India opposite to his characteristic statement:

    Task 6. Eastern despotism is___________________________________________




    Task 7. What were the features of Eastern despotism in Ancient India?





    Task 8. Ordalia is_____________________________________________________





    Task 9. Talion is______________________________________________________




    1. What was the name of the emperor in ancient China:

    a) huangdi;

    c) rabian.

    2. Which empire was most famous in the history of Ancient India:

    a) the empire of Justinian;

    b) the empire of Alexander the Great;

    c) the Mauryan empire.

    3. What is the name of the state Ancient egypt:

    a) policies;

    4. Name the territories where the states first arose:

    a) Western Europe;

    b) North Africa;

    c) Southwest Asia and North-East Africa.

    5. Ancient Mesopotamia was located between the rivers:

    a) Tigris and Euphrates;

    b) Euphrates and Nile;

    c) Nile and Tiger.

    6. What sacred title in the Old Kingdom began to be assigned to the Egyptian pharaohs:

    a) "son of the sun god";

    b) "son of God";

    c) "son of the moon god".

    7. Everything in Babylon accounts issued on:

    a) clay tablets;

    b) stones;

    c) papyrus.


    Task 1. Sources of law of the countries of the Ancient East:








    Task 2. Avilum is______________________________________________________



    Mushkenum is_____________________________________________________________



    Bairum, redum is__________________________________________________________



    Naditum, entum, zikrum are_________________________________________________



    Task 3. Ordalia is_____________________________________________________



    Task 4. Talion is______________________________________________________



    Task 5.Spear-bearer Dayan-Utsur was captured during a campaign against the Hurrians. After being in captivity for five years, he was sold to Elam, where he was acquired by Tamkar Iddin-Marduk. Upon his arrival in Babylon, Dayan-Utsur went to court, challenging his slavery position. During his absence, his wife married the equestrian gunner Balund, from whom she had two children. What decision should the judge make in the Dayan Utsura case?







    Task 5.The Babylonian Akurgal was robbed by unknown persons on the territory of one of the rural communities. As time passed, he found his stolen jewelry on display for sale. The seller stated that he bought the jewelry from the heirs of a recently deceased famous jeweler. Persons who can attest to the fact of this transaction, according to the seller, are temporarily absent. What are the possible options for a court decision under the Hammurabi Laws?







    Task 6.Avilum Zabar decided to marry the daughter of Muskenum Rimush. Zabar brought gifts and a ransom payment to the parents. But a week before the wedding, Zabar refused to marry and demanded that the gifts and ransom be returned. The girl's father Rimush refused to return the gifts. Zabar went to court. Is he right according to the Laws of Hammurabi?






    Task 7. Ordalia is_____________________________________________________





    Task 8. Talion is______________________________________________________




    Task 9. Kigal, a young man in love with a naditum who did not live in the monastery, was rejected by her. Enraged, he testified before the court that as if she drank strong drink in the tavern, but could not confirm his words with anything. What awaits Kigala according to the Laws of Hammurabi? _________________________________________________________________




    Task 10. Test your knowledge

    1. Define three conditions of validity for sales transactions under the Laws of Hammurabi:

    a) the property should not be withdrawn from circulation, the contract is drawn up in writing;

    b) property must be withdrawn from circulation (for example, the land of soldiers); the seller must be the actual owner of the thing; registration of the transaction must necessarily take place in the presence of witnesses;

    c) property should not be withdrawn from circulation; the seller must be the actual owner of the thing; registration of the transaction must necessarily take place in the presence of witnesses.

    2. The judge who changed his mind was sentenced according to the Laws of Hammurabi:

    a) to death;

    b) corporal punishment and a fine equal to the value of the claim;

    c) to suspension from office and a fine in the amount of 12 times the cost of the claim.

    3. What types of inheritance are noted in the Laws of Hammurabi:

    a) by will;

    b) by law;

    c) by law and testament.

    4. If a person steals the property of a god or a palace, and another accepts what was stolen from his hands, then what punishment awaits them according to the Laws of Hammurabi:

    a) the one who stole must be killed, and the one who will accept the stolen goods. Should refund the cost of the stolen goods in 10 times the amount;

    b) both must be killed;

    c) only the one who stole is responsible for the claim.

    5. If a person had a debt on himself and gave his wife into debt bondage for him, then under what conditions can she be returned from debt bondage according to the Laws of Hammurabi:

    a) provided that the wife serves for 3 years;

    b) on condition that the wife serves 4 years;

    c) provided that the wife serves for 1 year.


    Task 1. "Twice Born" is _________________________________________



    Assignment 2. Dharma is ______________________________________________________



    Dharmashastrathis is _________________________________________________________



    Task 3. Caste is_______________________________________________________



    Task 4.A kshatriya, having reached the age of marriage, decided to marry a Shudry woman for love. The girl's father objected, and the ksatriya offered a large reward for his daughter. Is such a marriage possible after paying remuneration according to the Laws of Manu? ______________________________________________________________________




    Task 5.A resident of the principality of Magadha Nandu went to war and did not return after the end of hostilities. He had no family, and a year later the neighbors began to claim his property. Is this possible according to the Laws of Manu? _________________




    Task 6. The boy Brihatratha and the girl Paraty fell in love and decided to get married. The girl's parents found out about this and demanded to punish the guy. How should one act according to the Laws of Manu if: a) they both belong to the varna of the kshatriyas; b) the man is the best, and the girl is a kshatryanka. ______________________________________________





    Task 7. Vaiši Ashoka, in a state of alcoholic intoxication, sold an expensive vase to Vaisya Bharat. The next day, Ashoka demanded that the vase be returned to him. How should a case be decided according to the Laws of Manu? _________________________________




    Task 8. Vaiish Gadadhara loaned the kshatriya Dayaram 30 fell for a period of 5 months on the condition that Dayarama, in addition to the main debt, would pay 3 fells as interest for using the main loan. Within the prescribed time limit, Dayarama returned only 22 fells to Gadadhara, indicating that 5 fell - interest payments for all 5 months, and 17 - on account of the principal debt, and the rest of the debt would be returned gradually. Gadadhara turned to the brahmana for a solution to the issue, demanding that Dayarama immediately return 23 more fell to him, of which 10 - interest, and 13 - in repayment of the principal debt. What will be the verdict on the Laws of Manu? __________________________________________







    Task 9. For 9 years, Rama suffered from the evil disposition of his wife Aishwarya. The woman was distinguished by rare malice and quarrelsomeness. They had no children, and Rama decided to start a new life, changing his wife. Under what pretext could Rama divorce according to the laws of Manu?




    Task 10. Test your knowledge

    1. Indicate what determines the content of the Laws of Manu:

    a) customs;

    b) the theory of natural law;

    c) the class-varna division of society.

    2. Vaiši, having scolded a brahmana, is subject according to the Laws of Manu:

    a) a fine of one hundred pan;

    b) a fine of two and a half hundred pans;

    c) corporal punishment.

    3. A sudra, having scolded a brahmana, is subject according to the laws of Manu:

    a) a fine of two and a half hundred pan;

    b) corporal punishment;

    c) a fine of one hundred pan.

    4. According to the Laws of Manu, a woman can dissolve a marriage if:

    a) husband's infidelity,

    b) the husband's inability to support his family,

    c) she had no such right.

    5. The guilt of the person who committed the theft increases as much as possible if he belongs to varna:

    a) brahmanas,

    c) untouchable.